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[Music] you you twelve thirteen or so twelve fourteen in Greenville in HoN County and if he gets through Greenville then traffic is going to drop dramatically and he'll keep rolling east most likely and here we see the big rig coming up to what appeared to be a another intersection another factor of course taking a turn with when you're missing at least five tires down to rims that becomes an especially tricky maneuver if you're behind the wheel of a stolen big rig truck but he was able to execute what looks like you turn there and this pursuit continues again right now very much a rural area but they've been approaching or passing through the more populated area of Greenville but still at this point open fields but we are seeing a little bit more now civilian traffic on that section of if it is still I 30 yeah the truck itself on an I 30 service road and you can see a few more vehicles heading along I 31 thing DPS has been able to do is greatly reduce the amount of traffic heading eastbound on both this access road and this stretch of I 30 but that big rig truck and the driver behind the wheel of this stolen 18-wheeler still determined to push on in spite of seeing now what looks like an increasing law enforcement presence now okay you can see from Sky 4 the service road has ended the driver has run out of Road the vehicle has come to a stop those DPS personnel now in position with you can see guns drawn not sure if they're now trying to communicate directly with the big rig driver but they are in position behind the 18-wheeler maybe sky 4 can pull out a pull out just a bit and we can see how many how many vehicles DPS has in position we're counting 6 7 8 at least 8 DPS personnel we the suspected child molester has no regard for the officers or other vehicles on the road he pulled into the right lane to attempt to pass a slower moving vehicle a slower moving vehicle pulled over and there was a collision between this other vehicle on the semi no one is injured the officers have triggered that to look they know the situation can only get worse fortunately state troopers are waiting with the reckless driver up the road the State Patrol officer put spikes perp solid the suspect swerves around the stuff sticks as if he knew they were there the trucker seems to be one step ahead and the police find out why but as we continue along we had received Intel from other truckers that he had a monitor in his cab thinking that some of the police signals we couldn't go to a quoted Channel because that other agencies wouldn't be able to hear us the officers think quickly and turn the line of communication to their advantage they try to reason with the fugitive drug the trucker ignores detective Bauer's please now deputy Ben key enters the chase I noticed the chance comments all following on 13 I got ahead of it deputy Ben key races ahead to set up his own stop sticks he pulls to the side of the road putting himself in a potentially deadly situation when he swerved basically destroyed when squaddie the deputy is not hurt but the trucker's actions have raised the stakes he's used his truck is a deadly weapon at that point since he had intentionally rammed the squad cars marathon county authorized use of deadly force to stop the vehicle the suspect goes into a second County drawing even more agencies and policemen into the deadly chase my concerns weren't for me it was for any officers responding not understanding the sheer mass and power of the vehicle detective Bowers gives the trucker one final warning as we went through one of the city's farther south on State Highway 13 there was an officer that was off the side of the road they fired one round into the cab of the semi the first shot was 12-gauge double-aught buck nine rounds went right through the headrest of the driver's seat but the suspect ducks avoiding the shots it looks like the chase will continue until the determined officers force this hostile trucker off the road this mi vent had additional spike strips which resulted in the tires shredding knocking large chunks of fiberglass off the traction the large chunks of fiberglass put the officers lives in even greater danger I'm on the left side of the tractor is attempting to alert oncoming traffic the road is running up for the suspect and the officers know this could be their best chance to bring the chase to an end there was a large area of construction that narrowed down to a choke point where we knew if we got spikes ticks across the entire roadway he couldn't swerve around them Marshfield officer was completely spiked the roadway as columns grow through there several more tires blew out his tires completely gone the semi slows down but will not stop until it runs out of gas while the officers make it stop I could see the Marshfield officer on the side of the road firing at the truck fired rounds over the radiator and then I'm taking out the cooling system the truck finally comes to a crawling stop and the suspect jumps out the passenger side the officers approach so the suspect is decided it's time to give up he laid on the grass and surrendered and the public by stealing a lumber truck and circling about the community incredibly many pedestrians are not only enjoying the show they're actually encouraging the performance see for the median I think one of them just gave him a high-five unbelievable this semi continues up the wrong side of the road here Arthur stop I'm not sure that there's enough room for this guy to get through there's a traffic jam ahead one cars trying to back up at the truck heads across the median now a cruiser rushes forward with guns aimed at the semis rear tires the bullets find their mark but an unbelievable complication is about to turn this chase into a terrifying display sparks from the grinding rims have flown up to the trucks payload igniting the cords of lumber within seconds the semi turns into a rolling inferno four lanes race up the stacks of two by fours 6,000 pounds of kindling on the move the insane deep builds to an explosive level a burny tire blows loose and Rockets down the street like an unguided missile look at that it's rolling completely the suspect continues his manic parade as if this is all everybody on the road doesn't realize that his lethal actions are about to reap a lethal response you can see it from these fans holing up from behind a white van rushes in behind the fiery fugitive inside is the tactical team with orders to use deadly force as the driver tries to steer his rig across the median the trucks exposed rims get stuck on the curve officers know this may be their only chance the band opening up officers are jumping out there rushing toward the deadline I think he's firing as bullets tear through the cab the driver stops on the gas and it and confused he's pulling away they don't know it or not he thought this was all fun and games but it's become life and death be in there any job desperate to shake the kadriye police on his tail he suddenly gets a terrifying idea he jerks the semi back-and-forth shaky lose the trucks cargo as a blockade his desperate act bought him some time enough time to buy himself a lot more trouble the dangling lumber strikes the back of a school bus inside a jostle child is injured by the impact no matter what it takes bullies have to end this chase now before another innocent gets caught in the sky sights they charge forward for another shot at but the driver bears wildly cutting them off police make the call for a sharpshooters and helicopters to take a police aren't sure what to make of his sudden change of heart but the suspect has a good reason for stopping it turns out that the tactical Assault had worked with incredible marksmanship at a full sprint the officer hit the driver before he could pull away whatever ideas this out-of-work trucker had about show business his career rapidly went up in smoke it's rolling green completely engulfed at play and instead of improving his resume he only built the street and this sounds like San Bernardino police city police they'll be taking over the chase now from CHP officers who are originally handling the chase on Interstate 10 when it began right around 340 but now that they're on surface streets and they've remained on surface streets the city police here in San Bernardino they are preparing to take the handoff from CHP officers and let me take this over shortly I just remind you we like to remind you whenever there's one of these pursuits in town even though this is a slow-speed pursuit if it does come through your area maybe somewhere where you work nearby the worst thing you can do is go outside try to get involved or take a look officers on the ground need a wide berth to bring this to a very peaceful conclusion and getting in their way is only going to make their mission much more complicated so if you are in the area in San Bernardino in the city of San Bernardino please stay indoors keep the doors and windows locked sometimes these things come to an end people get out make a run for it and you don't want to get involved in any of that so at this point CHP officers on top of the guy and they will be turning the chase over to the city of San Bernardino to local police here and the next several minutes all right bill you're watching ABC 7 Eyewitness News at 4:00 p.m. it is now right about 4:30 as we are continuing to watch this pursuit of a big rig there you see it's very slow speed pursuit that started in Fontana is now in San Bernardino San Bernardino police are now have now just taken over the pursuit we're trying to get some information but it's reported as a grand theft auto somebody stole this truck apparently and police tried their CHP try to pull it over and it refused to yield as a result this pursuit has been going on for the last of the better part of a half hour that window rolled down I can see inside just a little bit more but can't see much beside the big rig driver looks eglise has his hand up to his head perhaps on a cell phone talking to somebody difficult to tell we look at the rear windows the top window as well everything is tinted so it's almost impossible to see what else is happening inside the cockpit of that big rig our other passengers are there people being held against their will it's really unclear and that's why CHP officers are doing all they can to give this guy a wiper then hopefully this comes to an end shortly yeah bill can you tell I mean it looks like he's just kind of sitting with his chin in his hand I guess he's not talking on a cell phone so I'm just kind of curious yeah if you could tell don't you all from where you are you probably can't we're looking pretty closely at this I don't see any other could be completely state of stress you know who knows what he's thinking right now but what a predicament though and Bill's right that's a good look at the cabin and you see the the there's a large amount of space behind the driver this is where drivers often actually live and sleep so there's a considerable amount of room and so you have to pursue this with it with a great deal of caution if you're law enforcement because as bill said you don't know who's in the cabin with him if there are a number of other people if he's just by himself still don't know how he got hold of this big rig right I'm sure police have a lot more details that they're letting us know they probably know if this big rig is loaded with material and they know the circumstances of how it was stolen more than likely we're probably not to get that information until we saw a dump truck in pursuit and now watching this big rig slowly make its way down the streets I was looking up some information about big rigs and they're about 40 tons compared to 80 thousand pounds and compared to like a 5,000 pound car mm-hmm eighty feet long and you could see the way he maneuvered by these corners just driving these enormous vehicles can be exceptionally dangerous it does appear that he does know how to handle a big rig he took a tight corner there we don't know the state of mind we don't know how many people are in the cab of this truck we've been simply watching this as just as you have and and trying to figure out what or what tactics police and law enforcement can use on this big rig by the way let me correct myself it started at 3:14 so it's been going on about an hour and 15 minutes now yeah and you can imagine you know they can't really use the spike strip 18 wheels and they're just sort of following histories he's stayed away from freeways thank goodness and you wonder about the gasoline then if this is one of those things that's good to move and keep going and going and then you wondered about his fuel and and how what the situation is when it comes to that and then go ahead oh we're just hearing that apparently earlier on he dropped off a female and a dog hmm so we know that so maybe he is alone in that cab okay so we have a little bit more information when it comes to that this was apparently reported as a stolen vehicle we have a stop here let's go to Bill Thomas yeah they have come to a stop once again on Arrowhead this is Arrowhead in the city of a San Bernardino those are I believe CHP officers and perhaps a city police moving in as well now the doors of the big rig are open I can see the drivers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that same [Music] [Music] most people [Music] go go - you got dog food water let's move back [Music] we're going to walk on the water
Channel: 1312 STUDIO
Views: 5,574,713
Rating: 4.0901151 out of 5
Keywords: studios, live, stream, steam, Game PLay, Game, Play, Ark, FPS, RPG, MMO, Fail, win, epic, loser, stupid, 1312 Studios, review, game review, best, top, SuperDonny, Toom 316, Toom, 316, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, Gear Up, american truck simulator, ATS, Best, Epic, fail, Saints, Row, IV, ✔❶❸❶❷™, certified, bigrig, truck, truckers, police, cops, gta, gtb, grand theft
Id: J-2BCN3-p5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2016
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