How To Construct an RPG Party

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hey there everybody welcome back with the plapper Platypus is the name and today an octopath traveler 2 we're gonna talk about team comps now I'm gonna do this a little differently than you probably think um basically I've been getting a lot of requests just like hey will you do boss killing teams what's a good team for bosses what's you know how do you construct the team blah blah blah and I figured instead of like just giving people more like um oh use this character with this and this with this um as a setup I kind of want to do more of a a teach a man to fish approach as opposed to give a man a fish you know um and so I'm gonna actually do a video here talking about how an RPGs in general but this is a little more specific because different games different rules How I build a team um in an RPG game basically in general now different games different metas different tactics and styles yada yada you know so this will change but noctopath two there's basically four roles that I'm trying to fulfill when I have a team and now again this is the way I play and this is my experience and how I want to play there are lots of ways to build teams right for an example you could probably build a team that is four all-out attackers and all you do is you just attack the out of everything every turn I I like building teams that are more adaptable in general where I feel like they can handle any fight in any situation as opposed to just trying to go all in an attack so but there's a lot of strategies at this game that work this is not going to be the only strategy that works this is just how I approach it now with that out of the way let's actually talk about it there's four roles I'm gonna give you all four roles explain what they are and then I'm gonna give you an example of a character that could fulfill that role although there is more than one for every single role so first and foremost which we already kind of you're probably gonna know automatically is a all-out attacker we want a damaged dealer a character whose main job is to kill this is a game where the um the HPS of the enemies is not that much higher than the max damage cap that you can reach relatively easily so there is a like you can have one in my opinion all-out damage dealer to kill most things in the game at most stages even some of the really really late boss fights um like only a couple turns like it you know things maybe have like 500 000 HP or something and the the damage Gap is essentially 100 000 right so if you have one character that's able to do the damage cap and especially multiple times a turn you're gonna hit HP limits very very fast and so it's not something that I really think you need more than one attacker but we're gonna we're gonna go over each of the four rolls and then I'll go back over the characters all right so first is an all-out attacker second is a main support someone that so first we have a character it's all about killing then we have the character that's all about supporting other characters now this comes in many forms this means keeping everybody alive and healthy keeping everyone's SP up and in the case of other characters like Cassie uh keeping everyone's BP up um it could be as much as it could be buffing your allies it could be debuffing the enemy this is a support so you could fill this however you want ideally you want this to have a combination of survivability to keep your team alive while also providing something else when your team doesn't need help being maintained you know everyone's at Max HP everyone has BP everyone has SP you still want to have something they could do so that's when you get the Buffs you get the debuffs um potentially the ability to break Shields that's not as much their job they don't really want to be spending time breaking Shields but if you happen to be able to that's totally fine um so you have the main attacker main support then you have which is kind of a combination of the two is what I would call a backup support slash attacker so they don't specifically fulfill either of these roles entirely um they're not going to be your main damage dealer but they're also not your main support so they're a little bit worse at both of these things however they could still get in the damage they could still break Shields because they're doing that it also they're basically like if the support they have two roles of support either if the support is unable to heal them or the turn order doesn't line up you have a second character there that's able to do some stuff that will help keep the team alive but really it's more bringing a different kind of support potentially or it's a combination of redundancy and maybe some coverage of some things that you weren't able to do right like if you have a character that's able to buff the physical attack um maybe you you know of a Ally maybe you want a character like a debuff the physical defense of an enemy something like that you know a different kind of support to increase the pool um but basically you want to have them with some good attacks some good support skills and then they kind of are going to switch throughout the fight on turns where you're like you're losing you need to kind of recoup and then on terms you're able to pounce and they're broken you're trying to get as much damage or you're trying to break shields for your main damage dealer this is where they come in and really help out with that and then finally and maybe the most interesting and not the most clear and but this is a character I like to have in pretty much all RPGs that I play when possible and I call this the SOS button character so the idea of this character is they are there for when they they could do kind of whatever they want they're kind of a fill role to support your team however you want if you need more damage you could have them be a primary damage dealer you need more support you can have him be a support that part's not as important but it's more focused on what I like to have in my parties is when all else fails and a boss wipes me or something like that or a boss is absolutely destroying us have a SOS ability to like reset the fight um a perfect example of this is um like if you just go to the uh who has The Arcanist here not The Arcanist The Conjurer right and having a character with like an ability like this right revive and fully restore HP of all allies and raise their physical defense for two turns you will not be able to act for six turns so this is an ability you don't want to use that often but I want a character and this is a character that's going to have the most survivability of anybody on the team now I'm probably going to use them mostly to support with shields or use some really cool Divine abilities but I don't want to take their BP too low their BP is for when we need it if we need a full party um like removing status ailments things it'll change depending on the boss fight some boss fights might set you all to one HP might just kill people randomly um some boss fights might have a lot of status ailments you have to cover up so that will change but this is basically an SOS button I just like to have it I think it's an important character to have in games with really tough bosses where when everything goes wrong you have a character that won't die to bring it all back and get the whole thing kind of going again that way it's like all right well they killed my main support and backup support now I have you know just my attacker and an SOS so now I use the SOS boom reset get everyone back up to full HP start the process of stabilizing and then get back into it so let's give an example of each main attacker maybe the most straightforward I have them in order here based on my um my characters here so first is going to be Hikari let's just go to learn skill Sakari as the arms master all right very very straightforward um very physical character with little to no versatility although he can I think akari could make a um potential backup support potentially um he would be like a very he's a very interesting powerful character in some weird ways if you're going Arcanist um but for the sake of this as a straight up attacker this is an example Hikari deals a ton of damage arms Master deals a ton of damage you combine him he deals a ton of damage his job is to kill things to break Shields to an extent but he doesn't really want to spend BP on breaking Shields he wants to spend BP on hitting broken enemies to hit damage cap and hit as many times as he can that's his primary goal um an example of the second type of character a backup support attacker I think particio is excellent for this particio Arcanist is great so he doesn't deal the most damage in this specific setup right they don't have like an insane powerful physical attack but what he does have is great support and he has some good damage like I might kind of go more for a magic build if I did this but between having um hired help like this is this is more of this backup support attacker is more focused on breaking shields in this sense you could have a more physical attacker like you'd have in a chat a chat's perfect where you have a lot of different pets that are good for um supporting allies but then you have a lot of physical attacks to deal damage this is more set on breaking Shields because hired help is very good you can guarantee break four Shields with hired help using your BP uh and particio has a lot of BP as a merchant or as as particio um but then also he has the besides breaking Shields they can also donate BP to your healers your attackers or your you know your SOS button support or attacker he could rest himself to fully heal himself he has the great combination of being able to use seal of diffusion on himself and then being able to rest to give everyone HP and SP he also gets to then use reflective barrier to support people in really strong ways but also he gets access to you know breaking Darkness breaking light things that aren't necessarily easy to do but more importantly as a merchant he can also break four um shields in a row like guaranteed with the um wildlings the uh the beastlings so this is a very powerful character to have and they kind of just do a lot but they're not going to be dealing the most amount of damage they're not going to be doing the best most amount of support like they're not giving the full team full BP however they are bringing very unique things that other characters aren't bringing to the team especially particio specifically has negotiate schedule which you get from going to the Statue probably the most powerful ability in the game crsp I think is pretty decent but I'm not sure I'm in love with it although it does work with your um I think it does work with seal diffusion it it either works in Seal diffusion or I don't remember I have to try that out but that's not the huge that's not that important of this so backup support attacker now the main support is gonna be a character like your casty I think um you can also use something like temenos you know a Healer base it's pretty simple you want characters that are focused on keeping everyone alive Reviving people and keep making them stronger so they can keep doing their thing your job is to when the boss is killing you and debuffing you this character fixes those problems Cassidy is the best in the game because a concoct and concoct is insane well this is a perfect example you know you want things just concoct give everyone full BP including yourself next turn you concoct you give everyone some BP and you could heal them or you could remove all status ailments or you could use like you know after you have full BP you can do the uh daughter's charity so that way you could give your SOS button maybe or your other support attacker the ability for items to affect all so you can now fill everyone's latent power gauge every turn easily um and then having a so I like having Cassie as a backup cleric a lot of times so she could really do a lot I mostly like the Claire because Alfred's blessing is so powerful so it's really nice to give everyone full BP and then the next turn Al freak's blessing on to someone else so your main attacker gets a second turn so it's like you get an additional main attacker sorry I got the hiccups all of a sudden what um so main support pretty simple pretty straightforward now there's a couple ways you could do the SOS button I personally like agnia as the inventor and why do I call this an SOS button again this is mostly things that are not insanely um right they don't have a lot of ways to heal people they don't have a lot of ways to keep people alive they don't have a lot of ways to do this that or the other thing right they've got some she's got some okay a pretty good uh Divine skill here but then a lot of like her the dancer kind of sucks right stimulate is a really nice thing to just kind of have it helps you manipulate the turns the way you want and then she has the ability to Lions dance or attacker or a backup attacker the ability to break some Shields but it's not a very good ability um she actually has an incredibly powerful windy refrain allows all your characters to go first so this is like perfect but this isn't necessarily specific to the SOS attacker so again this is a fill or SOS button this is a fill role you can kind of do whatever you want something that's powerful um anything that you think your team is missing so you need another damage dealer because you're not hitting damage caps and you just need to do more you find your team is getting killed you need just to have more healing which I think is unlikely if you have Cassie and particio but still or if you just want to have some magic damage you know like you want Oswald here um is possible but I would do Oswald as a um as a conjurer then so the main thing that we have here is acne is she has the latent power to make an ability affect all right to affect everybody and then we have all-purpose Tool uh sorry we have the r cars coil here restore at full BP it goes up to a hundred percent and with her latent power it affects everybody restore 100 of all allies HP and SP and you grant them four BP and it raises it also revises everybody so it's a full complete boom everyone is healed everyone has full BP um and this is my SOS button this is something I don't just use casually in a fight this is something that's like I want to have a character that has an ability like this and yes anyone can do this um so agnia could do it with the inventor other people could do it if you have the right of sun from The Conjurer um but right of sun I think is worse than agnia with this but this gives you the freedom to use it on basically any character and then the conjure Flames ice lightning and stuff like it's pretty good in terms of actually dealing damage as well so it makes the character more of a damage dealer however Agnew a dancer has you know agnia has critical scope as when she's the inventor so it's very powerful critical scope like these other abilities are insane they're all very very good um especially with agnia but acne is a very very powerful character so that's what I like having but it doesn't end there like this also when you're doing an SOS character their priority is the stay alive right so this is what you're gonna have you're not gonna you might not have deal more damage you want things like um where are they at I think she has literally every ability now you want things like Rides Again right after you die you recover you want things like um hang tough hang tough gives you a uh you when you instead of dying you go to one HP which hang tough is worse than rise again but sometimes I I just like having them both honestly um you want things like where's the uh what's it called fruits of Labor right you want a free in 88 uh physical I think it goes up to 96 actually so she doesn't have everything maxed out but Elemental defense physical defense right you want things like that and then you're you're realistically if you want to have a really powerful team you want to step ahead but you don't necessarily need a step ahead you can do something else that has helps them survive and keep alive you can have like the ability to be immune to certain State assailments probably but that would be more like in your equipment here again you're not looking at least for me I'm not looking for lots of like oh increase or damage increase her damage I'm looking for things like specific to boss fights like all right you're immune to um petrification all right you are immune to this all right let's get a hundred physical and Elemental defense right get those caps coat of arms insane um this is the kind of stuff I want on the character no matter what the boss throws this thing is a stone wall and they're there and they're able to revive everybody and the good the one good thing about the right of the sun is that you don't need to use any BP at all I mean it will revive everybody the inventor you do have to use BP for it to get as a strong heal but and you can only use it like once every like six turns but in the right of the sun you lose six turns so it's kind of a downside for sure but this is what I like having when I'm making a team again the Highlight the characters that I focus on when I'm making a team in a lot of RPGs just in general and then having you know in this game I think it works particularly well um man attacker main support hybrid attacker support you know heal when your healer dies things like that and then having a fill based on the boss fight or the situation that is an SOS button when all goes wrong they have the mega Phoenix down they have the ability to sacrifice themselves to revive all other allies they have the they are the wall you can call him a tank they're not provoking or anything like that I like referring to them as the SOS button they have the oh ability this is the character where you decide like hey I'm gonna use that mega mega Elixir you know they're gonna stay alive and I want uh these oh moments to do really well so that is all I got today hopefully that was helpful to you at least if it's not that's how I think about games like that um in general sometimes I just go all damage but this is how I like to build my teams anyway much love for platypuses for platypus I will see you guys in the next one also do the like comment subscribe thing I appreciate that you have a good one
Channel: Purplatypus
Views: 11,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: octopath traveler, octopath traveler champions of the continent, octopath traveler cotc, octopath traveler review, octopath traveler gameplay, octopath traveler switch, banner, オクトラ大陸の覇者, Octopath CotC, オクトパストラベラー, オクトパストラベラー大陸の覇者, octopath traveler 2, octopath traveler ii, PULLS, nintendo switch, octopath traveler 2 review
Id: 3CYglpTRcko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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