Bethany Baptist Church Live Stream

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[Music] [Music] don't wanna do we are compiling we are [Music] compiling who you swore you can't wallah Lulu yeah [Music] [Music] oddities [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Cantwell Allu you so you can't Walla you we are so [Music] come on you yeah so [Music] Godfather [Music] so long piece in so a lot of this [Music] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah i'm going to talk to hallelujah 6 hallelujah my hallelujah belongs to you amen let's give a hand praise for those that are coming into building right now my hallelujah belongs to you and it's hallelujah is not to my neighbor but it is to the god of my salvation it was done something in my life so when we put our hands together this time let's put them together for the king of kings and the Lord of lords who is here with us on today the God that we serve the God that has brought us through God has done something in our lives the one who died and he rose again with all power in his hands hallelujah hallelujah like to say good morning to everyone so happy to be out here in a household of faith one more time and I don't know about you but I was so glad that I was able to open up my eyes this morning and see another day that I have never seen before not only that I'm glad to see you this morning there's something about when we all come together on one Accord and begin to lift up the name of Jesus together some of us have trials and tribulations that we experience while we're in our homes and it's those times we come together and we begin to lift him up that those problems those situations begin to fall off on our shoulders when we think about Jesus and the power that he has in a power that he has given us I want to say good morning to all of our guests this morning we are so glad to have you us this morning and so honored that you decided to come by and be with us on today my name is Reverend Kelly Mobley and there is somebody that's sitting beside you that as a member here that is going to greet you this morning we want you to know that we are a Bible believing Church Christ is our Center we believe in excellence we believe in serving him we believe in worshiping him and we believe in transforming live is one at a time and our lives get transformed by getting the Word of God by being taught by worship by outreach there's so many things here at the church that we do in order to transform our lives and we want you to know that every day we're still transforming every day we still need the Word of God but in our service on today we want to make sure that through all the things that we do that we are reaching out to you today to make sure that you feel the Spirit of God to make sure you feel welcomed in the house the Spirit of God is not up in the air somewhere but is in the people that you see around you so we're gonna take this time Bethany members of us call - and - we take two minutes to introduce ourselves - to people that we may not know now during this time we want we want you to do is tell them what your name is and tell them maybe how long you've been at Bethany and how good god has been for you okay Bethany members let's get up out of our seats and let's introduce ourselves to two people that we do not know to make sure everyone feels welcome in the house - this morning well hey family it's angel here for the best part of the service the opportunity where we get a chance to connect with someone and figure out what's to deal with them in two minutes so to the right of me if the lovely Shireen Coulson she's been a member here I'm going on ten years education to be in my family for him so his paper I love that they're so heartfelt and I think we all can connect with the whole idea that God bestows his favor upon us because it sets the tone that you can select whoever he wants you know what I mean but he chooses [Music] I was sitting in my seat and you know you pray for God for a specific thing and permission to say a specific thing and then I know that God is talking to me that was a pivotal moment for me for my faithfulness and I prayed for God to show me and let God Bishop speak about a certain situation and he did like five minutes later so I'm like okay god I know you're listening to me I know you hear me so like that's always important for me you know we might have to connect with Sheree and she got a prayer life where God answers suddenly well guys I'm exciting oh let's get back into the worship experience [Music] amen it's a part we like we get to participate and as we're all going back to our seats I hope everybody feels welcome amen now we didn't introduced ourselves or more than two people let me cross the eyes oh we're so glad that you're feeling welcome this morning to all our guests immediately following these services out these doors is our main conference area we can ask any questions that you want we have a little punch and little stuff for you Bishop should be stopped in through and there are any questions that you have about Bentham we want you to know feel free to ask them we'll also give you some more information about who we are and we're also asking for all of you who are on social media we know everybody's on social media we know your phones is on in here so if you hear a quote you take a picture I see some of y'all put videos out there to make sure you tag the church at BBC of NJ and make sure you also tag our pastor at David G Evans one amen god bless you that he would rather keep to himself the Lord wants us to reciprocate this love by giving back to him when we give today give out of a heart of love and appreciation for all that God has done for you amen God we love you this morning you're amazing you're wonderful how many know that this morning's getting up was that promise it didn't have to go that way but I dare you to appreciate life I'd tell you to appreciate life I dare you to appreciate life almost every day we hear about somebody who expected to see that day but didn't ah but we are able to sit in here in a room that's filled with worship filled with possibility filled with praise we have to understand that if it had not been for him looking out for us we wouldn't be here right now I need a worshiper in this atmosphere to just help me lift up the name of Jesus hallelujah I'm gonna need you to help us with this you are straight [Music] reaches you are my strength straight line hallelujah straight line yes to me [Music] [Applause] this morning and it reaches you are my strength come on strength like the way [Applause] and it reads [Applause] you are my piece [Music] Church in Philadelphia [Music] about three years now [Music] Roman are reaching out [Music] deep down and Philadelphia was in the I have a strong passion for dance [Music] [Music] you [Music] I'd say you two disagree she ate of this whole he's reaching for you today come on once you reach back you are my home [Music] Oh like the world and it rages you got it in the fullness of your grace every hard come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] have this opportunity to share this half a sphere for Jeff braised rare salvation deliverance meeting at break we are an incredible series that God has given us over the last few weeks in title identity talking you about the kingdom identity God has given you right now what some on how to rediscover the joy of the Lord you know how it is after serving God for a while you get into a habit I'm really have it but almost is like obligation instead of opportunity and all of a sudden you realize you're functioning but the joy that God gave is not hear anything didn't know you had it but you're lost in some way we're going to help you rediscover your joy which means you want to reconnect with the strength of God in your life that's the same time we're going to teach out a ship from obligation to opportunity and limitations and liberty so the dead walk that God has given you becomes fruitful manifest around God and you begin to walk in the Spirit of the Lord like you never have before I want you to call somebody to tweet somebody text about it in boxer boy get them online you want them to share this worship you want them to share this word that God has given it will impact every area of your life we're going to shift back to the joy of the Lord his joy your joy his strength your strength I'm excited about this word I'm excited about the atmosphere that God is setting I'm excited about what God is about to do whew now what I need you to do right now go to the icon share a gift with God right now help us be clothe and house of people help us settle the uncomfortability of those that cannot attend tonight with her own family you can help us extend the reach of the Lord this morning I know you're gonna do it I know you want to see a hungry child fed I know you want to see a child here in the states in India and in Africa Pat I know you want to see senior citizen the assistant I know you want to become that person they got you to make a difference in someone's life so why don't you right now go to the icon share that you and get ready for identity I want my joy back a joy [Music] joy like no other and did Richard y'all got it Bethany come on lift it up how great is our God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on corporately together you are my strength [Music] [Music] get in this atmosphere and you reach my home and it reaches we just [Music] [Applause] Oh glory to your name it's a peace that passes all [Music] hallelujah somebody just shout I love you hallelujah we thank God for this atmosphere this morning he is a good god period nobody can orchestrate a situation like God can so we have a guest with us this morning this is multicultural month and did you enjoy dance they did a fantastic job and I was glad that they went bilingual because you know sometimes y'all get tired of hearing me speaking sixteen and seventeen different languages so it's a phrase and a worship that you pop that forward this young man coming right now is also bilingual I taught him Spanish oh yeah I promise you I'm acquit all that is clowning for real he is from Philadelphia really really good guy I am so proud of what God is doing in his life we met when I called him to come yes come on truth but he is from Philadelphia now I have seen him sing before don't get don't think I'm crazy I want to be here next Sunday - yeah we just had never met right he is bilingual has a strong passion to worship God and bring people closer to to God and now currently he's working on a note upcoming debut CD so it's not finished yet but he wants it to be done by the end of 2020 right so we're gonna get behind him with all of our prayers and all of our support so that the next time he comes he will be at the table and God will increase him even the more is that right hallelujah come on - put your hands together make them feel real good my new brother Nelson Rodriguez yes hallelujah somebody give God a praise in this place come on hallelujah and y'all just stand up on your feet will cook with me how many people in here speak Spanish I got some spanish-speaking people in here I see y'all over there over here okay so I'm gonna make this bilingual I got y'all singing both languages my name is Nelson I come from a city reach Philly I'm from Philadelphia and this is my first time here I've heard so much about the church saw so many videos and I've always I've always wanted to get here but I don't know somehow I just I never got here but I'm blessed to be here I'm excited so let's just get our worship on I know there's some people that are in here fighting battles and God is fighting for you and I just need you to know God is shining in this place God is lighting up all darkness any any attack of the enemies we rebuke we deny right now cool hit come on clap your hands I'm a real cook y'all [Music] whoa whoa oh come on assist pink God is fighting for us God is on our side he has overcome this he has a hook come we will not be shaken we will not be more Jesus Chuy come on assess - Escada no sleep a dead man issue a sloppy Korea the US when sido John you know no Stetson famous no no smoked beer Donna mr. Starr sake come on say say I will live I will not die to resurrection power Christ alive me to me and I am free in Jesus name come on there is freedom in this place this morning yes who [Music] come on just give all your burdens to him give all your same place he's carrying our burdens covered in a shame he has overcome yes he has overcome who we will not be shaken we will not be more Jesus you are here come on I said we be no more would it afford it - no man we the enemy we leave let it be showing this now we live I will not die I will be clear and lit to you huh Christ revealed and I in Jesus name come on can we declare healing in this way this morning when everybody this is my favorite part of this song I need y'all to sing it to clever with me that God is fighting our battles as we worship while he's shining on darkness has we where says polish fighting for the darkness lighting up the kingdom that cannot be shaken [Applause] pushing back the darkness Jack cannot be [Music] thank God is [Music] [Music] you know I will write me three Jesus [Music] God is radical be shaken [Music] [Music] Claire is [Music] be shaken engine man Jesus every single enemy secreted in your name be shaken Benjamin every single enemy goes beated right we shout out to you shake hey guys it's waited for push it back to dog [Music] and we will shout it out there is victory in this place this morning huh he is shining over all darkness every chain is being broken this morning I need someone to give God your best pray sir yes Lord hallelujah glory be to God glory be to God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise the Lord everybody god is good I said god is good come on help me welcome my internet which family worldwide come on let's give God some glow he's been better than we're praising him right now come on bless the Lord with me a little take your seats for just a moment want to inform you of a few things before we pray this morning this is our month will we celebrate not only black history but the multicultural diversity of our hemisphere amen we always celebrate who we are I want to thank those of you who have pre-ordered our latest book elevate and those of you who have not done it would you please get a copy or what it for yourself or for someone as a gift there's a deep discount on the book right now about five dollars and when you receive the book it will be personalized and it's autographed to you we want you to get on board we have some home goings to inform you of mrs. Ethel Mosley the mother of system re-chamber grandmother of sisters Christina and Kimberly chambers that service will be held on Wednesday of this week at st. Matthews Church Williamstown New Jersey viewing is at 9:00 services at 10:00 miss shirley lee Munford the sister a brother Shelton Munford and sister lot sister-in-law of Mamie Munford that's going to be held Thursday at Lynn kkona Tabernacle Christian Center 2460 Paris Avenue that's entry Vosges PA viewing is at 9:00 services at 11:00 please call the church get their addresses and send a card amen I'll send some encouragement a lot of our families are going through bereavements right now it is that time of year when God calls a lot of people home so it behooves us to be ready live like we have a future would also live like Jesus is coming in the next few moments amen convinced us to be ready to go with him still nothing you ready to go with him I want to read something for you from Camden County to Pastor Bethany Church prison ministry and the catering department the students and staff at Camden County Juvenile Detention Center greatly appreciate all the efforts of Bethany Church and providing a beautiful holiday feast for them the impact that is left behind is hope and encouragement for both the students and the staff the collective prayers with both students and staff were much needed and welcomed CC jdc welcomes the continued outreach from Bethany Church and its people god bless you Tammy a hardy Kessler principle Camden County juvenile detention center let's give our prison ministry [Applause] also pastor Nick would remind me that those of you who signed up to help us with our new drama structure our creative arts structure to call you to call pastor Nick directly those of you who signed up to be a part of our new drama team we need you to call pastor Nick this week directly so we can get things moving amen amen we're having a little technical problem Shazaam well praise the Lord the word restorer means to reclaim the word restorer means to reclaim we tend to believe it has another meaning contrary to what God means and that is that reclaiming something we think when we restored something is just given to us or something is done to us but a lot of times you can lose your strength as you you live you can go through some things and find out when the next crisis occurs that you lost something in the last crisis Amen somebody it's clear that when you are used to fighting you don't know how much fight you got left from the last fight until you get into the next fight then in a reflective moment you realize I lost something in that last chapter in my life restoration is not just something that is given to us without our participation restoration is also something that we reclaim for ourselves something that we know we had that we want back again and we can't just ask God to give it to us we have to reclaim it we have to if you will repossessing it we've got to get it back sometimes I don't know about you but sometimes you need your patience back let me talk to some real people sometimes you don't know you've lost your patience until you overreact to something that wouldn't have bothered you in the past it meant somebody we need to get our patients back because we don't understand that in God's eyes patience is endurance and I've got to have endurance to walk with God Amen somebody for the assignment that you have in your life you've got to have some endurance amen because this race is not given to the Swift given to those that have endurance those that can hold out somebody sitting near you and these they're hold out strength back but I want you to be encouraged if you're struggling it means you have strength because people that don't have strength can't struggle I need to encourage you this morning if you're struggling with anything it's because you have strength Amen somebody amen touch your neighbor come hold on girl hold on man just hold on you know what I say when you get to the end of your rope tie a knot in it and hold on [Music] don't slip off your own rope tie a knot in that bad boy hold on a little longer hey man somebody stand on your feet I want to pray for you before we get started David is standing amidst the ruins of a city called Ziklag everything's burnt down around him and some of the people have been kidnapped by the enemy the people that should be encouraging him are not encouraging him at that moment and I know you've been in that situation where you have been looking for the encourages in your life but they the too busy are unaware of what you're going through so the Lord tells David encourage yourself remember what I said to you remember what I brought you through sometimes just have to encourage yourself and there's a reason for that because no one really knows how you feel why you're going through what you're going through well while you're winning your fight people that are not in your fight don't fully understand what's happening there will always be spectators in your life spectators in the stadium of observation that look at you running a race and think they know what you should be doing the problem with the spectators it's not their race 2-1 it's not their race to win it's not that race to run is this to watch you need to hear me they all over in something that shouldn't be in their job is to watch you win what you overcome what you do it again with the help of the Lord what you win again rise up again be strong again Bible says be strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind we've been talking for the last few weeks the joy of the Lord is my strength his joy is my joy his strength is my strength so whatever it is I have lost along the way whatever has slipped out of my grip whatever the enemy has stolen whatever I've given away we're gonna pray for reclaiming today I want it back and I'm believing God for it I'm coming for it this morning grab somebody's hand if you will some times you have to incur in care what you're saying you have to speak victory during the test no matter how you feed you speak the word [Music] speak over yourself encourage yourself [Music] father I bless your name first I want to thank you for just how good you've been I want to give you praise honor and glory today because you've done everything you promised to do that I believed you could do I want to apologize for doubting you in critical moments I didn't say it with my words but I said it with my actions you told me you do it and I didn't act like you would so I want to apologize to you I want to repent right now for doubting your promise and doubting your power I thank you that you're God all by yourself I thank you you are very present help in trouble I thank you you've been that rock you know we're Elaine I thank you you've been shelter you've been a shadow you've been protection from everything that tried to attack I give you glory right now because you've been everything you said you'd be now forgive me for not being everything you created me to be I've fallen short of your glory have not been everything you created me to be haven't done everything you've told me to do yet you keep on forgiving you keep on giving another chance and I want to thank you for that right now thank you for mercy because I don't deserve your goodness thank you for grace that gives me another chance hallelujah I want to bless your name today I want to thank you for the privilege of talking to you I want to thank you for giving me faith to move you faith to release the power of God now god I pray for your people standing in your sanctuary those watching us around the world some are sick and shut in some unable to praise you but we're going to praise you on their behalf today we're going to believe you on their behalf I pray right now for your people strength will be reclaimed joy will be reclaimed Satan I rebuke you right now we're taking our joy back this morning we're taking our promise back this morning in the name of Jesus whatever you stole we're coming for it right now in the name of Jesus spirit of the Living God loose us to receive and reclaim all that you gave us God I pray right now for those whose health has slipped away in the name of Jesus by faith we touch and agree we unite in faith we believe in Jesus we believe in your power we reclaim that help now [Music] for those whose health is slipping away we rebuked that movement we stopped it in his tracks and in the name of Jesus we reclaimed perfect health again hallelujah in the name of Jesus the opportunity that slipped away the opportunity that was taken away by the power of Jesus in the name of the Almighty son of God we reclaim the opportunity we reclaim the job we reclaim the business in the name of Jesus [Music] hallelujah father help us now some of us lost our drive along the way lost our ability to struggle along the way in the name of Jesus we will claim on behalf of your people every bit of strength you gave us in Jesus name it's ours right now [Music] spirit of the Living God we reclaim the Liberty you've already given us and we thank you in advance because it is done I pray right now there's anyone that does not know you personally in this room of watching us around the world I pray you put a yes in this spirit you help them to understand that from this moment forward they can come to this altar and say I yield I give my life to God lord please take me in I pray for everyone that knows you but walked away from you who hasn't been living like they know you I pray you reconnect them this morning put a yes in their minds and in their hearts at any point in this service from this point until the end they can come and give their lives to you I pray for every born-again believer put a yes in their mind yes in their heart you led them to this place you don't do coincidence you don't do random you have a plan for them connect them with your house today they came in a guess they'll leave a member a partner today and I thank you that from this moment on as a spirit of the God of God moves as the Holy Ghost moves on their word in their lives that they hear it connect him now in the name of Jesus and everybody said amen amen somebody shout I got it back I got it back I got it hallelujah come on y'all [Applause] [Applause] he had nothing you need to come give your life to the Lord this morning come on make that connection with the Lord this morning give Jesus a chance in your life give the Lord a try I tell you never turn back you need to come now you feel the Lord moving now get into the nearest island come meet me right here you know you've got saved at one time you're sure of it you won't fire at one time something happened then you walked away wonderful thing about Jesus if you walk away you can walk back step into the nearest aisle come give your life to him again but this time you're going to stay come on I know you're here I know you're here come give your life to the Lord come back to him last but not least she loved the Lord came in a guest but God's been moving on your heart since you walked in I want you to come right now I thought this was supposed to happen after the preaching there's no Bible for that fisherman fish when the waters ready amen amen [Applause] anytime they're jumping in the boat you know they're ready amen if you're here and you know you need to be saved pastor I think I know I need it but I don't know what to do it's not your job to know it's our job to teach you what to do will instruct you how to live this life victoriously every single day of your life you need to come back you've walked away five times in your life but you're here this morning and you feel the Spirit of God moving on you I need you to step into the nearest aisle and come meet me right here make your reconnect today hook back up with the Lord if that's you come if that's you come the Spirit of God is waiting on let's celebrate our new sister [Applause] [Music] take your seats thank you for standing with me for so long I want to draw your attention as we continue this conversation about identity and focusing once again on the reclamation the getting your joy back and amazing things were discovered revealed to me for you by the Spirit of God as we prepared this series of messages I don't know a Christian that has not quoted the joy of the Lord as my strength at some point in their lives but I don't know about you but I don't know how many years it was before you really knew what it meant amen because there are times in my life I don't feel like joy okay I'm not talking to you I couldn't make the connection between how joy was supposed to give me strength can I talk to some real people I know it was the cliche thing to say you know I'm going through but the joy the Lord is my strength but if I don't feel strong something must be affecting my joy am I making sense to you so I'm supposed to have this joy that gives me strength but there are times when I don't feel strong so that must mean I don't have joy and then I start to question myself because of his joy is my joy and his strength is my strength where's my portion of the strength I'll talk to y'all faith is not always guaranteed that you will feel strong faith does guarantee you have his strength available when I am weak then he is strong so I've got to know what joy is understand how it operates in order for me to access this strength that supposed to come from having joy but nobody ever told me what joy was so how can I get strength from something and I don't even know what it is it's almost like Christians expect you to inherit it my grandmama had it so I got hurt no no joy is contingent what's this the strength of your joy I'm not preaching yet is contingent on the strength of your relationship with God so if my relationship with him is weak my strength will be is that making sense so if I only have good weather relationship with God amen if my faith is only strong when things are going well then that must mean I don't have much joy because I don't have much strength because it's easier to believe when things are going my way amen if there are no problems I hardly need faith so what I've got to understand is what's this joy thing all about and part of the problem we were discovered over the last few weeks is that you know you can turn your relationship with God into a burden until you don't wake up every morning happy to greet him and watch this and then we blame the loss of our happiness on him it's like somebody stays away from church for eight weeks and then says I'm starting to feel separated for real I don't feel connected anyone you ain't been here only God can be absent and present at the same time only so we're going to talk about a few things that I believe will help us you know understanding I don't know I've been plotting through this I look unprofessional again I've got yellow paper on the only thing it won't be as polished of the livery as it usually is braised a lot that's so just just just go with me and let's see what God says amen alright so what I want to do is draw your attention to two verses of Scripture I want to start in Psalm 51 y'all ever start losing weight put on stuff you think you can wear and then you start moving around and they start moving on your praise the Lord I got issues I know how the ladies feel beneath when a skirt turn around sideways I feel you girls I feel you I feel you let's see what the Lord will say to us this morning Psalm 51 and I want to draw your attention to verses 10 11 and 12 then we'll jump over the Genesis 1:26 and 2:15 don't y'all get nervous you're here to baby cry before amen amen it was every baby that is just coming right with y'all don't take em out everything's cool we've got a lot of babies in the church amen they don't understand they think they can holla - you've been screaming for the last hour now you tell them to shut up come on baby don't understand Psalm 51 verse 9 says hide not to hide thy face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities created in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me cast me not away from their presence take not thy Holy Spirit from me it is restore unto me the joy of my salvation such a profound statement restore unto me the joy of my salvation I still have everything else that went along with my salvation but I've lost the joy that goes along would be insane am i talking to real people take not thy Holy Spirit from me so there's a direct connection between the Spirit of the Living God and you and God is the only way you can get his joy into your life is by way of the Spirit of God restore unto me the joy of the Lord hold me with thy free spirit the spirit that frees us go to Genesis chapter 1 I'm gonna drop a few things on you I need you're paying close attention don't nap while I'm talking to you II Men Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 says and God said you've heard it before let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion somebody say Authority some I say the rule over let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and the fowl of the air over catalog of things of the earth over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth so God created man in his own image and the image of God created him male and female created he them and God blessed them and God said to both of them be fruitful commandment and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion authority over the fish of the sea the fowl of the air over every living thing that moves upon the earth and God said behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth and every tree so I've given you everything that starts it and everything it will become you'll miss the whole thing I'm I've given you the ability to start the season and to benefit from the season somebody say Authority so let me start it behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth because that's where we have Authority a man and every tree authority over that and which the fruit in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed so your seed produces the tree and what you harvest produces another see so you can produce another I've given you a thought buses buses I've given you authority over that process it means I make or break the process told you Wednesday night God is not as concerned about the result as we are because the result is already created it's the process God is focused on we focused on what we want he focuses on how we get it so I miss God because I reject his process are y'all hearing me I wonder why he doesn't answer I stepped outside his process tell your neighbor it was not the devil wasn't one the devil wasn't that demon you've been blaming and the only time I step outside the process is when I become impatient I get tired of waiting for God to move because I'm looking at what he promised me and not what he told me to do am I talking to you yet that's just now all right let's hop over to chapter 2 verse 15 says and the Lord God took the man put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it to dress it and to keep it some I say process so he put him there to work the process dress it and he and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayst really eat mm-hmm but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die tell your neighbor I am who God says I am as we look at this very familiar story of the Garden of Eden and its occupants and look at how God has created them to operate within a particular system or process we think that there are no additional revealing zuv revelations that we can glean from the story but there's something buried in here that I need you to see that I believe once again will add to the strengthening of your faith but also put you in position to start to see the victories that you're believing God for the first point I want to impress upon you is that the garden is not God's focus we tend to think because of the story and the way it's been revealed to us that the focus of God's attention is the garden we then move again and think that the focus of God's attention are the people in the garden so we make either the garden the star or we make Adam and Eve the stars of the garden some of us put our attention on the serpent that's there giving him some major role but I declare to you the serpent understands God's focused more than Adam and Eve too because he never attacks what God has promised he always a threatened he threatens your commitment as you work out God's promise he starts to get you to focus more on what he's given you and not on how he's told you to maintain it he tells them 10 and 2 now what happens with us not thinking we believe that that's just the work part of it but it's a spiritual aspect of their existence in the garden tending and tilling Master Cynthia is part of God's process in that place so while they're focusing on the garden itself and focusing on the tree God is focusing on how they conduct themselves while they're in the garden you see the garden watch this your blessing like the garden is always in place before you ever experience so the destination is never God's focus because he's already created the place that you're going to be what I put it like this Jesus had to understand how important his process was because the chair was there when he left Evan sitting down at the right hand of the Father was something he had already done so was his life while he lived his way back to the chain that God was focused on and Jesus understood the focus because he said look up look up father he said check this out is there any other way we can change the way we're going to do this God does something he really does to Jesus he doesn't talk back to him but Jesus knows his father from relationship of eternity and he says ok I get it you're not talking to me nevertheless I will be done in other words the way you want to get it done can't be changed I'm gonna have to go to the cross the cross has to be in my process I've got to go through this inconvenience watch this when I've got eternal life promise to me the cross is just an inconvenience y'all didn't hear me so since God has already said is gonna glorify you whatever trouble you're having right now is just an inconvenience I've got this thing I say in my own life when a problem jumps up I said it ain't gonna stop nothin you need to need to tell yourself when trouble visit you this won't stop a thing God has already decided can I get some help in here this morning whatever you're facing right now can't stop what God has already spoken over your life it can't stop anything somebody please help me praise God to hear maybe I'm not saying it right I'm not articulating it properly whatever problem you're facing it won't stop God's process if you stay in his will won't stop anything won't stop anything what your neighbors saying nothing I know it's not good in English but I say to myself angle stop nothing the earth is here your authorities in place God gave it to you greater is he he this underworld watch this now so the commandments in the garden stay with me the commandments in the garden open opportunity and open Liberty now what was amazing to me is that in a whole garden there's only one rule y'all catch up with me you go home read your Bible this afternoon you'll find only one rule in the garden don't touch the tree two things happen in the mind of Adam and Eve number one they start looking at the don't as a burden and an obligation when the don't opens the door to opportunity so when God commands us not to do something it's because he has something so great in store for us that what he tells us not to do will pale in comparison to the glory we shall receive bus's so one tree don't a thousand trees yes so I get hung up on what he told me not to do I don't want to be saved I can't drink anymore one thing so we suddenly see God's commandment as a limitation and not an open door to liberty is this making sense yeah he tells me no because he has so many yeses waiting for me I get hung up on the know and miss the yes so the commandment in the garden opens opportunity in Liberty it does not lead me to obligation and limitation incorrectly read and correctly believed when God tells us no we we mess around and create this thing create an obligation out of it we create limitations because we don't understand God is more interested in procedure rather than promise he is more interested why because what he promised has been eternally created so his focus is not on what has always been his focus is on how you're going to receive it is this making sense imagine if Jesus had become hung up on being in a grave three days and stepped out of his father's will he would have missed his own resurrection how many times have we disagreed with how God was gonna do with it cuz we didn't trust him enough to know what he was doing and we forgot the greatness of his promise and got hung up on some minimal thing he said we shouldn't do now what blows my mind about my life is what he tells me not to do I already know I shouldn't be doing ain't nobody talking to me now so sometimes I think Nick is conviction that makes Mirabelle how dare God remind me of what's right [Music] can I talk to some real people in here this morning so God tells them to tend until the garden some I say work the garden work it touch your neighbor say work your garden work your garden hold on go in watch this work what I promise you work what I provided for you hmm participate in what I've already created for you why tend until keep your ears open habits or more powerful than desire my habit can defeat an unrighteous desire you know about it everybody left me man I'm feeling this thing this one head repeat after me habit has more proud then my desire goddamn I got another one for you you're not gonna believe it when I tell you some of you get bored and don't know what you're doing some of you don't understand that predictability makes you secure I didn't get an amen let me talk to you I dare you to be in a relationship with someone you can't depend upon it'll be an insecure situation from moment to moment day to day but you witch Oh crazy self tell yourself you need a little mystery I [Applause] need a little unpredictability [Music] if I can't depend on you like the Sun coming up in the morning I'm insecure around you you got tolerance for that nonsense when you're 16 but the older you get smooth sailing is what you want and need you predictable I need to depend upon you to do what you say when you're going to say it no time for Jekyll and Hyde Mary Wells wrote a song I got two lovers that I love the same get to the last part crazy makeup crowd nickel and crazy somebody say insecure let me get off of that cuz y'all y'all want me stay there I'm not standing and that's look at that come on I'm color no I'm not standing I'll say this unpredictable people produce insecurity in a relationship predictability produces security you need to be able to depend on the people around you physically emotionally mentally and financially are you hearing what I'm saying predictability gives you security in those four areas [Applause] routine is more powerful than creativity because creativity Springs out of your routine be not weary in well-doing and doing the same thing right every day coz in due season something's going to spring up you never saw before you need to hear what I'm telling you so what was so important about the tree in the garden if you'll remember anything else I say to you this morning I need you to remember this and I've been dropping a lot of stuff when you stay with me tell you never stay with him stay with it so God gives them this instruction you're gonna love this God gives them this instruction says don't touch the tree repeat after me the instruction I follow creates the season I experience [Applause] there's a season attached to every instruction so when I reject God's instruction I'm rejecting God's season for me as long as they were obeying the instructions they stayed in the guard the moment they disobeyed they lost the season and created another season that God never created them to experience this making sense so the instruction that God gives me has a season attached to it instructions are attached two seasons are you saying that my obedience or my disobedience to God's Word creates my own season even better than that my instruction connects me with the season that's already created that's headed my way [Applause] so when I disobey him the season doesn't stop coming I just don't get it so I watch other people receive a season I'm believing him for didn't anybody hear what I said every instruction that God gives is connected to a season God has already created oh my god I need let y'all go right on that if the mics weren't so expensive I drop it [Applause] so well so what happens so we go down a little further in Genesis and he says I've given you authority over these seeds and these trees and I've made a process by which the trees produce more see now touching months ago that the found the foundation principle of the whole Bible is sowing and reaping that Jesus teaches it in mark 4 says look if you don't get this you don't understand anything about the kingdom of God because the whole kingdom is sowing and reaping God so does word creation established God spoke they had God spoke night heaven and he says his seeds I guess words watch what happens then God gives us authority over the seat on the earth that's Genesis chapter 1 right watch this now repeated precedes dictate or change seasons so I've got to become fundamental in what I say because I'm a king and a priest I've been given authority to speak I've got the Holy Ghost I don't have to use my own words I have the Word of God so if I want to change a season that the devil tells me is coming I start talking to the season by sowing the words in my land and when I sold it in my now I changed the season that thinks is coming my way I can't get no help in here your mouth dictates the season [Music] it's making sense to y'all how this works now so so seeds dictate and seeds change but I love about God's Word when I saw his word is that I understand the principle of seed and understand that seeds change seasons so if I'm in a difficult season and I can't see my way out I changed my verbal response to my situation I don't speak more of the same trouble I recognize the trouble that I'm in and I start speaking by faith the things of God so the season I'm in was determined not to change has to change because his word can't fail just making sense to you peanut to me a seed has no future until its own so Jesus had to die because the seed has to be sown into the ground he would have never been Christ if he had not been so because the future stays trapped in a seed that's not buried I can't get no help in not in my own church quietest Church in America today I got five minutes I'm still on the first page repeatedly my seed of faith has no future until I saw it so if the word is still in your mouth if the action is still in your intend to that seat stays unrevealed you're catching this watch how this works now if I say I love you but I don't act like I love you my seed will never ever be revealed some people think that the job of love is to cover their false so they keep messing up they just keep messing up and you're supposed to love them through that my question to you is when does your love inspire you to change [Applause] you want my left to fix your problem but your love will inspire you to fix you [Music] [Applause] God loves us but he wants us to conduct ourselves like we love him so if I spent all my time me Moses friends but I spent all my time forgiving Moses cuz I love Moses but Moses don't love me enough to change is that making sense I can't keep offending you and keep telling you I love you you can't keep offending God and telling God you love him because you're depending on his grace to cover you shall we continue in sin that grace may abound no forgiveness is an opportunity not an obligation I got two minutes which we'd be left to me a seed exchange is something given for something I've been promised okay okay stay so I got it y'all staying up because I'm on staff so what watch this last statement now stay with me watch this now we've all had seasons amen some of y'all not standing up cuz y'all want me keep it I need y'all stand up so I I won't stop now y'all know who I am I know I am I need y'all to helping the pastor and stand up please all right now listen to what I'm gonna say to you then we're gonna pray we've all been through seasons but most of us have never realized that in God's Commerce the way God does things a season is proof of some seed it's the proof a season is proof of a scene something you've given or something you withheld something you've spoken or something you shouldn't have said season is proof of a seed a seed in our life produces the seasons in other unfaithfulness or producer raggedy season faithfulness produces a righteous seed so what we do what we speak those seeds of action those seeds of belief produce the seasons in our lives and God in His Word has given us authority to produce the seasons on this earth we've got authority over the whole process from seed to tree to fruit to seed again belongs to you and I so God is not fixed on the trees as he is fixed on how we govern how we tend until how we work this assignment called our life in Christ God wants you to know the moment you start to understand what I promised you is not nearly important to him as how you attain it your whole life will change stop being impatient and start looking for the process agree with God that's what Jesus did when he said nevertheless thy will be done in other words if it was me we'd take a few things out put a couple of things in but because it's your will I'm going to do it my says because the seat already is in position I'm going back to something that's always been there so it's the journey that God is focused on it's the process that God is focused on so we don't want to get like Abraham and Sarah become like Abraham and Sarah and becoming patient with a process that is unique to them a patient a patient process a process that was designed to develop and reveal faith I have made you kings and priests in the earth authority to speak access to my throne I've given you my power and I've given you my joy because I need your strength to be my strength and I need my strength to be your strength the joy of the Lord is my strength so the strength that I have is based on the relationship I have with God and how glad I am that he is my God how joyous I am that he is my safe David makes this amazing assertion I'm saved but I need you to restore my job David is under the false impression that he has to go get it from somewhere that God's gonna give it to him but he doesn't realize he has to search for because it's lost but it's lost within him so restore the joy little reclaim something I've lost touch with I'm saved I love the Lord what if I'm serious about it I ain't as glad as I should be this yoke is no longer easy not because God has increased the wick of the yoke is because I have switched it from an opportunity to serve Him to an obligation to serve what I've been teaching over the last few weeks is gonna change the way you conduct yourself at work you can't leave the house I hate my job watch this now because you're sowing a seed on the job and then expect the job to bless you why you hate it I'm trying to help you in here you can't curse the thing you used to call a blessing you said the job came from God so the job begins to turn in this atmosphere and like brought amazed by the road you can't see it but your words are seeds and they've produced the season so the difficulty starts to increase because every morning you wake up and brand your day instead of God thank you for the opportunity to get up again thank you for the chance to go to work thank you for the opportunity to go and make the difference thank you for the chance to go in and display my gifts in my talents thank you for everything you're doing for me thank you for the provision thank you for the clothes on my back thank you and you're doing it all through this blessing no not you I hate my job cursing the thing that God has blessed you I dare you to try I got to cook dinner night no I have the opportunity to feed my family today [Applause] Mondays gonna start being the greatest day of your life thank you for another chance thank you for another opportunity thank you for this assignment thank you Lord for blessing me with this thing [Applause] there may be someone here with us today I believe there is someone here with us today it does not know the Lord for themselves we want to give you another opportunity to give your life to the Lord this morning all you have to do is step into the nearest aisle come meet me right here allow me to take your hand we'll begin to pray for you will lead you to four scriptures and you'll have a relationship with Jesus Christ Holy Spirit will come into your life before you leave this building it's gonna take it's about 20 minutes to shift you from life to abundant life it doesn't have to be long it just has to be real if you're here today and you came to the Lord a long time ago but you walked away from God and from the church for whatever reason but amazingly you're here in this room with us this morning you're watching us from around the world and you realize you know what I need to get back in right relationship with God if that's you I want you to step into the nearest aisle and come meet me down here man woman boy girl we don't care where you've come from we don't we're not even concerned where you were this morning all we're concerned with is that you're here right now so we can lead you into a brighter future and so the life God has promised you that's what not leash you love the Lord you're saved commit it you've understood more in the last 45 minutes and you've understood in the last four or five weeks in other fellowships and you realize this is what's going to keep me strong this is what's going to keep me fit I need this kind of feeding all the time I love fast food but it's not good for me I do need meals cooked amen something that's been sweat over amen don't need a hoagie or a fast no no if you're here and you realize you know what this is what I need for my life why don't you step into the nearest aisle and come meet me right here allow us to make you a part of what we do here [Applause] [Music] is there another won't you come let's celebrate our new brother and sister as they go as they go let's celebrate them as they go take your seat for just a second it's offering time in the house of God once again just in case you haven't been here I want to thank those of you who made our birthday a blessing your cards and your gifts and just a joy to my heart thank you so much for what you did those of you online who contributed from around the nation we bless God for you our deacons are holding we only got one oh here comes a deacons a holding the baskets because now we have an opportunity to give somebody shout opportunity I follow an instruction I create a season I avoid the instruction I am void the season see this exchanging something I've been given for something I've been promised such a simple concept God says if you love me keep my Commandments show me you do deacons are holding the brown basket for your regular tithes and offering that seed called the tithe and an offering that's we brand that seed tithe and offer the white basket your sacrificial gift for your thanks offering that offering you'd rather keep for yourself what you decide to give it to God because I want a season that he has not commanded me to give I want to give him something out of my love and out of my heart sacrifice is always something you'd rather keep for yourself something of value to you if you're ready to give it once you distend on your feet for pastor nick comes I want to encourage you to come out to our midweek service we are having an incredible time you need to be here God will feed you in such a way then many of your problems will be lifted off your life we don't have to come home way as do we have an opportunity to come and fellowship with God somebody shot opportunity I need you to get this in your spirit because it's gonna change your approach to your life you won't scream at the alarm clock ever again the alarm clock reminds you of another opportunity to get up and do what God has assigned you to do I need you to get this in your heart and in your spirit any time you feel obligated you become inconsistent because you don't bring your heart to what you have to do let's welcome pastor Nick as you come [Applause] [Music] for the encounter experience here at Bethany church and in the wall New Jersey what an honor it has been for me to have this opportunity to serve you today to share the Word of God with you in the unique way that God shows it to me it is my assignment over the next few weeks my joy over the next few weeks to reinforce who you are in God but also the authority that you have in him to change the way you approach your entire life in Christ I thought it was so profound that David says in Psalm 51 restore unto me the joy of my salvation it means I'm saved but something has happened to my joy he's beginning to feel some changes in his relationship with God because the strength of God is a strength that he gives me and he gives me his joy the joy of the Lord is my strength so it means that my relationship with God the strength of my joy if you will my joy and my strength he Indus on the strength of a relationship I have with him and sometimes while we are serving God it and become more obligation more and less inspiration all of a sudden we don't get the same joy we don't get the same breakthrough we don't have the same faith because we're not loving God the way we should I want you right now to help me express faith today I want you to go to the icon so that's neither that offering so that sacrifice for you and remember the seeds you sow dictates the season you will experience the instruction you follow is always connected to a season now unfortunately this thing works negative that buzzing can you remember when somebody told you to do something wrong and you did it and the consequences were very harming and wrote for you the seed produced the season at the same time told to do something right by parents we got a blessing because of it the seed produced a season gray something shiny for you to get into the system the flow of God he says give and it shall be given unto you watch see giving it up again it says release that seed call the time can I open up the wins the weapon seeds attach the season well I'm out of time straighten that out of word I want to thank you once again for joining me for this great great great encounter of experience now stay strong some of you will join us at 11:00 I've got more to tell you no two servants are ever the same I want to see you at 11 o'clock let me share with us once again if you're anywhere in the region within about an hour of here you can get in your car and make it don't worry about how your dress has been dressed down all night long we've extended it into February so you'll be just fine bring someone with you don't make the trip by yourself I remember this is great it acts like a thing is so even when it's not so then it might be so god bless you and I'll see you in just a little while [Music]
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church
Views: 1,085
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 11sec (6851 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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