Big Tools, Shop Tour, Fireball Tool

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Mother of God. That's a 4,000 lb grinder.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/4estGimp 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh my god Jason fireball talk to see you everyone welcome back to the shop and my buddy Dale Derry all the way from California he has a YouTube channel called metal tips and tricks I'm gonna be giving him a shop tour so I would love you guys to take along I love building and designing and naturally you're running into problems when you do that so this is my creative space to be able to Rd and design new tools to solve problems I think I kind of want to get started Dale okay this everyone do check this thing out this thing is killer this piranha yes this is a 90-ton piranha this will shear 1 inch thick plate 6 inches wide piece of flat bar so it's pretty amazing got the nibbler on the side and the hole puncher this will punch a pretty good sized hole well 1 inch in like 1/2 inch plate but you have to have three-phase for this right no this is a 240 volt machine 10 horsepower yeah so you could plug this into your welder outlet if you want it to it's pretty cool can we put on my truck you could try well you got a nibbler here we can cut angle iron here we can cut flat bar and then we come over here and punch yep and then it also has bending dies and attachments so it'll Bend a two foot piece right inside this oh so we put bending dies here yep nice and Bend that way too nice yeah it's a pretty slick machine yes he'll work in my shop I just don't have room for no it save you a lot of time though they're pretty handy very cool and then behind you is one of my first things that I've ever quired and when I first started mechanicing was a old snap-on toolbox and it was actually a gift am I allowed to touch it yeah oh yeah absolutely so it's the old-school with with no roller drawers but I've just gathered a whole bunch of cheap tools when you first get started in mechanicing or building anything so this whole toolbox is just it's missing something what's that a sticker yes now it's complete it's perfect now I saved that spot just for you yep okay so what is this much this monstrosity could cut it's ugly of a contraption yeah I got it at an auction for clay uh you could you probably use it for clay it's not but I bought it for $15 at an auction because nobody knew what the heck it was but it is actually a rotary positioner so and what's really cool about it is this is called a zero max gearbox and they're pretty popular and it's forward/reverse just with the turn of a switch and you can go so it actually has you have variable speed in there very foes that a plate with I have no idea how it works okay I just know it work cuz that's what it looks fine so without any fancy electronics or anything you know it's just I want to go how fast Wow and then I just if I go I've always set up just a little bit faster and I just kind of pulls the pedal it's going coming fast okay but it goes from zero to four hundred rpms really yeah so now when you take welding you don't have one foot operating you have to yeah it's a little tire head rub your tummy type things and that's that's the hardest part with this stuff is just you got two pedals going on well then you got a little steady rest and I've actually made a torch attachment so I put my cutting torch in here before the waterjet days put my cutting torch in here and I could cut circles out with it very cool so okay but this is something that somebody could actually build the grounding works off of brushes motor brushes yeah so you just ground it to the foot pedal and off you go but I would like to rebuild it because I think it's hodgepodge but it just works at the end of the day it's a little it's a little podgy yeah it is a little paaji and then I'm kind of a blue a blue welder guy as you can tell there boy a blue boy so the TIG machine is a sink relief 250 I like the big box machines they just work really well I you know they take up a lot of space but at the end of the day that you turn around and it works but how much space do you have here I have five thousand square feet so I have nine hundred you can that big welders yes so big welder and you've had these for a long while that's actually this is a newer machine this is a 2015 this is a four fifty two S's 600 amps power and you can run and I run dual shield flex core of Dismas so I got one important question uh-huh if you run this at 600 amps you have to wear like a lead shield so you don't get its radiated it's pretty hot but I like having one machine set for dual shield and then we'll get around the corner and we'll have a solid wire machine though do so I like to grab a stinger weld put it back not change the spools all the time very nice yeah and then move it we got the big clamp collection which everybody's jealous of right now that's looking at this I'm sure I mean this is just it's pretty outrageous yes so once you get one of these fixture tables that's behind me it's kind of like any milling machine or any you this the tooling is where most of the money's at yeah and when you want to build things and this is what makes it easier and I'm gonna do a video someday soon on my favorite tools out of this thing and so basically what tools would I suggest that are top dog on my list if you were to go to purchase some which ones do I recommend well we can just do it now this three hole by two is like my favorite if I had a hundred of these I use these let's save that for another video yeah teaser I think absolutely here's one of the things I love is you got a full nut bolt collection yeah that is one of the best investments in my opinion you could have in a shop for saving time I've always wanted a mini hardware store in my shop because the reasons I'm inventing and I'm prototyping tools and I'm building things too with my tools and this just allows me to save time by time I go to the hardware store great the right one it space for itself and there I got a local copper state noting bolt and they keep me all stocked up and they've been awesome to work just come through every once in a while it's a week and make sure I'm not low on anything and keep me stocked yep very nice yep and I get to they bring me stuff I need so I don't have to leave here so what is all this junk on this rack yeah this is as you obviously I have more squares I know to do with so where do you what do you do with them I I had a young apprentice here in the in the shop for the summer and he's a beginning welder so what kind of projects projects do you give a beginning welder yeah and that that I could also use and he I can teach him a little bit right right so I said make this little tree so in the top I keep all my tabs wow did you design this ooh you just kind of said give me this yeah I just basically said I want something I can grab quickly just pull them off put it on through out on the floor and though do you think it's strong enough ER product concept I don't know I know of one person that has this many squares it's actually probably more JD Brewer tree about this tall but JD could use something like this to I just like the point of reference I'm on the table I just grabbed this one I like it and go that's the challenge I'm having with my squares is I actually keep them in drawers yep because it just works better in my shop mm-hmm but a tree like this is really kind of an interesting way to to go and then of course this is the the welding table that kind of separated me on youtube from the rest is building this table unfortunately the video is no longer on YouTube I know and that was my stupid self for not keeping backups but I promise we'll build something like this again on the channel well that's great because because the challenge with building this table is you have all these smaller tables mm-hmm and to get them alignment and you had such a great technique on that yep you do it would be great to see another video on how you did that yep because it was a there's a three-point string method three point straight wire wire method yeah and you know and you look back and I got these just like they are just look at that that's pretty difficult to do when you at the end of the day is to get all these surfaces just dialed in with each other yeah you know I mean that is amazing I learned a lot from that exercise but the table goes up and down so this is a comfortable height for me for standing so yeah you've got a hydraulic yeah this time so how much so it'll drop down another 9 inch 9 inches and that's like death I call it desk height so you can sit out your chair in TIG weld okay but this will also go up another 6 to 8 inches and you can really get close to your work oh that's so maybe if you're building something tall you can drop the table down low well Don my forklift yep for that reason those forks and I have a button and I can just I can put a 10 feet in the air and weld underneath something and come right back down and yep it's nice because I'm old my back bend open too much yep just saying the truth and then this block yes that is a 2 and a half thick 8 by 5 piece of a 32 plate and it weighs about it's over 4,000 pounds but for me the table like this is for welding on a project that needs no assembly fabrication just repair it would be like an excavator bucket or maybe that vise you're repairing and you don't want to damage your fixture paper you said you as in me if you wanted to but it's one of those things where you just don't care about the table yeah and you just want to heat and beat and destroy and I think every shop needs a table that they're ready to get interesting is I actually it's so thick yep I don't see any damage and to speak of so you've welded a couple you know yeah that was from the vise that was from the vise test right yeah so an unmovable object do you need to test vices well it's kind of like that's gonna say how else could you have tested devices except here yeah and then I keep C clamps underneath yeah that's just gravity holding it down it's pretty fun then you have your famous of the advice here the my prototype of Angela so you don't get a feel this but this is silk this is just so nice because you put bearings in here yeah and it's just just pretty effortless couldn't be better that is so nice pretty fun so I like it cuz there's a larger capacity yeah and so it sits over there and I use it for that yeah if you guys didn't see the video you need to check it out cuz this has won a 16 inch 16 inch open but realistically it's probably closer to 15 real working area so you're not right right at the end of the screw but 15 to 16 inches nice mm-hmm and I keep soft jaws in it too so I I don't have to take them in and out notice there's a little one that was from the test that was from the grant was from the yep because I went from the bars I tested all the other vices previously and they were chewing up that bar and that was the last vice to get tested so when that smashed 15,000 pounds with my hand it and made that impression in the soft jaws the other guy's vices knurled the that bar pretty fun so we've got you know oh dude this is actually one of my favorite tools is the San Blas cabinet this is a special cabinet this isn't like a normal San Blas cabinet this is a pressure pot sandblast cabinet but it automatically keeps feeding itself there's a plunger inside there so when you release the pedal the plunger comes down the the whatever media comes in filters in pretty quickly hit the pedal again that plunger comes up stops it pressurize the system and off you're growing now are you using B to B over C I use I use steel shot mixed in with a coarse steel that's not it's sharp I find that there's there's no dust okay the only problem with a nice because these are like little ball bearings so they actually flow through the system or sand gets a little moisture gets any long contaminate yeah it's literally your let go of the pedal the plunger comes down in within 20 seconds that pots full so so when you let the plunger mm-hmm it's pressurized pot yep it's oh there's a plunger inside here that's like it looks like a mushroom and it punc right blocks the bead makes this sealed and so you're getting a consistent flow of media yeah so when you hit that plunger you're releasing the air back and that that's when you let go of the foot pedal that plunger comes down yes it's like a bypass okay turns the air off yeah and it releases the air out of the pressure pot I've never seen that before and it's works amazing and this is also this is a redline model number is if anybody's interested PSB see nine ninety so how often you have to replace that's the worst part of the steel shot is that the rebound is bad right and here was something I found interesting I forgot who talked about it but he said off a supermarket scanners that glass oh you get that glass and use that okay that's like bulletproof I would see because you're constantly dragging stuff across that yeah I would love to replace I know you could because you can just put a grid of four of those in there yep and that's perfect supposed to handle then the form of Gorilla Glass if that's the case this would literally be the ultimate cabinet with that shot in there with that good glass because I have to replace the plastic on there fairly often yeah is it the rebound is so bad but you either get blurry screen or dust so then since you're not getting dust you have a vacuum system on this does have a vacuum system I'm not as big as what like Adam booth had both one where he had more vacuum well listen listen how loud it is please don't even [Music] yes mine you hit the exhaustion it's like I probably could I probably could clean the filter out it probably needs it but because there's no dust I almost don't even need to run the fan that's amazing and then I keep right next to it some all-thread cuz it's like to have it in stock ready to go and right that's the whole name of the game is just yeah you don't want it I know when I'm working on something if I have to stop and go to the store the Momentum's it's gone yeah and I can look at it go home this I think this size will sue I can look at it and almost kind of judge will this work better for my application or not right just by seeing it yeah so instead of isn't that cool yeah sometimes you have to touch it see it yep it's the same with the bolt like this bolt doesn't look quite strong enough for this application you can go and got another one instead of is using what you got laying around so then we got another welder here yep this is the first welder I got this was in 2002 as a eSAB multi-master and this is the Jesse James of it edition when Jesse James had his monster garage they were giving these away as the prize and I'm like as a beginning welder like man stick MIG TIG and it was the first machine that would kind of do it all okay and I'm like I have to have one because what there's a beginning welder you don't know what you're gonna be doing you're right and it's Ben's a 300 amp machine and it's just been solid for me I've made a lot of money with this machine oh did you ever do any TIG with it or anything yeah I did actually weld it exhaust turbo manifold with it just scratch start TIG really take the ride up and but yes you can find it used one of these pick them up they're excellent they got dual feed rollers in there they're really high quality product inside this machine but we got I keep clamps bar clamps through into fabrication you got to have sliding eff clamps of every size shape and then what I call the go kart belt grinder this was my use use for go-cart tires that I've been dragging around for the last five years and I needed to find a use for it that's either that or get rid of it is that or just toss them so you might as well to build something yeah with them but yeah so this the fastest this will turn is close to 9,000 surface feet per minute which is around 100 and some plus miles per hour on the belt speed okay and I can go down from there but I normally run it around 6 to 7,000 surface feet per minute okay and it's since the big video it's been over it's almost been a year since I built it and I have not had a single problem no it's just been so rock-solid it's my favorite tool here in the shop and I normally run they have a 40 grit belt on it now I'd normally run an 80 or ever you know 120 ok so do you find a favorite speed for like tubing or solid material or you're just just go well because the surface speed is so fast that I can control the surface finish by just my pressure ok so if I want to hog off more with a light grit belt I just push harder okay and then I want a nice surface finish I just lighten up and just let the belt do its thing I mean these are ceramic pranic belts nice nice but it's just been fantastic I love it I love the paint job it's it's so a candy red I'm touching powder coater but it's just everybody comes in the shop loves to see it and see it work it's pretty fun so now this is ugly yeah the two completely different styles and function and this is I got this from Adam booth oh really yeah so that it shipped up here then yep shipped up here and has the old black & decker this is a three horsepower pedestal grinder runs 12 inch 2 inch wide solid discs but I use it for high speed steel grinding nice which I've actually found though that I can grind high speed steel almost faster with the go car grinder well and what's interesting about this because you get to cut the metal off so quickly mm-hmm the metal doesn't heat up right it does on something like this yep and so if I can remove the bulk of it with the go-kart grinder and then come over here and get that scooped or that rake that that the curvature that will allow you to do then I don't have to spend so much time over here right right so and then so that's what it's used for and it's I think it's just a cool piece of history this this thing will spin for like five minutes after you turn it off which I just doesn't have an automatic brake course it's three phase three phase yep right pretty cool and then just a nice little simple a little pedestal grinder I keep a white stone in a wire wheel and what's what's the white stone for fine tuning the high speed steel or sharpening drill bits okay so it's just a real fine grit it's just for that last just a touch up your tools or and that's not for heavy grinding so what's that over there what's what there we go and then I don't know there's a little bit of size difference between the two of these right this is pretty I've never seen anything like this until all literally know I'm gonna tell you something if my wife were to see this okay now we have rules okay we can claim different things so she comes in with something that's really cool I can claim that it's mine oh nice she would claim this okay this would be tossed and she'd have me make a table out of this that's what's so cool look at a fella bass is so neat oh my gosh so I got this from David demoys on Instagram and then Andrew Alexander from blacksmith tools contact Mises I have the grinder for you this is fit perfect in your shop I know you like things and I said I took one look at it and go yeah I have to have that that's so what's this way out out around 4,000 pounds and it's 15 horsepower 30-inch disc oh and that's right you told me the disks are 250 pounds yeah I took this disc off to inspection it's 250 pound dis that's what it weighs okay if you took well I can't I was gonna say if you took all my grinders but that's not right would well most way mm-hmm okay if you took all my pedestal grinders yes wouldn't weigh 250 pounds yep but at the end of the day I have want to build some sort of attachment for the other side of this uh-huh and I have a million ideas I just haven't decided on what I want to do with that side yet so to me this is a blank canvas off of this shaft and so and be able to use the base you know what the diameter that is I think it's a three and a half inch shaft oh man yeah it's either three or three and a half it's pretty good-sized okay so then you've got extra holes in here you can attach to me I can fill the hole I can build this this shaft is an extension off this table so you can slide it and build off of this okay there's just a lot of options when you look at it in my mind my mind goes blue and explodes with awesome ideas nice but yeah it'd be a great power source for something yeah so then we have your yeah this is the build since my little table is well little uh I'm running into the problems I want to fabricate something larger and I'm in love with hold fixture tables and after you use them they really do spoil you my buddy Reed had really turned me on to his strong hand build pro table and I just said you know I'm just gonna I'd like to have one now one of the holes on two inch to inch centers 5/8 ground plates both top and bottom so you can flip them over and they're built on a pretty heavy-duty frame and I've just found that it just works really well for fabrication if you want to build something have multiples of the same it's and you could take a nap you can't take a nap yeah it's just it's just a really neat suspense and now it doesn't you can change the height that it but you have to yeah you got to lift it out to bring it with the forklift or something to change its height yep okay yep and there's the side braces are adjustable and I like them high so I can get brooms underneath it and you could also offset the beads yep so you could bring one out to here and then the other one out to here right and wider getting a bigger table if you needed it yep Wow and then this came from yes Southern California and you can tell it showed up on my short up at the door tipped over on the Parana so it was nice and painted shiny but this is the version 25-ton mechanical unpressed you came here and the driver had already dropped it off no I he backed up to the door opened the thing opened this roll-up door and this thing was literally tipped over on top of the Parana was in there also yep and so I hadn't made it all the way from kalfa than California perfectly fine they loaded it reloaded it here in Spokane on another truck truck driver didn't strap it down and gave me a nice big boo-boo this is quarter-inch plate and it's always a tinted yep so what well you know what do you do is it gonna make make or break the machine but it was in pristine condition but enough do you have other that's the only dyes I have for it no place you can get more there you have it guys got it sign me up yeah I'm ready to go yeah yeah it's also nice because you can come all the way up in well you don't have much of it I think it's a little bit 50 I think it's 55 inches in between okay but it's an 8 foot if you're if it's 8 foot capacity if you're not going all the way through yeah lovely what's this funny wood right now it's floor art but it says his name's Jason he contacted me at the Stan's bash this last year and says hey I have a camel back straight edge and a 12-foot straight edge your if you're interested in it will make you a good deal on it so okay to me I think they're just neat looking so regardless of if I ever use it I'll probably still use it as a straight edge but never actually describe anything in but now this is an 8 foot steel the other one is 12 foot aluminum with a cast yes shoe or surface surface so that one I'll probably use cuz that I can handle that by myself right I can measure this table but this one's two-person job yeah so for right now I just think they're neat because I love tools and pretty heavy whoever is operating these things I have to give them props cuz it you're gonna be exhausted by the end of the day oh yeah so and then you have to scrape then you gotta straights great looks great so I gotta figure out a place to display it when I'm not using it because I just love the look of them they're just classic machine shop pretty cool so now we have our speeder yes this is Adam Booth found this for me when I mentioned I was looking for a shaper a small shape or just to be able to use for odd projects and he found me this one from Georgia and had it shipped up here by Fred brought it to me special delivery Fred yep Fred and he's got a video on him bringing it up to me and okay yeah this is the largest shaper Cincinnati made which is 36 inch heavy-duty so there I do have a video on talking about all the knobs and switches but it's just it's what's your first reaction when you see it in person it's huge it's just add I want one yeah as one of those luxuries because I have the extra space in here to be able to have it as a useful tool and toy and here in the shop but what's sad I bet if I keep driving the back roads I'll find one in some yard the other out in a field just sitting there yep well if you do in a a tool lifter on it I got dibs on it no but that's the next project to really make this thing awesome is a tool lifter so well this has a clapper box yep well the two lifter is on the return stroke it lifts it up automatically so it's not dragging so it's not dragging so and then then you can run the what act what pushes it out or what activates it just oh it's a drag link it's just basically a drag rod so it's a friction bushing on the side of the machine so when it's coming back that rods trying to push and then it never pushes it back they're dragged and then when it's calling poor word its dragging it slams it shut so it's just a drag link is all it is oh so it's not rocket it's not rocket science no not at all I mean make something like that the complexity is when you start tilting the head that it also needs to have some movement and flexibility to follow okay but no it's I just need the time to do it and that's the commodity around here that's short time but so what I love about this anvil this is all fake this is styrofoam I wish it was because it'd be a lot easier to move around but now this is a 450 pound Taylor & Sons and wool that I got from Andrew Alexander from the good of the land fest last year okay so I was in the market for a fun big anvil and he had this one I'm like it looks pretty sweet to me and it's sat under the table for the last year because my projects are a mile long I have to get this thing up off the floor right and so I just I just threw together a stand underneath you have scrap metal laying around like this inch and a 5/8 plate just laying around yeah it's like yeah I'll make it out of that yeah but you just don't pick that up no okay it takes my brother and I just just one plate of it to get it off the off the table oh yeah but I think it has to somewhat match the size of the anvil I think it needs to the anvil needs are the stake l must be as heavy as a anvil is this just my personal well I know there's something about the inertia when you hit yeah you don't want their flexibility you want that to help absorb and add and you can get away with that if you do a straight post where you just transfer all that load in the ground yeah but if you're hitting over here that's very true you don't have it yeah no this is the right way yep that's fun up next is the drill press this one's from Harbor Freight and one of the reasons why I got it is because of how slow the spindle turns right but in order for it to be a little more versatile for me here in the shop I added this drill press plate and it just simply attaches to the existing by these screws and it just goes right through the T slots or you can bolt it right through the table you're able to use all the build pro tooling and be able to put your your quick clamps in to be able to quickly clamp your parts I like being able to use the pin stops yeah very cool to be able to use just to indicate parts up against something so I can run it through use the clamps that is so nice it's a pretty handy little feature to add onto the drill press I do have a few for sale on the website so have you gotten into use in this thing hardcore oh yeah kind of no I have just a cool thing no I use this is I use this anytime I need to cut steel this is where I cut it on this is the your friend this is my friend it's so versatile and what do you have for capacity what do you have 18 as in 19 inches 19 by 19 capacity and it's the head tilts over which is a special you know rarely see a saw or the whole head tilts over and I like that I can flip a Marvel unless it's a Marvel they also made this that didn't tilt I believe so yeah I ran across the friend or somebody on Craigslist that had one of these didn't until it cuz I was sure that it tilted and he goes no no and I start like nope why would you buy it yeah so the head tilts and so there's a Marvel series one but moves that easy yeah but what's interesting is it's feeding the motorist through here you have a spline shaft yep and it just it's just a dry a spline drive shaft in a flat belt Wow so this came from Oh Grand Coulee Dam this was in the maintenance department of our famous Grand Coulee Dam yep so it came from a fab shop local I got from them but they got it from the maintenance shop from Grand Coulee Dam ok Grand Coulee Dam trivia okay so cement actually is a chemical process to harden so he heats up they actually ran water tubes through the entire dam to help get rid of the heat very good took like 30 years before the cement was actually cured and the temperature was normal to believe that that dam is gigantic concrete if you've never seen the Grand Coulee Dam in person I recommend it because it's pretty impressive piece of if we owe a lot to the back dam in this area Boyd provides all our power from that yeah but it's cool to have a cool piece of history from that historical landmark I'm feel privileged nope it put us on Craigslist up for sale they actually bought a marbles the next the Marvel series 2 and no longer needed this one so I was like still using it yeah yeah there actually didn't amps have some pretty nice yeah so so I would believe that this was probably purchased new in the 50s yeah for from the damp so that's you're right it's pretty cool oh that's so nice pretty fun so back here we're starting to get more than the mission getting away from fab getting the machining yep this this is my Acer 1440 this is the second actual machine that actor ever owned first far as machining and goes and it actually came out of a local high school here so I find I use it for 75% of the things that I need here in the shop it has enough accuracy for the for what I need and at the end of the day I think every machine machine shop fab shop should have a lathe in there I'm disappointed that in my career that there's been a lot of things I needed to build but I never had access to a lathe so I would you end up just using pipe or do em tubing when you could solve a lot of problems with the lathe this isn't a complex machine it really isn't at the end of the day and you're doing VX yep holder's yep the X holders and it's this is dro I use it yeah absolutely it's inexpensive dro but it works good just glass scales that you get off eBay okay so but this I think is a great size for somebody who needs one and I owned almost this exact life mm-hmm and it was a good lathe yeah you know actually I'm looking at the knobs I mean it's almost very similar actually a little different here but I handed up so you have two knobs to control your rpm for your head yes I actually found I just marked what speeds they were here okay that makes way more sense yeah cuz then I could just it was because they're not linear yep they're not you know a is a B and C it should be a should be fast no it's like yeah it's kind of all mixed matched it's all over the place yep and then this is just random table this is the 50 taper some of my 50 taper tooling for the Korean trekker and then I keep drill bits for like I like to have a set of drill bits by the lathe set of drill bits by that lay the said adjust by the mill okay the most common ones just like the fractional right but then I just I keep all the everything in between is over here so if I do need a drill bit I have to probably have it right letters numbers silver Deming and then big frack you just don't know what you're gonna build in a drill bit will get you there for the most time some steel stocks that I keep hearing Lee every time I go to the steel I guess I was gonna say this and I was gonna say it's most the ground but you do have some square some squares like I got them in buckets and if I go to my local steel supply I always go to the remnants and I will never leave there without buying something like if I'm gonna go I'm gonna buy it's the best way to buy a piece of aluminum yeah when it's 25 cents on the pound Wow so that's the only way I buy material and I may not need it right at that moment but you do but the day you I'm Way ahead as your steel place pretty close by it is it's pretend minute drive okay it's not horrible but like you said if you have to leave the shot yeah the projects done I gotta say you're uh these are actually nice take are nice and what's you I'm actually I'm like on Wow and what I've I would have space these maybe a couple inches closer maybe just a couple but overall it's it feels pretty good yeah and I there's the chips just build up in here and I just let it go low very low maintenance really because you don't have to clean the chips out nearly as often as you do the rubber mats okay okay so then we have or you guys had to come in here closer I call this the candy store guys ready we have our red candy here gotta show them what it's actually in there do they even know what it is multi colors here so we're set up with different different types of n mails and you have everything under the Sun in here almost every length and flute and nose Wow in almost any size you want what's that and all the way to the big to the big big so is that it that's a two-way tank yep can you fit that on your Kearney yeah oh yeah you got a yes I got bigger ones I mean I got those guys we're always bragging about our cutters yep oh man that is so nice yeah so they got the the list is so half-inch three-quarter 5/8 and all the way down to microscopic almost eyeglass size really I've never used one but you probably we're going I've used I've used some really small cutters and you'll be like I had this one project where I had it kind of really small groove and I just been working with a one-inch cutter yeah yeah I guess what happened yeah you end up breaking them yeah well the way I have this little machine shop set up is the tooling is all in the center because it's all the tools almost uses all the same tooling so machines go around the outside and then tooling is in the center okay it's kind of my concept of how to set up a machine shop but everybody's different and then so this is the wash on 20 or 125 Sean well Sean yep on and it's gigantic you guys got a look at this leadscrew look at this thing it's gotta be like inch and a half lead screw for pitch it's pretty massive gap between there that is amazing and the ways are in just perfect shape and you got this at an auction got this at an auction oh look at this is nice the so the protractor on this mm-hmm it's big it's big he has deeply cut in yeah it's not like a little sticker nope you know nice big dials feels nice doesn't it yeah and what I wore than anything is I love the I have sick over six inches of drop cross light so a lot of the tapers I mean I can cut a six-inch long taper now without having to have a taper attachment or a giant yeah I haven't found the need for it because my like you know I'm a big I've never used one yep and what size want to see a CA okay so since I don't use this half of the machine all that often and I just built a little table so steel table steel table with a wood top and it just fits in between it's on Delrin slides so if I want a slide that I can and there's two bolts I can pull it off right there just a little rotisserie to keep the tools close at hand well the other problem is because I film in here and I like to share my projects I don't have a splash guard on the back of this machine all right where normally I would put a splash guard a big hood over it so I could huh douse everything was coolant right but because I like to share my prod I have to leave it exposed yeah so therefore sometimes I don't run coolant on camera because it wrecks the shot right and I need to leave this access open - no that's so this is my solution - though I got instead of over the top here yeah only you mount everything just grab and go well the viewers come fear for come first yeah if I'm gonna do a project do you guys hear that yeah first well I have to remember that I'm sharing my projects with you guys so I have to set this shop up to be able to film in it to not only work and be productive but share the projects so right so what's the ones this 5:5 Morse taper hmm and do you know what it's in the headstock this is a three and a half through hole oh god that's nice yeah it read to put a three and a half inch shaft through there yeah pretty sweet so the way I have this the two lathes are designed the way I set them up is if I want to put something through the through hole on that one everything linear through here and I can use the steady right that's what I was gonna say off the end of this and I can test it and I can use this through-hole on both and so this thing's out whipping around so there is some doesn't method to my madness of course perfect so perfect and you always keep the forge on here I say keep the forge on there yeah it's not worth it I've you know it's good practice and but at the same time I actually kind of like the for draw in some ways it's so that's an extra key 13-second he's coming after you now I don't know about that but a 25-inch chuck is it's just awkward no matter who you are that's 25 inches across yeah it's just it's just everything is just bigger I mean the t-handle is just huge well yeah but I do like what Tom Lipton does he had he'll just Chuck a smaller chuck in there what he needs yep and I've thought about throwing the three jaw in there but you know at the end of the day it's like am I in that much more hurry to like a so it's an extra forty fifty second maybe in a minute that's true something up wow you're fast I think this you I don't know that's your challenge it's it's practice like anything once you know what you're doing once you know if you watch the tips and tricks videos on how they do for jaw Chuck then you're ready to go there you go there you go and then so this is this I'll give you guys a sneak peek what's kind of going on behind the scenes here in the shop where my next project this is my first kind of machinist tool I call these parallel blocks I'll show you how they work so the idea concept behind this is basically it's just a parallel jack so let's say I wanted to drill a whole bunch of holes in this piece of bar and you put it on a parallel let's say this is a inch and a parallel to get it up to drill my holes well I'm able to put this block and set these screws at the same elevation as the floor of my vise and then drop the same parallel right into this block mm-hmm and then therefore and then I have a stand at a quick second and well yes so you can support the ends yeah and then they'll so you can put the exact same parallel here that you have here yep everything's lined up because of these yep and then you got the support got the support and you have linear support which our normal Jacqueline gives you a point right right so then I have support across the longer surface and you can clamp it to your T slots and there's a cup in there but that's I made these for myself and so I made a couple extra and I'll throw them up on the website so first come first serve kind of a situation but I wanted cast versions and so this is kind of nice you've gotten these casts now you're doing the machining on these here so these are done in the CNC machine oh they are okay okay yep so there tool list and then your core you could take them out and put a set screw in there then they have severe cold washers so you can handle them and then they'll take an eighth inch or a quarter inch parallel or you can set this down an eighth of an inch lower I run the next size up parallel right so you can utilize that's because that's the other thing is some people don't have enough parallels yep you could do it that way if you think about you're not using the rest of them in here right so why not utilize your parallels Mehcad maximum ability so and it's just for speed yeah so you drop it down well it's so much well do we have a normal jack I do have a normal jack okay so here's what a normal jack would do you'd bring this in and crank it up yep but the problem with the normal Jack for one thing I hate that you're always falling in between the cracks if it only has one point yeah so the other thing I like about this is you got the width and we were talking about this at one time of drill a set of holes in here and then you could bring a clamp bar over yet the mini if you get rid of that vibration at this set exactly so this is left open at the moment because I don't know I'll leave that to the end-user what holes they want drilled in it or where maybe they won so do I get a set of course oh but this is the a sir this is my I guess we're good time talk about it this is my first machine machine milling machine machinist machine that I purchased was an email and it's a two horsepower variable frequency drive so it's infinite speed well yeah because you're telling me it just has one timing belt in there that's it so it's direct drive it's direct right so we're not losing any energy through the v-belt yep and it's really quiet on camera you turn it on it's just really should I homes yep and this is on ball screws ball screws square actually these are square ways here yep and on the z-axis for the table that this is what do they call these um dovetail of tails so there's a little heavier machine there bridge words weighs in about 3,500 pounds so an extra thousand pounds heavier than a normal Bridgeport but it's basically a Bridgeport clone 1550 almost double that's probably to almost double a normal bridge ports mm is it only 2,000 but you get a bigger table on it whatever it can add to it but a basic Bridgeport's mm you're right so it is quite a bit heavier yeah but it so this machine is made in Taiwan did you do in math and school not very well we're okay so so you got it new then oh no I buy it used okay yep Wow because when I first get started in this what do you do you can't afford a new machine right this is what started all the inventing for me did a lot of machining on this all this so you found this for how many years then going on seven years now okay okay yeah very exciting and then of course you always want more and that leads us to the Kearney and trekker this is a number three so what is I what sizes do Kearney have oh they have a two three four and a five I think okay so this weighs 9,000 plus pounds has ten horsepower this is a 50 taper and this is a war machine this was built in 1943 okay so and it came from the coast so I'm guessing it had something to do with the shipbuilding or so you got it around to ever at them yep I had a guy actually came over and brought it to me okay it's just it is amazing to machine it uses cutters that are this big yeah that's a little one that's a 10-inch or I got I got 12 and 14 inches in the back my goodness so but yeah you need to move some metal it'll move some that well that's what this about it's it's a different they're not wasting your time on this are you know it's a different process than a CNC machine is nowadays is CNC machines light passes faster right this is just one big cut one time be done with it yep but I like the horizontal aspect mm-hmm and do you have the vertical got the vertical head this is the special but it's so heavy and this the old shop I had I built a crane for it yeah and so I want to build another something like that here and then I can service the email and the kearney checker there would be some sort of this will be the counterbalance of its crane so it will make it to where this machine sits on the counterbalance okay therefore the base this is weird mm-hmm this is a dovetail square way but this is where it controls that yes here is just surface yep so that but it pronto but has a way for underneath here yep so it just keeps it from going up and down with this tracks it straight yep and it has another way on this side too so it's got two ways or to Gibbs okay interesting yeah so this house has the back controls it's pretty fun oh so this the controls here are the basically the same up here hmm because you can't so if you're working off this cutter and your works here you can't right see what you're doing now does this table turn no okay so that's the next level on hmm nice nice yeah pretty fun so then we have a little drill press here yeah that little tiny drill press this is a the victor radial 3-foot radial drill okay and the idea hi and this is you can put anything you want I could put something here on the floor and drill with it if I want right it's just long as you can hold it steady holes able to handle it yep and again what size motor is this this is a three horsepower I think three horns three horsepower and then more taper and this is the speed control further so we go 88 up to 1500 yep nice yeah and I like it I only run Jacob's Chuck's in all my drills I've got rid of all my except for my all bricks Oh aren't you the cool one right I don't I've had too many I don't know I've I've tried them all I got a whole drawer full of drill trucks and at the end of the day I just keep coming back to the Jacob I showed you how to fix one of these I did yep but yeah it's a pretty fun machine to operate it's pretty smooth he never used one before oh no I have but not like that right isn't that so smooth oh my gosh that is crazy so then this will lock it down yep and that's it yeah oh my gosh that is amazing so then we also have coolant you can run on it difficult very often mm-hmm it's too messy is too messy I just I just squirt oil on there yeah coolant and I love the range of speeds normally it's like when you run a big two inch drill bit okay I needed to go slow okay and yeah you can tell this this machine is designed for running big drills right right very nice so we have our little duel here this is probably I use this for everything do all with it I I'm finding myself though I've been cutting wood through it and I shouldn't be because I because it kind of dulls the blade I've found like the woods kind of gets a lot I mean it's a little gummy in there and then I go to use steel like a ass shoot so I'll probably just become only using this for metal and I'll be looking for a wood bandsaw of something similar up side but then the speed on this is it controlled by yep this variable drive variable speed okay so it you turn that knob it turns a motor that changes the pitch of the book the pulleys nice yep nice yeah this thing is just bulletproof it just tracks straight and just an industrial machine it's like a made in USA you know we go there we go this little goofy table is the one I had in my very first welding table made of I hate to say it I made a lot of money with this piece of junk well it doesn't take much no it really doesn't you get creative with I mean I'm having the biggest tools the best tools but the end of the day yeah give you a four inch grinder and a stick welder and you can still build everything it just takes long you can do a lot with it so I mean this this is what got me started this is what I think everybody if you don't have anything yourself just a piece of steel and start from there and as you your skills increase in your need good and then you can upgrade to a better table well and just find if you're interested in welding so so you're getting into fake machining now fakes it I see a CNC at all yep this is an older 1994 doll I got this at an auction because I wanted the tooling that this machine had with it so it came with four Kurt 10-inch vices and that's why you there's so many of those laying around yeah so and I had came with a wall full of tools okay and all the holders and at the day I didn't care what the machine was like like I just wanted the tools so it would just it was just dirty and I've been cleaning it up and I got all the manuals got the programs loaded into it and I can give you I can run the program in it but the other day I want to get it drip fed off of a laptop and that's my next it's not what they call it oh they because this processor is kind of slow right just kind of have to like feed is a little bit for it to keep up oh it's that slow it's not that slow it's just not a brand new house or yeah Mazak machine but for what I want to use a floor for prototyping this is gonna work all so you can actually still use this controller do the jog all that but you can have a laptop underneath it yep plug it in and it'll actually bypass this right and it'll drip feed through the tape because this had remember when these were never this was a take what year is this again ninety yeah I know right ninety Wow but used to a tape and then you can control this thing just like a modern CNC machine but this has Box ways this is a forty twenty has a pretty good capacity fifty 15 horsepower ten ten thousand rpm ten thousand rpm he's got super slow tool changes but at the end of the day I for prototyping you don't have to change them I'm hello and what is it a twenty twenty tool cassette yeah but you can find these machines really and and you any ran you've milled with it so I have not milled with it yet but I have got not screaming at you or anything nope and it's just too bad that it's a for so long outside and I just got the oil just got crud all over it and I'm still through the cleaning process but it does work turns on I can run a load of program and off we go so I look forward to learning this side of machining also yeah I think I need a look I think everybody needs to know a little about a student of everything master or none there you go there you go yep this is the worked squares come to die when they don't make the cut really and this is my automatic bandsaw so what does automatic actually mean which means load the stock no it won't load the store it will feed the stock it won't blowed it so if I load a 20 foot stick in here okay then I can't untell that stick runs out then that's so but I'll take the stick and it will bring it 12 inches 12 inches 12 inches yep so you said you said to what you want for a scale and then say okay but it'll do a maximum of only 32 inch cut okay okay and it'll just sit here and do the the crazy playing piano all by itself we'll sit here and just lop e off pieces so the head it raises everything does this from that and this is a I don't want to say it's a late sixties early seventies machine ok still and and we'll do angle it will not do a combo it's just straight yep but if you need lots of parts cut this is the this is the tool for it okay and so the way I have this table set up is this table in this table or the same height oh really so when I want to use this I just roll this back okay and I put my material on top of this table and I use it as another end feed nice and then vice versa I use this end of this table as the end feet of this one right well I keep forgetting the head moves on this so you have to the table yes the blade comes forward mm-hmm so I'm using I'm using utilizing the space for two saws in a wise yeah motion yeah so so now we have the big big machine yep although these are beautiful yeah these are I'm a big Lindy German forklift fan because I have such large equipment in here I need to be able to move them around and one's a 5000 pound and the other is a 10,000 pound I didn't see this yeah everything that control panel finger controlled I mean everywhere where they pull off for the cylinders is up high normally like all down low right and it powered by a little Volkswagen turbo diesel engine turbo yep turbo diesel and so both of them are volkswagen powered but they're no it's the turbo the turbo turbo yep [Music] and it's really this is a 6,000 pound machine for how small it is it's pretty good for pretty small eyes so you got extra long Forks on long Forks to be able to load though the water jet oh because I need to have a magnetic lifter to be able to lift the material up and then reach into the center of the water jet right I don't have overhead crane in here right but yeah here we are the Mach 500 so what was amazing when I walked in here I looked at this thing and the first thing I went is I didn't know it was that big yeah it's this thing is huge so if you can get when you run the Z up you can put it something as big is whatever the Z and cut really yep or you you got it almost 18 inches or even more if you want to remove the slats uh-huh and cut you drop a part into the tank okay and you can cut the part that way too let's just say you had a table and you want to flip it over right you could cut the base plate or whatever and drop it into the tank right but yeah I have there have a whole video I talked about the ins and outs and how the machine works and it's pretty educational if somebody wants to learn how water jet functions but that the other day is like this is machines here also to help me prototype and be productive and do some work work it's really your shop this is not to manufacture this is to invent and prototype right something like really what this is this is your R&D at the end of the day somebody has to invent the next tool yes and where do you do that yeah and a lot of these tools are my personal tools so what do you do I mean yeah how do you a lot of my inspiration comes from just building because I enjoy to enjoy welding fabricating machining and that's where the inspiration comes from trying to solve a problem yeah and if you're not building you're not gonna solve problems right you know right and then I'm able to with YouTube I'm able to communicate with the customer I have they have a direct line with me it is very fun though but at the end the day you have to be able to invent and I'm so that's what this space is for the machine needs something it needs it needs a sticker and it's so true this machine will definitely look better I just made this cut more accurate with a better finish yep it's pretty cool and I just keep the material behind here nothing fancy don't mind that big huge 40 and 45 inch I beam back there you don't want to don't look at that because it might be for another project but it's the elephant in the room you just said it I know don't look at the idea but yeah so geez I'm kind of not I'm not very organized and I've never have been an ever weenus slide I never will be organized and I will never change this is my chaos this isn't this is okay it's okay I mean I can show you shops that you can't even walk in that's pretty bad yeah yeah no I'm not talking about but yeah so this is pretty fun and then I guess I'll show you the keep our camera equipment over here cuz to me a camera is also a tool for product photography right for shooting videos for the website and on YouTube and like we just keep everything in a cabinet and I'm a lens nut I love lenses I love cameras this than I do I like to use Canon cameras so we primarily use a Canon a DD the Canon 1dx mark 2 and a Canon C 200 that way all the lenses fit all the cameras nice nice well Jason well thank you thank you much thank you Dale absolutely so fun to be able to share with you you're more than welcome here any time well and you guys don't get to see oh there's a lot of hidden stuff and projects they can't show you yet yeah maybe I'll cheat and show you something maybe we'll see if you're interested in metalworking and machining content go check out Dale's channel metal tips and tricks thanks Dale for joining me and I'll see you guys on the next one all right guys take care
Channel: Fireball Tool
Views: 1,219,047
Rating: 4.8419585 out of 5
Keywords: fireball, tool, Fireball tool, Welding, shop tour, metal shop, machine shop, fab shop, wood shop, welding shop, fab table, welding clampos, esab, miller welding, stronghand, metal lathe, marvel band saw, waterjet, go kart belt grinder, machine shop tour, hobby machining, mig welding, stick welding, tig welding, shop your garage, home machine shop tour, wood shop layout design, cool tools 2019
Id: _BOw7svMzkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 6sec (3846 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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