Best Method for End Game for Max Gear and character Rise of the RONIN - how to Guide Level up fast

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hello and welcome to this rise of the Ronin video this is going to be the ultimate guide for people in the middle to the end of the game and Beyond I'm going to have a lot of key information that I've gathered with almost 200 hours into this game and I am super excited so make sure you grab some notepad and get ready to lock in for all of the good stuff by the way I have something special at the end that I want to talk about but for now let's go let's go hello welcome we are here officially finished the game no spoilers of course but it's been a blast and this is my last outfit for the Run change outfits every single time that has nothing to do with anything but there we go okay so thank you so much for tuning in let's do it so first thing that I want to talk about that's most important is that this game has a very costy upgrading system and you should not waste any resources when I say any I mean zero resources on the blacksmith on your playthrough for the most part maybe once in a while if it's something favorite you have but I can guarantee you that you will find enough weapons and items as you can see right here I'm on 900 and I actually have a lot in my storage I probably have a thousand in my storage and I sell anything that is not squiz it for the most part okay or dismantle depending on what I'm feeling like right and then you're looking at the red items well guess what that's the new Master version of the item so you don't want to go ahead and worry about these either so yes there's another grind in the game which is very awesome for those that love playing games and enjoying the max potential of your builds and I'm going to teach you a bunch of tips a little bit later on how to get everything and we're going to talk about it all but I just wanted to kind of discuss that first and I did make a video breaking that type of stuff down and explaining it's okay just run through the game and enjoy yourself when you get to the very end you're going to get a new thing called Midnight difficulty okay so this is a whole another difficulty where you can play through everything the open world is as you can see right here this is the very first map and pretty much everything is saying is completed because I did 100% the game but I can easily go to all these places for example these chests and reopen them and in these chests I can find some good things and so the first tip is start putting on equipment or at least finding some equipment that will have lucky drops and things like that that are going to help you in the long run because you want to get the best gear best item best rewards if possible so go through your gear try to find it it's going to be helpful the game gives you everything you need but when you're looking for something specific you're going to want to do that and it's going to help you big time all right that's just a a baby tip before we go down the rabbit hole of all these big ones that I got going for this video so that's that all right and now we're going to talk about a lot of different things that you should be doing in this game that is very critical that's going to help you proceed to develop so after you beat the game you get to go into what we talked about before which The Testament of the Soul which is actually very awesome thing by the way you can play through the whole game okay and you're going to get a lot of rewards and the first thing I want to talk about when it comes to this is that you should probably just run through the story very quickly and what I mean by quickly is you don't have to just relax and play normal you can run through get to the boss skip a lot of the enemies and get to the boss and this is for a couple reasons one you want to unlock each area the only way to do that is by kind of replaying some of this opening it up to the second chapter third chapter etc etc so this is very good as you can see on the bottom right here it says midnight completion rate and I'm not even a quarter because I'm making this video as I discovered all the very cool things in this game but this is going to be vital opening up the chapters to be able to also if you want to platinum it or if you're looking for something specific which I'm going to get into and there's a reason why I'm saying do this so try to do that and unlock all three chapters okay come back when when you're done and the reason I want to say to do that one of the main reasons is the bond system right here these main missions you're going to be able to get all the rewards with every single person you probably missed throughout the story and with the bond missions okay so you can't just go into different areas and expect that it's going to work out you have to like through some of the story to change things up and it'll explain what you did or didn't do I let Gonzo live right then you can keep going down the rabbit hole I'm not going to spoil the story this is early on so there's no spoilers it's a reason why I'm making this now the reason I'm talking about that the thing that we talked about is these characters and the different rewards you can get as you can see I pretty much went all out with the lovely anti- Shogun but Pro shunet I did not go too far only level three I got work to do do to get back in there and to run it and I also want to max out my Ronin to the great Ronin in the land greatest Ronin in the land okay but there's characters in here that have a thing called favor you see on the bottom of the character it says favor and this is the relationship SL extra Bond I call it where this is something you want to do because they're going to give you special rewards and we're not going to go through each person extra reward you could probably Google that but in the end of the day you want to do that to unlock all of their items and I don't want to spoil all the characters here uh you don't have to watch too much but there's plenty of characters with the favor feature and we are not going to go down to Rabbit Hole on how to do that I explained it it's very simple you're going to talk with them you can find them all on the map literally everywhere and all you're going to do is head travel to that spot you can go to the bond spot and press triangle and it'll tell you exactly where they are in the map and you can have discussions with them giving them gifts just talking giving them gifts back and forth that's a way to do it all right and you can just purchase a bunch of stuff if you're this far into the game if you're watching this video would assume you have enough resources to buy a couple of the gifts from all the different vendors in the game okay that is critical but yeah so just please take your time and do do that do that do that that that because that's going to help you level up because as you redo the story and run through all that and fix any mistakes or anything that you feel you need to change Through The Testament you're going to also build those bonds work on that and develop to unlock all the combat styles to and get all these rewards and be able to access anything and everything in the game right I got a secret tip that we're going to get into in a minute but that critical and again if we want to talk about gear like I said do not spend in the gear until you watch this whole video and then you'll see what you probably are going to want to do in just a minute we'll get into that shortly but I just wanted to make sure that you know that okay super critical and important that that everybody understands the system that way we can push forward and go from there um as a matter of fact we're going to talk talk about the dojo very quickly Dojo is one of the most important parts of this game as well and in the dojo this is where you can unlock more combat Styles and we talked about that extensively so I'm not going to go too deep into it was one of my other videos and on all my streams but go in there and complete them and the best way to complete them is pretty basic you have a simple system that I use which is damage time and then technique technique is counter Sparks and critical hits okay and time of course you know what that is and then as far as damage you just want to do some counter Sparks you you want to add that into the mix and if you can see I pretty much did all of these um but I didn't do them all on nightmare mode just but it's definitely doable did it on Twilight for the most part as you can see most of them are completed there's new ones extra ones that I haven't touched only a couple but this is going to give you new combat Styles new rewards this can be very critical especially on midnight all right super important this is going to be essential do that ASAP all right and I want to talk one more simple thing before I give you guys the real top tier secret that I have that's going to be probably the most pivotal thing that you can learn so there's this trick with the gambling I don't like recommending this but I'm just going to tell you about it cuz a friend has been doing it you save the game here then you go and try to gamble all right you you get some coins and if you win you save it if you lose you quit you back out you just quit to the menu load back in and start over this is a silly thing for some people who are kind of like exploiting the game but reason I'm bringing it up is because people are getting mad about how do I make coins how do I make coins well I got you to a certain extent I'm going to give you some really good secrets that you might Love and Enjoy so let's get into the conversation and before we do I just want to show you something that might make you laugh and make you say wow that is actually insane okay and let's just see what I got out of this here I'm going to play this but it's going to go by very quickly I want you to see the amount of skill points that I get this was a run that was very short um under an hour or so I went in here and did the method I'm about to teach you and as you can see I have zero skill points at the moment and then I'm going to go and claim my skill points from Karma conversions I have over 100 30 skill points and then I have more with the actual uh rare skill points guess what I did all that in about an hour or less all right and I want to kind of fast forward so you can see how it's is facts it's not made believe I didn't exploit the game I didn't cheat I didn't even know that this was something bad to be honest with you I kind of bumped into it randomly and I couldn't stop laughing and enjoying as you can see I just started leveling everything up so this tip right here of how I did this and what I'm doing reason I'm doing it is because there is another skill tree if you didn't know that is called breakthrough and there's a lot more Buffs for your character that I think everybody should work on right away there's different ways to do it but the method that I'm going to teach is probably the easiest to get you started the moment you finish I have not got through through midnight all right when I'm recording this video I just got done with completing the full game and then I finally uh tried this out okay and I'm going to show you what it is and explain how this happened to me so U what I like to do sometimes for games like this team ninja tends to have a good co-op system where you can just join and what I did was I went to co-op and I hit join and it says let you join inside a match and that's what I did and I ended up in a thing for a mission that I didn't even know existed until after I'm going to show you what to do when you get to the Testament of souls there's a section called Ally missions these Ally missions are so incredible I'm going to show you what they are in a second I was literally just watching a show sometimes I'll jump in here and help co-ops with somebody but I kind of don't pay attention just watching TV as I play uh casually even though it's on midnight mode it's pretty easy so any of these missions there's way more than this but these are the ones I have unlocked right now uh from the the the video you're watching I'm going to play this video uh very quickly of me jumping into this Mission and kind of just like wow this is insane so it's a small area and there's multiple bosses consider it a challenge and it's basically can you beat all of the bosses and it's like 10 bosses and each of the bosses that get killed drop amazing gear and give you those Karma points okay so you're going to be able to get top tier stuff from all of it so it's important for example I ran over to this guy cover some items take this guy down and I got look at this a Mastery level gear plus other gear that I can use okay so the reason I want to bring this up is mostly to just help encourage you to try this mode out the moment you beat the game Ally missions are super critical and it's so easy to do and again I just replayed it all I did was stay in the lobby and so did the other guys and they started coming in and when they're gone other people will join you and you could basically Farm the this until the very end it's pretty hilarious and I did it for under an hour and I pretty much almost cleared up this skill tree that you just saw just from doing it okay and I got so much gear and I I want to take a moment you're not here to watch this video because I just fooled around on it I want to take a moment to show you guys the amounts of gear that I got we're going to go to Rarity and I just want you to see all of this gear here for weapons came from that one let's an hour of playing that mission and then as you can see my sub weapons as well the red items you can't get until you play the new midnight mode and it's the same thing with my actual gear for my head pieces the armor all of this stuff just under an hour of playing Ally missions okay so I recommend it to everybody to get involved with this it's going to be I'm telling you the biggest and best thing you can do you're going to get a lot of gear the skill points as you can see right here I did not farm this I didn't do anything special other than going there I didn't even know I was getting that much points to be honest with you guys luckily I was I was uh had this recorded and I was just laughing the whole time because I couldn't believe the amounts skill points I pretty much cleared all of this skill tree just from going in there getting those points okay so I recommend going for that and the reason I'm saying this is because as you can see my character level on the bottom left is an 81 and this goes up to 100 from what I'm been told so I need to do my best by maxing out my character and this is where we're going to get into the gear again and get into some more conversations about the gear this gear is probably not going to be useful all right all of this gear everything is is in the 80s 7s 60s I have more gear in my storage you know it is a game with a lot of gear but what I want to try to explain as you can see I'm going into my storage very quickly right here inventory storage I have more gear in the storage and exquisite gear you can see I just put them all in here but it's lower level and I'm just going to use this when I go to transfer and this is going to be an important part of the game that I need people to pay attention to when you go into the blacksmith you're going to want to upgrade your gear for example is it really worth me spending all of that resources I do have more than enough to do it but I guarantee you it is not going to be worth it this gear is perfectly fine the way it is to play the game even on midnight mode I'm not the best player guys I just sharing my information with you and I've run through the game pretty decently there are challenging moments and things like that but the point is I keep on getting gear at my level as we go so I don't want to spend all my money upgrading I also don't want to spend all my money Bond transferring just yet right so let's say I love this piece right here I'm going to have to give up one item and it's fine it's just an Exquisite item I'm going to put this in here because it has really good stuff but I'm going to run out if I keep doing that because in an hour I'll end up at level 90 and I'll get 90 gear as well and then when I get to 100 that's when I'm going to do everything I'm telling you guys when it comes to being in here and putting on the best pieces and we're not going to do a guide about this too much I I've explained how it works already but you would have to know what you want to do and maybe we'll do a build video If you guys uh put up a like on this video and watch it all the way through uh will set up a really great build system on maximizing your your play out once I get to 100 won't take me long but that is the core of some of the secrets tips and tricks that I've learned and that I'm actually really loving um another tip like I said I randomly joined a match just cuz I like supporting people and I just wanted to see what people are doing out there and that's how I found this method of The Testament of souls somebody was trying to do it and it was just me and him we ran through it and I kept on um farming these too and there's more but uh it was it was a really really cool thing but again just to kind of recap so you can know how it all works what I would recommend is go through Ronin missions and the bond missions basically clearing out the bosses so you can have everything available so you can finish the bond missions with a spefic specific people you might have missed and things that you might need to do and then from there once everything is opened up and ready to go you should also be doing Ally missions and completing them all there's a bunch uh from what I hear and that's going to level you up when you reach a 100 you could start working on actually you know crafting a build with the upgrade and bond transfer system you can see I have a lot of currency I should didn't have nothing to worry about when it comes to that I've tested this stuff out but I realized you know what they give me a lot of gear I don't need to do much else to give me all the gear I need okay so that is pretty much the breakdown for this video there's a lot of little things that I learned and cool stuff that I love about this game I actually really love the testimony of souls system because it lets me run through the game but I still have my normal game as well so that is is pretty cool um that's the deal guys and I hope you guys had fun enjoying this ride as much as I had fun playing this game as well so go ahead leave a comment about some tips for endgame that you really love and you enjoy and we'll see you on the next one that should be popping up on your screen right now thank you guys so much peace
Channel: MagGamerInc
Views: 14,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mag, gamer,, video game, Youtube, youtube gamer, #PS5, #ps4, #playstation, #howto, #Guide, MagGamer, GLITTER, Action, Adventure, Open-World, PS4, PS5, RPG, Review, Sci-Fi, Sony Interactive Entertainment, ps5 review, video games, exclusive, first look, leak, new, PlayStation, next gen, Sony, Rise, Ronin, Rōnin, warrior, action, hack and slash, Ninja Gaiden, Nioh, PS, open world, rise of the ronin, rise ronin, rise of ronin, ronin rise, wo long, ps5
Id: dXiNKLe0MY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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