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just because you left and said [Music] goodbye do you that I will and [Music] cry do you have any idea how prepared I was no no really no every possible scenario I had covered every kill shot every every [Music] angle and he [ __ ] ruins my life with one lucky shot through a window the size of [Music] a usually one there he goes again shot fired I hope they kill him I really do okay even if I did save him again you know what he'd say he'd say that I had it all figured out before you got here he'd say uh I guess my thing just better than your thing [Music] [ __ ] I guess bullets are just allergic to me [ __ ] this guy single-handedly ruined the word [ __ ] you know how hard that is to do I was AAA rated executive protection turle I was up here I was up here God damn it that [Music] [Applause] boy hold [Applause] on hi [Music] [Applause] [Applause] go [Music] I pressing all unit heading [Music] south come [Music] [Music] on [Music] sorry move move move move move move move God damn [Music] it on this side over go go go go go it [Music] [Music] stre what the got [Music] [Applause] [Music] you here watch out a power gra your weapon do [Music] that [Music] [Music] [ __ ] come [Applause] on [Music] come [Applause] you keep [Music] run [Music] [ __ ] [Music] order Order in the Court your honors I could save us all some time may I address the court for months I have been sitting in this chair nodding alone to this ludicrous shadic me my excellent attorney was hoping for the legitimacy of a formal acquittal but that is no longer possible thank you darus so let us now end theate the charges against me are entirely correct I am the rightful ruler of belus sit down as the ruler of my nation I will do as I wish without exception without order I recognize No Authority that limits my power you assistant director go do your job Amilia in this trial the world Community is attempting to make a statement well now I would like to make a statement of my [Music] own show me a phone I recognize No Authority that b my [Applause] [Music] power everybody [Applause] go I will now take my lead with my dignity intact [Applause] [Music] that's what I call triaa C what the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh medic medic I need a medic over [Applause] [Music] here we're here live in front of the IC in the ha where a truck bomb has just plowed into a crowd of protesters emergency it's a critical situation we need immediate a my personal focus on me Bryce Bryce focus on me I'd really rather not situation stay with me Bryce stay with me I did my job you go do yours go get that [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] wa [Music] underneath down Tower Air One requests priority clearance to restricted Zone Bravo for exraction officer the building is in lock down theage does not leave his cell [Music] it's over assistant director give [Music] up [Music] [Music] I I didn't want to do this Amilia I swear to [Music] [Music] you oh [Music] [ __ ] Mel Michael Michael you you hear me are you okay yeah yeah good good good good good here yeah you're bleeding oh no no no no [Music] I'll get some help stay [Music] here hey hey the might you [Music] up on the ledge dooky man you heard me [ __ ] up on the ledge [Music] the look on your face you're so proud daddy is King K about to be a hero save the day that matters there is no Redemption no atonement for a man like you your whole life has been but a trail of corpses and I will be just another dead body on the pile go ahead finish me but don't think for a moment it will change what you are [Laughter] I don't give a [ __ ] about all of that you [ __ ] up when you shot my bodyguard who toov [Music] stov
Channel: Action Reload
Views: 44,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: action stars, fight scene, movie clips, action clips, best fight scene, Samuel L. Jackson, Gary Oldman, Elodie Yung, Ryan Reynolds, hitman's bodyguard, hitman's bodyguard trailer, hitman's bodyguard please, hitman's bodyguard fight scene, hitman's bodyguard fight, Sam Jackson fight scene, Samuel Jackson fight, sam Jackson hitman, Samuel L Jackson hitman, sam Jackson amsterdam, Amsterdam hitman, Amsterdam Samuel L jackson, Amsterdam sam Jackson, Sam Jackson boat
Id: 9jCYP6p6Mqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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