All of doctor Lilith Sternin's dramatic entrances [Frasier]

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so Dr crane I just don't know what to do about my weight I've tried diet after diet from the milkshakes three times a day to that scary baldheaded lady on TV nothing seems to work Hank listen to me you've got to look inside yourself there is a part of you that isn't being fed well it certainly isn't my butt yes well I'm talking about your inner self what isn't being fed there love career simple self steam there are deeper issues at work here so so what do I do well I'd suggest extended therapy please stay in the line and my producer Ros will refer you to the help you need Ross who's our next call we have someone on line one who disagrees with your advice to Hank oh really hello you're on the line congratulations Frasier you've done it [Applause] again you've LED another unsuspecting innocent down one of your dark dead end Freudian hallways Lilith overeating is very simply a behavioral problem caused by negative reinforcement it can be cured quite readily by behavior modification I see well Seattle we have a celebrity of sort on the line This is my ex-wife Lilith what do you mean by celebrity oh they know [Applause] you R what exactly does call screening mean it means I get to put on the air the calls I want to hear well Lilith what brings you to Seattle the constant rain I'm here for a convention and I happen to hear your voice on the radio I kept hoping you'd introduce Pearl Jam's latest hit but much to my chagrin you were doing out worthless little advice pellets for from your psychiatric pz dispenser well I guess you'll be rushing off to your little convention now and I suppose we'll just have to catch up on your next trip actually I'm not doing anything for dinner tonight really well then you'll want to keep your dial tuned to 780 for Gill chesterton's restaurant beat why don't you ask her to dinner Dr crane what a wonderful idea and let me tell you why Seattle you see even though our marriage was unsuccessful Lilith and I are quite capable of conducting ourselves as adult and even enjoying spending some time together from time to time so Lilith seven at my place sounds great all right now now there she is all right now listen it's just one evening out of your life with will you at least try to be civil all right but I refuse to be warm hello Lilith frer please come in uh hi uh here let let me take these things for you there we are yes oh look who's here hello Martin hello Niles hello where's Maris she's visiting her sister in Chicago Oh I thought perhaps she was sailing up the transplendent river of your [Laughter] love Frasier I like what you've done with your apartment thank you you have some beautiful things the settlement is final Lili go away why does he listen to you and not to me by the tone of my voice he senses I mean business oh I see you're saying your voice is more commanding than mine is hell I took a half a step before I realized she was talking to the [Applause] dog hello Lilith Frasier come in I must be early I see you haven't had a chance to put up your hair yet oh I thought I'd leave it down tonight really yes after several hours of careful deliberation and weighing all the consequences I decided to be playful oh my God Fraser oh my God Li what are you doing here I suppose I could ask you the same thing Fraser is everything all right uh yes yes uh why don't you come out and join us mine what about you you here with someone Yes actually he's snorkeling at the moment anyone I know Sam alone Sam just kidding oh God it's nice to see you too is Frasier here don't you live in Boston I'm here on a layover and judging by Frasier's trademark mango on a stick so are you put down that mango my dear it's time you tasted The Forbidden Fruit l what are you doing here I have something urgent to discuss what have you done with meline she was surprised to see me and she I hope you're not angry with me angry what do I have to be angry about just because every time I carve out the tiniest Little slice of Happiness myself you'll go along and obliterate it my God woman I drive a steak through your heart but I don't think anything could kill you Frederick like him oh he's crazy about him oh oh Frasier Ryan could never take your place that way you're Frederick's father [Applause] congratulations well it looks like they're made [Laughter] up Hello everyone Lilith what a pleasant surprise how is Bora Bora never seen you looking quite so tan my God what does she look like in Winter everyone we have some very happy news Lilith is going to be married again to who someone else oh that's great congratulations wonderful [Laughter] just wonderful when's the happy occasion no tomorrow in Las Vegas oh Lilith how delightfully kchy it's your second marriage so you've decided to poke fun at the institution by getting married in the tackiest place you could possibly choose Brian's family lives in Las Vegas well isn't that convenient you'll have someone to show you the [Laughter] museums excuse me I'm looking for Fraser crane they told me he'd be up here Lilith it's me Ros Doyle oh yes Fraser's funloving producer who's apparently having a bit too much fun loving you know I'd love to send one back at you but I got to pee well that's all the time we have for today this is Dr frasia crane wishing you a good day and good mental ah I'm I'm sorry um someone just walked in the room and frightened me I it's uh my ex-wife so if you're a regular listener you know what I'm talking about we'll see you Monday oh oh hello Lilith surprise yes we a little past that now aren't we well what brings you to Seattle I'm here for the national conference on self psychology ah and how is Frederick fine we have an amazing child yes we have and uh Brian fine I have an amazing husband yes yes so did you two get the gift basket I sent you for the holidays what did you do to her nothing I sent her a gift basket fruits and festive nuts oh it's not the basket you knit it's Brian he left me maybe I should go oh no everyone else knows it you might as well know it too Brian was looking for someone a bit more feminine and he found him evening dadie hello Niles Sher I think we have time before Lilith arrives what you never said you was coming up here you just said you were going to dinner you never said you was coming up here it's just to Rondevu it's all of 2 minutes but you never told me you've been home an hour you never told me not a word did he say anything to you no nothing you could have told us you know we could have made plans to be elsewhere well how come you didn't know about it you usually know these things you get a headache don't you the all right she's coming both of you suck it up lth has had a devastating week her husband has left her at least you can do a sure a little compassion unless of course you like to go hide in your rooms because two minutes of polite conversation with a woman in need is too much to ask out of my way me too it remember Fraser I'm here for you if you feel yourself starting to weaken I'm fine believe me I am in complete control oh baby thank you Frasier I I needed that I treated myself to a little shopping this afternoon probably just a pathetic attempt to compensate for the battering my ego's taken recently it's pretty transparent huh no but if you stand in the light maybe I could Niles sorry to hear your marriage ended in a shambles ditto now we got the pleasantries out of the way let me take your R thank yaa oh Lilith that dress is stunning Fraser may I see you in the kitchen no it's from a new Couture line called enor oh well Bravo I can almost feel the curtain Rising frer I'll just ask him to leave my God my goddess room service go away oh I have your ketchup ma'am not necessary okay but I need the bill later well let's just take care of this I'm sorry to disturb you here's the uh ketchup sorry it took so long uh I still need the bill where's the cart in the bathroom why is the breakfast cart in the bathroom uh I was going to take a hot bath while I ate still food in the bathroom be right back hi Dad Frederick hi hello fure hello oh gosh you know I was starting to get worried about two you're an hour late we saw a big accident on the freeway mom saved this guy's life really well that's going a bit far I simply appli to tourniquet she's a hero yes that's your mother all right son yeah and then the paramedics came and wanted to give Mom a transfusion yes that's your mother all right son it's not your turn yet I still have two more lives it's Lilith I need to talk to you does the door have to be closed I think it's best it's of a personal nature what's this about well it's about an attraction that I thought was over and now I'm beginning to think maybe it's not usually in my dreams this is where I try to run and can't this isn't about you you ego Maniac this is about Frasier I think he wants us together again he knows how I feel about you not us me and Frasier is there a chair here I could talk to hi it's me Frasier um listen I'm aware of the time it's just that well you're the last person on Earth I thought I'd be calling but I I had this dream and I had to talk to you about it oh God I suppose you expect me to be awake for this conversation don't you okay I'll be brief hello yes hi n listen I'm fine actually I I just need a little time alone guess I'll I'll see you in a day or two no there's no need to put dad on he's already consoled me enough as it is every time I can't make it work with a woman what the hell does he know he's not wrong frasure yes he is it wasn't that I couldn't make it work with Lana I simply stepped aside when the father of her children showed up like the decent human being I am and speaking on behalf of your subconscious because you realized the relationship was destined to fail and why would that be Lana could have been perfect for him is that something you just say out of habit now no because two weeks ago the title belonged to CLA CLA was perfect I just wasn't in love with her the heart has a mind of its own they say or perhaps she wasn't needy enough for you you have been known to love a project oh please I have never found neediness to be an attractive quality in a woman never Solitude this is what I needed perhaps but to quote Lord Byron it is in solitude where we are least alone smells like dirt out there whoa why' he need you to hang around he's making lunch for Lily and off we go too late shouldn't you get the door you're closer I don't live here doesn't matter your family so is death oh no you don't maybe if you led me a key I could let myself in hey Lola sorry for the hold up but uh Fraser should be back from the dentist any minute oh all right that'll give us a chance to visit yeah Daphne Niles congratulations on the successful comingling of your genetic material you ask me that staging of tan D was a t and don't well well I still say it was a refreshingly modern adaptation of a classic word refreshingly modern good Lord they changed the Imperial Palace to a Costco and chiap that's odd Frederick told me he had plans this evening when I invited him to the Opera I didn't realize it was a date oh I was a backup choice was I fine I'll just write that in our friendship Ledger in red slly do he clearly traded up dis his old man for evening with an enchanting orango let's go say hello Frederick you old dog you who is this lovely serpent hello Fraser Lilith dear God who looked in the mirror and said your name three times Fraser I almost didn't recognize you I'm used to seeing you wedged between commercials for injury attorneys and and walk in tubs I'm just joking I've never seen your television show it's good to see you but if you're here then who's minding the children you've lured to your gingerbread house okay you crazy kids wonderful to see you again Lilith I know it's been ages but I trust the venerable tree of our friendship will bear sweet fruit once again who are you is the Rapier like wit oh God seriously who are you Alan Alan corn cor Frasier's best friend I gave a toast at your wedding in Aruba I wore a white linen suit and you told me that I look terrible in a fedora you'll have to be more specific I say that to everyone in a fedora I why don't you get us a couple of drinks fry why didn't you tell me you having dinner with your mother I'd like to see my time to Alan oh splendid l no
Channel: I'm not weird everyone else is weird and im normal
Views: 607,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frasier, lilith, niles, martin, crane, frasier crane, martin crane, niles crane, doctor crane, doctor lilith sternin crane, compilation, humour, joke, funny
Id: b3UsKyPM3Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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