BEST material libraries out for Blender

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so if you're like me and you hate creating materials but you need materials this video is going to be all about where to find materials so you don't really have to make it now these are going to be both paid and free if you kind of want to jump around just click down below in the chapters come with me oh so one of the key things that i've got enabled is nodewrangler this helps me create materials so edit preferences node and then you've got node wrangler put a tick there and i'll show you how to use it so the first ad i'm going to be talking about is the extreme pbr combo love this add-on and i abuse it to the nth degree now the primary reason why i use this one so much is because i like to work with unreal engine and omniverse and so i need to get the materials i create straight out now for those of you who have been following along you know how to export fbx's or objs but let's have a look at this add-on so if i open up extreme pbr combo and we click on shader maker you can see that we've got this massive list of materials so for instance if i want metal i'm going to pick something random this one here and then we can hit let's remove that one and add new it creates us very quickly a metal now there's plenty of controls down here as well that we can do not that button material editor where we can actually change the metallicness and blah blah blah and go into depth however i don't use this material setup i mainly use it because it comes with the texture set so if i delete all that let's create a new material and so if i kind of come back here and have a look we know that this is metal 12 and it's in the metal folder so what i can come do what i can do is come into metal and i know that it's metal twelve which is this one so if i double click on that i can control c that file path with node wrangler enabled select it control shift t for tom go to that directory diffuse metal normal roughness and we can go principle texture setup and now that's set up uh all the textures directly mapped onto this cube so now when we go to export it straight to unreal engine or omniverse or even the dreaded scum bucket unity we know that it's just everything's gonna come across and just work so the next add-on we're looking at is modular metals by curtis holt this one has a lot more node information so if you actually build your materials if we kind of zoom out we can see that we've just got this massive just a bunch of stuff that we can that we can go through and set up so for instance we've got this gunmetal i'm just going to click and drag that over here into the material output and then obviously we can come in here and start changing the details blah blah blah and so there's kind of like that one let's pick another random one metal building nose what's this brushed metal sure let's put some brushed metal on there and we will go get stuffed let's put that in our gun metal do we have a roughness that is a great example you donkey yes there is roughness so we could throw that one into the roughness there oh brushed metal interesting that's kind of cool you're right and then throw some copper on there corroded copper that one's that one's a little bit yuck let's go rust yeah nice so as you can see we've got just these massive nodes that we can work with the massive groups um combine them do some love oh actually so here is a free resource by ambient cg which is actually massive material library so if we click on explore all please like there we go and we can see that we've got a massive uh set of textures that we can go into so these are all image based so for instance let's find i don't know that one there looks gross and then if we come into the 2k jpeg we download it here in the bottom and then exactly how we did it in extreme pbr combo um we used node wrangler to set up our materials copy paste bam you've got your materials set up let's go over to the next one so here we've got a material library from the polygon iq guys this is material iq the full library if we go summon we've got categories that we can select from so glass uh frosted let's go water swimming okay oh that's spicy so for instance this one here is a like a pbr shader let's go check another one uh go away on that one summon the material let's go select i don't know concrete this one looks good okay there we go oh now so i would probably use these ones directly in blender obviously if i'm creating artworks and such and that i'm not exporting into omniverse unreal engine and so on and so forth screw you unity but this is another great massive library that you can work with which is most important schmick now there isn't this adobe a substance community that you can access to as well and download a whole bunch of um images images materials there is a video that i've already done this and it's frank frank hasn't been around for a while but you can download this there is a video i'll leave that in the description because it goes into details on how to do it but that's available this is the community material pack that curtis holt has been compiling um that people actually have submitted and so we've created a manual free library here that you can download so um so we can go through and start selecting stuff actually come on let's pick that and let's get rid of everything around delete go away um in the center here we've got the aluminium foil uh what else can we pick candy surface oh that's that's not bad uh what else we got we got some crack tiles interesting whatever this is so there's a whole bunch of random materials that you can get access to we can change that maybe to a light color like that that's nice but this is a free pack of materials that you can utilize as well now last but not least there is this material that i've set up and i've got video tutorial on how to make it however if you want to download it you can jump on the patreons and why'd i do that let's go back into this kind of mode let's go you cubic projection i just kind of want to show you what the material looks like for those of you who have been following on and if you haven't subscribed just do it um on the live streams you kind of built the sci-fi spaceship and we use this material as a base um and this is kind of like a material that i mainly use as well with a whole bunch of controls that we can change as well so i've given you a bit of a round up of all the things that you can download um if you want yes support the channel hit the subscribe button like leave a comment let me know and i've been changing hats did you notice if not go back and watch the video oh itchy knows now the next adam we're gonna be looking at is a modular metals or by the corresponding
Channel: Markom3D
Views: 27,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender material library, material library, blender 3, blender tutorial, blender tool tutorial, blender 3d modeling tutorial beginner, blender materials, blender modifier tutorials, the blender essentials, blender addon, blender 3.0, blender asset browser, blender materials 2.9, blender material tutorial, blender material nodes, blender material addon, blender materials and textures, blender material properties, blender materials to unreal, blender material pack
Id: mCShkpW1c2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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