Bethel School Of Prophets 2018 Session 2 | Dan McCollam

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investing as fathers in the prophetic all over the world but some of you may not know that Dano is not just a prophet he's he's he's a revolutionary he really is and he's a reformer who is a father in the worship movement and in the prophetic movement and there's not many people who carry that same type of anointing on planet earth right now and so I think it's a real privilege and I want you to to turn up your the volume in your spirits because when Danna speaks he released things in words and if you just listen to the words you'll miss the revelation in the spirit that he's releasing at the same time and I want us to get all of it would you stand to your feet and welcome Danno McCollum as he comes to share with us today Wow Thanks I'm green thank you guys for that encouragement I received that I do I'll take that blessing it's humbling to be here because there's awesome people in this room there's powerful people in this room and we just feel privileged and honored to be sharing our little piece of the kingdom with you I want to just recognize my wife real quick she's with me today Regina on the front row she doesn't get to travel with me very often and so it's such a joy to have her here with me we have four kids the oldest is 31 and the youngest is 12 so people ask was the last one a surprise I said no the third one was a surprise the fourth one was a shock we we cried for a month and then we broke off everything less like oh we want you please come and so we have three grandchildren as well and so my daughter goes to a public school where her brother is one of the teachers and my granddaughter starts preschool too so it's like I don't know it's getting weird but it helps us think generationally and then I just want to recognize our prophetic company from Vacaville so all our folks from the prophetic company the the trainers and the coaches and if you guys would just all stand all yeah and these guys are amazing and I encourage you to to catch them and find out you know the real story that would be good I want to share with you today I I truly believe this is not a hype thing I truly believe that we're in the greatest prophetic movement in history and that's because more people are prophesying in the earth right now than any time in history and I see this as a fulfillment of God's dream I love how when we delight ourselves in the Lord that he fulfills the desires of our heart but I also believe that as we see that happening we get more invested in his dream as well and his dream is this he said in the last days I'll pour out my spirit on all flesh so every son and daughter can prophesy so prophecy is not just a fad it's not just a trend that is popular in the church it's part of the dream of God being fulfilled within the earth in this time and we'll talk more about that this week but obviously I was quoting from Joel 2:28 and 29 when that prophecy was made and in acts 2 15 to 17 when it's fulfilled and it's interesting in the acts 2 portion it says in the last days I will pour out my spirit on all flesh and that word is the Greek word eschaton where we get our word eschatology so no matter what your eschatology is if it doesn't start with the outpouring of God's Spirit on all flesh you won't end in the right place if you look for signs in the earth before you look for signs in the believer you're gonna end up at the wrong place because the first signs are in the believer and that sign is his spirit being poured out on all flesh so every son and daughter could prophesy and prophesy is not just the tool of blessing it's the tool of destiny it's the ability nothing gives you more dignity than to know you can hear the voice of God the ultimate justice you know there's a lot said about social justice right now but the ultimate justice is the restoration of dignity and nothing gives you more dignity than to know you can hear the voice of God for yourself so it's attached to social justice within the earth when you teach someone to recognize how they hear the voice of God you dignify that individual with a dignity that can never be stolen away and you've released justice in the earth so there's something about this prophetic movement right now that is just swallowing up swallowing me up with with a sense of being propelled forward in the love of God and I think there's an incredible opportunity in front of us right now and there's four transitions I see happening in the prophetic movement that I want to speak to a little bit this morning and the first one is this it's the transition from demonstrators to equip it doesn't mean that will quit demonstrating we always need people to demonstrate a higher level of what's possible so please understand that we're not leaving behind the demonstration of higher levels of what is available to us and what is possible to us we always need that but the emphasis in times past and not by the persons themselves but often by the church is to lift up those individuals that hide a high level of prophetic gifting in a way that separated us so that we only had prophecy when the prophets came to town so in the church prophecy would be there when prophets came to town they would call a few people out and and and do these amazing things and we would all you know you and I and wonder at what was going on and that was awesome I love those days you know some people would wear red and some people would hide because back then prophecies weren't always a good thing either you didn't know what you were gonna get and but the thing is when the prophets left prophecy left and and and so there was something there was something about that that doesn't really match the scriptural call of the office of a prophet a lot of people ask me what do prophets do oh that's a great question you know some people are kind of realizing yeah maybe I do have this prophetic office well there's a thousand expressions of what prophets do but there's one instruction in Scripture there's a thousand demonstrations of what a prophet can do but there's one instruction and it's in Ephesians 4:11 to 13 so Christ Himself gave the Apostles the prophets the evangelists the pastors and the teachers to equip his people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature attaining the whole measure of the fullness of Christ there's one instruction for the office of Prophet there's thousands of demonstrations in Scripture but one instruction and that is instruction is to equip the Saints and there's a transition in this prophetic movement right now from just demonstration to equipping and it has to do with what Chris was talking about a moment ago prophets are no longer you know trying to protect their exclusivity not that you know there were many many great prophets that went before that did not do that but they were some that we're competing with one another and kind of protecting their position and and that's so opposite of what God is doing God's dream is to pour out his spirit on all flesh so every son and daughter can prophesy it of course doesn't mean we're all prophets as a matter of fact when you really understand this passage you understand that God's goal is not to make profits out of everyone but that apostolic grace prophetic grace pastoral grace evangelistic grace and teaching grace would be upon every son and daughter so honestly there's something about being called to the specialty of prophecy that even in some ways feels less than the average believer because the average believer gets to focus on receiving and operating in all five Grace's whereas we're specializing in one to make sure that that grace is in the earth you know what I'm saying so what happens is when we think in as prophets only as demonstrators we tend to build pyramids instead of platforms we tend to put somebody at the top and then somebody underneath and and all those kind of things and and any and so then we build these structures that are always top down and listen there always has to be a line of government there always has to be a line of authority and and and that's important but oftentimes we build these structures where everybody is under and then we preach surpass me it's incongruent to say that I want you to surpass me but you must stay under me and then we wonder why we don't see more in the generation following than we saw in our own where is this increase of his kingdom where is this increase of his government well it happens when we understand that apostles and prophets are the foundation not the capstone when we understand that they're the platform we build on not the top of the pyramid because pyramids are just the tombs of the kings who built them I'm trying Ephesians 2:19 to 21 consequently you're no longer foreigners and strangers but fellow citizens with God's people and also members of his household built on the foundation of the apostles plural and prophets plural with Christ Jesus himself as the chief Cornerstone in him the whole building is joined together and rises together to become a holy temple in the Lord see understanding that we're joined together helps us understand that we can only rise together if we understand that we're joined together will understand how to rise together well we're not just a prophetic entity we're a prophetic movement well we're not just a powerful prophetic gift we're actually shaping and forming culture but it happens when people really move into this transition where they understand that there's a foundation that God is building if you want to be on top that could be a problem because God's building a foundation you know for years like in the 80s we were always asking who are you under who are you under who are you submitted to and and you know it's important there again there has to be accountability there has to be lines of authority I'm not into Anarchy here but scripturally it'd probably be more appropriate to say who are you building on who are you building on and you know what I love the top of the pillar pyramid is singular but the foundation is plural there's a plurality of people pouring into my life there's a plurality of apostles and prophets that have influenced my journey and if they are my foundation and not my capstone then I'm able to take the treasures of who they are and add it to my life see I used to think that honoring the Prophet that trained me originally that honoring him was to say wow he's so awesome I could never be like that because he did do some incredible things I remember one time him running around the room and rather him England and grabbing people's hands in wheelchairs and yanking them out and they would start running behind him and he did that with 12 people and you know so you're kind of like all right setting the bar kind of high here now it's your turn then I realized that to honor those that have poured into my life the goal is to do what they do and to do what I'm called to do now I'm so just practical that I think the double portion anointing is just hanging out with someone until everything that's on their life gets on your life but not forsaking your own gifts and Colleen and their anointing plus my anointing equals the double portion a 19 and I believe this is how we see generational revival released within the earth this is how we go from glory to glory with ever-increasing glory this is how we see the increase of his government and his kingdom that has no end is when we realize that God is building a foundation of apostles and prophets and when we come together as a prophetic community and are willing to be the bottom willing to be the base that something is built on top of I think there's something to that because if we're joined together we can rise together and I want to qualify this statement Annie one of our trainers here help me with this statement because I I was probably saying it wrong in a way that wasn't honoring to the pioneers of the past because there were a lot of pioneers in the past who stood alone because no one else was going that way and there might be some of those in this room as well but there are also people that chose to be alone and you know we found that the lone ranger becomes the weird stranger especially when it comes to profits that we actually need each other to be healthy we need communities to be healthy and so I see this transition happening the first transition is from demonstrator to equip it's not that we quit demonstrating we have to keep setting the bar but we have to see ourselves as part of the foundation that God is building for the church and not the capstone we have to be willing to take that position and that position is a place of plurality and that is a position that allows people to build on top of us not just underneath us and I think it's a huge transition and I think it's one that people have missed in the past and I think there's an opportunity in front of us right now to be the generation that gets it a few months ago we did a we did a parenting the prophetic conference at our church Chris was a part of it Shawn Bowles was a part of it and we were teaching parents how to recognize the prophetic graces and gifts and their children and how to cultivate that and it had really poor attendance for what I was expecting what parent wouldn't want to call the prophetic destiny out of their child I'm like what is this about but I was in France two weeks before and and we had an off day that we didn't expect and our host took us to a place where the Huguenots revival started and and if you don't know this there was in the 1680s there were 2,000 children prophets the Spirit of God was poured out upon these prophets and one of them it began with a child who was nine months old standing up in their crib and preaching in perfect French that didn't even speak yet and began to speak of what was happening and what was coming and and all these children were two thousand prophets under the age of 19 and there's I I remember reading the book there's there was a book about it I remember reading that book when I was 17 years old and and it planted something in my spirit and to be unexpectedly standing on that soil where that happened two weeks before we were doing a parenting the prophetic conference I I said I don't care who comes now because I know we're doing the right thing I know that God wants to raise up children prophets again in the earth and and if it were not taking a place of foundation we're gonna miss it we're just gonna miss it we're not gonna be able to receive it so these are transitions that are something you have to embrace there's something you have to take a hold of I feel like you know the the the Israelites came to that prophetic moment where they could cross the promised land they could cross into the Promised Land through the Jordan by faith or they could miss it and it would go around for another generation and I feel like some of these things have been going around for generations I don't know that we've seen that kind of visitation upon a generation of children in 400 years I don't want to miss that I want to miss that but it's gonna take a different paradigm it's gonna take a different way of seeing it's gonna take a different way of thinking repentance is not saying I'm sorry repentance is changing your mind about something it's about getting a new mindset that allows the kingdom to come through in a different way in a different expression and guys I believe we're gathered for purposes like this we're gathered to embrace these trends we're not just training you to hear better see better feel more all those kind of things we're not training in the gift of prophecy we're training in the gift of Prophet and I think there's this huge whiteboard in front of us in this generation that is saying what do you want prophet to look like in this generation and the generations to come and I think we're invited into this opportunity if we can see the transitions that God has for us and so this first one is just from only demonstrator to equip the seen that this equipping of the Saints that this pouring out of his spirit upon all flesh is God's dream and that that's part of our assignment in the kingdom of God the second transition that I see in Chris valeton has been an absolute champion of this in the earth when it comes to the prophetic is from the Old Covenant judgment base to prophecy to New Covenant reconciliation based prophecy it's moving out of the Old Covenant based where we would use our prophetic gifts to expose sin and to pronounce judgments now I have to share some things with you here and I'm not going to use any names and you wouldn't know because I'm not I don't think you'll be able to track this but you'll be able to track with this thank you Chris these are prophetic people's there ain't no what I'm gonna say but let me speak it for confirmation then so my my prophetic journey has been really really interesting because I was raised Presbyterian and I'm from a line of four hundred years of Presbyterian ministers and when I got filled with the Holy Spirit they invited me to leave and I accepted and that's not an anti Presbyterian statement cuz I'm so thankful for my heritage but the particular church that I was in was not embracing the things of the Spirit and and so they honestly they fairly nicely just wrote me a letter of non-membership while I was still attending and my parents were on the board and I was living at home because I was a teenager my grandfather who was a Presbyterian minister spoke six languages he could read and write in Greek and Latin in Hebrew and and and a mighty man and did some great things in the earth but he had turned to more of a liberal view than an evangelical view and this was at the tail end of the Jesus Movement and I was red-hot on fire for the message of salvation that's all I knew and and my grandfather our last conversation on the earth together was him looking me in the eyes and saying if I believe what you believe is true then I have to say my whole life was a waste and I'm not prepared to do that I wasn't smart enough or trained enough to speak reconciliation in that moment and a treasure and value all that he was to the kingdom of God because my zeal surpassed my knowledge by quite quite a bit but then I was you know brought into some kind of charismatic / Pentecostal circles and the training was not like training today as a matter of fact there was an old prophet that I would go on the streets with sometimes and he would prophesy people's sins and judgments over them and he had actually been the catalyst one of the catalysts for the Jesus Movement he was on a campus and the Lord told him to go to a certain place on a certain day and preach on that spot and when he got there there was a communist guy standing there you know speaking his doctrines and he said excuse me sir you're gonna have to move and he said what are you talking about he said well God told me to come and preach on this spot at this exact time and he said well I don't I don't believe in your God and and I'm not moving he said no you don't understand sir God told me that I'm to speak here well people are gathering around because they're kind of hearing this argument and the guy goes well I don't believe in your God and I'm not moving he goes no you don't understand you're gonna move or you're gonna die and he goes well I'm not moving and he said we'll die then and he dropped over dead so there was a policeman there Campus policeman who is now a preacher of the gospel because that happened and it caused quite a stir on the campus there so this was one of the guys that trained me do not make me mad no I'm teasing [Applause] yeah so we would stand on college campuses and he would he was blind he'd been blinded three times healed twice waiting for his next healing he had three-quarters of the Bible memorized he could he could speak any verse backward or forward you could call out a verse and he could recite it from the first word to the end or the last word to the end backward or forward amazing guy but he was he's this old blind guy he'd he'd hold it onto my arm while he was preaching and he would call people everything but Saint and I saw the murder in their eyes and I'd be like a brother and I remember somebody calling out how do you know what we're like because you can't even see tears began to stream down his eyes and he said I wish you could see what I could see it was beautiful it was powerful it was scary he been blinded three times by crowds hitting him with bricks and rocks and things like that his wife was in a mental institution from being hit by a brick and damaging her brain and I remember one time we were seeing in the sanctuary and he's holding on to my arm and he's like Dan ow how big is this room and I began to tell him the dimensions of the room and he said if you took everybody that I said died and they died and stacked them up this room would not hold them yeah isn't that encouraging I had another mentor who when he was sharing the gospel he would say you you know you might if you don't receive Christ today you might leave this room today and as you're pulling out of the parking lot you're hit by car and and it's all over and and it would happen that day and it happened multiple times so then we'd have these prophets come in that would expose people's sins and speak judgments and all I knew is that what they were doing worked do you understand what I'm saying like what they were doing obviously had some fruit and it worked their whole thing was scaring the hell out of people and that's kind of the way that I was trained and that's that's some of what I was raised in and so when it came to understanding the difference between Old Testament prophecy and New Testament prophecy there was some confusion for me because I spent a couple decades with these guys having amazing signs and wonders happening and people repenting and all this stuff but always knowing that something about it it didn't feel like the love of God it didn't feel like the heart of God no come on you can last it is funny I just I don't know I feel like sometimes we talk about these stuff and we only talk about it like it's all bad and the heart of it the spirit of it is is wrong and weird but some of you were raised up in this kind of thing where you're saying man I saw real things happen that I haven't really seen paralleled in New Covenant settings and and it causes me to question some of the validity of what we're saying so here's where I want to go today with this there's a transition right now from Old Testament style prophecy to New Testament value prophecy from judgment and sin to reconciliation and restoration and I am so thankful for Chris valeton who's been a champion of that there have been times where Chris has stood alone in groups of prophets to say no I I believe this you know I stand for this new covenant I stand for this new thing and this is where I want to go with it there's so many opinions about it but let's let's not deal with your way or my way let's deal with Yahweh for a minute because what we're really talking about is not a style of prophecy what we're talking about is the glories of the cross what we're talking about is what was the cross all about in terms of prophecy and and I just want to say this that as son of man Christ fulfilled all the requirements of the law the scripture said that Jesus didn't come to abolish the old but to fulfill it in what way did he fill it fulfill it as son of man he fulfilled all the requirements of the law everything he fulfilled it all so he actually fulfilled that covenant but as son of God it was always his desire to establish a new covenant but the restrictions of a covenant are this that one of the members of the covenant has to die to establish a new one so there were two choices either all of mankind had to die so he could establish a new covenant or God had to die because the covenant was between God and man and so what happened is in the brilliance the genius of God God said as son of man I will fulfill the old and his son of God I will die to establish the new so God died so he could write a new covenant so he could set us free from the limitations of the old covenant and establish a new one and that covenant is between God the Father and the son so that you can't mess it up and then he invites us into the Covenant that he has with the father so when we go back to the old and pull it into the new can you do it yes you can do it when when the sons of thunder said do you want us to call down fire on this city call down judgment on this city Jesus didn't say they couldn't do it he didn't say that's not within your power not within your authority he said you don't know what spirit you're off chris says it this way you'll have to go to a different spirit to get that so for me this transition was a big deal and what what made it in arguable for me what put the stake in the ground is that everything must point to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ everything I will glory and nothing but the cross of Christ whereby I'm crucified to the world and the world is crucified to me and when we cross the bloodline of Jesus Christ to bring something of the Old Covenant into the New Covenant we're trampling on the blood of Christ we're making ourselves an enemy of the cross to do it we're sewing back up the veil within the temple so can it work yeah it can work it can work I've seen it work I've seen those things happen but what brings glory to Christ what brings Laurie to Christ so many prophets are validated by their prophecies coming true that was Jonah's problem as well he's like hey I prophesied the destruction of the city and they repented and now you're not going to destroy it and I look back and we have the same thing today when profits on the Internet are prophesying tsunamis and earthquakes and fires and when they're associating it with the judgment of God and they're feeling validation from their prophecy coming true when lives are being lost and things within the earth are being destroyed and what I'm saying is can that be true it can be true but you have to cross the blood line to do it you have to make the cross of no effect to do it you have to make yourself an enemy of the Cross to do it you have to sew up the veil in the temple which is his flesh his body broken for you you have to sew it up to do it and I'm not prepared to do that may I glory and nothing but the cross of Jesus Christ may I glory and nothing but the cross of Jesus Christ listen when we really understand the extent to which God went to establish a new covenant when we understand that the riches of His grace in Christ Jesus as the Son of man to fulfill the old as the Son of God to establish the new how can we cross over that line again how can we cross over that line you know people often ask well didn't Jesus pronounce a lot of judgments over Jerusalem and over the hypocrites and over the yes but all things are being summed up in the person of Jesus Christ and he was summing up the judgment that would be upon those who refuse the new and stayed in the old if you want to stay in the old then you come under the limitations and the judgment and the consequences of the old and so the prophecies were associated with their rejection not of God himself but of the new covenant that was being established and so they chose to be under an Old Covenant now some would say well the same is true when a city has rejected God we can pronounce judgment over it because they've rejected God they haven't rejected his covenant because they don't know of his covenants because they are not the people of his covenant they are not the people that were assigned to carry his covenant within the earth these were the priests these were the leaders that had studied the Old Covenant for years and years and years rejecting the new covenant and choosing to stay under the old even in the midst of signs and wonders and miracles that displayed Christ's divinity and the authenticity of the New Covenant so those judgments that we see coming from Jesus over cities and over people are not a model of New Covenant prophecy they are what the finality of Old Covenant prophecy looked like for those that would stay under an Old Covenant but it does not apply to a pre-christian person city or place today we've got to understand that one of the transitions that's necessary in this hour is a full transition a complete transition into profits of a new and better covenant profits of a new and better covenant there was a time where we in the church we were asking the question how close can we get to the world without falling in how close can we get what's the line of sin it's the wrong question the tribe that we're running with right now is how much of the Christ life can we have on the earth how much of the resurrected Christ the Ascended lifestyle can we have on the earth right now with without going a nook you get in these glory realms where you are so transfigured where you're so transformed that you just phase out of this reality into another reality it's like no that's art we're not even going that way well our focus is not to create a greater sin consciousness within the earth our focus is to create a greater god consciousness within the earth our goal is not to point out what's wrong with the earth is to fix what's wrong in the earth through the answer the Lord Jesus Christ and the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that have been hidden for such a time as this so we're looking for profits that are firmly established in the new covenant prophetic purpose and protocol first Corinthians 14:3 obviously but the one who prophesize speaks to people for their strengthening their encouraging in their comfort and it's like that sounds like just a warm and fuzzy Club just speak nice things just be nice just speak good things yeah that's not exactly it encouragement comfort and strength what is the focus of that you know 11 times in the Old Testament there is a statement that includes at least two of these three elements and often includes all three and it is this before the people were to take the land before a king was to take his throne before before an enemy was to be conquered God would say three things he'd say be strong and be a good courage for the Lord your God is with you so they had to find three things in God's strength encouragement and comfort to take ahold of an earth-shaking destiny listen New Testament prophecy is not a bless me club it is an impartation of courage strength and comfort to take a hold of earth-shaking destinies what they had to generate and find in the Old Covenant is imparted through the grace of new covenant prophecy so that people have the courage and the strength and the comfort to transform the world with Kingdom realities so it's not just a bless me club it's not just saying a bunch of nice things it's releasing the grace that transforms the earth 2nd Corinthians 5:17 to 19 it says therefore if anyone is in Christ the new creation has come the old is gone the new is here and all this is from God who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us this Ministry of reconciliation that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ not counting people's sins against them and he has committed to us this message of reconciliation so our ministry is a ministry of reconciliation our ministry is a ministry of restoration these are the glories of the New Covenant and I'm saying can we explore the glories of the New Covenant can we see how much of the Ascended lifestyle we can have on this earth how much of the Christ's life can we take a hold of and manifest and release within the earth and if we're going to see the riches of his glory in this realm we've got to be fully committed to a new covenant pattern not bring some of the old over but be fully committed to the New Covenant which God went to such great lengths to establish on our behalf come on get rid of all the old yeast all the old yeast because a little bit of yeast infection together we rise together because we're joined together we rise together we're looking for a prophetic company of new covenant prophets who want to explore the glories of the new covenant and bring nothing of the old because the old was fulfilled in the son of man and the new was established through the Son of God he was both God and man for the purpose of a greater covenant the spirit of Elijah even turns the hearts of fathers to sons the disobedient to wisdom that sounds like the Ministry of reconciliation to me there's a restoration a reconciliation that comes from a true understanding of New Covenant realities and really understanding our assignment in the prophetic and in the New Covenant let's move on the third transition that I see is from consumer to contributor alright prophetic communities that are there not just to consume the prophetic grace but to contribute to the prophetic greats Colossians chapter 2 verse 2 to 3 it says my goal is that they may be encouraged in heart united in love so they can have the full riches of complete understanding that they may know the mystery of God namely Christ and whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge I believe God's dream for the prophetic was not just to give us words to bless one another but to affirm our access to the heart and mind of Christ and now we can use this access to find treasures of wisdom and knowledge to release and manifest the kingdom of God around us and that's why the current move is so centered in prophetic innovation do you understand that the current move is about prophetic innovation the current move is about accessing the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that have been hidden in Christ not hidden from us but hidden for us for such a time as there we have a guy in our church who is a cancer researcher and he last year was given the first fda cures for three types of cancer there are treatments but he's been given the FDA approval for the first types of cures for cancer and he received it by a prophetic revelation he began to color-code cancer cells and identify different cancer cells and how they respond and he understood that you have to treat every cancer differently you can't prescribe the same thing for each type and he found this solution for certain types of cancer cells through prophetic revelation I'm telling you we're in a season where God is not just wanting to release sermons and signs he's wanting to release solutions through prophets solutions through prophets there's a Solomon wisdom and a Daniel type wisdom that's being released in the prophetic right now to access the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that have been hidden in the person of Jesus Christ and it will understand that it's about prophetic innovation if we'll understand that these messages of divine union these messages of grace these messages of the kingdom of God that are all converging upon the church each of them have been evident in the church at different times but there is a convergence of truth right now that is bringing us to a divine union with Christ so that we could access the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that have been hidden in Christ for a generation who would get it I want to be that generation I want to be that generation we're not just here to to rehearse what we've already seen and heard we're here to access what I has not seen what ear is not heard was not even entered the imagination of mankind that God prepared for us in advance and now is being revealed by his Spirit it's about prophetic innovation it's about moving from a consumer mentality of the prophetic to a contributor mentality of the prophetic that everyone is bringing something that because first Corinthians 13 says we know in part and we prophesy in part we have to understand we've been existing with partial knowledge and partial revelation because we haven't come together as a community but we're prophetic communities our birth we have more parts of knowledge more parts of the prophetic because we all no matter how much you know no matter how much you see no matter how much you encounter you have a part and God limited you to that part because he always wanted you to be a body he always wanted you to be a community and whenever you treat one piece as if it's the whole puzzle you're subject to deception and so God is building prophetic communities within the earth so that the parts can come together so that the pieces of knowledge the pieces of wisdom the pieces of Revelation could come together and form a complete picture a complete puzzle because the treasures of wisdom and knowledge had not been hidden from us but hidden for us but we have to understand that we're joined together before we rise together we have to get away from just a consumer mentality oh let's this let's get a word from the Prophet you know honestly anybody who does a little bit of this you do get tired of the line of a hundred two hundred three hundred people standing in front of you wanting a word it's like do you not even hear the message that I'm sharing that what's in me is on you too that you can have greater than I have that you can have more than what I have why are you standing in front of me I'm happy to serve you I'm happy to give you a word but can't you hear the message you're not here as a consumer you're here as a contributor you're here because God has qualified every person on the planet to hear his voice to know his thoughts to see what God sees to feel what God feels by the outpouring of his Holy Spirit and all this was made possible through the New Covenant the cross of Jesus Christ all this is brought back to the glory and the honor of the Lord Jesus Christ and it will understand the opportunity that we stand in right now in history to turn the corner in the prophetic step fully into new covenant to step fully into out of consumer mode and into contributor mode where each person brings their part where people start innovating in the prophetic where we use these messages of divine union and the grace of God in the kingdom of God to access the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that have been hidden for us in the person of Christ God prepared these things in advance for a generation such as this and I feel like we're standing on the brink looking into it but not fully accessing it why because we have to be joined together to rise together there's pockets of those that have pioneered and crossed over and are bringing back the treasures of wisdom and knowledge but God has it for a whole people the scripture says that God's thoughts towards us or as many as the sands of the seashore somebody did the math to figure out how many grains of sand there are in the earth and it's in the quintillions and if you take that if you take that number and you divide it by roughly how many people are on the planet it means that there are 1.5 billion ideas available to every human being on the planet right now if God's thoughts towards us if that's not just a metaphor if he's really saying my thoughts towards you or as many as the sands of the seashore and you do the math of how many sand there is and how many people there are and you just divide that up you have a lifetime worth of innovation to pioneer in your generation in your sphere in your field why did God pour out his spirit upon all flesh because he has quadrillions of thoughts that he wants to release within the earth that have been hidden in the person of Christ what I is not seen what here is not here what has never entered the thoughts of man God is revealing now through his spirit see we have been limiting ourselves to only what we've known and what we've seen when our call is to show what has never been seen what has never been heard not something ante biblical or extra biblical but but something that is centered in this person of Jesus Christ the treasures of wisdom knowledge could see there's a lot of truth in the earth that doesn't function as a treasure you know that there's a lot of things that are true in other religions and other communities and other cultures all those kind of things and there is actually truth there but the thing is a truth doesn't function as a treasure until it's centered in the person of Jesus Christ because the ultimate truth is the person of truth Jesus and so we get the opportunity to take those truths and to reconcile them back to their place and their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and establish these things that eyes not seen an ear is not heard first Peter 4:10 says each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God's grace in various forms and I love that word various because it really is like the word manifold it means multicolored or of all sorts God is saying that each of us has received a grace to serve somebody else come on I feel like right now there's this beautiful movement I'll talk about it in my workshop today but there's this beautiful movement where people are having all these heavenly encounters and they're and they're slipping into heavenly realms and they're seen through the veil and and I love that and I want more of it I want to be clear I want to go on record for that but remember what our assignment is our assignment is not how often can you go to heaven the assignment is bringing heaven to earth and if you slip through the veil and don't think bring things back that transform then you're missing the whole point of the mission because everything God has given us is to serve whatever gift you have received serve others with that gift and manifests as stewards of God's grace manifests the grace in all of its multicolored various forms and we are in a kingdom revelation right now where the church is not just focused on the church but it actually understands the mission of seeking first the kingdom of God which allows grace to be manifested in various forms and if we could only step into this transition what would we see come on what would we see together the fourth transition I see is from raising up prophetic celebrities to raising up prophetic communities I don't want to just train people to be great prophets I don't want to just train people to have great gifts I want to train people to live in community to know that we need each other to value one another to honor one another we're only gonna rise together if we're truly joined together and so we're not building prophetic celebrities to just demonstrate what can be done we're not against prophetic celebrities God will always have champions God will always have leaders God will always have demonstrators thank God for that but our call is to build the communities our call is to reestablish in the earth the company of the prophets the community of the prophets and the culture of the prophetic in all of its various forms God has done a lot to make our dreams come true but I want to be part of fulfilling his dream and his dream you know the purpose of the cross was not to forgive sin Christ died for me forgives me from sin that gets me in the kingdom of God Christ died as me frees me from the power of sin Christ in me me identifying with the resurrection the ascension the glorification of Christ what does that do that fills me with the fullness of God see God forgave you so he could free you so he could fill you don't stop at forgiveness press on into freedom and fullness because the purpose of God was always I want what is in me in you in the last days in the eschaton the the essential the foundational eschatology is I will pour out my spirit on all flesh what is in me will be upon them and their mission is to make it on earth as it is in heaven to demonstrate the heavenly realities on earth and so I believe right now that we have this wonderful opportunity you know I was a reluctant I was a reluctant prophet I guess I was called I didn't want to be called a prophet I didn't necessarily want to do the work of a prophet I didn't believe I was a prophet for the first three years that I spoke in school the prophets here it's true I told the story in my book that we gave you about prophetic company I honestly did not believe that and I actually think the mission that I now have in the earth is because others passed it by I think what I'm doing right now there were other people called to do that didn't pick it up and so I picked it up and I'm running with it and this is what I believe I'm called to do and it might sound arrogant for a moment I believe I'm supposed to change what the prophetic looks like in the earth I believe I'm supposed to change in this generation I believe I'm supposed to rewrite the DNA of the prophetic I believe that Chris was a forerunner to get us into the new covenant there's others but he is certainly among the fathers that for ran it but guys that's just the foundation what are we gonna build on top of it and this is the thing I believe I'm called to rewrite what the prophetic looks like in this generation that what we can pass on is greater than what we received but I don't just believe it's my mission I believe it's our mission I believe it will join together we can rise together and release God's dream in the earth like something we've never seen before so what do we need to do move from demonstrator to equip er it's not about you it's about them build a foundation not a pyramid link with others great trainers and great prophetic gifts and apostles and prophets and teachers and because a prophetic community is not just a bunch of prophets it's all the community that makes the prophets healthy it's a prophetic community where everybody's season hears we need to transition fully out of Old Covenant fully out and fully into the new covenant realities of reconciliation and restoration we need to train people from a consumer mentality of the prophetic to a contributor mentality you have a piece you have a piece no matter how much I see you see something I don't see no matter how much I know you know something I don't know and if we could join together we could rise together and so we've got to see ourselves as prophetic contributors not just better consumers and finally we've got to raise up prophetic communities not just prophetic celebrities we're not here to create stars although some of you are already that and some of you will become that but like Chris shared last night when you get it you probably won't even want it you'll just be the steward of it but I'll tell you what one of the greatest joys of my life have been walking together with my prophetic community it's been fantastic not doing this alone it's been fantastic leaning upon other prophets other voices other trainers other gifts who many times are more gifted in the prophetic than I am I just have the honor of sounding the charge and kind of joining them together and guys I think what Chris said I feel - I feel like there's something here this year there's something in the timing of God there's something in our corporate understanding I feel like many of the things that we used to have to train on all week long you guys already know and so what are we doing here we're not I don't want to just affirm a bunch of things you already know but I want to cast a vision before us that God has a dream that has really not been met in any other generation not fully realized in any other generation and if you look throughout the earth more people are prophesying on the earth than any time in history but who's gonna lead him who's gonna train him who's going to equip them who's not gonna exploit that who's not gonna abuse that who's not gonna press that down and even what is all that for that's what I'm here for and I want to invite you into this destiny let's together rewrite what the prophetic looks like in our generation and pass on something to the next generation that is even more and it's because of the richest richness of what's gone before us and that we treasure all those that have gone before so let's stand together then once you come and just wrap this up for me lay your hands on your heart Lord help us apprehend this fully and completely that it wouldn't just be an idea it would be our lifestyle from today on in Jesus name in Jesus name everyone said amen amen well hey we have a lunch break right now many of you have actually purchased pre-purchased lunch tickets those lunches are going to be available out in the lobby if you've if you've done that other than that 1:30 please be back here in your seats at 1:30 if you need to take anything valuable with you anything you need over the lunch time go ahead and grab it and run out but we'll see you back here 1:30 Michael's going to be speaking and it's going to be amazing
Channel: All God's Music
Views: 37,179
Rating: 4.762208 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Christianity, God, Jesus, Lord, Christ, Religion, Holy Spirit, Church, Jesus Christ, Hallelujah, Music, Worship, Contemporary Christian, Bethel, Bethel School of Prophets, Bethel Church, Dan McCallom
Id: qLNMu0H5AU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 31sec (3931 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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