Before You Sleep LISTEN To These Blessed Goodnight Prayers | God's Peace and Protection Is With You

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[Music] if you're hearing this today don't waste any more time please don't waste another day get right with jesus give your life to jesus christ surrender and commit yourself to him today you may not have tomorrow my friend so make an effort to know and love him more every day in your heart make the decision to honor him for the rest of your days and he will redeem every second of lost time now let us pray heavenly father you are the god of every moment you stand outside of time so great and mighty are you lord that time does not limit you time does not apply to you because you are the ancient of days [Music] lord you alone are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i praise you god because a thousand years is like a day to you and you are mighty lord thank you for giving me the gift of life thank you for giving me the opportunity to glorify you lord help me to live wisely help me to be wise with how i spend my days father help me to treat each day as a blessing from you as your servant moses wrote teach me to number my days so that i may get a heart of wisdom don't let me take a single second for granted god don't let me coast through life seeking my own comfort and pleasure allow me never to get too comfortable but to always be vigilant to be prayerful to be watchful lord as i go about my everyday life please show me the things i should be doing show me the ways i can be serving your kingdom both big and small make me aware of my spiritual gifts and talents so that i can serve the body of christ more effectively help me to live each day as if it were my last because my life is like a mist that will quickly disappear the plans i have they may never come to pass but father yours will help me to set my mind on heavenly things don't let me get caught up in the chaos of this world politics finances materialism all these things are minuscule in comparison to your vast and glorious plan of redemption for all mankind so father develop a deep sense of urgency in my heart so that i can do my part to spread the gospel give me a desire to live for jesus to pursue holiness and to honor you with everything that i have help me to live for the things that last not for temporary things that will fade away and at the end of my life may i be filled with peace may i rest in the knowledge that i did all i could with the time you gave me god don't let my life be characterized by bitterness or by regret over the things that i didn't do the words that i didn't say the opportunities that i didn't take instead may i be a faithful steward of this short and precious life so that i may receive an even greater reward in eternity god i thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty name of jesus that i pray and i give you thanks amen king jesus you are an awesome and mighty god i praise you for your amazing grace and love [Music] father today i pray that the words i speak may they lead me to life may they be words that build and encourage those around me give me a wholesome tongue lord so that i may be found to be speaking words that impact my life in a positive and godly way i pray that you would give me a wholesome tongue so that i may be speaking words that are in line with your will and purpose for me transform my heart so that the words that come out of my mouth may be in line with your will and purpose for me may the words that come out of my mouth be a reflection of your transformative work change my heart lord so that my words will be words of faith hope and victory holy spirit i pray that you would guide me and give me the presence of mind to always speak positive words words of faith and victory over myself over my family and my loved ones guide me to speak the word of god always lord i pray that i would not use my words to simply describe the situation and circumstances that i find myself in but through the authority that in the name of jesus christ i will speak god's word into every situation that i face so that you king jesus may have all the power and all the glory holy spirit may you help me so that i may not have a tongue that always speaks of how big my problems are but i pray that you would give me a mouth and the faith to tell my problems about how big my god is father your word in proverbs chapter 6 verse 2 tells me that you are snared by the words of your mouth you are taken by the words of your mouth therefore i choose to declare your goodness over my life i declare that i am expecting my god to overwhelm me with his goodness and amaze me with his favor your word in psalm chapter 31 verse 19 says oh how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind lord i pray that i would continue to experience your abundant goodness lord jesus i pray that my family and i will continue to experience your kindness and your faithfulness your love and grace mean that as sons and daughters in your kingdom we will not worry we will not live in doubt we will not fear but instead we will keep our trust in you knowing that you are a god who will not fail you are a god who will never let us down your word says in luke 21 15 for i will give you a mouth and wisdom which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict i receive this promise give me a mouth of wisdom a mouth that is aware of the power and significance of my words and so out of the abundance of my mouth may i speak your word lord may i speak about your love and your amazing grace and the unmerited favor that is upon my life and my home lord i thank you for listening to this prayer be blessed and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen hebrews 13 verse 8 says jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forever praise be unto the lord because he doesn't change he was merciful then he is merciful today and forevermore he was loving then he is loving today and forevermore jesus christ he never changes let us pray lord jesus i praise you for being an unchanging god i praise you for being consistent you endured the cross many thousands of years ago because of love and i praise you because that love has not changed nor will it change everything else that i know everyone else that i know they do change and they will change but how grateful i am that you do not change you are eternally changeless you worked miracles in the lives of many when you were here on this earth and i believe that you haven't changed you can still work miracles in our lives today you can still heal the sick and raise the dead you can still give sight to the blind and set people free from demonic oppression because indeed you are an unchanging god as for me lord help me to change for the better help me to change for your glory the bible says in second corinthians 5 verse 17 therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come jesus you are my lord and savior and because by faith i believe this i believe that you are risen from the dead and seated on the right hand side of god the father i pray that as a new creation in you may there be a change in my life as believers we are reborn and renewed by the holy spirit i thank you for a wonderful change within me a change where the old things the old man the flesh it has no power over me because i am in christ change me lord renew my mind transform my mind revive my heart strengthen my faith that's the kind of change that i desire romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect lord i do desire to be transformed and progressively changed as i mature spiritually take away all characteristics all traits and all habits that are not pleasing to you change me father remove fear from my life and increase my faith change me and remove anxiety and worry from within me lord give me peace and joy instead let me not be consumed by worldly passions let me not gain the world but yet lose my soul father although change is inevitable in this world i praise you for always being true for always being faithful it's because of your loving kindness that we are not consumed by the enemy you are and you have always been a god who is full of mercy your mercies are new each and every morning god now be glorified and be praised there is none like you lord i thank you i thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen lord be praised and honored father i thank you for being a wonderful and merciful god lord jesus i pray that you would teach us how to number our days teach us to be wise with our time here on earth lord lead me to be wise about how i spend my time lead us to be wise with what we spend our time doing on this earth help us to realize what truly matters what matters is my relationship with you jesus what matters is building and storing up treasures in heaven what matters is to testify about your goodness and to tell as many living souls as i can about the gospel of jesus christ lord help me not to chase after the riches and pleasures of this world because what will it profit us to gain the world but lose our souls it's of no benefit to make gains in this world at the expense of our souls lord your word says in romans 13 verse 14 but put on the lord jesus christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires help us to clothe ourselves with robes of righteousness and prayer help us to clothe ourselves in the full armor of god [Music] lord give us the strength to make no provision for the flesh help us king jesus to remain steadfast and never to even think about gratifying the flesh and its improper desires but instead give us a desire that is drawn to your presence a desire that is drawn to spending time in your presence father i truly praise you for all that you have brought me through i praise you for the lessons that you have taught me through each and every storm lord i thank you for bringing me through life's adversity and challenges through every storm may you develop my character through every crisis i pray that you will strengthen my faith through every challenge or problem may i become a more mature believer philippians 3 12-14 says not that i have already obtained this or i'm already perfect but i press on to make it my own because christ jesus has made me his own brothers i do not consider that i have made it my own but one thing i do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead i press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus lord as we press on as we strain forward and run this race of faith give us grace father the grace to endure those uncomfortable lessons the grace to hold on and never lose sight of your promises father give us the grace to understand that sometimes the answer to our prayers may be delayed but that does not mean that they are denied god give us grace to understand that sometimes you might say no to our request because you have something better and bigger in store for us should we experience any disruption in our lives may we understand that at times this disruption may be divine disruption you may intervene in our plans in order to guide us to a certain destination or in a particular direction but regardless of how uncomfortable the process may be we will continue to trust in you will continue to believe in you and to have faith in you your word in james chapter one verses two through four it says count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing father work in me lord help me to remember that when my faith is tested you are working to produce a good work within me lord i bless your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name amen lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life-giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there is no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you and i say that you are the lord of lords and king of kings in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you [Music] may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks [Music] i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever [Music] i lay down my life for you father be glorified now and always all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen lord jesus i lift up my hands as a sign of surrender have your way and may your will be done i lift up my hands to signal that i am letting go of trying to control things i lift up my hands to signal that i am relying on your amazing grace and on your love i accept that your will is better than mine your ways are higher than mine your timing is better than mine father instead of fighting the battle in front of me i will focus on you the one who holds all power rather than relying on my own might i will rely on your strength lord jesus i will place my faith in you i pray that my hands would always be lifted in worship to you and regardless of whether i am in chains like paul and silas may you be praised lord whether or not disaster strikes may you be praised lord jesus if i am tired and weary i pray that you would give me strength through the holy spirit to praise and to worship you even if the enemy attacks may i be protected by the fact that my hands will constantly be lifted up in worship to you lord [Music] father let my first instinct be to hand over every situation to you [Music] i pray that my first instinct would be to drop my carnal weapons and instead worship you in spirit and in truth i choose to trust in an ever faithful god and i acknowledge that even when things don't go my way you are still sovereign and you are still a good god i pray that you may see my lifted hands as a sign of a heart that is filled with gratitude and thanksgiving i pray that you would see my hands lifted as an invitation for you to come into my circumstances and have your way i invite your presence lord to come and dwell within me may you come in and do as you please in any given circumstance i choose to let go and let you handle things father [Music] your word in psalm chapter 29 says ascribe to the lord o heavenly beings ascribe to the lord glory and strength ascribe to the lord the glory due his name worship the lord in the splendor of holiness your word says the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is full of majesty you lord jesus sit enthroned as king forever i pray that the holy spirit would help me never to take my eyes off you father don't allow me to waver in fear even for a second in the face of adversity i pray that you would strengthen me to keep my hands lifted high and to always be found in worship father you deserve all the praise and honor you deserve all adoration even the angels in heaven always sing and worship you saying holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come worthy are you our lord and god to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created praise you i honor you i lift your name on high and say you are worthy to be praised in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray thank you for listening to my prayer amen if you're hearing this today don't waste any more time please don't waste another day get right with jesus give your life to jesus christ surrender and commit yourself to him today you may not have tomorrow my friend so make an effort to know and love him more every day in your heart make the decision to honor him for the rest of your days and he will redeem every second of lost time now let us pray heavenly father you are the god of every moment you stand outside of time so great and mighty are you lord that time does not limit you time does not apply to you because you are the ancient of days lord you alone are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i praise you god because a thousand years is like a day to you and you are mighty lord thank you for giving me the gift of life [Music] thank you for giving me the opportunity to glorify you lord help me to live wisely help me to be wise with how i spend my days help me to treat each day as a blessing from you as your servant moses wrote teach me to number my days so that i may get a heart of wisdom [Music] don't let me take a single second for granted god don't let me coast through life seeking my own comfort and pleasure [Music] allow me never to get too comfortable but to always be vigilant to be prayerful to be watchful lord as i go about my everyday life please show me the things i should be doing show me the ways i can be serving your kingdom both big and small make me aware of my spiritual gifts and talents so that i can serve the body of christ more effectively help me to live each day as if it were my last because my life is like a mist that will quickly disappear the plans i have they may never come to pass but father yours will help me to set my mind on heavenly things don't let me get caught up in the chaos of this world politics finances materialism all these things are minuscule in comparison to your vast and glorious plan of redemption for all mankind so father develop a deep sense of urgency in my heart so that i can do my part to spread the gospel give me a desire to live for jesus to pursue holiness and to honor you with everything that i have help me to live for the things that last not for temporary things that will fade away and at the end of my life may i be filled with peace may i rest in the knowledge that i did all i could with the time you gave me god don't let my life be characterized by bitterness or by regret over the things that i didn't do the words that i didn't say the opportunities that i didn't take instead may i be a faithful steward of this short and precious life so that i may receive an even greater reward in eternity god i thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty name of jesus that i pray and i give you thanks amen king jesus you are an awesome and mighty god i praise you for your amazing grace and love father today i pray that the words i speak may they lead me to life may they be words that build and encourage those around me [Music] give me a wholesome tongue lord so that i may be found to be speaking words that impact my life in a positive and godly way i pray that you would give me a wholesome tongue so that i may be speaking words that are in line with your will and purpose for me transform my heart so that the words that come out of my mouth may be in line with your will and purpose for me may the words that come out of my mouth be a reflection of your transformative work [Music] change my heart lord so that my words will be words of faith hope and victory holy spirit i pray that you would guide me and give me the presence of mind to always speak positive words words of faith and victory over myself over my family and my loved ones guide me to speak the word of god always lord i pray that i would not use my words to simply describe the situation and circumstances that i find myself in but through the authority that in the name of jesus christ i will speak god's word into every situation that i face so that you king jesus may have all the power and all the glory holy spirit may you help me so that i may not have a tongue that always speaks of how big my problems are but i pray that you would give me a mouth and the faith to tell my problems about how big my god is father your word in proverbs chapter 6 verse 2 tells me that you are snared by the words of your mouth you are taken by the words of your mouth therefore i choose to declare your goodness over my life i declare that i am expecting my god to overwhelm me with his goodness and amaze me with his favor your word in psalm chapter 31 verse 19 says o how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind lord i pray that i would continue to experience your abundant goodness lord jesus i pray that my family and i will continue to experience your kindness and your faithfulness your love and grace mean that as sons and daughters in your kingdom we will not worry we will not live in doubt we will not fear but instead we will keep our trust in you knowing that you are a god who will not fail you are a god who will never let us down your word says in luke 21 15 for i will give you a mouth and wisdom which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict i receive this promise give me a mouth of wisdom a mouth that is aware of the power and significance of my words and so out of the abundance of my mouth may i speak your word lord may i speak about your love and your amazing grace and the unmerited favor that is upon my life and my home lord i thank you for listening to this prayer be blessed and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen hebrews 13 verse 8 says jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forever praise be unto the lord because he doesn't change he was merciful then he is merciful today and forevermore he was loving then he is loving today and forevermore jesus christ he never changes let us pray lord jesus i praise you for being an unchanging god i praise you for being consistent you endured the cross many thousands of years ago because of love and i praise you because that love has not changed nor will it change everything else that i know everyone else that i know they do change and they will change but how grateful i am that you do not change you are eternally changeless you worked miracles in the lives of many when you were here on this earth and i believe that you haven't changed you can still work miracles in our lives today you can still heal the sick and raise the dead you can still give sight to the blind and set people free from demonic oppression because indeed you are an unchanging god as for me lord help me to change for the better help me to change for your glory the bible says in second corinthians 5 verse 17 therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come jesus you are my lord and savior and because by faith i believe this i believe that you are risen from the dead and seated on the right hand side of god the father i pray that as a new creation in you may there be a change in my life as believers we are reborn and renewed by the holy spirit i thank you for a wonderful change within me a change where the old things the old man the flesh it has no power over me because i am in christ change me lord renew my mind transform my mind revive my heart strengthen my faith that's the kind of change that i desire [Music] romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect lord i do desire to be transformed and progressively changed as i mature spiritually take away all characteristics all traits and all habits that are not pleasing to you change me father remove fear from my life and increase my faith change me and remove anxiety and worry from within me lord give me peace and joy instead let me not be consumed by worldly passions let me not gain the world but yet lose my soul father although change is inevitable in this world i praise you for always being true for always being faithful it's because of your loving kindness that we are not consumed by the enemy you are and you have always been a god who is full of mercy your mercies are new each and every morning [Music] god now be glorified and be praised there is none like you lord i thank you i thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen lord be praised and honored father i thank you for being a wonderful and merciful god lord jesus i pray that you would teach us how to number our days teach us to be wise with our time here on earth lord lead me to be wise about how i spend my time lead us to be wise with what we spend our time doing on this earth help us to realize what truly matters what matters is my relationship with you jesus what matters is building and storing up treasures in heaven what matters is to testify about your goodness and to tell as many living souls as i can about the gospel of jesus christ lord help me not to chase after the riches and pleasures of this world because what will it profit us to gain the world but lose our souls it's of no benefit to make gains in this world at the expense of our souls lord your word says in romans 13 verse 14 but put on the lord jesus christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires help us to clothe ourselves with robes of righteousness and prayer help us to clothe ourselves in the full armor of god lord give us the strength to make no provision for the flesh help us king jesus to remain steadfast and never to even think about gratifying the flesh and its improper desires but instead give us a desire that is drawn to your presence a desire that is drawn to spending time in your presence father i truly praise you for all that you have brought me through i praise you for the lessons that you have taught me through each and every storm lord i thank you for bringing me through life's adversity and challenges through every storm may you develop my character through every crisis i pray that you will strengthen my faith through every challenge or problem may i become a more mature believer philippians 3 12-14 says not that i've already obtained this or i'm already perfect but i press on to make it my own because christ jesus has made me his own brothers i do not consider that i have made it my own but one thing i do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead i press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus lord as we press on as we strain forward and run this race of faith give us grace father the grace to endure those uncomfortable lessons the grace to hold on and never lose sight of your promises father give us the grace to understand that sometimes the answer to our prayers may be delayed but that does not mean that they are denied god give us grace to understand that sometimes you might say no to our request because you have something better and bigger in store for us should we experience any disruption in our lives may we understand that at times this disruption may be divine disruption you may intervene in our plans in order to guide us to a certain destination or in a particular but regardless of how uncomfortable the process may be we will continue to trust in you we'll continue to believe in you and to have faith in you your word in james chapter one verses two through four it says count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing father work in me lord help me to remember that when my faith is tested you are working to produce a good work within me lord i bless your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name amen lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there's no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods [Music] be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you and i say that you are the lord of lords and king of kings in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love [Music] who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever i lay down my life for you father be glorified now and always all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen lord jesus i lift up my hands as a sign of surrender have your way and may your will be done i lift up my hands to signal that i am letting go of trying to control things i lift up my hands to signal that i am relying on your amazing grace and on your love i accept that your will is better than mine your ways are higher than mine your timing is better than mine father instead of fighting the battle in front of me i will focus on you the one who holds all power rather than relying on my own might i will rely on your strength lord jesus i will place my faith in you i pray that my hands would always be lifted in worship to you and regardless of whether i am in chains like paul and silas [Music] may you be praised lord whether or not disaster strikes may you be praised lord jesus if i am tired and weary i pray that you would give me strength through the holy spirit to praise and to worship you even if the enemy attacks may i be protected by the fact that my hands will constantly be lifted up in worship to you lord father let my first instinct be to hand over every situation to you i pray that my first instinct would be to drop my carnal weapons and instead worship you in spirit and in truth i choose to trust in an ever-faithful god and i acknowledge that even when things don't go my way you are still sovereign and you are still a good god i pray that you may see my lifted hands as a sign of a heart that is filled with gratitude and thanksgiving [Music] i pray that you would see my hands lifted as an invitation for you to come into my circumstances and have your way i invite your presence lord to come and dwell within me [Music] may you come in and do as you please in any given circumstance i choose to let go and let you handle things father [Music] your word in psalm chapter 29 says ascribe to the lord o heavenly beings ascribe to the lord glory and strength ascribe to the lord the glory due his name worship the lord in the splendor of holiness [Music] your word says the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is full of majesty you lord jesus sit enthroned as king forever i pray that the holy spirit would help me never to take my eyes off you father don't allow me to waver in fear even for a second in the face of adversity i pray that you would strengthen me to keep my hands lifted high [Music] and to always be found in worship father you deserve all the praise and honor you deserve all adoration even the angels in heaven always sing and worship you saying holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come [Music] worthy are you our lord and god to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created i praise you i honor you i lift your name on high and say you are worthy to be praised in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray thank you for listening to my prayer amen [Music] if you're hearing this today don't waste any more time please don't waste another day get right with jesus give your life to jesus christ surrender and commit yourself to him today [Music] you may not have tomorrow my friend so make an effort to know and love him more every day in your heart make the decision to honor him for the rest of your days and he will redeem every second of lost time now let us pray heavenly father you are the god of every moment you stand outside of time so great and mighty are you lord that time does not limit you time does not apply to you because you are the ancient of days lord you alone are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i praise you god because a thousand years is like a day to you and you are mighty lord thank you for giving me the gift of life thank you for giving me the opportunity to glorify you lord help me to live wisely help me to be wise with how i spend my days father help me to treat each day as a blessing from you as your servant moses wrote teach me to number my days so that i may get a heart of wisdom don't let me take a single second for granted god don't let me coast through life seeking my own comfort and pleasure allow me never to get too comfortable but to always be vigilant to be prayerful to be watchful lord as i go about my everyday life please show me the things i should be doing show me the ways i can be serving your kingdom both big and small make me aware of my spiritual gifts and talents so that i can serve the body of christ more effectively help me to live each day as if it were my last because my life is like a mist that will quickly disappear the plans i have they may never come to pass but father yours will help me to set my mind on heavenly things don't let me get caught up in the chaos of this world politics finances materialism all these things are minuscule in comparison to your vast and glorious plan of redemption for all mankind so father develop a deep sense of urgency in my heart so that i can do my part to spread the gospel give me a desire to live for jesus to pursue holiness and to honor you with everything that i have help me to live for the things that last not for temporary things that will fade away and at the end of my life may i be filled with peace may i rest in the knowledge that i did all i could with the time you gave me god don't let my life be characterized by bitterness or by regret over the things that i didn't do the words that i didn't say the opportunities that i didn't take instead may i be a faithful steward of this short and precious life so that i may receive an even greater reward in eternity god i thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty name of jesus that i pray and i give you thanks amen [Music] king jesus you are an awesome and mighty god i praise you for your amazing grace and love father today i pray that the words i speak may they lead me to life may they be words that build and encourage those around me give me a wholesome tongue lord so that i may be found to be speaking words that impact my life in a positive and godly way i pray that you would give me a wholesome tongue so that i may be speaking words that are in line with your will and purpose for me transform my heart so that the words that come out of my mouth may be in line with your will and purpose for me may the words that come out of my mouth be a reflection of your transformative work [Music] change my heart lord so that my words will be words of faith hope and victory holy spirit i pray that you would guide me and give me the presence of mind to always speak positive words words of faith and victory over myself over my family and my loved ones guide me to speak the word of god always lord i pray that i would not use my words to simply describe the situation and circumstances that i find myself in but through the authority that in the name of jesus christ i will speak god's word into every situation that i face so that you king jesus may have all the power and all the glory holy spirit may you help me so that i may not have a tongue that always speaks of how big my problems are but i pray that you would give me a mouth and the faith to tell my problems about how big my god is father your word in proverbs chapter 6 verse 2 tells me that you are snared by the words of your mouth you are taken by the words of your mouth therefore i choose to declare your goodness over my life i declare that i am expecting my god to overwhelm me with his goodness and amaze me with his favor your word in psalm chapter 31 verse 19 says oh how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind lord i pray that i would continue to experience your abundant goodness lord jesus i pray that my family and i will continue to experience your kindness and your faithfulness your love and grace mean that as sons and daughters in your kingdom we will not worry we will not live in doubt we will not fear but instead we will keep our trust in you knowing that you are a god who will not fail you are a god who will never let us down your word says in luke 21 15. for i will give you a mouth and wisdom which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict i receive this promise give me a mouth of wisdom a mouth that is aware of the power and significance of my words and so out of the abundance of my mouth may i speak your word lord may i speak about your love and your amazing grace and the unmerited favor that is upon my life and my home lord i thank you for listening to this prayer be blessed and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen hebrews 13 verse 8 says jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forever praise be unto the lord because he doesn't change he was merciful then he is merciful today and forever more he was loving then he is loving today and forevermore jesus christ he never changes let us pray lord jesus i praise you for being an unchanging god i praise you for being consistent you endured the cross many thousands of years ago because of love and i praise you because that love has not changed nor will it change everything else that i know everyone else that i know they do change and they will change but how grateful i am that you do not change you are eternally changeless you worked miracles in the lives of many when you were here on this earth and i believe that you haven't changed you can still work miracles in our lives today you can still heal the sick and raise the dead you can still give sight to the blind and set people free from demonic oppression because indeed you are an unchanging god as for me lord help me to change for the better help me to change for your glory the bible says in second corinthians 5 verse 17 therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come [Music] jesus you are my lord and savior and because by faith i believe this i believe that you are risen from the dead and seated on the right hand side of god the father i pray that as a new creation in you may there be a change in my life as believers we are reborn and renewed by the holy spirit i thank you for a wonderful change within me a change where the old things the old man the flesh it has no power over me because i am in christ change me lord renew my mind transform my mind revive my heart strengthen my faith that's the kind of change that i desire romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect lord i do desire to be transformed and progressively changed as i mature spiritually take away all characteristics all traits and all habits that are not pleasing to you change me father remove fear from my life and increase my faith change me and remove anxiety and worry from within me lord give me peace and joy instead let me not be consumed by worldly passions let me not gain the world but yet lose my soul father although change is inevitable in this world i praise you for always being true for always being faithful it's because of your loving kindness that we are not consumed by the enemy you are and you have always been a god who is full of mercy your mercies are new each and every morning god now be glorified and be praised there is none like you lord i thank you i thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen [Music] lord be praised and honored father i thank you for being a wonderful and merciful god lord jesus i pray that you would teach us how to number our days teach us to be wise with our time here on earth lord lead me to be wise about how i spend my time lead us to be wise with what we spend our time doing on this earth help us to realize what truly matters what matters is my relationship with you jesus what matters is building and storing up treasures in heaven what matters is to testify about your goodness and to tell as many living souls as i can about the gospel of jesus christ help me not to chase after the riches and pleasures of this world because what will it profit us to gain the world but lose our souls it's of no benefit to make gains in this world at the expense of our souls lord your word says in romans 13 verse 14 but put on the lord jesus christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires help us to clothe ourselves with robes of righteousness and prayer help us to clothe ourselves in the full armor of god lord give us the strength to make no provision for the flesh help us king jesus to remain steadfast and never to even think about gratifying the flesh and its improper desires but instead give us a desire that is drawn to your presence a desire that is drawn to spending time in your presence father i truly praise you for all that you have brought me through i praise you for the lessons that you have taught me through each and every storm lord i thank you for bringing me through life's adversity and challenges through every storm may you develop my character through every crisis i pray that you will strengthen my faith through every challenge or problem may i become a more mature believer philippians 3 12-14 says not that i have already obtained this or i'm already perfect but i press on to make it my own because christ jesus has made me his own brothers i do not consider that i have made it my own but one thing i do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead i press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus lord as we press on as we strain forward and run this race of faith give us grace father the grace to endure those uncomfortable lessons the grace to hold on and never lose sight of your promises father give us the grace to understand that sometimes the answer to our prayers may be delayed but that does not mean that they are denied [Music] god give us grace to understand that sometimes you might say no to our request because you have something better and bigger in store for us should we experience any disruption in our lives may we understand that at times this disruption may be divine disruption you may intervene in our plans in order to guide us to a certain destination or in a particular direction but regardless of how uncomfortable the process may be we will continue to trust in you we'll continue to believe in you and to have faith in you your word in james chapter 1 verses 2 through 4. it says count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing father work in me lord help me to remember that when my faith is tested you are working to produce a good work within me [Music] lord i bless your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name amen lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life-giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there is no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb [Music] father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you and i say that you are the lord of lords and king of kings in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home [Music] i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you [Music] lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever i lay down my life for you father be glorified now and always all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen lord jesus i lift up my hands as a sign of surrender have your way and may your will be done i lift up my hands to signal that i am letting go of trying to control things i lift up my hands to signal that i am relying on your amazing grace and on your love i accept that your will is better than mine your ways are higher than mine your timing is better than mine father instead of fighting the battle in front of me i will focus on you the one who holds all power rather than relying on my own might i will rely on your strength lord jesus i will place my faith in you i pray that my hands would always be lifted in worship to you and regardless of whether i am in chains like paul and silas may you be praised lord whether or not disaster strikes may you be praised lord jesus if i am tired and weary i pray that you would give me strength through the holy spirit to praise and to worship you even if the enemy attacks may i be protected by the fact that my hands will constantly be lifted up in worship to you lord father let my first instinct be to hand over every situation to you [Music] i pray that my first instinct would be to drop my carnal weapons and instead worship you in spirit and in truth i choose to trust in an ever-faithful god and i acknowledge that even when things don't go my way you are still sovereign and you are still the good god i pray that you may see my lifted hands as a sign of a heart that is filled with gratitude and thanksgiving i pray that you would see my hands lifted as an invitation for you to come into my circumstances and have your way i invite your presence lord to come and dwell within me [Music] may you come in and do as you please in any given circumstance i choose to let go and let you handle things father [Music] your word in psalm chapter 29 says ascribe to the lord o heavenly beings ascribe to the lord glory and strength ascribe to the lord the glory drew his name worship the lord in the splendor of holiness your word says the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is full of majesty you lord jesus sit enthroned as king forever i pray that the holy spirit would help me never to take my eyes off you father don't allow me to waver in fear even for a second in the face of adversity i pray that you would strengthen me to keep my hands lifted high and to always be found in worship father you deserve all the praise and honor you deserve all adoration even the angels in heaven always sing and worship you saying holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come worthy are you our lord and god to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created i praise you i honor you i lift your name on high and say you are worthy to be praised in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray thank you for listening to my prayer amen if you're hearing this today don't waste any more time please don't waste another day [Music] get right with jesus give your life to jesus christ surrender and commit yourself to him today you may not have tomorrow my friend so make an effort to know and love him more every day in your heart make the decision to honor him for the rest of your days and he will redeem every second of lost time now let us pray heavenly father you are the god of every moment you stand outside of time so great and mighty are you lord that time does not limit you time does not apply to you because you are the ancient of days lord you alone are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i praise you god because a thousand years is like a day to you and you are mighty lord thank you for giving me the gift of life thank you for giving me the opportunity to glorify you lord help me to live wisely help me to be wise with how i spend my days father help me to treat each day as a blessing from you as your servant moses wrote teach me to number my days so that i may get a heart of wisdom don't let me take a single second for granted god don't let me coast through life seeking my own comfort and pleasure allow me never to get too comfortable but to always be vigilant to be prayerful to be watchful lord as i go about my everyday life please show me the things i should be doing show me the ways i can be serving your kingdom both big and small make me aware of my spiritual gifts and talents so that i can serve the body of christ more effectively help me to live each day as if it were my last because my life is like a mist that will quickly disappear the plans i have they may never come to pass but father yours will help me to set my mind on heavenly things don't let me get caught up in the chaos of this world politics finances materialism all these things are minuscule in comparison to your vast and glorious plan of redemption for all mankind so father develop a deep sense of urgency in my heart so that i can do my part to spread the gospel give me a desire to live for jesus to pursue holiness and to honor you with everything that i have help me to live for the things that last not for temporary things that will fade away and at the end of my life may i be filled with peace may i rest in the knowledge that i did all i could with the time you gave me god don't let my life be characterized by bitterness or by regret over the things that i didn't do the words that i didn't say the opportunities that i didn't take instead may i be a faithful steward of this short and precious life so that i may receive an even greater reward in eternity god i thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty name of jesus that i pray and i give you thanks amen king jesus you are an awesome and mighty god i praise you for your amazing grace and love father today i pray that the words i speak may they lead me to life may they be words that build and encourage those around me give me a wholesome tongue lord so that i may be found to be speaking words that impact my life in a positive and godly way i pray that you would give me a wholesome tongue so that i may be speaking words that are in line with your will and purpose for me transform my heart so that the words that come out of my mouth may be in line with your will and purpose for me may the words that come out of my mouth be a reflection of your transformative work change my heart lord so that my words will be words of faith hope and victory holy spirit i pray that you would guide me and give me the presence of mind to always speak positive words words of faith and victory over myself over my family and my loved ones guide me to speak the word of god always lord i pray that i would not use my words to simply describe the situation and circumstances that i find myself in but through the authority that in the name of jesus christ i will speak god's word into every situation that i face so that you king jesus may have all the power and all the glory holy spirit may you help me so that i may not have a tongue that always speaks of how big my problems are [Music] but i pray that you would give me a mouth and the faith to tell my problems about how big my god is father your word in proverbs chapter 6 verse 2 tells me that you are snared by the words of your mouth you are taken by the words of your mouth therefore i choose to declare your goodness over my life i declare that i am expecting my god to overwhelm me with his goodness and amaze me with his favor [Music] your word in psalm chapter 31 verse 19 says o how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind lord i pray that i would continue to experience your abundant goodness lord jesus i pray that my family and i will continue to experience your kindness and your faithfulness your love and grace mean that as sons and daughters in your kingdom we will not worry we will not live in doubt we will not fear but instead we will keep our trust in you knowing that you are a god who will not fail you are a god who will never let us down your word says in luke 21 15 for i will give you a mouth and wisdom which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict i receive this promise give me a mouth of wisdom a mouth that is aware of the power and significance of my words and so out of the abundance of my mouth may i speak your word lord may i speak about your love and your amazing grace and the inherited favor that is upon my life and my home lord i thank you for listening to this prayer be blessed and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen hebrews 13 verse 8 says jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forever praise be unto the lord because he doesn't change he was merciful then he is merciful today and forevermore he was loving then he is loving today and forevermore jesus christ he never changes let us pray lord jesus i praise you for being an unchanging god i praise you for being consistent you endured the cross many thousands of years ago because of love and i praise you because that love has not changed nor will it change everything else that i know everyone else that i know they do change and they will change but how grateful i am that you do not change you are eternally changeless you worked miracles in the lives of many when you were here on this earth and i believe that you haven't changed you can still work miracles in our lives today you can still heal the sick and raise the dead you can still give sight to the blind and set people free from demonic oppression because indeed you are an unchanging god as for me lord help me to change for the better help me to change for your glory the bible says in second corinthians 5 verse 17 therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come jesus you are my lord and savior and because by faith i believe this i believe that you are risen from the dead and seated on the right hand side of god the father i pray that as a new creation in you may there be a change in my life as believers we are reborn and renewed by the holy spirit i thank you for a wonderful change within me a change where the old things the old man the flesh it has no power over me because i am in christ change me lord renew my mind transform my mind revive my heart strengthen my faith that's the kind of change that i desire romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect lord i do desire to be transformed and progressively changed as i mature spiritually take away all characteristics all traits and all habits that are not pleasing to you change me father remove fear from my life and increase my faith change me and remove anxiety and worry from within me lord give me peace and joy instead let me not be consumed by worldly passions let me not gain the world but yet lose my soul father although change is inevitable in this world i praise you for always being true for always being faithful it's because of your loving kindness that we are not consumed by the enemy you are and you have always been a god who is full of mercy your mercies are new each and every morning god now be glorified and be praised there is none like you lord i thank you i thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen lord be praised and honored father i thank you for being a wonderful and merciful god lord jesus i pray that you would teach us how to number our days teach us to be wise with our time here on earth lord lead me to be wise about how i spend my time lead us to be wise with what we spend our time doing on this earth help us to realize what truly matters what matters is my relationship with you jesus what matters is building and storing up treasures in heaven what matters is to testify about your goodness and to tell as many living souls as i can about the gospel of jesus christ lord help me not to chase after the riches and pleasures of this world because what will it profit us to gain the world but lose our souls it's of no benefit to make gains in this world at the expense of our souls lord your word says in romans 13 verse 14 but put on the lord jesus christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires help us to clothe ourselves with robes of righteousness and prayer help us to clothe ourselves in the full armor of god lord give us the strength to make no provision for the flesh help us king jesus to remain steadfast and never to even think about gratifying the flesh and its improper desires but instead give us a desire that is drawn to your presence a desire that is drawn to spending time in your presence father i truly praise you for all that you have brought me through i praise you for the lessons that you have taught me through each and every storm lord i thank you for bringing me through life's adversity and challenges through every storm may you develop my character through every crisis i pray that you will strengthen my faith through every challenge or problem may i become a more mature believer philippians 3 12-14 says not that i have already obtained this or i'm already perfect but i press on to make it my own because christ jesus has made me his own brothers i do not consider that i have made it my own but one thing i do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead i press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus lord as we press on as we strain forward and run this race of faith give us grace father the grace to endure those uncomfortable lessons the grace to hold on and never lose sight of your promises father give us the grace to understand that sometimes the answer to our prayers may be delayed but that does not mean that they are denied god give us grace to understand that sometimes you might say no to our request because you have something better and bigger in store for us should we experience any disruption in our lives may we understand that at times this disruption may be divine disruption you may intervene in our plans in order to guide us to a certain destination or in a particular direction but regardless of how uncomfortable the process may be we will continue to trust in you we'll continue to believe in you and to have faith in you your word in james chapter one verses two through four it says count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing father work in me lord help me to remember that when my faith is tested you are working to produce a good work within me lord i bless your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name amen lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life-giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there's no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you and i say that you are the lord of lords and king of kings in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you [Music] may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you [Music] lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks [Music] i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever i lay down my life for you father be glorified now and always all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen lord jesus i lift up my hands as a sign of surrender have your way and may your will be done i lift up my hands to signal that i am letting go of trying to control things i lift up my hands to signal that i am relying on your amazing grace and on your love i accept that your will is better than mine your ways are higher than mine your timing is better than mine father instead of fighting the battle in front of me i will focus on you the one who holds all power rather than relying on my own might i will rely on your strength lord jesus i will place my faith in you i pray that my hands would always be lifted in worship to you and regardless of whether i am in chains like paul and silas may you be praised lord whether or not disaster strikes may you be praised lord jesus if i am tired and weary i pray that you would give me strength through the holy spirit to praise and to worship you even if the enemy attacks may i be protected by the fact that my hands will constantly be lifted up in worship to you lord father let my first instinct be to hand over every situation to you [Music] i pray that my first instinct would be to drop my carnal weapons and instead worship you in spirit and in truth i choose to trust in an ever faithful god and i acknowledge that even when things don't go my way you are still sovereign and you are still a good god i pray that you may see my lifted hands as a sign of a heart that is filled with gratitude and thanksgiving i pray that you would see my hands lifted as an invitation for you to come into my circumstances and have your way i invite your presence lord to come and dwell within me may you come in and do as you please in any given circumstance i choose to let go and let you handle things father your word in psalm chapter 29 says ascribe to the lord o heavenly beings ascribe to the lord glory and strength ascribe to the lord the glory drew his name worship the lord in the splendor of holiness your word says the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is full of majesty you lord jesus sit enthroned as king forever i pray that the holy spirit would help me never to take my eyes off you father don't allow me to waver in fear even for a second in the face of adversity i pray that you would strengthen me to keep my hands lifted high and to always be found in worship father you deserve all the praise and honor you deserve all adoration even the angels in heaven always sing and worship you saying holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come worthy are you our lord and god to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created i praise you i honor you i lift your name on high and say you are worthy to be praised in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray thank you for listening to my prayer amen if you're hearing this today don't waste any more time please don't waste another day get right with jesus give your life to jesus christ surrender and commit yourself to him today you may not have tomorrow my friend so make an effort to know and love him more every day in your heart make the decision to honor him for the rest of your days and he will redeem every second of lost time now let us pray [Music] heavenly father you are the god of every moment you stand outside of time so great and mighty are you lord that time does not limit you time does not apply to you because you are the ancient of days lord you alone are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i praise you god because a thousand years is like a day to you and you are mighty lord thank you for giving me the gift of life thank you for giving me the opportunity to glorify you lord help me to live wisely help me to be wise with how i spend my days [Music] father help me to treat each day as a blessing from you as your servant moses wrote teach me to number my days so that i may get a heart of wisdom don't let me take a single second for granted god don't let me coast through life seeking my own comfort and pleasure allow me never to get too comfortable but to always be vigilant to be prayerful to be watchful lord as i go about my everyday life please show me the things i should be doing show me the ways i can be serving your kingdom both big and small make me aware of my spiritual gifts and talents so that i can serve the body of christ more effectively help me to live each day as if it were my last because my life is like a mist that will quickly disappear the plans i have they may never come to pass but father yours will help me to set my mind on heavenly things don't let me get caught up in the chaos of this world politics finances materialism all these things are miniscule in comparison to your vast and glorious plan of redemption for all mankind so father develop a deep sense of urgency in my heart so that i can do my part to spread the gospel give me a desire to live for jesus to pursue holiness and to honor you with everything that i have help me to live for the things that last not for temporary things that will fade away and at the end of my life may i be filled with peace [Music] may i rest in the knowledge that i did all i could with the time you gave me god don't let my life be characterized by bitterness or by regret over the things that i didn't do the words that i didn't say the opportunities that i didn't take instead may i be a faithful steward of this short and precious life so that i may receive an even greater reward in eternity god i thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty name of jesus that i pray and i give you thanks amen [Music] king jesus you are an awesome and mighty god i praise you for your amazing grace and love father today i pray that the words i speak may they lead me to life may they be words that build and encourage those around me give me a wholesome tongue lord so that i may be found to be speaking words that impact my life in a positive and godly way i pray that you would give me a wholesome tongue so that i may be speaking words that are in line with your will and purpose for me transform my heart so that the words that come out of my mouth may be in line with your will and purpose for me may the words that come out of my mouth be a reflection of your transformative work [Music] change my heart lord so that my words will be words of faith hope and victory holy spirit i pray that you would guide me and give me the presence of mind to always speak positive words words of faith and victory over myself over my family and my loved ones guide me to speak the word of god always lord i pray that i would not use my words to simply describe the situation and circumstances that i find myself in but through the authority that in the name of jesus christ i will speak god's word into every situation that i face so that you king jesus may have all the power and all the glory holy spirit may you help me so that i may not have a tongue that always speaks of how big my problems are but i pray that you would give me a mouth and the faith to tell my problems about how big my god is father your word in proverbs chapter 6 verse 2 tells me that you are snared by the words of your mouth you are taken by the words of your mouth therefore i choose to declare your goodness over my life i declare that i am expecting my god to overwhelm me with his goodness and amaze me with his favor [Music] your word in psalm chapter 31 verse 19 says oh how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind lord i pray that i would continue to experience your abundant goodness lord jesus i pray that my family and i will continue to experience your kindness and your faithfulness your love and grace mean that as sons and daughters in your kingdom we will not worry we will not live in doubt we will not fear but instead we will keep our trust in you knowing that you are a god who will not fail you are a god who will never let us down your word says in luke 21 15 for i will give you a mouth and wisdom which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict i receive this promise give me a mouth of wisdom a mouth that is aware of the power and significance of my words and so out of the abundance of my mouth may i speak your word lord may i speak about your love and your amazing grace and the unmerited favor that is upon my life and my home lord i thank you for listening to this prayer be blessed and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen hebrews 13 verse 8 says jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forever praise be unto the lord because he doesn't change he was merciful then he is merciful today and forevermore he was loving then he is loving and forevermore jesus christ he never changes let us pray lord jesus i praise you for being an unchanging god i praise you for being consistent you endured the cross many thousands of years ago because of love and i praise you because that love has not changed nor will it change [Music] everything else that i know [Music] everyone else that i know they do change and they will change but how grateful i am that you do not change you are eternally changeless you worked miracles in the lives of many when you were here on this earth and i believe that you haven't changed you can still work miracles in our lives today you can still heal the sick and raise the dead you can still give sight to the blind and set people free from demonic oppression because indeed you are an unchanging god as for me lord help me to change for the better help me to change for your glory the bible says in second corinthians 5 verse 17 therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come jesus you are my lord and savior and because by faith i believe this i believe that you are risen from the dead and seated on the right hand side of god the father i pray that as a new creation in you may there be a change in my life as believers we are reborn and renewed by the holy spirit i thank you for a wonderful change within me a change where the old things the old man the flesh it has no power over me because i am in christ change me lord renew my mind transform my mind revive my heart strengthen my faith that's the kind of change that i desire romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect lord i do desire to be transformed and progressively changed as i mature spiritually take away all characteristics all traits and all habits that are not pleasing to you change me father remove fear from my life and increase my faith change me and remove anxiety and worry from within me lord give me peace and joy instead let me not be consumed by worldly passions let me not gain the world but yet lose my soul father although change is inevitable in this world i praise you for always being true for always being faithful it's because of your loving-kindness that we are not consumed by the enemy you are and you have always been a god who is full of mercy your mercies are new each and every morning god now be glorified and be praised there is none like you lord i thank you i thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen [Music] lord be praised and honored father i thank you for being a wonderful and merciful god lord jesus i pray that you would teach us how to number our days teach us to be wise with our time here on earth lord lead me to be wise about how i spend my time [Music] lead us to be wise with what we spend our time doing on this earth help us to realize what truly matters what matters is my relationship with you jesus what matters is building and storing up treasures in heaven what matters is to testify about your goodness and to tell as many living souls as i can about the gospel of jesus christ lord help me not to chase after the riches and pleasures of this world because what will it profit us to gain the world but lose our souls it's of no benefit to make gains in this world at the expense of our souls lord your word says in romans 13 verse 14 but put on the lord jesus christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires help us to clothe ourselves with robes of righteousness and prayer help us to clothe ourselves in the full armor of god lord give us the strength to make no provision for the flesh help us king jesus to remain steadfast and never to even think about gratifying the flesh and its improper desires but instead give us a desire that is drawn to your presence a desire that is drawn to spending time in your presence father i truly praise you for all that you have brought me through i praise you for the lessons that you have taught me through each and every storm lord i thank you for bringing me through life's adversity and challenges through every storm may you develop my character through every crisis i pray that you will strengthen my faith through every challenge or problem may i become a more mature believer philippians 3 12-14 says not that i have already obtained this or i'm already perfect but i press on to make it my own because christ jesus has made me his own brothers i do not consider that i have made it my own but one thing i do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead i press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus lord as we press on as we strain forward and run this race of faith give us grace father the grace to endure those uncomfortable lessons the grace to hold on and never lose sight of your promises father give us the grace to understand that sometimes the answer to our prayers may be delayed but that does not mean that they are denied god give us grace to understand that sometimes you might say no to our request because you have something better and bigger in store for us should we experience any disruption in our lives may we understand that at times this disruption may be divine disruption you may intervene in our plans in order to guide us to a certain destination or in a particular direction but regardless of how uncomfortable the process may be we will continue to trust in you we'll continue to believe in you and to have faith in you your word in james chapter 1 verses 2 through 4. it says count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing father work in me lord help me to remember that when my faith is tested you are working to produce a good work within me [Music] lord i bless your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name amen lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them [Music] father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life-giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there's no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you and i say that you are the lord of lords and king of kings in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you [Music] lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god [Music] your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love [Music] who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever i lay down my life for you father be glorified now and always all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen lord jesus i lift up my hands as a sign of surrender have your way and may your will be done i lift up my hands to signal that i am letting go of trying to control things i lift up my hands to signal that i am relying on your amazing grace and on your love i accept that your will is better than mine your ways are higher than mine your timing is better than mine father instead of fighting the battle in front of me i will focus on you the one who holds all power rather than relying on my own might i will rely on your strength lord jesus i will place my faith in you i pray that my hands would always be lifted in worship to you and regardless of whether i am in chains like paul and silas may you be praised lord whether or not disaster strikes may you be praised lord jesus [Music] if i am tired and weary i pray that you would give me strength through the holy spirit to praise and to worship you even if the enemy attacks may i be protected by the fact that my hands will constantly be lifted up in worship to you lord father let my first instinct be to hand over every situation to you i pray that my first instinct would be to drop my carnal weapons and instead worship you in spirit and in truth i choose to trust in an ever faithful god and i acknowledge that even when things don't go my way you are still sovereign and you are still a good god i pray that you may see my lifted hands as a sign of a heart that is filled with gratitude and thanksgiving i pray that you would see my hands lifted as an invitation for you to come into my circumstances and have your way i invite your presence lord to come and dwell within me may you come in and do as you please in any given circumstance i choose to let go and let you handle things father your word in psalm chapter 29 says ascribe to the lord o heavenly beings ascribe to the lord glory and strength [Music] ascribe to the lord the glory to his name worship the lord in the splendor of holiness your word says the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is full of majesty lord jesus sit enthroned as king forever i pray that the holy spirit would help me never to take my eyes off you father [Music] don't allow me to waver in fear even for a second in the face of adversity i pray that you would strengthen me to keep my hands lifted high and to always be found in worship [Music] father you deserve all the praise and honor you deserve all adoration even the angels in heaven always sing and worship you saying holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come worthy are you our lord and god to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created i praise you i honor you i lift your name on high and say you are worthy to be praised in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray [Music] thank you for listening to my prayer amen if you're hearing this today don't waste any more time please don't waste another day get right with jesus give your life to jesus christ surrender and commit yourself to him today you may not have tomorrow my friend so make an effort to know and love him more every day in your heart make the decision to honor him for the rest of your days and he will redeem every second of lost time now let us pray heavenly father you are the god of every moment you stand outside of time so great and mighty are you lord that time does not limit you time does not apply to you because you are the ancient of days lord you alone are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i praise you god because a thousand years is like a day to you and you are mighty lord thank you for giving me the gift of life thank you for giving me the opportunity to glorify you lord help me to live wisely help me to be wise with how i spend my days father help me to treat each day as a blessing from you as your servant moses wrote teach me to number my days so that i may get a heart of wisdom don't let me take a single second for granted god don't let me coast through life seeking my own comfort and pleasure allow me never to get too comfortable but to always be vigilant to be prayerful to be watchful lord as i go about my everyday life please show me the things i should be doing show me the ways i can be serving your kingdom both big and small make me aware of my spiritual gifts and talents so that i can serve the body of christ more effectively help me to live each day as if it were my last because my life is like a mist that will quickly disappear the plans i have they may never come to pass but father yours will help me to set my mind on heavenly things don't let me get caught up in the chaos of this world politics finances materialism all these things are minuscule in comparison to your vast and glorious plan of redemption for all mankind so father develop a deep sense of urgency in my heart so that i can do my part to spread the gospel give me a desire to live for jesus to pursue holiness and to honor you with everything that i have help me to live for the things that last not for temporary things that will fade away and at the end of my life may i be filled with peace may i rest in the knowledge that i did all i could with the time you gave me god don't let my life be characterized by bitterness or by regret over the things that i didn't do the words that i didn't say the opportunities that i didn't take instead may i be a faithful steward of this short and precious life so that i may receive an even greater reward in eternity god i thank you for hearing my prayer [Music] it's in the mighty name of jesus that i pray and i give you thanks amen king jesus you are an awesome and mighty god i praise you for your amazing grace and love father today i pray that the words i speak may they lead me to life may they be words that build and encourage those around me give me a wholesome tongue lord so that i may be found to be speaking words that impact my life in a positive and godly way i pray that you would give me a wholesome tongue so that i may be speaking words that are in line with your will and purpose for me transform my heart so that the words that come out of my mouth may be in line with your will and purpose for me may the words that come out of my mouth be a reflection of your transformative work change my heart lord so that my words will be words of faith hope and victory holy spirit i pray that you would guide me and give me the presence of mind to always speak positive words words of faith and victory over myself over my family and my loved ones guide me to speak the word of god always lord i pray that i would not use my words to simply describe the situation and circumstances that i find myself in but through the authority that in the name of jesus christ i will speak god's word into every situation that i face so that you king jesus may have all the power and all the glory [Music] holy spirit may you help me so that i may not have a tongue that always speaks of how big my problems are but i pray that you would give me a mouth and the faith to tell my problems about how big my god is [Music] father your word in proverbs chapter 6 verse 2 tells me that you are snared by the words of your mouth you are taken by the words of your mouth therefore i choose to declare your goodness over my life i declare that i am expecting my god to overwhelm me with his goodness and amaze me with his favor your word in psalm chapter 31 verse 19 says o how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind lord i pray that i would continue to experience your abundant goodness lord jesus i pray that my family and i will continue to experience your kindness and your faithfulness your love and grace mean that as sons and daughters in your kingdom we will not worry we will not live in doubt we will not fear but instead we will keep our trust in you knowing that you are a god who will not fail you are a god who will never let us down your word says in luke 21 15 for i will give you a mouth and wisdom which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict i receive this promise give me a mouth of wisdom a mouth that is aware of the power and significance of my words [Music] and so out of the abundance of my mouth may i speak your word lord may i speak about your love and your amazing grace and the inherited favor that is upon my life and my home lord i thank you for listening to this prayer be blessed and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen [Music] hebrews 13 verse 8 says jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forever praise be unto the lord because he doesn't change he was merciful then he is merciful today and forevermore he was loving then he is loving today and forevermore jesus christ he never changes let us pray [Music] lord jesus i praise you for being an unchanging god i praise you for being consistent you endured the cross many thousands of years ago because of love and i praise you because that love has not changed nor will it change everything else that i know everyone else that i know they do change and they will change but how grateful i am that you do not change you are eternally changeless you worked miracles in the lives of many when you were here on this earth and i believe that you haven't changed you can still work miracles in our lives today you can still heal the sick and raise the dead you can still give sight to the blind and set people free from demonic oppression because indeed you are an unchanging god as for me lord help me to change for the better help me to change for your glory the bible says in second corinthians 5 verse 17 therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come jesus you are my lord and savior and because by faith i believe this i believe that you are risen from the dead and seated on the right hand side of god the father i pray that as a new creation in you may there be a change in my life as believers we are reborn and renewed by the holy spirit i thank you for a wonderful change within me a change where the old things the old man the flesh it has no power over me because i am in christ change me lord renew my mind transform my mind revive my heart strengthen my faith that's the kind of change that i desire romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect lord i do desire to be transformed and progressively changed as i mature spiritually take away all characteristics all traits and all habits that are not pleasing to you [Music] change me father remove fear from my life and increase my faith change me and remove anxiety and worry from within me lord give me peace and joy instead let me not be consumed by worldly passions let me not gain the world but yet lose my soul father although change is inevitable in this world i praise you for always being true for always being faithful it's because of your loving kindness that we are not consumed by the enemy you are and you have always been a god who is full of mercy your mercies are new each and every morning god now be glorified and be praised there is none like you lord i thank you i thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen lord be praised and honored father i thank you for being a wonderful and merciful god lord jesus i pray that you would teach us how to number our days teach us to be wise with our time here on earth lord lead me to be wise about how i spend my time lead us to be wise with what we spend our time doing on this earth help us to realize what truly matters what matters is my relationship with you jesus what matters is building and storing up treasures in heaven what matters is to testify about your goodness and to tell as many living souls as i can about the gospel of jesus christ lord help me not to chase after the riches and pleasures of this world because what will it profit us to gain the world but lose our souls it's of no benefit to make gains in this world at the expense of our souls lord your word says in romans 13 verse 14 but put on the lord jesus christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires help us to clothe ourselves with robes of righteousness and prayer help us to clothe ourselves in the full armor of god lord give us the strength to make no provision for the flesh help us king jesus to remain steadfast and never to even think about gratifying the flesh and its improper desires but instead give us a desire that is drawn to your presence a desire that is drawn to spending time in your presence father i truly praise you for all that you have brought me through i praise you for the lessons that you have taught me through each and every storm lord i thank you for bringing me through life's adversity and challenges through every storm may you develop my character through every crisis i pray that you will strengthen my faith through every challenge or problem may i become a more mature believer philippians 3 12-14 says not that i have already obtained this or i'm already perfect but i press on to make it my own because christ jesus has made me his own brothers i do not consider that i have made it my own but one thing i do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead i press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus lord as we press on as we strain forward and run this race of faith give us grace father the grace to endure those uncomfortable lessons the grace to hold on and never lose sight of your promises father give us the grace to understand that sometimes the answer to our prayers may be delayed but that does not mean that they are denied god give us grace to understand that sometimes you might say no to our request because you have something better and bigger in store for us should we experience any disruption in our lives may we understand that at times this disruption may be divine disruption you may intervene in our plans in order to guide us to a certain destination or in a particular direction but regardless of how uncomfortable the process may be we will continue to trust in you we'll continue to believe in you and to have faith in you your word in james chapter one verses two through four it says counted all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing father work in me lord help me to remember that when my faith is tested you are working to produce a good work within me lord i bless your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name amen [Music] lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them [Music] father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there's no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1-3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you and i say that you are the lord of lords and king of kings in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you [Music] lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever i lay down my life for you father be glorified now and always all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen [Music] lord jesus i lift up my hands as a sign of surrender have your way and may your will be done i lift up my hands to signal that i am letting go of trying to control things i lift up my hands to signal that i am relying on your amazing grace and on your love i accept that your will is better than mine your ways are higher than mine your timing is better than mine father instead of fighting the battle in front of me i will focus on you the one who holds all power rather than relying on my own might i will rely on your strength lord jesus i will place my faith in you i pray that my hands would always be lifted in worship to you and regardless of whether i am in chains like paul and silas may you be praised lord whether or not disaster strikes may you be praised lord jesus if i am tired and weary i pray that you would give me strength through the holy spirit to praise and to worship you even if the enemy attacks may i be protected by the fact that my hands will constantly be lifted up in worship to you lord father let my first instinct be to hand over every situation to you i pray that my first instinct would be to drop my carnal weapons and instead worship you in spirit and in truth i choose to trust in an ever faithful god and i acknowledge that even when things don't go my way you are still sovereign and you are still a good god i pray that you may see my lifted hands as a sign of a heart that is filled with gratitude and thanksgiving i pray that you would see my hands lifted as an invitation for you to come into my circumstances and have your way [Music] i invite your presence lord to come and dwell within me may you come in and do as you please in any given circumstance i choose to let go and let you handle things father your word in psalm chapter 29 says ascribe to the lord o heavenly beings ascribe to the lord glory and strength ascribe to the lord the glory drew his name worship the lord in the splendor of holiness your word says the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is full of majesty you lord jesus sit enthroned as king forever i pray that the holy spirit would help me never to take my eyes off you father don't allow me to waver in fear even for a second in the face of adversity i pray that you would strengthen me to keep my hands lifted high and to always be found in worship father you deserve all the praise and honor you deserve all adoration even the angels in heaven always sing and worship you saying holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come worthy are you our lord and god to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created i praise you i honor you i lift your name on high and say you are worthy to be praised in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray thank you for listening to my prayer amen if you're hearing this today don't waste any more time please don't waste another day get right with jesus give your life to jesus christ surrender and commit yourself to him today you may not have tomorrow my friend so make an effort to know and love him more every day in your heart make the decision to honor him for the rest of your days and he will redeem every second of lost time now let us pray heavenly father you are the god of every moment you stand outside of time so great and mighty are you lord that time does not limit you time does not apply to you because you are the ancient of days lord you alone are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i praise you god because a thousand years is like a day to you and you are mighty lord thank you for giving me the gift of life thank you for giving me the opportunity to glorify you lord help me to live wisely help me to be wise with how i spend my days father help me to treat each day as a blessing from you as your servant moses wrote teach me to number my days so that i may get a heart of wisdom [Music] don't let me take a single second for granted god don't let me coast through life seeking my own comfort and pleasure allow me never to get too comfortable but to always be vigilant to be prayerful to be watchful lord as i go about my everyday life please show me the things i should be doing show me the ways i can be serving your kingdom both big and small make me aware of my spiritual gifts and talents so that i can serve the body of christ more effectively help me to live each day as if it were my last because my life is like a mist that will quickly disappear the plans i have they may never come to pass but father yours will help me to set my mind on heavenly things don't let me get caught up in the chaos of this world politics finances materialism all these things are minuscule in comparison to your vast and glorious plan of redemption for all mankind so father develop a deep sense of urgency in my heart so that i can do my part to spread the gospel give me a desire to live for jesus to pursue holiness and to honor you with everything that i have [Music] help me to live for the things that last not for temporary things that will fade away and at the end of my life may i be filled with peace may i rest in the knowledge that i did all i could with the time you gave me god don't let my life be characterized by bitterness or by regret over the things that i didn't do the words that i didn't say the opportunities that i didn't take instead may i be a faithful steward of this short and precious life so that i may receive an even greater reward in eternity god i thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty name of jesus that i pray and i give you thanks amen [Music] king jesus you are an awesome and mighty god i praise you for your amazing grace and love father today i pray that the words i speak may they lead me to life may they be words that build and encourage those around me give me a wholesome tongue lord so that i may be found to be speaking words that impact my life in a positive and godly way i pray that you would give me a wholesome tongue so that i may be speaking words that are in line with your will and purpose for me [Music] transform my heart so that the words that come out of my mouth may be in line with your will and purpose for me may the words that come out of my mouth be a reflection of your transformative work change my heart lord so that my words will be words of faith hope and victory holy spirit i pray that you would guide me and give me the presence of mind to always speak positive words words of faith and victory over myself over my family and my loved ones guide me to speak the word of god always lord i pray that i would not use my words to simply describe the situation and circumstances that i find myself in but through the authority that in the name of jesus christ i will speak god's word into every situation that i face so that you king jesus may have all the power and all the glory holy spirit may you help me so that i may not have a tongue that always speaks of how big my problems are but i pray that you would give me a mouth and the faith to tell my problems about how big my god is father your word in proverbs chapter 6 verse 2 tells me that you are snared by the words of your mouth you are taken by the words of your mouth therefore i choose to declare your goodness over my life i declare that i am expecting my god to overwhelm me with his goodness and amaze me with his favor your word in psalm chapter 31 verse 19 says o how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind lord i pray that i would continue to experience your abundant goodness lord jesus i pray that my family and i will continue to experience your kindness and your faithfulness your love and grace mean that as sons and daughters in your kingdom we will not worry we will not live in doubt we will not fear but instead we will keep our trust in you knowing that you are a god who will not fail you are a god who will never let us down your word says in luke 21 15 for i will give you a mouth and wisdom which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict i receive this promise give me a mouth of wisdom a mouth that is aware of the power and significance of my words and so out of the abundance of my mouth may i speak your word lord may i speak about your love and your amazing grace and the unmerited favor that is upon my life and my home lord i thank you for listening to this prayer be blessed and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen hebrews 13 verse 8 says jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forever praise be unto the lord because he doesn't change he was merciful then he is merciful today and forevermore he was loving then he is loving today and forevermore jesus christ he never changes let us pray lord jesus i praise you for being an unchanging god i praise you for being consistent you endured the cross many thousands of years ago because of love and i praise you because that love has not changed nor will it change everything else that i know everyone else that i know they do change and they will change but how grateful i am that you do not change you are eternally changeless you worked miracles in the lives of many when you were here on this earth and i believe that you haven't changed you can still work miracles in our lives today you can still heal the sick and raise the dead you can still give sight to the blind and set people free from demonic oppression because indeed you are an unchanging god as for me lord help me to change for the better help me to change for your glory the bible says in second corinthians 5 verse 17 therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come jesus you are my lord and savior and because by faith i believe this i believe that you are risen from the dead and seated on the right hand side of god the father i pray that as a new creation in you may there be a change in my life as believers we are reborn and renewed by the holy spirit i thank you for a wonderful change within me a change where the old things the old man the flesh it has no power over me because i am in christ change me lord renew my mind transform my mind revive my heart strengthen my faith that's the kind of change that i desire romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect lord i do desire to be transformed and progressively changed as i mature spiritually take away all characteristic all traits and all habits that are not pleasing to you change me father remove fear from my life and increase my faith change me and remove anxiety and worry from within me lord give me peace and joy instead let me not be consumed by worldly passions let me not gain the world but yet lose my soul father although change is inevitable in this world i praise you for always being true for always being faithful it's because of your loving kindness that we are not consumed by the enemy you are and you have always been a god who is full of mercy your mercies are new each and every morning god now be glorified and be praised there is none like you lord i thank you i thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen lord be praised and honored father i thank you for being a wonderful and merciful god lord jesus i pray that you would teach us how to number our days teach us to be wise with our time here on earth lord lead me to be wise about how i spend my time lead us to be wise with what we spend our time doing on this earth help us to realize what truly matters what matters is my relationship with you jesus what matters is building and storing up treasures in heaven what matters is to testify about your goodness and to tell as many living souls as i can about the gospel of jesus christ lord help me not to chase after the riches and pleasures of this world because what will it profit us to gain the world but lose our souls it's of no benefit to make gains in this world at the expense of our souls lord your word says in romans 13 verse 14 but put on the lord jesus christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires help us to clothe ourselves with robes of righteousness and prayer help us to clothe ourselves in the full armor of god lord give us the strength to make no provision for the flesh help us king jesus to remain steadfast and never to even think about gratifying the flesh and its improper desires but instead give us a desire that is drawn to your presence a desire that is drawn to spending time in your presence father i truly praise you for all that you have brought me through i praise you for the lessons that you have taught me through each and every storm lord i thank you for bringing me through life's adversity and challenges through every storm may you develop my character through every crisis i pray that you will strengthen my faith through every challenge or problem may i become a more mature believer philippians 3 12-14 says not that i have already obtained this or am already perfect but i press on to make it my own because christ jesus has made me his own brothers i do not consider that i have made it my own but one thing i do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead i press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus lord as we press on as we strain forward and run this race of faith give us grace father the grace to endure those uncomfortable lessons the grace to hold on and never lose sight of your promises father give us the grace to understand that sometimes the answer to our prayers may be delayed but that does not mean that they are denied god give us grace to understand that sometimes you might say no to our request because you have something better and bigger in store for us should we experience any disruption in our lives may we understand that at times this disruption may be divine disruption you may intervene in our plans in order to guide us to a certain destination or in a particular direction but regardless of how uncomfortable the process may be we will continue to trust in you we'll continue to believe in you and to have faith in you [Music] your word in james chapter one verses two through four it says counted all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing father work in me lord help me to remember that when my faith is tested you are working to produce a good work within me lord i bless your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name amen lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life-giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will [Music] father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there's no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you and i say that you are the lord of lords and king of kings in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever i lay down my life for you father be glorified now and always all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen jesus i lift up my hands as a sign of surrender have your way and may your will be done i lift up my hands to signal that i am letting go of trying to control things i lift up my hands to signal that i am relying on your amazing grace and on your love i accept that your will is better than mine your ways are higher than mine your timing is better than mine father instead of fighting the battle in front of me i will focus on you the one who holds all power rather than relying on my own might i will rely on your strength lord jesus [Music] i will place my faith in you i pray that my hands would always be lifted in worship to you and regardless of whether i am in chains like paul and silas may you be praised lord whether or not disaster strikes may you be praised lord jesus if i am tired and weary i pray that you would give me strength through the holy spirit to praise and to worship you even if the enemy attacks may i be protected by the fact that my hands will constantly be lifted up in worship to you lord father let my first instinct be to hand over every situation to you i pray that my first instinct would be to drop my carnal weapons and instead worship you in spirit and in truth i choose to trust in an ever faithful god and i acknowledge that even when things don't go my way you are still sovereign and you are still a good god i pray that you may see my lifted hands as a sign of a heart that is filled with gratitude and thanksgiving [Music] i pray that you would see my hands lifted as an invitation for you to come into my circumstances and have your way i invite your presence lord to come and dwell within me may you come in and do as you please in any given circumstance i choose to let go and let you handle things father your word in psalm chapter 29 says ascribe to the lord o heavenly beings ascribe to the lord glory and strength ascribe to the lord the glory drew his name worship the lord in the splendor of holiness your word says the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is full of majesty you lord jesus sit enthroned as king forever i pray that the holy spirit would help me never to take my eyes off you father don't allow me to waver in fear even for a second in the face of adversity i pray that you would strengthen me to keep my hands lifted high and to always be found in worship father you deserve all the praise and honor you deserve all adoration even the angels in heaven always sing and worship you saying holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come worthy are you our lord and god to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created i praise you i honor you i lift your name on high and say you are worthy to be praised in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray thank you for listening to my prayer amen if you're hearing this today don't waste any more time please don't waste another day get right with jesus give your life to jesus christ surrender and commit yourself to him today you may not have tomorrow my friend so make an effort to know and love him more every day in your heart make the decision to honor him for the rest of your days and he will redeem every second of lost time now let us pray heavenly father you are the god of every moment you stand outside of time so great and mighty are you lord that time does not limit you time does not apply to you because you are the ancient of days lord you alone are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i praise you god because a thousand years is like a day to you and you are mighty lord thank you for giving me the gift of life thank you for giving me the opportunity to glorify you [Music] lord help me to live wisely help me to be wise with how i spend my days father help me to treat each day as a blessing from you as your servant moses wrote teach me to number my days so that i may get a heart of wisdom don't let me take a single second for granted god don't let me coast through life seeking my own comfort and pleasure allow me never to get too comfortable but to always be vigilant to be prayerful to be watchful lord as i go about my everyday life please show me the things i should be doing show me the ways i can be serving your kingdom both big and small make me aware of my spiritual gifts and talents so that i can serve the body of christ more effectively help me to live each day as if it were my last because my life is like a mist that will quickly disappear the plans i have they may never come to pass but father yours will help me to set my mind on heavenly things don't let me get caught up in the chaos of this world politics finances materialism all these things are minuscule in comparison to your vast and glorious plan of redemption for all mankind so father develop a deep sense of urgency in my heart so that i can do my part to spread the gospel give me a desire to live for jesus to pursue holiness and to honor you with everything that i have help me to live for the things that last not for temporary things that will fade away and at the end of my life may i be filled with peace may i rest in the knowledge that i did all i could with the time you gave me god don't let my life be characterized by bitterness or by regret over the things that i didn't do the words that i didn't say the opportunities that i didn't take instead may i be a faithful steward of this short precious life so that i may receive an even greater reward in eternity god i thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty name of jesus that i pray and i give you thanks amen [Music] king jesus you are an awesome and mighty god i praise you for your amazing grace and love father today i pray that the words i speak may they lead me to life may they be words that build and encourage those around me give me a wholesome tongue lord so that i may be found to be speaking words that impact my life in a positive and godly way i pray that you would give me a wholesome tongue so that i may be speaking words that are in line with your will and purpose for me transform my heart so that the words that come out of my mouth may be in line with your will and purpose for me may the words that come out of my mouth be a reflection of your transformative work change my heart lord so that my words will be words of faith hope and victory holy spirit i pray that you would guide me and give me the presence of mind to always speak positive words words of faith and victory over myself over my family and my loved ones guide me to speak the word of god always lord i pray that i would not use my words to simply describe the situation and circumstances that i find myself in but through the authority that in the name of jesus christ i will speak god's word into every situation that i face so that you king jesus may have all the power and all the glory holy spirit may you help me so that i may not have a tongue that always speaks of how big my problems are [Music] but i pray that you would give me a mouth and the faith to tell my problems about how big my god is father your word in proverbs chapter 6 verse 2 tells me that you are snared by the words of your mouth you are taken by the words of your mouth therefore i choose to declare your goodness over my life i declare that i am expecting my god to overwhelm me with his goodness and amaze me with his favor your word in psalm chapter 31 verse 19 says o how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind lord i pray that i would continue to experience your abundant goodness lord jesus i pray that my family and i will continue to experience your kindness and your faithfulness your love and grace mean that as sons and daughters in your kingdom we will not worry we will not live in doubt we will not fear but instead we will keep our trust in you knowing that you are a god who will not fail you are a god who will never let us down your word says in luke 21 15 for i will give you a mouth and wisdom which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict i receive this promise give me a mouth of wisdom a mouth that is aware of the power and significance of my words and so out of the abundance of my mouth may i speak your word lord may i speak about your love and your amazing grace and the unmerited favor that is upon my life and my home lord i thank you for listening to this prayer be blessed and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen hebrews 13 verse 8 says jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forever praise be unto the lord because he doesn't change he was merciful then he is merciful today and forevermore he was loving then he is loving today and forevermore jesus christ he never changes let us pray lord jesus i praise you for being an unchanging god i praise you for being consistent you endured the cross many thousands of years ago because of love and i praise you because that love has not changed nor will it change everything else that i know everyone else that i know they do change and they will change but how grateful i am that you do not change you are eternally changeless you worked miracles in the lives of many when you were here on this earth and i believe that you haven't changed you can still work miracles in our lives today you can still heal the sick and raise the dead you can still give sight to the blind and set people free from demonic oppression because indeed you are an unchanging god as for me lord help me to change for the better help me to change for your glory the bible says in second corinthians 5 verse 17 therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come jesus you are my lord and savior and because by faith i believe this i believe that you're risen from the dead and seated on the right hand side of god the father i pray that as a new creation in you may there be a change in my life as believers we are reborn and renewed by the holy spirit i thank you for a wonderful change within me a change where the old things the old man the flesh it has no power over me because i am in christ change me lord renew my mind transform my mind revive my heart strengthen my faith that's the kind of change that i desire [Music] romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect lord i do desire to be transformed and progressively changed as i mature spiritually take away all characteristics all traits and all habits that are not pleasing to you change me father remove fear from my life and increase my faith change me and remove anxiety and worry from within me lord give me peace and joy instead let me not be consumed by worldly passions let me not gain the world but yet lose my soul father although change is inevitable in this world i praise you for always being true for always being faithful it's because of your loving kindness that we are not consumed by the enemy you are and you have always been a god who is full of mercy your mercies are new each and every morning god now be glorified and be praised there is none like you lord i thank you i thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen lord be praised and honored father i thank you for being a wonderful and merciful god lord jesus i pray that you would teach us how to number our days teach us to be wise with our time here on earth lord lead me to be wise about how i spend my time lead us to be wise with what we spend our time doing on this earth help us to realize what truly matters what matters is my relationship with you jesus what matters is building and storing up treasures in heaven what matters is to testify about your goodness and to tell as many living souls as i can about the gospel of jesus christ lord help me not to chase after the riches and pleasures of this world because what will it profit us to gain the world but lose our souls it's of no benefit to make gains in this world at the expense of our souls lord your word says in romans 13 verse 14 but put on the lord jesus christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires help us to clothe ourselves with robes of righteousness and prayer help us to clothe ourselves in the full armor of god lord give us the strength to make no provision for the flesh help us king jesus to remain steadfast and never to even think about gratifying the flesh and its improper desires but instead give us a desire that is drawn to your presence a desire that is drawn to spending time in your presence father i truly praise you for all that you have brought me through i praise you for the lessons that you have taught me through each and every storm lord i thank you for bringing me through life's adversity and challenges through every storm may you develop my character through every crisis i pray that you will strengthen my faith through every challenge or problem may i become a more mature believer philippians 3 12-14 says not that i have already obtained this or am already perfect but i press on to make it my own because christ jesus has made me his own brothers i do not consider that i have made it my own but one thing i do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead i press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus lord as we press on as we strain forward and run this race of faith give us grace father the grace to endure those uncomfortable lessons the grace to hold on and never lose sight of your promises father give us the grace to understand that sometimes the answer to our prayers may be delayed but that does not mean that they are denied god give us grace to understand that sometimes you might say no to our request because you have something better and bigger in store for us should we experience any disruption in our lives may we understand that at times this disruption may be divine disruption you may intervene in our plans in order to guide us to a certain destination or in a particular direction but regardless of how uncomfortable the process may be we will continue to trust in you will continue to believe in you and to have faith in you [Music] your word in james chapter one verses two through four it says count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing father work in me lord help me to remember that when my faith is tested you are working to produce a good work within me lord i bless your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name amen lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life-giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there is no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods [Music] be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you and i say that you are the lord of lords and king of kings in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father [Music] i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you [Music] lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever i lay down my life for you father be glorified now and always all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen lord jesus i lift up my hands as a sign of surrender have your way and may your will be done i lift up my hands to signal that i am letting go of trying to control things i lift up my hands to signal that i am relying on your amazing grace and on your love i accept that your will is better than mine your ways are higher than mine your timing is better than mine father instead of fighting the battle in front of me i will focus on you the one who holds all power rather than relying on my own might i will rely on your strength lord jesus [Music] i will place my faith in you i pray that my hands would always be lifted in worship to you and regardless of whether i am in chains like paul and silas [Music] may you be praised lord whether or not disaster strikes may you be praised lord jesus if i am tired and weary i pray that you would give me strength through the holy spirit to praise and to worship you even if the enemy attacks may i be protected by the fact that my hands will constantly be lifted up in worship to you lord father let my first instinct be to hand over every situation to you i pray that my first instinct would be to drop my carnal weapons and instead worship you in spirit and in truth i choose to trust in an ever faithful god and i acknowledge that even when things don't go my way you are still sovereign and you are still a good god i pray that you may see my lifted hands as a sign of a heart that is filled with gratitude and thanksgiving i pray that you would see my hands lifted as an invitation for you to come into my circumstances and have your way [Music] i invite your presence lord to come and dwell within me may you come in and do as you please in any given circumstance i choose to let go and let you handle things father [Music] your word in psalm chapter 29 says ascribe to the lord o heavenly beings ascribe to the lord glory and strength ascribe to the lord the glory due his name worship the lord in the splendor of holiness your word says the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is full of majesty you lord jesus sit enthroned as king forever i pray that the holy spirit would help me never to take my eyes off you father don't allow me to waver in fear even for a second in the face of adversity i pray that you would strengthen me to keep my hands lifted high and to always be found in worship father you deserve all the praise and honor you deserve all adoration [Music] even the angels in heaven always sing and worship you saying holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come worthy are you our lord and god receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created i praise you i honor you i lift your name on high and say you are worthy to be praised in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray thank you for listening to my prayer amen if you're hearing this today don't waste any more time please don't waste another day get right with jesus give your life to jesus christ surrender and commit yourself to him today you may not have tomorrow my friend so make an effort to know and love him more every day in your heart make the decision to honor him for the rest of your days and he will redeem every second of lost time now let us pray heavenly father you are the god of every moment you stand outside of time so great and mighty are you lord that time does not limit you time does not apply to you because you are the ancient of days lord you alone are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i praise you god because a thousand years is like a day to you and you are mighty lord thank you for giving me the gift of life [Music] thank you for giving me the opportunity to glorify you lord help me to live wisely help me to be wise with how i spend my days father help me to treat each day as a blessing from you as your servant moses wrote teach me to number my days so that i may get a heart of wisdom don't let me take a single second for granted god don't let me coast through life seeking my own comfort and pleasure allow me never to get too comfortable but to always be vigilant to be prayerful to be watchful lord as i go about my everyday life please show me the things i should be doing show me the ways i can be serving your kingdom both big and small make me aware of my spiritual gifts and talents so that i can serve the body of christ more effectively help me to live each day as if it were my last because my life is like a mist that will quickly disappear the plans i have they may never come to pass but father yours will help me to set my mind on heavenly things don't let me get caught up in the chaos of this world politics finances materialism all these things are minuscule in comparison to your vast and glorious plan of redemption for all mankind so father develop a deep sense of urgency in my heart so that i can do my part to spread the gospel give me a desire to live for jesus to pursue holiness and to honor you with everything that i have help me to live for the things that last not for temporary things that will fade away and at the end of my life may i be filled with peace may i rest in the knowledge that i did all i could with the time you gave me god don't let my life be characterized by bitterness or by regret over the things that i didn't do the words that i didn't say the opportunities that i didn't take instead may i be a faithful steward of this shortened precious life so that i may receive an even greater reward in eternity god i thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty name of jesus that i pray and i give you thanks amen king jesus you are an awesome and mighty god i praise you for your amazing grace and love father today i pray that the words i speak may they lead me to life may they be words that build and encourage those around me [Music] give me a wholesome tongue lord so that i may be found to be speaking words that impact my life in a positive and godly way i pray that you would give me a wholesome tongue so that i may be speaking words that are in line with your will and purpose for me transform my heart so that the words that come out of my mouth may be in line with your will and purpose for me may the words that come out of my mouth be a reflection of your transformative work change my heart lord so that my words will be words of faith hope and victory holy spirit i pray that you would guide me and give me the presence of mind to always speak positive words words of faith and victory over myself over my family and my loved ones guide me to speak the word of god always lord i pray that i would not use my words to simply describe the situation and circumstances that i find myself in but through the authority that in the name of jesus christ i will speak god's word into every situation that i face so that you king jesus may have all the power and all the glory holy spirit may you help me so that i may not have a tongue that always speaks of how big my problems are but i pray that you would give me a mouth and the faith to tell my problems about how big my god is father your word in proverbs chapter 6 verse 2 tells me that you are snared by the words of your mouth you are taken by the words of your mouth therefore i choose to declare your goodness over my life i declare that i am expecting my god to overwhelm me with his goodness and amaze me with his favor your word in psalm chapter 31 verse 19 says o how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind lord i pray that i would continue to experience your abundant goodness lord jesus i pray that my family and i will continue to experience your kindness and your faithfulness your love and grace mean that as sons and daughters in your kingdom we will not worry we will not live in doubt we will not fear but instead we will keep our trust in you knowing that you are a god who will not fail you are a god who will never let us down word says in luke 21 15 for i will give you a mouth and wisdom which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict i receive this promise give me a mouth of wisdom a mouth that is aware of the power and significance of my words and so out of the abundance of my mouth may i speak your word lord may i speak about your love and your amazing grace and the unmerited favor that is upon my life and my home lord i thank you for listening to this prayer be blessed and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen hebrews 13 verse 8 says jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forever praise be unto the lord because he doesn't change he was merciful then he is merciful today and forever more he was loving then he is loving today and forevermore jesus christ he never changes let us pray lord jesus i praise you for being an unchanging god i praise you for being consistent you endured the cross many thousands of years ago because of love and i praise you because that love has not changed nor will it change everything else that i know everyone else that i know they do change and they will change but how grateful i am that you do not change you are eternally changeless you worked miracles in the lives of many when you were here on this earth and i believe that you haven't changed you can still work miracles in our lives today you can still heal the sick and raise the dead you can still give sight to the blind and set people free from demonic oppression because indeed you are an unchanging god as for me lord help me to change for the better help me to change for your glory the bible says in second corinthians 5 verse 17 therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come jesus you are my lord and savior and because by faith i believe this i believe that you are risen from the dead and seated on the right hand side of god the father i pray that as a new creation in you may there be a change in my life as believers we are reborn and renewed by the holy spirit i thank you for a wonderful change within me a change where the old things the old man the flesh it has no power over me because i am in christ change me lord renew my mind transform my mind revive my heart strengthen my faith that's the kind of change that i desire romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect lord i do desire to be transformed and progressively changed as i mature spiritually take away all characteristics all traits and all habits that are not pleasing to you change me father remove fear from my life and increase my faith change me and remove anxiety and worry from within me lord give me peace and joy instead let me not be consumed by worldly passions let me not gain the world but yet lose my soul father although change is inevitable in this world i praise you for always being true for always being faithful it's because of your loving kindness that we are not consumed by the enemy you are and you have always been a god who is full of mercy your mercies are new each and every morning god now be glorified and be praised there is none like you lord i thank you i thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen lord be praised and honored father i thank you for being a wonderful and merciful god lord jesus i pray that you would teach us how to number our days teach us to be wise with our time here on earth lord lead me to be wise about how i spend my time lead us to be wise with what we spend our time doing on this earth help us to realize what truly matters what matters is my relationship with you jesus what matters is building and storing up treasures in heaven what matters is to testify about your goodness and to tell as many living souls as i can about the gospel of jesus christ lord help me not to chase after the riches and pleasures of this world because what will it profit us to gain the world but lose our souls it's of no benefit to make gains in this world at the expense of our souls lord your word says in romans 13 verse 14 but put on the lord jesus christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires help us to clothe ourselves with robes of righteousness and prayer help us to clothe ourselves in the full armor of god lord give us the strength to make no provision for the flesh help us king jesus to remain steadfast and never to even think about gratifying the flesh and its improper desires but instead give us a desire that is drawn to your presence a desire that is drawn to spending time in your presence father i truly praise you for all that you have brought me through i praise you for the lessons that you have taught me through each and every storm lord i thank you for bringing me through life's adversity and challenges through every storm may you develop my character through every crisis i pray that you will strengthen my faith through every challenge or problem may i become a more mature believer philippians 3 12-14 says not that i have already obtained this or am already perfect but i press on to make it my own because christ jesus has made me his own brothers i do not consider that i have made it my own but one thing i do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead i press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus lord as we press on as we strain forward and run this race of faith give us grace father the grace to endure those uncomfortable lessons the grace to hold on and never lose sight of your promises father give us the grace to understand that sometimes the answer to our prayers may be delayed but that does not mean that they are denied god give us grace to understand that sometimes you might say no to our request because you have something better and bigger in store for us should we experience any disruption in our lives may we understand that at times this disruption may be divine disruption you may intervene in our plans in order to guide us to a certain destination or in a particular direction but regardless of how uncomfortable the process may be we will continue to trust in you we'll continue to believe in you and to have faith in you your word in james chapter one verses two through four it says count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing father work in me lord help me to remember that when my faith is tested you are working to produce a good work within me lord i bless your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name amen [Music] lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life-giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will [Music] father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there's no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you and i say that you are the lord of lords and king of kings in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever [Music] i lay down my life for you father be glorified now and always all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen lord jesus i lift up my hands as a sign of surrender have your way and may your will be done i lift up my hands to signal that i am letting go of trying to control things [Music] i lift up my hands to signal that i am relying on your amazing grace and on your love i accept that your will is better than mine [Music] your ways are higher than mine your timing is better than mine father instead of fighting the battle in front of me i will focus on you the one who holds all power rather than relying on my own might i will rely on your strength lord jesus i will place my faith in you i pray that my hands would always be lifted in worship to you and regardless of whether i am in chains like paul and silas may you be praised lord whether or not disaster strikes may you be praised lord jesus if i am tired and weary i pray that you would give me strength through the holy spirit to praise and to worship you even if the enemy attacks may i be protected by the fact that my hands will constantly be lifted up in worship to you lord father let my first instinct be to hand over every situation to you i pray that my first instinct would be to drop my carnal weapons and instead worship you in spirit and in truth i choose to trust in an ever faithful god and i acknowledge that even when things don't go my way you are still sovereign and you are still a good god i pray that you may see my lifted hands as a sign of a heart that is filled with gratitude and thanksgiving [Music] i pray that you would see my hands lifted as an invitation for you to come into my circumstances and have your way i invite your presence lord to come and dwell within me may you come in and do as you please in any given circumstance i choose to let go and let you handle things father your word in psalm chapter 29 says ascribe to the lord o heavenly beings ascribe to the lord glory and strength ascribe to the lord the glory drew his name worship the lord in the splendor of holiness your word says the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is full of majesty you lord jesus sit enthroned as king forever i pray that the holy spirit would help me never to take my eyes off you father don't allow me to waver in fear even for a second in the face of adversity i pray that you would strengthen me to keep my hands lifted high and to always be found in worship father you deserve all the praise and honor you deserve all adoration even the angels in heaven always sing and worship you saying holy is the lord god almighty who was and is and is to come worthy are you our lord and god to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created i praise you i honor you i lift your name on high and say you are worthy to be praised in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray thank you for listening to my prayer amen if you're hearing this today don't waste any more time please don't waste another day get right with jesus give your life to jesus christ surrender and commit yourself to him today you may not have tomorrow my friend so make an effort to know and love him more every day in your heart make the decision to honor him for the rest of your days and he will redeem every second of lost time now let us pray heavenly father you are the god of every moment you stand outside of time so great and mighty are you lord that time does not limit you time does not apply to you because you are the ancient of days lord you alone are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end i praise you god because a thousand years is like a day to you and you are mighty lord thank you for giving me the gift of life thank you for giving me the opportunity to glorify you lord help me to live wisely help me to be wise with how i spend my days father help me to treat each day as a blessing from you as your servant moses wrote teach me to number my days so that i may get a heart of wisdom don't let me take a single second for granted god don't let me coast through life seeking my own comfort and pleasure allow me never to get too comfortable but to always be vigilant to be prayerful to be watchful lord as i go about my everyday life please show me the things i should be doing show me the ways i can be serving your kingdom both big and small make me aware of my spiritual gifts and talents so that i can serve the body of christ more effectively help me to live each day as if it were my last because my life is like a mist that will quickly disappear the plans i have they may never come to pass but father yours will help me to set my mind on heavenly things don't let me get caught up in the chaos of this world politics finances materialism all these things are minuscule in comparison to your vast and glorious plan of redemption for all mankind so father develop a deep sense of urgency in my heart so that i can do my part to spread the gospel give me a desire to live for jesus to pursue holiness and to honor you with everything that i have help me to live for the things that last not for temporary things that will fade away and at the end of my life may i be filled with peace may i rest in the knowledge that i did all i could with the time you gave me god don't let my life be characterized by bitterness or by regret over the things that i didn't do the words that i didn't say the opportunities that i didn't take instead may i be a faithful steward of this short precious life so that i may receive an even greater reward in eternity god i thank you for hearing my prayer it's in the mighty name of jesus that i pray and i give you thanks amen king jesus you are an awesome and mighty god i praise you for your amazing grace and love father today i pray that the words i speak may they lead me to life may they be words that build and encourage those around me give me a wholesome tongue lord so that i may be found to be speaking words that impact my life in a positive and godly way i pray that you would give me a wholesome tongue so that i may be speaking words that are in line with your will and purpose for me transform my heart so that the words that come out of my mouth may be in line with your will and purpose for me may the words that come out of my mouth be a reflection of your transformative work change my heart lord so that my words will be words of faith hope and victory holy spirit i pray that you would guide me and give me the presence of mind to always speak positive words words of faith and victory over myself over my family and my loved ones guide me to speak the word of god always lord i pray that i would not use my words to simply describe the situation and circumstances that i find myself in but through the authority that in the name of jesus christ i will speak god's word into every situation that i face so that you king jesus may have all the power and all the glory holy spirit may you help me so that i may not have a tongue that always speaks of how big my problems are but i pray that you would give me a mouth and the faith to tell my problems about how big my god is father your word in proverbs chapter 6 verse 2 tells me that you are snared by the words of your mouth you are taken by the words of your mouth therefore i choose to declare your goodness over my life i declare that i am expecting my god to overwhelm me with his goodness and amaze me with his favor your word in psalm chapter 31 verse 19 says o how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind lord i pray that i would continue to experience your abundant goodness lord jesus i pray that my family and i will continue to experience your kindness and your faithfulness your love and grace mean that as sons and daughters in your kingdom we will not worry we will not live in doubt we will not fear but instead we will keep our trust in you knowing that you are a god who will not fail you are a god who will never let us down your word says in luke 21 15 for i will give you a mouth and wisdom which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict [Music] i receive this promise give me a mouth of wisdom a mouth that is aware of the power and significance of my words and so out of the abundance of my mouth may i speak your word lord may i speak about your love and your amazing grace and the unmerited favor that is upon my life and my home lord i thank you for listening to this prayer be blessed and be glorified in jesus name i pray amen hebrews 13 verse 8 says jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forever praise be unto the lord because he doesn't change he was merciful then he is merciful today and forevermore he was loving then he is loving today and forevermore jesus christ he never changes let us pray lord jesus i praise you for being an unchanging god i praise you for being consistent you endured the cross many thousands of years ago because of love and i praise you because that love has not changed nor will it change everything else that i know everyone else that i know they do change and they will change but how grateful i am that you do not change you are eternally changeless you worked miracles in the lives of many when you were here on this earth and i believe that you haven't changed you can still work miracles in our lives today you can still heal the sick and raise the dead you can still give sight to the blind and set people free from demonic oppression because indeed you are an unchanging god as for me lord help me to change for the better help me to change for your glory the bible says in second corinthians 5 verse 17 therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come jesus you are my lord and savior and because by faith i believe this i believe that you are risen from the dead and seated on the right hand side of god the father i pray that as a new creation in you may there be a change in my life as believers we are reborn and renewed by the holy spirit i thank you for a wonderful change within me a change where the old things the old man the flesh it has no power over me because i am in christ change me lord renew my mind transform my mind revive my heart strengthen my faith that's the kind of change that i desire [Music] romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect lord i do desire to be transformed and progressively changed as i mature spiritually take away all characteristics all traits and all habits that are not pleasing to you change me father remove fear from my life and increase my faith change me and remove anxiety and worry from within me lord give me peace and joy instead let me not be consumed by worldly passions let me not gain the world but yet lose my soul father although change is inevitable in this world i praise you for always being true for always being faithful it's because of your loving kindness that we are not consumed by the enemy you are and you have always been a god who is full of mercy your mercies are new each and every morning god now be glorified and be praised there is none like you lord i thank you i thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen lord be praised and honored father i thank you for being a wonderful and merciful god lord jesus i pray that you would teach us how to number our days teach us to be wise with our time here on earth lord lead me to be wise about how i spend my time lead us to be wise with what we spend our time doing on this earth help us to realize what truly matters what matters is my relationship with you jesus what matters is building and storing up treasures in heaven what matters is to testify about your goodness and to tell as many living souls as i can about the gospel of jesus christ lord help me not to chase after the riches and pleasures of this world because what will it profit us to gain the world but lose our souls it's of no benefit to make gains in this world at the expense of our souls lord your word says in romans 13 verse 14 but put on the lord jesus christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires help us to clothe ourselves with robes of righteousness and prayer help us to clothe ourselves in the full armor of god lord give us the strength to make no provision for the flesh help us king jesus to remain steadfast and never to even think about gratifying the flesh and its improper desires but instead give us a desire that is drawn to your presence a desire that is drawn to spending time in your presence father i truly praise you for all that you have brought me through i praise you for the lessons that you have taught me through each and every storm lord i thank you for bringing me through life's adversity and challenges through every storm may you develop my character through every crisis i pray that you will strengthen my faith through every challenge or problem may i become a more mature believer philippians 3 12-14 says not that i have already obtained this or i'm already perfect but i press on to make it my own because christ jesus has made me his own brothers i do not consider that i have made it my own but one thing i do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead i press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus lord as we press on as we strain forward and run this race of faith give us grace father the grace to endure those uncomfortable lessons the grace to hold on and never lose sight of your promises father give us the grace to understand that sometimes the answer to our prayers may be delayed but that does not mean that they are denied god give us grace to understand that sometimes you might say no to our request because you have something better and bigger in store for us should we experience any disruption in our lives may we understand that at times this disruption may be divine disruption you may intervene in our plans in order to guide us to a certain destination or in a particular direction but regardless of how uncomfortable the process may be we will continue to trust in you will continue to believe in you and to have faith in you [Music] your word in james chapter one verses two through four it says count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing father work in me lord help me to remember that when my faith is tested you are working to produce a good work within me lord i bless your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name amen lord give me grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever i think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength king jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times i let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and i know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if i continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in james 4 verse 8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desire and influences that threaten to barge in i know that from my heart flow the springs of life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to simply soak in your life-giving truth may i be so filled with your spirit that i can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start i know that i constantly fall short of the glory of god but i also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there's no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the lamb father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you and i say that you are the lord of lords and king of kings in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever i lay down my life for you father be glorified now and always all glory be to christ forever and ever in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 503,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation
Id: 9uEHMwTh2CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 301min 26sec (18086 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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