Best Realistic Portrait Wins $5,000!

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whichever one of these four artists makes the best portion of me wins five grand for their sibling you have five hours the time has officially started for your references you have five minutes with me oh so in the previous video we all did training michelle was dead last ben and jake were tied for third david came in second and i won't but i'm not competing today i see zach every day i think i know what his face looks like but in the last challenge i didn't do so well ben's probably just gonna do a mediocre portrait and then draw a dragon to make up for it did you see your character shirt zach in the school video it was beautiful wait these are really good i'm scared to start oh my god how do you think your students are going to do today i'm really rooting for ben because yesterday i feel like you felt horrible what about michelle she's a serious underdog here i heard her saying that she sees your face every day that does not matter i think i struggled in a training video because the other artists are just way more talented but today i have more time to work on my face how is everyone help don't go into any detail until you have the big shapes i don't know if that helps so far it's good go a little further for me to judge whose face looks really good probably ben ben how are you feeling i think five minutes yesterday for the other training was like too little time for me so i think five hours is enough time so what the contestants don't know is that they will actually each get five minutes of fun's time throughout the challenge and they can use that at any point imagine like i do michelle's and it's like one eyeball very realistic in the rest that might be cool all she needs is that one good eye i want to win money for my siblings i don't know which one yet so maybe they'll have to sweet talk me and pick from there if you had to give one general piece of advice to all four artists what would it be the first hour is the most important because that's where you get all your shapes and your proportions down it's much more important to have a great foundation before you get into shading i wonder how much detail they're going to add because i have a couple pimples today so i'm not looking the most attractive so i wonder if they include that i'm including all the pimples i really want to win this challenge because i really want to win money for my little sister she's a sagittarius like me they have been doing their portraits for approximately 22 minutes it is time to announce the first twist of this video at any point you get devon for five minutes jake so you call devon's health first yes you get five minutes your time's already started you need to tell devon exactly what you want you can't just tell them to do the drawing for you i need help with the proportions of the face everything about it what was wrong with jake's drawing at the beginning everything huh how are you going to use devon map out my proportions he had defund completely start over so shout out to jake had him start over i think the bond chose to start over how are you feeling about it i'm feeling really confident does this look more accurate like the angle is just harder this is like way easier when i help you you should have me like do that one here's your chair wait ben are you using your five minutes already yeah i think if you could just fix it up and then add the shadows do you think the nose is fine no david's portrait looks like the chucky doll you didn't even draw any of that i think devon did a great job so by the end of this devon's gonna be an expert at drawing me three two one all right apparently all my proportions were wrong so this was much needed i think you need to measure out your proportions i feel like i look like a star wars creature that's why devon's gonna come and help me really soon that's that that's annoying it doesn't look like that i think they can come back from this everyone look up at the clock it is time we have our first challenge so let's head to the other room i'm so sad yours looks like zach you still have devon's help i wanted the middle but jake took it i'm in the corner position is very important here you do not want the corners well great in front of you guys are giant sheets of paper and a giant pencil you guys will have three minutes to draw devon's portraits yvonne come sit over here wait oh my god [Music] this looks not good this is extremely hard that's what she said i gave him a big chin pick up the pencils i don't think i captured his beauty guys oh that was so hard javon and i are gonna go take a look at these pieces i like the whole avatar look like the airbender avatar isn't like the blue people the eyes are very close together there's something really artistic about this that i like i drew the hat instead of the eyebrows michelle was so much cell i call it picasso devon i don't think this is one of the show's stronger ones so devon pick your favorite one i choose jake yes and your face is jake since you're the winner juicy's gonna be safe with you michelle all right michelle you're safe david and ben play rock paper scissors to see who has to use a giant pencil for 30 minutes i'm gonna do scissors oh the mind games that's my tactic all right ben what are you going to do this time paper rock paper scissors shoot you got the giant pencil for 30 minutes let's go back to the drawings i was kind of hoping ben would get it because his drawing was so good that was the most intense game of rock paper scissors i've ever played i have to use this disgusting huge pencil i feel like this is just an automatic like 30 minute time deduction i think it's time to get devon's help you ready but i want to restart no it looks like the biggest struggle from everyone at the moment are the proportions of my face something about my face being slightly lopsided oh i definitely made zack's face too big i always see him as a little bit more chubby hey i actually feel like i lost a little bit of fat you have squishy cheek i i've been hitting the gym regularly time's up it looks really freaking good for 10 seconds to be nice because you need it in the kinetic sand video i wasn't able to win money for my brother hopefully this time i'll be able to get the dub and get him some cash jake i think this big pencil was an advantage i think you should keep telling yourself that i think i will everyone it is time for challenge number two come with me for this next challenge you guys will have five minutes to draw a turkey you guys are gonna erase drawings of turkey if that makes sense your time has started i don't even have to look at turkey because i draw him for a living jake you don't have a lot down i'm getting a little worried for you what do you mean all right final seconds come on finish it up three two one erasers down let's take a look at it michelle cute i like it jake what is that i don't want to talk about it cute david ooh very nice ben i think ben's had a more creative element to it he added his own touch david copied turkey a little bit better but i'm sorry david i'm gonna have to give it to ben yeah i like his better that was a close one i really need to start winning one of these mini challenges how squishy is that so squishy very plump david how cute does he look he's the cutest well you can get him at all right someone catch him here's your advantage on the face there are a couple different features there's the lips the nose the eyes the ears you can choose one feature to erase someone else's drawing yeah so you may not erase anything but that one feature i already have my decision it's jake isn't it who thinks of these things the ironic thing to answer your question jake actually came up with this idea his fat nose goodbye jake what is the rhinoceros what is this that's not the nose can you smell anything because you don't have a nose not even a lie i felt great to erase jake's nose zach said i made him look like a k-pop star but this is how i actually see him literally perfect okay i don't think it's gonna be that hard to revive this nose but it's definitely not ideal i'm having a little bit of trouble so now i'm gonna use devon to come in and really give his face like the structure that it needs come on carve out the side of his face and like the jaw cause all of that's confusing yay portrait queen help me i think you need i hope with mckenzie's advice i'll win i'm gonna prove that i'm not a terrible artist just kidding probably am i want to be better than yesterday at least personally i'm getting kind of bored is it because of their drawings no it's not because because it's taken a while and so i bought us a little toy we go up onto the roof and we can point it at their drawings and mess with them oh perfect so we have two of them not anymore this way up here i'm pretty sure we're authorized oh my god this is crazy bruh i have no idea why i'm having so much fun messing with them right now we did it for too long wait i have an idea i think it's not big enough jake how's your drawing going that was dirty look at how black that zach i restarted your left eye you just look like a random asian dude and i realized i had to shift it left and make it bigger i'm so impressed with your comeback are you yeah all right everyone look up at the clock actually i'm not sure why i told you to look up at the clock we're actually going to do a mini challenge follow me trust me michelle you're going to want to win this one then give you win this mini challenge you can win this whole thing if i win it let's go michelle i'm rooting for you so in front of each one of you is a pencil and a pencil sharpener and this is a stubby pencil you're going to sharpen your pencil until it gets to this size first person to finish wins you may begin jake collins you're so messy my little hand and if you don't win just don't get left is this it nope not quite too short you see the stubby pencils on the floor yeah you gotta use those are you joking and for your advantage you get it for five more minutes really at any point i didn't need the advantage however i really wish i didn't have to use the stubby pencils because that is a game changer i asked devon to do the hair but he's actually just doing a little bit of everything which i'm not complaining about all right javon time is up why don't you walk over to each person give them one or two things they could work on for the final 20 minutes under his eye it should be like more space of whites i want you to win they make the shadows darker i don't know what else to say it's not perfect add a shadow to like the middle of yeah where like goes in a little bit that shape where you have all black make it as dark as possible fill in like every little spot everyone's doing really good the competition is strong here between the two i'm rooting for david and jake but since i coached jake a little bit more i'm rooting for him sorry david i thought the stubby pencils were gonna be bad and it actually helped darken my piece a little bit so maybe i needed the stubby pencils i would date him five four three two one time's up all right let's take a look at these here's how we're gonna judge them davon mckenzie and i we're gonna go around look at each one of your pieces and give it a score out of ten whoever ends up having the most points wins we're gonna start with ben over here it looks overall exact but i think the whole thing is like too gray i feel like it should have more contrast 6.9 okay i think the same thing as devon but overall i really like the shading 8.5 oh wow i'm gonna give you a seven oh 22.4 22.4 for bed hi michelle what i love about it is the proportions are good it looks like zach you should hang this in your home 4.8 oh i think zach's lips look a little darker than in the reference i gave you a putt yay big improvement i think everyone can agree on that i would say yours looks one of the closest to mine in terms of proportions me so i gave you a 6.9 yeah david i'm so happy that i told you to change the reference because thank god what you were doing on that last portrait was i would have given you like a four i love that you got the dark shadows here the darkness of the eyes the hair 8.4 yay bob i really like the shading the lips look really good the eyes are good that is a high score just like devon i am so glad you changed your reference because at some point i look like e.t yeah you have some very nice highlights and i feel like when i step back it really pops out i gave you an eight yeah 25.9 for david okay jake i love how dark you went on the eyebrows the eyes and the hair relax the joys you did the jaw at the end well i only had two minutes and i was working with this so it looks amazing and you got a 7.7 this was a really hard angle overall you did really good so i gave you a 7.5 thanks i think you did a good job you took a couple l's this video but i think it came back strong you chose one of the more difficult angles and while i applaud you on challenging yourself i think in this case certain parts that look like you struggle with in terms of proportion i give you a 7.5 which means david you're the winner of the challenge david do you have anything to say to your sister before you pick a card you're a queen and you're a sagittarius and i win you lots of money in here are a ton of sheets of paper anywhere from a thousand dollars to five thousand dollars whatever you choose she wins five thousand five thousand you want five grand for your sister make sure you guys subscribe and also everyone say thank you to devon thank you thank you thank you for inviting me see you are guys filming got your nose
Channel: ZHC Crafts
Views: 3,644,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tOwBf0RhLxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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