BEST OF RU PAUL'S DRAG RACE On Family Feud With Steve Harvey
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Channel: Bonus Round
Views: 1,539,395
Rating: 4.9305243 out of 5
Keywords: best of rupaul's drag race, rupauls drag race, rupaul's, best of steve harvey, best of family feud, best of steve harvey family feud, steve harvey rupaul family feud
Id: sD46XlrCr1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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Steve Harvey is ignorant as hell, this is true cringe that can’t even pass as awkward funny.
The bit where he calls Carson “ignorant in real life” (17:30) makes me grit my teeth so much. You can see that Carson’s living/on uppers until that bit and that it clearly upsets him.
Honestly, this solidified my love for latrice because she was did not give a fuck how uncomfortable she made him
Poor Carson was getting dog walked by fuckin Steve Harvey
I couldn't watch it. Steve Harvey is so homophobic, it turned me off.
No, and I prefer to keep it that way.
Steve Harvey seems a bit homophobic but I like how that didn’t stop them for “upping the ante” so to speak.
Steve Harvey mispronouncing Michelles name... could he not be bothered to learn how to pronounce the contenstants names before hand??
I appreciate that when Steve started his “I’m uncomfortable with the concept of gay men and act like they came onto me when they’re just existing and don’t even like me” bit….both Latrice and Raven leaned into it and tried to make him MORE uncomfortable, although in a very charming way.