BEST Weed Pulling Tool Comparison

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today we're going to test out these eight weed pulling tools to see which one pulls out weeds the best which one removes the most dirt which one removes the most root and which one is the best one to buy if you're looking to pull a whole bunch of weeds first I'm going to show you how they all work this one I borrowed from my neighbor it's a whole bunch of nails that you I guess pinches the weed [Music] and then you can use this to shoot it out this one's by garant it uh it's got the spiral thing so you put it in the ground step on it and then you can twist a whole bunch of times and when you pull it out you can easily shoot the weed right out [Music] similar Gardena one right here you stab it in spin 360 and then you can shoot it out this one's got cool blades so it really gets in there makes like a nice clean hole [Music] we got this from Fiskars which was at Home Depot it's got like a three prong thing that you put in and then lean back and it uh injects the weed like that too then we got this one from Costco that my neighbor Rob stands by which is similar to that one except when this goes in it's got this nice grooved part here so when you lean back against it it'll pull out like any roof that's been chilling there and you can also eject it [Music] then on the more chill handheld stuff we've got this one from garant which I guess is just good for getting in there this one from Gardena which also seems like it'll get in pretty deep to get around the root this one which was six bucks at Angus and uh it's got this little swivel thing for pulling out weeds which I've actually found to be very good for Clover let's start testing them out let's start with kick this weed here and we'll see if I can get it all [Music] It's Gonna Leave a nice hole but it's better than having a weed right [Music] and now I see how much weed I actually got out that's a good amount [Music] and then here's the hole [Music] not too big of a hole [Music] yeah that's like full roots I can't really ask for more than that it's on wet weather really good job Gardena [Music] [Music] okay let's see how much root we got pretty much another full length yeah this Garnet is great and you don't need to twist as much because the self-ratching so we're really liking that all right let's try this big one with the garnet okay looks like that one broke off the root and it didn't fully line up so let's try one more let's try this one here I think this is a double okay let's try this chill one right here [Music] feel like yeah see the full route came with it [Music] and snapped off so still full distance again good job Garnet okay next up we're gonna try this weird one with the uh so let's Center that on let's try this right here this looks like a nice easy one [Music] I guess we'll do a full twist and [Music] leaves a cone very small but I feel like we completely missed the root because I can see it right here so let's try another one for the best okay this one right here is let's Center it [Music] pop it out okay so it looks like we're only getting this distance of root which isn't really good so it probably goes down way deeper so this one's kind of a failed okay now on to this fiskers one this one again doesn't have the groove like my neighbor robs so we're gonna position it right here put it all the way in and lean it back and let's see how much root we got ah okay less than the length of the tool so let's try another one and it did pull out more than just a nice even hole so I think that weed is going to come back okay let's try this nice chill one how do we have it we need the ejection all the way back step on it [Music] and full pull back [Music] oh looks like a lost grip and missed the root of the weed which is actually right here let's try again on this one then oh I heard it snap let's see where did it snap pretty low compared to where it actually is so you know I'm giving this fixtures kind of a fail and it makes a big nasty hole I feel like that's something that the Garrett garnet and the uh Gardena would have easily taken care of okay maybe this is better suited for the really big ones so let's just try this monster if I pull faster oh okay so for the big big ones yeah that's doing a great job okay okay let's try another big big one okay now we have my neighbor Rob's favorite the Altera from Costco this one's got this big scoop here so it helps yank everything out let's try it on this big one and see if we can get as much root as possible foreign [Music] definitely a lot more root than the Fiskars we got the full length of the tool let's try some smaller ones and see if that works better I think this is like a triple root too okay I found another big one let's let's go to town should we pull quick oh yeah yet yet again same length as the tool which I guess is pretty good for one of the big big ones let's see if we can find a small weed to pull right here small one very easy push down and lean it back [Music] all right yeah another one that's exactly the length of the tool now let's move on to some of the hand tools okay we're gonna start off with this Garnet hand tool and I've had success with this in the past so we pretty much find this weed here and gotta go straight down and I guess pry it out really put that in deep and yeah obviously with this one you're on your hands and knees but if we can get the full root out then I guess that's probably a win oh only this much okay and then maybe wedge up on it and pry it out [Music] ah not really anymore with this than any of the uh stand up weeding tools and definitely a lot more work it'd be easier to pat down the hole though all right let's try the Gardena one all right same style [Music] dig around maybe make a full border around the whole route scoop that up foreign so we pretty much made a hole like the Gardena and the garnet stand up one and we are getting a lot more root but not like the full length of the tool which is still like pretty good these are pretty thick so I can see why you know they're snapping halfway through let's try another one see how that goes maybe we'll try without going all the way around just one stab in and see what happens pulling out a lot of dirt so we need to do at least like couple we don't want to ruin all the grass and yeah pretty much I guess the same distance but this is definitely working better than the garnet hand tool for these kind of weeds hey last up we got this six dollar one I got at Angus and it's got this curve here so let's see if that helps us get even more out so we can't even put it in that deep anyways let's put it right to here as far as we'll go and then angle it back I heard it snap there see how deep all right so that's about the distance of the tool which isn't that good for getting deep weeds out but it kind of makes sense I guess the theory is if the ground is soft enough this will help you easily angle it out all right let's try this little chill one here get it in there let's go extra deep and then try to pull it out so much Earth moving it hurts nap [Music] and a little more well it's about the same level of root as the length of the tool which isn't the best [Music] the hole is a bit messy let's try a super big one so all these the best ones are the standing ones because you don't have to get on your hands and knees so these three are disqualified but they did a pretty good job this one is trash so it's out this one doesn't seem to get the full length of root so it's out so it is a tie breaker between the Gardena the uh what's this one called the Altera from Costco and the garnet so we're gonna pull out three weeds each and whichever one seems to do the best job will win these are our three for the Gardena well almost the full length of the tool but it does not come to the same length as the one from the Gardena at the exact same length as the tool messy home not a nice neat one and is it longer than the Gardena one no but it is close so uh yeah there we have the results all right so that concludes my best weed puller test I would say these three hand tools don't use them because you're going to hurt your back but these two are about even for weeds and then this one is actually very good for Clover now to the real ones this one my neighbor's got I think for 18 bucks it's pretty trash because it only makes a little triangle which might be good if you have like the smallest newest weed but besides that don't bother it pretty much can't pull out anything [Music] the guarant one this one sells for about seventy dollars Canadian pretty good it's got the ratcheting it'll make a nice hole and if you don't want to do the full twists like we did on the Gardena one I think this one's a better option it's got good eject and everything but I don't think it cuts as nicely of a circle in our tests it didn't pull out as much weed regularly as the Gardena did okay so the Gardena I think this is our big winner it does better in big weeds small weeds more consistently pulls out more weed root the only thing is it doesn't have the ratchet thing so that might suck if you know twisting is bad for your back but even though you know I do some work for a Gardena my buddy who's lawn I went through still thought this one was the best one it's the one he would take and this one is about I think 80 us which is a bit pricey but the consistency was just off the chain for how good this one was okay this fiskers cost me 50 bucks Canadian at Home Depot I didn't really like it like this kind of good for big fat weeds if you let them get out of control but it just seemed to lose the weed because it doesn't have that Groove at the back and overall I would say this is like kinda all right it's kind of all right I don't know it's nice if you can't twist but then if you really can't twist this Altera one which my neighbor got for 25 bucks at Costco in Canada a couple years ago was the best one because it's got this scoop that really pulled a lot of root out for big ones this was awesome not having to twist this was awesome but for small like manicured Lawns and small weeds this takes a big chunk of grass out which might be more than you want but it still manages to get the whole root so my recommendation you can find this one get it if you don't want to twist and if you don't mind twisting get the Gardena one because this consistently took out more root than the length of the tool and had nicer neater holes but if you've got monster weeds like the biggest weeds ever you probably want one like this and if you can't find this one I guess you can go for the Fiskars one but I did find it a lot harder to aim with these two a lot of the times we miss the root so you do need to get used to your placement so thanks for watching the first annual Yuri's weed puller tool review if you have a company for gardening and you want to send me your weed puller for the 2024 weed pulling challenge hit me up or any other lawn tools all this gardening stuff is fun watch my gardening review videos got some lawn mowers and stuff like that and dethatching tools Leaf collecting tools and hopefully we'll do more gardening stuff thanks for watching guys foreign [Music]
Channel: Yuri Tereshyn
Views: 96,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weed puller, lawn maintenance, dandelion puller, how to get rid of weeds, best grass tool, how to get rid of clover, get ride of weeds, get rid of crab grass, lawn tools, garant lawn tools, gardena, gardena lawn tools, fiskars home depot tools
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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