Best Sadhguru MOTIVATION (2.5 Hours of Pure Inspiration) | #BelieveLife

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want to be happy build a life not just a business hey it's devon carmichael and this channel was created to help you overcome the number one challenge that is holding you back a lack of belief in yourself you watch these videos because you know there's something more inside you too you've got michael jordan level talent at something so get ready to be inspired motivated and shifted by sad guru and some of his best wisdom enjoy can you see me right now all of you can you see me just point out where i am use your hands and point out can you see me oh you got it wrong you know i'm a mystic you're getting it completely wrong now this light is falling upon me reflecting going through your lenses inverted image in your retina you know the whole story right where do you see me right now within yourself where do you hear me right now within yourself where have you seen the whole world within yourself have you ever experienced anything outside of yourself everything that ever happened to you darkness and light happen within you pain and pleasure happen within you joy and misery happen within you have you ever experienced anything outside of yourself no so what i am asking you is what happens within you who should determine how it should happen what happens within you who should determine how this should happen somebody else definitely you should determine what should happen within this isn't it so if you determine what's happening within this your whole experience of life will be determined by you nobody else but you isn't it the events around you may not be determined by you but how your experience of life is on this planet is 100 determined by you if you take charge of this if you leave it loose just about anybody will determine it they will not consciously they also like you by accident see grace is available to everybody it's like sunlight sunlight is available to everybody but only those who open their eyes will see that's the way it is but is it not there is it there only for me not for you there's no such thing it's available for everybody it's just that are you receptive when we talk about receptivity see the entire process of yoga the word yoga itself means this the word yoga means union union means what right now in most people's experience it is me versus universe this is how people are experiencing life otherwise why continuous anxiety fear they think they are fighting for their life all the time why they are fighting the whole universe individual and the universal being in competition with the universe is a stupid thing to do not a single day passes for me right without witnessing tears of joy and love around me every day somebody will be shedding tears of love and joy i don't think there's a better way to live in this world and all of us should strive to create our own circles of joyfulness and pleasantness around us because if you are not joyful by your own nature if you are always going around with the fear of suffering as long as fear of suffering is there within you you will never walk your life with full stride it will always be half a step most human beings have crippled themselves simply because of fear of suffering what will happen to me is always the question whatever happens this is how i will be if this assurance comes to you only now you will want to scale the peaks of life and see what about it if it happens makes no difference to you if it doesn't happen makes no difference to you that's when you would like to really explore every dimension of life so first and foremost thing is this that your way of being is not determined by what's around you if you bring this one aspect to you there is no fear of suffering once there is no fear of suffering you will traverse the breadth and length of this life without hesitation there are no right things to do in life if you choose something and put everything that you have into it it'll become a great thing is it the right thing is it the best thing when you say is it the right thing what you're asking is it the best thing to do in life there is no best thing to do in life anything that you take up and if you put your heart and soul into it it becomes a great thing is it the best thing no then what is the best thing there is no such thing don't look at yourself as a a deliate or an idiot whatever you want to call yourself if you're just a piece of life hello and today you're here one day you'll be poop gone you're a brief life i want you to just imagine you've seen those insects which come when it rains you know ants which fly suppose you are that you just came alive gone that's what you are just compared to the span of your life the insect's life is looking so meaningless and gone that's what the rivers are thinking about you poo poo poop and gone yes or no compared to their lifespan you are just like that insect or less than the insect isn't it so i am not somebody who ever debated is this the right thing to do in my life what was needed i jumped into it because if you're a constipated life you will always be thinking about what to do what not to do what to do what not to do what is my passion what is not my passion why the hell are you not passionate about everything hello why are you not passionate about everything in the existence you're only passionate about one thing means what you constipate it that's what it means idiots do things that they don't like to do suffer for their whole life because they think it's needed or they think it's their duty intelligent people do what they love to do they enjoy their life to some extent but a genius learns to do what is needed joyfully that's when your genius flowers because it's no more about you now there's a limitless way of looking at life to create fear you have to use excessive imagination to not be in fear you don't have to do anything where is happening because of excessive imagination things that have not happened you're creating what may happen in your mind happens in thousand different formats and most probably it never happens the things that you feared take hundred things that you have feared probably 99 of them never happened isn't it yes so you're here your fear is always about that which does not exist you cannot fight or you cannot overcome that which does not exist we can overcome something with that exists you cannot overcome that which does not exist you just have to give up that effort enjoy the fear after all it's your making you like horror movies yes i mean you're saying no but you you're producing them it's just they're not making money that's all fear means you're producing horror movies in your mind nobody else is willing to watch that's bad for the producer but you're producing them so you produce something else produce a comedy a love story suspense thriller try and see today just sit down produce a love story a suspense thriller a comedy five five minutes movies you make in your mind really start using your mind differently it's just gotten into your pattern just gotten your pattern of just creating horror movies all the time you have watched enough horror movies they're boring [Music] create something else even it's not that if you produce these movies those things will happen in your life still they may not happen at least you enjoy the movie in reality it may not happen so what at least you enjoy what's happening in your mind if you cannot enjoy what's happening in the world isn't it that much privilege every human being deserves isn't it so even if the world is not kind to him at least his own mind should be kind to him should produce some nice movies i must say this just a couple of weeks ago i was in conversation with someone who is considered some kind of an expert on internet affairs and social media and all this so he's been looking at our material in the youtube and various other platforms and i said easily i can give you 50 times more than what is there you know just people work on all the thousands of hours of audio and video that's there in the archive 50 times more in a year's time we can multiply it by 50. that much material is there he said said guru already what is there here you're throwing it all over the place it's worth a billion dollars i said see what will i do with the billion dollars my interest is seven billion people i have no interest in billion dollars what do i do with it my interest is people around us so many people will do so many things that we don't like yes or no so many things in mumbai happening things that we don't like are everyday happening but at least within you only what you want should happen within this isn't it i cannot decide that only what i want should happen with you but i can definitely decide only what i want must happen within me isn't it if you could decide only what you want should happen within you would you choose anger or joy what's your choice please choose i'm going to bless you see you want the highest level of pleasantness for yourself isn't it then why is such a thing not happening as i said earlier you never at the user's manual how this functions has not been looked at do not go by the example of people who came here a few few years earlier than you that no no my mother also was like that my grandmother also was getting angry so i am also getting angry they should not be the leading lights of your life i want you to look at it your thought your emotion your body must happen the way you want isn't it if somebody else can decide what should happen within you this is ultimate slavery isn't it so what happens around you maybe we can decide but nobody should decide except yourself what happens within you if you decide you would keep this in the high state of pleasantness for sure you wouldn't be battling with anger it's not just about anger fear stress tension don't address them separately essentially your mind is not taking instructions from you why because you don't know where the damn keyboard is yet we gave you a super computer you do not know where where the keyboard is so one day you did this something worked another day you did this something work you know have you seen people the radio doesn't work boom and it works sometimes that's not a technology that's chance have you seen this if something doesn't work people think tupped up tough it'll work and a lot of people are using this for human beings also what people are generally calling as destiny is essentially what they end up creating unconsciously when i say unconsciously as you sit here right now as everybody sits here right now there is physical activity going on within the system there is mental process there is emotional activity and of course the life energies are active every moment they're taking in hundreds of inputs whether you're conscious or not conscious so if i ask you a question since this morning from the time you woke up till now of these four dimensions of activity how much have you conducted consciously what percentage do you think few things how much percentage do you think 25 percent you are very generous man it's well below one percent if you walk from there to there there will be 25 different kind of smells that you're not conscious of that the body registers and records there are 100 different kinds of sounds the body registers that you are not conscious of like this throughout the day and night in wakefulness and sleep this is happening when you are only conscious of less than one percent of your activity definitely life will look like an accident hello when 99 of the things that you're doing you're doing unconsciously definitely life look will look accidental if the accident see it just so happened somebody fell off on the street and had a brain injury after that suddenly they started working their mathematics in a wonderful way but that was only one a thousand other people who cracked their skull never recovered from that or they died or those who lived on lived on much diminished so being accidentally fortunate is not the way to exist so whenever a pleasant accident happens we say it's destiny some of you even say god doing things to me when did you make a partnership with him i don't know so shall i tell you a story okay this happened sherlock holmes you know sherlock holmes and watson went out camping and early morning 3 30 am sherlock holmes nudged watson he opened his eyes what what do you see he asked well i see a clear sky and stars what does it mean to you he said well that means tomorrow is going to be a wonderful sunny day then he asks what does it mean to you is that it means someone has stolen our tent [Laughter] so we don't know what went missing and something may fall here and there by chance but that's not the way life works if a human being doesn't take it upon himself or herself to make their own destiny they are still having an evolutionary problem that is they are still not yet fully there because being human means this that we can conduct our life consciously being human means this that we can craft our life the way we want but this destiny business is a good insurance to handle your failure whenever you fail destiny it's god's will you did this activity where to get us awake and energized you had us close our eyes and you counted the three and then we had to yell lose our inhibitions and and let it all out and that idea of kind of losing control and losing inhibitions for me personally has actually been uh a challenge and i was hoping to get your perspective uh i have never done drugs because i don't want to lose control i fight roller coasters because i don't like losing control of the body i i i i'm i'm excited for your perspective i don't know why it uh it came up because last night i did my best but it's always been um a challenge or a struggle for me and i'm i'm just curious to get your perspective nature has imposed substantial amount of restrictions on life you can just zoom out into the space there is enough restrictions you don't have to invent your own restrictions on top of it so if you invent your own restrictions slowly over a period of time you become a constipated life that means life won't happen easy it happens in small happenings so being in a state of abandon not out of control being in a state of abandoned means all the stops that you have put on yourself you pulled it off nature stops are still there therefore your safety and your well-being but why are you imposing stops there's enough gravity is holding you down that's bad enough now you want to hold yourself down why because fear what is the fear about the fear is always about if i do this i may suffer so that is a fundamental of my work to bring you to your place where there's no fear of suffering so you must understand this if everything that you try to do is becoming frictious friction is happening obviously you are the sandpaper you know what's a sandpaper i'll ask them to provide you a sandpaper a small piece every day whenever you have a friction with somebody just scrape your skin somewhere so if you don't cure yourself quickly you won't have any skin left [Music] when you don't have any skin left then you will not touch anything you will not create you will not look for any friction you will walk in suppose you had no skin how would you walk even a little feather won't touch you like that you will walk isn't it because everything hurts now so if you want that kind of treatment we can do otherwise first come to your senses friction is happening means wherever you go friction is happening obviously one simple thing you can do to reduce friction is i've told you many times but you've not done this is whatever you're saying in a day or in an hour or in a minute how many words per minute are you uttering bring it down to 50 percent still do the same work you will see a whole lot of friction will go down simply because you're not blabbering yes and we've been trying to train you whatever you see whether you see a man woman child cow donkey donkey also no how will friction not happen it will happen so only when satguru is here like this rest of the time like this it won't work bring this into you not just as a symbolism genuinely so friction the two kinds one within ourselves outside is just an expression and a consequence so this whole thing about inner engineering means just this that when you sit here you can sit here without any friction if you can sit here without any friction outside friction also will go down but when you meet a sandpaper there must be some friction there are sandpapers hello so when you meet a science paper there must be friction otherwise how there will be so generally we avoid sand paper if we can but sometimes we have to work with them when we have to work with the sandpaper you need tact this is something you have to learn this will not come this is not nothing spiritual about it this is tact in the society sometimes it doesn't work but it's a question of skill some people who are not spiritual in any way they are very tactful when they meet sandpapers you will see this kind of agents and others who are working in government offices and in political atmospheres they are so smooth it doesn't matter how rough the other person is these people just they'll just get their job done and leave so working with sandpaper takes a little bit of skill and experience nothing spiritual about it it's a social skill but uh generally in the ashram very few sand papers once in a way people pop up sand on them but they drop it you know they don't keep it all the time sometimes sometimes they're like that they're not like that all the time so when they are like that when the porcupine has its thing up you must keep away a bit when it's down you can talk to it it doesn't keep it up all the time it doesn't have the strength to do that so your friction you must understand it's just you when it comes to what you want to do you must think clearly it's very important thinking clearly means the question is not about what will get me this what will get me that are you is your life precious to you all of you i'm asking your life is it precious to you so before you invest this life into something you must look whether today if i invest my life into this after 25 years will it still mean a lot to me after 50 years will it still mean a lot to me at the end of my life you turn back and i look will i be proud of this or will i be ashamed of what i'm doing right now it doesn't matter what other people say but you should not do anything that you will feel ashamed of isn't it so it doesn't matter people say so many things everybody has opinion it's their business but you don't do something that you will feel ashamed of isn't it then you're turning against yourself somebody turns against you you can leave them and go somewhere else if you turn against yourself you'll have to live with it forever so this is all you have to look at it somebody something will get you money something will get you comfort that's not the point what you choose to do will it give you a life when i say give it give your life are you just trying to make a living or are you trying to make a life out of this it's important making a living is not an issue a worm an insect a bird an animal all of them are making their life making a living isn't it so they're even making a life out of it but definitely they're making a living so making a living with such a big brain is not an issue earning your food is not an issue making a living is not an issue only problem is you want to live like somebody else that's an endless problem i want to live is not a problem i want to live like you this is a problem so it is important if you consider your life as a precious life you must make sure you make a wonderful life out of this if you go outside in the garden and try to catch an ant the bhu ant who is born here has grown up here and probably he'll die here that bhu ant if you try to catch him he'll say okay to hell with my life okay crush me if you want is it so he'll do everything to protect himself he values his life isn't it very much or no tiny little creature that we may not even notice we may step on him without even seeing him unfortunately but he values his life immensely does he know he's got spark but you a human being at least on this planet you're the peak of evolution physiologically at least yes if other behavioral aspects if you may have questions but physiologically at least the most evolved creature on the planet what the most evolved creature on the planet means is it has the most complex neurological system and it has the highest level of cerebral capability that means you can think you can remember you have memory you have a very vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination an ant doesn't have such a vivid sense of memory nor does he have any great imagination yes some but he has a presence of mind about the life that he is living because the education systems that you are going through right from kindergarten level is such that it is about everything except you it's about everything else somebody is phd in tourism somebody's phd in biotechnology somebody's phd in something nothing about this how does this function there is no attention at all a human being functions you know you have a kala bhairava temple here what this means is a human being exists in three times he lives because of the richness of his memory how rich is your memory determines what you will do and what you will not do right now isn't it so so memory is important the present experience is important and how vivid is your imagination for tomorrow is very important right now the problem is these things have all gotten mixed up because discipline of faculty has simply not come nothing has been taught to our children that there needs to be discipline means people think english kind of discipline walking like this like idiots discipline of faculty is not there because of this your own mind turns against you what happened 10 years ago you still suffer hello what may happen day after tomorrow you already suffer because there's no discipline of faculty you don't know how to use your memory you don't know how to use your imagination your memory makes you suffer your imagine makes imagination makes you suffer and you think you're suffering your life you are not suffering your life you're only suffering the two greatest faculties of being human vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of humor imagination isn't it so if you suffer the greatest faculties that you have what can we do with you if you suffer a ailment understandable if you suffer a disability understandable if you suffer your ability hopeless case yes or no you're suffering your capabilities if you're suffering your disability it's all right you're suffering your capabilities i must tell you this about four or five months ago i think you might have seen it on the news a young lady 34 year old lady who was a television anchor in hyderabad jumped off the fifth floor window killed herself left a note nobody is responsible for my death my brain is my enemy how many million years it took to get this brain to this size and now it becomes your enemy she articulated this but this is true with almost 90 percent of the human beings they are suffering their own intelligence isn't it if you take away half their brain if you take away half their brain they will be peaceful yes and that is why a whole bunch of idiots are going about saying that the ultimate goal of life is peace of mind such people will only rest in peace we are completely committed to one dimension of our intelligence which we call as the intellect which is just the thought process thought can only happen with the data that you have gathered through five senses which is very limited one thing another thing is the nature of data that the sensors gather are only useful for survival process the very nature of how you see things how you hear smell and taste and touch life is only relevant for survival process if you wanting to know the life itself then these instruments of perception are no good even what is light and darkness is a debate between you and another creature which sees darkness as light isn't it if you sit with an owl and start an argument as to which is light and which is darkness it's an endless argument but who do you think is right hello if you're saying both you're either in the diplomatic core or or you have a successful marriage [Applause] [Music] you will learn to say both both but which is the truth what i see is the truth or what the owl says the truth that's not the point it is just that nature has opened up our sense perception as it is necessary for our survival accordingly it has opened up sense perceptions for different creatures as it is necessary for their survival but if survival is all you're seeking this is good enough the five senses but once you have come as a human being somehow survival is not good enough if your stomach is empty there's only one issue about food but once the stomach becomes full you have a hundred issues going on so the nature of the human being is such no matter what you do you want to be something more than what you are right now and if that something more happens something more something old it's an endless pursuit so somewhere a human being is seeking a limitless expansion but trying to do it with physical means the very nature of physicality is a defined boundary if there is no defined boundary there is no possibility of physical happening in the universe but now a human being is longing for the boundless the two in installments and through physical means through the boundary you're trying to become boundless the desire is fantastic the method is hopeless because the moment you identify yourself with something your intellect's work is just to protect that identity if you whatever the identities of nation or family or gender or race religion whatever the moment you identify yourself with something your intellect will only function around that to protect that so it is a certain type of prejudice the moment you're identified so the only thing i did with my life is i never identified myself with anything and life just exploded within me in ways that thought seems so puny that i do not indulge in thought most of the time the japanese people eat much less fat than the americans and the british because of this people believe they have much less incidents of cardiac arrest less people in japan die of heart failures and heart attacks than they do in uk and in united states but the french eat a lot more fat but still they have much less incidence of cardiac problems compared to the british and the americans the japanese people don't drink much wine so they have much less cardiac problems but the italians drink only wine and they also have much less cardiac problems than the english and the americans so the deduction is it is the english language which is the problem [Applause] the english speaking which is the problem so this has been a problem everywhere that we try to transplant what is happening in one place simply as it is in another place not just geographically and culturally even from individual to individual that what worked for one person we try to make it work for another person and destroy that person completely unfortunately this is labeled as education mass producing people though we are a mass of people on this planet a huge number over seven billion people still you were produced individually not mass produced are you right from my childhood i've been noticing this that most adults want to teach something when they see children all those damn things which have not worked in their life this is one wow you have to take with me that is from this moment onwards in your life you will not pass on anything that has not worked for you to anybody else hello even if you cannot pass on the best things to other people at least what is not worked for you you don't give it to anybody will you do this does anger work for you so don't give it to anybody does misery work for you does depression work for you so if you are angry if you're depressed you're miserable just shut up okay and sit in one place and handle it being playful always has been understood as irresponsibility yes do you know right from your childhood and probably to your children also you're doing this if they're just playful you think it's irresponsible the most responsible way to live is that you're playful with life it's absolutely irresponsible to carry a long face and walk around in this planet yes or no isn't it absolutely irresponsible to walk around with misery yes that's the most irresponsible thing you can do so being playful is not irresponsibility being playful is being very responsible and responsive to life only when you're playful you can do that when you're serious the world doesn't exist for you you want your nonsense yes when you're serious it's just about you and your nonsense the world and other life does not exist for you only when you are playful you can pay attention to everything you can truly respond to everything in the world only if you are playful otherwise you cannot just the burden of it will kill you people are always thinking that something else or somebody else is restricting their freedom but once freedom is lost simply because they are tangled up with their own body and their own mind these are two dimensions of you two faculties unless your body and your mind is fully in your hands if they're continuously working for you never against you only then you can live a successful life people have approached inner well-being either with belief systems or philosophies or ideologies or some wacky ideas of their own it's time to approach your inner well-being in a scientific manner as there is science and technology to create external well-being there is a whole science and technology to create inner well-being that is what we call as calling as inner engineering technologies for well-being it is time that you approach your inner well-being also in a scientific systematic way and employ technologies to create this well-being everything else you're using technology you understand that technology can facilitate everything on the outside why don't you understand that the best piece of technology on this planet is this human mechanism unless you approach it properly it will not heal living here as half a human being is not good enough right now people's idea of success is they're doing better than their neighbor now your idea of success should be that you are a full-fledged life because this is not my idea this is not my philosophy this is the longing of every life every worm insect bird tree animal and also human being are always striving to become a full-fledged life but we know what is a full-fledged worm we know what is a full-fledged insect we know what is a full-fledged apple tree but we don't know what's a full-fledged human being that's where the problem is how to address the larger issues of my life there are no large issues in your life somebody needs to help me understand that what is the large issue that you're talking about it is just about what job to take which girl to marry where to go for vacation whether whether to get married or not get married you know these are things isn't it these are not large issues these are little things in your life yes oh is it just a small thing whom i get married to i'm not saying it's a small thing but as an issue it's a small issue little issue as a consequence to your life yes it has many things but this is something that human beings have done for millions of years we have enough experience on these things isn't it we know that whatever job we take whoever we marry it is just the way we make out of it every experience of life you can make it an enriching experience every experience in your life you can make a curse out of it see there is nothing wrong in your job whatever job you're doing there's nothing wrong getting this job there's nothing along wrong in losing this job there's nothing wrong in getting married there's nothing wrong in getting divorced there's nothing wrong in not getting married there is nothing wrong in anything there is nothing wrong in this or that but it is just that you make misery out of it that's wrong if you do this you make misery out of it if you do that you make misery out of it that's what is wrong with you so you got married is it wrong that's not the point there's nothing wrong with it you did not get married is it wrong no there's nothing wrong with it that's wonderful too you got divorced is it wrong no that's also wonderful it is just that you make misery out of everything that's what is wrong you just address that one issue everything will be settled right now what are the instruments of your experience you know you're here only because you can see hear smell taste and touch this is the only way you know that you're here right now suppose your toes off don't okay suppose you doze off you don't know that you're here isn't it yes even though you're here your heart is beating everything is functioning the world is on we are all here but you won't know that you're here nor will you know that i am here or anybody else is here isn't it yes all that's happened is life is on full-on even within you only thing is these five sensory organs have shut down so your entire experience of life right now is happening because you can see here smell taste and touch just look at the nature of the sensory organs in the very nature they're outward bound isn't it can you roll your eyeballs inward and scan yourself no shall i give you a bad example sorry your our nose is located nigh right above our mouth suppose you don't brush your teeth for three days [Music] though this nose is right here it won't tell you you have not brushed your teeth the whole room will know you have not brushed your teeth but you will not know this is the human predicament it's very easy to see what's wrong with this guy what's wrong with her what's wrong with her it's very it takes a lot of observation to see what's wrong with this that level of keenness of observation is missing in most people they need to cultivate that if your friend is doesn't not do well you'll feel sad about it if he does very well you'll feel very sad about it so you have fixed yourself in such a way whichever way you cannot be happy [Music] you you're in a self-defeating mode no matter what happens you will not be happy if you want to understand what i'm saying you go and stand out on one of the main streets in bangalore city leave the poor people who are selling karlakai on the street side leave them people who are driving there only look at those bmws mercedes and materialities and whatever is going around in bangalore city only look at the dream cars okay because many of you may have dreams also of this just look at all these people you think they're in a profusion of joy driving this car like that no only in case it's a stolen car you'll see the joy [Applause] otherwise no so success has not brought joy to them if they're failed of course they're frustrated because the very mode of approach is like this if this mode of approach comes whichever way it's not going to work because it's not even about you it's always about somebody here it's never about you the simple thing is this see if your joy your sadness your happiness your misery is determined by something or somebody around you the chances of you being joyful in your life is remote yes or no is it true that human experience is created from within hello hello i'm asking all of you is it true that human experience joy or misery agony or ecstasy madness or sanity everything is created from inside at least if you're a manager if you're going to be a manager at least what is happening from within you must happen your way because essentially management means having situations the way we want it yes management is what having situations the way we want it well if the world is not happening your way at least this one must be happening your way otherwise what kind of management is this here there's only one person huh here there are a thousand people they may not listen to you they got their own stuff but here there's only one person at least here what you want must happen isn't it if what you want happened would you keep yourself blissed out or miserable what's your choice you must choose i'm going to bless you now if you had a choice would you be rather be blissed out or miserable no bless that of course so if such a thing is not happening then all these problems come if things work it is a problem if they don't work it's a problem if you get a seat in this institution it's a problem if you cannot get out of this it's a problem [Music] you like this place so much you don't mind staying here it's not like that you must get in and you must get get out ahead of others everything it's never about you it's always about something else outside is a variable situation who these people are today tomorrow we don't know what they will say yes tomorrow morning we don't know what they will say if your way of being is determined by all these people then you are a mess you're bound to be a mess see you are a product of this planet yes or no whatever nonsense individuals may think about themselves we are all just a pop-up from this planet you've seen those pop-ups on the computer screen pop-pop yes you're just a pop-up you'll be gone you can't believe you will be gone huh me i will be gone yes all the very smart people countless number of people who walked this planet before and you and me where the hell are they huh not a sign all became topsoil isn't it so weren't they pop-ups aren't you may think you have a great life and this and that as far as the earth is concerned it's just recycling its soil just throws you up and draws you back throws you up and draws you back so in this little pop-up the important thing and the most important thing is you create sensitivity within you such sensitivity that every dimension of life comes into your experience before you fall dead is it not important you experience this life in this fullest possible scale yes or no experience means people think we must party every day no no same damn thing how many times you will do there is much more for the human life to explore you must become sensitive when i say sensitive because the word sensitive is used in the wrong way in the sense when people say oh she's very sensitive we are supposed to understand she will get hurt for just about anything yes no being sensitive to life and being ego sensitive are two different things being sensitive to life means if you walk into this hall you experience everything that's here you don't miss a thing if you walk outside you don't miss a thing every dimension of life should come into your experience see as we sit here this is my body that is your body do what you want these two things will not become one this is my mind that is your mind do what you want these things will not become one they may overlap on some issues and we may feel that we are one with each other but my mind is my mind your mind is your mind isn't it but there is no such thing as my life and your life this is a living cosmos you captured a little bit i captured a little bit that's about it but now we think this is my life and that is your life there is no such thing this is a living cosmos you've blown a small bubble somebody might have blown a little bigger bubble did you blow soap bubbles when you were young oh yeah you still do yes so when you blow soap bubbles somebody had this big bubble somebody else had that big bubble oh went on saying this is my bubble this your bubble but poop it went once it goes poop you did not say this is my hair and this is your air similarly there is no such thing as my life and your life there is just a living cosmos if you capture more life then you will see you have more grace the depth dimension and scope of your life is determined by how much life you capture within you it doesn't matter what kind of body you have what kind of intelligence you have if you have not captured substantial life within you you will live a small life that's how it is how do you do this there are systematic ways of approaching this or simply by involvement and exuberance by commitment people may capture a larger life by absolutely being committed to something focused on something somebody may capture a certain amount of life which is more than what is considered normal you talked one time i thought this was so interesting about how every time you get a belief it's like a conclusion and every conclusion is a death unto itself and it's like shutting a door on something yes otherwise see you just see you look at your own picture when you're five years of age it's like this slowly it's becoming like this what is it you're dying in installments the more conclusions you make the less alive you become this is all that's happened to people they call this knowledge this is not knowledge this is just conclusions that you're drawing about everything see with all this scientific exploration the fact is that even today we do not know one single atom in its entirety we know how to use them we know how to use everything on this planet but we don't know a damn thing about anything over 90 percent or 99 of an atom is empty we don't know what that emptiness contains over 99 of the cosmos is empty we don't know what that is so this is like i give you a million piece jigsaw but you found in your hands you have only three of them with these three you make a picture and you're euphoric that you made a picture well i'm sorry there are million pieces to this has anybody gathered all the pieces no then don't make a picture there is thought and there is emotion people think these two things are saying different things they are not saying different things the way you think is the way you emote isn't it so right now if i think oh she's the most wonderful person on the planet i just have to think then my emotions become sweet towards her now i think she is the most horrible creature on the planet now my emotions become nasty yes or no i cannot think she's horrible and have sweet emotions i cannot think she's wonderful and have nasty emotions isn't it so but today i thought she's the most wonderful person and my sweetness was flowing suddenly she did something tomorrow that i don't like i think she's horrible thought is agile it changes direction just like that emotion is little sappy it takes time to turn around so that period you struggle as if there are two dimensions of thing happening because thought is saying one thing emotion is still going sweet because it takes time to become nasty everybody struggles but it catches up or not after some time hello today you thought she's wonderful sweetness was flowing tomorrow she did something you don't like you thought she's horrible mind thought is clearly saying she's horrible but emotions are struggling because they can't turn quickly they take time to turn but after a week or ten days or two months depending on how deeply you're engaged after some time emotion catches up with the thought emotion also says yes she's not horrible so will it be nasty to her so they're not speaking different languages one is agile another is little slow in his corners if you focus whatever you're doing right now it doesn't matter what it is how simple an act you're doing right now it doesn't matter if you're absolutely devoted to that that you're doing right now depending upon various aspects things will unfold but because of western influences we become too goal oriented goal oriented means we are interested in the consequence but we are not interested in the process if you are not interested in the process you should not be an artist yes process is an end in itself if you are absolutely devoted to the process depending upon various aspects something will come out but now we are interested in the consequence not in the process this goal orientedness i want to get there i want to get there where the hell do you want to get no i want to win the race see if you treat life as a race if you have to win it you have to get to the finish line soon isn't it you want to hello if you get to the finish line ahead of all these people you won the race you know what the finish line is we'll be negotiating where to bury you i can show you thousands of people around me today when they came they thought they won't do anything significant half of them not half 70 percent of them are dropouts from schools and colleges and everything but you will see after a few years of sadhana suddenly they are functioning in ways that you won't believe possible recently we had a business you know event called insight where over 200 ceos from across the world are coming and participating all of them wonder why our organizations don't run as smoothly and efficiently as yours i said that's because i all have all dropouts who are no good for anything but they have devotion in their heart they they're devoted to what they're doing that's all because they're absolutely devoted to what they are doing they may not be mbas they may not be from iits and ims they're simple people but because they're absolutely devoted they do wonderful things only when you're in a pleasant state of experience your body and your brain works at its best there's no argument about that there's enough evidence to show that so whatever impact or success or reaching goals or growth or whatever you say on one level in the physical world it's about how well you harness your physiological and your psychological process isn't it whether your body and mind works against you or works for you this is a big difference so there is enough evidence to show only when you're in pleasant levels of experience this happens best so obviously joy is fast then growth if you're joyful constantly and you have no fear of suffering because you understand all human experience comes from within you and so you have managed to create the kind of experience that you want now growth is possible and brittle if you have the fear of falling down and suffering you will not go very high what a vision and vision means is everybody has desires desire is an incremental way of enhancing our life today you desire i must have a home tomorrow you desire i must have this money tomorrow you desire something else these are incremental ways of arranging and rearranging our lives which are needed to do a few things when you say i'm a visionary what you're saying is i have a larger desire which is not about just incremental improvement of my life desire is about me always vision is an all-in all-inclusive process [Music] so this itself is a phenomenal thing if people instead of having desires if they have a vision vision is always all-inclusive desire is personal desire leads to incremental changes and improvements vision can transform the whole situation so it's very important that there is nothing to miss out in life life is happening to all of us question is only if i miss this party i am missing out something if i miss this examination i am missing out something if i miss this job am i missing out something this is simply because right now who you are is not internally managed it is externally stimulated when you step out into the world if you leave it to the people to decide what happens within you they're going to drive you crazy in no time here it's all managed for you you're not managing this it's managed for you what should happen to you what should not happen to you somebody else is managing it when you step out on the street if you leave it to other people's hands that they can decide whether you're happy or unhappy you're going to be miserable for sure because they want to do many things what happens within you must be determined by you no technology is harmful it is just that when human mind is in a certain level of destructive mode every technology is harmful everything you can take your laptop and slit somebody's head does it mean to say computers are dangerous suppose a few incidents happen like this in many offices it happened let's say in 10 different offices it so happened somebody took apple air and slipped somebody's head does it mean to say laptops are dangerous no human beings are stupid whatever comes their way they know how to turn it against themselves when they've turned their own brains against themselves what else do you want now there are technology d addiction centers you know this like there are drug deal addiction alcohol due addiction now technology addiction sentence simply because we are in a compulsive mode [Music] if we start eating we don't know when to stop eating that's a problem big problem quite a big problem if we start drinking we don't know when to start drinking stop drinking if we start shopping we don't know when to stop shopping if we start using the phone we don't know when to stop using the phone so the problem is not of technology the problem is of compulsiveness when we say compulsiveness it's just absence of consciousness isn't it if we were conscious human beings we would use everything for our well-being and everybody's well-being because we're compulsive we start doing something we don't know how to stop endlessly we will do the same silly thing so whether it's virtual reality or artificial intelligence or anything or anything the problem is not of technology never because they are just devices created by us we are supposed to use it for our well-being that's idea isn't it but see most of the cutting edge technology always goes into military usage in the world obviously we don't know how to use it for a well-being we are always using it to destroy something this has been the thing always not just now because we've never worked on human consciousness if human beings lived consciously if the leadership in the world was a conscious leadership a question of using technology against human well-being or the well-being of anything wouldn't arise isn't it is technology means enhancement of our capability fear is always about what may happen or may not happen right fear is not about what is what we are experiencing right now what will happen is always the fear or in other words your fear is about something which is not yet your fear is about something which does not exist this is all management people if there were a few somebody from a psychiatric department you could have asked them if i have fear about something that does not exist what is my condition they would have a title for you yes nimhans is close by i think we can always consult that is also a premier institution we are suffering something which doesn't even exist yes if you are suffering something that doesn't even exist it is not about life it is not about education it's not about career it is just about your mind being out of control is that not an important aspect that you should manage first before we allow you to manage an industry or a business is it not important first of all you learn to at least manage your mind hello isn't it important if you do not know how to manage your mind what the hell are you going to manage in the world managers are all freaking out and growing ulcers in their stomachs yes today's become normal if you are a ceo by 45 if you don't have an ulcer you're not a great ceo because you are managing by accident like this the fear comes because there is an accidental possibility isn't it tell me let's say you don't know how to ride a bicycle you sat on it it was on stand you were just pedaling for fun and it came off stand and started rolling anxiety or not started rolling faster fear or no very fast terror or no [Music] it's not because bicycle produces terror it is just that you don't know how to ride if you know how to ride faster it goes the better it is isn't it faster it goes the better it is the very very uh basis why we created a bicycle is because we wanted to go faster than walking that's the idea but if you do not know how to ride how much fear it creates right now your problem is not with the world your problem is not with your education your problem is your education system right from kindergarten hasn't told you a damn thing about how to manage yourself people are having disturbed sleep because of the way they're keeping their minds if you are in a comfortable state of mind if you go to sleep the body knows when to wake up one day it may sleep for this many hours another day it may sleep for half the amount of time it's perfectly fine body needs rest body does not need sleep restfulness is not in the hours it is in the drop of metabolic activity that you have generally in deep sleep your metabolism drops approximately eight percent you sit for somebody your metabolic activity can drop up to 24 the restfulness that you're gaining in meditation is three times more profound than sleep then one thing that will happen to you is sleep quota will come down suddenly see everybody is looking for tidbits of life give me three points with which i will make my life one mantra with which everything will be solved that's not how life is it's a comprehensive process the simple way to look at it is like this today you know because of medical sciences that your entire body in a way is a chemical soup the question is only is it a great super lousy soup [Laughter] so if it's a great soup then it tastes wonderful for you and tastes wonderful for everybody around you if it's a lousy soup then you have to manage with presentation [Laughter] when the chef is bad you know he decorates it right these days food comes with flowers on it never ever outside situations will happen hundred percent your way but what happens within you if it's happening hundred percent your way you will be in the best possible state always you will keep yourself in the best possible way are you as good as somebody that's not the point are you full-fledged that is the point effort has to be incisive in the sense it should be focused calibrated simply if you make effort it's foolish effort isn't it just labor is not going to get you somewhere right kind of action the right timing right place all this is important isn't it so for all these things to happen you need perception and intelligence so that's all you must do in your life constantly looking for ways to enhance your perception and your intelligence rest will anyway happen this is one thing that unfortunately humanity is not doing they're trying to become capable of something do not try to become capable of something just enhance your perception and intelligence see if you're postponing something you're obviously doing something that you don't want to do if there is something that you really want to do will you postpone it or prep on it hello do you see somebody is waiting for someone they badly want to see only 10 minutes in the 10 minutes they will look at the watch 25 times why they want to pre-op on it you're doing something that you don't want to do so you want to postpone it i'm asking why the hell are you doing something that you don't want to do no because if i do this i will get that i will get that that's not the point there there's nothing to get in this life there's really nothing to get in this life either you lived this life in a profound and intense manner or you did not what will you get in the end if somebody dies in the agricultural college do they bury them or fire them how is it what's a tradition burying is good for agriculture because human beings make good manure so in the end what will happen to you and me they will either bury us or burn us that's all will happen in the end you think something else they'll give you a prize nothing will happen in the end only thing is the process of life how wonderfully did you live that's all there is so if you are doing something really wonderful do you want to preponate or postpone it prepon only so you must find what is it that you really want to do if you find that one thing you will always prep on everything every everyday every moment if you remind yourself this is a brief life and motto one day i will end just do this for two days and see you will become something truly fantastic within yourself just this is all and is simply beautiful that's all that's needed if you want to know the value of life just know that it's a brief happening just loosen up your life a little bit laugh a little more involve yourself with people around you do things that you think is not so important don't do things which are very important do simple things it's very important you do simple things very important things you're doing in your life you will become dead serious you know burton russell an englishman burton russell said if you're beginning to think that what you're doing is very important you need to take a holiday so holiday does not mean coming to india holidays every day in those 24 hours you must take a holiday from your seriousness from yourself seriousness has come essentially because of your self-importance you hold yourself as an important person i want you to see you are like a speck of dust in this existence tomorrow morning if you disappear for sure in india nobody will miss you even down under they won't bother much you know a handful of people they will also forget soon enough isn't it nature does you're gone and nothing will happen in this world everything will happen wonderfully well even if you're not there every human being should be aware of this every moment of his life it does not matter what the whole world says about you it does not matter how significant the work you're doing you must understand that tomorrow morning the world will go on fine without you whoever you may be isn't it so if you constantly remind yourself of this you'll have no reason to be serious [Music] definitely not dead and don't be dead now a time will come it's time to be alive so much unpleasantness is happening in human experience because we never took charge of the inner dimension we believe by fixing the outside everything is going to be okay in the last 100 150 years with the advent of science and modern technology we have fixed too many things on the outside if you fix any more there won't be a planet left yes definitely this has brought much convenience and comfort to our lives in every way we are the most comfortable generation ever you agree with me i know you have series of complaints about how things are not okay but we are the most comfortable generation ever before on this planet isn't it so but we cannot say we are the most joyful generation on the planet we are the most loving generation on the planet we are the most blissed out generation the planet definitely not we are complaining complaining like crazy about everything like never before this is because we fixed the outside comfort and convenience has happened well-being has not happened if your interiority was handled by you consciously you would definitely keep this in a blissful state so he's bliss the goal of life no bliss is a necessary condition for life to flower to its full potential otherwise it will remain constrained you're paying too much attention to everything around you not enough attention to this one but the quality of your life is essentially determined by how you carry this one this moment what kind of clothes you're wearing what kind of car you parked outside what kind of home you live in does not determine the quality of your life this moment how joyful are you feeling within yourself determines the quality of your life isn't it so nothing has been done about it you think it will happen in consequence and you're setting impossible goals for your happiness if i have to be happy my wife should be like this my husband should be like that my children should be like this the world should become some other way well these are impossible conditions you're setting for your happiness and peacefulness now that you have compromised yourself to peace why i'm saying compromise yourself to pieces because a lot of people have given up aspirations for being ecstatic or blissful if i'm just peaceful it's enough even the so-called spiritual leaders are going about and saying peace is the highest goal in your life peace is not the highest goal in your life if you want to enjoy your lunch today you must be peaceful yes or no if you're not even peaceful there is nothing in your life that you can do in a worthwhile way to be peaceful essentially means this that you're not messing your mind to be peaceful means that your system is at ease you know how to conduct your mind you know how to conduct your emotions your body and your energies you are peaceful it is not a rocket technology it is the most basic thing you have a dog at home you give him his food he sits peacefully maybe not ecstatic but peacefully many times they're ecstatic also yes your dog is able to sit pizza oh he doesn't have to run my industry that's not the point he's got his own stuff going see it has nothing to do with the external activity that you're doing it's got something to do with the internal systems as to how they're functioning essentially it means either neither your body nor your mind or your chemistry know your emotions not your energy are taking instructions from you they're doing their own thing once your machine is not in your control being peaceful is impossible i'll tell you you get into your car and now you go there and you want to turn this way you do this to the steering it goes this way can you peacefully drive this car can you no anxiety is natural isn't it this is what has happened to your vehicle it's out of control you never done anything to find out where the steering wheel is first of all this is not that simple as a car this is a super super computer now the problem is most people have not even bothered to find the keyboard they think if they do this somehow it'll work if you make when you're given such a highly sophisticated machine if you do not conduct it properly it will cause many problems to you by accident it's working i want you to know this this is made this way if you hold your hands like this it'll breathe one way if you just turn it around the very way you breathe the breathing pattern itself changes in your lungs you can try it if you want when you have the time this way this way i'm saying everything that you do fundamental changes are happening in this machine because it's such a sophisticated machine it's more than a touch screen if you just wish it it will happen when you have such a sensitive and sophisticated machine and you are operating like a blacksmith then being peaceful seems to be difficult peace is not the highest goal in your life it is the most fundamental requirement don't ever set peace as the highest goal if you do that you will only rest in peace you must see to be peaceful is the first thing in your life isn't it if you want to do anything sensibly in your life if you want to do conduct any situation in your life sensibly to be peaceful and happy is fundamental you can live life with ease not with struggle [Music] one thing is when we say work it's a many young people wonderful people who are getting recognized for whatever wonderful things they have done living them apart but generally work means always been people have been taught that they must work hard nobody told them they must work joyfully nobody told them their work should be an expression of their joy or their love they have to work hard you work hard life will be tedious however how else will it be you will do something hard only because you don't know how to do it if you know how to do it you would do it with ease so without learning how to do something if you try to do it without investing enough time and perception if life is all expression then life becomes a big struggle when the result of an event has no impact on you both ways you're blissed out you're a success when the fruit of when the fruit of the action does not determine how you are it's just that you do things because of the exuberance of what you do then you are a success the result may depend on variety of things results are not always yours results for any result to happen whether it's in a game or in life situations there are various factors involved not all of it is in our control but what is in our control is either we did our best or we did not do our best that's in our control as long as we're doing that and whatever the result may be if you are still blissed out that means you are a success because life cannot defeat you anymore how to conquer fear and apathy on the way to success that's all okay fear about whether i will be successful or not where is apathy coming no your individual fear about whether i'll be successful or not is that what you're talking see that's that's exactly what i've been telling you till now do not even think of success just enhance your capabilities strive to enhance who you are and what you can do you will anyway do isn't it right now you have an idea of success but you don't have the competence for that you want to go somewhere but you don't have the legs to get there now naturally there will be fear naturally there will be all kinds of unnecessary struggles and emotions instead that at this stage in your life if you just focus on seeing how to enhance this human being to the highest possible level that you can success will be a downhill run not an uphill task so if you are going downhill there is no fear isn't it because whether i can get there or not whether i can get there or not you are working towards somebody else's idea of success you are working towards somebody else's idea of success that is not success your success is you as a human being you found your full potential this is your success and that's all you can do whether you stand on your head or you stand on your feet the best that you can do if this human being finds his fullest potential that's all you can do no matter what you do you cannot do more isn't it certain circumstances sometimes will loft us up certain circumstances sometimes may not but in the given circumstance if you have blossomed to your fullest level you will do well isn't it don't think of success and be fearful about it just see how to make this one more and more capable if the competence and capability is there success will come as we deserve it all human experiences generated from within is that all human experiences generated from within so at any time if you feel happy or unhappy miserable joyful ecstatic in a state of agony doesn't matter what happens what is your experience pleasantness or unpleasantness just to know that it's happening from within and it can only happen from within you can either take external stimuli or you can create your own stimuli but essentially it happens from within this one thing if it is not grasped when you feel miserable if you think it's this one you're gone you're you just the keyboard is here but you're punching the wall it's not going to work this one basic fundamental thing is something that almost 90 percent of the humanity is always doing it wrong whenever they feel miserable if they think it must be this one or that one or that one or that one now all human experiences generated from within if something is feeling unpleasant first thing is to look at this what am i doing wrong with this am i eating wrong am i sleeping wrong am i sitting wrong am i breathing wrong is my heart beating wrong something my very chemistry is wrong something is wrong with this not with that so the moment you think by kicking the wall you can fix this one then you made a fundamental mistake the harder you try the further away from it you go the first thing is to bring balance once there is balance then you can build a tower on top of this if there is no balance whatever you build will only lead to more trouble the more basic you are the better it is so this is what a whole lot of humanity is seeking somehow to remain basic because if you build something it feels terrible when there is no fundamental balance [Music] anything standing up without balance is a big problem it is somebody's idea of what is success isn't it don't become a slave to somebody's idea at least have your own idea you have no idea of your own don't deceive yourself every idea every thought every emotion every value that you have is picked up from somewhere and it rules you from within it rules you from within your religion your society your culture has trained you to believe that this is it so first the first and foremost success is that you are not a slave to anybody's idea this is success if you come to the idea of mortality once in a way it will make you depressed it will make you fearful if you live with it every moment it will make you absolutely exuberant in the life because it is just this one thing [Applause] that this is not forever this is just for a brief period of time and the more joyful you are briefer it becomes if you're ecstatic it'll just vanish in no time yes so if you want to stretch it you need to make yourself truly miserable otherwise it'll be just gone in no time if you come to terms with this if you live this way that every moment you appreciate one thing and only one thing because the most important thing in your life is you're alive right now to be alive fully alive 100 alive is the most important thing because only if something is hundred percent alive can you make it ill something beautiful this happened in the year 98-99 andrea garcia and boris becker played three games all boris becker beat andrea garcia because he had such a you know he was called boom boom because boris becker was called boom boom because of the service his serves were so powerful there was no game every time he will serve serve and finish the game nobody returns the ball so andre agassi went back and studied hundreds of hours of boris becker's serves then he figured it out then in the next three years he played 11 games with him and beat him on 10 of them and i'll tell you what happened after boris becker retired they met in germany there's something called the october fest in germany they were there and at that time they were together and andre agassi thought okay anyway he's retired now i can tell him because this bothered boris speaker big time nobody can beat him but this guy's getting at him so he told him see i observed your videos continuously and i figured out that whenever you are serving the ball towards the boundary line boris becker if you know when he's serving his tongue sticks out a little bit when he throws the ball up and comes down his tongue sticks out said whenever you're serving towards the boundary line your tongue goes to the left when you're serving straight it comes out straight i observed this the moment your tongue sticks out to the boundary line i was already there every time taking the ball so boris becker literally fell off his chair he couldn't believe this and he said any number of times i went home after the matches and i told my wife he seems to be reading my mind but you've been reading my tongue it's almost spoken so your opponent should be never unfamiliar to you you must make him familiar you must know him better than he knows himself a human being does not become who he is because of his desire he becomes who he is because of his competence so instead of enhancing your competence you're just enhancing your desire which will be just a horrible burden to carry all the time you just focus on enhancing the competence of who this is rather than enhancing your desire i'm going to become a world champion everybody wants to become one they're not going to become one isn't it everybody wants to be successful they will not be a success unless you do the right things success will not happen to you can i tell you a joke 45 minutes you've got to be serious we can go yes we need the joke yes okay let me ask you this question let me tell you even better on a certain day a man fell into a septic tank right up till here in felt he desperately tried to come out he could not then he started screaming fire fire neighbors heard this call the fire brigade fire firemen came rushing they looked all over the place no fire then they found this man they pulled him out and then they asked why were you screaming fire where is the fire the man retorted if i said would you come you got to do the right things otherwise the right things will not happen to you just because you have a big desire you're not going to get there you got to do the right things various situations in your life either you can use it to make yourself stronger and better or you can sit and cry this is the choice you have everything it doesn't matter what happens the most horrific event happened in your life that also can be used for your growth and your well-being if only if you have clearly seen the small events of your life when i say small events i mean your business your marriage your children all those big things all these things are just a stepping stone so the fear of failure failure is bad enough fear is adding spice to it isn't it success happens to you not because you desire it because you earn it everybody desires it it comes only if you're capable of it see the reason the only reason a human being will seek to know something is because he realizes that he does not know if he does not realize that he does not know there will be no longing to know there will be no seeking to know and definitely there will be no knowing it's not possible whether it is spiritual seeking or any other kind of knowledge you will seek only because you realize you do not know if you think you know everything or you believe you know everything you will be just too full of yourself that's all and that is a huge problem that's a very big problem though we have a culturally cultivated humility that you see all over the place everybody is like this only but still too full of yourself when you bend nothing goes out of your head it doesn't make any space i'm saying because my head is open that's why i'm bandaged can you see if you try to control the variety of situations that may pop up in your face tomorrow morning all that will happen is you will become a very limited life you would step out into the world and do whatever that needs to be done only if you have an assurance no matter what you walk into you will not lose yourself you will walk full stride otherwise you'll only be a half a step most human beings are half steps because the fear of suffering if this happens what will happen to me if that happens what will happen to me if you're well managed within yourself you know how to manage your thought you know how to manage your emotion you know how to manage your body your chemistry your energy if you know how to manage all this what does it matter if you walk into hell i'm asking if you are well managed if you are a heaven within you what does it matter where you go hell also will be an interesting place to go but if you are ill-managed then you want to be in a nice place all the time you will not step out into anything i am not saying this is wrong this is against nature because in nature every life is aspiring to be as much as it can be isn't it every life is naturally aspiring this is not a philosophy this is not an ideology that you must do this or that it is natural and intrinsic for every life that you will do as much as it can from an earthworm from a worm to an insect to a bird to an animal to a tree every one of them are trying to be full-fledged life if you go against this simply because of the fear of suffering then all possibilities of exploring the nature of being human the tremendous immensity of being human is just lost upon humanity today you will see this everywhere when people say i am only human they are talking about the limitations of being human they are not talking about the possibilities of being human isn't it when if we are the most intelligent species on the planet if we are the most capable species on the planet should we be talking about our possibilities or should we be talking about our limitations whenever anybody writes or says oh we are human they're always referring to their limitations never to the possibilities of being human this is because the the most fundamental things have not been taught in our education systems how to handle your thought and your emotion your psychological drama has gone out of control a badly directed drama believe me if it was a well-directed drama you would take it to the conclusion that you want isn't it because it's a badly directed drama just about anybody can take charge of it who is the director of your psychological drama just about anybody isn't it anybody can make it into a tragedy competition is a good thing if you're incompetent and you're in competition you will feel stressed so if you want to be in a competitive situation the thing is you have to work on your competence right now the problem is you're tweaking your desire you're not tweaking your competence this is what has to happen that we must teach children to tweak their competence not their desire we are calling this ambition we are calling this goal-orientedness ambition means what you tweaked up your desire you will suffer invariably if you tweak up your competence you will see wherever you go you are doing better than what people expect you to so naturally things will go well for you competition is not the bad thing lack of competence is the bad thing so instead of competence we have big desires if you focus enough on enhancing your competence you will see there is such joy in breaking limitations every day and becoming something better you don't care a damn how somebody else is doing let's say you have to cook something let's say you have to bake a cake or you want to cook some rice you turn on the stove turn off this towel turn on this towel turn off this towel it's a long process and of course dinner won't happen so this is the story of the majority of the spiritual seekers they're off and on and off and on and off and on oh does it mean to say i must be only here there that's not it the priority should not shift the priority is set slowly everything within you will slowly organize itself in that direction because the priority is shifting this life does not know which way to go it's just confused every two minutes if you change the destination on the gps for sure it does not know where to go isn't it so this is what is happening for in most people this is why spiritual path seems to be orders long impossible unattainable all these things simply because people are shifting priorities all the time is it true that every other creature on this planet a worm an insect a bird an animal with a millionth of our brain they're conducting their life process quite well hello are they when i say life process we are born they're born just like that we grow up they grow up we make a living they make a living we may reproduce they reproduce we do all this with enormous fuss they'll simply do it yes or no every simple thing we're doing with enormous fuss they're simply doing it different various processes of life and death they are doing it without fuss we are doing everything with great fuss is this a sign of highest level of intelligence i'm asking we are supposed to be the most intelligent and there is no question that we have the most evolved neurological process on the planet yes we have the most evolved neurological system that we must be able to sense and feel and experience and perceive understand and express things in the highest possible way but no other creature on the planet is struggling like the human creature right now this is simply because you have been given a super super computer do you agree with me that this is the most sophisticated gadget on the planet not the iphone the eye but now the question is have you read the user's manual that's all people have not read the user's manual for the most complex machine on the planet and somehow blundering through somehow trying to use it everything is a problem tell me one thing that human beings are not suffering if they're poor they suffer their poverty you make them rich they suffer the taxes if they're not educated they suffer that put them to school a lot of suffering not married they suffer that get them married i didn't say anything i didn't say a thing okay no children some people suffer that children daily suffering so you seem to be suffering every aspect of life so if you offer death will you go joyfully no you will suffer that so tell me one thing that we are not suffering now people view philosophies life is suffering no no life is not suffering nor is it a joy it's simply there it's a phenomena if you ride it it feels fantastic if you're crushed by it it feels terrible so are you riding the wave of life or are you being crushed by it that's all the question is as a generation if you create a huge amount of positives negative will become small if you create huge amount of negatives they will become big and positive will become small this whole life is there has never been a point any time and there never will be where everything is perfect okay there's no such thing because life is a possibility because it's a possibility it cannot be perfect it doesn't matter what we do there's still something more to do always that is why it's an endless possibility striving does not mean i want to be a good man i want to be a good man see being morally good is only good for the society not good for the human being yes if if you're morally correct it's good for people around you because you're contained but it's not good for this life so this life needs a little different kind of nurture in that context how many people in this world are going to strive before you and me fall dead how many people in how many people will be set the seed that they will be striving to be a better life than the way they are right now a little higher expression of life this is all your focus should be people start developing these things for everything when their logic fails they will think that you know you want to do something you don't know how to do it you're not sure whether to do it or not do it then the simple solution they're taking is okay this finger is this this finger is this yes no give it to the child if he holds this yes if he holds this no this is not intuition no i will come to you i'm not i'm going more basic the answer is not just about you i'm just using it now this is just that your logic has become you know incapable it's collapsed unable to come to your logical decision so you are succumbing to this simple way if some child holds your hand like this or like this yes or no anyway when there are two options 50 of the time you could be right yes being 50 of the time right is not good enough isn't it yes isn't it so i was you know some time ago i was visiting a a homeopathic doctor there in his clinic they put up an ad some homeopathic medicine which will work for all kinds of snake bites living in bombay pro probably it's not an issue for you where i come from snakes are everywhere on a daily basis so i looked at this and then i asked him how come this medicine you're advertising that it works for all kinds of snake bites because if you are not already aware of this snake bias are fundamentally of two kinds one type of venom attacks your cardiovascular system another kind of venom attacks your nervous system the two completely different kind of chemicals and it works upon your system in a different way generally for both you have different types of antidotes but for everything this particular medicine is supposed to work how is that possible so the doctor said see in india 90 percent of the indian snakes are non-poisonous so 90 percent of the time it works so that's not good enough isn't it it's the remaining 10 which is crucial isn't it so intuition don't get into this thing about you trying to be intuitive never try to be intuitive logic is dependable isn't it there are moments when there is certain clarity which has no logical explanation at that time it's okay but you never try to be intuitive if you try to be intuitive your logical mind will become deceptive and come to all kinds of stupid decisions you will get suddenly guidance voices from the heaven you know all kinds of voices people are hearing logic is dependable go by it at least you won't make a fool of yourself if you can find a place where there are no sounds of machines and your cell phone will not think think quietly if you can listen to the sound of the trace the breeze the water just the natural sounds if you pay enough attention tremendous things will happen to you [Music] many times i've been in the south indian you know their kind of tropical rainforest the longest i've been there through the jungle for about 23 days alone no any kind of support no cell phone for sure those days and not even a torchlight and fourth day i ran out of the food that i was carrying so i lived off the forest by about eight a day i lost my jacket and one half of my shirt because i was chased by some animals and by that whole thing i had half a shirt and pants [Music] and i walked through ice this is elephant country tiger country i saw tigers panthers elephants all kinds of the wild buffalo various kinds of animals very close quarters but at the end of it when you look back what is the biggest impact on you it's the insects it's in the nights the orchestra that goes on in the rainforest oh my god it's unbelievable and the timing every day night 2 15 means one group will stop and the other group will start really their sense of time every day exactly by the second one group will start another group will start and you don't know what they're talking about they're definitely talking something that you don't know for sure they're not just making dumb noises so if you just sit there and listen and listen and listen and listen slowly you start noticing there is a pattern and an organization to this which is far bigger than any human symphonies that you can achieve [Applause] far more complex and far more intense [Music] i think it's very important for every human being particularly if you have children vacation need not be disneyland i'm not against it but one trip is enough all silly stuff which excites you vacation should be into nature if you can take your children walk in a jungle not in a resort just live on a mountain expose them to nature i will tell you you will bring up your children not only physically healthy mentally healthy far more sensible and accepting and wonderful kind of human beings if they know how to because once you go into nature whose son you are whose daughter you are what are you in the city doesn't matter okay it's very important that everybody experiences that otherwise you start creating your own illusions as to who you are and you start believing it for sure it's time to understand all the problems of individual nature are generated from within and we don't have to solve problems that we create we just have to dissolve no problems that you create you don't have to solve if there is a problem in the situation yes we have to solve but you have a problem within you solution is not what you need solution is madness solution means for an illusion you're creating an illusory solution something that you make up for that you create one more solution that you made up once again now you just have to turn off the problems you're going through a certain drama only thing is you're a lousy director that's all there is means of improving your direction now you're trying to find a solution for a situation in a drama it's like people watch a cinema and come home and they have big arguments about what happened there so the thoughts and emotions that you create you don't have to find any solution for it if you just turn it off it's gone if you find solution you moving towards insanity because you create a ghost and you create a ghostbuster the ghost that you create you must learn to play with them hello i'm saying if nobody willing to play with you you have to play with somebody right so the ghosts you create if you like them you play with them if you don't like them turn them off but guru they keep coming [Applause] you don't play don't like to play with them don't play they come and go never it ever happened that one thought remained for more than a moment isn't it it comes and goes comes and goes let it come and go if you try to find a solution for that you will head towards insanity you told the story of a man who had wings but never used them to fly and just reproduce and had a life and isn't it a tragedy that he'd never use his wings to fly do you feel like most of us are walking through life with wings and we never use them to fly unfortunately yes a whole lot of people too many people it's time that human potential is unleashed because we are the first generation on the planet for whom our survival is organized better than ever before ever so this is the time to unlock our potential to lose those all kinds of inhibitions and fears that we had there was a time if as much as a cloud gathered and lightning and thunder happened we thought god was angry with us right okay all those things are gone it is time you take away the nonsense that's happening within you and the entire process the science of inner engineering is just this how to work at it in a scientific manner not with philosophy i can tell you a thousand times give up your fear it's not going to go but if your chemical soup is blissful there's not even a idea of fear in your mind [Music] it reminds me of your concept of the movies you play the movies in your mind you can choose a drama you can choose a horror story or you can choose a positive movie and not get stuck in the same movie forever you can turn it off and start a new one yeah but for that you should know where the switches are right you are uh like a super computer but you haven't found the keyboard yet time to find the keyboard that's my work to give people the keyboard to their super computer one thing that you must do to yourself is you are absolutely truthful to yourself if you're also truthful to everybody around you you will get other kinds of benefits with people but i will not go that far right now with yourself you are 100 truthful otherwise all kinds of tricks keep happening to be truthful to yourself is not a easy thing because there is lifetimes of habit of simply bullshiting yourself a guest came to shankaranpula's house and being a south indian man down south you know pillai's come from further down south he was carrying an umbrella which is common thing in kerala and southern tamil nadu to carry an umbrella is a very common thing because rains can be very heavy then they walked out he took the guest out then it started raining the shangri-la did not open the umbrella the guest said why don't you open the umbrella saying grandpa i said i'm sorry the umbrella is full of holes then the guest asked why did you bring it well i never thought it will rain today a whole lot of people are like this they think somebody else has to catch their lies this will take a long time because someone else catching your lies will take lifetimes you must catch them you should not let your chickens pass to become hundred percent straight with yourself you take a certain amount of application but if this one thing you do as a thomas this piece of life will work for sure 100 then figuring out a few things is very simple for that i am there if you just fix one this this one thing that you're 100 straight no any kind of deception when there's a hole in the umbrella you know there is a hole in the umbrella you will never forget that there is a hole in the umbrella okay if you are like this rest of the work becomes very simple and easy the purpose of business or the purpose or the goals of big business is to expand you can expand in two different ways one is by conquest another is by embrace i can conquer you or i can embrace you both ways you will become mine if i embrace you you will become mind willingly and i will have better use of you in every possible way i'm talking business not it's not my personal thing but if i conquer you i will still have you but i have to sit on top of your head and make you do things and you will do everything possible to make my life miserable yes or no true absolutely so people are trying to conquer and their businesses and their activity is doing everything possible to make them miserable and you can see it on their faces successful people are showing miserable faces which is a wrong message to send to the world particularly to the youth if you send a message that success is misery you're destroying humanity success is the sweetest thing that can happen to a human being but now you take the most successful 10 000 people on the planet you will see they are an epitome of tension and anxiety and misery you are sending a completely wrong message this you can see took such a bad turn in united states of america in the 60s the so-called corporates brutally wanting to grow conquer the world set such an image of themselves the youth thought it's better to sit in the street corner and smoke pot and it's a better way to live at least you're happy you're not causing any damage to anybody this is a horrible way to exist so it's extremely important that successful people send a clear message success is a beautiful thing it is not a suffering it is not a miserable thing to do in your life if this has to happen your expansion has to happen by embrace not by conquest spiritual process means to become like a mountain stable still because it's only when somebody has a very stable base many things can be done exuberance of life is possible only if there is absolute stability otherwise exuberance will lead to madness yes that's why a lot of people who are a little creative a little active little exuberant always end up being freaky and nearly insane because without stability you cannot have a dance going this is why shiva means stillness shiva means dance at the same time either you see him sitting absolutely still or you see him in an explosion of dance because an explosion is possible only when there is a stable base an explosion which is not destructive is possible only when there is stability and stability people try to become stable by controlling and trimming their lives this is the way your grandmother would tell you how to be stable control yourself then you will be stable yes if you're dead you will be stable ready i promise you that so normally people who talk about stability are all [Music] constipated existence you know what's constipation that means it happens little by little [Music] their joy their love their ecstasy happens little by little here and there that's constipation so stability is not because you have trimmed your life down or pruned it down to minimal and you're stable that's of no consequence stability because you see everything utterly clearly that is why when we say adi yogi we're talking about stability at the same time in exuberant dance this is possible only because he has more than two eyes not necessarily three more than two that means he sees much more than most people ever see because he sees much much more able to be stable stability it takes to allow exuberance to happen otherwise you keep curtailing your exuberance because it hurts when it's out of balance if you're out of balance and you move at a certain speed you're going to hurt yourself whether you're riding a bicycle or you're riding the cosmos if you're out of balance and you attain speed you're going to hurt yourself very badly so balance is very important and balance that comes out of curtailment is not balanced that's you know packaged death on a certain day a bull and a pheasant were grazing bull was chomping the grass pheasant was picking off picking ticks off the bull partnership the huge tree at the edge of the field the pheasant very nostalgically looked at the tree and said oh alas there was a time i could fly to the topmost branch of the tree now i do not have enough strength in my wing even to get to the first branch the bull very nonchalantly said that's no issue just eat a little bit of my dung every day within a fortnight you'll get there pheasant said come on what kind of rubbish is that the bull said really try and see the whole humanities on it so very hesitantly the pheasant started pecking at that down and low on the very first day it reached the first branch of the tree within a fortnight it reached the topmost branch of the tree just beginning to enjoy the scenery an old farmer was rocking on his rocking chair saw a fat old pheasant sitting on top of the tree pulled out his shotgun and shot the bird off the tree the moral of the story is many times even can get you to the top but it never lets you stay there this happened in 1941 this is just when the nazi movement was building up in germany and in some parts of europe so one day in austria a bunch of german soldiers came broke into the homes the jewish family a rich family they broke the home and took away the adults took everything was robbed and these two children a 12 year old girl and an eight-year-old boy were taken away they were taken to a railway station this is the month of nowhen december kind of time when it's becoming very cold so they were kept on the railway station for three days because the trains did not come boys little boys being boys they started playing football so they were playing football and then suddenly the train came the train is not a passenger train it's a cargo train a good stream so when the train came the soldiers came and rushed everybody into the the wagons which are there everybody got in and the little boy and the girl also got in but the little boy forgot to wear his shoes he left his shoes outside and they pushed him into the wagon so without shoes he came his sister a 12 year old girl saw her kid brother coming without shoes and she got mad with him she held him by the year boxed his ears scolded him nicely slapped him say you eat it already we are in enough trouble now you come without shoes because in germany in winter no shoes means you may lose your feet so she's angry about that in the next station the boys and girls were separated after four years after the war was over she came out of the concentration camp to find 17 members of her family including her little brother all had vanished no records no sign of them they just evaporated at that time the only thing that bothered her was the last few things that she said to her little brother she loves her brother but the last few things that she said to him were such terrible things it rang in her mind and troubled her these are the last things i told my brother and after that i'm never going to see him he's gone so she took a vow if i speak to anybody in my life i will speak in such a way if this is my last word i will not regret this one thing transformed her life in such a way she went on to united states she died in 2006 she did some phenomenal work built a hospital somewhere near chicago i think she lived a fruitful life i'm saying even if you put through the most horrible situations either you can come out using that experience as a better human being or you can use the experience to become a horrible mess so whenever something hurts you there are two options you can either become wounded or you can become wise this is the choice the more things hurt you early on in your life the wiser you should have become isn't it but unfortunately most people become wounded this is simply because they just need an excuse to turn their own intelligence against themselves that's all especially if the world around you turns against you is it not very very important that your intelligence stands up for you the fear of suffering is not just about pain the fear of suffering is self-inflicted nobody can cause mental pain to you it is you in reaction to something that happens around you that you cause pain to yourself if you have half your brain removed then you would see you would be quite peaceful right now people are going through stress anxiety depression misery all kinds of things you can give it any number of exotic names that you want but essentially their intelligence is turned against them that's all it is once your intelligence is against you there is no force on the planet or anywhere which can save you so the fundamental thing is to bring this that all the faculties that we have should work for our well-being right now our own body our own mind our own emotions are working against us this one thing has to be fixed just to give a little bit of context we saw the video sakuraji running on himalayas playing football playing cricket so in that context how to keep yourself on the go all the time on the go you don't have to be on the go all the time if life demands people ask me so guru how are you active like this because generally my schedule is anywhere between 18 to 20 hours a day seven days of the week 365 days non-stop for many years it's going on i'm i'm complaining and the guy is clapping about it so people keep asking how do you keep yourself like this how do you do this see i'm essentially lazy it's just that the situation in the world demands action left to myself i would close my eyes and simply said i'm made like this if i close my eyes i can sit like this till i fall dead really i have really no need for action i'm not trying to keep myself busy there's a lot to be done so you're doing people ask me sadhguru what's your dream what is your dream i said my dream is the day i am unemployed that's a great day because if i am unemployed it simply means everybody is doing fantastic what more do you want dream fulfilled so action is not something that you decide you just decide your intent action the world will decide how much of what i am you know at these economic forums in sevilla i'm at the world economic forum this guy from the business schools in harvard business school one professor comes oh you're that amazing tree planter i said no i'm not a tree planter he said no no you planted those millions of things yes i did but i'm not a tree planter then what do you do i said i make people flower not plant trees but i'm planting trees because the goddamn trees are missing where they should have been where they should have been they are not there it's like this two men were working on the street one man is digging pits behind him another man is coming and closing and closing and going somebody else was driving by they saw this ridiculous activity one guy digs the pit another guy closes the pit so they stopped and said hey what are you doing here why are you guys working like this one guy digging another way closing they said no no the in-between guy has gone and leave he's the tree planter he's not there we're doing our work so a lot of people are doing work like i'm doing my work you have no work on this planet if the planet needs work if the world needs work we will do it otherwise why should i think this is my work so guru what's your mission so no mission i'm just fooling around a bit because you have no business to have your own mission life has its own mission in some way if you can assist and serve that that's about it what is it that you have your own mission are you some kind of a tyrant all missionaries are tyrants in some way unknowingly yes those who think they have a mission there is no mission what is needed you do especially when you study in a business school and get certain competence to manage things or create things you must create what is needed not create some rubbish and push it on them yes yes or no you must see how to make life better how to solve situations which are problematic to a whole lot of people you must look for solutions and solutions for the existing situations and of course there are experts who go on creating new problems so you will never be short of problems believe me you just have to create solutions not go on a mission mode that's for mussolini just because somebody is successful this doesn't mean they've figured out everything this doesn't mean they're at ease with life this doesn't mean their life is in some way fulfilled no because today our idea of success is just doing little better than somebody else you doing little better than somebody else means and you're very happy about that what it means is you're actually enjoying other people's failures if somebody enjoys another person's failure or i call that sickness not success what do you call it hello [Music] i enjoy that you failed this is sickness this is not success isn't it unfortunately this is how you're going this is the reason why human potential is not unleashed because if you're racing with a lame person you're just happy you're one step ahead of him only when you meet mr bolt you understand who the hell you are yes till then you think you are a great runner because other person doesn't have legs so what's the secret behind your success as a child did you blow soap bubbles soap bubbles so when you blew soap bubbles have you seen somebody got this big bubble you got only this big bubble we must hold our breath and leave it slow then we'd get a bit bubble everything everybody had air in the lungs but somebody got a big bubble somebody got a small bubble what is this about see when it comes to body this is my body that is your body 100 clear no confusion about this isn't it this is my body that is your body this is my mind that is your mind but when it comes to life there is no such thing as my life and your life this is a living cosmos how much life will you capture within your system will determine the size and scope of your life somebody got a big bubble somebody else got a small bottle poop it went off you cannot identify where is my air and where is your air is something so similarly when it comes to life there is no such thing as my life and your life but distinctly my body and your body my mind and your mind but know my life and your life there is life abundant life this is a living cosmos how much life will you capture within yourself will determine the scope and range of your life what one person can do in 100 years somebody may do it in 10 years because of the sheer intensity of life when i say intensity of life it may translate in many different ways see there are times for example certain businesses have grown let us say uh some business like uh you know in the united states this become a fed within three years somebody's billions of dollars of worth of business let us say microsoft has grown or facebook has grown or something like this has grown this is largely because of technological breakthroughs and somebody writes that technology at another time that would not have happened so that is different but if you want to create something really large really significant large or small is not the point significance then you need intensity of life one thing is the scale of life that you capture there are this is what i said earlier when i said yoga obliterating in boundaries of your individuality means in a way you are allowing universe to invade you when universe is not against you but it invades you or it's a part of you then you have abundance of life when you have abundance of life you will not hesitate to share when you share big time your life with everybody else people will naturally value it immensely because everybody is trying to hold it somebody is willing to share it so naturally there will be a big upsurge around you this will lead to many things this will make many friends and many enemies a lot of people whom you have never met they are your own enemies but you don't know why you never met them you never had a word with them but they are swearing that i am his enemy i don't know why but it goes on in the world so when we talk about how so much can be done in a short span of time it's not a short span of time it's 37 years incessant work seven days of the week 20 hours a day almost for 25 years more than 25 years on an average i slept only for two and a half hours a day not deprived of sleep just kept my life energy so intense that sleep was not even an issue there are times when i've gone without sleep for three days four days full scale working not because you're on some kind of a drug and not sleeping simply because of the intensity of purpose and commitment to what you're doing today i can proudly say i have created thousands of people around me all of them have gotten crazy like that they all beginning to work like this most of them you don't know when they will sleep when they will wake up on on on seven days of the week no holidays no vacations but everybody is joyful if you come to the yoga center and see you will see the most joyful faces but they've never been on a vacation they don't own a damn thing they don't have money in their pockets but they're just joyful because drunk with life literally now i've got a special bonus script from subguru on how to read the user's manual of life that i think you're going to enjoy but before that question today i want to know what clip spoke to you the most you've watched all of these videos now you've been inspired been motivated what spoke to the most what change are you gonna make in your life for your business as a result of watching this video let me know put it down the comments below and if you made it this far in the video and you promise you commit to take action believe nation we don't just watch videos we do something we act if that's you give me a hashtag but leave in the comments as well so i can celebrate with you of all the pieces of engineering on this planet of many pieces of engineering a tree is a fantastic engineering even a mountain is fantastic engineering because it stood there for a million years that means it must be good engineering isn't it yes something that stands there for a million years must be well engineered of all this the most sophisticated piece of engineering is human mechanism isn't it so hello most sophisticated of all the pieces of engineering now because it's a sophisticated piece of engineering it needs a certain level of attention otherwise you don't figure it now that we gave you such a highly you know high-tech piece of engineering i'm asking you did you read the uses menu i i think there is no user manual for now how can they make such a fantastic piece of engineering without a user's manual maybe it doesn't come with a booklet attached to your neck when you were born but indications must be there isn't it how to use it is it true somebody who's an athlete or a gymnast or someone else like that learns to use their body than a whole lot of other people yes obviously at least one aspect of the physical engineering of the body they seem to have read the user's manual about the physical aspects is it true certain people are able to use their mind better than others maybe they read another part of the user's manual so now uh with this heart manual and the brain manual see the problem is most people are prejudiced against the brain this is a question or always comes to me sadhguru i want to meditate but thoughts are coming the common question everywhere i ask them see i'll make you meditate we will stop the liver we'll stop the kidney we'll stop the heart we'll stop everything okay so you want the liver to function when you're meditating you wonder kidneys to function you want even the spleen to function you want the heart to function but you don't want your brain to function for some reason this is simply because brain is a new equipment that you got in the evolutionary process this level of cerebral development happened more recently compared to the other systems if you cut open any mammal they all have all these parts isn't it every part that you have here all of them have even if you open a frog most of you your biology department even if you open a frog almost everything that you have he also has isn't it it is only the big difference is only the cerebral development which is a more recent happening because it's a more recent happening most people have not figured how to handle it so user's manual is very important you don't read a user's manual just before you discard the machine you read it in the first few days isn't it hello if you buy a phone do you want to read the user's manual in the first three days or after three years when you're throwing it away first three days isn't it so knowing how this functions is very important never did ever heart generate any thought or intention well when you looked at the young girl heartbeat more that doesn't mean it's saying anything it's just trying to compensate for the other levels of excitement that's happening if you want more life-changing advice from monks and gurus check out the video right there next to me i think you'll enjoy it continue to believe and i'll see you there if you try to control the variety of situations that may pop up in your face tomorrow morning all that will happen is you will become a very limited life
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 588,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, Entrepreneur, evan carmichael, sadhguru, sadhguru advice, best lessons, sadhguru’s life changing advice, best habits for success, motivational advice
Id: ewc1f-klKQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 9sec (9309 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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