Sanctus Library 3.0 update - Procedural Material addon for Blender

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hi welcome to a new sanus library update this is update 3.0 there's a lot of content and changes and new assets so get comfortable because this is going to be long okay the first material we are going to see is the brick wall a lot of parameters to play with the different presets as usual you can change the different parameters just here the size of the [Music] morar how uniform the the mortar is placed we have a perfect mortar and the worst possible Mort and there's a lot of things you can you can try later we can change the brick type and keep uh all other preferences we have a print fabric with control on the wet look dry and wet we have the embroidery fabric that transforms any image into this uh if you go to the Shader tab uh you can find here the the image to change and there's controls for basically everything it's using of course displacement to look better okay here we have three materials that were suggested by one of my patrons this is a machined metal we have a rail metal and we also have galvanized metal we have some new generic marel materials I think they look pretty good we have a very little cracks and bines and and little different stains there are different presets that are we also have panetto Marvel it has a a lot of um possible outcomes because you can control you can control like four different uh size uh pieces you have the amount of big pieces can be almost covered or pretty much without uh same with the middle ones the small pieces and there was like a micro pieces and then you have the control for the cracks that are those things you see here if I remove that um again different types since we were playing with marble I also created this marble tiles uh this floor with different materials that we already have we have this one this one this one and the one you already so you also have this new metallic car paint that I did with a new technique you can see the detail here there are some changes to several materials that you can check in the change log but I wanted to mention this one because uh there's uh quite many many changes we can change the direction of the of the road if it's X or Y in the UV map and for example if I change the scale of the of the road scale x 3 now it's stretched but you have a mapping scale here so uh now my ratio is uh 1 to three so I change this to three and everything goes back to normal that way you don't have to mess with the with the Shader editor and replace the coordinates and all that um there's also a brightness control for the asphal and we also have a um a lot more control on the lines this is completely reworked so well you can give it a try now okay before we go through the new geometry nodes uh generators uh I did some changes to the way you can you can use them because for example this was the M generator and so far you had to add it to this to the scene then select the generator tab remove move the vertices go to the modifiers tab select your target object then you have to edit mode again select the draw tool and surface and then you could start uh drawing now we have different types of generator and depending the the type they they are uh they have different buttons to apply them differently so in this case we just press draw on Surface and we are ready to to start drawing the target it's automatically uh loaded here so that's like um an improvement in the way we use them there are like five different for things like um an object you have add new adds it to the scene uh there are things like um things that affect an object that it's already there for example effects we will use this one we have apply to mesh so you have to have a mesh selected apply to mesh we have things that we we are going to attach to other objects we have place on Surface so we select an object place on Surface uh it will um align the object to the to the normal of the phas and you can place it there for example free draw you just you don't need an object and you press this and you start drawing you can also apply to a curve this this has two options so maybe you you create a circle and then you apply it to the curve it's more convenient and uh more comfort to to use so basically they will give you the options that are valid for for that uh generator okay first we're going to see the plank floooring uh this is to apply on any any shape of a a plane you can create the shape you want and select it and you will see the apply to mesh and that will change it to same shape but uh with planks you can see even the the side of the wood as um texture also you can see the the Rings there we have the length of the of the planks the height for the side and width also a seed the position of the planks we can change the offsets we have a randomized sof to make it less perfect we can move the entire let's say something is I don't know this piece too little or something you can can always offset that we have some random rotations then we can activate as you can see on both axes uh there's the amount of nails you can remove them completely if you don't want them there's also controls for the wood wood texture it's just as you has to create the plane and apply it and you can also replace the the nails here the collection with one of your own this is the new polygonal array we select the object where we want to place it and place on Surface we go to the face where we want to apply it to and for example let's say that it's a bit hard to find the the center of this so I will place it about there there's an option here uh called Auto Center it will find the center of the the face and align the the right to it if you go to the modifier St you can select the collection where your in instances are we will create a collection quickly and we can hide that collection and select our array select the collection and we can see how they align to the to the curve we have a lot of options here we can once we this is projected into the surface so we can deactivate the projection to see what's going on for example I can increase the radius now and since this is projected they will align to the to the face where they are projected this is a polygonal tool that means we can create uh for example all sorts of uh shapes I will the resolution will change the shape so for example if I set this to three we have a triangle and then if you if you want more you have a number that uh gives you how many um instances per side you have so for example we have that we can set the four five or if you want a circle you the best way is to change the density to one and increase the number of resolution let's add another one as you can see this is projected so uh again you can check always what's going on if you don't project and you can see the ones that hit uh surface will be projected and if we move this here for example the ones that uh won't hit U the targets uh faces will be removed let's apply this project and you can see I will grab this around here and what's going on since my projection since my projection distance is already pass this phase those three won't find the uh also the phase has to have the normals correct so they don't uh instance inside objects and in this case what we can do is increase the projection R and then we will catch this two the same goes for the projection distance if this is you don't you want them to instance there but not that far we can decrease this number there's also a specific rectangle uh shape because this is all uh equilateral but the rectangle can have different values for X and Y so I'm going to add a new one let's remove that place on Surface I will place it here I will out to Center I will change this to rectangle and that way I can use it on rectangle shapes and there's a lot of things that you can try like uh missing pieces with a seed of course uh we have a random rotation on c-axis we have to add an angle we have to change this from zero because otherwise it will randomize zero value uh we have for 180 and the random will give them a number between zero and 180 to each of the pieces same for all the axes uh we have a scale variation [Music] here uh you can order by index or random uh inside the collection you can remove the line to Target some cases you may need that so we are going to increase the radius as you can see they are aligning to this uh face but if we remove the uh align to Target they will be with the original uh rotation and with the new system to place them on Surface I think it's quite practical you can have as many as you want to Center and they will adap to curved shapes also because of the the projection for example if you want to place them on this border here you can add a new one here out to Center increase the the radius and then you can increase the resolution and you also have control on the amount of rotation so one is an entire rotation but you can create arcs also we have the new Domino generator we can draw on Surface or apply to an existing curve I will try the draw surface and just start drawing then you can play the timeline and it will animate there's a random position for the pieces when they're they land to make it look more real you have the control on the animation the frame uh to start because for example we have this one here I will add h a second one I select again the surface dra surface and then this one here let's see at what point the first curve ends the animation so there 59 and I can set this one to start at 59 or 60 let's see that way you can have more than one combined and you can create multiple lines or or pieces that go up you can animate the last piece to drop on on one and one with the offset you can combine them like that you can change the color of the piece the color of the numbers you can also remove the numbers completely the numbers are also a procedural texture that um gives random values to each piece you can remove those uh you can add random colors can change the there are two pieces one with this bevel a bit more rounded and another one maybe to resemble more like the wood um Domino you can increase the roughness there remember you always have a a button here to go to the documentation of each uh asset here's a little tip if you want a one of the pieces to animate manually for example this works for U all the gener s when you import them for example I'm using here a piece but you cannot see it in the outliner but the data is there so you can add any object you go to the data tab search for the Domino piece here as you can see it's black because um the attributes that work for the generator are not affecting this piece so what we are going to do is go to shading and these are the attributes so we duplicate the material for this piece and in this case we are going to disconnect this and we can uh select the color there and also the original piece has a modifier with a bevel and there you have your piece we have um labels 3D labels you you add the asset you can change the text here there's a font size the extrude height we can change the color there's also an emission control you can say uh set this to zero so it's so it's basically flat also you can Center it around the or point you can also rotate the text 90° and extrude again let's remove the emission for this and I can't expose this because there's no way to do it but you can always go to the geometry noes Tab and you can load any font you have locally I will show you one characters that go below the surface you can always move it or use the offset line here and now we are going to see the snow trail we have a button to add it to the scene I will move it a bit up then you go to the modifiers Tab and you select the collection that will affect it in this case I will create a Susan I scale it down rep play scale uh and I will move it to a new collection I will call it snow then we can select the plane again and choose the The Collection snow uh in my case this plane reacts to anything that goes below the surface so we have a second plane uh a bit lower and and that has a collision and also a rigid body uh passive that way it won't fall and on this one we will add a rigid body active we go to zero and we play it we can duplicate them rotate them a bit so it falls a bit different there are some values that you can change if you select this the terrain for example maybe this is too smooth I will set it to one and you can also uh move everything you can see while the timeline is active anything that goes below will affect the terrain here we see this but you can hide it even you have the size of the terrain you have to be careful because this is um subdivided so the best way to go is this subdivision is after the the simulation so you can set it to zero to simulate and then when it's finished you set it to one otherwise it will uh slow down the simulation we go to uh frame zero because otherwise the values won't change here as you can see we can set it this to zero and will be completely plain and here you have a scale for that uh texture sometimes I'm not exactly sure how this works but uh the simulations in Geometry noes stop working you have to save and uh revert or load again the file and it will start working again so I will do exactly that save file revert frame zero and starts working again so you can now activate the subdivision and you have the control on the how smooth the result is with Cycles there's a bit of subsurface that helps with the snow effect we have the new a Ron curve this is completely reward uh it's basically a new tool completely and you can also add a new or apply to an existing curve the first thing you have to do is uh select the collection that you want to instance so we go here and I will try this one my collection has a cube and a Susan and you have the order for example in this case is random or you can use uh index we have a um a contra for how many points we have in the curve for the instances we can trim the start or the end the spacing we can add random spacing between the the points and we can increase that difference there's also a control that uh it's called even spacing that way you will basically select the space that you want between the pieces and the the amount will be Auto automatically the less space we we select the more pieces that will we have offset position on Curve will will basically uh do that move the pieces along the the curve so as you can see and when they hit the the end they will be spawned at the [Music] beginning the distance factor is basically a multiplier for the distance between them but without a affecting the curve so for example I can compress them like this the curve is still there and then I can offset we have translation basically moves uh the particles and I move the position on c-axis they will move all up on X as you can see they move along their local X AIS and this will be along the white same for rotation we can add a random rotation on c-axis and all others too let's say you want them facing the the tangent of the curve you can rotate on C axis manually 90° there also scale random scale the other thing that it's interesting here is that this also works for multiple spaines the offset for example we have this new geometry no ice we add new and you can basically change everything here from the shape of the ice you have a this is real real size and based on uh aage we have the radius separation the color of the pupil Focus you can for example add an empty let's scale it down and you can set it as the Target and now if you move move the the empty the ice will follow and I did a a different version as you can see the the the eyes don't converge I think this the word um but there's an option for that here the parallel if you remove that or uncheck that they will focus individually uh depending on the distance to the object the Hue for the iris the size you can do some crazy B too saturation for the color also the value you can change the shape of the pupil and as usually you have a seat there and we have the neon sign generator that will be basically create text with uh an entire sign and you can also replace the text with curves or add more curves to it if you select and you go to text you will see that you here I used say some Chinese characters um again I cannot expose the the font but you can change it in the geometr notes tab here you can basically open any font in your computer there's a lot going on here so I will go a bit uh fast over the different parameters you have a scale that's overall scale um the light bulbs everything has a bullion to remove it completely or uh change the the value so in this case it has 32 uh bulbs you can change the number there also the scale we have the probability of broken lights at one everything will be broken at zero nothing the animate lights they will alternate so as you can see um you also have a switch so they can be off the animation speed the color because the I can have other colors let me switch them back on let's remove this so we can see clear uh the other elements we have the uh neon tops this is uh the shape for all of them we have the height is basically this length there we have the tube radius and the glass radius so basically the r radius of those uh tubes the end point distance is basically this distance here so if we increase you the Gap will be larger we have uh for the animation the fail probability so um if we you can see that two pieces of the two tubes are failing uh if we increase the probability all of them will fail and none of them and well you get the idea uh how frequent they fail like all the time or every now and then the animation speed is basically the same but uh increases the speed of the of the entire animation you can change the fail seed so a different part will fail the neon base is basically the background here that you see and this case is red so neon base remove it there's nothing now or you can increase the height and it will push the the Neons that are on top also okay decoration neon are those those two there um we have the color how many sides they they have um you can change the roundness of the Border there uh the radius of each of them the larger one will drive the this second panel here so if we increase the other one it will start to drive the the background the margin that we at which they stop there's also a switch to turn and off this is the background for those uh basically this Tri angle that you see here you can deactivate it and you have the height margin so and you have the color here you also have the main panel color and you can change the margin also rounded Corners heke it will adjust everything here you can change everything about the the text color of the neon light and the background and then you can change this to custom curve you go to the modifiers Tab and you will select the curve collection that you where you have the curves the way this works is it will use three different up to three different curves and each one can have uh multiples planes and then you can set the color of the lights and the background of each one of those curves that way you can create uh interesting things I will uh show you what I did in in this case I used the blender logo and I have one curve that has the orange part one curve that has the blue part and one curve that has the letters for that are black with the white uh light if you want to even add more you can create a new uh nion sign that has everything disabled but the neon light and you can add more curves to it a few mentions on the changes to Old U generators this is a the weld me generator and it was uh the performance was greatly improved because it was very very heavy and another thing is that these cables here uh usually you you could draw them on one object uh the difference is that now you can uh also add a collection so if I move this two to a new collection test five now select the cable and I will collection test five what changes is that I can select this and as you can see they also uh attach to the other object you can subdivide the curve but as you can see well that was not possible before and it was a request so here it is there's also the change in the parameters are are more organized and you can see the the text more clearly here you have a comparation the before and after uh we have some improvements on the deals too there's a new button to reposition dickles that will keep all the par parameters in this case you can see the the damage procedural damage and everything and you can reposition deal and it will you can change it on a different object and um as you can see will keep everything I can again reposition another Improvement is is that we can use aicle here and let's say you want to add a mirror modifier as you can see the text will be mirrored too so what I did was to um use this data here on the procedural material to invert also the decal so if you mirror you and increase this to one you will see that the texture is mirrored too this didn't work before because this is uh a custom ubis made with geometry nodes so I just adapt them to work and also this mirrored uh dickle will bake uh correctly there also other minor uh changes and fixes that you can check in the change log in the add-on documentation I hope you enjoy the new update thanks for watching and see you on the next one
Channel: Sanctus Library for Blender 3D
Views: 7,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender3D, B3D, Sanctus, Geometry Nodes, Procedural Textures
Id: 320INwgvSkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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