Best Mod For Trading? - Rimworld 1.5 Mod Review

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so pict of this you're going to go on a lovely little trading route and it's a long way away 7.9 days for a oneway trip that's too long way too long for 15 days in total you could have been doing drugs you could have been enslaving people and you could have been doing all those lovely R World things introducing the Cario InterContinental mod a lovely little mod that will solve all of your problems very easily and as this mod has been very recently updated to 1.5 I thought we'd give it a go this is a mod that has been out for a few months now and it is extremely highly ated there's a few other mods that could be used instead of this one but this one I like for very specific reasons let's get started on those reasons and look at the content itself so as we all know first impressions count and that's the first bit of content that we need to look at the Steam Workshop page what is there and what can we see everything here that I am expecting there's a lovely little picture there's a contents of what's in the mod we've got mod recommendations we've got known issues this is a very standard mod page and that's what I like everything's here and everything's of a quality I expect we could maybe have some more details here and there but I don't need to know anym so as we look at what is actually in this mod I need to quote the great Greek Storyteller asop good things come in small packages and I I am not talking about my small package and nor am I talking about the quality of it this is all the content that we have here there are five carriers five airships there are five vehicles to get us across the continent that's it now as we've seen in previous mod reviews the amount of content doesn't necessarily matter as long as is of good enough quality and is balanced with how in how it is and we'll cover those later so what are these five little airships we have the standard Airship the kirov Airship standard caral the ox caral and the vertigo caral every single one of these does a different job has different abilities and I like that I like that they're all unique and you can be using them at any situation that you're in sometimes you'll want to use the more later game ones and sometimes you might want to use the early game ones every single one fits a purpose and stated at the beginning these things are going to be used for trading so obviously every single one of these can be used as a pack animal um you can take them on the trips you can store them full of luggage you can put them full of trading stuff you can take your colonist and go to the ancient dangers and everything and use them to loot that up um these are very versatile and they do operate the exact same as transport pods um which I will go further into later in this video because there's some issues that come with that so with the uniqueness that comes with these InterContinental airships of them have added weapons and abilities to them uh the kirov Airship has a steam gun um and it can also self-destruct which is very very classic of an Airship really uh the ox caral has a cannon that shoots fairly slow but quite powerfully and the vertigo caral which is just an absolute Menace has a laser minigun attached to it now all of these weapons take up fuel as they are used as ammo um so for balancing that kind of makes sense um but as a Content perspective it's a lovely little touch honestly it means that they can actually have a use um in battles in raids and all of the above and so that's about it in terms of content that is pretty much all that we can look at we have the five airships we have the three unique abilities SL weapons with them and that is it as I said earlier this is a small mod and if it is pulled off right and is of a good enough quality and balancing it is fine and honestly I'm quite happy with the amount of content here and the quality of it I think some vehicle mods can go too deep into things and I like the Simplicity of this I like that there's just five there's not too much choice and I'm actually going to use all of the things here um for Content I'm going to give it an eight out of 10 I would maybe quite like to see the standard Airship and the standard carryer hle have a different weapon also and I maybe would like to se a few new um car and everything for getting around the planet so next let's look at the quality of this mod now as per usual I'll be using the camera plus mod here that has been thankfully updated to 1.5 um I'll be using that to zoom in on everything and look at everything now as usual camera plus mod gets a 10 out of 10 in my books now looking at everything and zooming in very nicely the graphics are fantastic they all look really nice they're nice and crisp they're nice and detailed and textured I like them all they are all so unique and different but at the same time they kind of do fit in the rim World aesthetic um especially the standard caral I think fits in perfectly uh the ox caral and the vertigo car also fit in very nicely and I like the variation the Airship and the kirov airshop bring to different technology levels um overall graphically this is looking very nice then as mentioned earlier the carriers that are added by this mod are all based on the transport pod they act like a transport pod that is what they are based off so the transport pod takes off and goes up in the air and disappears it goes off into these heavens and then comes back down eventually um the carols and everything do the exact same thing they take off and fly away they go off on their merry way and go on their journey in a lovely aesthetic way um it's not a big detail it's not something that you might notice after a long time of using this mod but it's those little details that make a big difference in my opinion a nice little touch by the mod Creator here now in terms of quality that's going to be about all we're going to be looking at today as I said it this is a very small mod it's very simple in what it does and it does a very good job of it the fact that everything is kind of based on the transport pods in base game kind of means that we are going to be slightly restricted in what I can show you and what the things can do I like what I've seen I think the quality is good enough and it does the job and that's what I like about this mod more than anything it does what it says on the tin and that is what we want to see honestly we don't want it to be too complicated it does it just right um so I think in terms of quality I'm going to be giving it a 7 out of 10 a very standard rating I think we could see just a little bit more love put into things a little bit more care a little bit more thought and maybe a few custom things to add it in this mod just to make it feel a bit more loved um still a very good score next let's move on to the balancing so next let's look at balancing now I need to start off here and say right at the B beginning here comparing this mod to base game which is what we do in these mod reviews this mod is UN balanced compared to base game okay this mod needs to be used in a mod pack all right the base game just cannot keep up in any shape or form whilst I don't think this is a problem it doesn't quite fit in with Ral in that regard first let's look at the resource cost so looking at the resource cost for all of the airships um it all kind of makes sense I don't think anything is necessarily too expensive I don't think anything is necessarily too cheap um for what you're getting and the abilities that you're going to be able to gain throughout your playthrough it all kind of makes sense honestly um I think the Airship stuff could be a little bit more expensive I think the standard carrier could also be a little bit more expensive um but I think in terms of balancing it's not too bad very easily accessible and I don't think it's going to make that too much of a difference on your gameplay as long as you are not abusing it so next let's look at the trading capabilities of these things let's look at the standard Airship and the standard car as our Baseline level the standard Airship has got 200 kg of capacity and the standard caral has got 450 standard capacity these are the two least out of all of the airships and let's compare it to the pack animals within Rim world I have an alpaca a muffalo a yak and a bison to start with all of these carry less than the standard Airship um they're they're not as good in any way and they're not as efficient uh the only animal that I reasonably found that was even comparable was the elephant that could carry 300 um which is obviously better than the standard Airship that is the only time that I can see the animals in Rim World in base game to be any comparable to this mod at all um I cannot emphasize enough how unbalanced this is compared to base game but obviously I'm going to recommend you to be using mods with a lot of this mod at the same time next let's look at the tech requirements for the items in this mod now the Airship and the kov Airship are going to be the least technologically advanced stuff for you to be have access to that's what you're going to be using for a lot of the time within your playthrough um it's fairly easily accessible and it's not that expensive the standard carrier the ox carrier and the vertigo carrier are where things get expensive they require fabrication not only that they have their own Tech levels that you need to achieve not only that but you need tech prints two Tech prints for the ox caral and the vertigo carryer making them extremely expensive and actually quite hard to access things um from a balancing perspective to base game it's nice to see that these very powerful things aren't actually that easily accessible but from a modded perspective it's not difficult to access these with the trading and traveling that you will be doing with the other items overall for balancing this is a nice little touch I mean the tech printing does make it more in line with the base game than what it could potentially be um so I think overall for balancing for this mod comparing it to the base game which is what we do in these mod reviews I'm going to give it a five out of 10 I think if you I was going to be reviewing this as part of a l larger mod pack then it would be a lot more balanced so next let's look at compatibility the known bugs that are within this mod and with will this fit in with your playthrough so let's start off with the bugs and everything there are already conflict issues known within this mod with the srts mod and combat extended srts if you're using this mod I'm not sure what you're doing cuz this literally does the exact same thing why are you doing that uh comb back Ed however is a very popular model and I can totally understand why you would be a little bit upset at the mod conflict there um it's kind of a bit of a bummer I'm not going to lie but not the end of the world um we're looking at the Steam Workshop page and the discussion and everything there are a lot of complaints about issues and bugs things not loading in properly things not working properly and I think this ultimately comes down to the fact that this is pired with the transport pod stuff in base game there are a lot of issues with that I personally could not redo these in game with the matter of time that I was doing everything um but I could totally see where they were coming from however it was very nice to see that the mod author does make the effort to address these issues and address them and try to fix them um it's nice that they a model after all these months of mod being out is still trying to make things better and I can appreciate that from him then how does this mod fit in with your playthroughs what are you going to be using it in I think you're going to be pretty much only using this mod in any playthrough you're doing that is industrial themed and above I can potentially see Arguments for maybe a steampunk Vibe playr for the kirov Airship and the basic Airship but that's pushing it a little bit I think in terms of any other style that you're going to be having a great time with any playthrough you're doing that's heavily modded with the anything industrial and above this mod is going to fit in with pretty much any playthrough you're doing as long as you're using with a lot of other mods in order to have a good time so I think on that for compatibility I'm quite happy giving it a six out of 10 only being marked down because there are quite a few issues that are imported and everything within this mod itself next let's look at my mod recommendations so last but not least let's look at my mod recommendations now it's very important to note here that I will only be recommending mods that are updated to 1.5 we're currently in the unstable branch of wiw world and unfortunately a lot of the mods that I want to be able to recommend you have not been updated yet but I have selected a couple here today that I want to be able to show to you first the better explosions mod this one is actually recommended with this mod um and I think it fits really nicely next we have the better ancient complex loot very necessary if you're going to be going adventures and everything and obviously how are we going to build everything with the lack of resources the Quarry mod is the answer to that and last I have the geological landforms mod a very nice mod for when you're going out adventuring and everything and you want to look at things and make them look a little bit more pretty now like I said a lot of mods I want to be able to show off to you guys today have not been updated to 1.5 I'm confident in the future there's are going to be a lot more that can be updated to 1.5 and then you you're going to be able to put them in your mod packs um I think that this mod is so easily accessible to whatever mod pack you're going into apart from anything that's kind of early Tech that you need to be able to use this um I think that this is a very competent mod in terms of what mods you can use with this and it will just fit in with everything the versatility is ridiculous so on that fact alone the mod recommendation I'm going to be giving it a 9 out let's move on to my conclusion so here we at the end of this review now I want to State very nicely here that this mod is fantastic I think this mod is a great little addition for when certain other vehicle mods are maybe slightly too complicated and you just want something that does the job this mod fits in really nicely with so many playthroughs and I think that is a fantastic part of it the Simplicity the versatility of it it's almost a utility mod with just a lot more specific content so for Content I did give it a 8 out of 10 for Quality 7 out of 10 balancing 5 out of 10 for compatibility 6 out of 10 and mod recommendations 9 out of 10 giving it the grand total score of 35 out of 5050 which on my scale gives it a solid B rating this is a very good score for this mod and I think it does fit it really well there are some improvements that could be made some extra content could be added some more airships and I do think the compatibility and the bugs that that have been reported with this mod have let it down otherwise it would be a solid a tier mod now this is obviously a 1.5 mod review and I will be continuing these mod reviews for the next couple of weeks whilst I'm cooking up a new series and a new playthrough if you have any any recommendations for mods to use in that please let me know in the Discord or in the comment section thank you very much for watching today's video guys make sure you like subscribe make sure you tell your M as well I'll see you next time thank you
Channel: Kingallhobos
Views: 3,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7TuO4S_YS2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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