Better Call Saul Season 1 Episode 1 (Uno) | Table Read

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dylanidkafk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'd shell out some $$ if Jonathan Banks would do a Cameo video for my graduating son.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/01dman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is great! And for those that refuse to believe Jimmy is hiding from law enforcement, they clearly say it right out of the gate in this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jamesshine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Weird, this was suggested to me on YouTube today too!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stevntiny πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ugh rhea is so freaking hot.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TonyFuckinRomo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
I meant what I said about being grateful to be here and for this opportunity and this group of people but I also have to say if we hadn't done this show if you guys hadn't done the show let's face it there would have been riots I mean have you seen this movie Godzilla it would have been like that without the monster just reach at the TV revolutions in the Ukraine I mean it's amazing right it's an amazing vibe here and an amazing group so glad to be here and ready to have a good time very important so we have a real team effort here with our writers and some of our other collaborators collaborators reading roles Bob is gonna do gene Saul Jimmy Jonathan banks is gonna do Mike Peter Gould is going to be Chuck Patrick Fabian is going to be Howard Hamlin Rhea seehorn Kim Jen Carroll is gonna read a bolita Jenny Hutchison Brenda Daniel Levine Cal Steven Levine Lars Sharon bialy are fantastic casting director to Clark and mrs. T Nguyen our tax aw boy defendant one is a quick touch now our second defendant Bradley Paul our bestie kettlemans Heather Marian Craig Kettleman gordon smith and screen direction dos santos okay guys here we go better call saul episode 101 teaser a scene one macro close on a spiral which fills the frame lazily spinning like you have no disk we realized it's a Cinnabon and as we pull away from it it gets coated with icing and now we see there's a whole tray of them waiting to be slathered with creamy white goodness for indeed we are inside a Cinnabon store as a female employee puts the finishing touches on these pastries and another young employee slides a tray into the oven we see macro close-ups coffee dripping called heating elements etc and all of this every image in the entire teaser is shown in glorious black and white the place is fairly busy with customers there's also a middle-aged manager clothes on his nametag says Jean jeans got unhip glasses a walrus mustache and dark thinning hair he goes about his work briskly and efficiently exerting the other personality noir attitude honestly we wouldn't give this man a second glance except that we used to know him as Saul Goodman we are looking at a fugitive from justice exactly it's predict at the end of the Breaking Bad Saul now manages a Cinnabon in Omaha Nebraska this is cut and dried stuff we're watching it's a day in the life of a restaurant nothing more we hear only snippets a conversation no emotions on display neither happy nor sad it's simply work helping out an employee Jean expertly package doesn't order to go handing it off he double takes noticing something there's a customer sitting at a two-top way in the back of the store and he's hard to tell through those glasses he's wearing but he seems to be staring a gene intently whatever genes doing it ceases he blinks and stares back sunglasses rises to his feet starts walking towards us we creep in on gene who exhibits the first hint of emotion we've witnessed fear though he tries to hide it it's growing clearly the fugitive Saul Goodman has just been recognized his time of the rain has reached an end except sunglasses now walks right past gene genes head swivels with this guy who pads out the door and waves to a friend outside we suddenly realized the guy's stare only seemed to be directed at gene it never actually was gene gives a secret sigh of relief and will ease his heartbeat back to 140 guineas on autopilot back to the grind scene - we cut exterior of a townhouse complex at night cookie cutter townhouses depressing this is where Larry from cruise company went to die inside the apartment downstairs it nice Ice Cube's clunk into a highball glass Drambuie and some sort of off-brand Scotch gets poured making a rusty nail instead of a twist of lemon there's an unceremonious squirt from one of those little lemon shaped juice bottles gene slurps the excess off his drink walks into the living room this place has zero personality Oh quid Bob gene plops down on the sectional fires up his flatscreen he Channel serves finding something he can tolerate sipping his rusty noun staring straight through the TV a thought eventually strikes him he sets down his drink Rises heads for the stairs but before he goes he pauses to check the window blinds they're closed tight complete privacy black frame door opens and light floods in we realize we're in a closet gene kneels to pull a couple familiar suitcases out of the way we'll recall he had these when he took his leave in episode 515 of Breaking Bad with the suitcases removed a hatches revealed come to the drywall at the back of the closet now gene removes from it a dented old shoebox steel kneeling Jean opens the box and we get a glimpse inside as he sifts through its contents there are papers some old photos a fat stack of mix and pesos there's an old tin band-aid box that rattles like a half-full of pebbles and lastly there's an unmarked VHS tape this is what gene came for he cradles it in his hands back downstairs at night the tape gets pressed into a VCR gene backs in the frame settling him to the sofa never taking his eyes off the TV he feels around in front of it for his rusty nail we never once see what's on the TV screen but over a bouncy musical jingle whose were famous better call Saul we hear hey you did you know you have rights my name is Saul Goodman attorney-at-law and I'm itching for a fight with prosecutors judges the police anyone who's out to ruin your day so if you're in trouble better call Saul this is the first in a series of 15-second commercials a second one place and another and another the whole time we stay on Gina stares at them intently but gene shows no emotion no nostalgia no regret not pride his expression is unreadable as he watches yet there's one subtle detail we may know which is that gradually a bit of color fuses into this black-and-white image it's the light from the unseen TV if flickers across jeans face and blue yellow and red off these colors growing brighter more vibrant as Deadeye Jean sipped his drink and stares backed one interior courthouse courtroom Albuquerque City still in the frame we're back in color tilt down to reveal a long face judge sitting on his bench peering up at the ceiling staring at nothing in particular he slowly rotates in his chair left to right right to left we hear the squeak of the chair that squeak is the loudest thing we hear even though the courtroom is packed jurors the alternates in the jury box one of them costs under their shifts in her seat another idly scratches his ear someone in the crowded visitor section checks his watch somebody else's stomach rumbles the court reporter examines a fingernail then reaches for her big gulp takes a sip the lead prosecutor removes his readers picks out a piece of sleep from his eyes frowns at it on the tip of his pinky and beside him we see a second chair see me be taking notes however closer look reveals this young woman is actually drawing a barbarian riding a unicorn over at the defense table set three defendants they're clean-cut white guys they look innocent they also look nervous as currently they don't have a defense attorney the defendants glanced silent one and another wondering where he is we hear a creak the judge rotates towards the bailiff gives them a shrug the bailiff nods rises to defeat and exits we cut to men's room hands are splayed apart pressed against a white tiled wall a man is alone in here standing as if he's assuming the position in order to be frisked actually he's at a urinal relieving himself we don't get a good look at him at first we're mostly on his back he seems to be murmuring something under his breath whatever he's saying we can barely hear it let me tell you to be 19 again yeah because because meet Jimmy McGill he's getting ready psyching himself up who is Jimmy McGill you ask well you already know him as Saul Goodman but at this particular moment we're in 2002 Saul is a ways off in the future and Jimmy is still going by the name he was born with the door opens behind him the bailiff sticks his head into the men's room he gives a little whistle says you're on Jimmy glances over shoulder and nuts zip goes the fly flush goes the urinal turns to the mirror shoots his cuffs and Dangerfield's it's his tie It's Showtime is he nervous no he owns this place back to the courtroom black frame then we reveal the courtroom Jimmy walking through like Elvis taking the stage to the International Hotel all eyes are on him Oh to be 19 again you with me ladies and gentlemen remember 19 is let me tell you the juices are flowing those red corpuscles are corpuscle and the grass is green and soft and summer's gonna last forever remember yeah you do but if you're being honest really honest you'll also recall you had an underdeveloped nineteen-year-old brain I mean that thing was the size of a circus peanut me personally I was well let's just say if I was held accountable for every stupid decision I made when I was 19 oh boy and I bet if I were in church right now I get a big amen which brings us to these three now these three knuckleheads I'm sorry boys but that's that's what you are they did a dumb thing we're not denying that however I would like to point out two salient facts in fact one nobody got hurt not a soul very important to keep that in mind back to though the prosecution keeps bandying the term criminal trespass mr. spenalzo the property owner admitted to us that he keeps most portions of his business open to public day and night so trespassing hey Dave that's kind of a reach isn't it huh here's what I know these three young men near honors students all feeling their oats one Saturday night and they well I don't know look call me crazy but I don't think they deserve to have their Bright Futures ruined for what amounts to a minut momentary never to be repeated lapse of judgment ladies and gentlemen you're bigger than that Jesus Jimmy is good he's confident folksy and genuine he's passionate and convincing his three clients smile hopefully he was looking up except why is the jury so very deadpan same goes for the judge didn't any of that land on these people the prosecutor rises to his feet makes his rebuttal he crosses to an AV cart tucked in the corner rolls the carts where the jury can see it pushes a tape into the deck and the TV screen goes blue and now up comes a homemade video two of our young defendants are visible in it it's handheld and shaky and seems to take place in a professional laboratory of some sort the guys keep their voices low so it's not to get caught they're giggly and dopey proudly documenting their exploits on camera and what are these exploits you ask this is the embalming room of a funeral home and one of the guys hacks on hand is sawing the head off in an elderly male corpse Oh to be 19 again and now as the head comes loose from the hacksaw hacksaw boy dangles it by it's white hair most jurors have hurt their eyes having seen this all before the prosecutor leans against the cart with his fingers laced staring off of the floor this is the entirety of his rebuttal he doesn't even need to say a word dude dude stick your wine in the throat hole the three real-life defendants shift uncomfortably in their seats Jimmy gives them a fake little nod and a wave off it's gonna be fine sure it is but back in the courthouse the chief clerk's office little stuffed animals are proudly displayed on the desk of the courts chief clerk she's staring up through hooded eyes at Jimmy who was in mid ramp waving a check got a man that / defendant three defendants 2100 which by the way bargain those three maniacs what I did for them so since when is that they had sex with a head seven hundred dollars so do you want me to spend nine weeks of my life with one maniac at a time with three men yak skull you know what you're gonna miss me you you're gonna miss me because it'll be a cold day in hell before I take any more PD work for the shitty cord sorry baby out the door he slams the Kirk couldn't care less find a ways in a parking lot pissed Jimmy headed for a pearlescent white Cadillac of course remember his famous car whoops he doesn't own that caddy just yet so we adjust to the vehicle parked next to it a mid-90s Suzuki esteem and yes as the name perverse thing implies it's a box Jimmy plops his briefcase on the Suzuki's roof dicks for his keys as he does his cell phone rings Jimmy checks the readout on his cell and his anger evaporates instantly gets replaced with nervous hope fumbling to answer the call it pauses to collect himself when he speaks it's with a British accent Law Offices of James McGill how may I direct your call oh yes mrs. Kettleman so good of you to return actually I don't have mrs. McGill at the moment but I know he Oh splendid unfortunately our offices are being painted and the fumes are quite horrid could he meet you and your husband it's a loyalist cafe on central four o'clock it shall be Cheers Jimmy hangs up silently pumps his fist he checks his watch jumps in his car barely remembering his briefcase on the roof as the car tears off we find ourselves at a cashier but the guard aren't blocking the exit as the esteem comes to a quick stop in front of it Jimmy hands his ticket to the parking attendant we angle past this attendant not seeing his face three hours I'm validated see the stickers I see five stickers but you're one shy it's three dollars recognize this voice boy it sure sounds familiar meanwhile Jamie is antsy to leave in a patient they gave me look I'm validated for the day all right five stickers six stickers I don't know from stickers because I was in that court back there saving people's lives yes well thank you for restoring my faith in a legal system now you have to pay the $3 but go and get an additional sticker by knowing other vehicles behind Jimmy blocking him from backing up really and big reveal we missed the big reveal that was the line we've revealed let me back it up we should holy we showed the attendant holy it's my karma truck what's he doing here neither of these two men know each other from Adam by the way nor do they care - okay that's well thank you my faith in the legal system now I do pay the three dollars and go and get an additional sticker there's another vehicle behind Jimmy now blocking him from backing up no way is he paying three bucks money's tight son of fine I'm going back going back there lift it do the thing already Mike hands him his ticket then lifts the guard our dream job employee the month right there we find ourselves outlaw this cafe scene 12 we're in a booth closed coffee gets stirred by a woman's manicured hand her other hand rests atop her husband's I'm just fuzzy as to why you think he needs a lawyer we revealed Craig and Betsy cuddly I mean Craig the way you run your office beyond reproach beyond reproach man I'm a stickler with the money he's definitely a stickler he's certainly not guilty so I'm certainly not he's innocent of any wrongdoing that much is clear to me I don't I don't go looking for guilty people to represent jeez who needs that aggravation all right look I only know what I read in the paper but here's the thing typically when money goes missing from the County Treasury and what's the figure of 1.6 million absolutely so typically when that happens the police and look at the treasurer and since that person is you know yeah I just think maybe a little pro activity may be in order I think I'd look guilty if I hired a lawyer yeah actually it's getting arrested that makes people look guilty even the innocent ones and let me tell you innocent people get arrested all the time and they find themselves in a little room with a detective who acts like he's their best friend talk to me he says help me clear this thing up you don't need a lawyer only guilty people need lawyers and boom that's where it all goes south that's when you want someone in your corner someone will fight tooth and nail someone who will in fact already have your defense strategy mapped out in advance lawyers huh we're like health insurance you hope you'll never need it but man oh man not having it how would we proceed if we decided to Jamie's away ahead of him he produces a one-page legal document which he lays before them as well as a pen this is a letter of engagement very simple straightforward please by all means read it closely if you sign it I can get to work on that strategy of ours this very afternoon mr. Kellerman eyes his wife whose Kansa letter and seems to see nothing wrong with it mr. Kellerman picks up the pen we're closed on Jimmy for whom time slows down Jimmy plays it cool of course but for him signing mr. Kellerman would be like a hub catching the white whale he holds his breath Jimmy's POV the pin clicks open and dreamy slow motion in this specialty ultra macro shot the huge ballpoint tip lazily descends to the paper it impacts the dotted line leaving in an ink spot this is it this is the golden moment when Jimmy Lance's first big client it's really happening until Craig think maybe we should sleep on it sure we should do that yeah don't don't you think mr. McGill please call me Jimmy absolutely no rush oh you know we'll be in touch thank you for the coffee and the advice yeah you're very very welcome oh and hear him that's got my number handing them a matchbook with James and McGill alors you can trust printed on the cover all smiles and waves as the kettlemans exit the restaurant alone in the booth he slurps his coffee and glares into space he turns and peers out the window POV we see the kettlemans round to their modest vehicle a late 80s Mercury Sable station wagon and we can't hear the discussion but missus kettlemans body language is very clear no we're not signing with the very first lawyer we meet she climbs behind the wheel disabled very much the driver in this relationship Jimmy sighs and he's not ready to give up yet fishing out his wallet to pay the bill we see he's got six bucks to his name we now cut to a suburban street in the afternoon we see the Suzuki esteem zoom past we cut inside and Jimmy holds the phone to his ear he's in mid conversation balancing a credit card to top the wheel and squinting to read it while he drives two four three six to 7 expiration for two thousand four and the key word is classy alright super super classy use only flowers that look expensive but aren't and the note should say dear Betsy and Craig best wishes from your stickler for justice James McGill okay and McGill is spelled wait what no no no run it again I'm telling you it's paid up run it again Kabam some skateboarders come flashing out of nowhere and slams across the hood of Jimmy's car he cracks the wind chill before he totals out of sight the Suzuki slides to a stop oh Jimmy sits here motionless for a second breathing fast he just had the piss scared out of him drivers door swings open and Jimmy climbs out dreading what I'll find nearby on the pavement lies a young due to his groaning softly this is Cal is Jimmy impotently wonders how to tend to him oh my god oh my god a second linky redheaded skateboarder Lars comes gliding into frame with a late nineties camcorder in hand and it quickly becomes apparent to us that Lars is a dead ringer for the guy moaning OH on the asphalt Lars and Cal are identical twins Cal Cal are you okay look at me buddy say something what did you do man what did you do to my brother oh Jesus I think I'm okay man ah stay low - stay low dude Jesus we got a call why don't you look where you're going begin attorney came out of nowhere he freaking hit him man you ran him over I got the I got the whole thing on video Lloris it was an accident he didn't mean to look let me just okay yeah it's my leg is it broke you broke his leg why you all like driving around and out looking yo driving around breaking people's legs somebody call the cops somebody call the cops Lars bail is to anyone who'll listen if you lik you lose hang on the distance watching but they're not eager to get involved loris chill out don't police policia I'm calling myself I'm gonna call him Lars poles for his phone starts to dial sitting on the asphalt cow grips is injured letting sadly shrugs to Jimmy boy Jimmy must be in a full-blown panic right wrong in fact the angrier Lars gets the more Jimmy's anxiety seems to ebb away he gets replaced with a kind of inscrutable watchfulness finally in his best Kevin Spacey effect this deadpan gee fellas I'm awfully sorry I mean how much do you think it had cost for me to make this right Lars this phone to his ear snorts and shakes his head but peace Baker cowlicks to his brother searchingly dude let's find it in our hearts to forgive finally Cal considers and then I don't know 500 bucks Jimmy considers nodding beat of silence then he kicks seeded Cal right in the broken leg Oh what the hell man hey sideshow Bob's I'll give you a 9.6 for technique but choice of victims zero point zero I'm a lawyer you couple of Mongoloids furthermore there's a steaming pile of the steaming pile of crap scream pay day to you two seriously the only way this entire car is worth 500 would be if it had a 300 dollar hooker sitting in the front seat now let's talk about what you owe me for my windshield and knowing they're intellectually outgunned Larson Cal jump on their skateboards and beat a Jimmy yelling after them I'll take a check Jimmy watches them go then Studies is shittier car we cut to a nail salon on the salon floor clothes on a woman's foot as it gets D calloused with pumice stick we hear a murmur of Vietnamese being spoken we're in a strip mall nail salon four or five Vietnamese women chatter too they tended their female clients hanging bells on the door jingle as Jimmy enters he's got a big smile for all his pearls of the Orient chao-ge Chao Chi cung the ladies all being creative in their native language they're happy to see Jimmy the one exception is mr. mrs. Wynn the salons formidable owner Chao Chi mrs. Wynn my don't you look is there any male browning the older woman cans I'm a short stack of envelopes Jimmy gives her a little tip of the hat heads for the back of the place shuffling through this mail you work for people make sex with chapped off head I hear it from my cousin why why do you work for those people just lucky I guess customers this is Jimmy stop support drink from a water dispenser with cucumber slices floating in it he gives up disappears in the back of the salon we're in a rear storage hallway as Jimmy passes through areas stacked high with business supplies in a fluorescent tube but the faulty ballast flickers overhead when he reaches a plane scuffed or mark James in McGill Esquire law corporation we realized this is the office that Jimmy has back in Jimmy's office it's dark so he flicks on the lights cluttered and depressing that about sums this place up the office is barely big enough for one person Jimmy shuts the door behind him now that he's alone as smile fades Christ what a day he pulls loose the knot on his tie escucha sideways to the narrow path to his desk plopping down behind it here there's a dated old multi-line desk phone Jimmy punches the voicemail button you have zero messages Jimmy isn't surprised business is slow he considers then wriggles his fingers at the phone it's as if he's casting a magical spell on it compelling it to ring it doesn't Jimmy gives up sips to his male clothes angles nothing but bill after Bill after Bill he stops shuffling when it comes across an envelope very expensive Ellen the return address is out of Albuquerque law firm Hamlin Hamlin & McGill Jimmy considers guardedly hopeful he slipped me on the loop and inside there's a cover letter there's also a cashier's check Jimmy studies it for a long time the check has written to him personally it's made out in the amount of $26,000 holy we've seen how broke timmy is we know he's in dire financial straits now hallelujah the chimi is not overjoyed about this sudden financial windfall actually seems to piss him off to degree that he now tears the check in half and off a grim Jimmy the end Act one back to we're in an elevator call button filling a frame his finger jabs at lighting it up Jimmy waits for an elevator in place we don't recognize it's a new day Jimmy's wearing his best acrylic lens suit he's alone here taking a deep breath stealing of Safi glances over to a trash can which stands nearby it's shiny metal side is prominently dented Jimmy stares at it lost in thought dean the arrival of the elevator snaps him out of it he steps aboard we cut to a lobby door slides open on a brand new Jimmy now he's confident I'm master of the universe strolling out of the elevator into the white shoe world of Hamlin Hamlin McGill this place is everything a law firm should be it's big and airy screaming money everyone's well dressed right down to the paralegals and assistants as busy people come and go Jimmy smiles and nods hello knows every last man and woman Marvin hey Alice looking good Kevin the employees he passes are reserved it's as if they like Jimmy but feel awkward around him there's a hint of pity in their eyes Jimmy ignores it with his fingertips he beats a drama on the reception counter I'm sorry hey Brenda where's lord Vader self conference room how about you wait out here Jimmy strolls out of sight the word receptionist glances after him picks up her phone we then cut to a conference room across the room from us at the far end of this mile-long conference table sits Howard Hamlin and six of his junior partners they've got coffee and danishes in her midway through an informal morning meeting Jimmy walks right in without knocking finding himself alone at the other end of this ridiculously long table he throws out his arms and peles his best Ned Beatty impersonation you have meddled with the primal forces of nature mr. Hamlin lay in the distance and when it is Jr said blinking and staring at him they're not big fans of the movie Network apparently a young female lawyer Kim is already on the phone when Jimmy arrived intimate low and flat its okay Brenda we got it sorry it's this table some just comes over me what can we do for you Jimmy Jimmy plops down in an empty chair he reaches in this jacket pulls out a handful of confetti which used to be that big cashier's check he sprinkles it on the table tops you can tell me what this 26,000 is supposed to be for it's money for Chuck isn't that what you wanted I'm easily 26 grand Jesus you're like Peter Minuit with the Indians throwing some beads and shells while you're at it it's a start they'll be more unless you're just gonna tear them all up and why was the Chuck made it a check made out to me why not Chuck can't he make his way to the bank I just assumed doing the best the money go through you but we'll do it any way you want see if I didn't know any better I'd say this was some kind of half-assed bribe where you throw a little money at me and the sad hope I'll somehow forget what you owe my client Wow no not even remotely correct this thing isn't going away Howard what Chuck did for this firm and damn near single-handedly 1/3 of this place belongs to him what do you got here 15 chairs five of these chairs are Chuck's three light fixtures you'll take the middle one six danishes you can have all the danishes you want Jimmy oh there Chuck's danishes oh and Chuck's not greedy he'll only take two plus 17 million dollars yeah somewhere in that ballpark well know once we get the accounts in here poking around in the meantime No More penny-ante checks designed to make it look like Chuck still works here he doesn't and he never will again it's time to do right by him and cash him out so these are Chuck's wishes here conveying this is what's best for him and he has personally stated to you that it's his wish to withdraw from the firm you see that would surprise me well it's been nearly a year since he set foot in here I'm looking out for his best interests Oh am i I for one believe he's gonna lick this thing until then his office is just as he left it his secretary is still in the payroll if Chuck can call this an extended sabbatical so can we he's that important to us you know what let's let a jury figure it out they're gonna love you Howard you're so down-to-earth and relatable Jimmy rises to his feet heads back the way it came when he reaches the far end of the table he wants more bellows theatrically and you will atone more blank stares Ned Beatty Network for Christ's sake guys we're back in the lobby close on the call button a finger stabbing it once more Jimmy waits for the elevator this time to get the hell out of there the moment he has a bit of privacy as such we get to see his true face he's not as cool as a cucumber apparently the meeting didn't go as hoped Jimmy is beaten and he knows it here comes Hamlin headed our way Jimmy snaps out of his funk Hamlin offers him a big manila envelope fat and heavy almost forgot this months filings you could save me some postage were you listening in there Chuck doesn't work here anymore you think I'm gonna help you establish a paper trail Jimmy no stop trying to pawn that off on him you know sometimes in our line of work we get so caught up with the idea of winning that we forget to listen to our hearts give Chuck my love wait Hamlin walks off heads for a nearby office Jimmy glowers after him wait it get warts for his Hammond opens the door to this office we catch a glimpse the two clients who are waiting inside for him yep you guessed it Craig and Betsy Kettleman smiling at Hamlin they greet each other warmly then the door shuts and we're left out here in the cold the wind goes out of Jimmy he presses his forehead against the wall jabbing the elevator button again find ourselves back on the lower level elevator landing ding Jimmy steps off the elevator into the parking garage is he okay not really because once he's alone down here he kicks the out of that familiar dented trash can bang bang bang it dawns on us why the trashcan is dented in the first place having finally managed to kick over the can he stands here with his hands on his knees panting for breath and now we pull back to reveal something Jimmy can't see just around the corner is that young female lawyer from the conference room Kim she's leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette oddly all that ruckus just now didn't alarm her didn't make her look to see what's going on either she's simply smoking and staring into space Jimmy wanders out of the elevator landing headed for the parked cars when he comes across Kim he's neither startled nor embarrassed instead he joins her he too leans against the wall staring into space after a moment he takes his cigarette from her lips borrowing it for puffer - Jimmy blows smoke and sighs he places the cigarette back in Kim's mouth finally looking at her couldn't you just no I can't Jimmy figured as much he doesn't argue Kim stubs her butt in the ashtray smoke breaks over she exits without a word Jimmy doesn't watch her go he stays another beat then wanders out of frame headed for his car back to act three upscale called a sec at night headlights flare Jimmy's esteem turns a corner he drives past well-tended houses their lights gleaming warmly in the night and pulls into the driveway of the only house that's completely dark like the neighbors this place is roomy and nicely designed but not a single light shines the house seems untended deserted a rotten tooth in a healthy mouth Jimmy pulls to bulging plastic hefty bags and some groceries out of the trunk he tucks some newspapers under one arm goes to the mailbox and roofs a stack of mail and now he does something very odd in a routine he's followed a hundred times Jimmy places his watch key fob and cell phone into the mailbox with everything electronic or battery-powered hidden away he lifts the bags and heads to the walkway at the kitchen threshold Jimmy makes a point of touching the drainpipe before unlocking the door we hear the tick tick tick of a manual typewriter echoing from inside we segue to the kitchen as Jim enters a voice calls from the next room you ground yourself yeah like the rest of the house the kitchen is illuminated by quietly hissing propane lanterns in other words no electric lights Lantern lights flicker over jagged gaps were once to the stove refrigerator and microwave Jimmy opens a frat party igloo sized cooler packaged food floats and melted ice he leans down turns about water girl goes from the cooler into a PVC pipe that runs to the outside world through a small record hole in the wall Jimmy dumps the hefty bags and the cooler turns out they're full of ice cubes he closes the cooler and dries his hands on the town raising a lantern Jimmy heads deeper into the house as he does we passed flecks conduit snaking from gashes in the sheetrock the tick-tick-tick of the manual typewriter gets louder as jimmy enters we reveal the man himself Charles McGill Jimmy's older brother a brilliant truly decent man with a few problems surrounded by neatly organized stacks of papers and books Chuck punches over his manual alipio pecking out a letter you got to stop putting bacon on the list that coolers looking like a trichinosis stew Chuck holds up a finger what's a successful attorney and a name partner at Hamlin Hamlin McGill Chuck's life has been destroyed about what seems to be a debilitating allergic reaction to electricity Chuck tugs the letter of the Olimpia giving it to Jimmy perfect timing professor Braun's vogelson University of Helsinki you're gonna have to get it translated every to read the fresh papers Chuck grabs a stuck and lays them out let me hog in a dining table he stands there scanning the pages it's a Swedish finish I'm sure there's someone at the UNM can can do it check the language Department you know I'm trying to build a legal practice right focuses working on the effects of electromagnetic fields on zebrafish he might owe the Financial Times you missed it so I thought you know thank you I know it's expensive here come on I don't expect you to go out of pocket go ahead reimburse yourself hey Chuck can you sit down a minute all right you piquant and I'm fine please you're not you're not in trouble Chuck you've got a cash out you've got it again really yeah there's no other way no I don't wanna I know you don't want to hear it but it's got to happen you know I'm gonna beat this you know I'm going to get better you're sure I do then there's nothing to talk about I will beat this I will go back to work ergo a falsies pretty kippy's Pro fiction ski meaning that's not the meaning that's one about false principles you loser Steve from false principles your argument is built on quicksand therefore it collapses you're not listening fine let's take this to its logical conclusion in order to pay out my share suppose my partners are forced to liquidate the firm then one it's their problem my clients are out in the cold my case is scattered to the wind 126 people lose their jobs Hamlin Hamlin McGill closes what happens to your cronies in the mailroom the assistants the paralegals the janitorial staff all of them out on the street your friend Kim a promising career over and done with is that what you want Hamlin owes you everything you built that place while he was out at 4:00 hills working on his bunker chef that's not exaggerated I helped all the more reason not to tear it down for a little bit of cash Chuck listen to me all right I'm drowning I'm going under for the third time with these bullcrap overflow yeah oh crap overflow PD cases at $700 a shot public defender work is some of the best experience there is it's pure law I had a case the other day three clients depositions wore dear jury trial the whole nine yards when I take home $700 I might as well 700 bucks I might as well head down to skid row and sell plasma you're representing people who have nowhere else to turn money's beside the point money's not beside the point money is the point I keep telling half patients there are no shortcuts do good work and the clients will come Chuck my handi god I didn't want to say this but you are broke I can't carry us both I've been trying like hell but I can you say what you think you have to provide for me I never asked you for that you didn't have to ask I have done my damnedest but the day of reckoning is here soon you're gonna be out on the street with all the electromagnetism in the world raining down on you like Hellfire picture that and tell me money's beside the point that's what has you all worked up Jimmy there's nothing to worry about here truck opens a drawer and pulls out a check he hands it over to Jimmy Jimmy holds it up to the light it features the distinctive Hamlin Hamlin & McGill logo what is this stipend there's got to be one every week eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars from Hamlin Hamlin McGill I will pay them back every penny I didn't want to take anything but Howard was very insistent I'll take you back to wait Hamlin was here it's not like I'm a recluse he put his cellphone in the mailbox he understands the situation be grounded himself of course Hamlin has outmaneuvered Jimmy with the bleep plans Jimmy notices among the papers stacked on Chuck's desk is the thick HHM envelope the one Hamlin tried to give to Jimmy earlier and the two of you agreed that since has everybody knows you're going back to work any day now the firm might as well help you what make ends meet that's correct minus the sarcasm Hamill is making it jump out of you I am going to get better I'm gonna go back to work and I am picking up where I left off I understand you're trying to look out for me but you're missing the bigger picture so I was thinking thank God look that sounds kind of important Dora Gibraltar legal advisors like like The Rock has a nice ring to it or what about keeping it simple ay-ay-ay law for eggs that would put you right at the top of the yellow pages Chuck Howard brought this he's concerned Chuck produce is one of the genes in McGill matchbooks he you have to admit it could be confusing Hamlin Hamlin McGill James M McGill it's my name I was born with it still I'm not supposed to use my own name on Hamlin say so what's he gonna do sue me no one wants to create an adversarial situation I'm sure however it gladly pay the cost of the new matchbooks and so on it's simply a matter of professional courtesy Chuck whose side you are you know sides here Oh Jimmy listen wouldn't you rather build your own identity why ride on someone else's coattails Oh Jimmy struggling to contain a simmering rage we find ourselves in blackness a door swings open a revealing we were inside Chuck's mailbox looking out Jimmy's hands grab his cell phone key fob and the rest we cut inside his Suzuki esteem Jimmy slams the car door he sits in the motionless of steam stewing anger building in waves he slowly turns to glare through the spiderweb of cracks in the windshield jagged lines Criss crossing Jimmy spaces he stares at the shattered safety glass a storm brewing in his eyes all right you want to dance let's dance act for we're tight on curving concrete this scamming skateboard twins carbon grind inside a concrete halfpipe these guys are awesome Cal zooms up past the lip and hangs suspended in the air for a gut-wrenching moment he rushes back down and comes to a scraping stop he saw something up there trouble Lars pulls up next to his brother and follows his gaze up to a figure looming above it's Jimmy a man on a mission hey fellas we got business how'd you find us they step out of the halfpipe and we widen to reveal we're exterior municipal skate park skaters rolled back and forth yeah who wouldn't look for skateboarders here I know it's kind of eerie right oh come on give me 30 seconds and we're square you owe me that much for the windshield right it could be the most profitable 30 seconds of your lives profitable Lars and Cal glanced at each other off the twins cautious but definitely intrigued we time cut a couple minutes later there's the boys list I was ready to take off in an instant as Jimmy makes his pitch there's nothing of the carnival barker Tim now he's almost misty-eyed I want to tell you about a young guy it's about your age he lived a long way from here in a town called Cicero Illinois and in Cicero he was the man when he strolled by all the corner boys would give him the high five all the finest babes would smile him and hope that he would smile back Jimmy they called him slippin Jimmy and everybody wanted to be his friend slippin Jimmy what kind of name is that okay tell ya now the winners consists wrote now their murder you boys growing up out here in the Golden West you don't know I'm talking cold little freeze it's not right in your nose talking wind that cuts through your coat and carves you up like a Ginsu knife truth is most folks in Cicero were scared of winter but not Jimmy Jimmy's spent all summer long waiting in September from what September finally rolled around he'd feel that first cold wind sweeping off Lake Michigan and he knew it was coming what was he waiting for was it Christmas was it Kwanzaa better it was slip and fall season soon as it was cold enough Jimmy find a nice smooth patch of ice State Street was good Michigan Avenue was better and he pick his spot and when it was nice and busy step out on the ice and WHAM Biff it so hard people come running from five blocks away yeah but did he collect did he collect Jimmy had it dialed in one good fall he'd make six or eight grand easy I had to keep him in Old Milwaukee and Maui while I was right through Labor Day eight grand no like eight grand now look at you guys and I see potential skateboards a nice wrinkle makes it a year-round gig and clearly you can take a header but I gotta ask you your best day ever would you clear six thirty six hundred and thirty bucks for one fall now that was 202 hits in a day even young as you are that's gotta hurt sure that okay I got a job for you house two grand sound - a grand one hit one hit plus you get to learn from the best off the twins therein we find ourselves exterior the kettlemans Street a POV a familiar mercury sable wagon parked in the driveway now that we get a better look we might notice one of those stick figure family decals on the rear window mom dad the two kids hiking with backpacks a gleaming brand-new Bayliner Cruiser towers over the car the eye-catching mailbox has a metal talker in the shape of a tea kettle with the letter K cut out of its Center nice boat yeah discreet like a stripper at a mosque forget the boat see the car know what that is I don't know station wagon mercury 1988 mercury sable wagon remember it burn it into your brains sure you got it okay now close your eyes what color is it brown yeah medium sandalwood they keep those eyes closed what is the license plate to start with is it a four give the man a gold star who are these people my clients they just don't know what yet as Jimmy pulls away we cut to a mini-mall intersection Jimmy's brought them to an urban intersection near a pleasant-looking cafe complete with outdoor seating a Betsy Kettleman is her name every weekday between 225 and 250 she comes through here on her way to pick up her kids from Kit Carson Elementary you need a spot where she's gonna slow down am i right yeah all right there you go she slows down she hangs it right and that's when you do it just like you did to me you go ass over teakettle I mean make it a Blue Ribbon special when she gets out of the car you're sufferin st. Sebastian you hear the hammer you get in her face scare the bejesus out of her give me your phone it's kind of busy here what if someone see how witnesses are good witnesses are pressure as soon as you've got her good and rattled you call for an ambulance but see really you're calling me I'm number one on your speed dial right next your weed dealer you call me and I'll put it over here I happen to be driving by I stopped to see what the trouble is and here's the most important part you don't know me we've never met you got it sure see I'm mrs. Kay's white night a week we go mano-a-mano you light into me you get nasty I mean no touching you leave the hair alone but other than that open season you know yells stop call me a douche bag I'll keep my cool give you back the razzmatazz after she's seen the fireworks you fold like a lawn chair happy ending when do we get our money after you get paid when I get paid I'm the rising tide that raises all dinghies pop quiz what's the car mercury sable wagon baby poop rabbit do you know me no damn straight go with God back to the kettlemans all is quiet well I'm just so very glad I happen to be driving past happy to be out no no I wouldn't think you're taking your money for this no the embezzlement case sure I'd be happy to talk it over Jenny's POV looking worried and preoccupied mrs. Kettleman heads over to her sable wagon electrified Jimmy dials a cell two-minute warning we cut to the mini-mall new angle and Laura's station near a stop sign Lars eyes the oncoming traffic while he talks in his cell with Jimmy got he hangs up raises two fingers to his brother were on tension building these guys maybe scammers but they take their work very seriously we rack back to cow he begins stretching with Lars eyes on the traffic in the distance rounding a corner the brown Mercury Sable approaches Lars flashes a heads-up gesture the cow jumps on his board slides up the street towards his brother as he passes cow the boys fist bump Lars scrapes just stop behind cow braces his camcorder he hits the record button eyes narrowing cowl rolls towards the intersection picking up speed judging distances getting the timing right is an art Cal's a master the station wagon approaches the intersection slows and hangs our right we angle behind cow rushing toward the station wagon tight on Cal's face he hits the front passenger side of the car and tumbles the world swirls behind a Skycar Street sky inside the station wagon cows helmet whacks the windshield with the teeth rattling crunch new angle low and the pavement cow slams up the momentum grinding him over the blacktop he comes to a stop on the foreground the station wagon lurches to a stop playing his part as before Lars rushes to his brother oh my god oh my god cow Kelly you okay look at me buddy say something keep the freaked out victim right Lars glances over but no one emerges from the car were high and wide the station wagon idles 20 feet away from the two skaters the stillness is odd customers come out to see what's going on even Cowell raises his head and cuts his eyes over to the wagon she coming out or what because he's not hurt so bad already tyres chirping the station wagon takes off like a bat out of hell this was not part of the plan what off the brothers brother scaping we cut inside the Suzuki Jimmy glances at his Timex the skater should have called by now he lifts his cell but doesn't dial a Mona been a moment of indecision should he call the boys suddenly his phone rings she took off us she what it was textbook man we were diamonds but then she just took off what way she hit and-run that's what I'm saying she bailed and wailed if stay right there I'm coming to get you screw that man we're following her following her how we got our ways you reveal city street the station wagon drives past a few car lengths behind a refrigerator Diller a cube truck head in the same direction we pan with the truck to reveal that the twins are clinging to the back of the truck using it to pull them up along marty mcfly style squad skitching they stay low on the boards at speed while keeping the station wagon in sight Cal peers around the edge of the truck the wagon is just ahead no way mrs. K can tell they're following her Jimmy's brain is in overdrive as we intercom okay fine new plan new plan you know me I'm your lawyer got it dad I'll meet you at the school she's way past the school she hooked a left on Juan Tabo she's heading in a holiday park did stay with her when she gets where she's going wherever it is just wait for me don't do anything wait for what you haven't been right even once slippin Jimmy my ass honeypot understand hit-and-run is a felony what so what so more money he says we fell in the honeypot he says more money so what do we need him for good question Lars hangs up on Jimmy Jimmy yells into the phone that large cow whichever one I'm come on come on it rings Jimmy winces this thrash metal blast son of a he drives on no one cuts out Jimmy McGill we find ourselves exterior of a well-tended older two-story house on a tranquil street the stash and wagon pulls him to the driveway the skateboarders roll out moments later as they hop up their boards Lars slaps Cal your leg oh yeah cow grabs hold of Lars for the support and hobbles on his broken leg as they head across the front yard the Sables door opens and four rubber cane nubs hit the driveway a tiny grandmotherly woman pulls herself out she freezes at the side of the angry twins rushing their way we're gonna call her a bolita in other words the saint mrs. Kettleman the boys hit the wrong car decals not there either yo yo hold up yeah you what's the matter with you you hit-and-run you ran him over you fella need my brother table English we call a policia la policia gonna be pissed I see you hit him lamp espresso rapido now you pay make with a dinero righteous dinero very nervous Abuelita waves for the boys to follow her she makes her way to the front door that's what I'm talkin about cow leans on his brother as they look into the house after Abuelita the door closes behind them holding a beat something ominous about the prolonged moment off this we're back inside the esteem of Jimmy he drives the streets into the last vision of the boys searching for his clients he's working out yet another alternate plan yeah pairs our clients so when I heard mrs. Kettleman Betsy what a surprise what are you doing here serious oh my goodness oh no no this doesn't have to be like this find ourselves back outside I believe this house the Sun shines birds chirp Jimmy's esteem cruises through and does not stop did he miss the house the esteem quickly reverses back into shot Jimmy parks climbs out and a glance at the station wagon and discarded skateboards confirms this must be the place straightening his tie he charges up the front porch Jimmy raps on the door officer of the court silence from inside unless is that a TV he goes to the window tries peering through the lace curtains no dice Jimmy raps on the door again open up officer of the court open up in the name of the law side angle door opens good afternoon I'm a meaty fish shoves a pistol directly into Jimmy's forehead he is time for a single terrified breath before another hand firmly gripped him by the collar jimmy offers no resistance as he's tugged inside after it beat a man leans out of the doorway calmly scans the street checking for witnesses as he turns to us that by flattened nose shaved head holy he's the one the only Tuco Salamanca what has Jimmy McGill gotten himself into taking his sweet time to go ducks back inside the door closes with the click very wide off the quiet house birds chirping we end the episode [Applause] but that was wonderful um Peter she doesn't say anything before we to spend great job I can't wait to shoot it that was great i this whole thing was just a scheme so I would get to act with you think thank you guys so much this is this this is as I've already a fused downstairs but it's a dream come true and this is a dream right now it's a dream cast including the riders you're all cast thank you guys so much Bob [Applause]
Channel: Otto Al-Dahri
Views: 695,326
Rating: 4.9543595 out of 5
Id: 2va22TpxylM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 3sec (3183 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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