BEST OF ROAD RAGE | Mad Drivers, Brake Check, Instant Karma, Crashes, Karens on Dashcam USA | Canada

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this is a video made with the best clips that were featured on this channel this year and if you like what you see consider subscribing [Music] enjoy me [Music] mmm [Music] are you dip [Music] well let him go i'm trying to he's break checking me come on bye right everybody's just trying to cheat traffic whistleblowers revealed that usps is responsible are you doing [Music] [Music] we have you on camera on camera by the way bye i could barely even hear what i needed to hear oh my [ __ ] is going to tell me so i'm going to slow down this is even better right let me set my cruise control let me set my cruise control right i'll set my cruise control then he zips around me to get in front of me whatever whatever oh don't [ __ ] car man don't get out here don't get out of your car don't get out of your car get back in your go ahead get back in your don't tell me don't get back in your car you want spirit you want to life changing my do you want a life-changing moment in your life in your car get back in the car he's out of his car standing i have no idea can sit in front of me he's sitting in front of me not put his hands up like i got my kids in my car then what are you following me so close for i have no idea dude you'd love it if i run this stop sign wouldn't you you'd [ __ ] love it not for you yes it is for me it says traffic from right does not stop he said the stop sign is not for me yo roll down your window you almost ran me off over ran me over there all right it's go time reliable att internet for business and get a 100 18 tvs reward card go to business internet or call 855-433-5700 855-433-5700 or visit an att store today the 18 visa reward card is issued by the bankwood bank pursuant to a license from pizza usc can be used everywhere the debit cards are accepted in the united states u.s virgin islands dude what is wrong with you what's wrong with you don't don't no no no no i don't want anything with me homie dude what is wrong so good the [ __ ] are you doing you're just [ __ ] hitting one mad at the stance why'd you just hit me oh yeah one minute at the stones i was just saying one camera when you put the finger on us just to get one you were this close to me you can't be that close you can't have a win i have one method the stuns okay pull over man i want your insurance information well i have no damage to my bike your car's got a little bit of damage you want to come look see if it's okay i have one meter distance yes because you're so close you were this close are you okay your car's okay yeah okay whatever [Music] okay oh i got your plate dude you hit my cord like truck i'll smack your mother get away get away who's gonna run you over hit his plate i got his plate idiots i have you on camera i have you on camera you i had a green light see now we're calling the police we got a road rage we got road rage going on right now guys this white truck is chasing the silver car and the silver car just locked his brakes up and almost crashed the silver car has been driving like a maniac he just ran right he just ran a red light oh they just hit each other they just hit each other here we go here we go here we go hey hey hey bro bro you've been driving crazy this whole time i saw you i got it on video bro just leave get out of here yeah i got it you can drive like a maniac you okay now i'm okay okay you want to pull it over to the side pull over somebody's phone is laying here all broken oh you just spit on him okay bro you have fun in jail defense put dang near puts a puts it into everybody's run offense yeah they man they they get out there and they don't play you got something to say yeah what take your drunk ass inside right now what are you talking to take your drunk ass inside right now what nobody's gonna hit you [ __ ] around me over okay why don't you back up why don't you back up back up sir did you drive off here sorry about this i'm just trying to walk y'all have a good evening hey give him give him a second man he's just trying to walk dude man it's about to rain i just got caught in the red holy chasing he threw a cup at him just a minute ago oh he's kidding out let's come with that ass with a stick his dog out there he said come here pop oh my goodness [Music] you [Music] [Music] you're on dash cam really yeah they really did that wow what do you think about what you wanted for dinner it's gonna come out [Music] go you didn't get in the right lane [Music] you won oh i'm so sad and there are also some reports that they have might be cheaper than the other backstage you might be on the campaign [Music] run all right what's going on what's your problem why do you keep pulling in front of me and slowing down you did it like five million times my car's on cruise control why'd you keep slowing down oh great jackson you want my 40 down here i didn't break check you if i brake chuck you would have crashed look at the size of your brakes look at your brakes your brakes are like this [ __ ] big if i brake checked you to crash do it again you're lucky my four-year-old's not with me you would have been shot you're lucky my four-year-old's not with me you would have been shocked all right yeah you break check people and then murder them i'm sure daily yeah i'm sure you do that all the time right there my car's on cruise control shut the [ __ ] up like you know with your cool ass forever like you're so cool yes that's correct that makes you allowed to break check me you kill people daily i'm sure you do i'm sure you do yeah man [Music] bye hmm [Music] hold up hold on [Music] hey bro bro what's up my glove came off i didn't mean to disrespect you i didn't mean to do that you saw my hand go like this that's all i was bro bro what happened you know get on get on it's my [ __ ] you're dismissing me i don't know i can't remember what you spit on me bro don't record me don't record me bro don't require me break your [ __ ] camera well get it off me get it off i'm not i'm looking that way bro if anything this is live feed there's a live feed bro what happened that's all messed up bro i was being nothing but nice to you i'm being nothing but nice to you all right all right bro you could have done all that [Music] there you go move around by myself apparently this was an earlier non-injury accident a couple of emergency vehicles are still on the scene and again they are blocking the right lane so use care going by there drive carefully i'm sherry bernardi you need to manage a changing workforce it's time to get to know express employment professionals visit to find one of over 830 locations to help support you yes sir can i see your supervisor you was doing 100 miles an hour when you went past me i got you on my speedometer you was doing 100 miles an hour sir all right and you didn't have your blue light so i'm just trying to figure out what's going on okay if i did that you'd pull me over and give me a ticket why not yes sir all right where are you i just took it off because i thought i was gonna get out and talk to you all right well great if you have an issue with what i did yes sir what's your name and badge number please see it right there you're supposed to tell your name and bash number to anybody who asks or that's your policy okay eight two two four seven there you go guys and gals you see tyranny at its best tyranny at his best y'all tyranny at its best [Music] [Applause] that's dangerous if the motorcycle wants did you see the sign in the middle of the road what does it say it says pedestrian crossing but there's no crosswalks [Music] [Music] so sorry you kidding me dude no i don't give up if you're sorry or not i'm gonna pull over call the cops mike my car is he shoots man i was pressing my leg i don't go about your car dude use again yeah it is stop don't pass but i have the camera yeah it doesn't matter i don't want to be an accident to live all day [Music] i know do i dial [Music] [Music] jesus christ what is he doing i don't know let's let the car go he's doing that to us no one else stop you don't [Music] what did you doing off back into my car what stuck shouting okay i've directed him to come in here yeah well we almost hit like you're not almost in your car there's at least five feet okay oh learn how to drive easy good job good job good job come on be it [Music] you know there are a lot of courteous people still on the road here in texas i don't know if you even saw that which this now say to take this guy he's he is the typical douche canoe that drives on the texas road and you can tell by the way the back end of his piece is busted up that's a douche canoe who was in so much of a rush to get to the vehicle in front of me that they had to pass me almost on the cement wall in the breakdown lane on the end of a mix master that's a douche canoe and no one's letting him in now [Laughter] he's gonna get pissed look at him he's frustrated now no one's letting him in look at that [Music] look at him they're blocking them he's gonna have to slow down look at him look at this guy a total douche canoe [Laughter] look at that guys can you see this this is what i'm talking about this kind of road rage look at this this guy is a douchebag oh yeah you see that and he flipped them off laughs wow all right just signal as you're in the lane yeah i don't get why people do that they start using the single as they're coming in it's like you're already like in here it's the cops oh yeah you're right and we missed the light because everybody has to try to get one car ahead i don't know how people can live in the city for so long though really really there's a dash camera there's a dash camera right there this is road rage and you didn't indicate when you first started coming over it's all on dash camera it's your tires bro oh what a loser this guy's running over my bike right [Music] now [Music] why'd you do it all the way from let's go pollution through oshawa that's closed off the ramp to process eastbound 401 currently no access to princeton once again thanks khalil tell me about the midge [Music] so we already got all the specifics about everything that you do you playing the violin and all that you know so the the number one question that i have and i don't know if the other people want to know this but this is something that i gotta know so we always name our instruments right so does your violin have a name and if it does what's your violin's name my goodness [Music] [Music] pull over [Music] yeah you're doing 97. i'm sorry you were doing 97. x7 yeah i got it on video i'm sorry i got it on video i'm going on 1880 sir no no you're actually coming up behind me do you want to see it i was following you as soon as that 18 wheeler got over you went up to 97. i'm doing 80 the whole way sir no sir i have it on video that's not a radar i'm recording this and you uh okay is that a radar or something like that no this is tailing so this speed is your speed well uh the troll came in front of me yeah i saw you let him in and then as soon as he moved over you went up to 97 miles an hour i believe it is no can you slow down yes sir because you would pull me over if i was doing 97. well he's in an instrumental radar and if you want to change the 97 well you'll also tell people to see how fast they go it is it isn't a way to calculate speed but we have radars it's more accurate do you want me to show you the video are you sure yes sir you have a name and officer rodriguez yes sir that's number one four six five five one four six five five yes sir thank you have a good day take care whoa man the more guns [ __ ] you man [Applause] m [Applause] my [Applause] foreign okay [Music] he almost got shot he almost got shot he don't want none of the ar y'all be safe appreciate it edmonton drivers can be bad drivers worst doggone drivers in the west edmonton drivers can be bad drivers worst dog-gone drivers in the west there is good drivers and there also is real bad drivers who don't give a crap about the law be careful if you come here some people drink too much beer and some so ignorant it'll drop your jaw
Channel: Dashcam Lessons
Views: 935,368
Rating: 4.7079916 out of 5
Id: gOWdgvZZblo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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