Vivien Leigh could not stop having S3X! POSSESSED by high LlBlD0?

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hey friend welcome to my channel Karine  Alourde where we deep dive and break down   the most iconic stars in history if you're not yet  subscribed please be sure to do so and turn your   notifications on so you never miss an upload  today we're talking about Vivian lay why did   so many people in Hollywood think that she was  possessed by a demon we're gonna get into all of   those things unfortunately there was not a lot a  lot of knowledge back then so people just didn't   understand mental illness and mental health as  well as we do now so there was a lot of you know   some of the articles that I read on her the titles  everything was just so off and it's that she did   suffer with bipolar disorder which also caused  her to have an increased libido that she could not   satisfy her hunger for her sensual appetites if he  cashed my drift we're gonna get into all of those   juicy details but before we do many of you guys  don't know who Vivian Lee is so I'm gonna give   you guys a brief intro we're going to get into  her beauty secrets because she was also regarded   one of Hollywood's most beautiful gorgeous faces  of the golden age of Hollywood so we had to get   into her beauty secret and her childhood British  actress Vivian Lee some pronounced her name as   lay and both are fanatically correct I checked  because this is an updated video and I know many   of you guys are on the first one gave me a lot  of flack for pronouncing it lay British actress   Vivian Lee won the Academy Award for best actress  twice for her pivotal role as Blanche de Bois in   a movie adaptation of A Streetcar Named Desire and  Scarlett O'Hara and gone with the win she was also   honored with the Tony award for her performance in  the tovaric Broadway musical Lee was named as the   16th best female movie star of Classic Hollywood  Cinema by the American Film Institute in 1999.   despite having periods of inactivity in her  career she performed in comedies by Noel coward   and George Bernard Shaw as well as Shakespearean  classic psychophilia Cleopatra Juliet and Lady   Macbeth during the course of her 30-year career  she appeared in a couple movies as a character   actress later in her life Lee was considered  to be one of the most beautiful actresses of   our day she is gorgeous okay and her directors  emphasize this in most of her films when asked   if she believed her beauty had been an impediment  to being taken seriously as an actress she said   and I quote people think that if you look fairly  reasonable you can't possibly act and as I only   care about acting I think Beauty can be a great  handicap if you really want to look like the part   you're playing which isn't necessarily like you  end quote she developed a bad reputation as stated   of being difficult to deal with and suffered from  chronic tuberculosis which caused her death at   the young age of 53. she also battled bipolar  disorder for a significant portion of her life   which we will get into but as far as her beauty  secrets one of them was she got regular facials   all the time Vivian was insecure about her lower  lip so she drew it on larger in order to give the   illusion that her lips look fuller she also only  wore eyeshadow at night and in a 1951 Lydia Lane   article Where She interviewed Vivian I found this  excerpt very interesting she he stated that she   asked Vivian what her Top Beauty secret was and  sadly knowing Vivian's story oh it just touched   my heart because without hesitation she said an  ability to relax is the most important thing of   all I had to train myself to do it she smiled I  was born in November and Scorpios eat their own   Tales Thornton Wilder the author told me if you  really want to learn how to relax watch a cat how   it sleeps and stretches now I've trained myself  she says so that if I only have 10 minutes I can   sleep when asked if she has to watch her figure  she stated the only time I gain weight is when   I'm over tired and she also said she never goes on  a diet to lose weight because she loved food too   much to try to like restrict herself which I like  and as far as her beauty routine she does like   to do most things herself and she likes a lot of  cold water on her face and she also took off her   makeup every day with an oil and she also prided  herself in not following fashion trends and just   wearing things that suited her body type instead  of following a trip now as far as her childhood   Vivian and Mary Hartley that's her name who would  later become known as lay or Lee was born on the   5th of November in 1913 in a British Indian city  of Darjeeling in the province of Bengal Vivian   Hartley was the only child of British stock  broker and is Richard Hartley and his wife   Gertrude Mary Francis her Scottish father was born  in 1882 while her Roman Catholic mother who was of   Irish Parsi Indian and Armenian descent was born  in Darjeeling in 1888. on her mother's side Vivian   had grandparents who still lived in India when  she became famous Lee according to historians   hid the fact that she was Indian from Hollywood  so that she would not be reduced to films with   stereotypes nor face discrimination because  unfortunately during those times you guys know   how it was Hollywood was very Ross's if you guys  catch my turn so you had to be white American to   have any real success there so a lot of starlets  you'll be surprised that I did breakdowns for   already that are known as quote-unquote American  were not American at all they they were either   Indian they were Jewish they were from everywhere  else but America but they had to lie their way to   make it or else the audiences would not be too  open-minded America was just not open-minded at   all during that time and it's tragic so she also  had very curly hair that she straightened a lot   so she can appear more European and she would you  know make sure she made herself look as European   as possible for Hollywood 1917 Ernest Hartley her  father was transferred to Bangalore as an officer   in the Indian Cavalry Vivian made her stage debut  at the tender age of three reciting little bowl   beep with her mother's amateur theater troop  Gertrude Hartley wanted to Foster her mother   wanted to foster a love of books and her daughter  so she read aloud to her everything from Greek   mythology and Indian folk tales to the works of  Hans Christian Anderson Lewis Carroll Woodyard   Kipling you know Vivian's mother transferred  her from the Loretto Convent to the government   of the Sacred Heart she was just six years old  unfortunately this was sad for her because she was   away from her mother for two years at the boarding  school when she was at the school she met Maureen   O'Sullivan who is also a famous actress they  went to the same school together and she told   her friend that was two years older than her that  she wanted to be a great actor her father took her   out of school and when he came back and the family  traveled Europe for four years where she attended   schools in places like the Sacred Heart in San  Remo on the Italian Riviera and in Paris where she   picked up French in Italian the family returned to  Britain in 1931 she told her parents she wanted to   be an actress after seeing one of O'Sullivan's  films so her friend grew up to actually be an   actress and then she was like I could do this too  you know so her father quickly had her enrolled   at London's Royal Academy of dramatic art now in  1931 Vivian crossed paths with Herbert Lee Holman   also known as Lee Holman a lawyer who was 13 years  older than her his distaste for theatrical people   that was interested in the Arts because that's  what she was in schools for didn't stop them from   getting married on December 28 1932 in fact it was  the reason she stopped going to her our classes   and stop caring about acting it was in London on  October 12 1933 at the age of 19 that she gave   birth to her daughter Suzanne who would grow up to  be Suzanne Farrington Lee's friends encouraged her   to make her acting debut in the film things are  looking up playing a supporting role as a young   woman out of high school John Gilden the agency  she hired through her name Vivian Holman told her   that Vivian Holman was a terrible stage name she  needed to change that ASAP after she turned down   all of his options where one of them was April  mourn I thought that was a beautiful name that   could have been a beautiful name for her face too  it doesn't it fit her face could you have imagined   her being at April mourn that is really nice right  but she rejected that thought it was corny thought   it was tacky and she turned down all the options  he gave her she settled on Vivian lay as her stage   name but later she ended up wanting it to sound a  little bit more French a little bit more European   so she changed it to Vivian Lee she made her  acting debut in Sydney Carroll's 1935 production   of the masquerade hurt you but when she got rave  reviews and subsequent interviews and newspaper   articles Lee read the Margaret Mitchell novel Gone  With the Wind and instructed her American agent to   recommend her to David O Selznick who is planning  a film version she marked to a journalist I've   cast myself as Scarlett O'Hara David O Selznick  watched her performance out month in fire over   England and thought that she was excellent but  in no way a possible Scarlet because she was too   British it wasn't his first original choice Lee  traveled to Los Angeles to try to convince David   Selznick that she was in fact the right person  Lee had a terrible time filming Lee regularly   argued with Victor Fleming who took over for  cooker who was the original director when he   was fired and she preferred cookware to Fleming  they made friends with Clark Gable Carol Lombard   and Olivia De havilled but she didn't get along  with Leslie Howard liaison happiness was increased   by the fact that she was occasionally forced to  work seven days a week frequently into the night   on set lay started working ruling 16 hour days  on a regular basis and as a result of her stress   she's started smoking four packs in a single day  they even overdose on sleeping pills at her lowest   point Howard Fleming the second director  considered ramming his automobile off of a   cliff that's how miserable everyone was I didn't  know everyone was this miserable for the movie   it came out beautiful it was a masterpiece  right but wow the Depression was real even   the director wanted to end his own life because  he was so depressed the cast as expected was also   unhappy both Lee and Gabriel was certain that the  movie would be a complete failure and the thing is   Vivian had to work twice as hard as Clark Gable  and worked almost 120 days on set for this film   where Clark Gable only worked like 70 days she had  more lines and everything and she was just paid a   fraction of what he was paid he got top billing  and was essentially for this amount of work in   Hollywood considered paid pennies and this movie  went on to make billions of dollars it outpassed   Star Wars okay this was a big movie and she got  paid a fraction all of those things you can kind   of see could really make a person not happy right  but nonetheless gone with the win brought Vivian   immediate attention and fame the film won 10  Academy Awards including a Best Actress award   for Vivian who also won a New York film critic  Circle Award for best actress it's gonna into   some Scandal Lee saw a play starring England's  most promising new actor Lawrence Olivier when   she was in The Mask of virtue Lee looked at Olivia  and said to a friend that's the man I'm going to   marry ignoring the fact that not only she was  already married but was also already married   to Jill Esmond Vivian paid Lawrence Olivia's  secret visit in his dressing room Lee greeted the   aspiring actor and struck up a conversation before  sneaking a kiss on Olivia's neck and sashing out   of the room it was obvious that he fell in love  she was risky she was all that so he was like oh   I gotta have her less than a year after meeting  Vivian Lei Olivia abandoned his wife and little   kid the new pair had to hide their relationship  from their respective spouses who refused to give   him a divorce at that time she was in love but her  mental health started to slip Lee experienced a   terrible bipolar episode while she performed as  Ophelia in Hamlet Lee began yelling at Lawrence   Olivier as soon as she entered her dressing  room Olivier was shaken by the event he sent   frequently remarked that it felt like a switch  had been flipped Lee began yelling at him before   stopping abruptly and acting as if nothing had  occurred sadly she would continue to deteriorate   also when she won her Oscar for best actress  for Gone With the Wind Olivia was so jealous   that he took her Oscar and had to stop himself  from whacking her in the head with it according   to his own words he was insane with jealousy so it  didn't sound too much like a healthy relationship   due to her bipolar disease Vivian lay was sucked  into a terrifying world in the 1940s she would   become enraged and her voice would become hard  rasping scornful as her agent put it he said   her eyes though were the worst part because they  would change into the icy eyes of a stranger Lee   would lose Consciousness following such episodes  she wouldn't remember screaming and would be   horribly ashamed and apologetic and terrified  I must say so why I saw so many articles and   YouTube videos of her being possessed why so many  people are saying I've seen and unheard of course   of people being possessed by demons I know with  the stigma that Haitians and Voodoo and all that   since I am Haitian descent but it is something  that happened quite frequently especially at   church or just in your neighborhoods would know  someone worships this Spirit or whatever if they   worship the spirit sometimes the spirit will come  to them and take over their body and you know and   the same person will make shrines for the spirit  or whatever but when that Spirit possesses them   they become a whole different person their eyes  will go cold their voice change sometimes their   voices are recognizable it can sound like an  animal or whatever and they'll just be acting   up crazy they're trying to harm themselves they're  trying to harm others or be very sensual explicit   you know what I mean like taking off their clothes  trying to you know seduce everyone around them and   the minute the spirit decides to leave them or  give them rest for that time they won't remember   a thing they won't remember a thing that happened  so a lot of times in Hollywood these people if   y'all ain't seen my Chaka Khan video too which  thank you guys for running the views up on that   one I appreciate it I'm so happy with how well  it's doing but she kind of spoke on the Demonic   nature of Hollywood also we all know in Hollywood  that many artists and celebrities have spoke speak   out sometimes about kind of the worship and they  do have their own spirits that they worship their   own quote-unquote Gods that they do worship also  a lot of them and they pay homage to them whether   through symbolism colors and stuff it's not like  a fake thing and you know there's a lot of people   that will have you believe that it's all fake  people are paranoid people are this but then when   you're from spiritual countries if you're from  the Caribbeans or you know those type of places   you know those things are not you know paranoid  people quote unquote it makes me think of Doja   cat you know it's not a paranoid thing these  are things that happen all the time a lot of   people in Hollywood know about this life okay and  so they used to basically speak out it reminds me   of my Betty Page video also if you haven't check  it out she went through similar events as Vivian   lay where she was the first pinup model and she  even took the life of someone you know she went   that far well so people think maybe that could be  it but then also there is a mental health element   to it where yes there are is people that have like  my sister suffered a stroke after giving birth   and it does alter your mind sometimes certain  illnesses and certain medications you get on and   stuff like that there's a lot that can contribute  to a person acting up too so it is unfair to just   like you can't go around labeling people oh you  possessed like that's unfair right because a lot   of times it is a mental health issue and it's  not that especially when it's Hollywood people   like to jump to that conclusion first because of  all that surrounds Hollywood so I get that also   but it's also unfair to just label her so I won't  say that was what was happening with her you guys   come up with your own conclusion in a comment but  be fair please be fair Lee's bipolar disorder was   manifested in more than just her Young yelling  and crying though additionally it increased Lee's   desires like we stated causing the actress to  have strong overwhelming impulses for intimacy   in an effort to fulfill her needs the actress  frequently cheated on her spouse by having affairs   with delivery men strangers and cab drivers she  would just whoever she'd go in a cab and be like   hey I want it and who's gonna say no to Scarlett  O'Hara she was a big deal right I also had affairs   with women also it was just Whoever Whenever  multiple times a day it was just that's just how   it is while on tour with Lee and Australia Olivier  stumbled upon a rising star in the form of young   actor Peter Finch Olivia was so thrilled that  he quickly hired Finch to appear on stage with   him in spite of Olivia's generosity Finch slept  with Olivia's wife Vivian ugh but by 1948 Olivia   reportedly felt relieved that Vivian had found  someone other than him because of his exhaustion   from her constant mood swings and obsessive  sensual appetites like he couldn't satisfy her   in bed anymore she was like yeah take her off my  hands after her death Peter Finch would say that   you know intimacy with lay was a lot like being  high it was a stimulant is strong and addictive   as anything else he also referred to her inability  to find satisfaction as a sickness because even he   eventually was like sis I I'm tired Lee became  ill in 1943 while volunteering for allied forces   in North Africa it is having a severe cause of  tuberculosis until 1944. the doctors believed   she had recovered after she spent some time in the  hospital but they didn't fully recover her so they   released her which would come back to haunt her in  her later life one scene and Caesar and Cleopatra   which she filmed in 1945 required lead to Sprint  across a recently polished floor she did this   only to take a horrific fall all while carrying a  Child Lee miscarried as a result of the incident   which in turn caused her to experience a severe  depression Lee would frequently cry like a baby on   the floor the actress had trouble sleeping at all  occasionally lacked the ability to regulate her   impulses when this time came around leave stress  and sadness would become chillingly obvious the   normally reserved British actress would frequently  lose her temper and start screaming curse words at   people she would go into her dressing room and cry  for hours eventually requiring sedation and on a   return to England once there Olivia her husband  thought he had exhausted all other options and   for three months he locked Vivian up in an asylum  and subjected her to excruciating electroshock   therapy where they just kept shocking her brain  which left scars on her Temple and everything   which now we know did not fix anything if anything  it just put the people in pain but they thought   they were doing something uh it's just hard to  be living back then it was not as glamorous as   you guys think Lee experienced the Meltdown she  once left her clothes at home and went into the   streets without any clothes and entered a public  park sadly Olivia was forced to haul her across   the room after she later lost her cool and started  beating him with a wet towel and he justified you   know putting hands on her a lot by you know her  irrational Behavior her most recent breakdown   proved to be too much for Olivier to handle after  over 20 years of marriage with Vivian he moved in   with Joan all right after leaving Vivian Vivian  swiftly found herself in the clutches of actor   Jack Maryville while Olivia was smitten with Joan  plowright he told Olivier that he would take care   of Lee and in 1960 Olivier formerly divorced Lee  knowing she was in good care paper changed even   more once her marriage broke up it made her really  depressed that she was really sad because he was   the love of her life she insisted on bringing her  Renoir and Picasso artwork wherever she went like   she was just walking around with this artwork  no matter where she went they Vivian played   the lead role in a theatrical musical tovarik in  1963 around this same time and she experienced   a severe breakdown that caused her to forget her  lines and she was singing songs up to three times   quicker than she was she was just singing a song  but in super speed right and even attacked her own   co-stars while they were performing in front of an  audience she occasionally required restraint and   medication due to her out of control conduct and  Vivian's performance was recognized with a Tony   Award despite her excruciating discomfort on July  8 she passed away in London Lee's tuberculosis   flared up again in the summer of 1967. the actress  got out of bed to go to the bathroom as she lay in   bed trying to recuperate from the illness she  unfortunately passed out while walking Olivia   hurried to Vivian's side one more time despite the  fact that they had split up seven years earlier he   insisted on remaining by her body till the police  took it away Olivier assisted Maribel in planning   Lee's Funeral and made plans to have her cremated  and have her ashes added close to her favorite   house and it's just sad you know how she ended wow  that's a lot right that's a lot it just goes to   show you no matter how beautiful famous wealthier  person is you just never know what people are   battling there's people that she hid this very  well from the public for a very very long time   until she couldn't anymore um but she was always  suffering in silence and a lot of times you see   people was with her who knows something that maybe  they were medicating her or stuff like that to   keep her sane on the red carpets so you never know  sometimes these artists they get burnt out they   overwork and they lose their minds from a role  and they tend to need you know people around them   to medicate them quote unquote to just help them  survive and they're not as happy as you think you   know it's just really really sad but comment below  your thoughts what do you guys think who else   would you guys like to see if you like the music  you're listening to the link is in the description   support my brother and I love you guys so much  thank you for tuning in until next time time
Channel: Karine Alourde Biographies 🇭🇹
Views: 321,179
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Keywords: arte vivien leigh, blanche dubois, life of vivien leigh, streetcar named desire, the life and sad ending vivien leigh, viven leigh possessed, viven leigh style, vivien, vivien leigh, vivien leigh autobiography, vivien leigh beauty secrets, vivien leigh bio, vivien leigh biography, vivien leigh documentary, vivien leigh facts, vivien leigh info, vivien leigh interview, vivien leigh laurence olivier, vivien leigh movies, vivien leigh wiki, what happened to vivien leigh
Id: jAavDQ8ck90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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