Gene Tierney - what happened to her is troubling..

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hey friend welcome to my channel Karine  Alourde where we Deep dive and break down   the most iconic stars in history and uncover the  dark secrets of Hollywood removing the shield of   Glamor while exposing the reality if you're not  yet subscribed please be sure to do so and turn   your notifications on so you never miss an  upload now let's get into this video today   we are talking about the beautiful gorgeous and  stunning Gene Tierney then it was worth it Mark oh I'm sorry I was staring at you wasn't  I in my opinion one of the most gorgeous   women of old glamor Hollywood but she suffered  a lot of insecurities at the hand of Hollywood   she suffered also with a lot of mental illness  and just had a very tragic end but we're going   to get into all of that and just exactly what is  happening in Hollywood that you have all of these   gorgeous starlets that would enter Hollywood  fully healthy and mentally stable but by their   end they leave troubled tormented to the brink  of insanity what is happening all the stories   seem very similar that it makes you question  exactly what is going on in this video we are   going to uncover that but before we do I know you  guys love the diet and Beauty secret portion of   the videos first you can skip ahead if you're not  interested in this part but fox head Daryl zanek   once called Tierney the most beautiful woman in  movie history and I agree so it's only natural for   us to dive into her beauty secrets as well as her  diet she was one of the most admired women of her   era thanks to the combination of her stunning  good looks and captivating stage presence she   had brown hair prominent cheekbones and emerald  eyes that captivated audiences for years though   she looked rather short she was 5'7 which is  pretty tall she developed a lot of body image   issues and insecurities from the industry which  was one of the causes of her going to the brink   of insanity towards the end it's so sad to see  how some of history's most beautiful woman all   thought that they were so ugly and would pick  at themselves to the point where some would   even take their own lives all because overweight  balding and disfigured men would project their own   insecurities to these gorgeous women the beginning  of Jean's career wasn't all sunshine and Roses a   cameraman on set once decided to give the young  actress some unsolicited advice she should try   dieting TRNA being a sensitive Soul took it to  heart in a major way she had actually written   to Harper's bizarre for advice on losing weight  and after receiving it had followed its advice   for a full 25 years she told Lydia Lane in 1952 my  trouble was eating the wrong things what I liked   was fattening and while I played with the idea of  reducing I never did anything seriously about it   until one day I overheard a remark that the late  Ernst lubish had made about me he said and I quote   Gene Tierney could have a great future in pictures  it's a Pity she's so fat from that moment I began   to get thin Jin continued what he said had made me  want to reduce more than I wanted to eat it was no   hardship for me to count my calories because I  realized food was keeping me from realizing my   ambition to make a success in Hollywood there  is a mental side to dieting that should not   be underestimated unless you have a desire to be  skinny it takes more discipline than the average   person can muster I don't have to think about  eating anymore I stayed on a special diet until   I was where I wanted to be Gene added during this  time my stomach shrunk back to normal and I found   that it took less food to satisfy my appetite now  I stay away from starches and rich foods unless   I'm having company I never serve dessert except  fruit and I don't have bread and butter plates on   the table but I'm not hungry because I eat plenty  of meat fresh vegetables and green salads there   is no point taking off weight if you are going  to eat it right back once again I altered my   habits and this took discipline but it was well  worth it I learned always to eat in moderation   and to leave the table feeling that I could have  a bit more moderation it's the secret of a happy   life occasionally I want sweets and then I do  eat them because I take this as a signal that   my body needs sugar and when she was asked if it  was necessary for her to exercise to stay thin she   said I don't like to exercise I can ride swim ski  and play tennis I was never really very good but   I thought it was necessary to learn them now I've  reached a point where I'm admitting I don't enjoy   being athletic and I can't say that I noticed  any difference in the way I feel if I don't get   plenty of exercise I do get plenty of rest I think  it's important for each person to find out how   much sleep he needs and get it I've never been a  night owl and when I'm on a picture I let nothing   interfere with my being asleep by nine o'clock  and when asked what is her Top Beauty secret she   answered just what we've been talking about food  and rest if you neglect your diet and you don't   get enough sleep your days of being beautiful are  numbered I've learned this the hard way I used to   use nothing but soap and water but I found as I'm  getting older that I need to use creams sometimes   a person will forget to change their habits but we  have to remember that what proof satisfactory at   one age well not at another once again I believe  in moderation you can overdo creaming I like to   follow every creaming with a liquid in order to  be sure my pores are clean but I don't like skin   tonics which are too strong or drying turning  also felt terrible about her protruding front   teeth and often retouched her lipstick to hide  them and in a 1948 interview she said I would talk   out the side of my mouth in order to not show my  teeth fortunately though as insecure she may have   felt in the Great Lengths that she went through  to maintain a healthy weight and Beauty regimen   she never touched her face as far as we know FOX  also surprisingly didn't let her touch her face   but it probably has a lot to do with her dad who  super wealthy we'll get into that as we get into   her childhood but she hadn't had any cosmetic  surgery and even towards the very end of her life   she aged very beautifully despite all that she  put her body through she aged very beautifully   and still pretty much looked the same she really  did not cry just a very gorgeous woman now let's   get into her childhood so Jean Eliza Tierney  daughter of Howard Sherwood Tierney and Bella   Lavinia Taylor was born on November 19 1920 in  Brooklyn New York her middle name honors a dearly   departed Uncle she was the older sibling of Howard  Sherwood Butch Tierney Jr and the younger siblings   of Patricia Pat Tierney their mother was a formal  physical education teacher and their father was a   prosperous insurance broker of Irish ancestry they  were wealthy they were filthy wealthy not any kind   of wealthy I'm talking about filthy wealthy but  her father was also very controlling of her life   and overprotected and sheltered her they sheltered  her quite a bit you know and another thing though   he loved his daughter he loved his kids he would  often get into shouting matches with her mother   so she often felt very reclusive you could see it  in her eyes she had a very shy demeanor where she   typically liked to be alone with her books rather  than friends Gene Tierney was an Avid Reader and   loved to read books and didn't really try to  hang out with much people often times Tierney   attended brillantmont international school and  Lucian Switzer villain for two years where she   picked up French at a fluent level in 1936 after  having spent some time abroad she moved back to   the United States and enrolled at Miss Porter's  School in Farmington Connecticut went on a family   trip to California she stopped by the Warner  Bros studio where her mother's cousin Gordon   Hollingshead was employed as a producer on several  historical shorts director Anatoly litvac was so   impressed by 17 year old Tierney's beauty that he  suggested she pursue a career and act acting she   was offered a contract by Warner Bros but her  parents discouraged it because they felt the   money would be simply too low and they hoped  she would instead accept her proper place in   society yeah that's how rich they were that they  thought whatever money the studios was giving her   was just not enough for their precious daughter  to get into the film industry and they wanted   her to enter proper Society meaning Mary and to  wealth and just live a comfortable life Tierney   then only 17 made her debut in High Society on  September 24th 1938 and what that means is like   if you ever watch Bridgeton it's like debutante  balls where once the teenage woman Becomes of age   they have this ball where they introduce her it's  like a purity telling people she's ready to be   married and most parents use it for networking  and to connect their daughters with people of   affluence as a potential husband in the future  and I always imagine maybe if tyranny had stuck   with that life maybe she probably could have saved  herself a lot of the heartaches that she will face   Hollywood but for her she was like ah this is not  the life for me in a short time she grew tired of   social life and made the decision to become an  actress instead her father urged her to pursue   acting but only in real theater Productions  instead of Hollywood Tara and I trained under   Yiddish and Broadway actor director Beno Schneider  Adam modest Greenwich Village acting studio in   New York Broadway producer director George Abbott  took her under his wings and raised her to stardom   also Jane Tierney was an avid poet fun fact so she  just much like Marilyn she was a Avid poet as well   and Tiana's first role on Broadway she carried a  bucket of water across the stage and what a life   she also worked as an understudy in the Primrose  path Karen's father founded the company built   here to support and promote his daughter's acting  career she had a six-month contract with Columbia   Pictures starting in 1939 Howard Hughes attempted  to seduce her but she rejected him she came from a   wealthy background so she wasn't blown away from  his fortune and over time he just became a close   friend after hearing the screening of her debut  film Tere reportedly started smoking to relax   her voice because she was embarrassed by how much  she sounded like an angry Minnie Mouse this led to   her becoming a chronic smoker so you see how she  just developed a habit back then it was toxic if   you've seen my Joyce Bryant breakdown where her  manager was even telling her doctor when she lost   her voice to put Coca-Cola if you catch my drift  Coke inside of her throat to kind of make her be   able to sing and hide the pain but even though  knowing that this would make her become an addict   and Joyce Bryant left the industry because of  that she refused to do that but even the smoking   cigarettes they this happened to Judy Garland if  you didn't see my Judy Garland video Not only was   it a way for people to stay slim but it gave that  raspy voice which Hollywood in the Golden Age of   Hollywood it was very popular to have that raspy  deep voice so she was just nitpicking at herself   again and we're gonna see how the being a chronic  smoker really played a major role in her untimely   demise after appearing in several forgettable  roles over the next few years she had a breakout   role as a spoiled Harris in a 1944 drama Laura  her performance earned her an Academy Award   nomination for best actress and launched her  into stardom over the course of her career she   appeared opposite some of Hollywood's Leading Men  such as John Wayne Fred McMurray and Tyrone Power   she also starred opposite Cary Grant and numerous  romantic comedies throughout the 1940s and 1950s   in 1946 TRNA starred alongside co-star Cornell  child and leave her to Heaven which earned her   another Academy Award nomination for best actress  she reunited with wild two years later when they   featured together again in the Rage of Paris in  1945 she played Margot Channing on Broadway and   won a theater World award as well as a Tony Award  nomination for her performance despite having   success on stage and screened throughout most of  the 1940s and 1950s tyronny's final major role   came with the razor's Edge which came out in 1946  for this movie she went on to win a Golden Globe   award for best actress Motion Picture drama which  became the last major Triumph during a career that   spanned for decades in total she had more than  35 film credits to her name before retiring from   acting altogether towards the end of the 1950s due  to ill health caused by bipolar disorder which was   diagnosed later on during her life but we will  get into that later before we get into that let's   talk about her relationships TRNA was instantly  drawn to the stylish Russian Italian designer   Oleg cassin me however her relatives had other  plans they disapprove of the couple's romance   and put tyranny in an impossible position she ran  away with Cassini and risked their wrath Tierney   and Cassini had two daughters together Antoinette  Daria and Christina Tanya was pregnant with her   first daughter Soraya or Daria and volunteering  at the Hollywood canteen in the early 1940s when a   sick fan breached the rubella quarantine and came  up close to her the ripple effect from this one   event was enormous her daughter was born death  partially blind and mentally disabled because   contracted the virus from tyranny Tierney's life  would be plagued with anxiety because of the   tragedy Howard Hughes a close friend of tyranny's  covered all of Daria's medical bills so that she   could get the best treatment possible Tierney and  her husband Cassini divorced in 1946 and while the   Hollywood Starlet may have been devastated by  the event she eventually made a full recovery   during her time as a free agent tyranny dated  high-profile men like Kirk Douglas and John F   Kennedy tyranny had a whirlwind romance what none  other than Prince Ali Khan and the two were ready   to tie the knot until Prince Ali's father Aga Khan  III forbade the marriage W Howard Lee a Texas oil   tycoon and Gene Tierney's second and final husband  entered her life in 1958. Lee and Hollywood weary   tyranny were a great match especially after Lee's  painful divorce from on-screen siren and brilliant   scientist Hedy Lamarr now I did a video for having  Lamar y'all know she's my favorite right put her   in the encourage if you're interested but she's  the reason why you're able to use Wi-Fi right   now and she is just stunning just gorgeous right  up there with Gene Tierney the two of them led   a solitary existence until his death in 1981.  now let's get into her health in 1953 she began   to experience problems with her concentration and  memory which disrupted her film appearance Jean's   condition only worsened over time leading her to  seek help at the Institute of living in Hartford   Connecticut though the Institute aimed to provide  relief from her depression through its treatments   Jane attempted to flee the facility after 27  shock therapy sessions it was ultimately caught   by hospital staff and returned and though shock  therapy was when they put these two things on   the side of your head and they shocked you she  developed memory loss and this happened also to   Vivian Lee I don't know Gene's story reminds me a  lot of Vivian Lee I did a breakdown for her also   being the end card it was just wild she was also  very gorgeous Jean spoke about the shock therapy   and felt like it made things worse for her back  then Medical Science was just garbage you know   they didn't know much and they thought they did  so they had all of these very dangerous practices   that would make things worse and make people  develop memory issues or go into psychosis and   they just kept doing them and the shock therapies  were also painful and left scarrings on the side   of the head so Jean was trying to avoid it and  ran away and they captured her and forced her   back to get treatment which makes me think now  even with psychotic medications not that they   give people or therapy that they do and some of  these institutions it makes you kind of wonder   how ethical will they be maybe 50 years from now  because this was not that long ago okay this was   not that long ago that this was happening to  her this was in the 50s in late December 1957   A desperate Gene climbed onto the ledge of her  mother's 14th floor Manhattan apartment Window   and an apparent you know s attempt to take her  own life after about 20 minutes and they called   the cops she stepped back inside the apartment  after being convinced by authorities not to jump   in an attempt to reintegrate into society Jane  found work as a sales girl in a dress shop but   was recognized by a customer and featured in  Sensational newspaper headlines soon after   so she did much like Veronica Lake which I did a  breakdown for her also tried to leave the industry   and much like Veronica Lake Veronica went to work  at like a hotel and tried to be normal but when   they found her I was like oh we recognize your  beautiful face anywhere that's the same thing   that happened to Gene they recognize her beautiful  face and you know how headlines are very invasive   very disruptive not knowing what they do to these  people's mental health and so she was thrust back   into the Limelight due to tyranny's mental illness  battles and hospitalizations during this time   period She developed an addiction to prescription  pills including sleeping pills and barbiturates   this led to more problems with mental health that  lasted until the end of her life in 1991. despite   all these personal battles Jane continued making  movies throughout the 1960s including advice and   consent Toys in the Attic the pleasure seekers and  The Last Starfighter through it all she managed to   stay successful while living with bipolar disorder  although Jean Tierney fought hard against mental   illness throughout most of her adult life she  remained resilient Despite All Odds and managed   to stay strong until the very end of her career  in life tyranny is an inspiring example of someone   who adored many obstacles yet still achieved  Success Through determination and strength of   character and she unfortunately passed away in  Houston Texas on November 6 1991 days before   she would have turned 71 so she died at 70. her  death from emphysema was the result of a lifetime   of smoking and how I add my tidbit is that like  we saw with Vivian Lee Veronica Lake Hedy Lamarr   all these women and more that came into Hollywood  fully well you know and then started to develop   these mental illnesses where a lot of people don't  understand what trauma but imagine working in an   industry where you're constantly you have anxiety  surrounding your body how you eat you can just   overhear someone saying how fat you are when she  was never fat she was very slim when she was told   that she was fat which was very toxic or people  telling you to change your name in my video that   I did for Freddie Washington just yesterday we saw  how they were trying to make her pass as a white   woman when she was black because she actually  looked like she could be a white woman and how   Marilyn Monroe had to hide her Mexican Roots Etc  they would change your identity change your name   change your face your teeth your eyebrows you go  through electrolysis with your hair and so much   where you don't even recognize yourself in the  mirror a lot of these starlets also get physically   touched in know without their permission by these  Studio heads get passed around and my Diana doors   videos the parties that she did check out my Diana  Doris video If you haven't seen that also how she   would even use her beauty and face to host these s  parties where all they did was you know orgies if   you catch my drift and they would videotape these  starlets to Blackmail them to get them to perform   and Judy Garland and so many other stars that  spoke on the industry where they would force feed   them pills keep them inebriated to constantly keep  making money because money was what's important   so many breakdowns where we talked about this  and shown so many examples Chaka Khan tried to   tell us and I'm just more and more becoming more  and more weary of Hollywood every day we already   know Hollywood is weird but it's like you cannot  the glamor has just been lifted for me now when I   look at these starlets like just on the headlines  and I will have Amanda Bynes video coming soon but   seeing what happened to Amanda Bynes you know  breaks my heart and I was just watching an   interview with Cole Sprouse on the Diary of a  CEO I don't know guys I'm just very weary of   Hollywood and I know there's a lot of aspiring  future starlets actresses in the comments that   are always interested I just say know who  you are before you go into any industry know   who you are be grounded be spiritually grounded  mentally grounded and have boundaries and protect   yourself at any moment leave when you feel like  you're compromising too much it's never worth it   they will acquire all the money you know people  focus on the beauty the money the fame and they   don't see how these people are miserable unhappy  that they just wanted to end so bad that they're   ready to end their life look at the side case  of Marilyn Monroe and I can just make a list of   all the examples of these gorgeous women and men  from James Dean that we just did Michael Jackson   I would just traumatized from too much power  too much money too much wealth and it does get   to the head and this is why it's prevalent  there's a lot of substance use there's a   lot of people taking advantage of you whether  male or female in our James Dean video we saw   how he was basically the kept boy for every  undercover male and the industry that wanted   to have a boyfriend on the side would just  go and sleep with him you know just sad and   tragic and just I I can't I have no more words  but this is what's happening in Hollywood guys   share this video if you like the music they  listen to the link is in the description I   love you guys so much thank you for tuning  in don't forget to subscribe until next time thank you
Channel: Karine Alourde Biographies 🇭🇹
Views: 121,567
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Keywords: gene tierney, gene tierney age, gene tierney bio, gene tierney biography, gene tierney career, gene tierney death, gene tierney facts, gene tierney feet, gene tierney interview, gene tierney jfk, gene tierney laura, gene tierney life, gene tierney morte, gene tierney movies, gene tierney news, gene tierney now, gene tierney story, gene tierney then, gene tierney today, gene tierney young, info on gene tierney, life of gene tierney, tierney, what happened to gene tierney
Id: kxjkQfgqLXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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