Don't bother Larry

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okay that's good very good all right honey yeah you good how you doing all right doing fine yeah so how'd you get here I had the cab drop me off on the way back from the airport and Cheryl took it on Home hey hey I could have picked you up look at this place yeah very nice looks like you've been living here for a while well listen you look good here how how you doing okay yeah how how come I called you a couple of times you never got back to it I was busy you know I got busy busy you got busy let me make you a cup of coffee H I don't want any coffee no I just came to check up on you how's how's Mom doing oh well you know how people do so uh tell me about New York do you have a good time in New York um I mean was busy what's what's you seem very jumpy what's the matter with you well you know uh I didn't expect you to come in today I really didn't know you were here where's mom well uh your mother yeah well I'll tell you all about about your mother you know after all you know we brought her back you know your mother she got sicker and we had to bring her back to the hospital she's in the hospital yeah well not no not no that's uh but we had to bring her back for a little while and why didn't you you should you didn't why didn't you even tell me you didn't even call me well she didn't want to bother you you know how she is uh she said don't uh don't bother him he's in New York and and let him enjoy himself she didn't want to spoil your trip but uh she's not in the hospital now so that's that's over with don't worry about that so she's do better no well in a way she did warn me she said if anything happens to me don't don't don't bother don't bother Larry because he's in New York he wants to enjoy so then after a day or two nobody goes on forever and ever and ever and uh you're not going I'm not going to go on she died uh yeah she dead dead she's dead and she didn't want me to bother you what does that mean well you were in New York you were having a good time so we didn't we didn't call you when when did she die uh let's see the funeral was on Monday the what so she had to die on funeral yeah funeral why wasn't I wait I'm not at the funeral what what do you mean one there was the funeral well Monday was a funeral well why wasn't I at the funeral why why didn't you call me you she told me not to bother you you know she told you not to bother me what is that what's that supposed to mean you were in New York you were busy so what what do you mean I was busy you give me a call you well I you didn't call me we didn't call you you didn't call me to tell me my mother di last words she said to me if anything happens to me you don't bother Larry you don't spoil his trip in New York it's insane the woman did not want to bother you I missed her funeral because she told you not to call me is that what you're telling me that's right what's that Larry my condolences you're C I'm sorry how are you hi Andy I'm sorry I really am heard you were in New York you missed a good one this was really a nice nice well I'm sorry I missed it perhaps had I been informed I may have been able to attend my mother's funeral it was beautiful very nice very well attended a rabbi spoke be honestly Rabbi spoke beautifully like like like a friend I noticed you called Andy in New York and he flew in well right and your mother didn't say not to call Andy was New York she said not to call you that's all that's all she ever said gota say why didn't you call me when you were there it would have been nice if you called you know I was busy Andy I couldn't see you no I'm not talking about that just call me just I figure if you're in town just call me say hello I don't need to see you I didn't need to come visit I know but what's the difference I could call you when I'm in La I don't I don't see the logic to it no you know what I'm talking about don't be a putt what are you talking about I don't know what you're talking about there's no logic are you out of your mind if you go to Florida you're not going to call in chance not necessarily oh you are you come to town give me a call just I can't see you there's no point in I didn't want to see you don't what is the matter with you two people related to each other to people to cousins and you're arguing this way okay forget I'm sorry I didn't call you I'm sorry you didn't either would have been nice to hear your voice let me show you who was there at this everybody was there my goodness you know you Uncle Harold was there he told his joke you know his famous joke that he always tells it yeah yeah about the temple I know Ain linoln food was very good the food the first night was not so good it was just deli but I'll tell you people brought over we still got some stuff in the fridge it's delicious we have a lot of hardboiled eggs plenty hard the was was nice it was beautiful take a look how wonderful a lot of people turned out yeah beautiful service sorry about your loss where's Larry
Channel: jnfire
Views: 1,788,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2yPrEcGrbhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2015
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