Ultimate COMBAT Guide with Combo and SECRETS Rise of the RONIN - Best how to Guide

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welcome to this rise of the Ronin combat guide it's going to be the ultimate guide for you guys we did a beginner guide so I expect everyone that has watched that to come here and check this one out because this is going to give you all the best things you need to know from combos to some secrets and some special attacks that I'm sure a lot of players do not know right now and they need to add it to their game so stick around and lock in we're going to definitely give you guys the best possible information as we go forward and here we are we're going to start off just by talking about the combat okay each stance AKA combat style has a lot of different elements okay the normal button press is square but guess what Square attack has a variation of attacks that's the spamming of square and then there's holding Square which is a charge attack and you can see it does kind of like an uppercut attack and then there's up and square which is kind of like a stack okay so that's the three attacks that this stance has and if I was to switch you're going to see a whole different attack and then if I hit charge it's going to do that and if I hit up it's going to do that full charge okay so you have a variation of attacks and I'm going to put the controller on and the reason I want to bring this back up is because first tip before we get into the heavy stuff is learn your weapon okay at least have one I like switching so I play with every weapon if you've seen my streams but I personally recommend for somebody to at least have one weapon that they can get good with and know every attack on it okay so I know the combo for this I know the charge attack and I know that it's going to do this Dash forward of an attack okay so this for for this one stance and then of course the chi has that for the charge which is an amazing Spin and then I can do this kick for my Advanced and then of course the regular spamming of the attack is three attacks straight forward okay now each of those also have the combat styles that we've talked about here goes one here goes another very cool and this charge attack and then last but not least and we talked about that already so we're not doing deep breakdown on each of these but the principle of what I'm about to teach is how to combine all this stuff together and cancel out secretly cancel out certain things like uh maybe a violent Gale maybe canceling out your blade Flash and much more we're going to try to figure all that out and go forward here okay so first things first as I attack I want to be able to spam my changing stances as you you can see right here I've mastered it and it's not so hard if you slow down the video you can see but the demonstration that I'm giving is pretty basic I'm basically hitting R1 and changing the analog stick on the right analog stick as the attack ends I'm switching it all right it's not right away cuz it's not going to work have to do it at a specific time and so it's important that you just time it properly and you can just wait until the blade is on your side okay that's the best way I can say and if you want to see it in action we're going to show you how to spam a normal enemy you don't want to do this against bosses or anything you can see I got a normal enemy here and I'm just going to do violent Gale the whole time I'm really not going to attack him or do anything special but the principle is if you really wanted to you can do this now this is a just good way to practice when you're playing lowlevel enemies who don't have hyper armor hyper armor is is a thing that won't have the enemy stagger there's some enemies that will not stagger no matter what attack you do to them and so you don't want to do the violent Gale and be vulnerable but against an enemy like this you can see he's staggering every single time I touch him which is perfect right so practicing on him makes a lot of sense so being able to learn this to be consistent is going to be your first step to take you to the next level to create good combinations and not just be be out there looking like a hot mess because the principle here of what I'm talking about is being able to attack at will so what can I do I'm going to do a combo here switch stances do another combo and that's just with normal attacks okay now if I wanted to add my martial arts I can do something like that which is a beautiful attack right well I can do that let's do it again right here then I'm switching to this and as you can see I just keep switching different special attacks while I'm also violent Gale AKA stance switching right and this is very cool but you have to master it and so what I'm telling you is learn The Stance switching first this is the number one tip it might be the whole video because with this you're going to be able to do a lot more continuing your attack when you need to so that you can keep the pressure on somebody to break their stamina or finish them off in the fight sometimes I actually have specific attacks that I use only because I know that it either pushes me away or brings me closer to the enemy okay like this one right here I personally like to do it when I'm surrounded it's just a good attack like this one when I need a little bit of space somebody's behind me let's say I'll do this attack strictly to get away from them now I got them all in front of me things like that you got to learn on your own as far as whichever weapon you have have it's going to be key okay so now what I'm going to do is hit them with this switching stances and then continuing from there okay so let's just try it out and give you an understanding of course you can slow this video down I'm going to hold our one hit triangle as I hit triangle I'm already switching stances okay and you're going to see me switch stances in the game as well I also did the flash there so I could attack again so let's just try that in a full motion trying to give you guys step by step but R1 triangle switch stances and then hit my blade flash to take off the blood or just attack with another martial art or a regular attack okay so here we go and I didn't do it there but let's do that again and you can see and I can keep going into different attacks and just keep the combination going all right and in between all that I'm doing the blade flash all right and I don't have to do it every time guys you want to pay attention to the blade flash only when you have the opportunity and there's no enemies that are going to attack you or if you're too vulnerable you don't want to be doing blade flash cuz blade flash takes time as you can see right here there's a way to cancel that a little bit and I'll show that at later on in the video this is a key tip to understand okay so put that all into your game and and rewind this video and play that back and say okay let me practice some of of his combinations with my own combat style I'm using this cuz I just think it's fun and then I can just keep going adding my own attacks depending on the scenario making it very interesting as we go forward all right well I'm going to show you guys a couple of things and one of the other things with this is learning about spacing and learning about the variations you don't need to counter everything I do counter some stuff here but I also just block as you can see right here I'm blocking as well as using the counter and then also just dodging when I need to see this is all block right there just wanted to show I can take those blocks if I wanted to and then now I'm showing some dodging I'm not actually attacking them because I wanted them to stay alive for the demonstration as you can see just a principle of like things that you can do and then right here this is probably the most important a new amazing secret in the game that I'll showcase and tell you guys about in just a second but man oh man I love that and we're going to definitely get into it so as you can see right here I'm basically using those stance switching and I'm also using the range attacks L2 if I have a handgun or the shurikens okay so I can throw that in the middle of the fight and just kind of put them you know into the struggle so just pay attention and understand that there's a lot of things you can do in here and very cool ways to attack enemies and to do things that's best and now I'm going to go and demonstrate something and I'm going to pause it in a moment so you can see how I kind of set something up that's probably the most pivotal right here right so in this situation that I want you guys to pay attention to I got a critical hit I can just press triangle here I can press L2 do it to whatever I want AR to then do different attacks right do what you feel but there is a special attack and there's plenty of them in the game that you have to pay attention to that I want you guys to learn because some people don't know about this I've been showcasing it on stream I'm going to Showcase it right now this right here as you can see is a very cool veiled art and you can put whatever you want in here if you feel like having something specific I'm putting falling star and the reason for this is that when they are in critical hit when they're basically no key no stamina you can do this attack and it will throw them into the ground there's times you won't trigger it if they're not in that state where they're stunned so you have to have them stunned in order to use it okay that's very critical and I want to showcase it on this video as something important to start learning to do cuz it actually gives you a lot of time and it can put you away from the fight and not have you V vulnerable as you can see I kind of take him down now I can work on his buddy and then go from there he got a lot of damage but it took him time to get up all right so this is just a very cool combat thing it's a small little tip but the breakdown there is to help you have your variety all right and it's very important and now we're going to switch over to another clip to kind of teach you a little bit of all of those things you know I'm using my actual keyblaze which is basically element damage whatever element you put on I just wanted to talk about it you're going to be able to utilize it for your throwing items so if you have ninjitsu you're going to be able to do fire with those okay so having that equipped is going to help you so you can see I'm using my ninjitsu AKA my range attacks in the fight a little bit and just kind of showcasing that just to have some fun with it and again this is just demonstration purposes this isn't me trying anything I just wanted to Showcase a couple of those important factors give you guys some understanding of it and so right in here the ninjitsu has element damage on it so it's very useful in these scenarios and you want to try to put that on as you can see I'm doing the switching stances I'm throwing some ninjitsu put them on fire with that and then now I just finish them off basically just an example of things that you could do and ways that you could play to help you really do the right thing and and be great at this game basically okay that's that right there and so this stance right here you want to look because there's plenty of them that are very different okay if we go into the pole arm that I've been using here and we'll talk about it and say okay what is it that you you you like about this specific fighting style well it's not the fighting style it's the fact that I can put on something that is going to do the same amount of damage or more and then also create a cool visual again that style and that Grace so this is important to note you want to read it because it says when enemies is reduced to zero when the stamina is reduced to zero you can do this attack and it'll follow up with a grab and do some extra damage on there all right so this is important just something simple that's going to help you a lot in the game okay and so now we're going to jump back in and talk about a couple of very hard things to do as you fight okay so the flash guess what not every weapon flashes the same so some weapons do this okay depending on the stance you have it depends on the weapon and The Stance so these two weapons are pretty basic so I kind of like them they just do a straightforward version of it but within the fighting style as you switch you can do that right there in the middle of it and it's very helpful cuz you'll see you just keep going with the combo As you move forward and kind of build momentum depending on the scenario that you're in all right now I want to talk about a couple very key these are this is where you really if you stuck around for the rest of it these are some secret things and I want to kind of each and then also experiment with future things that you guys might know and might not know so the counter you can see for this stance that's what it looks like when I counter this one does an uppercut this one does slice down and then this one does the opposite side slice down right each weapon has some different counter Styles so you want to know that because some of them are very aggressive and this is something not nobody's really talked about so some of them are an attack you can see right there this is a Dodge forward attack so I actually use this to dodge forward if someone's behind me attacking me and I see someone in front of me but I can just hit him with this and sometimes it would stagger the enemy if it doesn't it might not be worth it but you always have block as I said block is your best friend guys and I'm going to put on the video and talk about block and dodging again to give you just an example of some of the things that you can do with the with the Dodge and block system you don't have to always counter counter is amazing don't get it twisted and that's the easiest way to to basically drain someone's stamina and then help your stamina recover but dodging and blocking when it's necessary as you can see right here I'm dodging this whole time that he's been attacking and I basically do some damage to him straight to his health instead of worrying about his stamina okay so it just depends on what you want to do and how you want to go about it right now I want to just demonstrate just a little bit of no hits and give you the thought process of it it's not an easy task I'll be honest with you guys especially with this guy in the very beginning of the game when I first tried it I failed but I went back and played again and did a no hit run as you can see this character right here he spams a lot and all I did was just study his attacks I failed the first few times on my let's play if you watch then I went back on my live stream and played on a different account and simply just fought him just so I can prove to myself that I can beat him okay and then now we're going to get into fighting him no spoilers here but you fight him again right in the beginning you're supposed to lose so this is the second fight we're just going to Showcase some of it but the principle here is I am acient I'm not doing much I can literally just put my control down and hit triangle for some of this fight right and just wait for him to attack because he's spamming so I like to definitely block a bit sometimes but only counter when I know I have to on the last hit and some of those big hits that I know I can definitely counter I'll do those if not I'll block it a little bit take it if I have to right so just know that you can do it too this isn't about oh he's making a video because he's the greatest player definitely not trying to be or anything like that the point of the video is to share what I've been learning the struggles I had playing on Twilight and getting in here figuring it out over time has been one of the most helpful parts of my experience with this game so far so hopefully it's helping you and then making you say yeah I love it this is great we're not going to watch that cut scene there but so take your time and master what you need to do it's it block it's going to work but it's going to drain your stamina as they hit you especially for some bosses that are very very spam heavy you want to add some counters into it and remember to practice the counter secondly Dodge sometimes when I see that their health is really low or their stamina is really high and I feel like hey I can dodge this this last hit they're going to slam the floor me Dodge into them and then just do an attack so I can get some health damage instead of worrying about their stamina the game focuses on letting you drain their stamina but I can promise you you're going to do fine with that all right so those are some of the main Advanced tips I do want to talk about ninjutsu for a second and how this is going to work with your flash attack flash attacks and this is kind of uh the key to even getting more amazing is I'm doing an attack and I hold R1 and up d-pad up it's going to switch my weapon and I can just do that just like the violent Gale the same thing but it's just changing weapons instead of changing stances so R1 and up and I'm going to demonstrate it with the controller so you can see and and slow this down if you want but holding R1 I can hold it if I want and just switch dances right do I want to do it like this no I want to be in the attack and then spam R1 and d-pad up so attack R1 d-pad up and it doesn't matter what attack you do you can do this and switch dances but did you know if I was to do a martial arts attack I can also add it into that as well as you just saw right there after my Martial Art Attack now you got to master each martial art attack because some of them will not allow you to do it they're very animation heavy some of them and some of them are are so fast that you probably don't know how to time it properly all right so you have to figure out which attack works for see that's a three hit attack I can do my switching and it's going to switch to and then I keep going from there and that's how you do that okay so pay attention to hitting a button and then R1 d-pad up okay and you want to throw this all into your game because it just adds more flavor and on top of it you can keep your combo going and not have to just strike strike let me switch stances strike strike switch stances in the middle now here's where the trick is that you can blade flash faster sometimes when you're switching weapons so yeah I do my blade flash during before the attack comes in sometimes and so depends on the scenario again but just keep the combo going and blade flash when you need to now another thing forget about having to do the change of attack which is basically putting you in another attack animation you can do something cool which I love to do which I was demonstrating in the video you saw one of the clips was in the middle of an attack I can throw an inj Jitsu and then switch stances and it will cancel out the whole animation so I do an attack switch but that time it didn't work work now this is one of the hardest ones if you guys can do it better send me a clip on my Discord and let me know because this is one of the ones that I have a harder time to do when I do it I love it but it's easier said than done and so it's something I'm still mastering so there's different ways to do it but you're going to get that and you'll be able to cancel the veil gauge to a certain I mean sorry the flash attack okay so boom shuriken switch dances it's possible okay so then you're going to be canceling a lot of the stale animations of attacking blade flashing attacking again switching stances you see I'm already used to switching stances properly but if you don't do it properly this is what you're looking like in the middle of a fight you don't want to do that okay and another Pro tip is just watch the enemy you can switch stances smoothly and then the enemy's icon will showcase if it's an advantage for you or not so don't always stop look at your stances and go you can kind of just fluidly switch back and forth in the middle of the fight and yes some of them give you higher damage but it's not a big deal when you start to fight if with the wrong stance just start the fight switch it the way I've taught you and you should be good to go all right that's the key to this setup all right and I can promise you you're gonna be having a lot more fun because you're combining all of this into the game and doing some special stuff I do want to talk about the pistols I didn't really bring this up too heavily but in the video if you slow it down you'll see that the enem is trying to attack me and instead of doing anything I just shoot him to stop his attack and this doesn't work on every attack but a plenty of attacks you can do this just stop them in their tracks in the middle of them trying to charge at you and that's going to give you time to get your stamina up and then get some attacks in and go forward now if you guys want specific weapon and real heavy long cool combos to do on bosses that works you guys got to uh leave a lot of good comments on which boss which weapon and what exactly you would like to see I'm glad to do so I've been diving deep into this game and enjoying it a ton it's been a fun ride for me and I'm excited about the future as we go forward with this game so let me know in the comments what you want to see next I'll gladly make sure to cover it I'm going to keep you locked in with all the new content go check out my other guide I have essential information that you guys want really key stuff that's going to help you enjoy yourself in the game see you on the next one peace
Channel: MagGamerInc
Views: 10,598
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Keywords: mag, gamer, MagGamer.com, video game, Youtube, youtube gamer, #PS5, #ps4, #playstation, #howto, #Guide, MagGamer, GLITTER, Action, Adventure, Open-World, PS4, PS5, RPG, Review, Sci-Fi, Sony Interactive Entertainment, ps5 review, video games, exclusive, first look, leak, new, PlayStation, next gen, Sony, Rise, Ronin, Rōnin, warrior, action, hack and slash, Ninja Gaiden, Nioh, PS, open world, rise of the ronin, rise ronin, rise of ronin, ronin rise, wo long, ps5
Id: A0mNSwzP_CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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