Etsy's SECRET PROHIBITED Item List Every Seller Should Know

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there's been some new releases in Etsy news as far as the new investor report for quarter 1 of 2024 and with this wave of new news comes more things that we just have to be aware of as Etsy sellers one of those being that in quarter 1 investing report Etsy has stated that they are looking to get more into suppressing and removing listings that aren't following etsy's house policies now as scary as this sound it's not anything new and it just seems like Etsy is turning up the power and revving up its engine as far as what they're going to allow on Etsy and what they're not going to allow on Etsy in this video I just wanted to make a refresher video on what not to post on Etsy and the prohibited items that don't really show up on etsy's prohibited item list but they absolutely had to make this video because a lot of sellers don't know that SEO that can get a listing automatically taken down on Etsy and there's a few words in specific that you should not be writing in your titles tags or description now one of these on my list that I'm going to start off with is not so obvious and honestly it's a shock to a lot of people and that first product that is banned from Etsy is anything Amber containing as far as jewelry goes allegedly there was a lawsuit against Etsy now as much digging as I could do I didn't find the the lawsuit but going and searching through Reddit I found a few threads that were talking about how there was some sort of lawsuit with someone who had a small child and potentially a baby allegedly that had swallowed Amber from a seller on atsy and Etsy had a lawsuit from that situation that unfolded this is all alleged I honestly could not find the actual evidence and proof but due to this finding if you notice if you type in number in your title or tags you may get your listing removed from Etsy and the reason being is due to this alleged lawsuit from a few years ago the reason why I came across this was only because a member of my prund demand friends group on Facebook by the way if you're a print on demand or atsy seller you can join that group in the links in the description below but I did have one member of our group who posted that they got listings taken down and that was the reason was because of the am so again if you've successfully posted a listing with Amber I would love to know down below but so far the verdict is you can't use Amber in your SEO terms anywhere the next prohibited product on my list is kids hoodies with strings now this is again another hidden prohibited item if you will and it may be on a article on Etsy or maybe in the prohibited item section there are some hidden keywords on on Etsy that Etsy does not announce and we only find out about when we accidentally use these keywords in these listings right again the same situation happened where I had a few members of my Facebook group report that they had multiple kids hoodie listings taken down on atsy we had another lawsuit allegedly again I literally can't find these lawsuits I don't know where they are but like I don't know maybe it was like someone paid someone to erase the law suit allegedly there was a lawsuit related to Children's hoodies with strings sold on Etsy so from this alleged lawsuit hoodies with strings for kids those phrases cannot be used in an atsy listing just know that you should not be selling any kids hoodies with strings as these are a potential choking hazard to kids and also in your SEO keywords for titles tags description you do not want to use with strings with any hoodie and I know this is something that with the print on demand company sometimes this is autofilled in in a description of a product that you post on your Etsy shop this is when you do want to look through that description and make sure it has nothing saying strings because again you can get your listing triggered to be taken down on Etsy just almost immediately once you threw it up on Etsy so here is the next one that comes to a surprise to many print on demand sellers so if you're a print ond demand seller listen in because this one will directly impact you this product is offered by most per ond demand companies and it is actually prohibited from Etsy and it's a silent prohibited item I've heard of articles that have came out by Etsy but it hasn't been addressed fully which is pran jewelry and the only reason why a lot of us in the praman communities know about that praman jewelry is prohibited and baned from atsy is because of the waves of suspended shops and listings taken down on atsy in the recent year about a year ago what happened was a lot of the Facebook communities in the print on demand space had several posts about Etsy sellers who had multiple listings taken down and whole shops listings taken down and shops being suspended left and right and the Common Thread between them was they all had print on demand jewelry in their shops come to find out after one print on demand company named shine on jewelry announced that Hey Etsy is not allowing us on their platform anymore after that point in time jewelry from any print on demand company was not allowed and there's plenty of print on demand companies that offer jewelry now one of them being printify so if you wanted to sell on another platform jewelry such as Shopify or anywhere else your own website Squarespace what have you you could sell jewelry on those websites but you just can't sell it on Etsy now the reason isn't really known here I don't know if again I like to use this YouTube channel as like a comment Community section so if you know any of the reasons why jewelry was taken down I would love to hear this is just something that's really upsetting for me to hear and frustrating for me looking at these sellers who have made it big on Etsy with selling print on demand jewelry and only to find that Etsy just doesn't really message anyone first and they don't even warn those Sellers and it the best way I could describe it is if you have like a really toxic landlord and your landlord doesn't even give you a 30-day notice they just evict you right away that's kind of what happened to these sellers and I think that's what's tough for me as someone who has a lot of success with aty and print on demand and I see a group of sellers like the jewelry print toand sellers who just easily kind of got kicked off the platform without a 30-day notice and that didn't really give those sellers time to maybe go to their own website or their own Shopify but overall I just wanted to say that because I know for some of you watching it's validating to just hear it from someone else even though we're all kind of in this together and still trying to sell on Etsy because it is a great platform at the end of the day I don't want to Discount that I have seen major success for myself for followers subscribers in the recent years and I attribute me being able to quit my job due to this platform but it wasn't right the way Etsy did that and I think that's just one thing I have to get off my chest and that is all that is it I'm going to step down for my little pedestal now and we're going to get back to the video the next product that is prohibited on atsy is Drop Shipping products so this is a whole category in itself what Drop Shipping is is products that are already made by a supplier and this supplier could be in a different country it could be in the US could be in Canada what have you but these products are already made they don't fit in the print on demand bracket nor handmade because usually in most cases these sellers are just reselling a new product with their brand stamped on that product in a way it's not that simple but basically just to explain it for those of you who are new to drop shipping it's not the same as print on demand because when you have a print on demand business you are creating the designs you are the designer of the product and you are the product selector curator and it is a whole other category that Etsy allows because again with print on demand there is a seller behind the screen with Drop Shipping it's not necessarily the person designing and a lot of the times these drop ship products will have crossover on websites like Teemu or Sheen and how do you pronounce Sheen by the way does anyone know I just want to take a moment and ask how do you pronounce Sheen is it she in or is it Shine or is it Sheen I I don't know I'm so sorry if I mispronounced that I won't say it again I promise but basically that is why items that are drop shipped are not allowed on the platform seemingly they somehow go through the cracks and are still sold on the platform but Etsy is now cracking down even more on these types of listings the last but not least that falls into this list of prohibited items is trademark and copyright infringing products on Etsy you may go on Etsy and see if you look up maybe Disney group t-shirts you'll see hundreds of results of Disney t-shirts now even though etsy's system has a AI bot system or some type of Auto flagging system within it that will automatically remove anything that has Disney in its SEO that doesn't mean that listings don't still slip through creatively and Designs still have Disney logos and characters in them that is not allowed on Etsy and in fact a lot of other trademarked infringed products are not allowed on Etsy either here is just a quick list of some commonly trademarked and copyright infringed products that I have seen in my time on Etsy one being of course Disney anything office related Harry Potter related any characters from any of these shows a lot of them are trademarked copyright infringement intellectual property of the creators and the writers and the shows and movies that we all love and we know I'm a huge fan of Disney but let me just say I would never mess with the mouse okay I know like Steamboat Willie got recently released but like I am never messing with the mouse because the mouse he fights he fights a lot so just just a quick warning to those of you who love Disney as much as me and maybe you want to do a Disney inspired t-shirt my answer is based on my experience because first of all I am not a trademark lawyer and I will never claim to be but for me personally if it's even on the line of infringement if it's infringe Zone friendly I will not do it I would never create anything Disney because I feel like Disney is listening and watching me and even mentioning Disney in this video I don't know I'm not messing with it some it will find you and by it I mean the mouse besides that just going over some other common trademarked phrases and words words like band aid that is a trademarked word also Yellowstone and national parks a lot of national parks are actually trademarks so again don't use that the word realator that is trademarked also do I say that right I I don't even know I I should stop asking that in this video that's like the fifth time I've asked that but anyways there are so many lists of commonly trademark phrases and in fact I recommend watching this video next because I go more in depth on those in that video besides that thank you all for watching don't forget to hit that subscribe button like the video for more content like this and I will see you all in the next video here [Music]
Channel: heatherstudio
Views: 12,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: printify, printful, pod, etsy pod, etsy, passive income, kittl, everbee
Id: bGvroH7mKIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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