The BEST Procedural Assets for Blender? Sanctus Library Updated!

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what's up guys Justin here with the CG so in today's video I wanted to highlight one of the most complete procedural material and asset libraries on the blender Market Sanctus Library let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so we've talked about Sanctus library on the channel before but um I wanted to talk about it again because he's just added so many different things to the library and that's one of the cool things about this particular add-on is it's a library of materials and generators and decals and all sorts of different stuff can be that can be used to generate things really quickly and he is constantly adding to it so he just keeps adding new things and so um I wanted to kind of do kind of an updated video talking about it but you can check out Sanctus library on the blender Market if you do see this in the next like week or so um it is on sale during the blender Market summer sale if you don't it's still a great value but um there's a few different versions you can download There's the free version of the lite version it's going to come with a smaller library of assets and materials so if you just want to support the developer and get the light version there's a version right here where you can do that and then there's also options in here for a personal use and a commercial use of everything in the library so um so let's kind of take a look at the way that this works so um this is a tool that's got a little bit of everything from Fabrics decals um other things like that generators for like bookshelves um just a ton of different stuff but first thing we want to do is we want to jump over into blender and make sure that we get it installed all right so there's two ways you can install this you can either install the add-on file or the asset browser version so if you want to install just the add-on you can just go to install on your preferences under add-ons alright so then we can just find that installer file double click on it and then enable it and Sanctus Library should be enabled one thing to note about this I don't know why but version 2.7 was giving me an error message so I'm sure that's something that'll be updated but for now if you get that error message you can spring down version 2.6 and install it and that seems to be working my blender 3.6.1 but that's going to once you have that enabled that's going to give you the ability to access all of these different materials over here in the window on the right hand side now alternatively there is also a zip file that comes in that's the asset Library version and if you want to you can just go into your file paths and just add that zip file and so what you want to do is you just want to unzip that zip file and then find that folder and just click on ADD asset library and when you do that these are now going to show up down here now I do like to make sure that I have set these to append rather than append reuse data when I set this up but then if you scroll down in here take a look at your asset browser you should have access to assets Sanctus library right here so then you can access these either way either through the um either through the asset browser or through the viewport panel over here honestly the viewport panel over here might be a little more user friendly but you can do it either way okay and so we're just going to use the sample file that comes along with this I'm in order to preview some of these materials but basically what this does is this gives you the ability over here on the right hand side or in your asset browser to apply these procedural materials in here and so there is a little performance now on these different materials over here so when you click on this right this is going to give you the ability to select a material and apply it to a surface like if I took this plaster wall selected it and then had this Shader ball selected I could click on apply material and what that's going to do is that's just going to take this wall material and it's going to apply it to this object right here now notice how in the lower right hand corner there's different colors in here as well as different letters so what that means is that means that it's going to be basically giving you information about if these work well in EV or Cycles right so this one for example if I was to go with the Aging tiles material right here notice how it has a c over here that's indicating this material is intended to be used in Cycles with the displacement and everything else if you try to apply that material inside of Eevee and render it that way or even in your material preview things might run a little bit slower so it's just worth noting that you might have some performance issues if you try to do that inside of this window so these are more intended to be used inside of Cycles itself so just be aware of that when you are working with the different materials inside of sync this Library so if they just have the green that means they're going to work well with both right so just be aware that some of the materials are different types but we've got a bunch of different types of materials in here and you can view them all by clicking on the drop down right here and notice how there are a ton of different options in here so for example you've got like emissive materials so these emissive materials are going to allow you to basically place like any mission on an object you've got your buildings which are basically going to be materials designed that basically kind of align with building materials right so if I pick this polka dots right here and apply this you can see how it's kind of like a poked material in here and so you can apply these different materials in here and you're going to get these different looks now the cool thing about these materials is if I was to click on this object right here and then click on the drop down notice how I have the ability to adjust different things about the material so I can adjust the width and height of panels right so if I put in like a 0.1 and a point one notice how that material gets way smaller and if I put in like a 0.5 and a 0.5 it's going to get bigger and we may want to apply one of these just to a flat plane just so you can see what that's doing in here so I've got a plane right here I'm going to apply that material and in this case we'll just use the existing material that's already in here but this is specifically designed to have things that are editable and adjustable right you can adjust the scale you can adjust the light in here so notice how as I bring this up and you'll probably see it better if I toggle on bloom in here but notice how those lights are going to get brighter or dimmer depending on what these settings are so the whole point of this whole thing is um to give you the ability to be able to pre procedurally adjust the materials in blender so if I take the anti-slip drop it in here and apply it we'll use the existing that's in here you can do the same thing right you can do things like adjusting scale and the size in here you can adjust the seed which notice how when you adjust the seed it's kind of like moving the dirt and grime in here so you can use this to adjust if a material looks more worn if it looks more new other things like that you can also adjust things like the color of the material so the power of this add-on is really in those procedural materials now I will note and I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to I'm going to pick one of the rougher tiles Maybe This Old Brick right here and I want to apply it to that surface notice how it even gives me a note saying that it recommends that I shift to Cycles but when you shift to Cycles you might notice that this currently doesn't look that good right it looks like super flat you can come in here and make adjustments to the different maps and other things like that but just in general it looks kind of flat the reason for that is because we need to make sure that this is set up where it has enough geometric detail in here to use the different Maps specifically the displacement maps in here the displacement map is going to allow this to move the mesh up and down in order to make things look a little more um a little more three-dimensional and so there's two things we need to do here the first is we need to go over into cycles and we need to set everything to experimental mode that is going to allow us to jump back over into our modifiers and add a subdivision surface modifier to this object and so when you do that what you want to do is you want to make sure you check the box for adaptive subdivision which is only going to show up if you have experimental mode selected but once you do this and we're going to go ahead and set this to simple subdivision once you do this notice what this is doing is this is actually subdividing the object so that it can actually move the individual geometry up and down in here then we can go back into our displacement and do things like adjusting the strength of the displacement on this object so that we can get different results right so from the super rough to this which is a little bit more flat you can adjust that displacement map in here that's the power of the procedural materials and so there are just a ton of different materials in here so I've got this fabric material I could switch this over to let's pick something else that's good in EV we could do like this velvet material other things like that and again these are all fully procedurally procedural giving you the ability to adjust things like the color other things like that and so they render out really good and they look really good in blender so tons of different options in here in addition though he also has the he also also has a bunch of geometry node Assets in here and they do different things right so he's got effects he's got like procedural objects in here so if I go to the effects for example and I apply that to the apply that to this object right so if I click on apply asset to object what it's going to do is it's going to take this object and use geometry nodes in order to generate this kind of like Lego look in here like this now um you can go over into your geometry node settings and adjust things like the scale I'm going to bring this back out of rendered mode right here but you can use this in order to adjust the scale you can use it to adjust the thickness of the blocks other things like that so um very cool from the ability of being able to change that to a Lego object you've also got other things in here like for example let's say I was to jump over into the furniture so we've got the bookshelf and the sofa and so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to do a shift a I'm just going to add probably just a cube over here but what I want to do is I want to click on the option for apply asset to object so what that's going to do is that's going to basically apply a geometry node modifier to this object that is going to generate the shelving procedurally with books so if you wanted to generate a bookshelf or something like that you're able to do that with geometry nodes kind of live so and there there's a bunch of other Assets in here as well so things like rope and cable generators um the tools for creating like a turntable animation other things like that just a bunch of stuff in here so I'm gonna go back to this Shader ball really quick and what I want to do is I want to take a look at the decals so the decals are really cool because it's got a bunch of built-in decals that are in here that you can use in order to add almost like stickers in here so let's adjust the material on this we'll just go to a metal maybe um just one of these anodized or maybe this hammered so we'll go with the hammered but if we go over to our decals right and we put our 3D cursor on this object and click on ADD decal and we Mouse over this object we can click in here and we can place the decal on the surface like this and so basically what it does is it acts like a sticker that we've placed on that object and we can adjust things like the scale of the object as well as moving it around on the surface just by using the move function so you can use this in order to quickly add these in here I think if you move it too far from the initial location that you set in here you might have some issues with that but you can use basically anything that's inside this library in order to quickly add decals to objects and so we're just going to scale this down a little bit and that's going to work fine now you do have the ability to add a custom image object so if you click on add custom and then you pick something so I'm just going to use my logo right here we'll just kind of rotate around then we'll click on this object it's going to take your object and generate a decal and place it on the surface and so literally all I had to do was just select an image file and then click on here in order to place that and you can come over into the settings and adjust rotations whatever you want in here using the settings over here you also have the ability to add things like damage in here so if you want to add little rips or tears or anything like that in the image you can use the sliders in order to do that notice how I can use the seed I can use the seed in order to kind of randomize that in here so I'm really easy to use the decals function inside of Sanctus Library so from a procedural material standpoint this is one of the best libraries that I'd seen but I'd love to hear from you in the comments down below what you think as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this and I'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 7,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials,, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender 2.9, blender 2.91, blender procedural materials, blender sanctus, blender sanctus library, blender procedural materials library
Id: zcvy36NRtP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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