BEST OF THE MONTH | Road Rage, Crashes, Bad Drivers, Brake Check Gone Wrong, Instant Karma USA JULY

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oh do you doing lady oh my god oh my god jesus listen to christ 1972 a massive search you you moved into mine and hit me i got you on dashboard i got you on dash cam so good luck with that [ __ ] okay okay [Music] okay oh i got your plate dude you hit my car my truck i'll smack you get away get away who's gonna run you over hit his plate i got his plate you know there are a lot of courteous people still on the road here in texas i don't know if you even saw that what's this now say to take this guy he's he is the typical douche canoe that drives on the texas road and you can tell by the way the back end of his piece is busted up that's a douche canoe who was in so much of a rush to get to the vehicle in front of me that they had to pass me almost on the cement wall in the breakdown lane on the end of a mix master that's a douche canoe and no one's letting them in now he's gonna get pissed look at him he's frustrated now no one's letting him in look at that [Music] look at him they're blocking them oh he's gonna have to slow down look at him look at this guy a total douche canoe look at that guys can you see this this is what i'm talking about this kind of road rage look at this this guy is a douchebag oh yeah you see that and he flipped them off [Music] it doesn't matter get out of the way you see this you're right here see that you see this [Music] do you know how to read lady it says right turn right lane only the the right turn has to stay in the right lane you can't cross over the solid white line but i got you on camera with your license plate you turned into my lane over a white line you see a solid white line it's like a yellow line a solid white line learn how to drive there you go apparently this was an earlier non-injury accident a couple of emergency vehicles are still on the scene and again they are blocking the right lane so use care going by there drive carefully i'm sherry bernardi you need to manage a changing workforce it's time to get to know express employment professionals visit to find one of over 830 locations to help support you yes sir can i see your supervisor he was doing a hundred miles an hour when you went past me i got you on my speedometer he was doing 100 miles an hour sir all right and you didn't have your blue lights on i'm just trying to figure out what's going on okay if i did that you'd pull me over and give me a ticket why not yes sir all right are you where are you i just took it off because i thought i was gonna get out and talk to you all right well great if you have an issue with what i did yes sir what's your name a badge number please see it right number to anybody who asked sir that's your policy okay eight two two four seven there you go guys and gals you see tyranny at its best tyranny at his best y'all tyranny at his best he's a cop he what he did was clock me he's a cop that clocks people okay he's got a clock in the back of his uh radar in the back of his window that's how he knew he'd seen me speeding i was doing 100 miles an hour catching up with him and you see i followed him i'm gonna let him pull me over i was gonna pull him over and that's exactly what i did and now you see what he did though um oh i said you just pulled me up and gave me a ticket for that would i yeah you dang no sure ah you hit my whole car dude over over dude i'm literally where are you gonna go over you hit my car i'm calling it please [Laughter] hi i just got hit by a vehicle and i tried to get him to pull over and he's not pulling over i have dashcam footage and a license plate photo um and that's where i'm at right now with my life hmm about an hour into our drive this suv flies past us going 100 miles an hour when i look over i see that it's an older guy he's probably 75 years old so i knew right away like that's kind of unusual for someone his age to be speeding that much there he goes this guy's what is he doing he's probably having like a seizure or a heart attack or something oh my god [Music] oh my god oh my god how did he miss that sign jesus we need to pull him over should we get them all over there we go sweet yeah oh [ __ ] they're gonna hit me oh my god is he not come on stop is he stopping don't hit me don't open the door what yeah i think so yeah i tried to stop them we got a report they went they went off the road to go around me when i tried to stop them last time are you guys okay yeah we're fine i got their keys are you trying to pass people on the grass you are not trying to pass them you're just drifting off so after about five minutes of watching this car drive all over the place and almost wrecked multiple times they finally pull over and when they do we were in front of them pretty far forward but they eventually creep up on us and hit us a little bit it was just a scratch not a big deal but still it's kind of crazy and we find out they're both diabetic the lady had a grand mal seizure the night before so they had been up for 24 hours the driver took some notice which are caffeine pills uh when the ambulance arrived they could not find anything wrong with the driver so the police actually let them drive away which we thought was kind of crazy but you know i guess that's how how it works in 300 meters keep right at the fork in 600 meters keep left at the fork what the [ __ ] are you doing you're just [ __ ] hitting the one at the stance why did you just hit me oh yeah one minute at the stones i was just saying one camera information well i have no damage to my bike your car's got a little bit of damage you want to come look see if it's okay i have one minute at this time but you hit me yes because you're so close you were this close are you okay your car's okay yeah okay whatever um or not dude i don't even know what we're doing what are you doing i'm sorry why are they cutting him i don't know what they're not taking him for what they have no reason excuse me why are they pointing guns at us yeah passengers about the vehicle continuous recording will now start how you doing tonight hey what's up man hey i hate to pass you a little bit man where are you headed i'm sorry sorry i i don't answer questions what fair enough what are you coming over for we got a uh when where you were parked at we've been seeing a lot of narcotics activity coming from across the street from where you're parked at inside order that's why i'm just curious because there was a guy a hispanic guy that was walking around make sure he didn't meet up with you or anything did i make any sense i have no clue okay fair enough man where you headed home i i don't know why you pulled me over sir like did you have a reason you can't it's real suspicion that's it uh i'm telling you something more than that i can't hear you i'm sorry i mean i i've got a dash camp over there that's right understandable you're recording too yeah i just told you my reason reasonable suspicion of what crime narcotics activity that was that occurs over the subdivision you were just that's right i'm just making sure no fair enough that's all i was asking it's called a reasonable it's called a terry stop so if you want that to know it's called a terry stop you can look it up when you leave okay okay it's reasonable suspicion for the traffic stop okay that's all it is buddy all right so there's your id okay i'm just making sure that hispanic that guy that was walking around so we just encountered him a little bit go with some dope but he got away so i'm just making sure because you were parked right across the street from his house that's all i'm just making sure everything's legit okay i have no clue you're talking about but all right that's why that's why you're free to go man you have no clue okay all right brother thank you all right man you have a safe night okay all right [Music] me me hmm [ __ ] you bro you came to [ __ ] over on me [ __ ] you bro [ __ ] you um oh my god did you see that [Music] um good morning okay love you too oh [ __ ] oh [Music] okay some lady just fought out hit the front of my mother by the time i left after you left oh my god someone just lost ladders someone just lost ladders oh my god someone oh my god someone just lost two ladders [Music] yeah hold on okay this is what i'm talking about every single day now because there's a pandemic going on oh my gosh are you [ __ ] no sorry so i was driving the speed limit down a very desolate highway whenever i noticed a very creepy suv that was stalking me it trailed me for about five minutes before i slowed down from the posted speed limit that i was going 65 to 55 hoping that the vehicle would pass soon i saw flashing lights coming from the unmarked suv so i pulled over hello sir hello mr shoop how's it going doing okay do you have your license yes sir why are you pulling me over sir for unsafe lane usage and having your speed change you're pulling me over for having my speed change just making sure you're not impaired today sir i'm not impaired today sir here's my license registration insurance please i just noticed that you were like following me like real close behind me i saw i just noticed the vehicle i noticed the view what i noticed was a vehicle like right behind me like following me for quite a bit and it made me feel uncomfortable because we were on this road like really open road and then i noticed that you were i didn't know if you were a police officer it looked like it and i just like slowed down because i felt like maybe if you wanted to follow me maybe you would just pass me so that's all i did sir okay here's your name s shoop sergeant shoot okay thank you registration insurance please yes sir i gotta reach right in here okay are you a highway patrolman sir i am okay i'm not trying to be rude with you sir i'm really not you've not been at all i don't feel like that at all let's see yes sir i don't see any indications from you of being imperative i'm gonna smell anything so let me go write you a warning we'll get you on your way okay what are you writing me a warning for for lane usage i don't know if you were watching me so much you hit the white line twice and then you buried your speed oh those are indications of people it could be drunk could be high things like that could be scared of somebody who's following them but i just i just want to sarah can you understand my point of view no i don't i just want to let you know that from my point of view sir i you know with all due respect to what you do i i i was recent i i've recently been traumatized by a police officer for something that i didn't do okay and um i have a lawyer and it's a big case and everything i'm not a criminal i've never had a criminal record in my life um and um i just you know whenever you got behind me you i felt like i was being followed and and it scared me uh and i'm still kind of scared a little bit right now i'm not blaming you uh thank you for doing your job correctly i don't think that i was speeding or anything but thank you for writing a warning i understand that but i'm not a person like that has a lot of tickets that's how we find impaired drivers yes sir we look for smaller clues and then we pull them over sometimes it could be just that someone got really nervous watching me and hit the line a few times sometimes yeah they are yes sir but i don't know i've never met you i don't know you yes sir um until i stop you that's how we we find impaired drivers and pretty much save lives and and and keep the roads safe yeah what i'm saying i just disagree with any assertion that i really did anything wrong i think okay i think i've explained to you what happened yes sir uh 100 um and i i think i feel like i'm driving okay and that i was i was a little worried whenever i found i found that somebody was following me okay so why i'm gonna give you warnings give me a minute let me write it out it doesn't go against your record and we'll get you on your way okay okay all right sir there's your license and your registration this is not a citation it is a warning there's nothing you need to do with the paperwork it just documents this stop and the reason i stopped you okay well thank you any questions or did you see me pass me back there you saw me pass back there was that you that had somebody pulled over whenever i passed back there did you see me i got in the left lane went around you yes sir and i i i went back in the right lane properly appreciate it and i gave you that respect i appreciate that sir okay you have a safe day okay yes sir in conclusion i want to say that i just think that he saw me uh he came and he stalked me he wanted to pull me over he had no reason to pull me over he stalked me until he could find a reason and whenever he could find no reason he literally made one up the warning he gave me was for driving on one lane and dash unsafe lane change ars 28.729.1 driving on roadways lane for traffic and then he wrote that i was doing 45 miles per hour whenever i was really doing 65 until i was doing 55. we all knew that speeding was against the law i guess this guy thinks that not speeding is against the law too is this person doing what was that [Music] down okay oh uh [Music] ah [Music] pull over mfq-680 mfq680 mfq680 [Music] mfq680 oh and he's like what's wrong with these cops man like leave us alone and annoying [Music] no god what's up bikes all tonight racing around what are you talking about what are you talking about we're here bikes man ripping around all night i'm cautious right now man guys we're not racing we're literally two okay your buddies aren't ripping around tonight what do you mean my buddies this bike's been up and down the road all night that are ripping them out you just saw them right now they're just riding with them they don't know them you don't know him no i don't know who they are tony guys okay maybe you guys are doing good okay 100 i respect that buddy i i've lived on motorcycles my entire life okay all right but if you know these guys please tell them to tone it down all right i know everybody's meeting up on maribel i know everybody's around all these guys man tell them to please stop yeah but you guys to stop too man like sometimes sometimes we're just cruising around we're doing 90 and a 90 zone and you guys come and harass us for no reason that's not me man all right all right please guys yeah we got you good dudes man i really appreciate it i appreciate you man thank you thank you okay all right we need we need more cops like you man but please guys give me a solid okay please just talk to them as a human being and just tell them he's pulling it down you guys want to race men go to a trap wait was that was that you that was over there just posted what's that yeah yeah the one that did a u-turn yeah that was you that pulled that you turned yeah but like why because we're tired of it man no but okay i'll give you that example you were there right you were just chilling there and we were doing 60 60 and we were going cruising and then you pulled your lights for what stop that bike huh we can hear it man i wanted to stop and do the same thing oh [ __ ] oh he's done let's go let's go he got the right car oh wow he's getting arrested uh you stay right there you can stay right there you stay right there you stay in the car [Music] i'm in fear of my life i'm going to defend myself i'm going to defend myself get out of here you're on camera [Music] you're on camera [Music] yeah keep it up hys6098 lunatic driver eight lunatic driver [Music] i'm not afraid of you don't get out of the car do not get out of the car i'm warding you i'm warning you you understand no i don't understand you you little puppy i'm not afraid of you you think i'm afraid you [ __ ] dude you have no idea what was that all about what was that all about i got my [ __ ] i didn't mean to i didn't steal you you're lucky you're still standing i am not afraid of you i'm gonna bring you either i got no problem none whatsoever clearly this is a [ __ ] like you killed your brother you killed my brother what just get out of here get out of here get out of here so two yeah behind me [Music] so be careful dougie wow that dog's still running yeah he's on that side of the road over there i'm raising you i'm raising you oh come on no no no no no don't go into the middle lane just to save the dog no no i'm flashing these guys oh god see hey dog in the road pay attention watch out baby oh he's right now he's right behind us i know but girl whoa whoa whoa i see him i got my hazards on too come on boy come on yeah pull over he's going yeah hopefully he stops soon here yeah yeah open the door over here pull up now now pull over get in the driver's seat oh here get him along the side in here baby come on okay take him back take him back go back around okay we're not gonna take him home are we no we're not gonna take him home but we don't know who his parents are yeah good boy
Channel: Dashcam Lessons
Views: 9,497,468
Rating: 4.7514 out of 5
Keywords: best of road rage, best of brake check gone wrong, best of road rage usa, best road rage usa, road rage usa, road rage canada, best brake check gone wrong 2020, road rage 2020, new road rage usa 2020, bad drivers usa, bad drivers canada, instant karma usa, best of instant karma, mega compilation, best road rage 2020, new road rage, semitruck road rage, hit and run, bad drivers caught on dashcam, dashcam road rage, dashcam instant karma, pulled over by police, car crash, us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 46sec (3106 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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