Best Upcoming Movies 2018 Vol. 4 (Trailer)

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[Music] [Music] we were born into a world at war between the monsters that destroyed our cities and the monsters we created to stop them we thought we had sacrificed enough but the war we thought we finished is just beginning and the only thing standing in front of the apocalypse is us but it doesn't matter where you came from who believed in you and who did it this is our time this is our chance to make a difference let's get it done I'm appalled the Lara they evolve an egg-white life [Music] there's something you need to see well he's pretty big [Music] [Music] can you describe it for know start from the beginning what do you think I do when you're away you think I'm out in the garden pining looking at the sky I gotta leave a day early [Music] your husband's here let me see him he's extremely ill you have to tell me why why is what he was doing it was his decision to go in it's something they termed the shimmer we've sent in drones and teams of people but nothing comes back but something has you're a biologist who served in the military if I knew what happened I could save his life the boundary is getting bigger it's expanding we're talking cities States you need to know what's inside it's beautiful check this out it's like they're stuck in a continuous rotation are they understand they're no sharks have teeth like that not possible you can't cross great different species yes well soldiers on the last expedition eat like crazy or something in here kill them something's come to the face or the fence we have to go back I can't go back we can camp here tonight it's destroying everything it's not destroyed it's making something new generous honest pure graceful creatures our natural rabbit space to be able to be [Applause] sure what that would never have worked no pants you must be Peter Rabbit that's right wait did you try to eat me show me your teeth do you like a go bug it was how are you so good to see you [Music] hello [Music] new neighbor I'll explain it to him we'll share our land around here hello I'm B these gates are incredibly sturdy I just need to keep the wildlife out where they belong you're right there are angels this is their place okay so he's tricked up there's only one way out of this he's gotta go face was so classic I have a vermin problem an electric fence or paper now no this is the wincle stop look away we can't give up it's our only success [Music] you're mine ribbit [Applause] [Music] wait two boys getting along nothing could make me happier I got us into this we're gonna fix it tonight we're taking game night up a notch oh boy someone in this room is going to be taken and it's gonna be up to you to find them it's a murder mystery party whoever finds the victim wins the grand prize you're not gonna know what's real and what's fake wait a sec you can't just come in here and break the door ho guys make sure you get a piece of this cheese okay Roger that you drive safe I've always enjoyed the camaraderie of good friends competing in games of chance and skill to revalue it seems like Ryan you go first I'm scared [Music] it's not a joke people are in real danger is God real Oh oh so much worse stop wait me I have kids at home not with an ass like yet you don't oh well thank you oh no he died his instructions on how to remove the bullets didn't have rubbing alcohol so I got you this lovely sharp good idea way to pivot and then a squeaky toy for the pain its gargantuan seven storage structure with no apparent rhyme or reason each maze of halls more confusing than the next it's under never-ending construction it was built on the orders of a grieving widow Sarah Winchester is the majority shareholder of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company who want to take it away from her worried about her sanity dr. price do you believe in ghosts stop - I do not believe in anything I cannot see or study [Music] [Music] I can feel it in the air in the walls this spirit has a power we've not seen before it has found us dear Aunt Lucy you sent me to London to find a home I have a wonderful family I think you're in great shape for a man your age mr. Brown Wow Thank You Paddington hang on how old do you think I am Oh about 80 and I've really got to grips with how things work Mr Gruber I mean I'd like to get my Aunt Lucy a birthday present how about these Ruling shoes please Mr Gruber be serious what's this this puppy book is the only one of its kind and they want a lot of money for it I'm going to get a job and buy that book no window cleaner Oh [Music] [Music] cheerio but if you cover hold it right there oh but I'm not the thief we're rich again round Hey laundry duty it's only one red sock what's the worst that can happen afternoon chaps I want to hear all about the investigation Paddington is innocent he's a master of disguise well this is breaking and entering haven't broken anything [Applause] you think you're going there [Music] Paddington looks for the good in all of us and somehow he finds it if we're kind and polite the world will be right [Music] [Music] I'm Molly bloom do you know about me this is a true story you ran a games in LA for roughly eight years yeah then you ran a games in New York for roughly two I don't run a game in over two years not to spoil the ending but that's when the government raided my game and took all of my money assuming all of it was made illegally which it wasn't in this room you couldn't buy your win from Allah you couldn't buy me then you couldn't buy a seat at the table we saw it athletes written as that's just the tip of the iceberg you're not taking a percentage of the pot no keep it that way because you don't break the law when you're breaking the law am I breaking the law we're able to find out for sure aren't we flaws are written down the admin is anyway about your book in life right I did you spent eight years funding the world's most exclusive glamorous and decadent mancave for the office guarantee the publisher has certain elements that I can get you a million and a half what kind of elements I passed I'm just curious as to why you pass on what would appear to be the only way out you have these real names creative differences the love that I'm accused of breaking the plans gambling is betting on games of chance yes pokers in a game of chance pokers a game of skill why does a young woman at 22 as a gold-plated resume why does she run her games your risk is nuts you're gonna get blown up you got 2.8 million on the street right now if that money should be in your hands just how deep into the Russian mob were you is a new offer on the table completely we hand over Audra you see what's on those hard drives family's lives careers will be ruling why are you in this alone where are the people you're protected by not telling the whole story it's not their names I'm protecting charlie my because it's night mate I'm gonna ask you a series of questions I want you to respond truthfully have you ever heard someone yes have you ever experienced anything you'd consider abnormally yes less question do you know a mutants are did you know baby rattlesnakes are more dangerous than adult ones they haven't learned how to control how much venom they secrete [Applause] all of you are dangerous that's why your year [Music] what is this place this is in the hospital what's a haunted house [Applause] [Music] you're being through hard get some rest [Music] [Applause] my name is Wade watts my dad picked that name because it sounded like a superhero's alter-ego like Peter Parker or Bruce Banner but he died when I was a kid my mom too and I ended up here sitting here my tiny corner of nowhere there's nowhere left to go nowhere except the Oasis [Music] a whole virtual universe [Music] one trip people come to the Oasis for all the things they can do [Music] they stay because of all the things they can be can you feel this yeah the only place that feels like I mean anything the Oasis was the brainchild of James Halliday oh if you're watching this I'm dead I created a hidden-object an easter egg the first person to find the egg will inherit half a trillion dollars and total control of the Oasis itself who is this possible and how the hell is he winning find him just a game I'm talking about two life-and-death stuff the Oasis the world's most important economic resource it's nothing less than a war for control of the future welcome to the rebellion wait [Music] I only came in to escape but I found something much bigger than just myself are you willing to fight [Music] helped us save the oasis [Music] hello there welcome back I'm glad you could join me today let's just dive right in and learn all the colors across the screen that you'll need to paint along with me I have my regular old canvas here wet and ready to go now let's grab our trusty 2 inch brush here work that off a little bit just feel like it owes you money we're gonna get a little dab or yellow snow here mix that with just another little dab of our baby water now well that's just Daniel Sedin have a little say I remember this is your world you get to make and break the rules here sweet baby Jesus we're shopping jump in there and roll around and all that cascading white powder yeah just get high and all of life's splendor God I love cocaine so much holy [ __ ] knuckles I am high as a kite right now ok let's paint in a few little happy trees there nothing wrong with making friends with trees no what you don't want to do is eat these paints trust me on this one alright I'm gonna walk off from Ken that's right that feels good [Laughter] would you look at that it seems like we have ourselves a finished painting so from our family to yours keep your pants dry your dreams went and remember hugs not drugs [Music] you
Views: 35,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trailer, Movie, KinoCheck, Best, Upcoming, Movies, 2018, Mollys Game, Paddington 2, Winchester, Peter Rabbit, Annihilation, Game Night, Pacific Rim 2: Uprising, Ready Player One, The New Mutants, Deadpool 2
Id: UtjoN-VnlRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2017
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