Best Moments of "Will It?" on GMM Mega Compilation

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every every every living wage is personally kissed by the fry daddy all right let's just do this oh i told you man that's right i like it hey mark that's called it's called workmanship right there oh you can see it on that side you gonna go for the whole kitten caboodle should i get a slice myself no that's too big i'm gonna half this but i'm gonna dip your half and whatever that stuff floating in the middle and we got people gagging off camera this is just like fourth of july in a cold place yeah yeah yeah moving this out the way here i shouldn't get it ready i should kick it away but i'm not gonna three two one oh it's hard it's like a rock it's like a rock this time it's a glass eye oh fisher had a glass i got it it's a prosthetic is it hard oh all over that dang it who's gonna eat get it in the mouth man now bite it with the molars i'm going for a smaller one i'm gonna drop it for those of you who are lactose intolerant i do not recommend the cheese ice cream sandwich but i'm not i found out i've got a lot of cheese in my mouth sharp better i need some more ice cream to balance out that teeth oh my goodness there's a lot of dairy in this one the cheese sticks with you the ice cream completely dissolves and then you're left with a hunk of cheese a bunch of tea like i've never had this much cheese in my mouth at once ever and you're complaining a little bit yeah look at that egg look at this translucent egg it looks like a soap that like your weird ant would make like i've been making soaps on etsy they're not moving too much so you can have a carton i thought this was meat the first time i thought i was like oh and i was like peanut butter and i was like oh oh all right so i believe that this will taco because i love pb j of course so this is a double experiment here what is this this is going into the sea land the ocean the sea land the ocean dude you know the sea land whatever all right here we go i'm smarter than i sound yeah well um your mom told you what we have shrimp will they popsicle pull yours out first you have small shrimps it's like you have a separate looks like something you find in a hospital we took shrimps yeah and it really worked and put them in the cupboard that one worked now where's the shrimp there's there's it's in there there's a shrimp in there and there's a shrimp down there now this version are bigger shrimps that i'm gonna dip non-bloody shrimp oh look at that that looks that shrimp and brine and i get to dip mine in this okay good for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] knife how many times do we have to have this conversation he only gets rubber knives okay i kill groot okay i'm not comfortable with oh gosh it's it's like glue on top is that a paste i love the donuts george oh the donut was so great the black eggs on top exquisite don't don't go what are they called eggs then we really our cover is blown oh the black egg you don't even acknowledge it you just say the caviar no no you don't even say it rich people don't say it they just they enjoyed it your donut oh i love this i love the donuts it's exquisite don't eat anymore though because i don't want to go through that again let's toast some bacon double awesome all right let's see what's next up give it another shot to inflatable furniture and suit of armor oh goodness i hear a hiss i'm experiencing leakage not that comfortable i don't think this is double awesome you look cool though not double awesome this isn't any dog food kibbles and bits looks like a children's cereal but it smells like dog food happiness as a baby it's the feeling of a clean diaper and as an adult it's in peace and quiet haven't seen these oh gosh oh my freaking reality this is edible zebra tarantulas salted [Laughter] you got this stuff from a can guys i hate you this is a nice touch right here spiders are amongst my least favorite things not just to eat but just to be in the presence of look how big that freaking spider was is it dried this is not how i typically oh well it's very look at how look at the gunk in it it looks like refried beans but it's just octopus can i opt out is that an option oh a cantaloupe's a car of a but whoa this is huge that's like the size of a regular cantaloupe guys how are we gonna well there's two of us it's heavy and there's one of it and we're gonna go what this is my half that's your half okay let's just go until we get to the steak and cheese you let me know when you make contact not with me but with the cheese i don't even want to look at that so many of this configuration in my life it looks like my granddad was leaving the kitchen with his like lunch and like my grandma was coming in with the cookies and they're like whoops and then they still served it but there are beans and franks also baked into these cookies it's bacon spiders is bacon it's like a seed in there spiders got seeds spiders do have seeds i see i i feel the seeds i want to retire you know it doesn't have a lot of taste spiders are bacon i'm just trying to crunch and munch okay now i'm trying to taste like spider yeah what's it taste like to you that was deep within the bowels pick up your trash can man i failed you have to go on without me man i'm gonna leave you here on sushi island are you about to swallow it i'm trying to good gracious link i'll come back for you man my body said no man i was trying so hard okay you can do it you can get oh gosh that is so unpleasant [Applause] i made it off the island and um then we're going to crumble some some cool ranch did you wash foil for safety uh yeah obviously you boiled your hand no i asked if he washed his hands i asked him if he boiled it for safety um usually you're not frozen though which we've got the um the seaweed here what you call that nori now inside what we've done is we've taken tuna rolls frozen and then scraped up man they're just great man why'd you have to scrape them you scraped the sushi good gosh and then over the top we've got i wanted to call that edamame sauce i don't eat any of this stuff that's why i don't know what i can describe it it's wasabi sauce wasabi sauce it's a wasabi syrup so we basically syrupize all these different things and then there's just soy sauce soy sauce on the other side yeah this is kind of like our parmesan here what happens in your intestines if you do this you make tea in your stomach yeah and then and then you could probably bottle and sell it if you knew how to catch it stomach tea now i smell of this oh it's very oh there's a fruit there's a herbal in there yeah it's earl grey maybe all right three two one kind of crunchy [Laughter] i took that back it makes tea in your mouth i am not hating this what at all your mouth is broken man i like the crunch what is wrong with you you need to be evaluated god only really yeah oh it's good it's not good will it pizza no let's smell first it smells really fried that gives me hope i think the real problem with this is this floppy floppy stuff let's just call it a veggie burger just to change the way we feel about it i was gonna be like hey man give me some skin burger floppy floppy go on in first go in for the go for the skin and go deep [Music] what you're throwing up and back into the burger oh the consistency ah you your gag is making me gag man this is wrong the weird thing is it tastes great no it doesn't it tastes good it tastes like grease yeah oh i got it i'm cheeking it right now i know man it's just like once you bit and then you kind of encounter that resistance that's not the type of resistance you want to encounter on a burger that's not saving my mustard for it you want to be welcomed by a burger you don't want to encounter resistance you're drinking straight mustard that helped a little bit that's why i've had it this whole time it's a little soggy that never hurt anybody though soggy never hurt nobody in memory of your grandparents who are still so so silly before we eat this i just want to say that is a nice shirt oh you know what that is a nice shirt where'd you get it oh i got it at where'd you get that you've been shopping at medical doctors actually we didn't they just hand them to us oh yep you dropped a mushroom drink it where'd you get that mushroom mythical dots don't know that's not good don't you won't sell mushrooms if that's the case we'll create a hammock out of it last time we had a hammock i tested it and then you pushed me into a pool of chocolate so i'm going to let you do this one and if you could please straddle it as if it were a thong that would be great because that's what banana hammock is really is that right yeah like a thong bathing suit okay all right here i go [Music] i am currently banana hammocking the banana hammock okay link hold that position for a second more more oh yeah most of my mouth yeah do you want me to hit you on the back of the head no okay a lot of chocolate chocolate is so strong oh i'm starting to get a little burger yeah the burger sneaks its way up into it i feel like the only way to really evaluate this a little bit of cheese i think i'm gonna have to disassemble it and try it one piece at a time yeah that's what i used to do as a child anyway oh you should be brother this is what we needed for vasectomy recovery first victory we should just have one of these sitting in the middle of the living room we could set up shop and sell them it's still moving a little bit you're still going down oh i'm settling i never thought i could settle so much don't don't lean back so hard you know what they say this never settle yeah at the same time i'm not settling at all i'm demanding only the best this is just i'm talking about that woman that i know do you know of any woman actually named patty my wife's aunt aunt patty i didn't know they actually existed actually you know what her name is jean here so we have 100 pound test line that is going through straws that are going through the bananas and then continuing on and then we have a couple of cross braces again 100 pound test lying you're 160 pounds but there's a whole webbing here i think this could work okay i don't want to put i'm gonna go how do the bananas feel they're a little cool in a good way it's refreshing so i haven't put any weight on actually i'm gonna start putting some weight okay try to evenly distribute all right the weight feet up uh one foot yep yep yep it's looking good another foot and there's clearance swing me a little we didn't have quite enough height but oh this is nice okay well kind of looks like a turd you'd like a identify on like a uh well this scat like this boy scout poster this is from the the eastern diamondback fox that's a big box got a big scat for a little fox hence the diamonds on its back yeah you know you know a big scat's coming when those diamonds start pumping i don't understand how the fox works i'm seeing the diamonds pump i'm picturing a fox with diamonds on his back heaving and that big turd coming out exactly that's when you get get out of the way all right let's eat dude like we're camping i'll leave that to you man had high hopes for this one but i just don't think it panned out where are you going where are you going i have no control over this it's just happening avalanche marshmallow of a latch whoa medulla ramen gata and we're going to eat it from our own brains from our own heads something about this feels wrong i feel like we should you want to eat from yourself you want to eat from your buddy yeah i don't i got enough of my own brains at least that's my opinion what you want to do you want we eat each other's brain we drank each other's urine yeah that feels right uh that feels right okay so i like what you've done with your facial hair i got a little shadow there i got a shadow all right i'm gonna reveal first here oh my gosh look at that there's an actual brain in there it's not just in the noodles oh wow the smell is wow how did you achieve that so this is a 24-hour brain bra we've simmered the brains for 24 hours and blended a few into the broth to get some body just slam on it just sit on it like a normal chair don't even think about it being a stool still just sit on it like you would any stool bam like that yeah all right here we go you build it up look at me give me some sassafras and give me some sarsaparilla yeah some a fight breaks out in the bar and you got to try to turn you got to turn around hey you gotta turn around quick and see what's going on there's a fight happening oh gosh that's the problem that's a problem when the fight breaks out at the bar and you turn around i'm in the manure don't turn around sour patch nuggets is it could this be the future of nugget dumb well i'm not gonna be able to open it yeah here we go the red crab once said to me under the sea darling it's better down where it's wetter take it from me and if i've learned anything in all my years of living is to listen to a talking jamaican crab so we did and we caught ourselves a squid will a scary sea sucker have a place in the grilled cheese hall lumia fame it's 20 000 leagues under the cheese okay it's a little dark yeah i mean i'm i've learned to not be afraid of squid ink because hey you put it in pasta maybe it's okay but there's all this stuff that's peeking out at me you mean the squids yeah is it josh yeah so it's squid that has been cooked in its own ink actually which seems either sacrilegious or very respectful and then uh squid and confused bread and then that's provolone cheese that's been infused with squid ink as well it's it's a nightmare this is like your first meal in hell yeah this is me hungry this is meal three they warm you up to it sun moss sounds like a restaurant in silver lake but you better start north okay it's incredible the thing that's cocktails ah yeah let's get comfortable oh what the heck look there's freaking hair all over mine i'm not eating this one chase you put a whole i don't know if you you can see that that was not intentional it is intentional because this is hair gelato which is hair gel made into gelato gosh come on guys it is which is better it's got pretty tight curls as the curls are too tight from from me to i'm not messing with it now this is the future of christmas get a good get a nice bite with at least six or seven of these suckers on it oh gosh he's shaking she look how he's shaking so bad why are you shaking so bad you need some encouragement let's get ready to pupate three two one [Music] got it on the down what time is it it's time to build it's christmas time in the city christmas time in the city man you got pupas all over your lips man sorry i'm still in the christmas spirit have you cheeked it i'm crying me too man i'm gonna i'm gonna put it on a hunger i'm gonna call this crime now what i'm gonna put on the gun and i'm gonna slime it now [Music] all right here we go you all right no i'm making progress though i'm not making any progress it helps to put a nap in your hand and just ruffle it and don't look at anything oh i'm not just pick a spot like an ice skater that's spinning [Applause] i don't really desire to look over at that jar right now i see something curled up right there oh that's just another banana dang that's like a it's like a nautilus there's a nautilus swimming in there a naughty list we should not eat it but we're about to okay um now that i'm told that the official title for the item in this jar is a pizzle that's the official name name of a bull penis it's a pizzle a pistol grab a plate no there are two there are black balls in here as well those are not bull testicles because they're way too small and i've eaten both testicles before throw a pizza on here oh gosh is it it's got some structure to it oh this guy needs to see a doctor why is it like that when you put it in the pickle jar was it like that or did it curl up as as oh as it boiled it curled good to know i know what not to do okay don't boil it don't get into a hot tub over 104 degrees for too long played it man you want something what's happening it can't hurt can't it well that amount can oh that's too much no no no no no no it's perfect it's perfect perfect i was joking if you had to eat that whole ball in order to feel anything dink it and sink it tastes just like sushi the green stuff is helping whoa but it's strong yeah um i will note that i'm not actually gagging like i've started i've started to put some types of sushi in my mouth in like social circles just put them in your mouth yeah like oh so now because he's like he's not eating he's just testing it next up we have frozen mustard like frozen custard except uh well it's just yellow mustard and look how yellow it is and look what we wore today the spokesman for yellow for frozen frozen mustard step right up spill it on this shirt doesn't matter as long as it hits the right stripe um a gaminess to it for sure um i'm i'm a big fan of sausage on my pizza and that really helps me out there is not like this there is a bit of gaminess but i think there's more fun than gaminess hey i'm eating a rat well well let me just try it by itself oh gosh i don't think that's fair if you don't like it because i'm i'm liking this and i don't want to eat it without the pizza that really puts it in perspective for me what you ate a rat's tail to impress a woman one time no you carried you ate a worm's anus but you carried a rat sale in your backpack yep you didn't need it though you almost tricked me i'm playing with your memories
Channel: SquareupNoodlehead
Views: 72,459
Rating: 4.9091849 out of 5
Keywords: compilation, funny moments, gmm, gmm compilation, gmm funny moments, gmm moments, good mythical more, good mythical morning, good mythical morning funny, good mythical morning funny moments, link, link neal, mythical morning, rhett, rhett & link, rhett and link, rhett and link compilation, rhett and link funny moments, will it?, Mega Compilation
Id: R5i4a42y-Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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