Surprise Back To School ROOM MAKEOVER

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this is my office and by the end of the day it  will be transformed by zhc into an epic surprise   room makeover for my daughter and it was all her  brother's idea to make this plan work i've got to   get salish out of the house i'm taking her back  to school shopping since moving into our house   my dad has been working right next to salish's  room and he can be so loud because he never stops   what the heck she's really serious about school  and has always wanted a quiet room to study so i   had an awesome idea we're gonna convert my dad's  office into an epic school room for salish i knew   i couldn't do this all by myself so i called  youtube's best artist zhc hey what's up hudson   is there any chance i could get you and your guys  to fly all the way out to la to help me customize   a school room for salish yeah i think we actually  might be able to fly out tomorrow what oh my gosh   okay that would do it that would be insane okay  yes let's do it wow we have a lot of work to do   as i take salish back to school shopping what she  doesn't know is zhc and his crew are waiting in   this car for us to leave i think they're about to  leave wait wait for them to go wait for them to go   they're leaving go go go go go go go go go  okay let's go hello hello oh my goodness okay   let's go we gotta go quick thank you so much for  doing this wait you're too slow coming through   okay guys let's go let's go you guys set up right  here i gotta go help break down the room i'll be   back soon jordan is gonna be back in a few hours  with salish so we gotta do this fast those are   wishes ew let's break down this room let's do it  wow this looks like old man stuff while i'm out   shopping with salish hudson is prepping the room  for zhc's crew all right this is the last of it   before salish can get school supplies she needs  something to put them in so she is going to buy   a backpack and her budget is one penny wait  what ryan trahan did this whole series where   he traded he started with a penny say gotta give  you a penny for a pen it's easy go get him tiger   that was my thing all right we should be ready to  go i quickly sketched up an idea okay what we can   do is we can have one half of a globe over here  okay and then there are going to be inspirational   quotes coming out of it and this would be the  other half of the globe how long do you need   for this project ideally around two days maybe i  can't possibly get you two hours but what about   eight do we meet at five come on five six five and  a half okay we're meeting five and a half okay now   i've gotta call my dad hey um you can keep sailish  out for like five and a half more hours right what   no what well we didn't get as much time as  i hoped not sure why you agreed to that five   and a half hours is not a lot of time please  five hours five and a half oh my god oh my god   you're a dad you can do this do you have anything  i could buy for a penny i don't know sorry this is   really difficult for her but i'm doing anything  i can think of to keep salish out of the house   ask those two ask those two excuse me hi do  you have anything i could trade you for a penny   oh a penny how about the h m bag  yeah you can buy the instruments okay yes i've got a plan excuse me can  i sell you this bag for a dollar   how about could i push your stroller for like  a minute for a dollar okay wow okay thank you   you're four wow you're big we've got to take the  kids to the bathroom now so oh do you want me to   help you with that for another dollar no it's  okay we just got here we've got so much to get   in such little time let's do this hudson and my  assistant rowan are at ikea buying furniture for   say's new room this is the one if we don't  get home soon the surprise could be ruined   that was loud turn it sideways oh yeah all right  we gotta get back to the house right now let's go   your bag looks like it might rip and you know you  wouldn't want that food like spilling all over the   floor so can i sell you this bag for a dollar what  do you say um okay thank you this is going well i   already have two dollars come on come on push it  we just moved everything in time to start building sailors just went to wash your hands i'm going to  facetime hudson and see how they're doing today's   in the bathroom how's it going yeah they're kind  of just getting started they're just getting   started look i need you to keep salish away from  the house for like let's just call it six hours   i don't know if i can keep her out that long  look i promise what they're gonna do is gonna   be absolutely insane you're gonna love it say  hello she's gonna love it too just give me five   and a half hours i'll do my best hurry up hurry  up uh what do i do i don't know i have two dollars   shoes shoes these are gonna be like flats  remember salish has no idea zhc is in our home   making this mural right now how much could  this little shoe be let's just get two of   them and ask which one's the cheapest this  is probably not that much i mean come on   180 for the jordans and then the yeezys are 150.  do you know how much my shoes were 19 at the   thrift store do you have anything i could take  for two dollars if you want this black hangers   i won't take your dollar you can just have that  guys so far i have a hanger and two dollars yes   you guys have anything from the back that you  could buy for a dollar the only got to find was   to see a sticker oh perfect a dollar dollar that's  big i don't know if this was worth a dollar but   i panicked later in this video salish shocks  everyone by running into the house before they're   finished customizing will she catch them mackenzie  that looks absolutely insane how much longer do   you have there's a lot to do right now so anywhere  you want to help would be great yeah you know what   i'm gonna give it a go oh boy okay i'm gonna paint  what color should this be blue no no no no is this   going to be red no just to ensure that i don't  mess anything up i'm going to take some green   was that good did i just help out it seems  like i just helped out a lot i've got an idea all right say so who can you sell  stickers to how about kids kids   i have a question can i sell you this for ten  dollars a lot of kids come here right and you   give a sticker to each kid and those kids will  tell their friends and you'll get more business   you know what yeah i think i was like wow oh sorry  but wow yes thank you so much i don't know if they   were really worth ten dollars but she was so  adorable how could i turn around we need like   a slightly more yellowish right right now it's a  little bit off i think we need to adjust it a bit   over here i'm gonna do the second half of the  globe and i i think salish is gonna lose it   when she sees it meanwhile hudson and crew are  making a lot of progress building the furniture   and zhc's crew is rushing to get the mural done  in time would you buy this hanger for nine dollars   no thank you oh this is not working she's done  great but i can't make her suffer anymore time   for the next challenge you did great you raised  11 i will match the 11. we'll double it let's go   get the backpack yeah let's do it let's go come on  come on let's go getting school supplies let's go   oh oh you went outside the line no no wait wait  wait i can fix it i can fix it put some painted   outside the line again look i'll just make  the line bigger no no no please oh he's done   kick him out and this is my idea guys this is  dangerous and maybe messing this up a little bit   but what they are doing is genuinely awesome  salish just gonna absolutely love this surprise   hey um hudson yeah more painting less vlogging yes  sir 22 is your budget to find a backpack go get em   let's buy some backpacks you love frozen i think  i'm a little old for that dad but it's so cute oh   orange makes me nauseous what about this  one i actually had this exact same backpack   in first grade okay let's keep going i really  like this one but it's 34. it says 55 what are you   gonna do with that i'm trying to stall and she's  running everywhere 19. they're a little small for   school but i think i can make them work come on  they're 19. you can get one no i'll get this one   for hudson thank you all right and now let's go  get school supplies as we're going into target my   assistant rowan is sneaking to my car and taking  these backpacks to zhc to customize for the next   back-to-school challenge salish has 10 minutes  to get everything on this list and you have to   fill up the cart or you have to give it all back  and you get no school supplies the cart or get it   all wait what salish doesn't know it but she's  actually shopping for love beyond limits charity   we're going to donate all of these school supplies  to kids in need in los angeles okay let's get five   of these because five is my lucky number i would  get more than five okay then let's get 25 because   that's also my lucky number you know what if they  don't trust me i'm gonna earn my way back listen   i'm feeling kind of dizzy can i get some water if  you go downstairs and then i was actually thinking   uh you might be able to grab some for us what am  i the water boy um you can't paint so you need to   be useful somehow this is i'm gonna we have fun  here i'm coming back stronger than ever i just   want to let you guys know here you got all those  pencils i'm not gonna tell you just gotta fill   up everything okay pencils throws one is so cute  how about this one a water bottle where that way   i like this one because it's really nice and big  can you tell me why i have to get so much stuff   nope okay come on we gotta go got your waters  where should i place these kids sir a nice   quote over here right now we have every child  is an artist and subscribe to jordan matter subscribe we need notebook paper it would be less  crowded in the office supplies come on come on   yeah oh folders i like yellow flamingos are  always nice ten seconds oh a sale we can get   three of these three of them don't forget pens  your pens are on your list if you don't get pins   you get none of this five four three two one done  wait so why did we need all the school supplies i   forgot one thing can you start loading that stuff  up there yeah i gotta call zach i have no idea   where they're at how's it going how's it going  wait wait i'll give you a really quick peek okay   that's it oh that looks good how much longer do  you need well ideally we would have the two days   two days i gotta be done by sunset but i think i  could give you like another three hours can you   get done we will try our best thank you for doing  this i so wanna surprise her she's gonna flip out now to show you why we bought all these school  supplies this is malika she's with love beyond   limits and it is an organization that gives  school supplies to underprivileged kids right   yes oh that's why he was doing that malika thank  you so much for everything you do every community   has local organizations that help underprivileged  kids going back to school so please find one near   you and donate something first day of school  the most important thing your back-to-school   outfit we're gonna go buy one for stateless right  now and then we're gonna do photos on the beach   and this needs to be good hudson we just need  one more quote to finish this side is there one   you think will be like really special for salish  what about you are more capable than you think   oh that's a good one why am i blindfolded you  are going to shop for your back-to-school outfit   first day of school but you have to pick it  blindfolded wait what i will guide you i will   help you guys you have no sense of fashion  well i'll explain the clothes to you what   are we looking for first a talk does this feel  right is that a little formal for first day of   school we'll move on oh i see a nice shirt what  does it look like it's like a little crop topping   she hates it how does she even know oh okay okay  okay got you you like purple right uh too soft   i think you would love it as a color no oh my god  that has holes that makes me have tripophobia dab   what whoa dead i need a brown shirt straight neck  and make sure it fits me well oh i found brown   great yes never mind it wasn't brown i was wrong  oh i love this salish it's it's a blanket it's   brown it's crewneck it would fit you well no it's  not my style you can't see it okay there's purple   no there's blue jeans what kind of blue like ocean  or sky ocean kind of atlantic or pacific pacific   um no okay this is cute it's got blue it's got  pink it's what does it say probably not a good   one what does it say oh you love black and white  right what does it say that would be awkward to   go to school in all right what about a house okay  dad this isn't working how about you give me one   minute and your credit card and i can buy anything  okay that wasn't really the plan that we made for   this video okay go go go go one minute okay how  about these these are kind of cute barely no it   doesn't fit a little big no that happens a lot  for her pink or black these would be great for you   just a little bit guys i'm rushing don't  touch the folding these are really cute   just a little bit everything's big on her could  somebody please design some clothes that fit me   look there's only a couple seconds left  but i'm not going to stop the clocks   there's not finding anything that fits  her how about this this is kind of cute nope guys you know anywhere that i could shop that  would have nice clothes that could actually fit me   because i need some suggestions hudson was telling  us that salish is really into geography so that's   why we are doing this lovely little glow puzzle  really wants to encourage and motivate salish   so we're putting a bunch of inspirational quotes  on the wall these polaroids on the wall depict   important moments in st lucien hudson's life which  which i think is really sweet how about we find   a dress oh my god this dress is so cute my dad  would never let me wear it not my size not my size   it's in my size look how cute that is oh my god  i finally found something i am definitely getting   this one from one time something fits me and now  it's time for back to school photos salish finally   found a dress she loves for her first day of  school they are so close to finishing but salish   is about to surprise everyone by running into  the house unexpectedly watch to see what happens   salish this is so pretty you have no idea how  pretty this dad this is fun but i feel like it   would be more fun with hudson can we go get him  why don't we bring him back tomorrow or something   no it's too pretty to be out here without him come  on can you call him and tell him to get down here   he can't come down here he can't drive or  anything zach no dad somebody can drive him no   there's nobody there okay then we gotta hurry if  we wanna still see the sunset salish wants to do   photos with you on the beach so i'm gonna come  pick you up will you just get changed and come out   and be outside when we come so we can rush okay  so for some reason they're coming back to get me i   had no idea they needed me there apparently i need  a good outfit probably not no no no even though i   love that no yeah this works hi it's come here  come here we're gonna go through back to school   photos hop in oh wait i need a sweatshirt i'm  gonna be cold on the beach no you're good you   use the benezler one no that's too big on me i can  find one at home actually it's not gonna be calm dude she's just she's going in the house  right now oh my god what's going on in   there right now are they in the room what  are they doing yeah they're customizing   jordan's calling me right now hey jordan  dude salish is coming in the house right   now right now okay okay got it got it oh  my god they just worked for like eight   hours and she could just find out right  now like 30 minutes before the surprise all right i think she's out of the  house that was close you got it   you good yes okay let's go we're gonna miss the  sunset go go hurry come on back to school is an   emotional experience for a parent because  it's a reminder of how quickly they grow up   and how important it is to cherish every moment  of their childhood wow oh my gosh that's so good how's the room looking i'm good she's  gonna love it it's so off is it really   i can't wait to see it i can't wait dad  i'm getting a little cold can we go home can you distract you i'm gonna facetime zach  i think we're almost done we probably need   a little bit more time though okay 10 minutes  10 minutes actually you're done in 10 minutes   we'll try we'll try well i can't see anything but  i'm excited to see what you do okay sounds good   bye guys hurry up let's go while  we were finishing the photo shoot   zach's team put the finishing touches on  the mural and then brought in all the new   furniture we just finished customizing all these  school supplies and we're going to place them   all over the room i just need to finish this  backpack and i really hope salish likes it all right we're done is just a minute away  but it looks so good let's go surprise her we flew in all the way from  texas to surprise you come on   come check it out how do you like surprises say  i hate you you look good i didn't do it hudson   actually did it go beat up you get it you know how  you've always wanted to have a quiet room to study   yeah okay i think you might be in for a treat  you ready yeah all right here we go before this   room reveal i want to let you know i'm going to  give away an ipad to one person who subscribes to   zhc right now do it and then comment done and then  watch hudson's channel where he attempted to raise   enough money from one penny for another awesome  surprise for salish now let's see this room when did you guys do this well we did this all day yes actually thank you thank you this was the most incredible surprise  thank you zhc hutton is the best big   brother in the world and we will be using  this room to study together for years
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 37,854,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zhc, hudson matter, salish matter, saysay matter, room makeover, back to school, surprise, art, emotional, customizing, grafitti, zhcomart
Id: RNg3Z21BQo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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