Reynold Poernomo: Back to Nature

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[Music] good morning good morning morning it's a big box reynold for a big day [Music] all right congratulations guys i'm gonna make this official you are our top five for 2020. [Applause] all right guys head to your benches and where do i want to go just joking lossy i know friend vibes only i'm the back row banded again this is a very big mystery box by the way all right last week there was a rubik's cube under the mystery box so let's see what's in store this week oh there you [Music] oh my go what does that even mean ah nothing in this uranium is striking me as edible so i hope we don't have to dig for ingredients that's right it's a terrarium this is nice a tiny green world all in perfect balance nature in a glass bowl that's so pretty some of the best art the best architecture poetry and especially the best food all take inspiration directly from nature and that's what we want you to do today all right we all ready gang yeah let's get this thing started your time starts now [Music] oh this is so exciting [Music] i've already done a couple of dishes that are really nature inspired but i've got a couple more up my sleep reynolds i know surely this challenge has me super excited this is this is your kind of challenge i feel like all the challenges that i've done before i should have just saved up for today yeah the part the color nature i've already done the rock moss the other week moss aside what are you bringing today i'll be doing a dessert that will look like a mushroom with hazelnut chocolate and porcini gelato incredible i've done these flavors before in the restaurant and kind of make it better i'm not going to psych you out on this one this is me pushing you to be the best you can be you've under delivered a few times yeah based on trying to cram in too much how are you not going to do that this time around i don't want to do too much this time i think it's like only six components yeah but it's just all about the assembling of this dish that's it thanks now [Music] for this dessert to look like a mushroom it needs to stand upright have the mushroom stalk and the cap and it's gonna be really tough to do that in 75 minutes normally i would need about 120 minutes of this dish and once again i'm kind of condensing it down to 75-minute cook but this time around i want to go out of my depth and try different things and come up with a new dish that will wow the judges let's do this lozzy yeah you can do this today i'll be cooking with some mushrooms and i'm going to do a dessert a porcini gelato with hazelnut and caramelized milk chocolate the name of my dish is as simple as mushroom the components are porcini gelato chocolate almond wheel and the hazelnut mousse what i really like about this dessert is that i want to make it look like a mushroom as well the inspiration is coming from earthiness nuttiness like from the hazelnuts and they're really rich aroma and umami are porcini i want this gelato to be punch in your face porcini mushroom i want this hazelnut most to have that really roasting hazelnut taste i'll pipe it into a hemisphere mold to put my blast freezer this will be a mushroom cap my roasted milk chocolate ganache is going to be the stalk of this mushroom dessert it needs to be set and frozen before i pull the hazelnut cap [Music] my porch enchilada mix is really nicely infused and i've added enough salt in there a hazelnut mushroom cap and chocolate ganache stalk i'm stretching the almond twill and i want this kind of look like a leaf for a bit more of a dramatic effect [Music] this is uh it's coming together nicely if everything sets perfectly then i know i'll be able to do well today do you lose the blast freezer uh i've got one more thing in there i'll grab it down there actually yeah and one of my slots come out i checking my ganache and is not set at all this little mushroom stalk is causing me so much stress and it's the only one i have how are you traveling uh it's a close one andy it's a close one yeah you were cruising before i know it's just the timing i should stop what's happening um just my component is what i say it needs to freeze so it's not set what component is it the stalk of the mushroom oh if this stalk doesn't set we don't have a mushroom i do not have a mushroom [Music] sorry brother sorry [Music] my ganache my fruit stalk looks like poop i'm not sure i'm gonna fix this so i'm just trying to think in my head but then it clicks i need to put this in liquid hydrogen so that's the stalk is that the top ah this is the stalk here the top is already in i put my mushroom slow ganache in a bath of liquid nitrogen to kind of really freeze and set and then i brush chocolate on until it has those streaks of what mushrooms would have everything rides on this one mushroom store i'm taking a huge gamble on this one component everyone and reynold this one's kind of for you you've got one minute to go come on one minute it's coming that's fine man i've got my hazelnut cap on my store to make it look a mushroom and it slides off i mean oh my god please don't crack now pressure is really getting to me 30 seconds to go come on this mushroom is doing my heading this is really really stressful this is the last final moment if i really screw up now all about efforts of saving my mushroom stork was for nothing behind yeah go milky [Music] one little kid possibly i'm stoked here we go [Music] [Applause] i want to put myself through the stress you get it done i did actually nice good well done man good stuff that was a close call [Music] all right reynold let's have a mates [Applause] there's some concentration on his face [Music] reynolds explain the dish it's called mushroom porcine gelato with milk chocolate hazelnut mousse almond wheel uh chocolate soil are you full of smiles yeah it was really stressful as you can see from my apron probably one of my messiest cooks but happy that i got it up you said it was going to be a mushroom dessert yeah it looks like a mushroom it smells like a mushroom you were i think it's safe to say right down to the line though did you think you better for more you could chew that for a second but there it is [Music] look at it that looks like a mushroom stiff [Applause] reynold i couldn't imagine a mushroom being able to taste more mushroomy porcini is the key flavor in there you'll be pleased to hear through that ice cream texture of the ice cream is fantastic the milk chocolate mousse in the stem is brilliant encapsulated in that white chocolate on the outside it looked like a mushroom stems fantastic that twill what do you call a nest just a pulled almond oil very good presentation wise that's one of your best dishes thanks chuck you get a huge punch of mushroom as soon as you eat it but then it just glides with you the whole way through all of the different layers of chocolate that could be your i'm going into immunity tomorrow because that blew my mind talk about mushroom magic the balance of the bitter chocolate the white chocolate the hazelnut the almond the fine-tuning of the sweet and the salty and for me that little bit of lime zest that's still playing around on my palate i freaking loved it oh thank you well done thank you guys thanks so much the judges love my mushroom dessert i'm so stoked because this is me i like this the stuff i love to cook
Channel: reynold dessert king
Views: 1,023,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reynold, reynoldpoernomo, dessertking, reynoldpoernomomasterchefindonesia, reynoldmasterchefaustraliseason7, reynoldmasterchefaustraliseason12, reynoldpoernomodessert, reynoldpoernomowinsmasterchef, arnoldpoernomo
Id: sgHRi6QsPJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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