Best Street Food Dishes | MasterChef Australia | MasterChef World

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got the fries ready the side's ready but the lobster still raw it's 75 minutes not seven and a half weeks gordon's been pressuring me i need to get that lobster in so i get it into the boiling water i just want to make sure that's cooked perfectly like they can't be undercooked or can't be overcooked either so i'm quite nervous about that this dish is all about the lobster so i really need to make it perfect i've chosen lobster because i think it's luxurious but at the same time quite unique like the other contestants wouldn't do something like that so if i nail it today i've got a good chance at going into the immunity challenge [Music] guys 10 more minutes that's all you got 10 more minutes yes come on let's move it [Music] come on guys [Music] today i'm making a crispy fried chicken burger with um a chili mayo and a crunchy slaw i'm also doing duck fat potatoes on the side i'm tasting my finished chicken oh my god that's yum ah the chicken's perfect i'm sure this means i get that chance to play for the immunity pin you should be assembling by now there's only five minutes to go come on let's go guys oh man holy mackerel [Music] time is running out and i really need to start plating i'm making a prawn burger with chili and lime mayo and some polenta chips i take my prawn patty out of the deep fryer it looks fine from the outside it's got a bit of goldenness i'm really happy but then i take the polenta chips out of the fridge and i fry one up and they are a disaster my polenta chips have not worked i've just got to put something on the plate i can't have no side if i run to the pantry and get a potato and maybe a beetroot i can make some crisps [Music] oh man i don't have much time left so i need to check on the lobster and it has to be cooked is the lobster come out yes how is it i'm not sure about if it's cooked or not well i don't know is it let's have a look the judges are watching over me and it's so intense coming hard with that hand didn't it take it out i pull my lobster out i'm thinking it's ready [Music] the bigger part of the meat you can see it's a little transparent in the middle it's looking a little um raw still if it's undercooked i could be going to the pressure test so i've decided i'm gonna finish it off in the pan [Music] i've really let time slip through my fingers i really needed to have this burger on 20 minutes ago it could have been resting and done i'm trying to achieve a nice medium on this burger i'm really worried at the moment that i don't have enough time to get this burger patty cooked through [Music] holy [ __ ] those very final touches one minute to go last minute [Music] you have got to change gear get the neutral [Applause] i am so happy my bread worked out it's incredible it's it's beautiful soft [ __ ] i've got no more time left i need to get this burger out of the pan and onto my burger so i can serve something up to the judges i'm really stressing out at the moment i'm just not sure it's cooked through ten seconds nine eight seven six five four three two one tools down that's it hold on [Music] i'm really happy with the way that my burger looks i'm just worried that the one i've served up to the judges is a bit rare i'm really happy with my burger i've eaten the chicken and it tastes amazing i had it with the cultural as well and i think it really balances each other out so hopefully that gets me across the line it's the eternal challenge isn't it to take something on masterchef and make it your own and in this case it was the burger we'll soon see how you've done we're looking for the top two obviously that will join sashi in that challenge to win the immunity pin but also we're looking for the three least impressive and obviously you'll find yourself in a pressure test so first up samira [Applause] i feel nervous about gordon trying my dish and i'm trying to smile as wide as i can thank you so simmer describe the burger please it's a lamb burger with eggplant relish oven roasted potatoes and homemade tandoor bang wow the burger is delicious but even the bread is good how you've made bread like that toasted it and got that to blend you've got the ratios right you've actually nailed the burger and the seasoning and the heat beautifully done i'm going to echo that because it's delicious and it holds really well and for me i'm focusing on this and this only because he's cracking and more importantly because it is master chef that i open a packet chef um you made your own bread so well done well done thank you oh that's good thank you i feel amazing it's it's so lovely to hear um judges like my dish especially my bread i think today with my lobster burger because it's so unique and i'm happy with the flavors i think i've got a good chance of going into the immunity challenge thanks race for doing that brendan what have you done my modern interpretation of a lobster burger with crispy roast potatoes and the sauce on the side an aioli for the potatoes you took a whole lobster and you poached it and you didn't overcook it thank goodness you know what because it deserves a little respect at least all of us have eaten it and gone that's tasty exactly and it's not undercooked it's not overcooked uh it's some classic flavors in there i'm pleased i can eat something and go delicious what i'm brendan thank you i'm really happy i think i've got a good chance of going into the immunity challenge the next dish we'd like to taste belongs to chloe i've made a chicken katsu curry burger what's messing that up for me is that curry sauce it's sort of just like a soggy mess it's a shame because we know what you're capable of jess i've made my own brioche bun with a chicken schnitzel little brioche buns are fabulous and even the fried chicken it's fabulous it's crispy it's still moist next up janine please let's go it's a friday night burger i love the bun you chose i love the relish i think it's absolutely delicious and the actual burger itself tick tick tick gina your turn pork and veal burger take on the classic italian sausage potential was there just executed badly [Music] next up khan [Applause] [Music] what did you cook a deer fried chicken burger with some mayo my coleslaw and a light pickle on top and duck fat potatoes [Music] i'm freaking out [Music] slow good tasty crunchy it's got the textures to it seasoning on point is it tasty yeah absolutely is the chicken crunchy yes absolutely i like the slaw i like the bun i like the crispy chicken and i like the pickles that you put in it thank you keeping my fingers crossed my burger was perfect hopefully the burger will get me across that line into the top two we have karage chicken with pickles and gochujang mayo we have some mushrooms and leeks and we also have some duck thank goodness i've rested the duck breast for a few minutes not as long as i wanted it to rest but i don't really have a choice i have to start serving the customers otherwise they're just going to be hangry one more chicken mama mushroom and i think everybody has everything thank you enjoy that's our first table done okay let's go this one thank you can i have another mushroom yes just to keep them coming well here we are at the yellow team stall i mean they got poultry they've they've got a duck dish a chicken dish they've also got a vegetarian option it's not just about great food these team challenges you've got to deliver you've got to keep the customers happy yeah and that is not just it means giving people food when they sit down this place is all about fast turnover two more chicken two more ducks please coming up shall we get the vegetable skewering first yeah all right thank you thank you [Music] mushrooms and lake with a sesame dressing and soybean shoots diana what's in the sesame dressing on the mushrooms butter miso and sesame paste nice well i think i think the answer is in the empty it's the plate for that dish then really right um great that that pickle mushroom particularly with that sweet buttery miso and sesame dressing tastes wonderful that's great what a good start delicious right guys can we taste the chicken dish chicken sure mm-hmm thank you craig chicken with gochujang mayo and pickles certainly looks crispy how far away for the next chicken now i've got one beautiful [Music] [Music] from the japanese guest behind us and um i think you're absolutely that's absolutely right um super crunchy on the outside super sucker on the inside gotcha tank mayonnaise great idea and those pickles just relieve that fattiness so they're a nice kind of bright ray of um particularly radish and cucumber sunshine yeah now i'm really happy with that and when george eats more than me no you know it's good yeah what it is because it's a complete dish in a little box i like that all right guys can we have the next dish please that one's done five spice dark good seasoned rice [Music] well after two cracking dishes like absolutely cracking dishes i'm a little let down buddies concept right yeah execution sounded a little bit flawed i don't think it's a disaster i just think that we have to the standard's been so high that when you get a dish that's a bit off then you do notice it okay it's gonna need more than a couple minutes of time i am really feeling the pressure to get this food out to those hungry diners give me two minutes two minutes two minutes three minutes three minutes so far we've only sent out two of our three dishes cured kingfish sashimi we still haven't finished our grilled leek and corn dish at the moment i've got the corn sauteing and miso butter it's hectic in this corner right now if we can't serve three different dishes to every customer we're gonna find ourselves an elimination corn please can you give me 30 seconds enjoy guys we're slowly trickling the food out things are happening now we've got a rhythm going three fish ups oh i'm so happy you like it the diners seem to be enjoying it we've heard a few oysters which means delicious so we're pretty happy if they're happy you have to feed hundreds of japanese diners tonight as soon as one lot of people finish their meal the next lot of people are already coming through ben is smashing the grill he's got sweat dripping from his face but he's all over it happy guys [Applause] [Music] aaron's putting more tonkatsu into the oil there's no time to blink an eye are you right aaron yeah free thrown away please another chicken another chicken thank you thank you we're getting a groove guys keep going you're doing well it is real hot in this corner three fish up yep welcome when people talk about atmosphere i mean look look through there jam-packed with people a little smoky and hazy and smelling quite good what do you reckon we should have first i reckon the poor yeah pork in the leaks how about three points [Music] i am salivating [Music] what's the story yakitori well the story is very good news those pork skewers are delicious nice nice bit of char on the edge of the pork pork tender um lovely hidden ginger and mirin in the sauce as a first off dish in the red team really good and you know what i think yakitori is that thing where you beat one you want another okay right can we get some beef skewers guys coming through freebie thank you [Music] you know could have a little bit more teriyaki sauce on the beef i think the beef jumps are really big to be honest i'd prefer it that they were the little finest slicker just so i can get that teriyaki sweetness all over the beef i think that's the problem if you told me that was an australian beef and broccoli dish we go yes there's not a lot of connection other than being on the skewer with where we are that teriyaki sauce has to be thick and sticky sadly the stickiest part of that skewer was actually the handle all right let's get the next dish all right can we get the pork please that's happiness huh favorite so far yum [Music] you like it yeah really good delicious really delicious [Music] that is absolutely delicious the freshness of the shredded greens underneath um that ankle is so crunchy so golden yeah beautifully balanced exactly the right mix of of meat to veg to sauce which is i think was lacking the beef that is a rip addition and that sauce did you have a recipe in your head or you just winged it i had a recipe in my head there are a few um missing ingredients so you know yeah it's great well done you're really good great dish thanks guys can you help run out some dishes for the moment yep cooking this yokocho is so much fun interacting with the customers i can't speak a word of japanese i can speak a good old aussie okay that's good at the moment our food's like this and hopefully it doesn't go like that bronze please yeah i'm a bit stuck uh just stuck in in a bit of a pickle at the moment the atmosphere is really really fun but you know we need to keep these people fed to keep them happy [Music] i'm trying to leave these leaks on the grill for as long as possible so that they can be really beautiful and tender but at the same time i realized i haven't soaked these skewers so this is going to be a really fine balance between charred leeks and no skewers you guys can squish through that thank you i'm sorry sir tight squeeze here we go guys another two just waiting on one more so far so good so high expectations well red team it's colorful that's mexican food yeah yeah and it's oh you know i'm salivating you're absolutely right it does catch your eye and it's really colorful and you're right you know it's uh it's instantly appealing uh they've done a few things so that sarah is panicking and she's stumping the prices up in front of the customers imagine on a busy saturday night and you get halfway through service you just go you know what let's bang 20 on everything because it's busy right let's try the corn [Music] green teams corn was better way better more flavor you know why it's been boiled and grilled it doesn't have that sweet you know kind of reduced caramelized flavour that corn straight on the grill house just make sure you've got a red napkin so we know that it's red team okay this looks alright though i like the idea of the black bean and charred chicken [Music] there's just no like bam of chili and worcester coriander and smash and lime the thing i love about it is the char and i love the idea of that lovely sauce great expectations pop it in your mouth and you go oh yeah it needs a bit of chili needs a bit of salt needs a bit of lime you see interestingly when you look at a beef dish you know you've got avocado you've got lime you get a sense that there's a bit more going on well it's got a bit more to it a bit more freshness i like that look i love the avocado i love the char on the beef but it should be more caramelized it should be more tasty yeah the chicken's fantastic do you like the chicken amber yeah well i had the beef and it was amazing the guacamole was really nice as well that was nice and smooth and that just lightened it up so i liked it i had the chicken and i thought it was delicious actually but there wasn't very much of it and actually the price went up while we were standing in the line as well but it was good for you it tasted very nice and then a dessert here please i've got a feeling georgia had a big hand in this dessert why is it mexican i think people forgive a lack of mexican authenticity with this dish because it's delicious it's a beautiful british dessert and i love it england did not invent the strawberry gary or the meringue you gotta let it go let's go guys if you've got your food please line up behind one another so we can serve more people thank you so much let's keep pumping out these churros guys plenty of hungry customers out there let's anna billy and i are all working on this trust together they're just flying out the door and we can't keep up fast forward [Music] one of everything sounds good we'll get that for you in just a tip we're running on fumes it's all based on excitement now and trying to get each other up but they've found their group they know what they're doing they're learning they're getting better and that's why they do these team challenges how are you feeling i feel good could you keep going oh yeah we got enough chicken to serve like another 100 people so let's keep going let's keep going get going i guarantee you annie doesn't have any more food are you running out of food green tea no no we're actually really looking at all these bees are you running out of food no no that is anyone else's food yeah so we're not running out you're not running out of each here they come i hope you got enough food to sell here how many two excuse me excuse me excuse me i'm just gonna serve the [ __ ] kids i want to get you fed as much and as quickly as possible today so my lovely friend steven is gonna be looking good chicken i've got beef i've got corn red tea green tea two minutes to go [Applause] come on red let's go the grains let's finish off strong we've only got a few minutes to go now it's just about getting those last few dishes sold just want to go hard right to the end here and just try and make every dollar we can you want for corn anyone for chicken anyone for being we have so much food left over more than i ever thought we'd have so we're just going and getting as much cash as we can come on everyone let's go excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me ladies and gents all i'm thinking is how can i make more money for the team definitely don't want to be in elimination so you know we're you know we're desperate now no this is no discount no no no this is honestly i've sweated all day over that two dollars for corn guys two dollars for corn i didn't want your us guys let's go we're really desperate to win today with only a few minutes to go we're just doing everything that we can and try and get those last few dollars [Music] guys seconds to go [Music] [Applause] nearly out of portion okay we need more rock is that yeah is that going to be possible let's see your breath that's it okay should we get some more on there we go i leave renee serving and i start getting another broth on so run off and get some more shiitake get those onto an element boiling well you pour that stock that's in the bottom of there and there to top it up yep it's got flavour just just the stock yeah some of the people are waiting a little longer because i've disappeared to fix the problems definitely more than that and then that one tastes so tasty taste taste while i'm getting the extra batch of stock sorted i'm also trying to get some more tempura done are they crispy yeah they are you can see it yeah yeah it is full on straight in [Applause] there we go i don't know how we're gonna get boats if we can't feed people for most of the time um i'm waiting for the red team um i think around like 15 minutes yeah okay guys sorry about this won't be long prepping things during service we'd love your vote guys it would mean a lot to yes it would that sends you down any more noodles there you go there's no more nori guys we're going to give us some support for blue teams we can move it up a little bit come on [Applause] 15 minutes before it's all over 15 minutes left we're gonna try and get as many up to you guys as we can have another one in a second cheers guys enjoy uh 15 minutes till service is over chase we've got to get as many out as we possibly can okay you're up next it's like a crispy rice paprika one of the customers comes over and is really pleased with the flavour and he thinks it's delicious but he said it's really messy yeah yeah um i need to take this advice on board and change the idea so i'm just going to try a new method and hopefully it's a little bit easier to fold over for them to eat so it doesn't fall apart in their face trying to adapt to the customers need i think it's important and i think if we're to get their vote we need to make sure that we take everything into consideration i'm going to snap this over for you so it's a bit messy but have fun with it and enjoy it it's really lovely to eat it's quite difficult to eat sort of crumbling in my hands um but it's still very delicious really really tasty pork is amazing but just really hard to eat yeah really really hard to eat it's completely fallen apart but um no really good never had rice paper rolls like fried like this we've always had it like soaked so i really really like it yeah yeah well this is uh the vietnamese uh stand and we've got a grilled chicken and pork vietnamese taco i think this is a great idea i never thought of using this as like a taco or a quesadilla it looks pretty doesn't it it smells amazing i wonder how it is to eat gonna give it a go i don't care i'm getting into it so hands dirty fold it over oh crumbly that's good isn't it i'm telling you something i'm super concerned and super worried for them why i reckon a lot of people are going too hard to eat i love it but i'm super worried about you know what i've eaten one i could go another one love it i love the generous generous use of herbs as well but you know the only thing i'm concerned about is it's taken some time for these guys to turn these over it's taking about three minutes or so to cook each one and that means maybe competing against the yellow team the the soup you're putting yourself at a disadvantage [Music] guys 10 minutes before the market closes come on um everyone's been saying how delicious that one is thank you look forward to trying it so far i've only got positive feedback big fan thank you so much i feel really really good about this dish thank you so much for coming back a bit worried about this garnish running a little low there's a lot of people to feed and there's a lot of people coming back for seconds oh excellent so this is your second there's someone's been back for thirds already and someone's coming back for fourths we've had lots of seconds now more than 200. we've done way more than 200 serves so i've sent out 200 dishes but have i fed 200 people we've had one person come back four times sorry we're running a bit low on old pickled baby corn to get as many votes as possible i need as many people that we can get to try this food i'm garnishing and handing out the plates so i just assume that we've still got at least a whole pot left and turn around and amy says that we're out of soup that's it bottom of the wok is officially scraped we have none left you look over and the other teams are handing out full plates of food push towards the end yes yep and it is disappointing it means we got a lot of soup out but i did not want to run out early oh no thank you sure thank you eight minutes to go jamie we are running out of everything like oh my god we're still pumping out so much food and we're kind of destroying the customers everything we can give them so everything is happening like the chicken dish is gone now we're just sticking to the tuna and there's just so much stuff happening it's just it's so hectic but we just want to keep pushing out these meals because we want as many votes as possible how are you guys going good it's okay guys we won't stop feeding you okay thank you so much for waiting hope you love it if you promise to vote red i'll give you two meatballs you have to purchase no it's just meatballs that chicken miso balls i can't get it off the only thing that's still going to be stronger [Applause] right this is it guys the last ditch attempt two minutes to go [Applause] beautiful enjoy kind of taste i'm looking at all these faces that haven't tried my soup yet i'm just going to make spoons for people we're doing it yeah thank you very much enjoy right the market is about to close that familiar 10 seconds nine eight seven six five four three two down well done you
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 2,334,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, #masterchef, master chef world, best dishes on masterchef, master chef, how to cook, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef world, masterchef best dishes, best masterchef dishes, masterchef australia, masterchef australia street food, masterchef australia mexican street food, masterchef australia gordon ramsay, masterchef australia burger, masterchef australia mexican, mexican street food, asian street food, japanese street food, burger, street food
Id: En7tkelTWLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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