Best Ice Shard Sorcerer Build Guide Dungeon Farming | Diablo 4

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so in this video I'm going to show you one of the best ice Shard builds for the sorcerer you'll do millions of damage and you'll be able to farm nightmare dungeons 15 to 20 levels higher than yourselves very easily and quickly so let's check this out okay so I'm going to show you clearing this dungeon and you'll see that I'm not going to get one shotted by any white mobs that are 15 to 20 levels higher than myself you'll see I'm doing millions of damage [Music] and I'm also going to destroy this boss and with this build you should be able to clear High nightmare dungeons in about five to ten minutes depending on the dungeon layout now don't get me wrong the other Builds on their social are good as well like the arc lash build firewall build blizzard build meteor build but you'll see that using those builds you're gonna take maybe 10 to 15 minutes to clear a dungeon compared to this build where it should only take you about five to ten minutes so with this build you should be able to level up the quickest okay so first let's check out the skills we're going to use and of course our main skill is ice shards this is going to be our main damage dealing skill the next skill you're going to use is Frost Nova this will basically freeze the enemies and apply vulnerability to them now the next three skills you want are going to be defensive skills so flame Shield ice armor and teleport now the last skill I have is the freeze but this skill you can switch around depending on your play style I personally like de-freeze because it's a get out of jail free card let's say you teleport into a group of mob but you didn't realize your Frost novel was on cooldown so you can deep freeze instead and get out of there or let's say you get CC out of nowhere and you can just leave fees to get out there are some other skills you can use instead of D freeze you can use Inferno you can use Blizzard or you can use meteor but just be aware these skills are going to be more supporting skills this is still the ishar build even though you have Blizzard or meteor equipped and next for the enchantments of course you want firebold so you can apply burning to enemies now for the second enchantment you do want to switch around if you're either fighting a group of mob or a boss now if you're finding a group of mods you want ice shards for your second enchantment because basically when you freeze the enemies with your Frost Nova the ice shots will pretty much destroy them but when you're fighting bosses you want to switch the ice Sharda Champion with a frostbolt enchantment the reason why is having the frost Builder chairman will apply chill to your skills and this will greatly increase the Stagger time for the bosses and of course once the boss is stagger you'll completely destroy the boss so that's pretty much the skills you want to use with this build but like I mentioned you can switch around the freeze depending on your play style okay so next let's check out the gear and I'm just gonna go over the important stats for each piece of gear now I'm going to show you some other pieces of gear that you can use but you do want to eventually switch them out so starting with the helmet now the stat you're looking for is cooldown reduction because cooldown reduction is a rare stat on pieces of gear and the legendary aspect is Frost Nova gains an additional charge but the cooldown per charge is increased by 30 now having that additional charge on Frost Nova is huge for this build not only you freeze the enemies but you also apply vulnerability having that extra charge is good for the ability to enhanced Frost Nova because every time we kill an enemy that's frozen by our Frost Nova our cooldown is reduced now the best chess piece to use for this build is the Raymond of the infinite this is a unique chess piece and when you teleport you do pull and stun close enemies this will allow you to zip through the Dungeons and pull all the enemies together now next the gloves now the stat you're looking for is ranks of ice shards and Critical Strike chance and the legendary aspect is you deal 19 increased damage to vulnerable enemies while you have a barrier okay so next the pan now I do want to mention the two pieces of gear where you want damage reduction is either your chest piece or your pants now since I'm using this unique chest piece arraignment of the infinite for the pants you do want defensive stats so you're looking for damage reduction stats and armor stats and for the legendary aspect I have you gain 0.5 increased armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage stacking up to 50 now for the boots the stat you want is ranks to teleport and ranks to frost Nova and movement speed now I don't have ranks to cross Nova but ranks to Flame shield and Mana cost reduction is also good and for the legendary aspect I have flame Shield lets you move unhindered through enemies enemies you move through while flame Shield is active are immobilized for 3 seconds this basically allows you to move through mobs if you get stuck and this applies a huge amount of stagger to bosses now for the one you're looking for straight damage and critical strike damage and for the legendary aspect I have ice shards pierced four times dealing 21 less damage now for the amulet what you're looking for is movement speed and cooldown reduction and for the legendary aspect I have you deal 50 more damage to immobilize Thunder or frozen enemies now for both the Rings I do have the same stats so Critical Strike damage Critical Strike chance lucky hit chance and vulnerable damage this is basically the best stats you want for the Rings but there are other stats that you can use and for the legendary aspect for the first ring I have your Mana regeneration is increased by 26 if you have not taken damage in the last 3 seconds this is just in case if I do run out of Mana my Mana will regenerate really quickly and the second Ring's legendary aspect is the Avalanche keep passive now applies to one additional cast this just increases my damage for my ice sharks and last but not least the offhand and the stat you're looking for is damage and cooldown reduction in the legendary aspect I have is that you deal 24 increased damage while you have a barrier active Okay so that's pretty much the best year that you want for this build now here's another ring that you can use basically you can get more maximum Mana or resource regeneration if you're having Mana problems now there are three unique equipments that a lot of people are using but you do want to eventually switch them out the reason why some of the stats on the unique pieces are not needed and it's basically a waste so finding a rare or legendary with better stats will be more beneficial the only reason why you want to use these unique gear is that they're just easy to get more than likely you'll find these unique gears before you find a rare or legendary with the best stats so first starting with the frostburn gloves now these unique gloves are good but like I mentioned once you find gloves like this with lots of Franks and Ice shards and Critical Strike chance you'll see that using these gloves your damage will be a lot higher compared to using the frostborn glove next piece of equipment is the pants I see a lot of people use the ice heart brace and these unique pants are good but since the major damage reduction is either your chest piece or your pants you do want damage reduction on your pants because this unique chess piece is a lot better than these unique pants and if you use these unique pants compared to damage reduction pants more than likely you're gonna get one-shotted by white mobs 15 to 20 levels higher than you now the unique aspect on the rsr brace are good because basically you can have a chain of frost novas but getting damage reduction will be more beneficial if you want to farm high level nightmare Dungeons and last but not least the Pennington Greaves unique boots now these boots are good because they provide movement speed but all the other stats aren't as good compared to if you find some boots like this and the unique aspects on these boots aren't that great okay so next let's quickly check out the skills so of course I put a point in Fireball to use the enchantment effect I put a point in frostbold and the reason why is you want to use this enchantment effect against bosses and switch it out for the ice shards enchantment having the frost build achievement will stagger the boss a lot quicker so you can unleash your full potential damage to them next I put five points into eye shards one pointing to enhanced ice shards and one point into destructive eye shards and of course this is the main skill we're gonna use next I put one point into Devastation and three points into Elemental dominance next for the defensive skills I put one point into flame Shield a point in two enhanced flame shield and a point into shimmering flame Shield one pointing to teleport a point into enhanced teleport and a point into shimmering teleport one pointing to ice armor appointed to enhanced ice armor and a point into shimmering ice armor one point into Frost Nova a point into enhanced Frost Nova and a point into mystical Frost Nova I put one point into Elemental Attunement and three points into glass Cannon next for the conjuration skills I put three points into Precision magic one point in to align the elements and one point into protection next for the Mastery skill I put one point into icy Veil and three points into snap freeze this will allow you to fight enemies very easily I put one point into inner flame and three points into devouring Blaze and devouring Blaze drastically increases our damage next for the ultimate skill I put one point into D freeze a point into Prime D freeze now Point into Supreme D freeze the skill is our get out of jail card and this will basically help reduce your cooldowns even quicker I put three points into permafrost three points into horror Frost three points into icy Touch and three points into 3G Breeze and last but not least the key passive if I put one point into avalanche now I do want to mention there are some skills that you can switch around for example if your offense is really good but you're still lacking in defense what you can do you can drop a couple points in glass Cannon and apply the points into Mana Shield or protection for more defense if needed okay so next but not least the Paragon board now I do want to mention that I did spend hours on this Paragon board perfecting it the thing is you don't want to just pick out what sounds good you basically need to look at your character stats and see what is needed and you also want to pull up the damage calculator to optimize your damage but of course if you don't have time and don't want to do all the damage calculations you can basically follow this Paragon board okay so first just go up this path in the first glyph socket I have here is Destruction for the Critical Strike damage and of course Critical Strike damage is a huge multiplier for your damage so this is very important then of course I went up this path and for the second board I went for The Frigid fade board and on this board I went up this path and for the glyph socket I have tactician the reason I put this Cliff notice it provides bonuses to rare notes and you get increased 10 damage or using a defensive skill now the bonus I'm getting for this node is getting vulnerable damage which is a huge damage boost so once here you do want to go up this way and for the third board I went for ice fall and basically I went through this path and for this lift socket I put Frost bite or additional chill damage to enemies then I went down this path and for the fourth Paragon board I went with enchantment master and then of course go through this way and for this Cliff socket I went with flame feeder for increased burning damage and for the additional bonus you deal 10 direct damage to burning enemies and then you want to follow this path to the fifth board and for the fifth board I went with burning Instinct in the glyph socket I have in here is the exploit lift socket which increases vulnerable damage and then of course I went up this path and the last Paragon board I went with searing heat and for the glyph socket I went damage to crowd control enemies and the reason I went with this for the last Paragon board is for the Critical Strike damage next you do want to look at your stats on the side like strength intelligence will power and dexterity and make sure you get the bonuses for your rare note now this was just a quick overview of the Paragon board but I'll have a link in the description with this full build and the Paragon board if you want to check them out okay so thanks for checking out one of the best ice yard build for the Sorcerer And like I mentioned this build is very good for clearing High nightmare dungeons very easily and quickly you should be clearing dungeons within 5-10 minutes without having an issue but just be aware if you're trying to complete here 100 nightmare dungeon or kill Uber Lilith you do need a completely different build and I'll share those in the future so stay tuned but of course every day to hell
Channel: The Life of a Gamer
Views: 143,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4, diablo 4 best sorcerer build, diablo 4 ice shards build, diablo 4 build, diablo 4 ice shards, diablo 4 sorcerer build, diablo 4 sorceress build, ice shards, diablo 4 best build, diablo 4 sorcerer, best sorcerer build, diablo 4 ice sorcerer build, diablo 4 gameplay, diablo 4 sorcerer ice shards, ice shard build, diablo 4 sorceress build ice, diablo 4 sorceress build icy shards, ice shards build, diablo 4 ice shards sorcerer, diablo 4 sorceress, diablo 4 guide
Id: RwzwiK9o7Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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