BEST HIKE YET in ZION! The NARROWS! (Zion National Park Part 2)

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- We just finished hiking the Narrows. - In the middle of summer and nobody's here. - Check it out, we have it all to ourselves. Wanna find out how we did it? - Stay tuned. ♪ HEY! ♪ (cool upbeat music begins) ♪ HEY! ♪ (cool upbeat music ends) (uptempo music begins) - When we left off last time, we had just taken that awesome helicopter tour from Zion Helicopters. (calm music plays) (helicopter aerial view) And we were kind of teasing you about some other exciting things that we did while we were in that area. - It's time... (Indistinct) it's this video! - It's now! Right now, right now! - (chuckling) Are you ready? Here we go! - Yeah, we do the Narrows in this video, - [Tara] Holllllyyyyyy crap which is a very, very famous hike. - [Tara] Some of you might be wondering "What the heck is the Narrows?", "What are you talking about?" What we're talking about is a very long hike in Zion National Park that goes through the narrowest part of the canyon, which is also the Virgin River, - [Chad] Um hmm. and the hike actually has you hiking through the river. - [Chad] It is the river. - [Tara] It is the river. - [Chad] (chuckles) The hike is the river, - [Tara] Yes! the river is the hike. - [Tara] Yeah. The whole hike in its entirety is about 17 miles. - [Chad] Um hmm. Most people don't do that and if you wanna do the whole thing, you have to get like special permits and stuff like that. - [Chad] Yeah, cause I think most of the people who do the whole thing, camp overnight. - [Tara] Yeah, because it's so long and it's such a tough, tiring trail. You've gotta get special permits so you can spend the night. - [Chad] Um hmm. - Soooo... - Think one of the biggest things about this is since you're in water and it is cold water, it's gonna vary a lot on the season as to what gear you need, - Right. and that was the confusing part. - Okay, so there were a lot of confusing parts when planning for Zion National Park - And the Narrows in particular. and the Narrows in particular. - Yeah. A lot of it had to do with the shuttle service and the shuttle system, because when we were booking and planning, this was still when they had the COVID restrictions and timed, ticketed shuttles only. - [Chad] Um hmm. You could not just wait in line and get on a shuttle, you had to have a ticket and those tickets were being sold out just as soon as they became available. - [Chad] Um hmm. And so we were stressed, - [Chad] Yeah. We were thinking the girls didn't fly all this way to not - Not be able to be able to do the hike. be able to be able to do these hikes. So, during that time they were allowing private shuttle companies - [Chad] Um hmm. to take you up there. So, we said, - [Chad] Yeah, let's, let's "Fine, take all our money" - [Chad] (chuckles) Yeah, we said, let's not chance it. We got a private shuttle from Zion Guru. - I also wanna say, you are able to take your e-bikes up the scenic highway when you have all the gear, like the waterproof shoes and the waterproof socks and the - [Chad] The big stick and.. big walking sticks and all that. I couldn't see the four of us taking e-bikes and trying to carry all that stuff. - [Chad] Yeah. So, that's why we decided heck with it, let's make sure we have a ride up there and let's book this private shuttle. It was expensive. - [Chad] It was super expensive (chuckles) for a- - I mean oh my gosh. For a van ride, you know, for that price, you can usually get a limousine with champagne. - [Tara] Yeah, right (chuckles), yeah, (laughing) but it was okay, cause at least we knew - [Chad] Yeah, we had guaranteed entry. we were guaranteed entry - [Chad] Um hmm. and we decided, because it's so confusing and, because it was still uncertain to both of us, what equipment we actually needed to be safe and to make this hike easier for us, we decided we were gonna go to Zion Guru and talk to them and get our gear through them - [Chad] Um hmm. and they could tell us exactly what we needed. - [Chad] They are gurus after all. - [Tara] Yeah. - [Chad] (laughing) - Yeah and they were very helpful too. - [Chad] Yeah. (cool music begins) It shall be perfect for today. (cool music continues) (family putting on shoes) - [Tara] What I wanna know is like, what makes these shoes special? - [Chad] They're extra supportive, [Tara] Okay. Kinda like hiking boots. - [Tara] Yeah. They're not supposed to be waterproof. Water's goin in, a really cool thing is they have climbing shoe rubber on the bottom. So, extra sticky on wet, slippery areas. - [Tara] Oh cool, okay. (cool music plays) - [Chad] Depending on what time of year you go the gear's gonna be different. - [Tara] Yeah. I think just a few weeks before we went, some friends of ours went and they had the waders all the way up so they weren't getting wet at all. - [Tara] Right, so like we said, you're going to be in this river - [Chad] Um hmm. and sometimes it's just like, just barely above your feet. Sometimes it's all the way up to here, depending on how tall you are. - [Chad] (laughing) I got up a here, so I'm at a couple of parts, but - [Chad] Yeah, it was... I was a little worried, cause I just didn't know. I knew that getting that walking stick was really, really, really important. - [Chad] Um hmm. - [Johnathan] Walking stick for hiking it in a river is gonna be longer than if you're trekking. So, a trekking pole usually has your arm at a 90 degree. - [Tara] Um hmm. So, you adjust it so that when you're in a natural gait on a trail, your arms are moving and lifting the stick. - [Man] Yeah. And the Narrows though, you're walking with a single stick, you're using it as a probe to see how deep the water is, - [Tara] Hmmmm. because you're trying to gauge water depth in water that may not be clear all the way through. - [Tara] Okay. In the Narrows most of the time if the water's transparent, it's knee deep or less. - [Tara] Okay. If the water is dark green, it's mid thigh or deeper. - [Tara] Okay. The darker the water, - [Tara] The deeper the water. the deeper the- - [Chad] (chuckling) - [Tara] Okay, got it. - Also, using it to create a triangle or a third leg so that you always have a point on the ground. - [Tara] Okay. So we like to say "Make sure you have two points on the ground, which will keep you from having all points". - [Tara] All points on the ground, okay. - [Chad] (chuckling) Notice here, this is about chest high. We say chest high or chin, not higher than your chin. Otherwise it bumps you in the face. - [Chad] (chuckling) - [Tara] Okay, okay. But just a light grip in it, walk into it and move your way through the river. - [Tara] Okay. So, now that you guys have the gear, - [Tara] Yeah. you have the right footwear to head in there, river shorts, get your extra layer to go up top. You know, day pack with food and water in it. - [Tara] Um hmm. Kind of knowing where to go and how to go in there. In particular, your question, "How to go pee - Right! while you're here" is really important. - That's very important to me and I wanna say, this is Johnathan everyone. - How you doing? - (laughing) - [Chad] Hiii. So, the shuttle bus is gonna drop you off at the Temple of Sinawava - [Tara] Okay. and then from there, it's a one mile paved trail. - [Tara] Okay. So, you could do that at any time of year. Very easy access, wheelchair accessible trail, - [Tara] Oh cool. but then that trail ends abruptly at the Virgin River, as it joins, what we call, the gateway to the Narrows. - [Tara] Okay. From the section where that Riverside Walk ends, you immediately begin crossing back and forth through the river, moving from one river bank over the river, another river bank, - [Tara] Okay. occasionally with prolonged periods of time where you're in the water where it's wall to wall. Some of those water depth areas will be, on someone your height, mid-thigh. The bulk of the time it's knee deep or less. - [Tara] Okay. So, even this time of year, or five, you know summertime June, a five-year-old could generally hike the Narrows. - [Tara] Okay, okay. Let's say you have to do this, number one, - [Tara] (laughing) and you have to pee, - [Tara] Yeah. the biggest issue with peeing in the Narrows is that there's no privacy - [Tara] Okay. at all. The solution to pollution is dilution, right? In the Virgin River, particularly, because so many people hike in there, - [Tara] Um hmm. it's unreasonable to pee right on the rocks and sand, because it just crystallizes, - [Tara] Yeahhh. and starts to stink, so you gotta pee in the river or as close to the river's edge as possible - [Tara] Oh okay. so it dilutes it. So, once you are in the river and you're working your way up canyon, the first and only real waterfall that you get to is called Mystery Falls, - Okay. 110 foot waterfall that comes down the rock face, it's not a Yosemite fall, this is a desert fall. It's like a little ribbon of water, - [Tara] Okay. running along the rock face. - [Tara] Okay. Beautiful afternoon, glowing light going up - [Tara] Yesss! to Mystery Falls. These giant curves where the river's making these 180 degree turns and your target is to try to get up to Floating Rock, - Okay. Which, Temple, we remember was one mile Riverside Walk. - [Tara] Okay. Then to get up the Floating Rock is about an additional two miles, - [Tara] Two miles. So three miles up, three miles back - [Tara] Okay. so you're moving about a mile and a quarter an hour going upstream. - Okay. And you're moving about a mile and a half to a mile and three quarter downstream, - Downstream. but tons to see. That's a beautiful thing about the bottom of the Narrows, which 90% of the people that hike the Narrows - Yeah. do it and that direction is, you hike in and you hike out. - Uh huh. So, you're only committed to as far as you've hiked in already. - That's awesome. (cool music begins) - Our first time turning left. - First time (chuckle), first time on the scenic drive. This is pretty cool. - [Chad] One really cool thing about taking the shuttle, besides the fact that you have a private shuttle, is that our driver was really, really knowledgeable and he was able to fill us in on a lot of the history and things on the way there. - [Tara] Oh man, he was so awesome and then-! He even stopped on the way in - [Tara] We stopped.. and showed us...yeah. - [Tara] Yeah, we stopped a couple of times, got to take pictures and we were able to take our time and kind of make that experience our own. - [Tour Guide] So on the left, that's the street wall, that big formation. - [Tara] Oh yeah. In the middle of it there's a big dark street. - [Tara] Yeah. Just barely to the right of that series of cracks, looks just like Darth Vader's helmet, kind of like his profile. If you look closely, you might see it. - [Tara] I don't...try, ohhhh, I think I see it, actually! - [Tour Guide] Yeah. - [Meagan] Oh I see it! - [Chad] Ohhh, I see it! - [Tara] That's kinda cool. - [Tour Guide] Yeah. - [Tara] And they are no longer, as far as I know, they're no longer allowing private shuttles anymore. That was actually terminated two days after we got there. - [Chad] Um hmm. We got in right at the nick of time and we were able to keep our shuttle reservations. - [Chad] Yeah. So, that was good... - [Chad] Be sure to check online, because that could change and it could be back to the same now I know, COVID restrictions are coming back in some areas, so be sure to check online. - [Tara] Yeah, absolutely. ♪ Keep your eyes on the horizon. Stay in gold! ♪ ♪ All I need are your eyes, your my- ♪ - [Tara] So, when we got to where the trail starts, that you have to take to head down to the Narrows, - [Chad] Um hmm. it was a huge line for people leaving, - [Chad] Oh yeah. so that was great. Here's a little bit of a tip, we didn't rent our gear until 4 PM. Now, we did that on purpose, because in our research in planning our trip to this area, I joined Facebook groups, I went on different websites, everything I read said, "Go, first thing in the morning, earlier the better, you're gonna beat the crowds". Well, when everything out there says go first thing in the morning, everybody goes in the morning. So, we decided to go against the grain and go in the evening and that actually worked out so well for us. It is going to be a mile to walk from like, the parking lot area to the beginning of the Narrows and that's called like the Riverside Walk. - Um hmm. Mostly paved with a little bit of like sand and gravel, but it is wheelchair accessible - Right. for that mile. So, if you just wanna take that mile long walk and kind of watch people start off in the Virgin River - And finish. - Yeah, - (chuckling) you can do that, you can just take that mile walk down and just watch people. - It's a beautiful hike (indistinct) - [Tara] Yeah, yeah. So, we walked that and then we finally got there and I will admit that beginning part was full of people when we first got there. There was a lot of people, but I think most of those people coming out. - [Chad] Um hmm, I think a lot of them were coming out and they were just kinda hangin out there, cause of maybe they had some extra time. - [Tara] Um hmm. So, it's kind of busy around that area, but as we got going, we really only saw people coming the opposite way. - [Tara] Yeah. Now we start the real stuff. Going up the river, cutting back and forth, all that fun stuff. - [Meagan] How fun? - [Tara] Okay. How we get to use the gear we bought - [Tara] Yeah. or rented. - All fun and games. - Alright. - Let's do it. - Until I slip. - Nobody's slipping. - Slipping. - Don't say that. (cool music begins) (family trekking through water) - Oooh, whoa, - [Megan] (chuckling) I was just gonna say, I'm gettin' the hang of it, - (chuckling) but I guess not. - [Tara] I wouldn't have been able to do this hike without that walking stick - [Chad] Oh yeah. and the boots that they give you, aren't just the waterproof, but they are like sticky on the body. - [Chad] The shoes have been great for gripping... can't even make it slide. I'm not lookin forward to the waist deep water at all. (family responds at once) (cool music begins) (family enjoys the water/hike) - Little snack break. - This is really cool. - This is really neat. - I think the afternoon is the way to go, cause it's not hot at all, the sun is blocked, it's nice and cool in here - [Chad] Yeah. and the water feels refreshing when you do have to go waist deep and everybody's going the other way. So, it's perfect. - [Chad] (chuckling) Yup. (cool music plays) (family trekking canyon) - We made it through the crowded parts and then we got to the really peaceful, open, more private areas and it was just, wow! - [Chad] The walls are like a thousand feet high - [Tara] Um hmm. on both sides. - [Tara] Yes. It isn't narrow. - [Tara] Yeah. I think one advantage of that too is it's gonna be shaded at the top. - [Tara] Yes - [Meagan] Yeah, there's nobody here. - There's nobody else here right now. - Well (indistinct) Well, there's people way up there, - [Tara] Yeah. but this whole section there's nobody here. - [Tara] It's awesome. Absolutely get a pole and the shoes, it makes a big difference. - [Tara] It does, it really, really, really does, and the socks help too and I mean, what an experience. I'm gonna be really sore tomorrow. - [Chad] (chuckling) Aw man, my legs, - [Tara] Upper body, shoulders (indistinct) - [Chad] my legs are gonna be sore. - [Tara] Yeah. It was a challenging hike for me. I don't have the best balance or coordination anymore. - [Chad] (chuckling) So, I didn't fall though, I did not fall. - [Chad] Yeah. Think Meagan did, but I did not! - [Chad] It's a different kind of hike, because it's not the kind where you've got cliffs - [Tara] Yeah. or anything like that. If you fall, you're gonna fall in water, but you can fall on rocks - [Tara] Um hmm. and you can get your foot jammed and maybe twist an ankle. (calm music begins) - [Tara] I think we're gonna sleep well tonight. - [Madison] Oh yeah. It's gonna be that feeling of like, when you were a little kid and you swam all that. - [Chad] Some of the people that worked there did us that they see more injuries on the Narrows, which is in the water. - [Tara] Yeah. Than they do on something like Angels Landing, - [Tara] Yeah. because people get a little overconfident, you slip out a rock, you twist an ankle, it's real easy to get hurt. So, be very careful - Yes. and definitely get a walking stick. - There were people of all ages and I think all athletic abilities - [Chad] Oh yeah. wading through the water. So you know- - [Chad] 'Cause you can go as slow or as fast as you want. - [Tara] Yeah, and I definitely went slower than the young whipper snapper girls that were with us. - [Chad] (chuckling) They, they kept going far ahead, but I think they're less afraid to fall - [Chad] When you get to our age, falling hurts more. - [Tara] It does. - It does, the recovery takes a lot longer. We've got about 15 minutes til our bingo time. - [Tara] Bingo! Meaning two hours out, two hours back, it's kinda like bingo fuel in the military. Yeah, bingo fuel is when you have just enough fuel to get back to base. We can go a little bit further, but we're gonna have a snack instead, but this has been an amazing hike - [Tara] Amazing. and not too difficult, really. I don't think, I mean, it's not like just the plain walk, but it's not... - Well, I hav a hard time with balance, so it was a little tricky for me, but I still loved it, it's worth it. It's worth the pain I'm gonna feel tonight and tomorrow. - [Chad] (chuckling) - [Chad] We knew we had about a four hour window for this hike. So, that makes it really, really easy. You go one way for two hours and then you come back for two hours. Now we did that also knowing that coming back we would be more tired, but we would be going downstream? - [Tara] Yeahhhh. (cool music begins) (family hiking through canyon) I was so proud of all of us though, - [Chad] We nailed it. because it was a spectacular experience. The most unique hike that we've ever done, beautiful... - [Chad] Especially after all the confusion leading up to it, to finally get there and be doing it and have the right gear - [Tara] Yes. and be on time and it was awesome. - [Tara] Yeah. (cool music plays) - She fell - [Chad] Oh did ya? You alright? - I'm okay. - [Chad] (chuckling) (cool music plays) (family hiking through water) - It's 7:21, we still have an hour, but this is where we started this trail and if you remember the footage from when we started, it was packed and there's, like just a couple of people now. - [Chad] Yeah, this is just the time to go. Feels like a hundred degree day today, but it was nice down here. - [Tara] The temperature was so fine, we weren't hot, the water was cool, but it wasn't like unbearable and it was just a really, really perfect time for us to come. - It was awesome. - Yeah! - And now we're gonna go find out what that weird noise is behind us. - [Chad] Found the's a squirrel. (cool music begins) - And we didn't have to wait very long for our personal shuttle to arrive. We actually finished up about 30 minutes earlier than we had told them we wanted to be picked up. So, we waited for... - [Chad] We didn't want to miss our shuttle no, so, and we were done and we were tired and we were hungry, exhausted, so we just waited, I think only about 10 minutes before they came and picked us up. - [Chad] But luckily our driver actually came a little bit early. - [Tara] Yeah. So, that was awesome. - Please check the website for the shuttle schedule, I'm not exactly sure what time the last shuttle comes to pick people up from this hike. I think it's around 8-8:15, but I think that's also why there were so few people when we were coming back, because everybody wanted to make sure they got a shuttle. - [Chad] Um hmm. So, it was, we had the whole, that whole last mile was all to ourselves. - [Chad] Um hmm, we had a couple of sections where we couldn't see anybody. - [Tara] Nobody, we had nobody around us, it was amazing! So, we say, go in the evening. - [Chad] Um hmm, go against the grain. - Leave no trace. - [Chad] Leave no trace, except for your wet butt print. - [Madison] My wet butt print? - Madison's wet butt print. - [Chad] (chuckling) Madison's wet butt print. - [Shuttle Driver] How was it? - [Tara] We're so glad you're early! - [Chad] (laughing) - [Tara] It was great! (cool music begins) - So remember, a few weeks ago, when we cleaned out our gray tank and got rid of the smell. It was the tank and we talked about the little vacuum breaker seal there that is designed to allow air to flow in, but not out, that basically provides a relief so you don't have a vacuum in there when you're dumping the tanks when water's flowing through, but it can go bad and let gases up and that happened just like two weeks later and it's ugghhh! Even I could smell it. It's horrible. - [Tara] So you know it's bad. Yeah, of course it happens when we have visitors. (Meagan & Madison laughing) - You know, we never had this problem until they showed up... - [Tara] Right! Just saying. - [Tara] Yeah. - (laughing) - Luckily having seen this online before, I bought this about two years ago. - [Tara] (chuckles) It's a new in-line vent. Hopefully, it just screws right in, let's do it. - [Chad] So you can see, this is the thing right there. - [Tara] The thing. The thing...screws off...ugghhh - [Tara] Uugghhh! - [Chad] (laughing) - [Tara] Oh my God, that's what smells right there. - [Chad] And then screw this one in. - [Tara] What the heck is in there? - [Chad] It's, shhhh, I don't know. - [Tara] Awwwwww Alright, new ones in. - [Tara] Okay, here's hopin' that it starts to smell better. Uggghhh, I don't know what that is, loookkkkk. That's gotta be part of the smell problem, right there. The next day we were tired. - [Chad] (chuckling) Shocker, right? I mean, that was an exhausting hike. - Yeah, we didn't have anything planned that day - No. on purpose. - Right! - We knew we'd be tired. However, there's this little ghost town/old mining town that's only a few miles from the RV park - [Chad] Um hmm. called Silver Reef and it was only open, I think like Monday through Thursday until 2:00 PM everyday. Checked their website for specifics on that, but this was gonna be the last opportunity for us to go and just check out this old town. - [Chad] Yeah, we like ghost towns and old mining towns, - [Tara] Yeah! They're really neat. - [Tara] Yeah, and what the heck, it was only a few miles from the RV park, so we just got in the truck, we drove over there... - [Tara] This is Silver Reef Museum and ghost town, - [Chad] It's only a few- this is an old mining town. [Chad] Yeah, it's only a few miles from the campground. So we figured why not check it out? - And they're open, - (Indistinct). - Yeah, they're open odd hours during the week. Some days they're closed and so this is Thursday and they're open until 2:15. So we thought we'd drive over and see what it's about. It's not very big, which is good, cause it's 96 outside. - Yeah. - It's hot! (cool music plays) (family explores Silver Reef Museum) - [Tara] It was really cool. I mean, you pay $3 a person or $10 for a family and you get a little bit of a guided tour and they're in costume and they're - [Chad] In character. in character and- - [Chad] (chuckling) I think this guide, this might've been his normal character. [Tara] He loved it. - [Chad] (chuckling) You could tell he loved it, but that made the tour and it was awesome. - [Silver Reef Tour Guide] Silver Reef is extremely unique. It's one of the only two places in the entire world, where Civil War was sandstone. - [Tara] (laughing) - [Silver Reef Tour Guide] It seems a gentleman by the name of Sean (indistinct). - [Another Silver Reef Tour Guide] "Came over from the corn fields in California." "You know, west of Reno". - He's walking around on the white reef and as he's walking around, he starts finding things that are a bit peculiar. He starts picking up white sandstone, but he starts lookin at it and it's got little black lineation in it. Little tiny black lines and then he turns it over and he goes, "Look at that black inclusion"! "I wonder what that is". Well, he tests it and it got back positive for silver. Well that's impossible! You don't find silver in sandstones! - [Tara][Chad] (laughing) Everyone knows that. You know that, right? - Yes. - [Tara][Chad] (laughing) You don't find silver in sandstone! - [Tara] Right! Well, he decided- - [Tara] I mean everybody would (indistinct). he decided he probably needed a little help. So, what he did was he went up over to the white reef, Dr. (indistinct) crushed it up and sent it to the Smithsonian Institution. They sent it back to him three months later and they said, it's the best fake we have ever seen. (guitar music plays) - You never know what to expect with these little tours like this, cause sometimes you just go in and all you do is browse and look, read little placards. - [Tara] Um hmm. This wasn't like that, it was really cool. - [Tara] It was cool and then outside they have like a whole hiking trail with markers, information, they give you like a brochure kind of thing that you can follow along and you could see what some of the old ruins or some of the old buildings, what they originally were. Now, it was... - [Chad] The old jail Yeah, in the old jail, - [Chad] That looked miserable. It was so hot. - [Chad] (laughing) It was so hot, so we didn't really explore a whole lot outside. We walked to a couple of the buildings and the ruins and we were like "Too hot, let's go home". But I highly recommend just going to check it out, because it's inexpensive, but you get some really rich history - [Chad] Um hmm. of that area and there's so many mining stories and mining towns throughout that area. - [Chad] Um hmm. - It's pretty cool. - [Chad] Yeah and this one is unique, because I think it's one of the only ones where they discovered silver in sandstone - [Tara] Um hmm. and everybody thought they were nuts! - [Tara] Yeah. There's no silver in sandstone, moron (chuckling), but there was and now there's a town. - Yeah. - I'm sure a lot of you are wondering "What the heck, you haven't told us anything about the RV park where you're staying". Cause we always do. Sooooo, here you go. - [Chad] (chuckling) We stayed at the St. George Hurricane. "Hurrcan" Yes, that's right, I said "Hurrcan". That's how you pronounce it according to the locals. - [Chad] Yeah. The KOA there, was about 45 minutes to get to Zion National Park from this RV park, so not super ideal for us, - [Chad] But also not too bad. we were lucky to get it. - [Chad] Yeah. We got Site 138, which was the best site. Absolutely awesome huge sites. The park itself was very nice. A lot of sites and they also have sites for tents, they have cabins, they have a heated pool if you need it heated, - [Chad] Yeah. (chuckling) they have a Putt putt course, playgrounds, laundry facilities. The one thing I want you to be careful about if you're going to book a site at this campground, is that like a lot of KOA's - [Chad] Yeah. there pull through sites are buddy sites. If you don't know what that is, - [Chad] Yeah. that's when you pull in this way and the person next to you pulls in this way and you share a common area. - [Chad] Which is great if you have a buddy, - [Tara] Yes. but if you're parking next to strangers and they're strangers are all over your common area, - [Tara] Yeah. it's not great, I don't know why - [Tara] It's not ideal. KOA's do that. - [Tara] No, it's not ideal if you don't know the people that you're sharing the site with, because let's face it, KOA's can be very expensive - [Chad] Um yeah. and to pay that price for a buddy site, would not have made me very happy. So, I believe that the buddy sites where the pull through is kind of in the middle. So, if you're lookin at the map, just pay attention. - Yeah, if you see arrows going both directions - Yeah. on pull throughs like this, yeah. Buddy sites. - (laughing) - (chuckling) - Yeah, if you've got a buddy, fabulous! - Yeah. If you like your privacy, not so fabulous, but the park itself was very, very clean. Well-kept, - Yeah, very nice park. really nice park. We would go there and stay there again. Especially, if we could get site 138, - [Chad] Yeah. which is probably now not going to be available. (cool music plays) - [Tara] Once again, we just ran out of time to share everything with you that we did in Zion. So, what we're gonna do, is we're going to do a third part, because we still have some awesome things to share with you, actually... - One of the most amazing things. - [Tara] Yeah, yeah. The most dangerous hike we've ever done, ever - [Chad] Angels Landing. - [Tara] Whoo! I don't know how they let the public take this. - [Chad] Yeah, it's, it's... - [Tara] It's dangerous. - [Chad] Wait'll you see it, it's insane - It's dangerous...I slipped...that was scary. - (chuckling) - We also go four wheelin - [Chad] Um hmm. which was also a blast. (cool music begins)
Channel: Changing Lanes
Views: 34,894
Rating: 4.9837875 out of 5
Keywords: changing lanes, changinglanesrv, full time rv, nomad life, zion national park, zion national park hikes, zion national park 4k, zion national park camping, zion national park narrows hike, the narrows zion national park, the narrows zion, silver reef utah, silver reef ghost town st. george, silver reef, silver reef ghost town, zion st george koa
Id: pZhmOBZaaBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.