Best Free Blender Addon For Plants and Vegetation!

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one of the best tools to scatter vegetation is the Baga pie add-on it's free super easy to use has ton of operations and with a large planet Library so what you're waiting for let's see how to get it two things we need before we go to blender one is the main bapy tool you get that from gumroad and it's free of charges so once you go to this page scroll down a bit to where you see the purchase field give any price you see fit if you want to tip the Creator or go with zero and hit purchase after that you need to assign with any Gmail you have to get the download page here you pick the download for the version you working on I myself will work on blender 4 so let's go with the top option the second thing we need to get is the planet library and the blender Market Link in the video's description will get you here you need to sign in to download this so just hit the purchase button then you go to the card where we can download the files available there's a couple of options to download so look for this asset library for cycles and eay the new one and download it we have the two files one is the add-on the other is the planet Library so leave the add-on for now and extract the library in any destination you want inside blender let's go to the preferences to install the add-on super easy just use the install button to locate the file we got from gumroad and hit install the J key is the shortcut for the pi menu and once you enable the add-on you will see when hitting j a full set of commands to go through which might take some time not our main focus in this video what we need to see now is the planet library and we do that by assigning it in the preferences too under file paths find the asset Library section and hit the plus icon for A New Path here we can assign the folder we extracted and hit add as a library so let's expand the timeline area and change it to asset browser here you should find the planet Library we added and it might take couple of seconds to load the thumbs so we can see what we have have so to work with this we just need any surface a simple plane can do the job subdivide it in edit mode a number of times in the side panel you will find the bapy tool menu we can start with a simple example scattering a cube on this plane so add a cube select it and hold shift to select the plane last then hit J and choose scatter the side menu is full of options and we will go through them in a minute now you might notice that we have the asset button in the scattering grade out we can use them once we select any asset from the browser so do that might be a grass asset or some flowers and scatter them on the plane using the same Pie menu once we scatter the grass on the surface we can go to the side panel to change the parameters I will shift the asset browser to the left side to keep everything visible here at the top you have the asset or layer name since we can scatter more than one asset you can change the name to keep things organized you can also convert the layer to mesh turn off the visibility or delete it from the same area using the icons near the name next you have the density control with mini and max value you go with zero as a mini value and increase the max to scatter as many instances as you want the mini value will work as key to prevent intersection between objects under that we have the viewport display and the Align normal won't do much in our case with simple plane like with the visibility we can reduce the viewed objects in the scene without affecting the final render you also have the proxy option to view the assets as proxies and keep everything light and smooth very helpful in vegetation the weight paint option is also available to give more control on the area which you want to scatter on and you can flip the paint once you're done so that's awesome what's left are the transformation on the bottom both normal ones and the r random value to give some randomization to the assets mainly with the rotation Z axis in vegetation like trees flowers or bushes all of it in the random section have many and Max values and as I said we mainly deal with the random rotation so set a range there that fits your scene we can go now and select another asset then follow the same steps hit J and scatter them go to the side panel to change the parameters name it to not miss things up same same super easy to follow once you get the sense of it we have also some flooring material so pick a ground one and apply it to the plane we went green here so match things up the the first scene at the start of the video was on the desert Vibes so you can pick and choose from those assets the library is amazing and the tools menu is something worth keeping if you're new to the bapi add-on and it's free up till the moment this video was shot so if you're watching maybe take a moment to get this if you're interested enough and that's about it subscribe cause why not the Scatman is always rooting for you see you guys in another video Stay sharp goodbye
Channel: Architecture Topics
Views: 4,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xA8lQ1mS0pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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