Best Hallmark Romantic Movies 2023 - Romance Movies

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[Music] Absolutely I'll have the sketches for the winter line ready in a week or two yeah don't worry it's going great [Music] okay Molly are you ready for my final dress fitting at the bridal salon remember you said you wanted to come I'm so sorry Amy I'm way behind on my deadlines the department stores want to see a lookbook for the winter line in a month I don't have sketches to make patterns to make clothes you have to eat I'll buy you lunch and you can sit on the pretty couch and tell me how gorgeous my dress is it is your sworn Duty as maid of honor you're right of course I'll come maybe we can get cheese steaks from that truck across the street you're kidding right why what do you want to eat cold press juice and kale chips how are we even Friends James is going to die when he sees you in this I don't think he cares what I wear to the wedding he'd be happy if we got married in a ditch kind of sweet though right I mean he just he loves you you'll have that too someday I know you will probably not but that's how I want it I like my drama free life sounds kind of boring to me hey not everybody needs a guy to live happily ever after that is what everyone says but no one actually means it okay how long have you and I been best friends and have I ever not meant what I said okay fine you will be alone forever thank you you're still coming with us for dinner tonight right yeah to Nick's new restaurant yes but don't try to set us up again that was years ago and I didn't technically try to set you up um you locked us out on your balcony yeah it was a great idea can I help it there weren't any Sparks so what kind of food does Nick serve at his restaurant modern American Fusion sounds like a game show keep an open mind Fusion so James Amy tells me your business is doing well it's been a slow start but I love helping regular people with their savings sure beats Wall Street it's all about new clients where would we find the house with the basement in the city we don't have to live in the city I can give Financial advice from anywhere well well what are you saying you don't want to live in Manhattan hey Nick hey you guys finally made it in it's about time Nick do you remember Molly uh blame her she's as impossible to make plans with as you are congrats on the restaurant Nick it looks great thank you yeah it's uh it's been a long time coming but it's good how about you how's uh how's the Shoe Biz no sales at all oh mostly because I'm not in the Shoe Biz right it's uh closed yeah yes okay well let's get you guys a table come on all right don't worry it'll be a huge fan mix after tonight but here's amazing who wait you been here already it was before you officially opened you were at your gallery Lake for that show with the paintings made out of coffee stains coffee grinds right but we're all here now Ry and groom Made of Honor Nick the best man all finally together in the same room right let's just enjoy the meal BR Force course a smoked quail egg marinated in an Oak Aged apple vinegar foam m how's going M she's like um an eggy pickle two things I enjoy separately right not bad for our third weekend hey Isaac I didn't get the oysters again today though didn't get any Seafood this week sorry partner minor cash flow issued until we find our legs we stocked up for next week all right thank you you keep the doors open mhm and you keep them coming back thank what is it I don't believe it are you okay it's about this investor Frank Van Allen he's been caught in some pyramid scheme did you know him he invested all of my parents' savings they frozen all our assets pending the investigation and now my father wants us to postpone the wedding Amy I am so sorry they were supposed to make the final payments tomorrow but now they can't I can't afford a wedding for 300 people I know let's go back to your place and talk this over we'll figure something out yeah Amy I'm sure there's some way that we can still make this wedding happen if we can find a good location we can still have a nice ceremony excuse me m I know Nick H can I talk to you a sec sure what's up buddy I think I know someplace we can do this uh no no no look you know I do anything to help you guys but I don't think the end's a good idea the place is falling apart and well hasn't been open since my mom passed and I just I know it's worth a try huh are you kidding me I have a tap worm what on you you didn't enjoy any of the meal I prepared I'm sorry Nick I'm just not a foam person I don't even like cappuccinos okay fine next time I'm going to make you macaroni and cheese how's that you promise yeah I promise so did I hear you guys right do you know someplace that we might be able to have this wedding yes come on Nick I you saw her she's a wreck and anything would help all right my father owns an in in the burkers was there some way we could see what it looks like is there a website my father doesn't know a website from a campsite he doesn't even own a computer I mean come on James you've seen the place it's a disaster yeah I guess the in wasn't such a good idea sorry guys I got to take this Isaac hey what's up you think Amy's going to be okay I don't know I mean her whole lifestyle is about to change maybe that's not such a bad thing it's all a bit much anyway you know I guess that depends on who you ask I can't believe this what happened that was Isaac my business partner turns out our primary investor is another of these victims from the pyramid scheme says I have to close the restaurant until he can find another investor I'm sorry to hear that really you'll open back up you're too good not to what am I supposed to do until then maybe you could cater a country wedding come on I'm not trying to pressure you but don't you have a fridge full of food that's not going to be used now okay you're right yes yes I will call my father yes thank you Nick what's going on your wedding that's what maybe I can live with maybe anyone up for a Burkshire is road trip I am how far are we going I'm so glad you ordered a stretch limo okay everybody comfy we're great for driving Nick hey huh what thought it would have been more of a me me okay let's go focus and in you EAS find [Music] your [Music] El do you know what the mark of a good restaurant is originality quality consistency a chef who's passionate about his food ranch dressing Molly is quite the ranch connoisseur One Taste and I know if it's fresh or from a jug if it's from a jug I know the rest of the food is going to be you know you should really get a job writing for the Times try it come on no way come on nip it is foam but for normal people how you're turning on me I'm just trying to expand your horizons do it come on fine okay okay great right grudgingly one point ranch dressing oh I can't even look it just keeps getting worse good thing my parents own their apartment or they be out on the street or living with us what am I going to do I know that I'm being insane it's just a lot to process what was that nothing Barney's one's first ride of refusal on my winter line that's amazing awesome why aren't you jumping up and down yeah mostly because I don't like anything I'm designing and probably won't have anything for them and then I'll end up selling vne T-shirts from the subway maybe getting out of the city will inspire you I got it yes I want to do this can't wait to see the end and Charlie it's been a while yeah it's been a while for me too did you really grow up there afraid so be right back ladyes room Nick wasn't always this trend setting New York Chef oh yes sorry must fun though growing up with all those people around yeah he was the best bell boy the briers ever saw yeah easy now beautiful okay thank you is it hard to get other employees not the end of the world number one employee in fact he also made an excellent housekeeper did you say I was fat or did you say in fact or both brought it back for you thank you thanks Amy everybody ready let's go let's go hey that was really cool by the way I don't know what you're talking [Music] about [Music] what a mess it's not The Plaza it's fine it's perfect oh thanks welcome well here you go hey Dad good to see you Nick what's up with him it's complicated Jimmy hey Charlie see you looking good yeah sure you must be Amy Nick told me what happened sorry thank you it's nice to meet you Charlie Turner Molly Quinn I'm Amy's best friend I thought you were next's latest nope okay let's go [Music] inside these roses are stunning now water them they grow use them in the wedding if you want thank you that was sweet they are beautiful do you really think we can make this place work only one way to find out it's even worse than I remembered uh Mr Turner call me Charlie Charlie I was wondering how many rooms you have here 10 uh well nine Nick's room is still full of his stuff that sounds interesting what it's not like some weird Shrine of me or anything I just haven't picked up my boxes all right can we keep this going my afternoon nap isn't going to take itself wow this is nice have a fridge stove pantry you know where everything is you've been in here [Music] enough Nick you okay yeah yeah yeah fine fine Nick is that your mom she was beautiful yeah she was yeah are we uh are we done in here yet yeah yeah yeah everything's still working and everything here this whoa dad come on when is the last time you use the stove wow look at this it's just Sublime you can't get this in the city I think something just bit my ankle do you realize we could get an entire house in the country for half the price of what it cost to live in the city you know I don't want to live anywhere else Amy if you don't want to rush this I mean we can just wait until your family gets back on their feet for the wedding no I love James and I'm tired of being engaged you know I don't actually which is fine you realize the reason you haven't been in any long-term relationships is because you bail the second can get into a fight I don't bail I just just I just know there's no point in wasting time if the romance has gone I mean look if you're fighting the beginning you'll be at War by the end just like my parents were you are the most depressing ma of Honor ever check it out Charlie is that far and empty you don't count the possums he's joking right well here you go [Music] James James I I can't get married in a barn sweetie it's just an old cowboy sorry it's just I didn't think it would be so haunted Housey Amy it's okay try to look at at the space not the dirt look call me crazy but we could have the ceremony up here in front and then the reception back here with with tables on the sides hey what's up there Amy come up here this is perfect hey lck cocktails I promise you Amy we can make this work you trust me you know I do you trust Nick to cook of course do you want to get married next Saturday I do oh it's going to be beautiful I promise now the first thing we should do tonight is sit down and figure out what style you want it's from my dad the lawyer called an emergency meeting tonight they want me to come you know I'll just call him and tell him we can't come that we're trying to save the wedding no Amy you should be there but we don't all need to go back why don't you and James take Nick's car you're fine with that right Nick uh yeah yeah sure of course yeah you and I can stay here and start planning and they can join us in the afternoon okay you're the best y I know you know why else this is perfect why you can stop by my studio and get some supplies for what you need a wedding dress don't you Molly you're already doing so much I've been meaning to expand my repertoire anyway don't you have to work on your designs for the winter line um still waiting for inspiration to come on those right now I'm all about weddings thank you thank you so much I guess we should head back see you tomorrow good luck not a scratch on my car okay drive [Music] safe this isn't like a more elaborate version of locking us on the balcony is [Music] it what are those dinner gross hey you want some totally pizza bites oh I'm not eating that I want to make something else suit yourself I'm going upstairs now we'll figure it out one of these days don't wait too long dads don't last forever I've lost my folks too early I'm sorry to hear that what are you making chili it's best I could do until I get to a market luckily my mom taught me how to improvise in the kitchen she used to be able to make the most amazing things out of absolutely nothing at all I would have given anything to have a mom like that your mom didn't cook you didn't assault yeah oh she did but all she made my entire childhood was was diet food my therapist said she was trying to spare me the pain of being a chunky kid like she was but it wasn't a day that I wasn't hungry for something real no sorry now explain your fondness for comfort food what about your dad he was smart he stayed out with his buddies for dinner most of the time when he was home all they did was fight you know I never once saw them old hands or kiss or even hug each other it's probably for the best how can you say that can you have me the uh spicy chili oil please um uh no no no oh this one oh hey um what were you thinking for the orders uh I don't know I'm not sure hey maybe we could make some dishes for the wedding from your mom's recipes I mean didn't she cook for big groups of people every day when the Inn was open no no no not not those I uh I can't cook my mom's re I mean I can cook my mom's recipes I just I I don't we might be the worst two people in history to plan a wedding yeah you might be right got your room ready I love it yeah sheat a pretty good Clarissa was always going on and on about thread counts pillow tops and all that um I never cared about that stuff I had what I needed Charlie what are you sure you're okay with us fixing up the place for the wedding why wouldn't I be it's just I'm sure every room holds a lot of memories for you just leave the kitchen the way it is it's all I ask I will bathroom's on the end of the hall on the left you're the only one using it next room is on the opposite end [Music] Charlie [Music] thanks [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] Snoop much sorry I I thought this was the bathroom this is the cutest thing I've ever seen it's just a bunch of stupid old recipes that I made up as a kid cake cookies sugar balls sugar balls yeah stick of butter rolled into a ball and dipped in Sugar did you eat that yes I did once can you make me Nick's famous chocolate chip cookies no no way no why not look you got the tools here and everything because the main ingredient is chicken no it's not I'm going to go ahead and cancel that order good idea yeah uh actually if you're interested in cookies you might want to try these M those look delicious they are delicious and you can barely taste the chicken so that there is is my first patula really yeah want to cook with that and it's hidden away up here it should be on display somewhere like a ball player's first glove oh come on I'm hardly dere jater it's just uh I don't know you know so special that's why you've held on to it all these years let it inspire you mhm okay [Music] look I should probably go yeah of course second door on the left uh other left yeah there you go night night Nick Charlie anyone wow somebody went [Music] [Music] shopping [Music] not burnt Good Start hey Snoopy oh hi I see you made my mom's country baked omelette hope that's okay yeah I figured I could probably make it without messing it up too much well it smells exactly the same do you want to try it all right let's see oh no it's terrible isn't it it's exactly how I remember [Music] hey so I talked to my guy in New York and the food will be here in a couple of days that's great can I show you what I've been working on sure okay upscale vintage Farmhouse you see it's classy yet comfortable what's wrong with it it's perfect actually I was thinking that we would modernize the in you know bring in some more metal and glass maybe some stone that would ruin the whole vibe of the place no no no no it'd be calming it'd be more refined minimalist less is more you know so basically one quail egg on a plate the hotel if the egg is done right then yes and that is what I do okay how about this you go work on your idea I'll work on mine and we'll let Amy and J decide if they want a quail egg or a lobster roll oh suddenly the wedding is in Maine just go over [Music] there Amy what's going on we were just about to leave and the lawyers called us back there's more going on than we realized my mom is a mess it's okay Amy don't worry about it I mean stay there and take care of her we've got this covered but we haven't picked a style yet well you can do it from there so you get the idea right upscale vintage Farmhouse the cake the roses and chairs it's elegant but traditional Molly I love it except come on my menu concept doesn't really gel with that I was picturing a version of what I do in this city simple clean elegant I said elegant first and I think that we should incorporate those modern elements into the style of the wedding itself he has a point I don't know what do you think you decide this it's your special day isn't it yours too of course but I'd be fine getting married by Elvis at a drive through it's my dad I really have to to talk to him that's fine just just tell us which style you like what about both both how are we supposed to do that I'm really sorry Molly I have to go I know whatever you do it'll be amazing now what do we do well you heard the bride she wants both minimalist Modern Vintage Farmhouse it's not even a real thing yeah I know I was joking but clearly she liked mine better so no Amy said she loved mine okay I heard unless what unless we really can do [Music] both you want to to see it yeah sure okay so the Vintage Farmhouse lanterns set the tone but the blue pet will modernize the look even the candles change Country meets City Timeless and trendy all at the same time well I have to admit it's pretty cool [Music] why aren't you saying anything I was expecting you to say you were joking no no not joking I think this can work okay yeah yeah of let's go let's get this taken care of need supplies I don't know for me I like the cool tone whites I actually like the warm yellows I want people to feel like they can take their shoes off there's nothing worse than women taking their shoes off at a wedding it's so tacky try wearing heels for 5 minutes and then see how you feel but all I'm saying is that you spent hours getting ready for the wedding and the second the conga line breaks out yall turn into a bunch of hillbillies I feel like you have some deep seated issues with feet no no no no I just I like things to be more refined you know and I don't no you don't you like things to be more comfy what's wrong with comfy nothing nothing's wrong with comfy it's just not all the time if you grew up in a house where everything was white spotless and off limits you'd see why I value Comfort above all else it's okay to relax sometimes you know uhhuh do you realize that you never sit down I can rest when I'm dead right you know what I'm going to teach you how to relax no thank you challenge accepted huh oh look at these remnants dirt sheep and fabulous is this the wedding version of movon trap using old curtains to make play clothes yes you know that movie that guy can't enjoy a good musical yeah I just didn't think that guy was you it was my mom's favorite movie us to watch it every year mine too you're not going to burst into song though are you no yeah you were oh I can totally repurpose this for Amy's dress it's gorgeous yeah it's nice you know I bet you five bucks this whole place and everything in it is haunted nothing's haunted huh except this box there's definitely a ghost in there yeah help me I tried to inside this antique store and I kick it out Nick sa you Henry hey how you doing good to see you uh Henry this is Molly very pleased to meet you hi wow it's it's been agous yeah so what brings you back in these parts uh well actually we are planning a wedding you know I could tell you do have that certain something I mean reminds me so much of your parents when I we're not the ones we're getting married oh yeah we're helping our best friends plan theirs we barely know each other we're practically strangers that's cool I don't believe it [Music] no way go Tony it's great to see you guys hey this is a friend of mine Molly Molly Tony and Gus hey what are you guys doing here we're here to help whip this place into shape well how did you know your dad called really he did it's all what do you want done well uh budget's a little thin on this one guys this is graus your pop called in a favor you got paint yeah on the back of Charlie's Truck seems like your dad's really trying he called a couple of friends but he can still barely talk to me Nikki give your pop a break he did the best he [Music] could salmon R parfait yeah oh come on we need to have something on the menu that isn't newvo you need to realize the three main food groups aren't cheese bacon and ranch dressing ah but they're the best food goups come on got to do something better Amy and James they want something more Artful art yes come on people want to eat don't they they want an experience how about the experience of feeling full leaving people full is easy anyone can do that leaving them satisfied that means engaging their senses taking them on a journey that's got to have sight smell taste everything I got it okay chicken pot pie really did you hear anything that I just said everybody loves chicken pot pie wait a second what if what what if we did [Music] both hot hot hot okay chicken pot pie Nick Turner style it's got crini mushrooms fresh leaks roasted heirloom gardened vegetables uh hickory smoked organic chicken and a rosemary infused biscuit crust sounds complex yes it's would you just try it come [Music] on you hate it this is literally the best thing I've ever tasted seriously wow it means a lot coming from you thank you you know what this is this is the perfect compromise for the wedding menu it's Clarissa's comfort food with a Nick Turner twist I really want to argue with you but I think you're right we could do pasta homemade pasta with butter poached prawns mustard greens and hickory smoked bacon fried chicken with a Sriracha brine served on peases and roasted carrot puree meatloaf ve meatloaf served with sweet tomato confe and baked potatoes sweet potato noi served with kale and arugala pesto perfect right and what about the wedding cake I have a recipe for that upstairs in my book what's in it chicken I'll call it Bakery yeah good idea okay I can't believe it discount shoes for my wedding do I sound like a jerk a little you're supposed to say I'm not you're crying about shoes I'm crying about everything you're acting like we're not getting married Amy we are and our friends are making sure it'll be wonderful I'm the luckiest people in the world you're right we are lucky I'm sorry he's look pretty good you coming to 13 look come it always does just relax hey something smells good what is it hot coco part of the Molly Quinn relaxation experience probably instant shut up what are you doing in here anyway we don't have time to sit around I was trying to work on designs for the next season but it's just not happening sounds like we're in a similar Place workwise nothing happening come sit with me listen to the rain for a minute why would I want to do that because it's one of life's greatest Pleasures oh well it is to me I'm a lifelong plop that sounds dis easy it means somebody who's happiest when it's raining well I'm going get her done a file just sit I don't want to sit sit I'm going to sit all right take a deep breath in let it out now take a sip of hot cocoa from my fancy El mug mhm and stare at the fire okay boring do it again breath in exhale okay just sit back just relax [Music] breathe [Music] H breathe there it is what my parents used to sit here on rainy nights and watch me play when I was a kid about [Music] thank you for helping me remember that my [Music] pleasure what uh-oh you should have had this fixed years ago Dad yeah with what money with the money you get from paying guests if you hadn't shut down I can't run this place alone well then you should sell I told you you could fix it up but I will not sell fine sorry you had to see that I'll be right back [Music] you play totally I'm a musical genius [Music] please oh come on move over Hot Shot let me guess you took lessons your whole life and you're about to destroy me with your talent pretty much yeah [Music] fingers you're terrible yes I am as are you madam a piano like this deserves better yeah I know my dad used to play a lot though he was really good too my mom loved it they tried to teach me a little bit thought it'd be cute if I played for the guests oh now I see why the place is so empty oh you're funny yeah thank you I always wish I'd taken lessons I always wanted to be able to play CLA Delon yeah it's beautiful okay again kers we got this yeah yeah absolutely ready mhm yes [Music] success [Music] hello [Music] hey little late to be interior decorating isn't it what can I say inspiration struck maybe it was the cookies God him huh I just had to redo these curtains ah not so sure my dad's going to be okay with that no I talked to him he said we can fix up anything we want except the kitchen he wants us to leave that exactly as it is want some help that would be great what do you want me to do [Music] um [Music] hey whoa it's 3:00 in the morning we need a snack so this is my take on uh pizza bites no Retta no try oh my gosh not bad not bad it's amazing it's different right I think that's what I love most about what I do bringing together different ingredients that you wouldn't necessarily think would work together you will they complement each other or will they contrast when you put them together they going to make something amazing or will it just miss and believe me I've missed before but sometimes sometimes the perfect combination is right in front of you and as soon as you taste it you just know I think that's why I love that term Fusion it's a bringing together of different ingredients and different styles to make something better something unique something magical yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] so what do you think I think Clarissa would just love it I think Nick would love to hear you say that thing is I mess things up with him I I don't know how to talk about his mother without having all the pain of coming back like it was yesterday can't even picture of loving someone that much why not from what I can see if you open yourself up to love you open yourself up to pain it just doesn't seem worth it well of course it's worth it I want to show you something it's a China we used to use when we were open there's more than enough settings here for the wedding thank you Charlie you're welcome to anything in there [Music] from the moment we met I knew we were destined to spend our lives together together you are the sun rising over a Green Meadow bringing light and love to my soul hey morning what's wrong have you seen these what are those love letters that your mom and dad wrote to each other who whoa who who said you could pry into my family business I wasn't crying well it sure looks like it Nick stop I let her find them I wanted her I wanted you both to see what love can be that it is worth it have you read them Nick your dad is a poet poet I don't find it poetic to love somebody so much that you give up on life when that person's gone I don't get that I wish I'd handled things differently Nick if I could do it all over again I would me too I don't want to talk about this anymore I'm just saying if we sell your place we can buy a house anywhere in the country and not have to worry about money for a while I would rather be broke than live outside man hat seems you well on your way hi we got this St great can't wait to get started you guys okay yeah we're fine we just happy to be back here ready to help right of course where do we start how are you with a mop [Music] I missed the spot [Music] guys I know it's hard to visualize now but once we get it all cleaned up and start falling to place sure it's going to be great what I am cleaning mouse droppings off the floor of my wedding venue I know it's not what you dreamed of Ames but your wedding will still be beautiful it's not the wedding it's just before all this happened I thought I knew exactly how my life was supposed to be and now I can't see it have you talked to James I tried but he doesn't understand he thinks it's some kind of reality check like this is supposed to be good for us maybe in the end it'll bring you closer you have each other you also have me 24/7 on duty from now until you walk down that aisle what you look so happy I thought you and Nick would have killed each other by now no way Molly do you like Nick no because that would be amazing we can e very couple BS we could live in the same neighborhood our kids could be best friends Amy stop it there's nothing going on are you sure yes I'm sure it's impossible neither of us wants anything to do with love who said anything about love you did no I didn't very very interesting [Music] stop homemade pasta with trle cream sauce and radish leaves Sriracha brine Fried Chicken on Rosemary infused buttermilk waffles pork medallions with roasted brussels sprouts and kale and ve meatloaf with brazed heirloom tomatoes so you decided against using your Clarissa restaurant menu uh actually this is uh this is more Clarissa than anything I've done in a long time we're grateful no matter what you make maybe I should have stuck with what I was doing before but um just wasn't exciting me anymore I hope you're not too disappointed don't apologize the food is amazing we're not disappointed I'm sorry it looks great I'm terrible no you're just terrible at not being rich you know what in 20 years we're going to look back on this wedding and be glad it was small and just about us we're just getting the poor part of the vows out of the way oh no the vows we haven't written them yet I thought we were just going to do the regular ones everyone else does no we talked about this remember when can I just keep one dream alive you mean aside from living happily ever after yeah that too mhm I have an idea yeah my dad said you could do whatever you wanted with him so your call what are you guys talking about these letters that Nick's Mom and Dad wrote to each other thought maybe they'd inspire you for your vows my lovely Clarissa I never knew what love really meant until the moment we met and then everything became clear to me every moment of my life every decision I ever made led up to this to meeting you to our future you inspire me more than I ever thought possible I Want to Hold Your Hand and through it all for the rest of our lives you bring out a side of me I didn't know I had you challenge me you make me better love was just a word until I found you I will search no more because with you by my side I'm home sounds a little schaly to me to be honest yeah I don't think I could say that without laughing you were right let's go old school yeah yeah yeah bad idea well sorry uh okay well let's get back to work um all right so if you start wrapping these I can get to work on your dress I still have half the bodice to go how about a bachelorette party for two oh we could order pizza and hang out while I sew just like when you first moved to New York except with better wine so if they're doing that does that mean I get a bachor party too I don't know what did you have in mind it's not like there's a lot of options around I'd be happy playing video games and slamming play the nachos I can arrange that hey guys see you later bye have fun no no no you can't cut in front of me like that let's go around the back he's coming to the [Music] Finish you guys thirsty yeah thanks Charlie there you go yeah thanks dead there you go you want to give it a shot want to play ah no no thanks for asking but uh I can hardly use a cell phone let alone a gadget like that I'm going to get some more nachos okay you guys good yeah I'm good thank you listen dad uh since you're here um I wanted to tell you that I uh I read the letters and uh I wish that I'd have read them sooner cuz I feel like I I could feel like I would have understood a bit better you know it wasn't your job to understand you lost someone you loved as much as I did I'm just I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you through it I ask Clarissa for her forgiveness every night now I'm asking for yours [Music] yeah I miss you kid I miss you too Dad okay I guess I got pretty sappy with those letters huh yeah a little bit you want to try come on sit with me play no I don't know if I can oh come on you can do it we'll do it together all right here you show me how to hold it okay that's steering that's gas that's break there's this green myumb go you're the blue guy it's done oh Molly it's beautiful I love it me too heck I'd wear it if I were getting married not that I would just you know if [Music] whatever these are honestly the best pancakes ever had ni thank you warning hey Charli morning Dad making mom's banana blueberry pancakes you want some yeah yeah all right well here take mine I'm uh I'm proud of you son I know Mom is too hey no tears until tonight why am I going to cry tonight have you Amy's mother good morning hey what's so funny nothing you guys want some pancakes do you even have to ask okay go go sit looks like a beautiful room I love this breakfast room me too such a good light oh this looks so good wow my parents are going to love this place I just hope my mom and dad can find it on time oh the rehearsal dinner is going to look so pretty out there okay everyone flowers oh my gosh it's going to be perfect here we go ladies want to have a tea thank [Music] you these are amazing you know your mom used to do that watch people eating I never knew why I think I [Music] do [Music] yeah I can marry here in a second me [Music] too hypothetically of [Music] course can we take a look now I'm dying yeah yeah come in it's ready oh wow I can't believe this is the same Barn oh Molly I know it's not what you had planned in the city but stop it is [Music] beautiful all right everyone welcome um in honor of my best friend James and his lovely bride Amy and their wonderful parents who are joining us for the rehearsal dinner I have prepared my mom's favorite fried chicken with a Nick Turner twist it's a Sriracha brine served on a rosemary infused buttermilk waffle and it has a paprika Crema with it so please enjoy and for you special order macaroni and cheese as promised all right you seem to be taking this rather well sir there's a certain freedom in charting a new course it reminds me when I was just starting out Meanwhile my diamonds are in the display window a Third Street Pawn and loone we'll be okay Diana I know you do did it once we can do it again I think this is a good time for a [Music] toast to Amy and James who are charting their own new course together and someday if the path goes in an unexpected Direction don't be afraid to take it it may lead you to exactly where you need to be cheers as long as our path doesn't take us out of New York City Cheers Cheers you're never leaving Manhattan we know you've made yourself perfectly clear and so have you you want out you think I want to raise kids in the city what's wrong with raising kids in the city nothing but the country gives us room to breathe excuse me but I need some room to breathe yeah good idea it's just the pre-wedding Jitters sure they'll be fine excuse me do you think that Amy and James are okay I don't even think they're in love me neither but then again I mean what do we know about love we don't even know what it feels like I think it feel feels like this yeah think it feels like that okay so we're in agreement right neither of us is going to say anything to James and Amy tomorrow right they're wedding their decision yep agreed none of our business right y this is me right good night good night is is this like the live version of you hang up no you hang up no no because that would just be sad totally you hang up no you so you're not going to say anything to James right long as you don't say anything to Amy I'm not okay me neither [Music] okay good night [Music] Amy we need to talk we need to talk I'm just trying to give you a little BFF reality check you just need to make sure that you guys are really on the same page are you sure that you and Amy are still on the same page about what you want for your future she's just nervous her whole life was turned upside down and she hasn't had a chance to process it it's not just your wedding day this is the rest of your life I guess it's more about knowing whether you're happy or just going through the motions I'm not the guy who doesn't believe in love from the girl who runs from every relationship are you trying to talk me out of getting married are you trying to talk me out of marrying James of course not I'm just saying if you're having doubts you should talk to him but even if I was having doubts I would never leave Amy on our wedding night she doesn't deserve that especially after everything she's been through okay I'm here for [Music] you welcome again nice to see you please go on too bad this place isn't open for business it's stunning just gorgeous welcome [Music] welcome everything okay with James yeah sure why wouldn't it be is everything okay with Amy of course yeah yeah the uh happiest day of her life Molly you did a wonderful job with Clarissa's roses wait they're Clarissa H you didn't say that before I didn't say a lot of things but that's done now that's your que all right here we go hey you look stunning by the way thanks you look whatever the man version of stunning is thank [Music] you uh where's James shouldn't he be up here already you think something is wrong how would I know I don't know unless you know something I don't know I don't know do you no I know I don't did you say did you say something to him thank you everyone for coming as you can see we've decided not to get married wow don't be mad at each other we finally admitted what we both knew deep down that we'd be making a big mistake I'm just happy that we finally realized it before it was too late you're both okay yeah we're perfect we're friends and always will be are you sure it's not just what I said I'd feel terrible if I talked you out of your own wedding this was never my wedding in fact I think it's fair to say from the dress to the design this is exactly how you'd plan your wedding how's that for a BFF reality check sorry for being conveni thank you for coming I still think we should have had the party anyway we will when it's yours hey we did good we did great so tomorrow back to our real lives it's going to be weird you think so well we just never really talked about what now right um well uh I got to go back to New York pound the pavement until I find a new investor for the restaurant and you need to to get your winter line up and running what winter line I don't have a thing you'll find your inspiration when you get back to your studio my inspiration was here yeah yeah mine too but we just have to find a way to make it work at home right right yep yeah so when you open back up again you're going to change your menu to do more like what you did here it's the plan maybe I'll stop by then okay all right or maybe we'll both be so busy we'll never see each other again right you never know I knew it oh no I was joking I don't think you were come on can't we just enjoy what we have right now and not worry about tomorrow huh why because you knew what we had here was just a fantasy that can't last in the real world I have no idea and neither do you by the way I knew it I knew this would happen if I let my guard down it's easier being alone well you got that right so that's it then I mean once we leave here there's no room for us we're not even going to try well it seems like that's what you want no that's clearly what you want look Mia I have to go [Music] [Music] Molly thank you enjoy [Music] it we just paid our rent for the next 6 months with that sale oh while you were with the client James called oh thank you are you getting back together no we are much better off as [Music] friends did you call him amyan stop asking me that he was right we're both too busy thanks you know what it's better this way I got to go thank [Music] you hey none of this was on the menu before what are you doing I was inspired when we shut down I found my passion making old Family Recipes new again it's comfort food with the Nick Turner twist is good yeah well he's not investing in a Roadside Diner he's investing in Clarissa this is Clarissa hey James what's up you call her no I haven't talked to her what's the point though I messed up man I don't think so you'll be fine look I got to go okay all right talk to you L okay he's in he loves the new food all right I can't believe how fast you pulled this all together Molly you must have been working on the 24/7 pretty much definitely no time for anything else well the Barney people are going to love it what's wrong this is huge aren't you happy absolutely I couldn't be happier can I take you for dinner next week to celebrate that sounds great have you tried uh Clarissa yet I hear their back open and better than ever great she's here okay good [Music] [Music] job's love like [Music] I hold in the of su where are holding my heart and hands get wild it's summerest [Music] another glass of wine it's on the house thank you very much thank you very much for coming in yeah hey it's a full house we're back try to look happy happy yeah okay enjoy your meal all right thank you for coming Charlie it's Molly oh it'll be okay I don't think so ever since I left here everything's just felt wrong I thought you were doing what what makes you happy what really made me happy was being here with Nick but I got scared and I ran away now it's too late you sure about that [Music] M Quinn I don't want to spend the another second of my life without you I don't either I was miserable well in that case let's stay here we'll reopen the Inn it'll be me my dad and my wife [Music] what [Music] Molly will you marry me yes [Music] yeah I love you I love you too you knew how to play piano this whole time didn't you uh [Music] maybe there you [Music] go will be everlas will the one wait timeone [Music] has found me and I'm so glad my mind this will be and everlasting love for me kind of wonderful because you [Music] me you me thrill [Music] you [Music] of
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fVDXiupCRy0
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Length: 83min 7sec (4987 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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