BEST PC Settings for EA Sports FC 24! (Maximize FPS & Visibility)

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so now the best setting for Windows for gaming so first of all we're gonna search for game mode in the search bar make sure that game mode is activated for the past like year it's pretty good uh you're getting a decent performance and you're gonna make sure that all your resources are focused on the game that you're playing for the Xbox game bar I still recommend to disactivate this one causing stuttering and crashing in some games so I'm not a huge fan of the Xbox game bar and for the capture make sure that the background recording is at off and also the record at the recorded audio is at off another thing that I recommend it's the hardware accelerated GPU scheduling make sure that you're searching for graphic setting you will need an Nvidia card 1000 series or more recent it will really help with bottleneck so if you have a 1050 1050 TI 1060 even the 2060 you can expect a nice two to five percent boost and also you can expect like less stuttering when you're using that so I really recommend to use that another thing that is really important it's your driver make sure that you have the latest driver from AMD Nvidia even intel if you have an igpu on your processor um so for example here with AMD you just click check for update and you're gonna show you if you have the latest one you can do the same thing with Nvidia another thing that I can recommend with the Nvidia and AMD they have an image killing uh for the past like a couple of months um for from AMD it's called super resolution and for NVIDIA it's NIS I have dedicated video who's gonna like show you how to use that and how to configure it but to explain you quickly what it's about so you need to enable this so for example I'm playing uh in 2K because my monitoring is in 2K I'm going inside of my game I'll lower the resolution at 1080P and the software will scale it back at 2K and with this process I can save like 15 20 in my FPS also you can do it if you have like a 4K Maneater and you want to do 1080p or 2K you can expect a nice boost the image quality will not be the same if you compare with Native but in some game it's working very well and you're it's very tough to see the difference so I recommend to to use it if you're struggling with your FPS so if you have an Nvidia card just go on your Nvidia setting go to control panel open it go to manage 3D setting and just use pretty much the setting that I'm currently using honestly they pretty much default so the first one that you need to change is your low latency mode if you have this technology make sure that it's at on the other one is your if you want to lock your FPS uh for example you have like a 170 Hertz Monitor and you want to stay in your g-sync ring range sorry you just put your FPS here at like something like 167 something like that you want to be under 170 Hertz to always stay in your g-sync range so if you want to do that it will do that for all your game it's a global setting over there so I'm gonna unlock it and this is pretty much it if you have access to the change ECC State I recommend to uncheck it this will slow your vram so you don't want to use that for change resolution make sure that you're playing native so you're if you have a 2K monitor go with 2K if you have a 1080p monitor go with 1080P and super important look at your refresh rate a lot of people are missing this step they buy like a new screen and by default it's at 60 so use the maximum refresh rate that is available on your uh monitor the last Prime reader will be your g-sync so I recommend if you want to use g-sync I recommend to first of all you need to enable it and I recommend to use the enable for window and full screen so if you're playing a game like in borderless mode it will be applied also you can select just one display screen depending on whatever if if your second screen is not compatible with g-sync you will just push it to one monitor uh me I'm not using it I have a 40 90 uh for my GPU so I just want to unlock my FPS so in majority of the game I'm getting like 250 FPS and my monitor refresh rate is at 170 Hertz so I just want to lower my input lag so that's why I just unlock everything but it really depends on your situation so this is pretty much it for NVIDIA another thing that I recommend it's your energy profile so write energy in your search bar go to Power option make sure that you're running something like balance or eye performance um on a desktop computer should not be an issue but if you're playing on a laptop really make sure that you're using that or a special profile for performance from your brand like Asus Dell or whatever the thing is sometimes when you plug your PC in the wall unplugged using it with the battery sometime it stay at power saver and you don't want to use that when you're playing a game so super important to be plugged in and also to use a proper uh performance profile another thing that I can recommend it's the intelligence and wireless cleaner this is a software made by the guy from ddu um it's it's pretty amazing honestly um it will help if you don't have a lot of ram in your PC so if you have four gig of RAM 8 gig 12 gig after that you should be fine Windows is doing the job properly so it will free memory and it's gonna make sure that it optimize your standby list so what I recommend normally it's look at your total memory here in my case it's 32 just divide it by two so for me it's 16 just press start and it will run automatically and you just lower the software like that and you're gonna make sure it's optimized so it's a really good software and also it helps a little bit with uh stuttering so I really recommend to use that one last thing is um I have dedicated video on my Channel about overclocking CPU overclocking GPU depending on your brand and stuff and it's pretty good because it there are basic overclocking guide I don't touch voltage so it's pretty safe you can expect some time two percent ten percent boost in your FPS depending on your turmoil depending on your component but it's it's something that you need to look at too if you want to optimize your PC um for the best performance so now let's go inside of the game so now inside of the game so first of all go to display configuration we're gonna go to resolution make sure that you're playing native so if you have a 1080p monitor make sure that you are in 1080P if you are like a 4k monitor just make sure that you're using the 4K resolution display mode super important to use full screen don't use anything else it's causing stuttering you don't want that refresh rate make sure that you're using the is1 it's pretty dumb like this block at 120 hertz and me I'm using 240 hertz Monitor and I can't use the maximum amount of my refresh rate but for example if you have something more than 60 make sure that you're using the 120 over there for the frame rate limit I don't limit my FPS I want the maximum FPS so just unlock your FPS uh if you have issue with Terminals and you don't have like a crazy monitor for example you're playing on a laptop and you have a 60hz monitor don't go too crazy with the frame rate you can have like study Rings if you have thermals issues for vertical sync I just put it this one at off I don't want to add any input lag in my game you can also use other technology like freesync and g-sync if you have them um if you don't like tiering you can definitely activate your vertical sync but like I said you will add input lag in your game Dynamic resolution scale don't use that you don't want to your resolution changing on the Fly depending on what you're currently doing uh cutscene quality not really important normally I just use the full frame rate but honestly you can use all frame rate if you want to make sure that your terminals are good but it doesn't affect your gameplay it's just for cutscene you have the Base air you have a couple of um options you have Auto off and uh on I really recommend to go with off honestly you can you will get a nice five to six percent boost in your FPS and you don't really care about this effect you just want Pure Performance so that's why I recommend to go with off rendering quality I recommend to go with medium not a huge difference between medium and low if you look at your FPS it's like two persons difference but you're getting a better visual but after that when you go at I or Ultra you're gonna lose four to five percent for each bracket so my recommendation is play at medium same thing with grass not a huge difference between low and medium I saw one person different in your FPS but when you go at I and Ultra you can like lose two to three percent so that's why my recommendation is go with medium you will have a decent Visual and you will have a nice boost in your FPS the last one is called quality this one tank your FPS like crazy if you compare Ultra to low you can expect 15 boost in your FPS so that's why I just recommend go with low you don't really care about the crowd you just want performance because you want to be the best in the world at FIFA sorry I met FC 24 and that pretty much it if you have any question about this guide just coming in the YouTube section post me your rig CPU GPU and RAM I will try to help you the best that I can and don't forget to subscribe to the channel peace
Channel: Kephren
Views: 123,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ea sports fc 24, ea sports fc, best settings, best settings ea fc 24, boost fps ea fc 24, fps ea fc 24, fifa 24, ea fc 24, ea fc 24 fps pc, ea fc 24 120 fps, ea sports fc 24 fps, best settings ea sports fc 24, ea sports fc 24 increase fps, ea sports fc 24 performance, fifa 24 fps mode
Id: ZbhSIspHNZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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