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welcome to the fourth and final night of x games aspen we kick things off with a fun one it's the wendy's men snowboard knucklehuck there's the names this is who's competing in it i like marcus cleveland this event was kind of made for him but unfortunately last year he could not compete in it due to shattering his kneecap yeah here this year it's a different story such a bummer that injury happening literally a month before x games but he's in it now and he's healthy but kicking things off yo azawa the x games rookie actually competed against him in the rail jam only a few hours ago and he just attacks the course differently we saw in the rail jam and in the slope style yo take such unique lines through that rail section here taking a very unique line carving around the kicker and then going on the heel side edge front side seven times yo just hits different yo just hits different but so busy as you said he was in rail jam he's a knucklehook he was in slope style eliminations he was in big air four events for the x games rookie how about 16 year old jake cantor out of silver thorne colorado and we've got comments coming in from wendy's we're excited to watch some knucklehuck and say knucklehuck knucklehuck knucklehug knucklehuck hashtag yeah quick and i are going to be saying that quite a bit just be ready just be ready comment section be ready it's coming jake cantor aka sweet baby jake because he's nice like that has one of the best tick tocks if you're on tick tock go ahead and follow jake cantor also follow the x games tick tock true we got some fire tick tocks out here this week zeb powell out of waynesville north carolina 20 years old making his x games debut and that coffin to backflip that is crazy the ball cam is tough because he pushes so much snow up as he slides on his back there goes cough and slide and then when he gets them look at the full coffin slide he's on his back and then he just has to be patient wait till he's in the air and finish that back that's very cool that looks a lot like the coffin slide i saw from you partner earlier today in the rail jam thank you very much i try to put that down on the middle section here back flipping out of it drake bourgeois kills it in the streets three consecutive gold medals in our real snow contest this is his first knucklehead big cat one backside rodeo all the way down to the very bottom now ladies and gentlemen you see that clock up top let's be running throughout the entirety but these athletes are judged on all of their runs right it's not just one run two runs it's how you ride the session and frank puts down a hammer early overall impression is the name of the game but we turn our attention now to marcus cleveland as you said off the top this event essentially made for him let's see what he's got on his first attempt the finesse it takes to have your nose just gently touching the snow for 20 feet and then pop a cab five look at me just waiting on it here's what's crazy craig he's got five medals and five appearances that include slope style and three silvers and big air yeah he might this might be the best thing that he does which is saying something because he's crazy good at everything honestly give him a fallen insect and you'll see some amazing stuff also amazing stuff from this young man right here powder hogginson welcome back to x games oh my goodness lord sliding that knuckle and then digging the toe edge in so he just does a massive front flip i've mentioned instagram many many times but holder had a very very nice post we lost the young snowboarder jagger bailey and he dedicated this trick to him waldorf won a big air gold medal in his first x-games appearance back in 2010. we haven't seen him in six years it's been a minute but he's been up to some crazy stuff that guy rene renakangas having himself a week here in aspen this is his fourth event that he's competing in here at x games oh okay okay i'll see you i see you the way you wrestled that back very sage cotton burgers [Music] almost look like you want to continue with the rotation really crazy they have to get a great look at it we should have asked we had sage katzenberg in the booth yesterday for the soap stop we should have asked if he wanted uh maybe a late entry into this contest because i think he would do very well here i agree well it'd be tough though this field is stacked let's go fridge our defending knucklehawk winner sather tischendorf is what's on the birth certificate but he goes by fridge we like saying he's a big boy it's a very apt nickname that was so sick i cannot wait to see the slow-mo angle of that the finesse it takes to just have the right amount of speed and the right amount of pop so your hand glides on that knuckle oh you said it partner look at this [Music] and he just holds it holds it the whole time here's our leader brandon powell is short for zebulon by the way don't know if you knew that i do now zeb still sitting atop the leaderboard oh that was very very sick we saw a fridge last year do that back flip pandra zab doing the backside rodeo hand drink so he initiates that back flip sticks his hand out right at the right second take another look at this finds it grabs it then continues on with that 180 at the back zeb graduated last year from stratton mountain school in vermont so many ex-gamers coming through that program whole mess of a full grip so here's frank bourgeois more comments coming in from wendy's here the wendy's knuckle up and there you go frank that 180 backside but that's what i love about this event and the rail jam that was earlier today is it's being able to bring out riders that you wouldn't traditionally see at x games whether it was fridge frank that's correct yeah it's really neat frontside 540 miller flip there from frank bourgeois had did that trick in his wheels though and that just melted mine but i totally agree with you you see different faces i like to use this word it's an eclectic group of individuals attacking this knuckle and marcus cleveland just did a 1080. he's good so there's that there's that to talk about [Music] okay okay look at this torque oh nollie back 10 a back 10 and look how far he lands all the way down this thing a nollie back 10. has anybody ever said that before on earth i don't think they have we'll see if that bumps marcus up there's the board side front flip [Applause] he is going so fast because when you're sliding on the snow like that it's slowing you down greatly it's nice with the edges so no movement up top is zeb marcus and jake round out our top three could renee change things up intentional potential front roll from reading when that turtle [Applause] continue the rotation rennie doesn't really put his back on the snow but it's very very low there what is he gonna do i just have no idea the stakes have been raised zeb powell is in this marcus cleveland is healthy it's it's dare i say a stronger field here in 2020 bridges gonna be honest yeah [Music] left foot one switch back all the way down now this is very reminiscent to the big air we saw nobody's falling everybody's just landing crazy tricks it's like a video game something about this 6-2 frame doing things like this is just so appealing just a tall drink of water to these eyeballs and fridge jumping up into the top three we're halfway through here in the wendy's men's [Music] so we turn our attention to our current leader the 20 year old x games rookie zev powell he went cough and slide back flip backside rodeo can't touch whoa and very similar to jake cantor's with the 187 20. a little bit on it just like we saw marcus cleveland that nollie backside 1080 i'm not over that by the way are we not gonna talk about the eyewear so zeb doesn't like to ride with goggles he usually never rides with goggles or glasses but i think we're on the streets he just found those he said i wanna you know look different tonight amazing frank bourgeois sitting in seventh place under nine minutes to ride with in the wendy's snowboard knucklehook [Music] oh frank frank the tank goes absolutely crazy on that he'll do one he'll do one he's probably gonna do two though very similar to holders where holder lands in that 90 degree position that front flips here frank lands that 90 degree position and then it's like a nollie rodeo 450. this has never been like a real contest so these tricks don't have very technical names it's all kind of you know aka we don't know the names of some of these tricks being made up as we go marcus cleveland sitting in second place blow our minds marcus are you are you actually kidding me cap seven to tail press to backside 360. he capped seven before he even did another trip are you allowed to do that i don't know i got it like physically i'm saying i don't like the human form high score did i break it cavs cap7 tail press back how i don't even know if i said that correctly to be perfectly honest with you i'm at a loss how does he do that [Music] outdoor helgeson returning to x games for the first time since 2014. [Music] wow [Music] goes deep on that backflip tucky oh my god oh man what he did is he just got his car yeah put the gash pedal to the absolute medal and said i'm just gonna ride off the sink i'm going to lean backwards look at the car i missed it and look at a gnawley backflip we saw marcus cleveland do that nollie back 10. this is a nollie backflip you pop off your front foot and then initiate a backflip that's doesn't make sense almost landed in the corral that actually doesn't make sense that was psycho renee renakangas sitting in fifth place said pal still leading over marcus cleveland bridge in okay the new one you gotta you gotta really watch these in slow-mo because what renee rennacongus did he just used his head he did a backside 360 and put his head on the snow watch the helmet they said if you do this trick wrong it will literally rip your head off thank god renee didn't lose so what does fridge do for run number three get zoned finding his cheat currently sitting in that third place position he's gonna need something pretty much psycho if he wants to jump ahead of marcus cleveland and that will hold him oh my god was he thinking do you think that he was thinking double because i think that you think that he was thinking double yeah he was he was yeah you could see his reaction well that means we'll be in for a treat for his next one that is crazy 180 off the tail and it was looking like he was gonna go yup switch back double 9 10 conversation to have here oh because we saw him do that switchback double nine in slopestyle elimination so if he does that off a knuckle i i will just i will just lose my mind i think you start back up at the top yo yo is just creatively attacking this course he just used the banner as [Music] i got ahead of myself on his last run and said oh okay that he was in four events he was actually this is only his third just seems like he's just he's just driving watch him attack this banner watch this just with the fans right there who wants to see me do a big trick i like the guy's getting out of the way he's coming for us uh jake cantor who's looked good today sitting in fifth place [Music] coming in right before there we go in that first run he did that trick but he went to 360 so he landed with that right before it took off with the fourth here he takes off that right foot forward but then pretzels his hips similar to what we saw running running congas do [Music] so the rotation wants him to keep going put that right before but he has to fight it and put that left one down which is actually much harder than doing a full 360. look at those glasses i'm a fan oh [Music] [Applause] zeb power look like he was in control of his body during the entirety of that run but he just stayed on his feet so his nose pressing he kind of catches an edge there he goes down [Applause] do this yo so that means yo is going to come down everyone's going to get one more try yo going off course yo where are you attacks the banner no batter is safe here tonight if you're a banner keep your head up [Applause] that's what i love about yo azawa he he didn't necessarily podium in any of his other events and he's out here but he's just like renee there's just such a positive energy that's coming with him and they snowboard with so much energy they use everything they go everywhere i mean yo was doing laps on buttermilk outside of the contest at all times he was always riding that's what i love to see so here's jake cantor he drops it back one cap seven very sick from jake cantor [Music] look at what marcus cleveland and fridge have done that's true that's just simply amazing and a testament to how insane zeb's been that was a very rotational and a coffin slide into the finish corral [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] side 720 miller fit wow that was sick yeah boys okay so here's marcus cleveland this is his last chance this is not a podium event we do not hand out gold silver medal we hand out a golden knuckle so there's only one winner oh my god he's how does he generate the pop he does if he would have landed that there's no question i think he would be in first place throws the goggles into the crowd somebody's going home with a pretty good merch doesn't get the pop that he quite expected you can see he didn't get the grass he's kind of got to grab the knees and hold the flip there [Applause] so will zeb power current leader hold on pal door helgeson sitting in fourth it's a power stance it's the sumo approach and he goes sumo air as well right here in congress he likes it up top he's losing it everybody else is too this is his last attempt here in the wendy's snowboard knucklehunt but it's yo yo is it in here yo is writing this this is some tag team maybe yes it is oh this is some tag team my goodness somebody's come where did you get a chair from from the rafters yo comes down [Applause] one from renee renacongis [Applause] [Music] i guess we liked it i guess we enjoyed it i did i like it a lot oh that was insane and then there was one our defending golden knuckle winner fridge he's he's trying to go what do i do i need like a ladder or something that's the beauty of this contest prager we've got one winner but uh everybody's having the time of their lives got some more comments coming in it's official the knuckle has been hooked until next time the knuckle has not been hugged quite yet wendy's slow your roll just for a moment because we've got one final rider to drop in and he's kind of a big deal kind of a big deal around these parts here's the bridge people know me sitting in third [Music] maybe throwback slope style elimination we capped it at the top at the top of the show we showed him go off the spine knuckle backward here he does it again that is just that's a full circle there's a huge indy lands on the knuckle and then just collapses throws his head at the snow and guess what he gets he gets some knocks [Applause] what a moment for zeb powell making his x games debut he came to aspen for this one event took the lead off of his first run and never looked back
Channel: X Games
Views: 679,996
Rating: 4.9279718 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, knuckle huck, knuckle huck highlights, knuckle huck 2020, knuckle huck snowboarding, zeb powell x games, zeb powell x games knuckle, zeb powell knuckle huck, marcus kleveland, marcus kleveland knuckle huck, marcus kleveland x games, fridge knuckle huck, fridge knuckle backflip, rene rinnekangas knuckle huck, rene rinnekangas x games, halldor helgason knuckle huck, Frank Bourgeois, frank bourgeois knuckle, snowboarding
Id: OlkBw78JIM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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