BEST Upcoming Movies 2018 (Trailer)

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[Music] my name is Wade watts my dad picked that name because it sounded like a superhero's alter-ego like Peter Parker or Bruce Banner but he died when I was a kid my mom too and I ended up here sitting here in my tiny corner of nowhere there's nowhere left to go nowhere except the Oasis [Music] a whole virtual universe [Music] people come to the Oasis for all the things they can do [Music] they stay because of all the things they can be can you feel this yeah the only place that feels like I mean anything the Oasis was the brainchild of James Halliday oh if you're watching this I'm dead I created a hidden-object an Easter egg the first person to find the egg will inherit half a trillion dollars and total control of the Oasis itself who is this possible and how the hell is he winning find him I'm talking about two life-and-death stuff the Oasis the world's most important economic resource there's nothing less than a war for control over the future welcome to the rebellion wait [Music] like many of you I only came here to escape [Music] but I found something much bigger than just myself are you willing to fight help us save the Oasis [Applause] it's weird you like hanging out with animals more than people yeah well animals get me a rescue George from here was 2 years old George never would have survived on his own he definitely trusts you last night George was seven feet away 500 pounds George okay buddy you're scared it's okay this morning is nine feet pushing a thousand what's happening to my friend are you familiar with genetic editing the changes will be incredibly unpredictable is he the only one oh you didn't know about the 30-foot wolf hell of a day huh science experiments falling from the sky having George on that plane it's a big mistake I think we'll be all right let's go save the world it's coming back to me you have to evacuate Chicago George didn't ask for this they're gonna put them down that's not happening there's something in the river I was just thinking the only thing that's missing right now is the giant crocodile my father always told me just survival is never certain and when there are no more leaders to follow you must become one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey hey this is yours most important thing keep your finger off the trigger at all times unless you need to shoot somebody when that happens till you run dry keep your eyes open every cop in the country is gonna be looking for us big Nick original gangsta cop in the flesh watch italic for dead six on the way to the hospital Peggy he's a bad guy I'm gonna make you a deal give me the names of all the guys who got away I'll get your medic I ain't no snitch yo he's dying son we got a problem it's a major crime get to know your enemy boys every big-time crew has been busted these are the guys who took him down by magician simulator no need to fix you could yeah we're doing sand flats we're trading up the Federal Reserve it's like Fort Knox at any one time there's anywhere between 500 and 800 billion dollars in there every millimeter of a covered by cameras sensors and motion detectors 10 across the street and stare at the building for two minutes that's security on your ass the bank has never been robbed [Music] you know just means means I am a member of a gang only we have badges which means you are done look like the types from arrests you know our cadets either put you in handcuffs drag it down to the station we just shoot you you're not the bad guys we are saying like the whole city go against me I'm Molly bloom do you know about me this is a true story you ran a games in LA for roughly eight years yeah then you ran a games in New York for Russia - I don't run a game in over two years not to spoil the ending but that's when the government raided my game and took all of my money assuming all of it was made illegally which it wasn't in this room you couldn't buy your win the baller you couldn't buy me then you couldn't buy a seat at the table when we saw it athletes written as that's just the tip of the iceberg you're not taking a percentage of the pot no keep it that way because you don't break the law when you're breaking the law breaking the law we're able to find out for sure aren't we laws are written down yeah I mean is any way about your book in life right I did you spent eight years buying the world's most exclusive glamorous and decadent mancave for the office guarantee the publisher has certain elements and I could get you a million and a half what kind of elements I passed I'm just curious as to why you passed on what would appear to be the only way out you have it have these real names creative differences the law that I'm accused of breaking the plans gambling is betting on games of chance yes suckers in a game of chance pokers a game of skill why does he wanna know at 22 has a gold-plated resume why did she run for games risk is nuts you're gonna get blown up you got 2.8 million on the streak right now that money should be in your hands just how deep into the Russian mob where you new offer on the table completely we hand over Audra you seen what's on those hard drives family slides careers will be ruling why are you in this alone whenever the people you're protecting by not setting the whole story it's not their names I'm protecting charlie my helmet wash because it's nice dear Aunt Lucy you sent me to London to find a home I have a wonderful family both you're in great shape for a man your age mr. Brown Wow Thank You Paddington hang on how old do you think I am Oh Oh 80 and I really got to grips with how things work Mr Gruber come in I'd like to get my Aunt Lucy a birthday present how about these ruling shoes please Mr Gruber be serious what's this this happy book is the only one of its kind and they want a lot of money pouring I'm going to get a job and buy that book no window cleaner Oh [Music] cheerio come hold it right there oh but I'm not the thief we're rich again round Hey laundry duty it's only one red sock what's the worst that can happen afternoon chaps I want to hear all about the investigation Paddington is innocent he's a master of disguise well this is breaking and entering haven't broken anything [Applause] you think you're going there Paddington looks for the good in all of us and somehow he finds it if we're kind and polite the world will be right [Music] [Music] tonight we're taking game night up a notch oh boy someone in this room is going to be taken and it's gonna be up to you to find them it's a murder mystery party whoever finds the victim wins the grand prize you're not gonna know what's real and what's fake wait a second can't just come in here and break the door though guys make sure you get a piece of this cheese it's just one that follows just sucks okay Roger dad you drive safe I've always enjoyed the camaraderie of good friends competing in games of chance and skill to revalue it seems like Ryan you go first I'm scared [Music] it's not a joke people are in real danger [Music] so much worse stop wait me I have kids at home not with an ass like yet you don't oh well thank you oh no he died his instructions on how to remove a bullet she didn't have rubbing alcohol so I got you this lovely shark good idea way to pivot and then a squeaky toy for the pain [Music] most of us ride this train every day we not we say hello but how much do we really know about each other it's my first time on a commuter train I'm sorry if we met no I'm Joanna Michael what if I asked you to do something I could profile the effects of individual on this train I don't understand it's just one little thing someone on this train does not belong all you have to do is find them why would I do it in the bathroom there are 75 thousand dollars that money is yours if you do this one little thing I thought this was hypothetical you'd have until next stop to decide what kind of person are you Michael Michael McCauley they're watching you I am NOT gonna do this look outside southeast corner don't make me hurt someone you love I don't want to have something it's all over the news there's a witness was it deep with the wrong kind of people if I might have to fight someone honest Ryan's gonna kill him what do you know you have no idea who you're up against I'm done playing games [Music] now everyone dies I'm not gonna let them hurt you she was trying to set me up we have a hostage situation take them out you stop this train now I asked you to do one little thing can you describe its full no stop from the beginning what do you think I do when you're away you think I'm out in the garden pining looking up at the sky your husband's here let me see him he's extremely ill you have to tell me where he was what he was doing it was his decision to go in it's something they termed the shimmer we've sent in drones and teams of people but nothing comes back but something has you're a biologist you served in the military if I knew what happened I didn't save his life the boundary is getting bigger it's expanding we're talking cities states you need to know what's inside it's beautiful check this out looks like they're stuck in a continuous rotation are they understand they're no sharks uptake like that not possible you can't cross very different species yes well soldiers on the last expedition seemed like crazy or something here kill them something's come to the face you're the fence we have to go back I can't go back we can camp here tonight it's destroying everything it's not destroyed it's making something new [Music] medical marijuana is already a multibillion-dollar industry the future is this weed pill I'm still not sure about this look most people will tell you Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon and even a complete idiot will tell you Neil Armstrong did it first and do you know why he went first dishes hatch open and hiss because he pushed bezel and the [ __ ] out of the way and sees history but a ballsack I'm satisfied [Laughter] [Music] look man you're in some deep water Harold like bankruptcy dude then cash pool no I'm saying you're poor poor tomorrow you can apply to Mexico what we want you to hand-deliver the weed pill formula to the lab I'm not supposed to touch the minibar but I'm going to do it you know I don't even care anyone doing it that having the [ __ ] cry-baby Harold I'm just gonna spit this out in a jiffy I sold a little product to the cartels but when we cut them off they got a little angry I know a guy I'll track down dictators if I can find a guy in the middle management what do they want injected a microchip okay I need to keep track II can't scare me details of the big bad cartels no things work not in Mexico there's Harold Harold Oh bingo you really believe in God because I believe in God what kind of person does not believe in God I guess I kind of do but not things you just have to get better for you trust me I have good instincts the world is a mysterious place there are marvels of nature just waiting to be discovered by those who are daring enough to look mara was like the creature I had only heard existed in legend a mythical monster strict out of your worst nightmares with wild eyes and a hideous face and feet that were amazingly freakishly creature with perfect white teeth then breath it just smells all minty fresh and only hair that has on its entire vine is on the top oh you're scaring up hey don't be scared it's look it's just a story everyone knows that the small foot isn't real or is it [Music] oh that's nice real nice way to scarm for life [Music] [Music] working for the man [Music] you cup not exactly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how are you I'm Mary [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning wife [Music] this is great look out your window why I'm taking you away for the weekend I just can't believe this is my life that I get to live with you buzzes huh it meant nothing to me before you can a great office we wanted to welcome the new fiction editor I bought it for us I should have asked you first oh my god Christian this is Jim Matteo the architect this location is perfect I'm going to build you a fabulous house please stop speaking of my husband as if I weren't here Anna you may call me mrs. grey I'll pick you up of five that may not be done by then because we are we're being followed how the hell are you Anna Jack what do you want so you want to play yes sir I made a vow to love you faithfully forsaking all others did you sleep with her to comfort you in times of need and to keep you safe first long as we both shall live for over a century the hotel has been his life next summer anyone [Music] yeah so impressive it's like a hotel on the water oh no Bobby's gonna puke we're running out of time you've seen what's happening out there a lot [Music] [Music] I can handle Thomas I can show up eventually that's what I'm afraid of it took you because you're immune to a plague that's wiping out the human race I think you're worth sacrificing to find a cure remember stop stop that the last city Ricketts the whole base of operations mr. Lyons dinner bottle - people are going 3 years we spent behind wolves trying to break out now we're trying to break back in I guess shotgun the world is dying if we find a cure that's the only way all this was worth it to regret what are you just hosting I did what I thought was right there's no guarantee we make you back fees don't we stop this together as well I'll end it that way too [Music] you still care about it down here cool item eight come on annotates believe the roundup torture kill when how does it stop it stops only find a cure [Music] Thomas you can save your friends or you can save us all [Music] please do you ever feel weird weird sometimes I feel like I'm always on the outside there's this invisible line that I have to cross to really be a part of everything and I just can't ever cross it me too my name's Simon I'm just like you except I have one huge ass secret I like I said I like your boots goodbye nobody knows I'm gay sometimes I feel like I'm stuck on a ferris wheel [Music] one minute I'm on top of the world [Music] in the next cement rock-bottom I've been thinking about why I haven't come out yet maybe part of me wants to hold on to who I've always been just a little longer [Music] this [Music] no matter what announcing who you are to the world is pretty terrifying because what if the world doesn't like you [Music] PS doesn't seem fair that only gay people have to come out by straight to default I have something I need to tell you I like girls he's trying to cute me I like man I'm straight Romeo and Juliet are moving to a whole new garden all clear not quite perfect but it's ours think of all the adventures we're gonna have okay it was me oh man Katie that is just are you done minute to coogee humans coming purges everyone they were supposed to live happily ever after but when their world is in danger Julia the noobs taroko there's only one known to call and Sherlock knows sworn protector of garden nose you mean except for the one you literally just broke [Music] can't anyone hear this but we have to get across that River you need a ship no [ __ ] Sherlock you've got a great unknown hey our next clue is in the park directions quickly just follow the blue line on the ground until you find the giant red Suns MacAvoy and we block to Attila Jeff for mary j blige and Johnny Depp with original music by Elton John and Bernie Taupin you have to go him to come out let's go to forward hold Oh forgive me I've never been the back end of a swirl before Orlov knows that's not how a squirrel fixit's behind mankini can you demonstrate Julie you see yes they're acting like a rear-end [Music] hello there welcome back I'm glad you could join me today let's just dive right in and run all the colors across the screen that you'll need to paint along with me I have my regular old canvas here wet and ready to go now let's grab our trusty two-inch brush here whack that off it'll dig just feed it like it owes you money we're gonna get a little damp or yellow snow here we mix that with just another little dab of our baby white now well that's just dancin happy little C I remember this is your world you get to make and break the rules here sweet baby Jesus wish I could jump in there and roll around and all that cascading white powder yeah just get high and all of life's splendor God I love cocaine so much holy [ __ ] knuckles I am high as a kite right now okay let's paint in a few little happy trees there nothing wrong with making friends with trees no what you don't want to do is eat these paints trust me on this one all right I'm gonna walk off from Ken that's right that feels good [Laughter] would you look at that it seems like we have ourselves a finished painting so from our family to yours keep your pants dry your dreams wet and remember hugs not drugs [Music] [Music] [Music] take off your dress when I was in Moscow they heard about a program young officers drink to seduce and manipulate to use their bodies use everything color sparrows that's what she is [Music] what's your name Laura surname Croft Barrett your father's gone you could pick up where he left off I see so much of him in you pregnant hello sprout if you're listening to this then I must be dead I found something a tune called the mother of death if Trinity succeeds our world is in danger promise me you will stop them I promise I think I know where my dad went that's right in the middle of the devil sea it will be an adventure death isn't 100 an adventure [Music] [Music] you shouldn't have come here but I'm glad that you did [Music] what do you know about my father now I see the likeness so recklessness close the to once and for the fate of humanity is now in your hands [Music] don't be too careful these days the world has gone bloody mad I'll take two I have seen gods fly I've seen men build weapons that I couldn't even imagine I've seen aliens drop from the sky yeah but I have never seen anything like this how much more you hiding [Music] we are home [Music] my son it is your time my respected you get to decide what kind of thing you are going to be don't freeze never face [Music] not be televised [Music] in because we don't know cuz we young young I waited my entire life for this the world's gonna start over i'ma burn it all [Music] what happens now it demands what happens to the rest of the world [Music] [Music] snacks come into a clock gentlemen thank you [Applause] [Music] once you begin to discover who you are then you really realize how you have been given authority over your life but you can only do that through the struggle of life and go for boarding [Music] [Applause] when you're working on a dream at some point in time a transition takes place [Music] you start challenging this [Music] nothing in you but taking shortcuts [Music] I don't know man you ever just feel like life it's just pushing us towards something like some greater purpose [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well look at you may your dreams bring you peace now this is just funny it's not bad or good that part's up to you I don't mean to be rude I supposed to know you actually me we just met of the beep it's harsh world strong prey on the weak down here yeah does it bother you that I'm not completely human thank you whatever I had to you for you I'd give you whatever I have I'd give you my heart Alida they will come for you why I think you're someone very special mais de [Music] of the [Music] I have a dream a song to see I'm so glad you're here I'm pregnant but I don't know how to do this by myself your mother is the bravest person we ever made goodbye baby let me tell you how she did it all on her own [Music] life is short the world is wide I want to make some memories this dress might look very pretty on you you don't know me at all do you [Music] I think we should stay here together I wish I could stay here too turns out he's engaged I hate it when they do that I was cheated by you and I think you know when look at me now will I ever learn I don't know how but I suddenly lose control there's a fire within my soul [Music] never felt closer to my mom she wasn't scared because she had me we can't tell anybody else about the baby okay I just told bill and I told Harry I told many many people let's get the party started grandma you weren't invited that's the best kind of party little girl generous honest pure graceful creatures you know what that was never of work no pants you must be right wait did you try to eat me show me your teeth do like a go bug it was you how are you so good to see you I don't think of one thing Mickey stop our fun [Music] hello [Music] new neighbor I'll explain it to him we'll share our land around here hello I'm Bea these gates are incredibly sturdy I just need to keep the wildlife out where they belong they're angels this is their place okay so he's tricked her there's only one way out of this he's got a go his face was so classic I have a vermin problem an electric pencil keeper now stop look away we can't give up it's our only suits there [Music] you're mine rabbit oh wait - boys guess you're alone nothing could make me happier I got into this you're gonna fix it I think our daughters are friends I think it makes us friends I'm hunter my Julie Mitchell kills hero I can't believe it's Rob they're so grown up my daughter anymore boobs no we don't understand what they're saying so it's not new puzzles and teenage emoji eggplants are dicks all emojis have a secret meaning so like trees are we and this thing is your queen so she's gonna get Rosie Kip and then touch his dick eggplant good rule come out of the smiling face that's jizz stand down it is this is a sex act they're planning on losing their virginity on prom night I mean it's not sex they're saying hey you're okay with me you're okay baby [ __ ] new our girls are not thinking things through I'm gonna stop him I'm in let's [ __ ] block those [ __ ] this is our last big night together this pack just gonna make snot even more perfect WWV dee dee what would Vin Diesel do [Music] in times of crisis parents are known to have superhuman strength so messed up did your dad try to stop you when you wanted to lose your virginity was too busy high-fiving I'll do anything for my daughter what about a little chugging contests bringing home that westward but chuckling you got this dog no I'm tagging out you're in what you put a baby everything's looser down there a baby out of my butt on the count of three I am tripping so hard I just had a vision my dad was chugging beer it was [ __ ] [Music] how would you define terrorism [Music] the current definition is any individual or group then uses violence to achieve political goal the administration believes that the drug cartels fit that definition [Music] you want to see this thing through I'm gonna have to get dirty turning you loose on those new rules this time [Music] [Music] help us start a war with hope [Music] everyone suena morning say four five we gotta talk about what's happening in Chicago everybody's watching this viral video this guy in a hoodie - call him - Grim Reaper stop the carjacking is he right for taking the law into his own hands he's become a folk hero what about the shooter like a white dude the men who did it are out there so there's nothing that you can do is that what you're saying if a man really wants to protect forces and want to buy a gun he has to do it for himself I believe you Joe you're not gonna kill me no jackass you got caught in some crossfire dice the ice-cream man can't walk to school if they don't work for me will you your last customer you're cocked locked and ready to work I'll say they called him a guardian angel oops my life [Music] you look much better getting out socializing hmm not so much well whatever you're doing keep it up okay I will [Music] [Applause] [Music] people who need help with matters that can't be explained come to me these hauntings can be terrifying things I should know I had faced many evils in my life this was different though the haunted house it's my family's house if we can find out what it is we can stop this curse to end this evil I need to go deeper into the further I don't have memories from this place I have scars I'm gonna find it and I'm gonna finish it please there's someone right in front of you I don't see anything the japanese archipelago' 20 years in the future canine saturation has reached epidemic proportions an outbreak of dog flu rips through the city of Mecca sake mayor Kobayashi issues emergency orders calling for a hasty quarantine trash island becomes an exile calm the Isle of Dogs I don't think I can stomach any more of this garbage same here words on my mouth nobody's giving up around here and don't you forget it ever your Rex your king your Duke your boss I'm chief we're a pack of scary indestructible alpha dogs Atari Kobayashi you heroically hijacked a junior turboprop XJ 750 and flew it to the islands because of your dog darn it I've got a crush on you we get the idea you were looking for your lost dog spots does anybody know sparks if he's alive may very well be living even at this moment as a captive prisoner somebody is up to something will you help him the little pilot why should I because he's a 12 year old boy dogs love those we'll find him wherever he is if he's alive we'll find your dog it's gonna be a fight [Music] or somebody spoke his language Wow to the north a long rickety causeway over noxious sludge marsh leading to a radioactive landfill polluted by toxic chemical garbage that's our destination great get ready to jump [Music] Christmas Eve time mystery [Music] expectations who knows what might happen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] time has come [Music] I have this reoccurring dream I feel the warmth of the Sun on my skin and the comfort of arms around me and I want to stay there forever but that would be impossible I have a severe sensitivity to sunlight doctor appointments became a part of my routine it's not gonna fall into remission and every year the risk becomes more serious so I spend all my time indoors behind special windows sleeping during the day and staying up all night and playing music every chance I get Hey what should I have said hey I'm Katie Price I've watched outside my window for the past 10 years that I've been in love with you stalking you every minute this is about Taylor Swift does she has awkward interactions with boys and then she just writes amazing songs about it I don't understand how we've never met I've probably skated by your house every day on the way to practice hey you wouldn't want to do something sometime would you I'm really busy during the day but I could be free at night what does Katie price want to do there's so many things I want to do taking me in first live show [Applause] so that was literally one of the best things that are right I'll be a German to the dead you coming I am not comfortable with him not knowing I'm going to I just need a little longer being someone more than just a disease this isn't something you can just not tell me I'm so sorry but we're not the couple who doesn't try [Music] [Music] my whole life's to steal so uh what are you dating like an accountant now Ellen ventriloquist stop ha you love a dummy this is not why we're here [Music] I know why we're here a rescue Amish save the dinosaurs from Island that's about to explode what could go wrong blue is alive you raised her do these animals deserve the same protections given to other species or should they just be left to die these creatures were here before us if we're not careful they're gonna be here after [Music] life cannot be contained life breaks free life finds away [Music] [Music] good afternoon my Scotia as you know parole is a privilege it's a mistake but it happened and if I were to be released I would um I would just want the simple life I just want to hold down a job make some friends yeah pay my bills even if this was possible it made 20 people seven people why do you need to do this because that's what I'm gonna how long would it take you to make seven pieces of jewelry if I were a parent how long if I told you you didn't have to live with your mother anymore it's me the one it was quite bad which man named wall which real name eight-ball what if we could make all this go away in pairs as well sorry okay being with my family I told him having a garage let me tell you how big of John Knowles I'm out I take the chocolate I'll be back before you know can I come with you this is mommy's very special work trip for three and a half weeks then that will be hosting its annual ball and we are going to Robin not the ball itself the neck of Daphne Kluger valued at over a hundred million dollars revenge it's a - fun do not run a job in a job [Music] there's can't we just go to this debate to steal stuff yes is it genetic or the whole family like this that early [Music] just a little bit more hopped up for Doug and his best friend Han na every day was great moody Barry mr. roat coming hunting today wouldn't miss it for the world and every night was a party until the day everything changed through the badlands the edge of stone is over long live the edge of bronze how are we gonna get our Valley back [Music] let's again commit [Music] we challenge the champions a caveman caveman you took a hope if we win you leave my tribe in peace what an idea you think you can beat Rael bronzy oh I can help if we play this game and beat them at it we can have our Valley back what happens if you kick the ball in the goal then other men hug and kiss you I'll give it a go you're losers caveman always I've been always will be [Music] if we work together we may just stand a chance we still a try [Applause] no we always hunt rabbits couldn't we try hunting something bigger [Music] I'm gonna ask you a series of questions I want you to respond truthfully have you ever heard someone yes have you ever experienced anything you'd consider abnormally yes last question do you know a mutants are did you know baby rattlesnakes are more dangerous than adult ones they haven't learned how to control how much venom they secrete [Applause] all of you are dangerous that's why your year [Music] what is this place she's in hospital [Applause] [Music] you've been through hot get some rest [Music] [Applause] close your eyes see with mine [Music] you are a top student but look at you now you can't keep using your father's disappearance as an excuse to act out is that his work well that's it about their dad he wanted to touch the Stars imagine that the abbe here wants to get to her other hand as quickest option is to walk across the street but it turns out a straight line is not the shortest distance between two points not if you use a fifth dimension it's outside of the rules we know of time and space aunt arrives my hand instantaneous so you fall space more likely wrinkle it we heard a cry out in the universe we believe he is and we're here to help you find it we are in search of warriors warriors who serve the good and the light of the universe you're kidding do I look like I'm kidding a little I'm not I'm not your father's trapped by an evil energy it's too strong for our light and the only one who can stop it is you be a warrior my love is always there even if you can't see it [Music] I trust you [Music] the most important thing a man can take into combat it's a reason why we're in this fight boy she marked my words 19 men attacked our country the 12 of you will be the first ones to fight back it's us we're going in you know I love you right I would be remiss if I did not say to you even in success the odds of you coming home you're a hundred percent sir we're coming [Music] why is none follow you you take me to Taliban are you ok with psychosis he's serious who's written before anyone can't kill the spring-break just prefer hey this is we [ __ ] [Music] 50,000 okay to apply to us and yours just an army of 12 we've just been handed the most important mission in the free world hold on our boys are gonna ride into battle on horseback chances are we are not going to make it out of this one equipped now what happened back home it happen again and again yeah each you got to make this decision nothing I'd rather do I'm in thought you'd never ask [Music] where the hell do those come from take out biggest guns first my neighbor bigs good cap the only way home is winning this is from the towers you carry that with you it's gargantuan seven storage structure with no apparent rhyme or reason each maze of halls more confusing than the next it's under never-ending construction it was built on the orders of a grieving widow Sarah Winchester is the majority shareholder of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company who would want to take it away from her worried about her sanity dr. price do you believe in ghosts Stockton I do not believe in anything I cannot see or study [Music] [Music] I can feel it in the air in the walls this spirit has a power we've not seen before it has found us [Music] we were born into a world at war between the monsters that destroyed our cities and the monsters we created to stop them we thought we had sacrificed enough but the wall we thought we finished is just beginning and the only thing standing in front of the apocalypse is us but it doesn't matter where you came from we believed in you and who did it this is our time this is our chance to make a difference let's get it done my ball Lara they evolve [Music] there's something you need to see well he's pretty big [Music] [Music] [Music] that is London [Music] there was an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if we could become something more so when they needed us we could fight the battles that they never could [Music] [Music] in time you will know what it's like to lose feel so desperately that you're right there to fail all the same read it run from it Destiny's still alive [Music] evacuate the city and gates our defenses and get this manner shift [Music] on isn't something one considers imbalancing the universe but this does put a smile on my face [Music] [Music] who the hell are you guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: KinoCheck International
Views: 11,246,421
Rating: 4.6687288 out of 5
Keywords: Trailer, Movie, KinoCheck, Best, Upcoming, Movies, 2018, Avengers Infinity War, Jurassic World 2, Incredibles 2, Black Panther, Hotel Transylvania 3, Deadpool 2, The New Mutants, Pacific Rim 2, Ready Player One, Mortal Engines, Tomb Raider, Maze Runner The Death Cure
Id: aqeXN69ScOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 13sec (5413 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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