Bette Davis daughter accused her of casting evil spells on costars..

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today we are going to take a look at one of the  most iconic actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age   the incomparable Betty Davis who has been much  requested this glamorous Starlet was an acting   Powerhouse that towered over the Silver Screen for  more than half a century earning her the title of   the first lady of American Screen she was a  Trailblazer who paved the way for actresses   who didn't want to be damsels in distress or  mere adornments on the Silver Screen known for   her tempestuous on-screen personas she played  complex multi-dimensional characters that dared   to challenge society's expectations of women in  film Betty Davis was not one to mince her words   her forceful and intense style of acting was  mirrored in the way she carried herself both   on and off the screen she was a true Diva and she  knew it in her illustrious career Davis appeared   in over a hundred films spanning a multitude  of genres from historical epics to Thrillers   to romantic comedies to romantic dramas she was  a risk taker and was often a able to Parlay her   incredible Talent into critical and Commercial  Success her performances were truly unmatched   and were worthy of the numerous nominations and  accolades that she received but All That Glitters   Is Not Gold our beloved Betty had a reputation  for being combative and confrontational with   Studio execs and directors she was a force to be  reckoned with in Hollywood for over five decades   and was awarded two Academy Awards becoming the  first actor to receive 10 nominations but sadly   Betty Davis battled ill health for many years  but continued acting in film and television   up until her untimely death from breast cancer  in 1989. in this video we will discuss all the   controversies and Mysteries surrounding her  life the drama between her and her daughter   where her daughter came out and spoke about  her and even wrote a book and said that her   mom practiced Witchcraft and was a witch and cast  spells on her former starlets and competitors and   even cast a spell on her own daughter we're  going to talk about that we're also going   to talk about her Feud with Joan Crawford and  also a lot of the things that she went through fasten your seatbel it's going to be a bumpy night  but first hey friend welcome to my channel Karine   Alourde where we Deep dive and break down the  most iconic stars to history if you're not yet   subscribed please be sure to do so and if you're  already subscribed please be sure to turn on your   notification Bell so you never miss an upload  now let's get into this video let's start with   a little fun because it's going to get a little  heavy let's talk about her beauty secrets and a   few of her favorite things first as we usually do  on this channel she is known for her big beautiful   eyes but Betty Davis kept them looking bright  and fresh by applying cucumbers to her eyelids   at night and using vaseline under her eyes to keep  dark circles at Bay the French designer givenchy's   first sent Ledoux was the favorite perfume of  Betty Davis who wore nothing else throughout   the 1950s her favorite color was yellow and she  loved gardenias they were her favorite flowers   and they also covered her casket at her funeral  Betty Davis not only loved to eat baked beans she   also shared the recipe shoes to cook them for  herself and her loved ones apparently she once   even had 21lbs pounds of beans flown from Boston  the actress specifically wanted to serve them at   a fancy Hollywood party the recipe included pea  beans fat salt pork molasses and dried mustard   and she really really did love beans like she  always was making different varieties of recipes   and beans I don't know that bathroom must have  been going through some things let's get into   her childhood let's start from the beginning  it was David's childhood like before this green   siren was captivating audiences with her Fierce  performances she was just a wide-eyed girl born   on April 5th 1908 in Lowell Massachusetts her  parents Harlow morale Davis and Ruth Augusta   Davis were a dynamic duo with her father a law  student turned patent attorney and her mother   a talented portrait photographer little Betty as  she was known in her early years was a child who   with a love of books and a thirst for knowledge  she dabbled in all sorts of hobbies including art   and music and had a particular fascination with  the world of Cinema her father once remarked that   she had a determination to do as she pleased  while her sister Barbara later reflected on   how even as a little girl she was someone who  knew what she wanted and went after it with all   her heart sadly Betty's childhood was wasn't all  sunshine and rainbows her parents separated when   she was just seven years old resulting in her and  her younger sister Barbara being shipped off to   a strict boarding school called Crystal bond  in Lanesboro Massachusetts but Betty bore it   with Grace and determination and even though  the living conditions were strict she still   found ways to pursue her passions growing up  she was raised by a strict and a little father   in a religious and permanent proper mother Davis  claimed that she was so relieved when her parents   divorce because they had both been so unhappy with  each other and made each other's lives miserable   and eventually her mother landed on her feet  and moved to New York City where she enrolled   in the Clarence white school of Photography and  started taking portraits for a living meanwhile   Betty attended Cushing Academy a boarding  school and let's get into her career Betty   Davis one of the greatest actresses of Hollywood  had a humble and discouraging beginning in the   film industry and 90 1830 after her successful  stint on Broadway she migrated to Hollywood to   screen test for Universal Studios to her dismay  no one from the studio showed up to receive her   the studio basically sent someone to the airport  to pick her up but when that person arrived they   left because they said they didn't see anyone  that looked good enough to be an actress they   basically said she looked to average and they  didn't recognize a Starlet that is terrible this   would Mark a long battle with Hollywood's beauty  standards and play a role as to why she was such   a tough character and to me she was gorgeous to me  I believe that Drew Barrymore looks like her right   does anybody else see it I did a video breakdown  for Drew Barrymore also and they look alike to me   she was very beautiful to me and despite this  she went through her first screen test and was   involved in several screen tests for other actors  however her modesty and inexperience were put to   the test in an interview with Dick Cavett she  talked about her experience in screen tests   where she had to lie on a couch and have 15 men  give her a passionate kiss back-to-back just 15   men on top of her kissing her she stated that it  was a traumatizing experience and Illustrated the   sexism and objectification women experienced  back then her second test and in 1931 film A   House Divided was also unsuccessful Davis was  insulted for her parents when she attempted   to get into the Hollywood film industry director  William Weiler openly insulted her in front of the   crew when she sought to dress more attractively  for a screen test saying what do you think of   these Dames who show their chests and think they  can get jobs yikes production boss Carl limel Jr   on the other hand said that Davis had about  as much appeal as Slim Somerville her goofy   male co-star they was comparing her sensuality  to that of a man after one screen test she was   rejected because one of her teeth was crooked  after which she wore braces another screen test   involved her hitching her skirt higher and higher  so the studio could see she was not hiding some   deformity ugh though Universal Studios can fit are  terminating her employment she was given a chance   by cinematographer Carl frond who found her eyes  captivating and she made her debut in the movie   bad sister however her initial films failed to  earn recognition and she moved on to other Studios   after being released by Universal it wasn't  until the man who played God in which she was   chosen for the lead female role by George arlise  that she finally archived her break in Hollywood   the Saturday evening post held her bubbling with  charm comparing her to constant Bennett and Olive   Warden Warner Bros signed a 15-year contract with  her and she continued to work with them for 18   years David's faced several setbacks throughout  her career both professionally and personally and   in 1936 she was sued by Warner Bros for refusing  to take on their assigned roles there were some   roles that she just didn't want to take and it  wouldn't suit her she went on to become one of   the most prominent actresses of her time appearing  in over 100 films and went to Academy Awards for   Best Actress some of her famous movies included  Jezebel All About Eve and All About Eve is my   favorite come below your favorite movie from  her and whatever happened to Baby Jane Davis   was contracted with several Studios including  Universal Warner Bros and RKO radio pictures in   her prime she was worth millions earning a salary  of over a hundred thousand dollars per film which   was a lot during those days Davis was known for  her strong personality and was vocal about the you   know all that went on in Hollywood she publicly  criticized the imbalance in wages between men and   women in Hollywood and the stereotyping of women  in film she even rejected the title of the first   lady of the American Screen saying that it was  sexist now let's talk about her beef with Joan   Crawford if you think Nikki and cardi B's beef  is crazy then you are in for a ride well let's   talk about the juicy Feud of the Hollywood Queens  Betty Davis and Joan Crawford these two Powerhouse   actresses had a feud that lasted for decades and  it all started over a man yes ladies and gentlemen   it was a man who caused all the drama who was he  Mr friendly show tone the Charming and handsome   actor who still Betty Davis heart Davidson tone  where and love and they even did a few movies   together but things took a sour turn when Joan  Crawford entered the picture Crawford was also   interested in tone and tried her best to steal  him from Davis well guess what she succeeded not   only did Crawford marry tone but she also had a  child with him from that moment on David's headed   out for Crawford she never forgave Crawford for  taking the love of her life away but that wasn't   the only reason for their Feud Davis also thought  Crawford was a homewrecker and a man-eater in fact   Davis once said that Crawford slept with every  man in the industry except for Lassie that's a   pretty shady comment Davis didn't stop there she  also accused Crawford of being promiscuous and   engaging in bizarre behaviors Crawford on the  other hand was no stranger to Throwing Shade   at Davis she accused Davis of being a prima  Madonna and a diva on set she even stole the   spotlight from Davis when she announced her  contract with Warner Bros but you know what   they say all is fair and Love and War and this  Feud was definitely a war these ladies went at   it for years and they never let their grudges go  they would publicly install each other and accuse   each other the most harmful acts they even starred  in a movie together towards their older age which   was a 1962 film whatever happened to Baby Jane  but that was a whole bunch of drama too Davis   only agreed to do the movie if she could play the  lead role she also had a condition in place that   Joan Crawford would not be allowed to date the  director because she said Joan would usually warm   up to the movie directors to get more screen time  and overshadow her it was a mess they played Crow   pranks on each other on screen and when they had  to promote the film instead of talking about the   film they would use the publicity to just insult  each other some more they even refused to attend   events if the other was present in the end Davis  and Crawford may have aided each other but their   Feud only added to their legendary status in  Hollywood and towards the end of her life when   Joan Crawford's daughter wrote the book about  her mother you know and all the acts that she did   Etc Davis was one of the celebrities that stood  up for Crawford and said hey I know I've had my   issues with her we've been through a lot together  and I don't really like her like that but I doubt   that whatever ever her daughter will end those  books is true but a lot of people said that Davis   only defended Crawford in that moment because her  own daughter would later write a book which was   similar to what Joan Crawford's daughter wrote  about Davis so who knows now let's talk about   her relationships she tied the knot with her  High School lover Harmon Nelson back in 1932   her upbringing had taught her to suppress her  sensuality so on her wedding night at age 24   she was still a virgin David's first marriage  was hardly a picture of Happiness her husband's   Behavior was sometimes harsh and dominating Davis  had two pregnancies and he forced her to terminate   both of them Nelson flatly refused to let his wife  also buy a house when her career took off she had   to wait until he had enough money to purchase the  house himself Nelson would not allow himself to   be emasculated by his wife and this Wayne was a  very bitter person with hers because he didn't   have much going on for himself and then to add  unsult to injury he divorced her and claimed   that he divorced her because she preferred  her job over their relationship and that she   spent too much time in bed reading scripts her  second husband Arthur Farnsworth was a dancer   who unexpectedly died while they were on their  honeymoon David's third marriage was to William   Grant Sherry a former sailor who had a drinking  problem they had a daughter together but their   relationship was plagued by infidelity and mutual  hostility which eventually led to their divorce   he also would beat her so badly sending her to  the hospital several times her fourth and final   husband was Gary Merrill another actor whom she  met on the set of All About Eve they also adopted   two more kids but their marriage was tumultuous  and ended in divorce after a few years in addition   to her marriages Davis had several high-profile  Affairs throughout her life the mother-daughter   relationship they can be beautiful and lovely but  some can truly be tumultuous and complicated and   one of these tumultuous relationships that come  to mind is the one between Betty Davis and her   daughter her daughter BD wrote A Memoir about her  mother called my mother's keeper where she painted   a rather unflattering picture of Davis according  to BD her mother was a crow drunk who took   advantage of her and her siblings she alleged that  Davis would get drunk and lash out at her children   physically and emotionally and would even shave  her head as a form of punishment she also claimed   that her mother would pretend to overdose and  lock herself in her room until the next morning   as a form of punishment to her children and wake  up the next morning and be like out that tacha   lesson while the kids would cry outside the door  banging on the door for her to wake up but wait   there's more Dede also claimed that her mother  was a witch who would cast spells on her fellow   co-stars and her own children and claimed that her  mother cast a spell on her I mean by now that's   no surprise most starless in Hollywood probably  speak of how they practice Witchcraft and occult   but during the Golden Age of Hollywood it was very  taboo and most of these starlets boasted of having   squeaky clean images but behind the scenes would  cast spells to get certain roles or to make their   Rivals go crazy and lose their minds so they can  eliminate their competition very much Cutthroat   behind the scenes her daughter was saying yeah  I witnessed a lot of this and she would do it   comment below your thoughts on that okay but we  don't know of course Betty Davis is not here to   defend herself so we can you know never know but  comment below your thought and if all that wasn't   enough Betty Davis left her daughter off her will  Betty Davis said that she intentionally wrote her   daughter off her will because her Memoir really  hurt her to the core she was really depressed by   her daughter's book she was also the only  daughter to speak out but also the only   biological daughter that she had without abusive  husband that kept sending her to the hospital so   the other two children were adopted so this is  her biological daughter who wrote this book and   that got left off the wheel this mother-daughter  relationship was anything but easy in the end the   lesson here is that even the most successful  and famous people can have personal struggles   and turbulent relationships we should remember  that behind the glitz and glamor of Hollywood   there are real people with real problems okay  now let's talk about her untimely death it was   a dark day on October 6 1989 when the news of her  passing shook the world Davis had been battling   with breast cancer for a long time but she was a  fighter and she did not let her get in the way of   her acting career she worked tirelessly racking  up numerous film credits even after undergoing   a mastectomy however in the summer of 1989 her  condition worsened and she was forced to withdraw   from a Broadway production despite her ill health  Davis remained dedicated to her craft and recorded   her final performance just days before her death  and even though she was frail and weak her acting   skills never faltered her on-screen presence was  fierce as ever Davis was taken from us far too   soon leaving behind a legacy that would never be  forgotten she had a career spanning five decades   countless Awards and lifelong fans her strength  resilience and Mastery of The Craft earned her the   respect of her colleagues and the love of her fans  and death Davis was remembered as a true icon and   her loss was felt deeply by those who knew her  it was a reminder that even great talents like   Betty Davis are only human and that illness can  strike anyone at any time and we all must go some   but this is all I have for this video for you guys  comment below your thoughts I'm really interested   to know what you guys think and if you haven't  seen yet check out my Katherine Hepburn video and   I know you guys will request Joan Crawford I will  be doing a video for her that I love you guys so   much thank you for tuning in if you like the music  you're listening to the link is in the description   support my brother and comment below who else  would you guys like to see until next time foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Karine Alourde 🇭🇹
Views: 52,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bette davis, bette davis eyes, bette davis interview, bette davis eyes kim carnes, bette davis eyes official vide, bette davis eye, bette, who is bette davis, bette davis morte, bette davis real hair, bette davis eyes video, is bette davis still alive, bette davis joan crawford, bette davis', bette davis feud, bette davis oscar, karine alourde, bette davis witch, bette davis daughter, bette davis husband, bette davis karine alourde, bette davis movies, bette davis young
Id: bF_IWrh2iVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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