BEST GPUs to Buy in September 2023!!!

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this month has seen the release of new gpus with the 7700 XT and the 7800 XT and not only are they interesting in their own right they have also forced Nvidia to offer some lower pricing on cards like the 4060 TI 16 gigabyte and RTX 4070 so we are seeing some shake up to the GPU Market uh in this price class at least and I do mention price class I structure my GPU recommendation videos by Price category not name category meaning we're not going to put the 7700 XD into some comparison against the 4070 just because they both have a 70 in them but instead we're going to look at gpus that cost the same like the 4060 TI 16 gigabyte versus the 7700 XT so in other words we do this by Price class because I think most people have a certain budget they can spend on their GPU and we'll be looking at what's the best value GPU you can buy at that price point also to help you increase your budget you should sell your old GPU in in order to fund your upgrade and today's sponsor offers you the simplest and fastest way to sell your GPU you can sell your functioning GPU to Java directly for instant cash following the link in the video description and pin comment to get an instant offer also if you're buying Hardware on Jawa use the code on10 to get 10 off your first purchase now how does all of this work it offers you an instant um uh pricing basically you tell them about your GPU model and condition for an instant offer you ship it you print your free shipping label and mail them your GPU and that's a big deal you don't have to pay the shipping that's all factored into the pricing already they inspect it they'll inspect the part make sure everything checks out and then you get paid most sellers get paid within one business day after the part is received so again the idea here is you do not need to wait around for third-party buyer you don't need to deal with paying for shipping and all of that yourself it's super easy and convenient and now you've got some extra cash to throw at your upgrade again follow the link in the video description now in this video we're going to be focusing on again price categories and the biggest one we've seen a shake up to has been this uh 400 to 600 dollar price point so I think I'm actually going to start there I usually start at the bottom now but you know now we're here this is the most interesting uh part so let's go ahead and look at how it's shaken up 7800 XT came in at a 500 MSRP and looks quite good against the competition at that price however it has sold so well that if I was buying today the cheapest model I can find is 520 and then they kind of go up from there I do expect stock to replenish and more 500 bottles to be available but again the lowest price I'm seeing as of today uh is 520. now that gives it a bit of a problem because the 6800 XT that it's uh namesake replacing is currently available at least in the U.S market at 490 and 500 so you can get it for 20 to 30 dollars less at the exact current pricing at this moment and they do perform very similarly uh although the 7800 XT is a little bit faster a little bit more energy efficient offers newer features like av1 encoding and some um uh like hyper RX is exclusive to AMD 7000 series uh which gets you like anti-leg plus which is a little bit uh better um latency reduction than the older anti-lag so there's some exclusive reasons why you still might want to pay the extra uh 20 or 30 dollar difference but I do want to throw that out there that that 6800 XD is still offering Great Value now the impact that this has had on the market uh from the Nvidia perspective is that this has forced Nvidia to lower their prices on their RTX 4070. we can now see at least four models available at 550 and this just has not been a thing uh since the 470 has come out occasionally one retailer will have one discounted a little bit but suddenly a whole bunch available at 550 dollars tells me that Nvidia has had to respond and while in my launch review I said that you have to stretch pretty hard to find reasons to spend a hundred dollars more on an RTX 4070 if I was buying one right now um again the 7800 XT is coming in at 520 at if I was buying today and the 40 70 is coming in at 550 dollars if I was buying today and that makes it only a thirty dollar price cap so suddenly this becomes much more competitive now granted I would love to see both of these gpus at 500 even and then it becomes more of an argument of a bit more rasterized power versus a little uh versus more Ray tracing power and features right now though it's still you're paying more for those uh for that Nvidia side of things and also there is a vram difference here now in my testing 12 gigabytes of vram at 1440p and 1080p is fine right now but vram usage in games will always go up over time and so the 16 gigabytes on the 7800 XT certainly should not be ignored in terms of the longevity of the GPU and its usefulness although like I said I don't hate 12 gigabytes of vram as far as right now goes but that is certainly something to keep in mind now let's talk about some feature set differences because that's really what this is going to come down to um nvidia's dlss upscaling and I'm not even talking about frame generation at this point does have an image quality advantage over amd's fsr2 and fsr3 while it's designed to compete with frame generation we don't have it out yet and AMD has mentioned that they weren't focusing on increasing the actual upscaling quality as their main focus with fsr3 so it's likely to continue to be the case that let's say you want to do 1440p gaming with upscaling at the Quality setting the Nvidia GPU will offer better image quality when you are doing that and you also then may want to push the upscaling a little bit more aggressively offering additional performance benefits and maybe you wouldn't want to push it more aggressively on the AMD GPU so that is one of the main in my opinion gaming selling points to pay a little bit more on the 4070 if it's a 30 price Gap that might be worth it honestly dlss upscaling is great um and again fsr2 is use visible but it is a noticeable difference uh if we want to talk Ray tracing performance honestly many games are designed with consoles as their main focus and consoles have less Ray tracing performance than a 7800 XT which means that in games with lighter Ray tracing implementations or maybe we could call it more console focused Ray tracing implementations the 7800 XT often performs similarly to the 4070 and I don't think it's a major selling point either way however there are some games where on PC they offer increased Ray tracing workloads for example I uh tested out like Ratchet and Clank on on PC offers like you can crank things up a whole bunch past what the console offered and then they will see the 4070 offer a lot more performance in that situation also there's games like cyberpunk which has a new expansion coming out where on PC they offer even a full path tracing mode things like that which just really isn't something you're going to be able to handle on the 7800 XT so um I would say the ray tracing Advantage at this performance tier the 4070 is more usable in those heavy Ray tracing workloads and in the lighter Ray tracing workloads you know it's not a huge Advantage one way or the other so in general um I think you know it's a nice to have x-ray tracing performance here but for me the bigger selling point is the dlss2 upscaling um you know image quality then we can talk frame generation but AMD should be coming out with fsr3 they said in early fall and hey we're headed that way so I'd really like to get more of an idea of what that's going to look like to complete with frame generation in general what do I think about frame generation and this would possibly apply to fsr3 uh when we see that it's a nice to have feature but games for one thing need to support it so it's situational in that manner it's also does increase latency which means that it's really more of a single player thing rather than a multiplayer thing so keep that in mind as well again another situational thing and in some games the image qual works better than others again making it more situational however in situations where you're playing a single player game and the image quality looks pretty good it can be a nice way to take advantage of a high refresh rate display um but I think it works best when you're at a baseline frame rate that's already pretty high 50 60 FPS uh probably at least in order for it to feel good and look good since it's interpolating to uh actual game frames uh to insert one in between um the less difference there is between those two frames uh the easier it is to have that have the uh you know interpolated frame look good basically so it's a good it's nice to have situational uh thing and then in general Nvidia has better um support in a lot of productivity applications but your workflow on that may vary and maybe you're not interested in that kind of workflow at all but in general uh this is a kind of a summary of the big feature set differences and honestly it does kind of add up so if it's actually a thirty dollar price difference between these gpus um I'm gonna give this a split recommendation the 7800 XT has more raw power um in a lot of rasterized situations but averaging out over a wide number of games it's not a massive rasterization lead the four and so the 40 70 with the extra feature set looks pretty cool but again 16 gigabytes of vram on on the 7800 XT I should also mention the Energy Efficiency Advantage for the 4070. so I'm going to give a split recommendation between these two but then comes the question what if you spend less okay so we're actually gonna go backwards in in pricing uh before we look at the the super expensive GPU Market again the 6800 XT uh if pushing into that 550 on that 40 70 and then even the 520 well I'm like I said the 6800 XT is offering a very similar experience at 490 dollars right now and that's gotta uh does kind of stand out if you're really pushing um on the budget here past that point okay we also had the 7700 XT launch the problem with this card is at 450 dollars uh can you just stretch to that 6800 XD at 490 it's 40 more and again the 6800 XD and 7800 XT offer a lot more performance they offer more vram uh for just a bit more so that's really the problem with the 7700 XT uh if you cannot spend more than 450 so you just cannot go to a 6800 XT or a 7800 XT then the 7700 xt's main competitors are the RX 6800 um which is currently at least in the US market I know this isn't necessarily available worldwide coming in at 16 gigabytes um of vram which is more than the 7700 XT offers and it gaming performance wise it seems to be a swing either way unless your vram limited um at particular settings which uh can happen um but again at this point 12 gigabytes is not usually causing a problem at 1440p but it could be nice to have and again 430 versus 450 again I'm gonna give this a bit of a split recommendation uh the 7000 series has a few more features uh uh you know like I said with the uh anti-leg plus that kind of thing but the 6800 coming in with um four gigabytes extra vram 7700 XD has an av1 encoder if you're interested in like streaming to YouTube or something like that how about Nvidia in this price point though the 4060 TI um the 16 gigabyte version used to be 500 it's been pushed down to 450 but it does it still just doesn't make sense at 450 it costs the same as a 7700 XD it costs more than a 6800 and it just doesn't perform as well um so the the 16 gigabyte 46 DTI really should get pushed down to 400 at which point I think it would be more competitive speaking of the 400 price point the problem there is you've got the 40 60 TI it's kind of just hanging out it looks like there's some models down to 380 dollars right now which at least makes it a little more interesting but again at four hundred dollars um if you could stretch up to that 430 450 get yourself a 6800 or 7700 XT I think you're getting a much better GPU a lot more vram uh and more raw performance an eight gigabyte card at 400 just isn't going to get my recommendation and that's what we're sitting at with 40 60 TI if we get the 16 gigabyte model to basically just replace it at 400 then I think we might have something to recommend um and so really if we're dropping below 400 I think the next card that stands out is the 6700 XT because at 320 dollars this is at least competitive with the 4060 TI but costs a lot less and has 12 gigabytes of vram so as Games come out with bigger texture packs and again vram usage always goes up over time uh you're not really going to have to worry about fighting that anywhere near uh to the same amount um on those you know graphic settings using up the vram and things like that um Nvidia does still have the 3060 TI on offer um but that's still that's 340 and at that point at 340 dollars um the problem is that the 40 60 uh is available at 300 or actually I'm seeing it right now at even 280 dollars and the 4060 is also an eight gigabyte card uh performs similarly to a 3060 TI but with newer features and better Energy Efficiency but but it comes in at 280 right now versus 340 at 60 difference I don't think the cases where the 36 DTI is a bit faster than the 4060 which it which it certainly is um but I don't think it's it makes sense from a value perspective so if I was going to buy one of the eight gigabyte Nvidia gpus I do actually think the 4060 makes the most sense so the 4060 as an eight gigabyte card at 280 I hate that a lot less it has a lot of Energy Efficiency again it has the the um some of that feature set if I was going to upscale at 1080p I'd much rather use dlss than FSR um things like that so again if I was spending a little more than 300 I'd get the 6700 XT if I have to spend less than 300 um you could consider the 40 60. but there is a bit of a problem with the 4060 right now as well um I don't think amd's 7600 is a super great competitor right now at about 260 dollars it's a 20 price Gap they're both eight gigabyte gpus that perform very similarly um with Ray tracing enabled the 4060 is going to be um ahead however at this performance Class A lot of times I'd be turning down or off Ray tracing settings but again DLS is upscaling at 1080p um is a lot more usable than fsr2 so so that might swing me in that favor if it's a 20 price gap which is what I'm seeing on the current market however the problem with the 7600 and the 4060 is that right now I can find the 6650 XT which performs very similarly to both the 7600 and the 4060. um at 235 dollars right now at 235 dollars it gets harder to justify spending the 280 on the RTX 40 60. um unless you know you really do have that budget and it's fine right so if I'm looking for the best value in the 200 to 300 Market I actually think the 6650 XD is standing out to me and again if you haven't bought Starfield yet and you're interested in it um again the AMD gpus are offering um that Starfield bundle as well so again um 235 dollars here uh I think um that's the standout from a value perspective uh in this price point now you can go all the way down to the 6600 from AMD which does come down to 200 and I would say that this is the lowest uh I would go if I was buying a new GPU and I still think the 6600 does have a lot of 1080p gaming uh uh performance in it uh you're just definitely gonna be wanting to tweak settings in the latest games and all that now some of you might be asking what about Intel gpus uh well the arc a750 is the only one that makes much sense uh the a770 isn't much faster despite its uh 16 gigabyte vram model but that's all the way up at 330 dollars and at 330 dollars the 6700 XT from AMD just makes more sense so the a750 is the only one worth considering from Intel at 220 dollars though um that is extremely close it's only 50 15 more to get that 66.50 XD at 235 dollars and the thing is right now AMD is offering more consistent performance uh than Intel does and so at that 15 price Gap I would go that route however um sometimes we have seen the a750 go on some pretty major sales so for example last month I actually did recommend the a750 because it dropped in price below the 6600 non-xd from AMD um but again if it's pretty close to 6650 xdn price I'd rather take that Intel drivers tend to still have more issues for one thing in older games this has been getting improved a lot over time but there's still less consistently uh performant and bug free in older games and even in the latest releases like Starfield I'm still getting pretty terrible performance lots of crashes and Driver issues in Starfield I remember when The Last of Us launched I had issues with my Intel card for a long time until several patches later so again I just think you'll have a smoother experience on a 6650 XT and very competitive performance uh so that would be my recommendation um again in this 200 to 300 price point so to kind of summarize if you the the cheapest new GPU I would buy would be the 6600 at 200 but I would try to stretch that to a 6650 XT um in this price range the 4060 I don't absolutely hate it when it's dropped to 280 dollars but again the 6650 XT if you can live without the Nvidia feature set I think is offering better value better performance per dollar um if you can go past uh that uh 300 price point I think it's the 6700 XT with the standout 12 gigabytes of vram and a lot of performance and then past this point it was really hard to recommend anything until you got to the 6800 uh or the 7700 XT which got my split recommendation uh then we we said that the 6800 XT is a good alternative to the 7800 XT win the 7800 XT is out of stock at 500 at 500 or less I think the 7800 XT has a value advantage over the 4070 but at current pricing of 520 versus 550 again I would give a split recommendation between the 4070 and the um uh and the uh 6800 XT 7800 XT um I do think there's a lot to be said for the feature set there um and again I really like that we've seen the price come down on the 4070. I would really like it to see it hit that 500 even price point and then I would like it a lot better now we're moving up into the most people can't afford it gpus but let's see what's there okay um so the next step up from Nvidia is the 4070 TI this thing still costs 800 dollars and with the 4070 moving down to 550 that makes spending that much more on again still a 12 gigabyte graphics card on the 4070 TI just feels really bad 12 gigabytes for 800 especially when we're seeing some some movement down on some other gpus feels really bad but do we have any competition um we have amd's 7900 XT um coming in at 785 dollars right now 790 800 so similar pricing a little bit less it offers 20 Gigabytes of vram so uh I'd kind of break it down like this I think that at 4K resolution 12 gigabytes for 800 feels really bad uh and a bit more raw performance is certainly welcome and also when you're looking at the dlss versus FSR upscaling image quality um the higher resolutions are easier for AMD to look pretty good in uh the lower the resolution goes I think the better the image quality Advantage goes for nvidia's favor so if I was buying a four in a 4K GPU at 800 I think the 7900 XT is going to get my recommendation Ray tracing at 4K is going to be pretty difficult for even for the 4070 TI in the heavy Ray tracing games um and again 12 gigabytes of vram at 4K feels bad at especially at 800 and a bit more raw performance is also welcome so for 4K 800 I'd recommend the 79 900 XT if you're buying at 1440p then the 12 gigabytes of vram may be less concerning and Ray tracing also becomes more usable in which case I would give more of a split recommendation with the caveat of just saying it still feels really bad to spend eight hundred dollars on a 12 gigabyte GPU um but again at 1440p uh FSR is still very usable at the Quality setting but the image quality Advantage for dlss is more noticeable and again the ray tracing performance of the 4070 TI becomes a more uh a more interesting argument than it is at 4K resolution so I'll kind of leave it at that and say split recommendation at 1440p uh recommendation for 7900 XTF 4K if you're buying in the 800 price point now what if you want to spend even more than eight hundred dollars well the next GPU available is the 7900 XTX the cheapest models I'm seeing right now are 940 dollars um it is more powerful than a 7900 XT if and it's also the only thing available at 940 dollars so um the the nearest competitor it has from a performance standpoint is the 4080 from Nvidia the 4080 is still coming in around eleven hundred dollars so it's about a hundred dollars less than its MSRP originally was but that's still you know a hundred and fifty hundred sixty dollar price gap between the 7900 xdx and the 4080. um and again performance wise this is a similar story to what we're seeing all along however the more performance we get the more heavy Ray tracing is usable and more interesting and that becomes again um more of an advantage something you might want to pay a bit more for from the Nvidia GPU the 4080 and the 7900 xdx have very similar non-rage racing performance and in light Ray tracing workloads there's not a lot separating them but the 4080 is strong enough to do things like you know some upscaled you know path tracing or at least RT Ultra in cyberpunk that kind of a thing and look pretty good while doing it with frame as and you know enable frame generation and all that and 16 gigabytes of vram uh I don't think is anything to be too concerned about obviously the 7900 xdx does have 24 gigabytes of vram uh but again I feel pretty good about 16 gigabytes of vram right now on the 4080 I don't think getting more than that is a huge selling point right now um so basically I'm going to say this comes down to at eleven hundred dollars the 4080 is the bet the best GPU and I do like the 4080 better than the 7900 xdx whether it's worth the extra 150 dollars for you for that feature set really just to kind of depends on your budget if 940 is the top end of your budget you know I'll give the 940 GPU recommendation of the 7900 xdx and if you have even more money the 4090 is sixteen hundred dollars and it's also an incredibly powerful GPU it is noticeably better than both the 4080 and the 7900 XTX and because of that I do think that if you're somebody who can financially handle sixteen hundred dollars easily this is not going to be putting you in in debt this is not going to be you know affecting your life you've got the extra money and the question is just is it worth it you know uh in the past with like 30 80 versus 30 90 it often wasn't worth it to spend the extra money because the perform difference was very small 40 80 to 40 90 or 7900 xdx to 4090 there is a very noticeable performance Gap that you would especially like to have at 4K gaming so if you do have the money and can responsibly afford it um it is um actually I think worth the extra money if you're gaming um High settings at 4K all right that's it for the recommendations hopefully you guys found this video useful I do one of these every month based on adjusted um pricing and I do try to continually retest my gpus as time allows as newer Games come out and newer drivers and all of that and again you can sell your GPU on Jawa to help fund that upgrade and get 10 off with Owen 10 if you want to buy a GPU jaw offers new and used stuff and again uh maybe the new market just priced you out you might want to take a look here uh at what they've got used and I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 162,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TnS22icp_n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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