Best Moments from Frasier (2023) Season 1 | Paramount+

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can I help you Freddie surprise dad you're at my door unannounced now there's a shorter way to say that surprise I'm in town for a guest lecture I wanted to say hello oh great hello okay yes thank you I'd love to come in so your place is so damn when I started that sentence I thought I'd think of something yeah sorry the Picasso is getting reframed in the whole second floors is in the shop you know you have your mother's sense of humor Frederick oh no it's it's Charming it reminds me of the sort of place one would wrestle a cartoon rat for a crust of bread there it is here subtle reminder I'd make more money if I wasn't just a firefighter no no I admire what you do it's a noble profession it's just that you did so well in your site classes at Harvard right but I wanted to do something important what I do is important is at least as important as what you do okay sure let's find someone who has low self-esteem and is also on fire and see which one of us they run to first there's that mother of yours again I am cooking you a festar meal and I won't take no for an answer would you take not now please I miss you I'd like to spend some time with you now I have a kagoshima A5 decadently marbled bursting with Umami in a retronasal symphony Stakes I have Stakes damn it I love Stakes sure come on great I what I'm on dinner with my son hey fam David what are you doing here I thought it'd be a fun surprise David you just can't barge in here unexpectedly it's incredibly thoughtful of you so this is your place so cool you ever kiss a girl in here David do you think Freddy and I could just have an evening alone I I we really need a deep dive into our relationship or we could stay in the shallows with David welcome cuz cuz you gave me a nickname it's happening David be cool well dinner for three then room for two more oh for the love of God Freddy can you turn down your dad's TV show it's oh it's a live show wow hi I don't need to be told who you are I wish I could say the same oh I'm sorry I'm Eve I'm sure Freddy's told you all about me I have a funny anecdote about that no he has not didn't know you had a girlfriend let alone one who' moved in with you oh we've been caught up in the you know Whirlwind romance you know how that is anyway dad so good to see you but well hold on why don't I get you guys a cup of coffee or something or even dinner I mean we've got a lot to catch up on oh sure yeah let's see uh got a new pair of sneakers hit a triple in softball and I realized I just don't get Jazz anyway now you're all caught up Freddy I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow can't you just spare me half an hour D I wish I could but Eve's got a double shift I got a crazy week at work how do you know are they scheduling the fires in advance now Dad it's just it's just not a good time all right I'll see you next time what the hell's going on why are you suddenly blocking me out of your life why are you suddenly trying to be a part of my life what is that supposed to mean means we haven't been close in a long time Dad let's just accept that I'm never going to be the person that you wanted me to be and you're never going to understand why I don't want to be that person we just we have different values Bo that much is certain what's that supposed to mean you missed your grandfather's funeral he had everything planned to The Last Detail and you missed it the police sent off D's toast Bulldogs a Maria what possible excuse can you have for not being there with your family I don't have one I I I was about to get on the plane and then I was thinking about Grandpa and I and I just couldn't do it you remember when my buddy died in a fire downtown yes of course horrible yeah well we were more like brothers than than friends and I was friends with his girlfriend too and they were about to have a kid even her baby I was just so angry smells great in here oh I made dinner here have a drink thank you b a dining table Yeah well you said you wanted my help picking one out yes and you also said that if I found something that didn't clearly go in my bedroom you would welcome it I didn't in fact say that it appears to have an electrical cord log it in it's an air hockey table bi your logic you think it doubles as a dining room table oh yeah sure it's space saving I mean we need an air hockey table indeed and we also need a dining table so you know two for one don't you love the colors which ones it appears to have all of them oh Dad please use a [Applause] puck Pastor Sal please nothing would make me happier [Applause] you're right this could use some salt would you ready this is all starting to feel a bit pass aggressive you're trying to make a point I wish you would just make it [Applause] okay I'm assuming that this is Revenge for not wanting your weight bench in the living room or any of my things only because happily I can provide you with some nicer things to you they're nicer I like my things well it's just that they're a bit um embarrassing no no no they're not embarrassing you don't want someone walking into your apartment seeing my stupid garish things you find them embarrassing in fact I'm not so sure you don't find me embarrassing oh that is absolutely ludicrous it's just that I believe that my L's Austrian art Novo iridescent glass vase might Clash ever so slightly with your box of dirt that box of dirt is from Fenway 2013 the socks were in that dirt I want to understand why that's important but to me it just sounds like a lawn problem are you all right oh it's Freddy he's regressing into an angry teen and what's he angry about that I don't love Scotch out of a plastic jug or a dining set designed by dve and Buster you ask me it's all a bit performative honestly this exaggerated disdain for anything remotely tasteful just like my father oh I see what's going on here what does that mean pretty obvious isn't it please then I'm not in a mood all right all right what my call I'll just write a few things down in case I forget you do what you want it's no concern of mine what are you writing I don't care what did you write let me guess you think Frederick get under my skin because he reminds me of my father some tried observation like that not a bad thought Alan actually can you blame me I mean I loved my father but he cringed at absolutely everything I am can you imagine what that's like to have a father that's that embarrassed by you okay okay you madej your point I'm doing the same thing with Freddy he just wants a father who accepts him oh I see what you've done it's a neat little parlor trick you get me to rev myself up while you write down absolutely nothing at all just wants a father who accepts him how the hell did you do that frasia I've known you for decades I'm an eminent psychiatrist Plus on the other side I wrote down mommy issues just to cover my bases look around uncle you are the rosie cheek debutant at this ball of the brains I am the strapping young go sit down da okay welcome to a history of psychology in this semester I will be your Virgil leading you not through the circles of Hades but through the excuse me I have a question oh well I can ramp back into my virtual speech any moment uh yes I think my boyfriend might be cheating on me should I confront him well I I am sorry to hear that but uh this is not my old TV show I'm not giving out any personal advice uh yes I have your first Callin question she's from Phoenix Arizona she's my mom she wants to know if you're as handsome in person as you were on TV that is not for me to say People magazine said yes absolutely but we getting over the numbers are bad if you quit now well the numbers they're going to get worse what are these numbers you keep talking about they're numbers and they're bad this is Harvard for God's sake Harvard's and alone could power a small country for centuries I okay it's not about the numbers it's about my sister all my life she's been just a little more popular little more successful I don't know if if you've ever dealt with a a sibling with whom you have a very intense and comp comptitive relationship I am familiar with the dynamic but I need your star power to finally beat my sister she just made Provost at Yale Yale Fraser Yale don't you Yale at me you are wasting your time I'm not a dog person shoe think you're going to wear me down trust me I have had years of experience I don't lasted that little mongr I'll Outlast you morning hey what are you up to oh I'm making my chili for the guys this station tonight but uh got to double the recipe which is you know tough cuz I'm just a firefighter so uh dad help me out what is 2 * 4 again you were a athlete you know it's eight right eight the one looks like a snowman here's your chili pot oh thanks it's up uh Eve why does this smell like baby lotion old Family Recipe also I took some really cute photos of John dressed up as a lobster you got to stop oh my God that is insanely cute iarm Chile know since you already have most of the ingredients why did you consider making Chile's more sophisticated French cousin the coule it's where the bean truly shines I know that sounds kind of tricky you think I can handle that since I'm just a firefighter know I have great respect for firefighters but how ever I have always wondered why you narrowed your choices down to just this one given that you have so many gifts I use all my gifts mental physical sorial that's right I design this shirt see the stitching no exactly hey my you look ravishing well I tried something fun with my hair oh this is so exciting the three of us together aren't you all competing against each other to get into that club technically yes but we've gamed the system by forming an alliance see working together allows you to brag about one another which is endearing but when you brag about yourself it's obnoxious yes the whole thing was my idea it's a brilliant idea I mean with my connections Dr Crane's celebrity and also Allen we're shoin for the founder Society the founder Society isn't this whole thing just a little pretentious look and we all have very good reasons for wanting to get in I mean I for one would like to find a place where feel like I belong Scotch related gluttony for me naked ambition here this place is so stuffy I love it looks like the sort of place you retire to after a long day hunting man okay every second counts we have two hours to meet and impress as many members as possible after which they will get together and vote to select the the new inductees the most important person is the chair of the econ Department Dean Melvin he is the head of the society what are you doing I'm trying on a Priceless antique Gauntlet what's it look like him do why because the helmet would mess up my hair I do not want to repeat of the Bullington Club incident please take the gauntlet off before someone sees you it's stuck wow you two are in a good mood well it's hard not to be I'm spending time with my son colleagues and friends for the first time in my life I can say that frasia crane wants for nothing H too bad I had somebody in mind that I wanted to set you up with I can be ready in 5 minutes good for you Frasier always admired your Dewey eyed optimism you know even though Love's been punching you in the face for the last what three decades I think not a fair characterization no no no no we're very proud of you really the way you've lurched from one failed marriage to another I mean I was kind it must be what three two technically thank you Freddy yeah the third one you just got left at the altar I admit I may have had several rough patches in the past may have had a tendency to get in my own way but that's all behind me now just hope there's enough time left for me to still find true love a come on dad it's giving you a hard time you're still a young man you're you're a catch any woman would be lucky to have you you know Professor Salazar in the Linguistics department has her eye on you isn't she the one who had three husbands die under mysterious circumstances no no no no the third one hasn't been found yet he's only presumed [Music] dead hello you must be Eve's friend I am June Patrick please come in June yeah let me take your coat you know a much smarter man than I once wrote spring being a tough act to follow God created June I bet you say that to all the Junes and the occasional May I'm Fraser crane how do you do I'm good thanks come on I know who you are are these Christian laqua pillows indeed they are bit early in the evening for pillow talk though isn't it and the music Luchia D LaMore by donetti tell me I'm good you are very good ask me that staging of tan was a tan don't well I still say it was a refreshingly modern adaptation of a classic word refreshingly modern good Lord they changed the Imperial Palace to a Costco and chiap that's odd Frederick told me he had plans this evening when I invited him to the Opera I didn't realize it was a date oh I was a backup choice was I fine I'll just write that in our friendship Ledger in red A sly do he clearly traded up dis his old man for an evening with an enchanting orango let's go say hello Frederick you old dog you who is this lovely serent hello Frasier Lilith dear God who looked in the mirror and said your name three times Fraser I almost didn't recognize you I'm used to seeing you wedged between commercials for injury attorne Journeys and walk-in tubs I'm just joking I've never seen your television show it's good to see you but if you're here then who's minding the children you've lured to your gingerbread house okay you crazy kids all right everybody gather around it's time for the gifts hey birthday buddy happy birthday Frederick from your loving mother me oh wow M it's a football because you like football yeah no I I I I get it thanks it's that's great just a football so much for one uping me I actually feel sorry for oh no wait it's gone just a moment this was supposed to be signed excuse me a minute um par me sir Vince Wilfork no freaking way Vince wi Forks here oh my God oh my God oh my God I don't know who this is but I'm so excited by your excitement he won the Vincent Lombardi trophy I'm told that's a big deal Mr will Fork I I watched you win the Super Bowl twice with the Pats those were the those were the best nights of my life Mom how did you well uh Mr will Fork is an old acquaintance well actually I was her patient wait really yes your mom helped me tackle the scariest Lineback of all shyness the mom really helped me out happy birthday Freddy got a pen a pen oh found one it's not working try licking it no what a piece of junk anyone got a shopie what I'm about to say may very well destroy me you were right beg your pardon you said you were right you were right you were right I was competing marking my territory with Frederick's peers like a warm and nurturing mama bear but why you were always close with Frederick you were already winning neither of us was winning he lied to us both he knows we cannot be in the same room together after 30 years what the hell's wrong with us you know people don't easily change I thought we were better than people I wonder if we're competing for Frederick's affection to relieve some of the guilt we feel for breaking up our family ah guilt the legal tender of the divorced parent interesting analysis Dr sternin thank you Dr cran well at least we didn't screw him up completely he was doing pretty well with that girl at the bowling alley who knows a year from now we might be bouncing Giza on our knee whereas you know Kart argued that life is struggle so so so the very Act of searching for his son is is in essence nothing more than a Reclamation of purpose but but but but once completed life loses all meaning wow and I thought Finding Emo was just about fish Freddy what's going on are you pontificated when Freddy gets drunk he gets wick it's smart it's so reductive see he sounds like you what a nerd guys please Freddy doesn't get smart when he drinks he's always smart it just comes out more when he's at a few beers like your accent moves accent that's slander that's Malaki that's okay I'm hearing it so you supplement your natural intelligence in order to blend in with your peers except when you drink alcohol which makes you diminish your inclination to obfuscate your wit Jesus you must be wasted okay guys look just cuz on occasion I will extemporaneously engaged oh my son my beautiful boy I knew you were still in there somewhere tell me do you still remember French Pap holy crap he sounds like the candle from that movie go psychology asks the question why do we do what we do applied behavioral analysis is the answer and Skinner's key assertions reverberate to this day why do I want this a why do you want to be a professor the answer is that we can't help but pursue those things you didn't choose to make those pastries I didn't choose to Corner the very frightened registar in the dining hall until he told me the grading policy no a lifetime of punishments and rewards has conditioned us to always seek out the highest grade the highest title no matter what it may cost us that is what determines our behavior that is what makes us [Music] cranes I'm sorry I can't go higher than a B+ I'm sorry all right it's just you have no idea how hard it is to explain to a woman I'm a grown man living with my dad right couldn't possibly imagine what that's like that's different when Grandpa moved in with you it was your place you were helping them out now it's also your place but you won't let me do anything to help out around here I mean you pay the bills you you cook half my meals which I am happy to do you're my son but I'm also an adult I've spent a long time on my own I'm used to pulling my own weight I don't need you stocking the fridge with pudding cups you eat those not the butterscotch hi guys guys do you want to see my new face cream not now Eve no say you want to see it we're in the middle of a conversation say you want to see it Eve we don't care well too bad cuz you can't my package was stolen could you please fix the fraking buzzer oh yeah Dad I was mean to say I I'm pretty sure it's just a loose wire I think a handyman could fix that in no time well you you sound like you know what to do I would you do that for me really yes you would really help me out okay sure yeah and Eve uh I'd be glad to pay for the package that was stolen uh how much was it uh 3500 they give prizes for best father I believe they give out mugs but I don't think they're terribly exclusive well I deserve one I have just executed a masterful spell of parenting wonderful and right on time as Freddy's in his formative mid-30s Freddy was worried that he was losing his independence since moving in with me so I thought of a little job for him and problem solved no yes nothing says Independence like condescending busy work congratulations Alan you have set a new school record AAR what for oh oh I bet it's a bad thing let me guess um most naps in class oh no no oldest food stain on top you're F ta and a month just quit damn it I overthought it well you know it's not my fault these kids complain about everything I don't want to tidy your attic there are noises coming from your attic why didn't you tell me there's a family of raccoons in your attic no you're lucky her eye was able to heal well fortunately I was able to find the one student who's still willing to work for you he's not officially a TA since he's an undergrad but for some reason he's actually very excited well I can't wait to meet the gumptious individual I'm sure we'll get on like reporting for Duty My Le you win I'll retire oh Dad try the buzzer for me hey you fixed it how about that don't know how you did it oh what I did was I took the old tube wiring and I just I didn't say I wanted to know thank you can't recall and I've been this impressed got a metal of Valor last fall and now this what a year I also noticed it's a little damp behind the panels had to open up the walls see if we got a leak open up the walls wouldn't it be easier just to buy another building yeah I gots started inside but I'll have to finish when I get back from my shift don't worry you won't even notice the thing oh God oh God what have you done what happened this happened he made a hole oh no was a teeny tiny Kool-Aid man here please please this is serious no you're right you again it seems my attempts to kill you have only made you stronger oh hey is that Grandpa's it is Ronnie s over a box of Dad's old christm Christmas decorations I know where's a package Thief when you need one come on he's fun plus this little guy Tau me it's okay for men to dance you doing all right yeah I'm just sitting here thinking used to hate dad's Christmas decorations now even this old Rudolph wreath is making me sentimental a want me to hang it up said I was whistful not insane I love those Christmases in Seattle yeah me too now we're all scattered about I miss those times H maybe I should have gotten a tree this year it just didn't seem right huh what H just uh had an idea for a cool gift for you something could bring you back to those days if it's a lazy boy or a Jack Russell don't bother oh sorry Dad I was hoping your gift will be here in time for the party but do look like it will oh please fine wine champagne homemade eggnog the Brandon BG string quartet a Christmas goose from elisian farms and my son everything's perfect assuming you are going to change out of those Rags F Navi do fam and a half a belated happy Hanukkah to you Freddy thank you very much David my dad told me your flight got to late till tomorrow that's all right now I get to see your Dad's reaction my reaction to What You intended to order 24 chairs and one Christmas tree right yes Oh Holy Night okay well the Christmas side of me loves it the firefighter side of me is thinking oh this building's going to make the local news tonight Ross you look like crap what are you doing here well I got a call from Freddy a couple of days ago and he said you were down and that you could really stand to see an old friend gosh he's a good kid huh yeah he is can I get you a drink yeah I would Lov one can I take you to a bar yeah us to old friends and to those who are no longer with us to Martin he was one of the greats he always treated me just like one of his own kids he treated his own kids like they were from another planet I miss him I miss him too you know the only thing I regret is that he didn't have a chance to see me reconnect with Freddy to see how I'm trying to be the kind of father he was I'd like to think he'd be proud of me are you kidding he's so proud of you he's always been proud of you I bet he's up there right now now smiling ear to ear watching the two of you together laughing his ass off at how stupid your party went
Channel: Paramount Plus
Views: 244,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paramount Plus, P+, Paramount +
Id: jW3qTvzFq_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 56sec (1976 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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