Best FREE Xbox 360 Gamerpics to get before Marketplace Shutdown (Guides + Bonus!)

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[Music] gamer picks one of my favorite things from the  Xbox 360 that will soon take a great loss once   the marketplace shuts down later this year so  that's why on today's video I'm going to be   showing you the best free gamer pcks that I found  as I'm recording this video now before I start   I want to say a couple of things that are pretty  important so listen up lades this is February 2nd   2024 now it's very possible even in a month from  now that some of these gamer piics are going to   be delisted so this is why you need to get them  as sap and they're free you know you just need   some space on your hard drive second is that these  are not all the gamer pictures on the marketplace   I found on the best free ones the best ones but  there's a couple that are just like too like brand   oriented or ad oriented I was like nah it's not  really worth to get but that's why I just compiled   the best ones together that I thought were swag  enough to cop also these gamer picks are going   to be primarily only in the marketplace so make  sure you stick around to the end because there's a   couple of bonuses I want to show you guys but this  video is primarily about gamer pictures within the   marketplace another thing that's good to know is  that the these gamer pictures are still going to   be available to download after the marketplace  shuts down in your download history so that's why   like you need to own it first to obviously make  it pop up in your download history so even when   the marketplace is not down and you so happen to  delete it you can go back to your download history   and redownload it onto your console that's why we  got to get them you know all right so I'm going   to give you guys a couple of tips before like to  maximize your searches so first tip is you want to   go to a random even your even if it's on your like  a game G like my games hover over a gamer pack   click more options no wa not more options click  the pack once this pops up you're going to want   to go to extras and see everything this company  in this game has released this is not only like   limited to games there's some companies out there  like console Kings uh Xbox 360 community that   have like a whole Library if you do this so as you  can see I have the gingerbread man gamer pick you   know like other add-ons the map packs bun theme  you know like this is another way to make your   searches easier so you just go to the extras tab  unfortunately some of them don't have the extras   tab available but if they do definitely use it to  your advantage all right second tip is definitely   optional but if you want to make it easier to  follow your marketplace with my Marketplace   because during the video I'm going to be showing  the pages and you know it's going to be easier to   follow okay this is on page uh 200 okay let me go  to page 200 if you want to like follow the video   like to its maximum potential I suggest making an  account with the region based in Canada because my   region is based in Canada and this Marketplace  is technically like the Canadian one so it has   a specific order to it so if you want to follow  the video to its fullest potential type thing I   suggest doing that all right this next tip is very  important in my opinion because people tend to   like just give up on the first couple of tries but  as you can see here I'm typing an indigo prophecy   and as you're about to see this is giving me an  error over and over and over and over this tends   to happen honestly at random the marketplace is  just so unstable so it's going to give you errors   a lot and honestly what I found out is if you keep  pressing it over and over there's a chance that   it's just going to get to the download page you  know so if you get an error three or four times   in a row I would still keep trying like until  like the 15 or 20th time these errors are like   false positives so once you see them don't give  up guys keep trying and like I said if it reaches   like the 20th time I guess it's RP for that pack  and last but not least we're going to filter the   gamer picks by top downloads cuz not only these  are the top downloads but cuz once you keep going   like they're going to automatically change to  um alphabetical order so it's top downloads   mixed with like title names see like BBB B it's  already like alphabetical order here it's going   to be see real soon see you see oh you see no pun  intended but yeah sort by top downloads make your   life easier big swag all right so let's get on to  the [ __ ] video so first you're going to want to   go to browse games gamer picks and right off the  bat release date these first few gamer pictures   are totally free XM tree holiday gamer pick boom  cop that gift box gamer gamer pick regular box you   know [ __ ] it Ginger Man gingerbread man gamer  pick goes hard classic one reindeer holiday one   from hexic 2 nice little Christmas winterish theme  and Xbox F Santa hat another nice little winterish   holiday type uh gamer pick very swag all right  next we got alien isolation also guys majority   of the time make sure you type the entire title  out cuz if you type just half the word or whatnot   very very big chance it won't pop up so make sure  you type in the whole name of the game or pack   just to make sure yeah alien isolation this one's  pretty sick honestly I like the green uh like UAV   type of look not going to lie also got this robot  one this girl this guy title thing Moon thing logo   alien and this guy honestly just download both  of them packs and you should have all them this   next one the outfit man bro this is like I've seen  this gamer pick so many times like holy crap these   two not not the yellow one but the the the soldier  bro pure classic man people don't understand like   gamer picks bro like they defined who was playing  behind the screen bro like like the bubble the   Bubblegum Boy like man those [ __ ] were ruthless  back in the day whoever had that gamer picture   like your boy did like it was like yo don't mess  with them bro or like the Panda one you know like   Casual Gamer type beat like I feel like gamer  picks back in the day really gave people like   such an identity you know like it defined you man  what an iconic era all right next one Tellis gamer   picture pack now this one I'm pretty sure it's  only within Canada so this is why I strongly   suggest making an account with the region in  Canada so you could find more or less the same   packs as me with the same order and you have nice  little animals as uh gamer piics this next one   stride holy [ __ ] I actually haven't had a Stride  Gum in a minute minute but I find he's pretty sick   not going to lie if your name is like Sebastian  or Samantha Sam or like to represent your gamer   type with an S or just want to be the goat that's  actually hard as [ __ ] definitely a cop all right   next we got Fusion frenzy a classic that I have  never played but the gamer pictures look [ __ ]   lit honestly bro the girl this guy this girl maybe  this guy I think this guy and the fusion frenzy   like title obviously but yeah definitely cup  Babel picture pack this one is actually so sick   I'm pretty sure it's these four this green alien  thing this thing this other green thing and this   dude bro these go hella hard definitely a [ __ ]  steal of a price oh man next we got Crimson Skies   picture pack see this is what I mean like Xbox  should have like mentioned which pcks go to to   which pack please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm  pretty sure it's these simple grade out packs not   too shabby honestly you know they're like normal  type beat [ __ ] it next is Crash Bandicoot Wrath   of Vortex this one is crazy bro it gives you four  gamer picks Nitro Apple clash bandicot and Logo   next we got community gamer picks pack one this is  one of my favorites honestly I used to rock these   a lot back in the day like a lot bro and fortunate  enough for us they actually show what's going to   be in the pack very [ __ ] rare so man bro these  are honestly a throwback for you boy champions   of gaming picture pack I'm pretty sure this is  the Gillette and like tennis uh one that I had   from back in the day you want to rep Gillette or  the letter G with the tennis players and oh we   at Tiger Woods yo this definitely a pack for you  honestly I don't know I would say like [ __ ] it   download all of them you know it's like they're  like kilobytes in size and they're free you know   like might as well just like collect them [ __ ]  it this one Canada Day 2007 I'm pretty sure it's   just a Canadian flag okay you see this is where he  gets okay I don't know if it's just the Canadian   flag this one or the rest of these I know this  is Canada for sure but look at this bro this   bat this Halo looking guy type beat bro these  ones this is a Canadian pack too I'm not sure   if it's the same pack I'm showing right now but  it's possible I would say [ __ ] it try to get   it but if it's not none of these it's this last  one with the Canadian flag next axe twist gamer   pick pack this one's pretty dope it's like some  abstract Greenery type [ __ ] or like some cool   axe twist title [ __ ] it also has an orange  like abstract one too definitely a cool one to   get next W of a pack is Axe hair gamer Pick Pack  honestly bro I have a feeling you guys are going   to like this one this one is pretty sick Bro it  got the ax in red got this couple in red and it   got this girl bro this is a cop bro three gamer  picks for free bro I'll Just Swag that's why some   of these brand gamer picks are hella underrated  I wish some of them were not the listed so I   could show them off too or get them you know  like remember that Wendy's one man I've seen   somebody with the Wendy's all right and last but  not least GTA 4 picture pack for free ultimate   cop you get the Rockstar Games pack get Nico get  the four and you get the girl some real throwback ones all right bonus these are some  honorable mentions if you have these   games these are free gamer pictures you can  unlock hella easy or by doing certain things   in these games there's not much I'm going  showcase but these are the ones I acquired   so first is hexic HD all you got to do is  load up the game and you get like [ __ ]   you get 10 free gamer picks these are  actually such a throwback holy crap and   funny thing is I just recently unlocked  it I've never had these ever back in the day next is Dorito crash course starting it  up unlocks you these two gamer picks Ultra   swag classic pegle pretty sure all you got to  do is load it up get the pee get the pee next   is Minecraft this the Steve one I don't think  you unlock it as soon as you play it I correct   me if I'm wrong it's possible that you unlock it  after playing an hour apparently you you unlock it   after mining Redstone but I think that's false  I have not mined Redstone to get this but you   have Minecraft on Xbox 360 I'm pretty sure  everybody has this second camera picture I'm   pretty sure you get this by killing 10 Creepers  the achievement then you unlock this gamer pick   definitely worth getting this one the Black Ops  1 um gamer pick this gamer pick to get it um you   need to escape the electric chair in the beginning  and I'm pretty sure you have to go to a computer   of some sort but yeah it's a bit of an EEG to  get it but definitely worth it both free yeah   I'm pretty sure that's okay no one more honorable  mention is one that I feel like people just tend   to forget sometimes and it's just making a gamer  picture with your avatar customize how however   you want type beat and just go to gamer [Music]  picture H the Avatar music so beautiful there's   a bunch of poses here okay type beat damn there's  actually a lot just my head imagine but there's   advanced mode damn I didn't even know that  that's pretty dope that's sick yeah there's   also advanced mode track pretty dope wait how do  you change the background I want to know how to   do that the classic hear a noise oh yeah okay so  once you select it yeah the backgrounds oh man I   missed this bro see people with this God damn  these are so sick man oh my god dude but yeah   this was hella overseen bro hella underrated  making a gamer picture with your avatar damn   bro honestly I think I'm going to make the  fire in the back where is it this one hell   yeah [Music] use going to be [Music] saved and  boom save and exit or wait since it's just been   created you go to profile and it should be there  I think only one Avatar gamer picture saves at   a time so if you want to make a new one you're  just going to have to go okay yo check it out   already on my gamer picture two of them bless  but yeah hella recommended to do honestly since   we're here I've had the same gamer picture  for like [ __ ] 8 years now let's change it up oh man it's so hard to choose a gamer picture  bro you know how many times I just study the   gamer pictures and I'm like [ __ ] which one do I  pick to be the picture man ah [ __ ] it [ __ ] it   we're going to go with the Classic this choice  is such a hard choice but [ __ ] it there's no   going back for at least a couple of months [Music]  bro the very last beautiful info I'd like to give   you guys is to save and to not only save Xbox  360 Gamer pictures but to also like see how to   get them or where they're from you know and it's  on a website called Xbox gamer. now this website   honestly is such a gold Hidden Gem bro like they  have literally more or less every single gamer   picture and really you could type the ID the  title name even do a gamer pick finder so you   just upload a gamer pick and it's going to show  you where what it looks like or what game it's   from or pack and yo it's so [ __ ] easy to save  them all you got to do is click it save easy this   is useful to like you know have it as your Discord  profile picture or even like X xbx one Xbox series   X profile picture gamer picture my bad so this a  awesome database and website and uh shout out to   creators of it for real and ladies and gentlemen  I think this is the conclusion of the best free   gamer pictures SLU slash awesome information  and man I can't believe all these are going   to be more or less impossible to acquire once  the marketplace shuts down other than you know   download his and all that but get them ASAP guys  because you never know when it could be delisted   so with that being said thank you for watching  and let me know down in the comments what's your   favorite gamer picture of all time if you had  to pick one if I had to pick one if I had to   pick one I have I have to go with the classic  Skull Kid it just I don't know it feels like   me despite me having that blue one I always had  the classic OG Bubblegum Boy Skull Kid type beat   my go-to and with that being said if you enjoyed  this coatin classic like comment subscribe swag   on stay lit and your boy going to catch you  in the next one take it easy [Music] peace [Music] hi
Channel: Cobatine
Views: 14,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft nostalgia, xbox 360, xbox 360 memories, xbox 360 nostalgia, minecraft xbox 360, halo xbox 360, gaming nostalgia, nostalgic xbox 360 games, cod nostalgia, mw2 nostalgia, xbox 360 in 2023, mw2 xbox 360 nostlagia, xbox 360 shut down, xbox 360 marketplace shut down, xbox 360 marketplace, xbox shut down, xbox 360 gamerpics, xbox 360 gamerpics tier list, xbox gamerpic ban, xbox 360 free games, xbox 360 free gamerpics, xbox 360 in 2024, xbox 360 store, xbox games
Id: QHGajoubO1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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