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if you are looking for a tutorial on the best OBS settings for recording video at 1080p with 60 FPS then this is the perfect guide for you in this video we are going to show you the best OBS settings to make your recording look smooth and professional you can check my gaming channel to see how a record can play at 4K resolution with the best quality effort this tutorial is actually made for them who did everything but still looks laggy can't achieve the desired FPS or resolution doesn't look good I will go to the all little options that are responsible for making and recording better or worse so guys let's get started foreign first I want you to go ahead and right click on OBS studio and run it as an administrator this means I'm giving the application special permission to access restricted parts of the Windows system we all should use the latest version of OBS Studio to see if an update is available go to the topmost panel and look for the help section you will get an option to check for update click on it I'm already using the latest version so there is no update available for me now let's configure the resolution and frame rates open the settings of obvious Studio then click on the video tab here you can see the best canvas resolution and the output canvas resolution the best canvas resolution is the resolution at which you will be capturing your video it should be matched with your monitor if you want to know the resolution of your monitor you need to go to your desktop right click of your mouse and open display settings check down here in scale and layout display resolution to see what is the highest option available for me 3840 into 2160 which means 4K resolution and set the output resolution to the same as the base resolution make sure that the common FPS value is 60 for smooth gameplay but if your PC has a low configuration you can select 30 to 50 FPS now switch to the output tab here make sure output mode is in advanced if you are in simple it's not going to give you so much information and you cannot customize the settings go ahead to the recording Tab and keep the drive set to standard another section of recording settings here is a recording path where all the videos are going to be saved make sure you are keeping in a safe place next up is the recording format I do thank MKV is the best for recording because of it's a lossless video quality MP4 is usually the better format for editing YouTube also prefers the MP4 format the advantage of mkb is that in case you PC crash or power course of MP4 videos become corrupted on the other hand MKV is a playable my suggestion is to leave the default output format as MKV and Remax MKV to MP4 letter in OBS Trio for that go to the advanced tab move to the recording section and check the automatically remarks to MP4 box now after recording your videos OBS studio will automatically convert the MKV file to MP4 format the next option is encoder if you have a new GeForce RTS card like me then you can see an option Nvidia and the ench2648 will give you the best performance it will literally make your gameplay no delay or lag if you don't have any graphics card then x264 is the only encoder you have that means it's using your CPU as an encoder x264 encoder and does create high quality video but is not recommended for most used cases the next option is audio check how many tracks you want to record if you only have one audio Source then check that one I want to record desktop audio as well as my microphone audio also I checked too red control FX how the allocate bitrate is used my recommendation is to set CBR as red control CBR is a great choice for constant bitrate CBR will ensure that your bit rate is being used steadily the next option is a bit red the higher the bit rate with the better quality of your final recording will be the betray that you should use will depend on the resolution and frame rates that you are using for the recording generally 15 000 to 20 000 B trades should be used for 1080p recordings if your PC is old then it will have between six to ten thousand bitrets keyframe leave it as it is the next option is presets faster presets will use a less CPU at the cost of quality compilations and slower presets ensure the best quality of course you need a high-end computer to capable for this if you have a really high-end computer set it better or best quality if you have a low end PC in that case you should use medium set multi-plus mode as a two passes full resolution leave GPU at 0 Max B frames R2 that's all for the out put settings now go to the audio tab your sample rate is 48 which will make the audio sound great and lovely make sure that the channels are on Studio do not select any other option because YouTube uses only stereo sound anyway now go down to Global audios devices another section of desktop audio set to the correct speaker or headphones that you are using to hear the gameplay so after you have done all of the a to the apply and OK button to save all the changes now you can start recording your video I hope this video will help you to reduce the lag issue and optimize your computer to ensure best resolution if you think this video is useful please like And subscribe to our Channel no more today see you in the next video take care
Views: 14,297
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Keywords: best obs settings, best obs settings for recording, best obs settings for recording low end pc, best obs settings for streaming, best settings for obs, best settings obs, best settings obs 2023, how to record with obs, how to setup obs, how to setup obs for recording, obs, obs recording settings, obs recording settings 2023, obs recording tutorial, obs settings, obs settings 2023, obs settings for streaming, obs setup, obs setup 2023, obs studio, obs tutorial for beginners
Id: bks0CzPkSZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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