Transform Your Life: Embrace Change and Ignite Your Genius with Iyanla Vanzant's Wisdom

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want to be happy build a life not just a business hey it's Evan Carmichael and this channel was created to help you overcome the number one challenge that is holding you back a lack of belief in yourself you watch these videos because you know you're capable of more you've got Michael Jordan level genius at something so today let's live your best Bel life and get some amazing inspiration from Yan la vanen enjoy you don't have to be broke you don't have to struggle you don't have to be sad and sorry you don't have to take care of everybody just because you've always done it be willing to do a new thing in a new way and sometimes you going to have to piss people off in the [Music] process sometimes cuz people will hold you to your limitations they will hold you to what they believe to be true about you spiritual code of conduct says do not believe that because it hasn't happened it won't happen renew recharge your vision and do not be tricked into thinking that because it's always happen it has to continue to happen spiritual code of conduct says do not accept the unacceptable do not accommodate and tolerate what doesn't honor you close your eyes for me for a moment and I want you to hear this I give all meaning to everything I see breathe okay I want you to take that thought out of here with you so that as you go back into your life that you remember I give all meaning to everything I see if I see myself as broken wounded damaged crazy stupid whatever I give meaning to that so if I want my life to have a new meaning let me pick thoughts and images that support who I am when something happens with a partner or friend and Co even a coworker or or a supervisor and you're bring up all the other times that you've experien that in the past that's baggage when you start your statements about why you do something a certain way or what you're not going to do because of a certain experience that's baggage and these are just common everyday things this isn't even the hard stuff so I want to give you some unpacking skills for just the common everyday normal baggage that we walk around with these human beings if one person tells you you're a horse you you don't have to believe that if two people tell you you're a horse you you may want to listen but by the time three people tell you that you're a horse you need to check yourself cuz I bet you got hay hanging out your mouth and your tail is waging in other words if you keep hearing the same thing from different people at different times about you you need to unpack that baggage and don't hear it as criticism or make people wrong or bad ask them what they mean I remember when my my grandson told me that I was mean and and I had heard that but I never paid any attention to it I mean I'm a van I can't be mean but when I sat and I listened to him and I realized wait a minute he's not the only one saying that to me I had to hear it and I had to unpack it so when you hear one or two or three unrelated people telling you the same thing don't dismiss them ask them tell me more about that cuz that may be some bag package that I have to unpack also if you want to have more self-confidence and self-belief check out my 254 Series where every day for the next 254 days I will send you an unlisted video the science says it takes up to 254 days of consecutive action build a habit so I'm going to be with you every step of the way if you want to be on for free 100% free is a link below go check it out I'll see you there we need to stop whining about what isn't happening so it's it's not selfish to put yourself first no it's self full it's self full it's self full to be first to be as good as possible to you to take care of you but if you don't love what you're do and run for your life three things I want you to do to nurture your vision I want you to affirm it every day affirm it every day and don't affirm it is I'm trying I wish I want to I am let me hear you say I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am every single day I am is the creative force of the universe whatever you attach I am to you will become you know people say I'm broke or I'm single no I'm waiting for my ideal mate to present himself to me in a way that I recognize whatever you attach I am to I'm confused no I am awaiting Clarity in this moment so affirm your vision every day and just because somebody else can't see your vision doesn't mean that it's not a powerful vision for you here's another key for you never judge your Clarity on how other people respond did you hear me they GNA say what you doing you crazy why you doing that you can't do that who told you you could do that who do you think you are I love that one who do you think you are me affirm your vision clarify your vision know what you're doing why you're doing it and how you're doing it day by day Moment by moment and sometime the how only shows up on a need to know basis don't wait for the how until you start pursuing your vision you understand don't wait for the how sometime you just have to walk blindly but if you just do your vision every single day putting one foot in front of the other committed to your desires being obedient walking through your fears the vision will unfold F much grander than you could have ever even imagined or asked for so this is what I say to support your vision instead of begging for it pleading for it pray oh God please oh please God please oh God please please God please oh hallelujah hallelujah be still let your daily spiritual practice be one of Stillness and listening listen for the instruction instead of begging for the direction listen be still I don't care what it is that you're doing in this world I know many of you involved in the government here and we have so many elected officials and people who are serving the world in so many ways but if you don't love what you're doing run for your life run for your life if five day if three days out of the five you doing your work you complain more than you bless run for your life if you continually looking at what you don't have and what people aren't doing as opposed to looking how blessed you are to be in a position to start run for your life you got cooties and you need to run for your life do not act like you know when you don't know and do not act like you don't know when you do know some of y'all know you out of order as hell and you acting like why some of you know you don't need to be out there buying another piece of fried nothing in that Marketplace you know right now your sugar high as hell sneaking around a little pole trying to eat up that little piece of uh praline put that thing down don't act like you don't know when you know and don't act like you do know when you don't know you know one of the beauties of me I'm fix my life is people have become willing to ask for help we don't know so many of us just don't know we don't know how to do this we don't know how to be successful when they called me and told me that they wanted my product on HSN they told me I needed a Dun and Brad street number I almost peed on myself what the in hoodi that's something the white people do I don't know nothing about that I read about that in the one Wall Street Journal that I read 15 years ago but when you are growing and living beyond the places that are familiar you got to be willing to do stuff that scares you and that's when you're going to have to rely on your connection into something bigger greater and grander than you ask for help do not be so willing to buy real estate in what is comfortable and familiar in your own mind as much as I done and grown and healed there's still things that I need to learn and if I need to learn it we all need to learn it cuz we all just one don't act like you know when you don't know that's right ask for the help that you need and don't act like you do know that you don't know when you do know because you're convincing yourself that you can't be trusted trust what you know you knew when you met boo boo you know was crazy as [Applause] hell you saw the crazy right round the edge and you said but he cute don't excuse crazy you should have cross the street I told you that 23 years ago when you see crazy coming cross the street why do we have to learn to trust others because everybody is a representation of God how can I not trust see here's the thing human beings are crazy as hell they live messy lives but they give you an opportunity to grow something bigger and better in you even if that's something is a no even if it's if that something is a no even if it's enough yeah no you're not going to do that no we're not going to do that no we're not going to have that no you will not treat me like that you know so trusting humans is important because they give you an opportunity to to grow that something you need gives them an opportunity to learn we like to be right yeah it's like being wrong is almost a fatal disease or something like it'll drop will die on the spot if we have to say I was wrong you know so so if we look around and anybody challenges us will'll give up what we believe so here is one of the things that I learned on my journey to peace I don't need your agreement I'm asking for your support I don't need your agreement not going to get people to agree with what you know in here cuz they don't know that they ain't in there thank you never judge your Clarity based on somebody else's response when you're clear you're clear hold to your Clarity and if people look like they doubt you close your eyes be authentic be authentic I I many people don't even know what that means it means that you're clear about who you are it's you're clear about your purpose your protocols and your plans you're clear about what you're up to and you speak your the truth of that all the time be authentic means you're in Integrity that what you think what you say what you feel and what you do all matter now I I know that's hard in Washington cuz there's just some truth you can't tell out here but we want to do the best that we can and when you can't pray about it but be authentic so many of us don't allow people to know who we are as I travel around this country I meet country people all over the country who are suffering in silence because they're not authentic about what they need what they want what they're doing what they're experiencing the only thing you got to do is be happy about who you are and just do you boo but how often do we forget that how often do we forget that who we are just as we are is enough and we get busy doing and being something else and then we become unhealthy on all levels mentally emotionally spiritually physically because we leave the truth of who we are in search of something else in order to take the next step to where you want to be you've got to be willing to take a stand for yourself within yourself speak up for yourself ask for the things that you want and be willing be willing be willing for some people to say no everybody's not going to say no you know people's job is not to make you happy I know that would be wonderful If This Were yam laille and all of you were yanites and I could just be happy you know so but that's not it so you you you've got to be willing to do that take that next step towards standing up for yourself so th those things that are unconscious and habitual will begin to fade away you've got to challenge them it is amazing to me how many people believe that they must respond to anything and everything that seems to be going on they measure their personal growth and spiritual prowess by the number of adverse conditions they've been able to live through and with some people even consider it a measure of their faith and trust and good in God when they struggle and suffer waiting for something better to befall them can you imagine that people actually believe that if they can live through and forgive the most dastardly Deeds of others that they will somehow be rewarded with a major outpouring of peace and Enlightenment well this may be one path but I want to tell you about a shortcut duck I personally have learned how to duck behind God when the crazy starts flying there are some experiences I know longer choose to have I accept that people won't like me they will not agree with me and they may not choose to see me as any other way than the way they hold in their mind that is not my issue that is a personal issue you know maybe we do have Karma you know things that we have to work out between ourselves and the people that show up in our lives well listen I reserve the right to choose how I'm going to participate and I choose to duck some people just want to fight they expect to fight they look for a fight and if there's no fight around they will pick a fight they want to argue and be upset and I no longer consider it a necessity to stand with them or for them in the midst of confl that's conflict Lac with drama when family and friends know that you have a spiritual Outlook they want to to include you in their problem solving and we train people to come to us by always knowing just what to say and just what to do and just what they should do just because we can handle it doesn't mean that we must handle it or that it's in our best interest to do so instead we can choose to duck Dodge underdeveloped Consciousness kindly let's clean up our mouths how we say what we say and who we say it to do you know you can talk yourself into trouble a lot easier then you can talk yourself out of it but if you become mindful about what you're speaking it'll be a lot easier to handle some of the things that come up in your your life with speaking years and years and years ago I learned a secret I used to open my pocket book my purse and I'd get right down over and I'd say fill yourself with Divine substance right now oh you look at all that abundance just pouring down right out o i name everything and I speak to everything my car got a name I say Gracie how you doing this morning come on we going traveling my house got a name Villanova the big Vision I'm mindful of my mouth because I know that what comes out of my mouth must be created everything begins with a word so we even want to stop speaking about how horrible our children are doing or how bad people are doing or how bad things in here what here's a here's the affirmation oh my I can hardly wait to see the good that's going to come out of this no matter what it is as opposed to you using our power to continue to affirm what's wrong what's broke what ain't working what's not happening how horrible it is let's speak life into things let's speak life into our children let's Speak Life into our families into our relationships I can't tell you the number of people who write me and say I need you to help me with my crazy family well he they your family I don't even know that kind of crazy you got over there this is just what I be thinking and then I bless my head so that that thought will go away but what if we started saying wow I know it looks like Boo Boo my cousin is having different difficulty right now but I see a brighter day for you it's what EMT fox called gold keying where you key something up with the radiant richness of what you want it to be as opposed to affirming it as it is right now as it is right now so we want to clean up our mouths and what we say about each other imagine that you have 24 hours a day for how many years how much of that time do you give just for you will you just sit and be present with you self-care and self- nurturing also being really clear about what it is you want talk to yourself about it talk to somebody you care about about it hear your own voice and honor your own feelings and be good to you be clear about who you are and what you're up to at any given point in time be clear about about what matters to you what you value what you will do what you won't do what you can do and what you can't do be clear Clarity is a gift and it grows and develops through practice be clear be clear about who you are many many years ago when I first started doing this work and I was writing I wrote a little purple purple book called acts of faith and the book had a life all its own and I was running all over speaking and talking about acts of faith and and stuff and and and making money on the book speaking for $50 and $300 and $200 I had to get clear cuz I had on $500 worth of clothes it was not profitable but I had to get clear and Dennis Kimbro said this to me right in the halls of the old Convention Center he said yam be clear about what you are are you a writer who speaks or a speaker who writes sometimes when we do multiple things we throw them all together and we practice each and we Master none be clear about who you are about what you do what you're up to what is your primary cause of action and call to action you got to be clear and listening to what Dennis Kimbro said to me was I a speaker who writes or a writer who speaks I said well I ain't none of that that's something that I do but that's not who I be who you be you've got to get clear about who you be because being is an internal State it's not about doing it's what drives you what elevates you what you would do every single day of your life for the rest of your your life whether you got paid or not that's who you be what matters to you that's who you be what you value that's who you be and so many of us are clear about what we have to do but not clear about who we be as we're doing it cuz some of us want to serve people and we mean it in a wet cat On Any Given Sunday who get clear about who you be worry is really a sign of control people think they worry warts but they really control freaks they want it to come the way they want it to come and when we can't control we go into worry which really is how we rehearse um the worst thing possibly happening that's what worry is you know it's like oh that's not going to happen and then this is going to happen and I have to you know so worry it's really a control freak issue when I say get over it I'm defining I'm giving you a process for re claiming the power of your mind that's what I'm giving you get give every thought over observation validation uh examination and reframe give every thought observation validation examination and reframe because too many of us walk around uh coddling and entertaining and validating wow wow wow thoughts just like Rihanna said we got wild thought you know about Rihanna I know about Rihanna khid all of them I they're my young I to keep my eye on them I got to keep my eye on them yeah so you know we we don't have control of our minds that's why we it's looking like it's looking I grew up understanding and recognizing about ancestral study and cultural nuances and stuff and my grandmother the same Cherokee was in the uh kic Church wow so we were coic all day and then we was at the moon and night you know I mean so it was it was good and not so good because I mean what that taught me was really to hide who I am and that who I am is not really acceptable you know we we didn't talk about putting plates down for the ancestors and and doing all of or you know honoring the Earth and what we do full moon ceremonies but as I grew up and I embrac my matriarchal lineage as a yura or my patriarchal lineage as uh well in chisi but we really work in the Lota tradition and I became a pipe carrier for them and an initiated priest and an ordained minister because the thing that I found is the commonality of universal law and I live universal law and principle The Law of cause and effect whether I'm ji or Lota or Yura or Co the law of cause of effect and effect it's going to work principles Integrity responsibility accountability compassion honesty those principles work now the benefit that I have is that I understand how they're taught from a cultural perspective you know whereas the the Bible will say you know Thou shalt not lie the Yura will say um the king does not lie or the he who knows the truth has a responsibility to speak the truth and the Lota would say basically the same thing if you walk in truth you live in truth then you bring the spirit of Truth to the planet it's the same thing th shall not lie yeah yeah universal law but I have it from a cultural perspective so that's really what it is for me and I think for many people the thing that's missing is the culture so I teach it from the universal perspective but speak to it the way that I've lived it from the cultural perspective I never really aspire to happy because happy is usually determined by external factors I go for the joy cuz when you have joy at home when you have Joy inside it don't matter much what's going on out here you understand you got your joy and you can come home to your joy no matter what is going on in the world far too many of us have our happiness our peace our joy our our value our worth hooked into some external stimulation and then we wonder why we're stressed out and overweight and can't sleep I learned a very powerful lesson last year last June I have never been sick a day in my life not ever I've never had a cold and I don't get the flu shot I do my wheat grass I do my prayer I do my uh 40 days of fasting fruit and vegetables once a year Year from the first of January to the middle of February I do my things that I my spirit tells me to do so I went to Jamaica last June to to speak and uh there I just became deathly ill I didn't even know I was Ill cuz I had never been ill I thought I had food poisoning so I would go and vomit and come back try to speak to the people and go throw up some more then I said well the people is waiting I'm 20 minutes late oh Lord bring the bucket and put it on the [Applause] stage so busy living up to the external didn't take time to check with the internal so I got the bucket on the stage in case I have a accident like somebody would really pay to come see that do you think about what we think about sometime anyway so I'm there on the stage deathly deathly ill and finally I said to the people just like I I told you about my lipstick on my shirt I said I got to confess something I'm here telling y'all how to take care of yourself and I am sick as a dog I tell you what I'm going home I'm going somewhere and lay down hopefully this is food poisoning and if I'm not dead tomorrow I'll come back how did you learn to fix your own life and learn to trust when everybody in your life particularly in your family had let you down I started paying attention I started taking copious notes to my own behavior cuz I had a choice I could either blame them and be upset with all of them all of whom were dead you know or become accountable and responsible they taught me to do the wrong things but I voluntarily continued to do it if I'm continuing to do the things that they taught me and my spirit is saying mm that ain't right that's not right you know about better you know better you know better so I had to start paying close attention to what I was doing based on what I had been taught we don't have control of our minds we we're we're hypnotized antoiz and desensitize so get over it I want us to start thinking about what we think about consciously and I give you a promise a process to eliminate the things you thinking about that you don't want to think about no more things like tast like like somebody you still mad cuz boo boo left you back in 56 1956 1956 that's a long time to hold on to something yeah but you know how many of us oh Lord come on come on we got time you know I have to put it in this context beloved because I just you know I don't want people to think it's shallow your great great grandmother that's great great I'm a great but just and in my time a great great grandmother didn't get to choose all the time the man she wanted cuz she was the masses woman just a great great she didn't get to choose who she slept with she didn't even sometime get to choose to keep her D babies we go to the bar and pick up boo boo the fool bring him home the same night and give him a key and then get upset when he leave I can't take it I can't take it so we got to start thinking different and really understand the sacrifice that we come from the Legacy that we come from not feel bad about it not just be mad about it but understand where we are and then as Dr D Akbar says Elevate the history so that we can use the lessons in our lives today you must know who you are I'm not talking about your name or your occupation I'm not talking about what people say about you on Facebook I'm not talking about your PIN number I'm talking about who you are at the core and the essence and the root of your being spiritual code of conduct says you have to know who you are and that your behavior cannot make testimony about you that is not the truth of who you are when you have a spiritual code of conduct and when you know who you are if you ain't a hoe you don't act like a hoe If You Ain't a dead beat daddy you don't act like a dead beat daddy if you ain't a gutter snipe you don't act like a gutter Snipe come on now you know who you are from the inside to the outside and your behavior is a demonstration of what you believe to be true about you spiritual code of conduct says know who you are when somebody calls you out your name in your face so it's not selfish to put yourself first no it's self full it's self full it's self full to be first to be as good as possible to you to take care of you to keep you whole and healthy that doesn't mean that you disregard everything and everyone but you want to come with your cup full you know my cup runneth over what comes out of the cup is for y'all what's in the cup is mine but I got to keep my cup full don't we do that don't we take on other people's stuff and make it about us when we don't know that we matter when you don't know you matter you will make somebody else's crazy about you you got your own stuff to handle you don't have to take on anybody else's people violate you when you don't have have clear boundaries because you don't tell them how to behave in your life and they run a mark they run a mark because you don't have clear boundaries your real self knows the truth no matter what mask or what face you wear in the world your real self knows the truth and there was a time in my life when I acted like I knew a truth that I didn't know and the truth I didn't know was the depth of my value and my worth you see I had already been an author that had sold over 6 million books 14 different titles I had already been on my own television show I had traveled around the world I had spoken to hundreds of thousands of people and still I did not know or value my own worth so had a very big opportunity to go forward and to be on what was once called the Oprah winre show yes and I went on the Oprah Winfrey Show and Miss Winfrey asked me back again and again and again and eventually I became part of her change your life faculty and it was all good I had written 13 books I had traveled all over the country I had done her show repeatedly but I didn't know my own sense of worth so what happened I tried to live in a place that I didn't believe was true for me and eventually I crashed and burned crashed and burned by leaving the Oprah Winfrey Show and going on to another Network and doing another show that didn't even survive a season all because I didn't know my wor now it would have looked like all sorts of external circumstances oh there was a miscommunication between me and Miss Winfrey and the other network was offering me a lot of money and why shouldn't I take a big business deal n mm it was about me not knowing my my own worth me not being able to stand in the miracle of being on the Oprah winre show repeatedly among honored teachers without having to work hard for it because that was what I had been taught the matter with me was that I didn't know how to receive a gift a blessing without working hard for it so when things came to me easily I blew them up it's self-sabotage or procrastin a or forgetting or whatever it is that opportunity went away because I didn't know my wor that's the kind of Truth we have to tell each other we have to be aware of it we have to acknowledge it and we have to accept it you have to ask for what you want and don't settle for what's available or what you think you can get say it again they told me say it again a spiritual code of conduct says that you have to ask for what you want and do not settle for something because it's all you think you can have or because it's what's available if you want it single don't settle for it if it's married let me take a walk if you want it easy don't make it hard and if you want it hard then you got to work with it if it's [Applause] [Music] not ask for what you want and and and and and and ask for the things that are going to uplevel your wattage in life don't start off with things that are going to dim your light uplevel your wattage you you you sometime our light be BL blind in us your light is so brilliant it blinds you the reflection of it shining back in your eye and so you get confused and you be take holding on the things that do not reflect your own Brilliance did you hear what I said that your light your gift your talent Your Truth can be so brilliant that it blinds you and you end up reaching out for holding on to taking on taken care of housing feeding clothing lending money to stuff that only dims your light often we teach preach say what we most need to learn what was it about trust that you needed to learn for yourself I grew up thinking that a woman was my mother who was not I grew up thinking that there was something wrong with me because of God Only Knows Why my life actually you explain why so well in reading about your grandmother I think she was related to my grandmother in all the ways that you make children feel inadequate inadequate bad I was bad I was bad yeah I had the devil in me yeah had the devil in me and she was going to beat it out of me because she was a woman who because of the times in which she was raised and the suppression and oppression had learned that it was best to go through the world keeping quiet keep quiet be who they want you to be had I knuckled down had I really given in to the restrictions and limitations placed on me I wouldn't be who I am today was my talking that saved me here was the you know the classic shut up you talk too much shut up why you talk so much you always got something to say and today people pay me well to hear me speak yeah if I had shut up as a child that may not have ever happened so you learned that you needed to learn to trust yourself even when it doesn't feel good feedback can be a really really good thing but first I want us to make a distinction between feedback and criticism because I think that's important feedback is the energy or the return energy of what's put out this means that feedback is information about or reactions to our state of being and our performance and our our way of being in relationship feedback comes to us as a response or a reaction or sometime as comments or a review of what we do and how we show up at any given moment feedback has a purpose the purpose of feedback is to provide us with guidance or direction that will serve as the influence for modification or change in our behavior and in our energy so in other words feedback is a cue that something we do or say or how we behave needs to change that's all it is now that sounds pretty harmless but but here comes the challenge most feedback either feels or sounds critical which means that it's going to trigger a toxic memory or a feeling which then motiv motivates us to Discount the feedback we're receiving you know we we can't even hear it so so what is criticism then if if feedback is criticism what is criticism criticism is feedback that demoralizes condemns judges or blames it's feedback that is consciously or unconsciously offered to manipulate or control that's the difference where feedback is offered to motivate correction or change criticism is offered to manipulate and control and in many many cases while what people offer as constructive criticism what they want to give us it actually criticizes us and that's what leads to a mental or emotional shutdown and we can lose the value of what's being offered because criticism is an offering now here's the good news all criticism is feedback and here's the bad news all criticism is feedback what I mean is this whether it's positive or negative productive or unproductive all feedback is telling you something you need to know about yourself and what you hear and how you hear it has nothing to do with who's saying it all feedback is about who you be and how you be and it's bringing that to your awareness there's something you need to change beloved whether it is coming at you from your mother or your sister or your boss or your coworker or your partner Fe feedback is a source of information for self-improvement and it can be received and used as the foundation for altering and changing your way of being do you have a morning ritual oh yes absolutely soon as my eyes open 23rd song soon as my eyes open I do it and then I usually go I go Sage my house out cuz I don't know what was floating around in there in the night cuz you know I live out in the bushes like you then I make my coffee I do love my morning coffee and then I read my um my course of Miracles lesson for the day mhm I read my Jesus Calling mhm and then I put my Bible to my head and open it and wherever it opens that's what I read mhm and then I go downstairs and sometimes I get on the treadmill and sometime I just dust it off for that [Laughter] but I always get on my trampoline uh-huh and do my 15 minutes there uhhuh and then I get on my inversion table and I hang upside down really yeah because to rush the blood to my head and keep me from getting wrinkled and then I'm off for my day when we think we are unworthy it means that for some reason we believe that we have to prove we have a right to our space on the planet in life as we are being who we are and that means that we will do all manner of wonderfulness to prove we deserve to be here and usually some of the common things are we overcommit overg give we overdo we we over excuse we we overcompensate and we stay in difficult desperate hurtful harmful situations much longer than it is wise or productive to do so worth what it is that you expect from the world in response to who you are it's very different from value self value means how you hold yourself within yourself and what you expect as a result now in order to get to the worth if you're not holding yourself within yourself as worthy then what you expect from the world I recently spoke to a man who was about to abandon his path of spiritual study because he couldn't seem to align himself with the laws of life in essence he couldn't make the law work for him he had done all of the right things and he had said all of the right affirmations he was praying and medit meditating and listening still his life was a mess surely he thought that I can't be on the right path and that that happens to many of us we do something for a certain amount of time and we have an expectation that there's a reward and when we don't get it we think we've done the right thing perhaps he thought he should return to the spiritual tradition of his family listening to him I said been there done that I knew exactly how he was feeling suddenly I remembered that in the midst of my own spiritual breakdown a good friend offered me something that I was excited to share with this Pilgrim in distress we must make our spiritual practice personal it is of absolutely no use to read the words and study the principles and look at the book as if they're magic formulas that are going to bestow something on you every word you receive as guidance on your spiritual path must be received as if it was written specifically for you whether it's the Bible or the Torah or the Quran the bahaga V you have to know that these words are coming to you at this time for you next you must make all of your spiritual practices and insights practical you do not need wings and feathers you need to walk on earth be Heavenly bound but be good on Earth you must hear and receive spiritual teachings in a manner that addresses right where you are just as you are right now it is so tempting to think that you've got to wait for something in you or around you to be different before you can apply what you're learning and studying a better way to interpret what you receive when you read or when you study is to put it in the first person make it an eye frame of reference by applying it to something that's going on in your life right now next you must believe that the answer to your prayer is possible whether you've been praying it for 15 days or weeks or months or if you prayed it this morning because the minute you entertain the thought Just one thought that that everyone's prayer can be answered but yours the possibility for your prayer to be answered goes right out the window all things are possible to those who believe so make your belief and the things you believe in personal and practical and know that they are possible if you really really love someone respect them enough to tell them the truth and believe that they can can handle it I know I know I know sometimes we lie to people because we don't want to hurt them we lie to them because we're afraid of their reaction we lie to them because we think that what we've done is so horrible or what we feel is so disagreeable or what we want from them will never get but love requires honor honesty and truth and if you tell a lie and get caught it'll create more hurt more harm more upset than if you just told the truth in the first place so if you really love somebody and you want to maintain an honorable honest authentic relationship love them enough to tell them the truth and believe that they can handle it and if they can't oh well tell them the truth anyway your purpose is to serve but you you don't do that for the women you do it for you okay let me let me just tell you all the truth you don't serve for the other person you do it for you that's your purpose the fact that they benefit is gravy on the potatoes but standing in your purpose that's the potatoes so you don't do it for them you do it for you and that makes you uncomfortable to say I'm serving for me didn't make Jesus uncomfortable didn't make Mother Teresa uncomfortable didn't make Buddha Gandhi Martin Luther King didn't make them uncomfortable because they were clear that that's what they were here now the way you serve may be providing support for women as they Empower themselves the minute you say my purpose is to you can't power no B if I left you here for 24 hours with a bag of laced potato chips how how powerful would you be over that bag of Lady cuz one of them obviously would jump out into your hand and that hand will make it to your mouth and you know you can't eat just one so what I want you to do my darling is get comfortable with serving as your person and don't dictate what it looks like your vision may be that you'll serve women by supporting them as they Empower themselves that may be your vision but your purpose is serving take your control often let God send you where want you to go might be wom because I said well I want to do women suppose that's not what God want you do if you really want to reach your greatest potential if you want to see just how far you can go in life if you've got a dream you've been holding on to in the back of your mind and now you're ready to risk everything for that dream if you really want your life to move forward you must be willing to make some people mad oh people will get mad whenever you live beyond someone's opinion of you oh they're going to get mad whenever you begin to think more of yourself then people think of you oh they will get mad whenever you move into a place of being in a way of being that other people around you are afraid to try on for themselves they will get mad and so what they get mad their Madness doesn't have to influence your life you've got to be willing to live through the difficulty of upsetting people you care about of people that you really thought were on your side turning their back on you and whatever when you get there those people that really need to be there will be there and the others won't really matter the players don't stop to pick up trash on the field that's what we have to learn in taking the next steps in our healing don't stop to pick up trash on the field let me let me tell you what trash on the field is number one stop reminding yourself of how badly you did in the past trash on the field trash on the feet it is not helpful to keep reminding you of how that didn't work unless you're looking at it for the value of the experience trash on the field yes number two stop reminding yourself of what you haven't done just because you haven't done it doesn't mean you won't do it right but you got to get focused on The End Zone number three make sure you know what ball game you playing before you start playing okay cuz sometime we start playing the game and we don't even have a clue trash on the field you'll be picking up trash on the field you'll be thinking that you got to do certain things you're obligated to do certain things because you don't really know the rules of the game there are three rules tell the truth be clear get focused and stay that way taking the next step it really isn't as hard as you're making it we all have a tendency at times to make things more difficult than they need to be and that need not be here it is it happened you didn't like it it was a violation of your boundaries it didn't honor who you were somebody didn't keep their agreement or you failed to make an agreement so there's nothing to hold anyone accountable to you felt bad about it uh they felt bad about it now you're left feeling bad but it doesn't have to be hard here's the choice let go and move on or hold on and stay stuck it's just that simple it doesn't have to be hard you get to choose let go and move on or hold on and stay stuck so I have this thing that I've been promoting called no whining Wednesdays Wednesday you cannot whine complain or criticize and people like well what is whining whatever you think it is don't do it and every time you do it you have to put a quarter in a jar if you whine about anything I can't I'm TI why me why don't you why me every one of them will cost you a quarter or complaining why don't you why do you always how come you I always they never cost you a quarter then last week I had people send me pictures of their jaws of quarters oh my God but what they said to me also was this was wonderful because I was never ever aware of how much whining and complaining and criticizing I do now I've got mothers doing it with their children so Wednesday is no whining Wednesday we need to practice that we need to stop whining about what isn't happening what we don't have what we can't do what somebody didn't do we got to get it clean in 2014 no whining no complaining no criticizing keep it simple the truth will cut through all the drama all the misunderstanding all the hurt all the pain all the memories keep it simple I don't care how long you've been with FiFi or boo boo if leave you it's not because something's wrong with you they ain't the one for you keep it simple you got laid off from your job there's another Divine opportunity waiting for you to keep it simple you lost your house well in your father's house there are many mansions just hang around along enough keep it simple the path to Greatness order vision trust Faith a good piece of chocolate I got something for you refuse to fail refuse just refuse to fail and if what you're doing looks like it's going to move you towards failure do something else ref look at me refuse to fail I refuse I refuse to fail now that may mean that I have to walk Barefoot it may mean I have to sleep in the park it may mean that I have to ask for help it may mean that I have to give something up it may mean that I have to stop but I refuse to fail had I knuckled down had I really given in to the restrictions and limitations placed on me I wouldn't be who I am today was my talking that saved me here was the you know the classic shut up you talk too much shut up why you talk so much you always got something to say and today people pay me well to hear me speak yeah if I had shut up as a child that may not have ever happened so you learned that you needed to learn to trust yourself and I love when you say in here is that you know there isn't a person you can ask in the world at some point where they didn't say you know I just find it difficult to trust people right but what you say that's not really the issue learning to trust other people the real issue is trusting yourself trusting yourself that you're going to make the right choices trusting yourself that you can hear that voice and follow it trusting yourself that when people betray you abandon you don't acknowledge you what you will I'll be okay yeah I'll be okay and when I go back and and look at it something told me you know you say God throws a pebble brick you got to learn to trust the pebble when you hear it very lightly when you hear it it's that's it it shows up does like a pebble yeah but we don't pay attention to that faith for me is the inner knowing that dares your soul to go beyond what your eyes can see so sometimes I will get a hit or a sense or inkling or whatever you want to call it and I just know and then when I'm not sure or when I'm not clear about it you know I I know enough to trust who we are matters what we do Matters How We Do It Matters and therefore we have to take responsibility for everything that's going on in our life I know I know I know I know I know the crazy people set you up but it was a Divine setup to give you what you needed in order to grow Beyond where you were you can see the commonality in that Human Experience experience what is what is the wound that we're all suffering from Bel that we're separate from God of course in Miracle says you cannot solve the problem because you do not know what the problem is the only problem you have is the belief that you're separate from God because if you knew who lived within you and walked beside you you could never be afraid or angry or ashamed or whatever you know your wonderfulness of humanness is so that is it the belief that we're separ the belief that it looks like I'm separate from you you're over there I'm over here that you know Straits are separate from gays blacks are separate from White and our belief in that illusion and the physicality makes us think I can do anything to you yes you know when I'm walking in the supermarket now I am your sister I am a demonstration of who you are of who my grandmother was and that's because of our Oneness wreck myself so I would say to all young women whoever you are because you know giving life bringing forth life whether you have children or not is not the issue the issue is that we bring forth lives so before you do anything sit down and get the vision impregnate yourself with the vision and then impregnate yourself with the intention I'm not on tour at my age cuz I need to make money or sell tickets I'm on tour at my old ass age because and I didn't realize how old I was till I got to City number three and I was like okay I'm oh my God in 99 you know I did 26 cities like this but I'm that was a while ago yeah yeah I'm on tour to speak into people's Souls not through the TV screen M I have a message that I have received from the ancestors and the Holy Spirit and to speak it into the theirself what I discovered is the reason many of us don't experience the full benefit of forgiveness is because we do it begrudgingly we do it out of force and we do it on one level in the mind but in order for forgiveness to truly anchor in your body and free up your energy you've got to forgive the thought the feeling the belief and the action got to forgive on all levels and most of us are just forgiven intellect actually now I've got a special bonus clip that I think you're going to enjoy but before that it's time for the question of the day I want to know what was your single biggest takeaway from this video and your plan of action for the next week when you watch a video and you get motivated the science says you have a 35% chance of following through that's not enough but when you write down what time what place and how you're going to actually take action on it you jump to 91% chance of following through and when you have public accountability and you commit to to other people that you're going to do it it jumps to 95% that you will follow through so I want that for you believe Nation I want to know your single biggest takeaway from this video and your plan of action for the next week put it down in the comments below so I can celebrate you do not allow things and people to diminish your light do not hold on to things and people that diminish your light do not hold on to things and people and beliefs and ideas and pathologies and traditions that diminish your light everything you hold on to has to uplevel you everything listen now let me just say this excuse me Elders forgive me what I'm about to say not right now if you got you a little sex toy whether it's living or mechanical you don't have to let that go you don't have to let that go cuz it's going to upload your wattage make you happy [Applause] long as it don't belong to nobody else do not share sex toys with other [Applause] people oh everything don't have to be holy and spiritual Mission if your sex toy UPS your wattage hold on to it don't Let It [Applause] Go I ain't talking about that I'm talking about holding on to anger and shame and guilt and lies people told you about yourself that you believe I'm talking about holding on to unforgiveness I'm talking about holding on to upset I'm talking about not forgiving your mama and your daddy and your baby daddy and your baby mama and the teacher and the lady that crossed her eyes that you crossed the bank window that's the kind of stuff I'm talking about I'm talking about holding on to it could have and it should have and why they didn't and why she did I'm talking about holding on to that kind of stuff and sometimes you don't even know that you're holding on to it it's in your energy it's in your subconscious mind it's in places that you can't even get to that that's why you got to pray that's why you got to call in the light that's why you got to call in the energy that's why you have to have a relationship with something bigger greater and grander than you I'm talking about holding on to The Lies We have been taught about ourself and a system in a country that continues to diminish deny and throw away our genius unless it is beneficial to them y'all better get clear up in here if you want some amazing motivation from Lisa Nichols check out the video right there next to me I think you'll enjoy it continue to believe and I'll see you there that's just the circumstance that I came from that's not what defines my future I just believe that not a lot validated it but faith is believing in the Unseen anyway so I had enough faith
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 523,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, iyanla vanzant, iyanla vanzant interview, evan carmichael, success motivation, motivational advice, best lessons
Id: Z84eX-E0rMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 41sec (4181 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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