Best MasterChef Australia Auditions | MasterChef Australia | MasterChef World

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i'm laura and i'm from mclarenville south australia right now i'm really excited like i've never been so excited in my life before um this is like an amazing opportunity for me i don't think i'll ever experience something like this in my whole entire life and you know i'm a bit nervous you know i don't know what's going to happen you know if i muck something up but i'm just so excited just to get out there and give my best shot really today i'm cooking an italian dish so i'm doing a stuffed chicken thigh with artichokes and toledo cheese with herbs and um doing polenta and sicilian caponata god so fiddly that's right lozie got heaps of time okay oven on how are you doing good laura i've loved every minute of growing up in the italian family oh wow yes just everyone gathers together to eat long tables sharing big meals pasta looks good laura thanks mum i guess cooking's in my blood watching that chicken yeah yeah good get your veggies on my family is very important to me they're your number one support fans they help you through everything they're always there for you go laura so i just want to smash that out and you know do my family proud pretty much hello how are you going hi what's your up laura is your name i'm laura how old are you i'm 18. 18. yeah uh finished high school um no first year of uni okay so and why are you here um obviously i love food i love cooking um i've grown up in an italian family and both my nonna and my mum have taught me everything i know and i just thought why not show everyone else what i can do fantastic and who did you come here with today uh my mum and my sister okay nice yeah so and dad where's dad dad's back in adelaide or mclaren about with my brother but he gave me this little letter oh yeah what is that do you want to read that out to us to my little master chef chops he calls me chops because i was really chubby baby anyway you're a coach's dream player you don't wait for luck you don't sit back and expect through your determination and persistence you have created the opportunity so many dream about you have the ability and passion to take this all the way stay focused stay true just like your non-nerosa this is about you taking your passion and love you have with food and making it an experience which you'll cherish forever go for it and give it all love your heaps and forever dad we're all just gonna burst into tears i can't stop crying i'm sorry they're really supportive like you know um i couldn't be here without them can we taste your food now i'll go for your life oh my god [Music] how's that going for you i think george is just having a look he's had the whole thing did you burn out the chicken yourself i did i haven't seen him eat like this for three years oh dear oh it's this is i think i've just found my appetite hey are you gonna leave a little bit for us speechless thank you [Music] ah he always does that little thing where he goes i don't know what to expect exactly it does the same thing to us oh i love my job i don't know what you're saying i'm not really interested you're not hearing anything all you're hearing is aubergine laura come over come over here and join the gang with the three of us just just for a second you know that is amazing cooking thank you that warms our hearts warms our souls i'm speechless it's just plain delicious so i'm a yes on that base and i think you've got lots to show [Music] oh my god thank you so much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just i just can't believe this is happening right now it's just oh my god like wow i've been super impressed with the standard of cooks that i've seen so far but words can't describe how much i want an apron right now i've seen that many people come back through those doors with their own apron and i'm ready for mine i'm ready for one with my name on it [Music] i'm jess i'm 29 and i'm a nurse from melbourne [Music] morning morning i've been nursing for seven years now so i work with spinal cord injured patients okay 20 bucks 100 over 60. 105 over 65. i suck at this game i have always had a passion for looking after people and being there for them at their most difficult times in life nice one i am passionate about nursing and i'm i would consider myself a very loyal nurse but really my passion lies in cooking when i cook i love being creative you can express yourself you can take risks and be adventurous in the flavors and what you put on the plate [Music] i'm cooking a dish that i've named the tea ceremony it's a japanese savoury style dessert and that's gonna knock their socks [Applause] off i'm just making the matcha panna cotta using matcha powder in the main element of the panna cotta is definitely a risk it's a pretty funky flavor going welcome as is beetroot who wants to take a bet on how long it takes me to get beetroot all over my top you're doing well so far even though it seems bizarre i know it's going to taste good it's a bit like the edgy version of something traditional in desserts so i'm going to strain this beautiful beetroot juice for the sorbet and these are my little beetroot rubies [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the fact that i've used typically savory ingredients but in a dessert it's a big risk to take but no risk no reward i'm just gonna go for it hey guys welcome what's your name i'm jess jess nice to meet you [Music] so now tell us what the dish is yep so the dish i've named the tea ceremony and it's really based around the the matcha panna cotta right and the beetroot elements um in japanese culture tea ceremonies bringing people together and that's exactly what i like to do with my food so that's a big part of um why i've made this for you today especially with all the beetroot being used in a dessert beetroot can be its own worst enemies just got to be careful with it but it's my it's really my ingredient it's not what people expect matcha and beetroot now now what's what's that really nice big chunky book over there these all your recipes quick i want to see what's worth stealing [Music] oh let's come down here this is great there's actually a page in there i've done of this dish because i love doing watercolors what a great idea wow and you've got george's background in there that's good to see i promise it wasn't just for today i promise you know what that is there's nothing lovely so so here's so here's this is this is teeth room this book a compilation of a lot of my favorite recipes my family's recipes i wanted to show you guys that i'm totally serious about this and that there's a lot more to me than meets the eye and i'm willing to work really hard so matcha panna cotta you've got is that i've been a meringue yep you got some candy beetroot in the beach sorbet yeah that's right with a lot of blood orange through it just to give the beetroot a bit of freshness and black sesame twills so they give a bit of a crunch to it and that real nutty flavour you know what everything you're saying everything that you're putting in front of us i mean it's just gonna come down to that now that's the final little yeah i'm solved i don't know i'm absolutely sold it's like i've gone into the showroom i don't know it's a car i'm sold i love it i want to buy it beautiful color i want to buy it the salesman said all the right things now he goes do you want to take it for a test drive yeah and we're just going to find out whether or not when we hit the accelerator it's got some umph yep [Applause] [Music] so [Music] i think it's genius [Music] the the dryness of the matcha with the sweetness and the earthlings the beetroot is beautiful and using fresh blood orange as well as using in your syrup and also in your canyon beetroot is great the crackers you know in the black sesame really clever combination of the matcha um you're never supposed to tag a a great artist's work but i'm just going to write one word [Music] oh that that's a massive yes from frivolous you're like the textbook contestant we dream about finding that is so beautiful yeah thank you so much it's it's it's not just i think it's that's one of the best things i've tasted this year it is incredible and it's beautiful and you know the way your honesty in the way you talk the way you spoke brings us in and we step in further we step in further we step in so much so close to you where we just want to put an apron on you because that that there is what this competition's all about you better take this because otherwise we'll steal it i'm never going to leave behind welcome to the competition thanks guys well done see ya great work oh my god how lovely it is makes your job worthwhile doesn't it depth depth and delicious yeah beautiful really really good tough competition this year eh yeah i'm speechless [Music] ah she's the real deal i've been dreaming about this a long time andrew we had to tell you the number of times i've woken up and told him i had a dream that i was cooking on masterchef and then i'd wake up and start crying because it was just a dream my dreams come true and i'm starting to believe it i'm rachel i'm 45 years of age i'm from darwin northern territory and i'm cooking a crab and prawn wonton in the seafood bisque good old muddy i'm cooking this dish because up in the territory we have the great opportunity to have the good produce my hubby and i we go out crabbing so it's a bit of a family favorite get in there quite relaxed because i have two people here supporting me and that's my wonderful husband tim and my beautiful daughter catherine i'm going to walk out that door with a white apron just prove to them i can do this be a military wife and there's many of us out there the hubby goes away and we're home with the kids it's your turn it's your big adventure bilbo i'm so proud of you i'm proud just as long as you look after the house i'll be fine with myself what could go wrong burn the place down lady ready are you ready are you ready set time starts yeah all right that's reduced down beautifully i'm loving it i have not seen anyone cook crab so i'm hoping that that might give me a little bit of a surprise element for the judges now has anyone seen my hammer old school i'm really proud of her i can't you know i can't wait to see how fast she goes she's doing well so far she hasn't dropped anything so that's always good they don't want her food i'll eat it um i'm a bit jealous that they won't have their food more than i will in the next couple of months if she gets in and stuff i hope you're hungry i'm done done i'm ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm going to meet the judges the three men that hold my little dream in their hands i know they have a job to do but i've got a job to do and that job is to impress them and make sure that i'm the one that gets that apron one last dish to taste let's see hi hoax oh look at this this is pace this is determination good afternoon good afternoon what's your name my name is rachel i'm 45. i'm from darwin very good indeed this dish you're cooking tell me what it is crab and prawn wonton in a seafood biscuit all right let's taste hey yes please let's get this uh get this going you made the bisque from scratch made the best from scratch it was made with a mud crab and prawns oh there's a few bits of shell in there what's in the jug i was going to pour it on and make it look pretty but i'm not a pretty girl could i have that [Music] we're just debating what you're going to do and i think i know [Music] go on shadow delicious bisque i love the bisque full of flavour you had an hour to cook it's probably one of the best bisques we've ever tasted in this competition since day one and we're only at auditions [Music] oh [Music] after going through all of that i feel like i have run a marathon and back with food but what i've come back with is a dream and i'm going to start it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm calling smith i'm 18 i'm from sydney five six seven and so at school i do performing arts classes and at the moment i'm doing the musical theater course i love theatre and the arts if not studying or with friends or in the theater always cooking when i started learning about molecular gastronomy i really became obsessed with the science behind food so at school i decided to do a presentation basically and it was my interpretation of charlie and the chocolate factory so there was the lickable wallpaper that was something that you don't see very often is people like the principal licking things off the wall and that's what makes up my food dream the combination of theatre and food put together so it's a theatrical dining experience what i like to call it for me masterchef is definitely going to change my life it's definitely going to send me on a path and i'm actually my food dream [Music] i'm just making a bit of a japanese-inspired cemetarty actually ponzu granita and wasabi caviar [Music] [Applause] me and the family love to eat raw fish so i wanted to do a take on that for my dish i've taken on a lot today preparing the fish is really time consuming [Music] as well as i've got the air the caviar the sorbet and the twill a couple of pots pots this is wasabi and soy to make the wasabi watching caviar is just incredible [Music] i can't believe he's only 18 years old just smashing it i cannot believe how many elements and techniques he's putting on to this dish so i'm making the wasabi caviar yeah good job perfect this is the sort of stuff you usually only see at a top restaurant hello come on come on anything a lot of things on the go this is a yuzu air so when i've done it at home it's been an hour on the dot so that's why that would be something that's uh scaring me a little bit calendar said he can get this cook done in exactly an hour get your ponds all right carolyn an hour in masterchef goes so much quicker than an hour at home how long do i have i hope he hasn't taken on too much today i don't know if he's gonna finish sometime a bit stressed he's going really well he's got to watch his times because he's only got like a little bit left so the dish i'm making the japanese inspired salmon tartare i'd love an apron today i've taken on a lot today for me cooking's about going hard or going home so i've got to create something that will weld the judges is this going to fit in the oven every element they're all just as in limelight as each other so there's no half-hearted business going on here middle savvy caviar just adds a little bit of a punch that's right cow you got this you'll be fine kem the air brings about a citrus flavour to the dish and i wanted the ponzu sorbet to give contrast to the freshness of the fish oil [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] well together today would mean the world to me it would just be something that i don't know best thing ever really helen welcome how are you nice to see you so tell me is this more exciting or more challenging than doing one of those exams um way more exciting i can guarantee you that much just as challenging if not more challenging yeah but the outcome's worth it so what was this dish because obviously it looks like if something should be an italian restaurant but i suggest it maybe he's got a bit of twist on it yes so it's some japanese-inspired salmon tartare with the ponzu sorbet the yuzu air and then there's a bonito and nori can we go and watch this yeah yeah you're 18 years 18 yet what do you what do you think about the future holding i love theatre i'd like to own my own restaurant that implements theater through food that's why i love testing so much so through molecular gastronomy and that sort of stuff and weird and quirky ways of presenting things is um something that i'd love to be able to do and experiment with screams wow it's everything you do kind of crazy molecular or do you cook other stuff as well i cook other stuff as well so i love modern thai um style foods long grain is one of my favorite restaurants has been since i was little and um their take on modern thai food is something that i love like when you say when you were little have you ever tried cooking yourself yeah actually i did a pop-up restaurant um when i was 15 and i did lots of the long-range style food for that my grandmother has breast cancer so i wanted to raise money for breast cancer and support a good cause beautiful beautiful you like you like a little child prodigy i really hope it tastes good [Music] what cuts did you use in the tartan i just used the top side of the salmon okay great cleveland boy good stability that farm george very good [Music] what are the little pearls wasabi caviar and you made that yeah [Music] i don't even think about it what's your name again callum no your full name oh callum smith i'm gonna say this callum smith yeah callum smith everyone is gonna remember that name because that is sensational cooking thank you there are so many raw fish dishes in restaurants all around australia and around the world right now right still that is an absolutely stand out dish because what it does to your palate this is just all over the place it's fresh it's zesty saltiness there there's sweetness in there it looks like such a quiet unassuming dish but the flavors are just absolutely booming that panchoponzo the the kind of the bright fragrance of the tartar is beautifully prepared wonderfully cut um that that crispy wafer is genius i think that is just delicious you've used sweetness in there which is great to see in a savory dish gee you've got an amazing future amazing 18 18 and you're cooking like that at 18 with thoughtfulness and care and creativity mate you are insane like insanely incredible i don't want to jinx you yeah all right but all i'm saying is how good is series 9 it is awesome and you're awesome mate yes yes yes that's fantastic thank you so much honestly thank you so much guys well done beautiful one of the most memorable dishes for me in a long time in auditions like that is incredible i'm i'm excited i'm excited to give you this welcome aboard thank you we are expecting massive things not there's any pressure on your back after you pull up but it's that good because that's sort of dish that wins the competition thank you so much thank you see ya well done [Music] yeah you know what and i just had one of those moments where i got a little jealous because 18 years old i wouldn't even dreamt of thinking about food like that maybe not i didn't even know food like that existed gary at 18 years old i was learning how to peel an onion that's great here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my god [Applause] [Music] my name is reynold i'm 20 years old from sydney new south wales check your oven oh yeah i'll be making a coconut panna cotta with passion fruit curd coconut saigon meringue crisp as well as some caramelized pineapple and mango jelly let's go [Applause] one of the elements it's a bit of a risk but i've got my flavors down i've practiced plenty of time yeah i'm pretty sure it'll be a good dish to get to the judges more more because i can make my family proud like i got my brother here got my mom here it's good to have these two supporting me i was born in indonesia in surabaya and my family moved to australia when i was five years old it was quite a struggle for us mom had to find a new job working long hours various restaurants mums made big sacrifices for me and the family but now my mom owns a business called art plate which is like a wholesale pastry business she's my biggest inspiration i've told my family that i want to be a chef over and over again but always the same answer saying that no it's too hard i don't want reynolds to be a chef because a long hour working in a kitten and the family i love to work in mom's kitchen but she only lets me be the delivery driver and the kitchen hand so the only place that i can cook is at home where i can practice and experiment although my family discouraged me i really want to prove to them that i can be in industry as well getting to masterchef will mean the world to me [Music] stop bleeding five minutes let's go [Music] looks good [Music] nice that looks pretty beautiful boom all right this is the biggest moment in my life i've done my absolute best today i really need that apron [Music] hello how's it going guys good how are you good good what's your name uh reynold reynolds yes excellent so i've got a panna cotta here for you guys pop that there yep how old are you 20. yep so what is your mum's a chef is that right yeah um she's got a small business like a pastry business she's she's worked so hard like for the family and she's an absolute inspiration for me yeah you're getting very emotional i've lost my stomach sorry she's like she's an absolute inspiration to me [Music] still it's okay man sorry no don't be sorry because thank you it's okay it means a lot to you doesn't it yeah yeah [Music] mum's done a lot for you yeah she's um she's worked on too hard i reckon for too long support the family and yeah sorry okay all i'm gonna say is that looks visually beautiful so what is it uh it's a coconut panna cotta with um passion fruit curd mango gel got some meringue crispy as well and saffron caramelized pineapple [Music] how many other dishes this kind of modern style dishes have you got in your repertoire ah plenty plenty of just experimenting a lot reading a lot of books and yeah i love it let's eat some food oh my gosh [Music] golly that is [Music] that's really very good that's beautiful thank you thank you thank you really really good that is a winning dish and it's a yes dish for me oh 100 you know what you know what makes that dish i mean not only it looks just stunning you're all those elements that we look for in a modern dessert and if you've got more dishes like that you're gonna have to make three of them rather than one what's your mum's name um ika eka yeah look at him you gonna get yep i'm on a mission gary can you hurry up though that's delicious [Music] [Music] you might have a look at that plate and i would suggest that might give you a pretty good impression of what we felt about your boy's dish [Music] [Applause] he's amazing oh thanks because i'm the person to stop him cannot do the chef now i have to spot him i can't stop him well you know what the dreams come yeah i think this is going to mean so much more coming from you then coming from us oh thank you very much thank you very much [Music] i'll tell you what he's got some talent let's have a look at that let's have a look [Music] brilliant stuff welcome to the top 24 we can't wait to see more of these beautiful dishes welcome thank you so much thank you thank you seeing you in the kitchen huh thank you thank you very much well i reckon that's the best dessert i've seen in a judge's audition in six years absolutely fabulous i think if he cooks like that he is going to be a force to be reckoned with her 20 years old amazing you
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 295,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, #masterchef, master chef world, best dishes on masterchef, master chef, how to cook, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef world, masterchef best dishes, best masterchef dishes, Auditions, rachael ciesiolka, callan smith, reynold poernomo, Laura Cassar, Jess Butler, masterchef australia auditions, masterchef australia reynold, masterchef australia reynold audition, masterchef australia compilation, masterchef australia callan smith, masterchef auditions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 2sec (2042 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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