BEST PARTY FOR STARTING OUT! | Octopath Traveler 2 Guide

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hey there everybody welcome back with the platform platypus is the name and welcome to another octopath traveler 2 video today I'm gonna give you three early game team builds that I think you guys should think about trying basically I unlocked all eight characters I was looking at their skills and I decided on uh three kind of different angles for teams that I think would be fun to try as you go through the early game of octopath traveler two so first the team that we're gonna go with here is a more magical focused team and we are using agnia Oswald castie and temitos 10 Meadows I can't say his name all right so the idea about this team is kind of just synergizing with doing a lot of magic damage but because you're kind of magic focused you have a lot of support and healing abilities as well so the real Cornerstone of this entire build of this idea is going to be um Mr Oswald here now every character has a place and I think they're all very important in this team but Oswald is obviously a strong Cornerstone of any magic identity team here between his great amounts of coverage and most importantly for me at least is Advanced magic boost the intensity of a single Ally spells two times and the scales up you could put more juice into it but it's basically going to make these spells all hit twice however another reason why we're picking some of the characters we're picking specifically one of the other characters we're picking is temenos teminos synergizes very very strongly with Advanced magic so if you're running Oswald there's a good chance you're going to be running you want to be running temenos at least in my opinion so temenos here has multiple abilities that will work with the advanced magic namely luminescence which becomes Radiance which deals light damage to all foes two times instead and revive instead of Reviving all allies this revives and greatly heals all allies and it's the same SP cost that still costs 40. so you revive all allies and you give them a ton of HP and you double attack here so these are kind of like the main two damage dealers Advanced magic is just very powerful being able to double up on these attacks right it's literally just the same attack but twice as strong so it'll allow you to break more Shields and whatnot I mean he has some other good things here like Elemental barrage is good but the single Target stuff doesn't work with Advanced magic even though it the way it's worded implies all magic and only works with AOE magic so there's a lot of characters like I know particio that has like oh deal fire damage to a single foe but it doesn't matter it doesn't work with this because it has to be AOE magic which is kind of a weird distinction um maybe there'll be some more advanced version of this that will work on more abilities I don't know but these are the two kind of cornerstones of what you would expect for the damage especially with that revive ability being able to revive all allies and heal them is so good now we're also running agnea now I think you could potentially replace agnia or Cassie here with like you know Chet if you want more coverage um a chat also has the owl that will always allow you to hit some sort of Elemental weakness so you can get a lot of different pets that allow you to hit Elemental weaknesses or physical weaknesses if you're feeling this is a little one note of a team however I really like agnia here specifically for a couple reasons one she has ruined his kick so she can always hit a shield every turn no matter what she has probably the most insane latent power in the game where it makes a single Target ability a Target everyone that's an ability that's only going to get better and better and better as the game goes on um like significantly so as you get abilities that it is more broken but she has especially with her latent ability she has the peacock strut here raise the elemental attack of a single Ally for two turns this will instead do it for the entire team but even if you're not doing it for the entire team if they're just giving it to Oswald or you're giving it to teminos this is going to make their damage go way way way up so very very good ability in general and also one of the reasons I like having an inventor at least so far in the early game on agnea is that you got the springy boots here cause a single Ally to act first for five turns if he uses with their latent power your entire team moves first for five turns it makes speed and a relevant stat for a long time and then because she doesn't have that many attacks although I'll be honest the uh the Catapult is not that good on her because she has the a ruinous kick it is AOE but I think the springy boots combo is too strong to pass up um so but we're basically using her for the peacock strut combined with her ability to still break Shields and use springy boots now she could also do wind damage if she needs to that is an element that the other two characters don't have so that is relevant sometimes um and she just has a great the great dancing abilities right that will passively increase stuff besides that we're using Cassie now Cassie also has an AOE um a potential AOE uh Revival this is I don't think this actually synergizes with Advanced magic this would be have to synergize if you had agnia and then use uh Turner into an apothecary that's that's what I was thinking of um but so the main reason we're running casty it is a secondary revive method which is kind of nice you don't have to use items but really it's going to come down to nothing we even see here all right it's going to be purely based on her that latent ability but her passive way or concoct right she has the ability to concoct and so with concoct not only can you hit a light or like any Elemental weakness you want again and again and again and again to help break things fast she also has the ability to do an AOE SP full SP recovery of the entire party for no Resources with her latent power so kind of whatever you want if your team started getting low on SP which is an SP heavy build essentially right you have characters that are using you know 14 plus SP a turn you know maybe you want to do that 40 SP you're doing a lot of dances a lot of things like that so like it could easily run out of SP so having a character that could just kind of top everyone back off I think is like really important um and so that's why we're running exactly these characters that we are running um trying to think if there's anything other there was a few other things I was thinking about I mean honestly Cassie's just like really good in general all the characters are good um and the fact that you could make someone weak to poison and then poison them so that you're breaking Shields even if you don't have weaknesses this team is also pretty good at bypassing weaknesses right in general so even if your Elemental stuff completely fails because they're only got physical resistances you have the ability to make them lose Shields to poison you have the ability to just break Shields regardless and you have temenos who has the latent power to just break Shields so if you end up in later in the game getting a Mobility that could break six to eight Shields like it's gonna be insane and then he could always break four Shields if you're using BP okay get out of there get it get out of there my cat's being crazy alright so that's the first team seven minutes in let's go and try to speed it up a little bit the next team is going to be a little more obvious here um we're gonna change it up here I can't change acne out of the party but it's basically going to be a more physical focused team and so we're basically going to replace um who am I replacing here it would be it would be agnia here with ochet basically so I I can't take her out of the party because she's the protagonist of this demo but I'd be taking her out it's A Hikari Thorn uh sorry Throne a uh Cassie in a chat so the main idea behind these is that they're just the really really strong physical hitters right between the group of them they have so many coverages I suspect this team is a little more one note but they're very powerful in general they have insane damage outputs um and you know between having things like armor corrosive able to lower the physical defense of a single foe right you can lower their attack because these guys already are going to have pretty high attack Hikari especially is gonna have really high attack and physical defense um and he has lots of ways to buff himself up um and honestly I actually really think the the ability for him to incite you know to draw foes to attack him then the ability to counter while she gives armor corrosive and shacklefo I think these are just like really good synergistic abilities Cassie is in here because we need to you basically are gonna need a Healer of some kind temino I don't think is going to work as well in this even though he does have a really powerful AOE heel which actually does work with the uh Advanced magic that I forgot it goes from heel to heel more but regardless um just she has the ability to kind of do it all right she actually is a really good physical damage dealer um poison is pretty good it's not great against bosses but um she's got good physical damage out but while also having the concoct ability to help cover the weaknesses this team will have a lot of physical things not a lot of Elemental ways to actually break through so being able to suddenly use you know light damage four times on an enemy is going to be really really good and even though acne I think might be like the most broken character in the game I don't know if she is gonna quite fit in with this like yeah lion dance is good but I feel like like this character right already has the way to raise his own physical attack uh Cassidy has the ability to use concoct which could use potentially using Weeds on your own party to raise their stuff so I do think that even though acne would be really good here I think ochet just adds so much damage overall that just having all these really high damage dealers back to back to back will just help you wipe out foes really good so whereas the elemental team I think is going to be better when it comes to AOE targets like you know because you have Oswalt 10 minutes and you're just going Bob Bob blowing the up out of everything this team is gonna have less really powerful AOE but better single Target burst um so I think the other team elements will be better for farming overall and this team will be better probably for killing bosses things like that so those are the first two teams which I think the second one's a little more self-explanatory didn't need as much stuff going on um I kind of wish I could take her out of here so I could just show what the team was like but the third and final team is what I call the fourth wall team this is the Platts fourth wall team basically what are we doing we're doing the characters that essentially that I like this is the team that I'm gonna be running it's gonna be exactly what you see here we're going to be running agnia Hikari particio and throney why are we running these characters very specific reason each of them is a very very specific reason why we're running them and only one of them is because I like them Hikari is going to be my protagonist he is by far my favorite it's not even close I don't need to think about it he is going with me for I'm going with him for the entirety of the game probably um we'll we'll take him out for different things as we need to and to experiment with other team comps but he's the one I'm most excited to play so that's why I'm going with him these other characters all have something very important that is the reason why I'm picking them and this is the lower the amount of time it's going to take to grind support skill hard worker receive additional JP after battles on the dancer we go to particio he gets more money and honestly even though particio I think isn't going to be the best in any combat situation the fact that he helps you make more money the fact that he helps you one just for doing fights but also from selling Goods buying goods I love that and he has the arrow of Fortune which is going to help you get even more JP in every fight um it's just exactly what I want you know I I like characters that help you with the economy and the grinding of the game so particio is perfect for that and Throne ain't even though it doesn't seem like she has that much stuff going on her last ability here life in the shadows receive additional exp and JP after battles at night so if you wanted to replace akari you could replace akari with a um uh uh Oswald Oswald has a ability to increase exp gained increases the maximum damage that can be dealt by the equipping character to 99 999 this is probably going to be important uh that's that's scary um but you could go ahead and put Oswald in here that way you could have the increaser JP increase your exp and then increase your exp and JP these are all different abilities so they are stacking or at least they should um but this is the Platts editing the car is going to be my protagonist and then we're gonna get barticio throne and agnia and they're probably going to be the stories we complete first we're gonna get everybody first and foremost but these are going to be the four that I focus on grinding up first because I really care about getting all that extra JP and experience because I kind of want to just get everything maxed out on all the characters so I could really have some fun figuring out what combinations are super broken and how you could easily get there but yeah that's kind of a few teams that I think you guys should think about trying when you start the game and it comes out this Friday which is not tomorrow but the next day so uh don't forget we're doing a stream here when the game comes out it's going to be a good time we're all going to be enjoying it one of you guys will be winning the game that that video should have come out a couple hours ago I'm doing the announcement video at like this morning it's not important that you guys don't care but the announcement video should already be out there so if you were in the giveaway go check out that announcement video I haven't yet recorded it because it is not the day of that I promised I would do it but that video is going to come out first and then this one will anyway that's all much love for platypuses for platypus we got a lot more octopath videos coming if you have any good ideas for videos let me know I'm taking down ideas writing them down but I'm gonna be working on builds like oh where to get these items early what items are really good for this you know uh what support skills what kind of multi-class stuff we're going to get into all of it don't worry the game's not even out yet let's go ahead and get into the game have some fun learn about the game and then we'll start breaking it and figuring out how insanely op everything can be all right anyway much love see you guys later you have a good one
Channel: Purplatypus
Views: 36,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: octopath traveler, octopath traveler champions of the continent, octopath traveler cotc, octopath traveler review, octopath traveler gameplay, octopath traveler switch, banner, オクトラ大陸の覇者, Octopath CotC, オクトパストラベラー, オクトパストラベラー大陸の覇者, octopath traveler 2, octopath traveler ii, PULLS, nintendo switch
Id: 6azPfBPViQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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