All MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE Trailers: Iron Man (2008) to Black Widow (2021)

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[Music] no one's allowed to talk is that it can't talk no you intimidate them good god you're a woman is it better to be feared or respected and i say is it too much to ask for both i humbly present the jericho to peace dark now you work for me what are you building stock [Music] your eyes are red your tears for your lung loss boss tears of joy i hate job hunting yeah vacation's over welcome home so put up the scanner with what happened over there i have my eyes open i want to protect the people i put in harm's way [Music] a man with a dozen of these can rule all of asia yeah i can fly let's see if this dog so the upgrade is complete tell you what throw a little hot rod red in there [Music] good luck [Music] let's face it this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing [Music] there's been speculation that i'm breeding around as a superhero i'm just not the hero type clearly [Music] i've been alone for a long time not because i want to be but because until i solve this problem i have to be your target is a fugitive from the u.s government who stole military secrets this is a location snatching grab only live capture taken there are aspects of my personality that i can't control when i lose control it's very dangerous to be around me is they want it as a weapon and if we let it go we will never get it back so if you're taking another crack at him i want him i could probably arrange something like that you ready yeah that's even the playing field are you telling me another one of your bio force experiments has gone away there's only one thing that can affect [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh it's good to be back the notary's here front center i'm sorry he's very eccentric i want one no if you can make god bleed people will cease to believe in him they will be blood in the water in the sharks become [Music] all i have to do is sit here and watch as the world will consume our priority is to get the iron man weapon turned over to the united states of america i am iron man the suit and i are one contrary to popular belief i know exactly what i'm doing what what i saw you do to tony stark on that track wow you need my resources i want to make iron man look like an antique this whole lone gunslinger acts unnecessary you don't have to do this alone [Music] i hope you're ready [Music] mr stark displays textbook narcissism [Music] [Music] it's not easy to do what you did you made my man look like a bunch of minimum wage mall cops that's hurtful would you like to tell me where you received your training afghanistan judgment who are you [Music] i have sacrificed much to achieve peace all through your arrogance and stupidity you have opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and devastation of war you are a vain greedy cruel boy and you are an old man and a fool you're unworthy father i now take from you your power please open your eyes oh no this is uh isn't it where he comes from your ancestors called it magic and you call it science i come from a place where they're one in the same his fate is in his own hands now i will end this rogers stephen [Music] just give me a chance sorry son i'm saving your life general patton has said that wars are bought with weapons but they are won by men we just don't know when to give up do you i could do this all day our goal is to create the greatest army in history i should be going with you look i know you don't think i can do this this isn't a back alley steve it's war every army begins with one man five tries in five different cities i can offer you a chance he will be the first in a new breed a super soldier why me because of weakness that wasn't so bad that was penicillin we are going to win this war because we have the best men now let's just stop today we personally explored adolf hitler your task won't be simple who the hell are you your enemy is not what you expect i don't know if i can do this what do you think i think it works you were made to be ruled in the end it will be every man for himself what do we do we get ready [Music] there was an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people [Music] so when we needed them they could fight the battles that we never could gentlemen what are you prepared to do no offense but i don't play well with others big man in a suit armor take that away what are you uh genius billionaire playboy philanthropist if we can't protect the earth you can be damn sure we'll avenge it dr banner your work is unparalleled and i'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster thanks [Music] got a lot of apologies to make nothing's been the same since new york experience things and then they're over i can't sleep and when i do i have nightmares honestly there's a hundred people who want to kill me i hope i can protect the one thing i can't live without [Music] ladies children some people call me a terrorist i consider myself a teacher lesson number one heroes there is no such thing [Music] [Music] after all this time now you come to visit me brother why to mock i need your help but i wish i could trust you if you did you'd be the fool i always took you for some believe that before the universe there was nothing they're wrong there was darkness and it has survived [Music] i gave you my word i would return for you we face an enemy turn into a few known only to one you must be truly desperate to come to me for help if we do nothing they will destroy us you even think about betraying him i'll kill you that was from new york i like her thor your bravery will not ease your pain your family your world will be extinguished running out of time the very fabric of reality will be torn apart i'll find a way to save us all [Applause] all yours anyone else most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists [Music] the ones that do call him the winter soldier he's a ghost you'll never find him [Music] i joined shield to protect people you have to to build a better world sometimes means turning the old one down that makes enemies [Music] i was fast [Music] strong had a metal arm are you ready all it takes is one step people are gonna die i can't let that happen captain america needs my help [Music] when do we start we just did price of freedom is high and it's a price i'm willing to pay he told me not to trust anyone this is how it ends everything goes [Music] looks like you're giving the orders now captain damn right how do we know the good guys from the bad guys if they're shooting at you they're bad i come from earth a planet of outlaws my name is peter quill there's one other name you might know me by star-lord who star-lord man legendary outlaw guys forget it [Music] so here we are a thief two thugs an assassin and a maniac but we're not going to stand by as evil wipes out the galaxy i guess we're stuck together partners are you telling me the fate of 12 billion people is in the hands of these criminals oh i look around you know what i see losers but life's giving us a chance to do what something good something bad a bit of both oh what the hell i don't got that long a lifespan anyway [Music] but you're in love with [Music] they call themselves the guardians of the galaxy this might not be the best idea [Music] i'm i was designed to save the world people would look to the sky and see hope i'll take that from them first there's only one path to peace there are extinction i tried to create a suit of armor around the world but i created something terrible artificial intelligence it's called the ultron program i'm sick of watching people pay for our mistakes this is why we fight so we can end the fight and go home [Music] well you amazingly failed here we all are nothing but our wit and our will save the world so stand and fight no way we all get through this i got no plans tomorrow night i'm always picking up after you boys we can tear them apart from the inside [Music] that's the best you can do imagine a soldier the size of an insect the ultimate secret weapon if you give god like powers to everyone it's going to be chaos so how do we stop him scott i've been watching you for a while you're different and i believe everyone deserves a shot at redemption do you absolutely my days of breaking into places and stealing stuff are over what do you want me to do i want you to break into a place and steal some stuff makes sense are you ready to become a hero now this suit has power you have to learn how to control it and these are your greatest allies you're kind of cute whoa when you're small you have super human strength you like a bullet so you need to know how to punch you want to show me how to punch show me how to party that's how you punch you tried to hide your suit from me now it's gonna blow up in your face and destroy everyone you care about scott get out of there did you think you could stop the future you're just a thief no a man man i know it wasn't my idea [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this job we try to save as many people as we can [Music] sometimes that doesn't mean everybody but you don't give up [Music] new york washington dc circovia okay that's enough captain people are afraid that's why i'm here we need to be put in check whatever form that takes some game i'm sorry tony if i see a situation pointed south i can't ignore it sometimes i wish i could sometimes i want to punch you in your perfect teeth i know we're not perfect but the safest hands are still our own [Music] i was wrong about you the whole world was wrong about you [Music] they're coming for you i'm not the one that needs to watch their back this doesn't have to end in a fight tony you just started a war down final warning i could do this all day all right i've run out of patience underoos hey everyone doctor strange you think you know how the world works what if i told you the reality you know is one of many this doesn't make any sense not everything does not everything has to through the mystic arts we harness energy and shape reality [Music] we travel great distances in an instant [Music] how do i get from here to there how did you become a doctor studying practice here's the business there's a strength to him but is he ready [Music] be careful which path you travel down strange stronger men than you have washed away i am death in pain you'll die protecting this world i can't do this there is no other way i've spent so many years peering through time looking for you uh what's this my mantra it's the wi-fi password we're not savages finally here we go good evening peter you have 576 possible shooter combinations that is awesome i can keep that suit yeah doesn't fit me what is our next retreat what next mission we'll call you all right that's not a hug i'm just grabbing the toe for you i'm not there yet all right kid good luck out there hey peter you coming tonight i can tonight i got the stark internship what's up guys this stuff here's my report for tonight i stopped the grand theft bicycle hey could you do me a favor hold on to that is this anybody oh i helped this old lady and she bought me a churro so that was nice i just feel like i could be doing more wait a minute you guys aren't the real avengers hulk gives it away new move i'm working on not bad this feels so strange these weapons are crazy dangerous listen peter there are people who handle this sort of thing can't you just be a friendly neighborhood spider-man activating parachute the world's changing boys it's time we change too this is my chance to prove myself we have a spanish quiz you gotta get better at this part of the job what are you hiding peter [Music] i'm just kidding i don't care bye there's a ton of other subsystems in here but they're all disabled by the training wheels protocol you're sick of mr stark treating me like a kid but you are a kid yeah a kid who can stop a bus with his bare hands [Music] the fate of the universe lies on your shoulders now whatever you do don't push this button because that will set off the bomb immediately and we'll all be dead now repeat back what i just said i agree no no that's the button that will kill everyone try again i am groot i am groot uh-huh no [Music] showtime a-holes [Music] [Music] does anybody have any tape out there i want to put some tape over the death button nobody has any tape not a single person has tape you have an atomic bomb in your bag if anybody's going to have tape with you i have to do everything you are wasting a lot of time that's a really bad sign i touch someone i can feel their feelings you feel love yeah i guess yeah i feel a general unselfish love for just about everything no sexual love no no i don't know she just told everyone your deepest darkest secret dude come on i think you're overreacting a little bit you must be so embarrassed to me don't mean to me [Music] now i know what you're thinking how did this happen well it's a long story [Music] is dead [Music] [Music] what have you brought today tell me a contender [Music] it's main event time [Music] i give you your incredible yes we know each other he's a friend from work oh come on [Music] i have seen gods fly i've seen men build weapons that i couldn't even imagine uh-huh i've seen aliens drop from the sky yeah but i have never seen anything like this how much more are you hiding [Music] my son it is your time show me my respect and bow down you get to decide what kind of king you are going to be don't freeze i never freeze [Music] the revolution will not be televised [Music] show me my respect and bow down [Music] what happens now determines what happens to the rest of the world the revolution will not be televised the revolution there was an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if we could become something more [Music] so when they needed us we could fight the battles that they never could in time you will know what it's like to lose feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail all the same dread it run from it destiny still arrives [Music] evacuate the city engage all defenses and get this man a shield [Music] fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe but this does put a smile on my face [Music] who the hell are you guys so how long have you been ant-man again not long it just sort of happened i wish i could fight bad guys like you [Music] i seem to mess it up almost every time [Applause] maybe you just need someone watching your back like a partner [Music] dr penn i actually heard what happened to you you open up the quantum realm that's when it's crazy could be ghosts who like walks through walls and stuff slowly attack and now she wants to take over the world or whatever who would have believed that in your hour of need you would turn to us okay because we robbed you do you remember that's us the ant-man and the wasp teaming up follow my lead she seems more intense [Music] you go low i'll go high i have wings why would i go low we were just tiny i was partners with hank on a project called goliath how big did you get my record 21 feet you 65 feet 65. if you two are finished comparing sizes 65. [Music] so scrolls are the bad guys and you're a cree a race of noble warriors heroes noble warrior heroes [Music] your life began the day it nearly ended we found you with no memory we made you one of us so you could live longer stronger superior you were reborn i keep having these memories something in my past is the key to all of this you know how to fly this thing we'll see that's a yes or no question yes [Music] would you like to know what you really are i think i had a life here what are you telling me you've come a long way but you're not as strong as you think [Music] this war is just the beginning i'm not gonna fight your war [Music] i'm gonna end it [Music] [Music] i see the cutest little thing aren't you cute and what's your name huh i'll be back [Music] stay on hey miss potts if you find this recording don't feel bad about this part of the journey is the end [Music] just for the record being adrift in space with zero promise of rescue is more fun than it sounds food water ran out four days ago oxygen will run out tomorrow morning i'd be it when i drift off i will dream about you it's always you thanos did exactly what he said he was going to do he wiped out 50 of all living creatures we lost all of us we lost friends we lost family we lost a part of ourselves this is the fight of our lives this is gonna work steve i know it is because i don't know what i'm going to do if it doesn't hi uh is anyone home this is scott lang we met a few years ago at the airport in germany i got really big is this an old message hey man i know you don't i know you know that it's the front door that's me can you buzz me in everywhere i go i see his face i just really miss him yeah i miss him too [Music] i don't think tony would have done what he did if he didn't know that you were going to be here after he was gone you gonna be the next iron man now well no i don't have time i'm too busy doing your jobs oh i'm kidding i'm kidding look keep up the good work because i am going on vacation heads up nick fury's calling you i don't really want to talk to nixon why because if you don't talk to him and i have to talk and i want to talk to him you sent nick fury to voicemail i gotta go you do not ghost nick fury hi dorks what's up we're just talking about the trip i'm here in st marco polo's oh i think mj really likes me i remember my first one alone you're a very difficult person to contact spiderman this is mr beck you could have used someone like you all my world new world back is from earth just not ours the snap to our hole in our dimension you're saying there's a multiverse we have a job to do and you're coming with us there's got to be someone else you can use what about thor off world captain marvel unavailable but i'm just a friendly neighborhood spider-man [ __ ] please you've been to space what do you want peter i want to go back on my trip with the girl who i really like and tell her how i feel mj i am spider-man no of course i'm not i mean it's kind of obvious you're right you may not be ready but this is my responsibility saving the world requires sacrifice sometimes people die the world needs next iron man you're going to step up or not [Music] i gotta get you guys out of here you're on the jet who are you i work with spiderman you work for spiderman i work with spiderman not for spider-man new plan [Music] heavenly shades of night are falling it's twilight this is our home now i want us to fit in oh this is gonna be a gap where did you two move from how long have you been married and why don't you have children yet our story i think what my wife means to say is that we've moved for move from where married when damn it why oh arthur stop it stop it stop it stop it is am i dead no why would you think that because you are we are an unusual couple you know oh i don't think that was ever in question [Music] [Applause] i tell people my sister moved out west you're a science teacher your husband fee renovates houses you're thinking about moving but you're gonna wait until the interest rates go down that's not my story before i was an avenger i made mistakes [Applause] and a lot of enemies it's called science taskmaster he controls the red room they're manipulated fully conscious but no choices i should have come back for you how many others are there than us [Applause] we have to go back to where it all started so they never do that to anyone again we're family we fight with you you won't win i've always found the best to look into the past okay you got a plan or should i just stay dug and come but my plan was to drive us away where your plan sucks [Music] at some point we all have to choose between what the world wants you to be be my choice i'm done running [Music] here's what's going to happen natasha don't slouch i'm not slouching you're going to get the back hunch listen to your mother oh my god this i'm up all right enough all of you i didn't say anything that's not fair [Music] you
Channel: KinoCheck International
Views: 1,150,274
Rating: 4.7985172 out of 5
Keywords: KinoCheck, trailer, 2020, marvel, mcu, cinematic, universe, phase 4, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America, The Avengers, Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok, Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, Captain Marvel, Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Far From Home, WandaVision, Black Widow
Id: 1EEhY44xF2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 34sec (3274 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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