The INTENSE Experience of SPEARING a BIG FISH | White Seabass Spearfishing From A Yacht

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what's up guys welcome back to outdoor chef life i'm taku day two on the yacht if you guys didn't see the last episode go check it out we're gonna get a white sea bass today let's do this so let me get you caught up we stayed in the shot last night it was so beautiful so nice um this is freaking amazing and we had some white sea bass for dinner last night and some yellow tail um and so lance and kyle uh they both shot a white sea bass uh yesterday and i didn't get one i had a nice nice look at one but i didn't take the shot but today i'm gonna take a shot today we're gonna get one maybe i hope let's try we'll try our best to get one yeah conditions looking okay looking okay a little bit of wind but not too bad water is looking pretty nice [Music] they're chilling yeah that's such a cool spot to chill it's a nice relaxing spot this lance is flying a drone right now he's trying to spot the white sea bass in the kelp with the drone [Music] so the question is will i get a yc bass today you think so yeah i think there's a i think there's a chance there's at least a chance i saw at least five yesterday back to back to back but at that time i had just gotten in the water so i was not really not really ready for that and uh yeah just got way too little jittery little you know adrenaline going my heart started pumping when i calmed down and i was like ready we didn't see any more and that was yesterday so today yeah we'll see what happens we might jump in there we might see him right away again so but this time i think i'll be ready i just need one i just need one to swim like right under me so i can just pop pop him in the head from above that's what i just uh keep playing in my head anyways that's the the ideal situation i think just from the surface just point down pull the trigger and stone him just just make him float up you know just boom perfect shot and just obviously he doesn't doesn't even fight at all instant kill that would be ideal but very unlikely that i get like a stone a white sea bass in my first shot i haven't even taken a shot there you go and here we go first thing we know the water clarity isn't very good maybe the same as yesterday or just slightly better you can see there's a bit of current which you can tell by looking at the kelp and how they're sideways that means they're getting pulled down by the current and that may not be the most ideal conditions but it's not too bad we're going to make this work so the plan here is to move slow through the water as stealthy as possible you don't want to spook the fish you want to sneak up on them and get a nice shot off nice and close these white sea bass like to hang out in the kelps when they're full of food and when they're ready to spawn and they move slow through the kelps very slow sometimes not even moving at all and they can be right on the surface so all we have to do is find that school of fish and get close enough to take an accurate shot yesterday i was pretty close and i had a shot but i just wasn't comfortable taking a shot yet because i had just gotten in the water but today i'm focused i'm calm and i'm ready to take my shot let's see if we can find one a little update here at this point it's been a little over an hour and no fish yet [Music] there are two fish one there one there there's probably a lot right here [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey hold on [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] again [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] wow he did it nice taco yeah nice oh man that was crazy he was trying to drown me where did you shoot him perfect right here oh nice boom [Music] so [Music] yes yes yes so yeah let's see i shot it came out here you went in there went in there right behind the fin wow right there that's a solid shot nice looking shot where were you aiming at the fish he was trying to pull me down i grabbed yes good job thank you yeah i shot him and then yeah he just headed straight down kind of held on to to the actual like yeah the shooting line yeah and i kind of just held him and then he actually felt like he got stronger um a little bit later maybe 10 10 seconds later and he started like pulling me down and then i was like oh shoot gotta go get back up breathe yeah i couldn't really hold my breath at that point too much adrenaline yeah he's about 25 huh yeah awesome oh my gosh that's so amazing thank you lance yeah great job exactly you did everything right we were in there for almost an hour well over now well over an hour yeah we didn't see anything i know this is shooting in about five minutes yeah yeah we didn't see anything and then we saw this little school and then lance pulls it out and go down to the kelp right there and i kind of just slowly dove down slightly and this guy kind of turned perfectly too kind of yeah and so i had a nice shot i was like i gotta take this one it was probably a school of about five or ten we could only see maybe three or four of them yeah but yeah it was perfect did everything right thank you great job thank you oh my gosh it's a beautiful fish beautiful turquoise kind of bluish green on top and there's definitely purple in there too oh my gosh what's that your wetsuit pants would you wear on the kayak oh yeah well i can't believe it yes i think about 26 27 all right yeah great first fish first white sea bass ever take the guts out take the gills off i don't want to puncture it just in case it's a female let's look oh that's a female nice what you're going to make with the ice i don't know oh look at that this thing is fat the rose huge big egg yeah nice nice beautiful the liver the liver is big too taking the wheels off here you want to take off anything that contains blood basically what makes the meat go bad call my friend glide after this when we get back to shore see if he's available to print my fish he's usually pretty busy so we'll see air platter or something right they have pretty large air bladders yeah that's huge i shot right through it and if you're wondering why we didn't just fish for white sea bass you see while we were diving that it's so the kelp is so thick right here where where the white sea bass are and if you fish for them here even if you hook up they're just gonna run you right into the kelp wrap around probably break off so spear fishing is is the best way um in this kind of conditions right and in this time of year this year the the fish are spawning in the kelp yeah so um they're you know pretty pretty easy to get in the kelp if you can get into the kelp yeah any big ones no i saw a lot yeah all about the same size i kept looking for something bigger yeah yeah hard as a spearfisherman not to shoot him yeah cause you know everything in your body says there's a fish it's legal yeah take it but i was just looking for a bigger fish and you know it's hard it's hard but it feels good to be responsible and that you need and yeah just take a lot of fish swim right by me point blank yeah well that's nice too yeah [Music] uh we stayed we got here so we're actually back in the harbor now uh and we actually stayed one more night in the harbor uh just so we don't have to we didn't have to drive the night back to the bay and yeah what an amazing experience this was sleeping on ya shooting a white sea bass all of that oh my god can you believe that i still can't believe i shot that white sea vest incredible but amazing uh amazing time and special shout out of course to lance caroline and kyle amazing time and amazing hosts um really kind people amazing i can't believe that starting a youtube channel would lead to something like this you know opportunities like this uh amazing so thank you guys so much uh we really had a good time amazing time so when i got back to the harbor i messaged my friend dwight you might have seen him in another video of mine and he does the printing so and he lives uh maybe an hour or two hours away actually so we're gonna actually go to his place and we're gonna print my yc bass all right so now we're at dwight's home we're in his studio here look at all the beautiful artwork behind him uh and he's gonna print the white sea bass so we'll watch him do that if you guys haven't seen dwight if you don't remember him from the last video that he was in amazing amazing artist he printed this one right here yeah so he's gonna print this white sea bass as well make sure to check him out on instagram he's got a lot of cool stuff he's doing he's just printed a deep sea creature what was that fish an angler fish angler fish that thing was crazy man nothing looks crazy yeah he just printed out the other day so he's doing all kinds of cool stuff like that so make sure to check them out hmm all right here we go [Applause] oh so much better see oh my goodness look at that wow we were doing last time the pan thing i was like it was all awkward oh yeah is that what you're doing yeah it was just yeah that was funny is it recording already yeah okay my wife sea bass turned into a beautiful artwork what an amazing experience that was on the boat just getting in the water and seeing these guys amazing time amazing experience and what a great way to finish it off by having it printed by my good friend dwight here as he's always he's always killing it with these amazing amazing thank you so much again yeah yeah thanks for bringing it over what a joy oh man yeah my first wife printing my white sea bass first one yeah nice nice that's perfect yeah i keep saying it but i still can't believe it still can't believe we got it all right guys we're home now a lot of driving so we haven't had any time to fillet the fish or anything but we'll do that on the next episode so this video isn't too long but make sure to check out dwight amazing artist amazing guy um thank you guys for watching and again thank you for the half a million subscribers amazing guys amazing all right see you guys on the next one yeah i got some good ideas oh my god i have some really really good ideas for the soy sea bats we have a lot of fish and a lot so we can experiment with a lot of it so we're gonna make some cool recipes we're gonna make yeah so we'll do all of that on the next one i'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 169,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spearfishing big fish, White seabass, Spearfishing, Yacht, spearfishing from a yacht, kelp bed spearfishing, white sea bass, spearfishing white seabass, the ghost of the sea, spearing the ghost, pacifc ocean spearfishing, california spearfishing, outdoor chef life, spearfisherman, fish vs. man, huge fish, spearing a big white seabass, asian guy spears big fish, sushi chef goes spearfishing, free diving, free diving for fish, speargun, shooting a big fish
Id: Fd_Obx-MyLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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