Best QNAP NAS for Video editing

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so i've really been enjoying making these youtube videos for you and i really appreciate that everybody's been watching but for those that create content they know that it generates a lot of data and i've already filled up all the hard drives in my workstation as well as quite a few external usb drives and i need a better method or solution for storing data so today we'll be looking at qnap's tsh973ax it's a nas device as well as one of their switches and a network card so that we can create an all qnap environment for storing and transferring data to your workstations or if you're an independent artist or a small boutique facility will a small nas device like this offer up the speed and the capacity to fit into your environment [Music] hi everyone i'm mike from the mediaman studio review and on our channel we like to bridge that gap between the creative content and the technical requirements i've worked for almost 25 years for some really large studios but today's video is not targeted at the large studios it's targeted at the smaller boutique studios or independent artists that need a storage solution so today we'll be taking a closer look at one of qnap's latest nozzles it's the tsh973ax it's generally quite a unique device and really targeted i feel at independent artists and the smaller boutique environments in the future i will be reviewing some of qnap's larger capacity and even faster storage that will be able to supply solutions to meet any size studio or artist needs so before i get too far into the video i'd like to again thank everybody for watching my channel don't forget to hit that like button it really does make a difference for when people are searching youtube and i'll show up in the search engine a lot more don't forget to hit the subscribe button and subscribe to my channel and hit the notification so that you can be notified when i do release new videos and stick around to the end of the video because i will be showing you some benchmarks that i did with this and using adobe premiere to show you how this thing can actually edit for an 8k and multiple streams you know off an external box through an ethernet connection that is attached to my computer as i have quickly outgrown the capacity of both you know my internal storage and my workstation as well as all of the drives that i bought the external usb drives and i'm constantly swapping out and removing drives from my machine and trying to keep track of my projects but what i really need is something with a large capacity but is also fast enough to deliver the data to my computer that i need so this is where nas comes in and it helps solve all of these solutions you can connect the nas with an ethernet cable and a switch and have all of your workstations connect to that same switch and everybody have access to the same data and a nas can supply storage to your network environment from as small as a few terabytes up to petabytes of storage space so the nas itself simply shows up on your computer as a mounted device or a mounted hard drive and your computer itself thinks that it's just a large network storage or a large pool of data that it can access at any time historically nasa's have usually been an enterprise class device it was extremely expensive and if you want to get speed as well as capacity it came at a very high cost with the advancement of network speeds and the price point of 10 gig and 25 gig networking becoming more affordable independent artists and boutique studios can now have access to a nas storage that's both super fast and can create a large data pool that's required for today's creative environments so today we'll be taking a closer look at one of qnap's latest nasa's it is a tsh973ax and i will be combining this with the qsw m1208-c network switch it's an 8-port network switch for 10 gig as well as using one of qnap's nic cards or 10 gig nic cards for connectivity to the workstation so this will be using all qnap equipment to create a shared storage environment this nine bay triple tiered storage architecture of this nas system supports the quts hero system it's a zfs based file system as well as the original qts operating system both of the available file systems ensure your data integrity and have support for data compression and near limitless snapshots and i will explain more about the differences between the two operating systems and file systems more in a future video as i will be doing a whole series of videos on this qnap equipment the ts h973ax is the first affordable storage file system in its price range that supports three different media types so out of the nine bays that are in this nas five of them are your basic 3.5 inch theta drives these are a six gigabytes of transfer speed and this one here is a seagate exos drive it's a four terabyte but you can put up to 18 or 20 terabytes or whatever is available currently on the market which would give you over 100 terabytes of drive space just in these five bays alone so the next two drive slots that are in here are these u.2 or 2.5 inch form factors you can put ssds in here or these u.2s u.2s are used for anything that requires a lot of high iops or access to the drive or anything that requires a really high throughput you can get up to about four gigabytes a second through one of these drives now these drives are from my friends over at x ascend they were kind enough to send me over to drive so that i could test them out in this unit and if you'd like you can also put ssds in here or you can use the optional card that comes from qnap so you can put m.2 drives in it and then put the m top two drives into these two slots and the last two drive slots that are down here at the bottom these two here are also a 2.5 inch form factor for your basic ssd sata 6 skate transfer speeds you can put any capacity that you want in there and these will be used for anything that requires a high bandwidth or even higher iops or you can use them for cash drives or like i said it's a multiple tiered solution so you can actually tier the different media that's in the nas itself and combine it all into one very large pool when using a hybrid storage device like this that offers the three different types of media it's completely transparent to the end user it just shows up as one large capacity storage pool but the speed of the storage depends on where you're actually housing it or what folder you're putting it on on the file system and all of the nine drive bays does feature a key lock mechanism that you can use to lock the drive so that none of the drives get accidentally taken out there's been a lot of engineering that's gone into this nas you can see that when you look at things like the tool-less design for installing the hard drives as well as the really clean and clear ventilation areas to keep the drives cool as well as the external power supply so the power supply for this box is not inside the housing itself it is an external brick and some people love and hate that for me i really like it in the future if you have any kind of problems with your power supply you don't need to take the case apart to replace it you can just buy a new power supply and then just plug it straight into the back it also helps keep the unit cool internally so it doesn't have all that heat from the psu the footprint of this device is very small if you're sitting it on your desk it's an incredibly small compact form factor and it measures just 18.2 by 22.4 by 22.4 and this system manages to house a huge capacity of storage that's available to your entire network it's really just a fraction of a size larger than what they used to have for their just four bay nasa's that were available a few years ago this nas is powered by amd's ryzen v 1500 b it's a four core eight thread processor 2.2 gigahertz and it comes with either 16 or 32 gigs of ram and it also supports ecc ram but that is an end user upgrade so if you wanted to put ecc memory into the operating system itself you could the nas also features one 10 gig ethernet connection on the back as well as two 2.5 gigabyte lan connection ports for connecting either multiple machines or having multiple connections to your switch these network connections supply for out-of-the-box support for high-speed network transfers as well as support for port trunking and failover to help reinforce your network this unit is also equipped with two rear-mounted usb ports these are 10 gig transfer speed they're 3.2 gen 2 ports now these can be used to attach an expansion chassis if you wanted to increase the pool of data that you're using or you could actually attach a second nas device and use it for a backup or to sync critical data over to there's also one front mounted usb port right here with a one click button you can use that to copy maybe from an external usb device or transfer files to and from that device but it is limited to a five gig transfer speed so when you're setting up the ts h9730a it does offer two different operating systems and you can choose between which one you want at the first startup and it's a simple gui wizard that walks you through the entire process of not only setting up the operating system but also setting up the storage pools and how you're going to tier or design your storage for speed and capacity it's got a really flexible management system that's built into the storage device itself which is really comprehensive as far as how you set it up and what your options are and it walks you through the whole entire process step by step you can set it up for higher data performance or higher protection depending on what your requirements are for the nas itself stay tuned to the channel because i will be doing a whole series on how you set up the nas itself the difference between the two operating systems as well as how you can configure the tiered storage with the different media to fit your creative environment so let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of this qnap tsh973ax some of the pros it does have a 10 gig ethernet on the back and it has the 2.5 for failover it has the triple tiered storage it's support for vm so you can install things like ubuntu and other linux or windows virtualization systems right on it it has the 10 gig usb connections on the back you know it is hugely expandable it has the triple tiered storage it has three different kinds of media so we have your basic you know mechanical sata drives u.2 or m.2 depending on what you want to put in there as well as ssd drives in the bottom it also has eight ports of their surveillance camera licenses so you could actually connect this to your network and use ip cameras throughout your facility and actually have it record to this device and it comes free with those eight licenses there's other software that comes with it as well there's a huge library of qnap software that you can download and most of it is for free the cons of this device it does lack an hdmi port so it would be nice to be able to actually connect the monitor directly up to it in case you had to do any configuring or you wanted to monitor it that way it doesn't have any expansion slots so if you wanted to put wi-fi into it you can't you'd have to do that with an access point through your router or your switch it only has one 10 gig port so 110 gig port is quite nice but to be able to have more than one 10 gig port or an expansion card so you can expand that up to maybe you know 25 g or even 40 g network connection it is lacking that in the back of the device but you know other than that there's not too many cons i think it's a fantastic device and i would recommend it again to any independent artist or small creative environment so before i close out this video i just wanted to show you some of the performance benchmarks that i've done with this qnap nas it's a ts h973ax and to show you that i can completely saturate a 10 gig connection going to one or multiple workstations and how this nas actually performs in a program like adobe premiere so i was able to edit off the nas with both 4 and even 8k video with multiple streams depending on your kodak so it is really good small nas device with high capacity storage that you can use in your creative environment so i'm going to use two programs to benchmark or test out the speed from this qnap nas so this is the blackmagic disk speed test it's pretty popular program that's available on the net and i've already set the target drive to be my nas so once i start the test you can see that i'm getting write speeds of up to you know five or six hundred megabytes a second and it'll even go up to about 700 megabytes a second so over on the read side we're getting fully saturated almost 1100 megabytes a second that we're getting off that so here we are we're 850 800 and over 800 megabytes a second on the right side and on the read again almost 1100 megabytes a second so that's really quick read speeds we're fully saturating that 10 gig connection but when we're using a program like adobe's premiere here i have just a simple setup that i've done i've got nine 4k video tracks going here that i'm playing in the timeline i can jump anywhere in the timeline and it's updating almost instantaneously i am setting at full resolution here and if i hit play you can see that it's playing back all of nine of those video files now it's not playing back that smoothly but that is more of a issue with the cpu usage here at 100 so my cpu my 12 core cpu is having a bit of a issue playing back nine 4k video files and if you look down here on the network connection we're jumping up to 10 10 or more megabits a second that are coming through so fully saturating that 10 gig connection so ultimately the ts h973ax is not the first big innovation device from qnap and i'm sure it's not going to be the last but this device the high capacity that it offers as well as the high speeds that it offers for smaller boutique studios with a minimal workforce or for the independent artist is a great choice to be storing your data and working off maybe one or multiple computers this is easily my favorite nas solution that i've looked at for both speed and capacity so a lot of be it for this video i really appreciate you watching again don't forget to watch the two upcoming videos that i'm going to do with all of this we'll do a complete configuration video how i set up the entire network storage as well as the network card in the device i will also be looking at the two different file systems that are available running through the entire installation of both of those and then in the final video i am going to do some benchmarking where we use programs like davinci's resolve and adobe premiere to see how that will work in your everyday workflow so i appreciate you watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Mediaman Studio Services
Views: 3,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #lenovo, #AMDworkstation, #nvidia, #3d anination, threadripper pro, amd threadripper pro, lenovo thinkstation p620, #vfx_tv, vfx, visual effects, nvidia geforce, threadripper workstation, #GPUrendering, #Vray-RT, #redshift3D, #autodesk, #Octane, #RTX3090, #maya, #Blender, #qnap, #ts-h973ax, #nas, #storage, #adobe, #premiere pro
Id: UwEB4FoL2dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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