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I love watching Shane’s surprises for people!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Sunnyglow4ever 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

YES... why does Garrett look like Shane though? XD

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MadoyaTatemano 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey what's up you guys okay I have to be really quiet because Garret is in the other room and he has no idea what I'm planning so I'm told him that today we were just gonna do a dumb makeover video and I was gonna like give him some new clothes and it would be funny but the secret is I actually have a blind date coming over to my house tonight after the makeover and he has no idea so Garrett has been single for so long and he always gets matches on the apps but he never actually follows through with them so I decided to take his phone when he wasn't looking I talked to one of the matches that he matched a long time ago and never talked to you and I told him to come over tonight so I really hope this works out this is genuine this isn't fake like I genuinely want this to work out so it's not really a makeover it's more me getting Garrett ready for a date that he doesn't know is happening and he's probably gonna be pissed and don't want to be friends anymore let's do it yes today I'm going to be fixing him no I don't need to be fixed maybe just a touch here's the thing I think you do have oh my god what am i doing can I leave or are you gonna say like the bones of something salvageable you have something it's like Jurassic Park where he's like dusting off all the fossils and he's like I see something big Oh big no you do have something here it's just hidden in like rags you know okay I don't want you Disney but you're like what's the princess who's like homeless and then the rats come and make her dress and happily yes you are the homeless Disney Princess and we're gonna turn you into the Beast oh he's handsome I want to be same okay so before I show you my inspiration for this makeover I asked you to bring some of your favorite go-to clothes so that I can critique them so I did wear my favorite shirt which is my PlayStation shirt remember how we talked a lot about why you're single the reason is this shirt when you have a pig on your shirt it's available now Dotson okay oh well this is one of my favorites so I got you this shirt it has lobsters on it this was back when I had no idea what I was doing about Shane is this weird I brought my favorite underwear it's clean I just washed it now looks like something you would take a selfie I'm in the mirror like perch you're little you're welcome oh this is my favorite I just bought this shirt and I really I'm sorry you don't wanna I can't stop and then I brought these pants because well I just like orange rust orange is one of my favorite colors that's Brad that's chocolate brown I like earthy tones we have a lot of work to do I was not expecting this much let me grab my phone okay here's my inspiration so you have to trust me okay I'm good here what are you doing you're not putting me in this I'd rather die hear me out what I like about this look is the confidence which I don't have that next okay sorry that was a joke but this next one is real hear me out I'm not sick so I'm looking for something that's a spice of color and just like a smidge of I'm the most annoying person in the world now this is for your hair can I see it oh I've been wearing hats a lot lately because I just cut my hair really short nuts in that face did you cut it yourself well Shane I do it up and it's kind of nice your hair's not bad but we need to figure out something to do with it so I was thinking an updo some kind of gel some kind of messy but still together me I think we can do that no no I think we can do that okay now this is something I've never seen you do oh and I know you're gonna be scared what's up old man hold it oh I hate this one what is this we're gonna do jeans no no no I look like I'm gonna do G oh no no I look like a mom are they doing jeans I seriously look like a mom going through Costco going we're doing jeans you have to trust me you're gonna see you're gonna be like oh that's what your thighs are collecting jeans I literally looked up oh god I hate what you're about to say did you look up like pants for people with big bags okay now this was my final inspirational Pig this could be for you know potential business meeting or in some weird scenario where that happens oh I mean I get it that makes sense are they out the glasses for a basic glasses the hair blazer is live on Instagram wait stop the video stop the video she froze oh my god Tessa Brooks might be my fashion inspiration for you colorful jeans glasses the competition's not gonna be here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go to some stores I'm going to pick out some clothes I'm gonna oh I can't even do that with myself we're going to help you I guess we are we do not like our bodies as much as each other so that's something Wow say that at my funeral let's go to the zoo you're scared aren't you yeah Kevin okay we're in the car hi cameraman okay so we're driving to the stores that are very very moody and fancy we're gonna drive right past them and go to Goodwill okay I'm thinking we're gonna try our best because I feel like there we can get you some kind of cool jacket some kind of cool sweater maybe a pin there's a store over here I think that has all jeans Jane what about skinny jeans oh please it looks like upside-down bowling pins it's so weird I can't describe it you really did just now and it was perfect she goes that's written right there's a girl right there should we pretend like we're an invert what do you mean I don't know well oh my god hi we're your uber does she leave me though she's running oh she's scared she thought I was david dobrik and then she saw my fat neck hear me out I don't need this it's colorful it's a song if I were this I'd look like someone's aunt named Becky Ambika kills it on Full House and fuller house don't drag I mean it is jeans technically you pretty serious I'm gonna be single forever that's actually I mean I'm kind of into it I'm gonna look like an adult French which is what I really you know anyone speak those words to turn around if I know like this right here oh my god sorry okay I'll think about it why are you yeah we have a lot of work to do little youtuber but that's not me maybe your book is inside of this one do they really not have my book [Music] we're leaving I'm not giving them a business one out of here you Bourbon like two books both New York Times bestsellers you know what I'm gonna fix this didn't do that mini here okay I'm gonna go to that book table I'm gonna cover every single one know how many did you buy enough to put me back on the New York Times list okay here's what's gonna happen a kid's gonna see it go I love Shane and then take it up to the red shirt they're gonna bring it up and say we don't sell this what's going on they're gonna call they're gonna say urban why don't we sell this book but it's here it's confusing and then urban thing is like oh wow people want this book and they're gonna order a million of them right or they're just gonna throw them away say why are these here yeah though the actual garbage all right let's have some options I don't let my friend that much did the pants fit well yes but only because they're missing a button I mean yeah but she bought broken up with and she has a new life I'm like attractive in like an obtainable like yeah I get kind of dated sort of way that's what we need okay I have a lot of what's still to do and Devon's coming over do your hair and makeup we want to hire up hey what do you mean they're worried about it see later lady this is my inspiration for your makeover just like this song your look might get a lot of dislikes but I like it come in tip-top my what like nectar guys Devin's bad okay so are you ready for your biggest challenge yet I'm ready okay I'm gonna show you my vision okay what we're going for who is he yeah like the push back wet by not sweaty as far as face should we shave him it's a makeup on on definitely put some makeup on take off your glasses you look the same as weird oh yeah I can tell me glasses no facial hair hair swoop up and then we're gonna burn this and go team wait I have to pee can I be okay there's no time for that what you mean nothing you wanted out here do you want like a song I just want like it's like a pow look at that what do you see ask me a family member for like circa 2006 right there oh my god hangover breath uh night down next we're gonna do a neck tattoo oh I'll do this oh my god they always find each other the Harry Potter you always find each other it looks good right I actually think I was just wait till you see his clothes what's the look the look is I might have gotten you pregnant here's 50 bucks to get rid of it so we're going for straight oh I can drink whiskey like Oh girls right the two straight guys still have more work to do okay so now that way if you're here to make up time it's time for you to go in the other room your way are you close oh my god okay big reveal bigger meal don't come on get in here this is big hold on and we're getting the crew together oh okay we lost a squad member okay Gary big reveal wait can you acquire the rights to that song that's like kiss me welcome oh no but I can get Tana mojo so good oh my god sit down I just want like a natural like oh my god it's like you're at the movies oh cool ooh am i watching Oh No lay back you don't care that much about the movie don't even give a damn oh my hey someone get me a soda this is crazy you look so different yeah I think I'm in the presence of a different person I'm actually okay really quick let's show you how you look in the mirror come on why do you have a mirror thought you wanted those for this one oh you look good who does this who is this guy what do i do honey that's a pun I think I should be like a stylist that came back look how excited she Joe is he's freaking out he's Chuck cheeto you sure he's gonna attack me okay you know what this needs me Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm good organized go that is a new and improved Garrett watts not that he wasn't perfect before oh yeah you know I love you this is really fun thank you so much Devon for helping my boy all right you guys make sure to go what are you doing pretty much a bullet I'm trying to film also you might want to put that Chipotle down why because I have other dinner plans for you I might have set up a blind date without you knowing it and he might be on his way he might be here in ten minutes yeah this wasn't a makeover this is just giving you ready for your date tonight my boys are shaking some nervous you're kidding right okay listen I know you're scared this is some listen I had to take into my own hands you never go out you're never on dates I feel like you need somebody you're a good guy and you're attractive anyway this is like a friend like a friend of yours and Rylan just like I tried out really cool I did google him he's fine he's not crazy I don't remember his name we're doing it here at my house oh my god what's gonna happen I don't know it's not like a date setting I guess we'll wait and find out I know seriously he's on his way so I'm gonna set up I need to change I need to get the table ready there's a lot that needs to happen you just don't change I don't even know what to say I'm actually kind of scared to I literally don't remember his name I think you'll be there you'll be there and I'll be there what's the first thing you're gonna say I this is not gonna go well you need somebody be on my own that I would like to [ __ ] down [Music]
Channel: shane
Views: 11,343,206
Rating: 4.9810348 out of 5
Keywords: shanedawsontv, shane, dawson, vlogs, iphone, similar, to, jenna, marbles, smash, nigahiga, comedy
Id: ka_3xNfXIjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2017
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