RV Living - Sturgis! [Motorcycle Rally // Deadwood // Devils Tower] - Part 1

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- If you're thinking that this is like a Sturgis rally video that's like crazy, and I don't know, it might end up being, but we don't plan on it being like that. - Yeah, this isn't gonna be the girls on bars video. We try to keep our channel family friendly. (laughing) - I don't know if we're gonna be able to in Sturgis, but we'll do our best. (upbeat music) In our last location video you saw us spending quality time with Chad's daughters, Megan and Madison. So after that we left Idaho, and we headed to Sturgis, South Dakota. - Yeah, for those of you who don't know about Sturgis, it is on the Eastern side of the black hills of South Dakota, and it's pretty famously known for a really, really big motorcycle rally. - That's right. This was our first time ever going to this big motorcycle rally, so we were excited, and I was a little bit nervous about it. You know you're getting close to Sturgis during the rally when nothing but motorcycles on the road. - Yeah, going around us mostly. - [Tara] And there's like just some random bar on the side of the road that's just packed. - [Chad] And it was topless Tuesday. - It was topless Tuesday. - And we had the big RV so we couldn't stop. (laughing) - You guys I gotta admit I'm a little bit nervous about this whole Sturgis motorcycle rally thing. I don't do crowds well, I don't do noise well, and I don't like being around-- - Crowds. - A crowd, crowds that are drinking and I-- - Yeah, I don't think we'll, we're probably not gonna hang around that crowd much. - Yeah. The big motorcycle rally happens every year at the beginning of August for about 10 days. - [Chad] Mm-hm. We were a little bit nervous because all of our exposure to Sturgis had been what we've seen on TV on various things where there's a huge amount of partying and craziness. And that does go on, but that's not really our style. - Yeah. So if you're looking for one of those videos, this is not that one. (laughing) - We decided that we wanted to experience the rally, but maybe not the whole thing. So we decided we would arrive during the second half of the rally. - Yeah, we got there on August 6th, and we stayed for a couple of weeks. So it was nice that we could get a feel for during the rally and after the rally. And we stayed at a camp ground in Sturgis called Rush No More campground. (upbeat music) - We originally had plans to stay in Spearfish, which is just west of Sturgis, in a place called Chris' campground. - Yes. When we were in the Tucson, Arizona area we met a couple, Chaz and Margie, and they said "oh, we're camp hosting "at Rush No More campground. "It's a super nice camp ground, "it's right in Sturgis." And they kind of warned us against Chris' campground. They did say that they hadn't been there in years and years. So we just went by their recommendation, and decided to switch campgrounds to Rush No More. We were looking for a little bit more private space and quiet space 'cause we're lame. - (laughing) We're pretty lame. Now there are a lot of campgrounds. And there's actually a lot of fields outside of bars that get turned into campgrounds. They're dry camping, and you can find a place, but you're gonna pay for it during the rally. - It's expensive. - Yeah. Cocktail time. - Well deserved cocktail time. - 700 miles in two days is more than we're used to. We have this nice spot here at Sturgis. It is not cheap. - We arrived to that campground halfway through the rally, but the entire time we were there they charged us rally pricing, even after the rally was over because we arrived during the rally. - [Chad] It was a bit of a jab having to pay for the full rally even though we weren't there for the whole rally. - It was more expensive than Boyd's in Key West. - [Chad] Was it? - [Tara] It was more expensive than Boyd's in Key West. - [Chad] Wow, I'd rather be at Boyd's for sure. - [Tara] Absolutely. They have two sections so you kind of take a little dirt winding road, which was still big enough for us to get through there with the Momentum. - [Chad] Just barely. (laughing) - Yeah, but the sites are big, and more private. And the whole campground was kept very nice and clean, it was very well maintained. The day after we arrived was a workday of course. - Mm-hmm. For those of you who don't know, we travel full time, but we also work full time. I have a nine to five, she does all our editing. We both work on the channel. - And YouTube channels are a lot of work, if you didn't know that. - (laughing) yeah. Gonna take our first ride into town. We got here yesterday. - I think Sturgis, I think the rally's been going on for what four or five days already? - Yeah. - Yeah. We're gonna go to the Beaver Bar. And the CVMA meetup. - Yep, little CVMA meet and greet. (upbeat music) If you follow our channel you know that a while back in our travel videos that I joined the CVMA. CVMA is the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association. And they have little meetups at these things. So we wanted to go to that and kind of meet some more CVMA members, and that's what we did. ♪ Keep on fighting ♪ ♪ Swing for your life ♪ ♪ Be ready for the moment ♪ ♪ When the lightening strikes ♪ ♪ 'cause ooh you got soul ♪ - [Chad] And we don't know what's gonna happen with the 2020 rally, that's still up in the air with the COVID-19 stuff. - That's right. And actually that brings me to a good point because we filmed this rally last year, which is 2019. And it's now May 2020, and our location videos always fall quite a bit behind schedule, luckily for us. - But we film these little rappers where we talk about them to you guys and kind of introduce you to each topic and area near real time. ♪ You got soul ♪ ♪ Ooh ooh ♪ - [Tara] To get out to the CMVA event, we had to ride through a little bit of the actual rally part of Sturgis, but we didn't get to the main drag yet. - [Chad] This motorcycle rally got its beginning in August of 1938 by a group called The Jackpine Gypsies. - [Tara] Yeah, these guys were a group of Indian motorcycle company riders. It started out more as a, I believe, like a stunt show type of gathering, and it's just evolved over the years. ♪ You got soul ♪ ♪ Ooh ooh you got soul ♪ - [Tara] The CVMA event was held at Beaver Bar. - [Chad] The Beaver Bar. - [Tara] The Beaver Bar, which was really pretty close to where we were staying. - So we're here. Beaver Bar. - [Tara] Beaver Bar. - Gonna go meet some fellow CVMA peeps. - But where can we find the peeps? We walked in, and of course there's a live band playing so everybody was having a good time. Several bars in this place. - We got to walk around there, hang out and meet some fellow CVMA members who had arrived in the area for the rally. We got to have a couple drinks, got to meet some people and some dogs. - [Tara] And some dogs. (laughing) Some dogs and a Medal of Honor recipient. - Yeah, there was a Vietnam era veteran there who was a Medal of Honor recipient so it was really kind of neat to meet him. Didn't get to talk a lot 'cause it was kind of loud in there. - It was very loud and kind of hard to hear each other and understand each other. But it was still an honor. We stayed for about an hour, and then we decided we wanted to get back on the bike and drive down through the entire strip. - Yeah, we wanted to hit the gauntlet. - Is that what it's called? - I don't know, that's what I call it. (laughing) ♪ Eyes are clear hearts are full ♪ ♪ Breaking through impossible ♪ ♪ Light it up ♪ ♪ Light it up ♪ ♪ Light it up ♪ ♪ Light it up like the sun ♪ ♪ Light it up ♪ ♪ Light it up ♪ ♪ Light it up ♪ ♪ Light it up like the sun ♪ - [Tara] Really it was just a lot of stop and go and stop and go, and stop and go. - [Chad] But it's neat. You get to see a lot of cool bikes, and interesting people. - [Tara] And then as we were riding, off to our right was a big Indian motorcycle tent. So we're like cool, we gotta go check this out. - [Chad] Oh yeah, gotta go check out the Indian thing. We didn't know it yet, but they were gonna be doing like little stunt show. And that was really cool. ♪ I'm burning up turn on the light ♪ ♪ I'm gonna go and let it shine ♪ ♪ I'm gonna go and light it up right ♪ ♪ Turn up the heat ♪ - [Chad] Look at this, it's a sidecar cooker. That is so cool. ♪ Whenever I'm going turn up the heat ♪ ♪ Turn up the heat ♪ ♪ Ready set fire ♪ ♪ The flame's getting higher ♪ ♪ Turn up the heat ♪ ♪ Whoa turn up the heat ♪ ♪ Turn up the heat ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ Turn up the heat ♪ ♪ Turn up the heat ♪ ♪ Ooh I get glowing ♪ - [Chad] We checked out that thrill show, watched them bust stuff up and do-- - [Tara] Blow stuff up. - [Chad] Blow stuff up and do donuts and stuff like that. - Burnouts. I don't get burnouts. They just don't make sense to me. - I've never really gotten it either. They have these things we've actually seen on some Sturgis shows where they burn out their back tire until it blows and they all cheer. Woo. - I don't know what it is. - It's like yay $300. I don't get it, I like my rear tire. - Yeah. - So the next day was also a work day, per usual. But we had plans after that workday to go to Deadwood with some friends that we were gonna meet. The friends that were staying at Chris' campground. We were pretty interested to go to Deadwood because we had just finished watching the "Deadwood" series on HBO. - Yes. We're big fans of the "Deadwood" show so we're looking forward to going and checking out history and stuff. - We watched all the "Deadwood" series and the "Deadwood" movie so we would be up on accurate history. - Yeah. (laughing) ♪ I'm awake I'm done with sleeping ♪ ♪ Man on the move I'm leaving ♪ ♪ I'm my own chaperone ♪ ♪ Never taking me out ♪ ♪ Where to I don't know ♪ ♪ They're not taking me out ♪ ♪ I'm gonna go where I've never been ♪ ♪ I'm gonna go where I've never been ♪ ♪ I'm gonna do something I never did ♪ ♪ Where I've never been ♪ ♪ I'm driving in ♪ ♪ I'm driving in ♪ - This time around in Deadwood we were just there to meet up with our friends and catch up and ride a little bit. We weren't there this time to check out the historical sites and things like that, we do that later. ♪ Anything I like every day every night ♪ ♪ Every moment I'm alive ♪ ♪ I'd rather run around ♪ ♪ Get me settled in ♪ ♪ Some people settle down ♪ ♪ But I'm not one of them ♪ ♪ I'm gonna go where I've never been ♪ ♪ I'm gonna go where I've never been ♪ ♪ I'm gonna do something I never did ♪ ♪ Where I've never been ♪ ♪ I'm driving ♪ ♪ I'm driving ♪ ♪ To where I've never been ♪ ♪ I'm driving in ♪ - We're in Deadwood. - It's so cool. It's just cool to think about the history here. You can't hear me. You can't hear me. We had plans to meet up with our friends at the Number 10 Saloon right on Main Street, which is supposedly where Wild Bill was shot. - If you don't know who Wild Bill Hickok is, watch "Deadwood." What we didn't know is there are actually two Number 10 Saloons which doesn't make sense to me. And I think there's actually a couple of places that claim to be where Wild Bill was shot. - [Tara] Ron and Cindy Lou ended up finding us at the Number 10 saloon where we were waiting. - [Chad] You might remember Ron and Cindy Lou from our New Mexico video where we rode into nothingness of the dessert of New Mexico. - [Tara] They are also Momentum RV owners and motorcycle riders. And we were asked to leave that bar. - Yeah, the bar had a no colors rule, which means you can't have any patches. - On the vest, for those people that don't know the motorcycle stuff. - Yeah, in the motorcycle world, first of all CVMA is not an MC. It's not a motorcycle club. It's just a group of veterans who have combat service who like to ride. But they didn't like my patch either. So they asked us to leave. When it's hey remove your patch or leave, you leave. - Yeah, if they have to ask one person to leave they have to ask everybody to leave. So it was just, you know, they're trying to keep the peace and all of that. - [Chad] So we went to, where'd we go? - We went to Mustang Sally's, where we sat and had a drink and snack and forgot to film anything. (laughing) We were a bit, well we were just excited because we hadn't seen them in several months so we were just getting caught up in the chit chatting. We just forgot. And then we decided that we wanted to check out this Chris' campground that we were supposed to be staying at. - [Chad] Yeah, plus it's supposed to be a cool ride to get there so that was fun. - [Tara] Yes, and it was only about 30 minutes from Deadwood to get to Chris'. So we followed them there. ♪ I could use you right now ♪ ♪ Daylight with the sun on me now ♪ ♪ Gonna soak up what you giving ♪ ♪ Daylight there's something about you when you show up ♪ ♪ I come alive alive alive every time ♪ ♪ When you do you do ♪ ♪ I come alive alive when I see you alive ♪ ♪ Yes I do I do I do I do ♪ - [Chad] For the record, Chris' did seem pretty nice. - [Tara] Yeah. - [Chad] They were packed in a little bit tighter. - [Tara] Yes. - [Chad] And there were some strange little places where oh hey we're gonna park you over here by the pool. - [Tara] Were gonna make up a site, and just put it right here, just squeeze more people in. So it was a little bit more chaotic, but it wasn't really, I mean it was nicer than I had expected it to be. - [Chad] Yeah. - Can you get that all by yourself? - [Chad] I got good quadriceps. - It started to drizzle so we had to get back on the road. - Yeah, we're not ride in the rain kind of people. - No. We're prepared for it. - We have rain gear. Yeah, we're prepared for it. - We just prefer not to. - Why would you? ♪ I come alive ♪ ♪ Yes I do ♪ ♪ I come alive when you do ♪ - We decided to do another after work activity. - That's right. - And we're going to Hill City, which we've been told by several people is a really cute little area that we had to go check out. It's about almost an hour from the campground in Sturgis, and we're gonna go meet some very special guests. - That's right, some friends you've seen in our video in the past, but we haven't seen them in about a year. - Yes. We're meeting at a place called Sick and Twisted Brewery first. - [Chad] Yeah. (upbeat music) - [Tara] Hi. Oh my gosh. ♪ Finally I made it out ♪ ♪ Time for you to take a bow ♪ ♪ Faster than the whispering wind ♪ ♪ Open up your heart and sing ♪ - We got a flight of beer to sample and a homemade soft pretzel to hold us off because we were gonna eat at the next place. - [Chad] Yeah, we wanted to go over and eat at the Prairie Berry Winery. That's hard to say. - [Tara] Yes. - [Chad] Prairie Berry Winery. - [Tara] It is hard to say. (laughing) Prairie Berry Winery was opened in 1999 by a husband and wife and her father. And they've won tons of awards for the local area for all their different wines. - Wanna do the thing? - What thing? - Where we introduce them? - Oh yeah. So we've been with them for a few hours for now, but we've-- - Had a few glasses of wine. - Been having so much fun that we forgot to tell you who it is. - Wanna see who it is? Is this, no, he's not over there. It's these guys. Jason and Rae from the getaway couple. - Remember us? - It's been a year. - It has been a year. - And it was interesting because you could pick I think five wines a person, and do a tasting flight that way. - [Chad] Yeah like a personal tasting flight, so you didn't have to share it. - [Tara] Yeah and they have sweet wines and dry wines and everything in between. So there's a lot of different wine styles to choose from. And they also had a good food selection too. - [Chad] Very good food. - [Tara] Yeah, you place your order at a counter, and then they page you when it's ready. And we took it outside. - [Chad] And had a good old time with our friends. - [Tara] Had a good old time with our friends. - All right, did you guess in the car who it was? - [Tara] Hey guys. - Filming you filming us. - So it's Saturday morning, we're gonna go to Devil's Tower. - Yes. - I'm excited. I've seen this place in Close Encounters when I was a kid. - This was August 10th, where we set out to go on our next ride. And you could see in the campground that it was already starting to clear up 'cause it was the second to last day of the rally. ♪ Woke up with your feelings ♪ ♪ And today you're sweet like honey ♪ - And since it was on the way we made a stop at Chris' campground to meet up with everybody again. And then we hit the road. I think it was about an hour from Chris' campground to get to Devil's Tower. So it was about an hour and a half ride for us-- - [Chad] Yeah. - [Tara] In Sturgis. ♪ We got the feeling ♪ ♪ The sun is high like 75 ♪ ♪ Even my morning hair looks good ♪ ♪ Today feels right no clouds ahead ♪ ♪ I think I wanna testify ♪ - [Chad] One thing that's kind of neat about this general area, there's lots to do and see. You don't have to be into motorcycles and go to the rally to enjoy this area. If you just like sight seeing in your car, there's a lot to see in the area. - If you are not into motorcycles, don't go the first couple weeks in August. - [Chad] (laughing) Do not go to the rally. ♪ Get out on the road with a smile on my face ♪ ♪ I've got you on my good side then love set the pace ♪ ♪ Sugar in my two step come rock with me ace ♪ ♪ You've got the feeling we've got the feeling ♪ ♪ The sky looks free just like me ♪ ♪ Even my morning hair looks good ♪ ♪ Today feels right ♪ ♪ No clouds ahead ♪ ♪ I think I wanna testify ♪ - [Tara] And of course there were several opportunities for us to pull off the side of the road and take some pictures. - [Chad] Especially as we got closer to Devil's Tower. We'd get it in the background with all of us. - [Tara] Right. ♪ Got the feeling ♪ ♪ I got the feeling ♪ ♪ Got got the feeling ♪ ♪ I got the feeling ♪ - He was excited. - I was. "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" people. (laughing) Anybody who grew up in my generation knows that movie. - Yeah. - When I first saw "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" when I was a kid I didn't know that that thing was a real thing, I thought it was just for the movie. You would start to wonder who did that get there? And there are several theories. Scientists don't know 100%, but they do know that it's made of igneous rock which means it was formed either from magna or lava. ♪ Got the feeling ♪ ♪ Got got the feeling ♪ - When we pulled into the main parking lot it was packed. It was full. There were no spots. So there's actually an auxiliary lot that was all gravel that we ended up parking in. - [Chad] She hates riding on gravel. - I don't like riding on the bike in gravel, I don't like it at all. - I don't think it's a big deal 'cause I'm used to it, I know I can control it. But to her it feels very uneasy and sliding like. - [Tara] It does. - [Chad] She doesn't like it. - [Tara] Anyhow we did find parking there though. So that was good. And then we checked out the visitor's center a little bit. Then we did walk up to the very beginning of one of the trails at Devil's Tower. - And it has what is called columnar jointing. If you've ever seen the hexagon shapes that occur in nature, the rock cools and cracks, and it does it along those lines So that's why it has those like spires going up it. - The main trial is called tower trail, and that's the one that goes all the way around the Devil's tower. - [Chad] Yeah, we didn't do that because we were in our riding gear not hiking gear. - [Tara] And we were hungry. - [Chad] Of course we were hungry. - [Tara] We were all getting hungry. - [Chad] Actually getting hangry. ♪ I can move until my heart breaks ♪ ♪ I took the risk and raised the stakes ♪ ♪ Liked me better when ♪ ♪ But I don't even care what you say ♪ ♪ I keep running ♪ ♪ You can't cut me down 'cause my fire is invincible ♪ ♪ Invincible ♪ - And we decided to set out and find some food. So we stopped in an adorable little western town called Hulett. - [Chad] Tiny. Population 383. - That's right. That's actually bigger though than quite a few of those other little towns surrounding it. But it was very charming, had a really neat feel to it. We chose a place called the Hitching Post. - [Chad] Hitchin' Post, there's no g on there. - [Tara] Yes, the Hitchin' Post Cafe. We thought this place looks awesome, it's gonna have great food. ♪ Invincible ♪ ♪ I don't have to be what you wanna see ♪ ♪ To call it love when it's rivalry ♪ ♪ No I'm not giving in ♪ ♪ I'm not giving in ♪ ♪ And I don't have to be what you wanna see ♪ ♪ Don't call it love when it's rivalry ♪ - So this was two years before Custard's last dance. - [Chad] At Little Big Horn? - Yep. Which was in Montana. He came out this way a couple of times before the final-- - [Chad] Just enough time to get cocky. - That's right. (laughing) - [Tara] So we got back on the bike and we had one more super cool stop to make before we headed home. - [Chad] Yeah these are the kinds of places that you just find by accident. (placid music) And it was really neat, just this little store. - [Tara] Well technically it's a little town called Aladdin. Population 15. (laughing) It basically consists of a general store and a cafe and I think a couple of homes. But it was just a really fun stop that I'm always going to remember. - [Chad] Yeah lots of antiques and just stuff in there. You could just tell, you felt like you were stepping back in time. (upbeat music) - [Tara] The upstairs was a lot of old vintage clothing. And they had motorcycle jackets. And just of course random stuff. It's always just fun to walk through and explore and... - [Chad] There were some old World War II crank radio handset things, and just-- - [Tara] Yeah and an old switch board. - [Chad] Just all kinds of cool stuff to look at in there. Physically connect one wire to another. That is so cool. Let me connect you. - [Tara] We just rode home, waved goodbye on the bike and headed back to our campground, they headed back to theirs. - We got some really exciting stuff coming in part two. - Right, and like you mentioned earlier, part two is going to be our time after the rally is over and we go to some cool places like Custer State Park. - [Chad] Needle's Highway. - Mm-hmm. We go back to Deadwood and check out some of the historical stuff. - [Chad] The badlands. - [Tara] Mount Rushmore. There's a lot of exciting things yet to come. - [Chad] Yep, so be sure to stick around. Don't forget to subscribe and click that bell so you know when that video comes out. - And please like this video. - Outtakes. - I got food in my teeth. Breakfast of champions. - This video will be out this Sunday. - Right. It is this Sunday. - Mm-hmm. - For them. - It is. It's already Sunday for your guys. (laughing) - Oh I completely forgot what we were doing. (laughing) We got to spend two weeks in Sturgis, yep off to, off to a great start. Okay. (laughing) Look who it is, it's Rae and Jason from The Getaway Couple. - (stuttering) - Say it again. - Bike apocalypse. - Do you need to start over? I'm gonna start over. - What is it? Bicopylpse. Okay go. - And we're gonna booze it up. (laughing) 'Cause I have two drinks and I'm snockered. Yes I used the word snockered. Yeah, so it doesn't take me much, I'm a cheap date. I love port a potties, I love them. (laughing) - Oh my word. I can't even watch.
Channel: Changing Lanes
Views: 304,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sturgis motorcycle rally 2019, sturgis, sturgis motorcycle rally, sturgis south dakota, indian motorcycle, deadwood south dakota, devils tower national monument, devils tower wyoming, full time rv living, rv lifestyle full time, full time rv living in a toy hauler, changing lanes, changing lanes rv, keep your daydream, 2019 sturgis, 2019 sturgis motorcycle rally, Bikes and Beards, Motorcyclist Magazine, MotorcyclistMag, Jay Leno's Garage, DanDanTheFireman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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